Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7


I- Objective
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Discuss the musical instrument of Luzon
2. Demonstrate an understanding of musical instrument
3. Recognize the importance of ethnic instruments.

II- Subject Matter

Topic: Musical Instruments of Luzon
Reference: Music and Arts Learners material
Material: Visual Aids, Laptop, Projector, pictures, pencil, bondpaper

Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review

Last meeting, we discussed about the Sachs-

Hornbostel. Right? Yes, sir.
What are the classification of Sachs-
Hornbostel System?
Yes, Nick The classification of Sachs- Hornbostel
System are idiophone, aerophone,
membranophone and chordophone.

What is idiophone?
Okay, Kristell. Idiophone is an instrument the whole of
which vibrates to produce a sound when
struck, shaken or scrapped. An example of
Give me an example, Jaculba. idiophone is bell. Another example of
Another, Rolly. idiophone is gong.
How about aerophone? What is it?
And give me an example.
Yes. Darren. Example is flute, and harmonica.

How about membranophone?

Yes, Jonathan. A membranophone is any musical
instrument which produces sound primarily
by way of vibrating stretch membrane.

Lastly, what is chordophone?

Yes, Butal. Chordophone is a stringed instrument.
Give me an example Jericho. An example of chordophone is guitar.

B. Developmental Activities

Before we proceed on our lesson. Watch and
listen eagerly to this video first, Because after
that, I’m going to ask some questions.
(The teacher will play a video.) (The students will watch the video.)
Okay class, what have you observed in the
Will you try Mangubat. In the video presented I observed different
kinds of instruments.

Very good!
What can you say to those instruments?
Yes. Angelica. The instruments are so fascinating because I
don’t know that there’s such a kind of

Nice answer Angelica. So, what would be our

topic all about?
Jay. Our topic would be all about instruments.

Very good. Absolutely our topic would be all

about instruments particularly the musical
instruments of Luzon.


I am going to show you some pictures. Try to

analyze and classify it to its correspond group
of classification.

This is Libbit. To what classification should it

belongs to?

Yes. Nick. Libbit is membranophone.

Very good. This is an instrument of Ifugao.
Next is Saggeypo.

Will you try, Masuhay. Sir, Saggeypo is a wind instrument or

Very good. This belongs to Kalinga Ethnic
group. How about Bungkaka from Isneg ethnic

Yes. Marie. Bungkaka is an idiophone.

This Afiw from Bontoc ethnic group.

Yes. Butal. That Afiw from Bontoc ethnic goup is

How about this Pinsak from Ibaloi Ethnic

Yes. Baby. Pinsak from Ibaloi Ethnic group is idiophone.

How about this Taladi?

Okay, Jayson. Taladi is an aerophone.

Tungali from Kalinga Ethnic group.

Yes, Raiza. That Tungali from from Kalinga Ethnc group

Lastly, this Tongatong from Kalinga Ethnic is aerophone.
Yes. Ace. That Tongatong from Kalinga Ethnic group is

Very good.

What is gangsa?

Yes, JM. Gangsa is a gong.

Nice answer.

The GANGSA is a flat gong without bass,

and is played in celebration connected
with the conclusion of peace pacts, burial
rites, or head hunting.

It is played in two different ways:

1. Gangsa Toppaya is played with

palms of the hand followed by a
strong slap and slide from the
center to the outer edge.

2. Gangsa patting is struck with sticks.

Other names of it are:

- Gangsa in Kalinga
- Gangsa in Ifugao
- Kalsa and Pinsak in Ibaloi

What is Zither?
Yes. Paul. Zither is an stringed instrument.

The zither is an instrument with

parallel strings that run along the
entire length of the body.


I am going to group you for your activity. ( The

teacher will group the students into three.)

Direction: Solve the jigsaw puzzle and tell its ( The students will go to their correspond
name and classification. group.)
Group 1- Taladi
Group 2- gangsa
Group 3- Tungali

Give me at least 2 examples of the musical
instrument weve discussed today.

Yes, Nick. Gangsa and zither

Another, Cuase. The GANGSA is a flat gong without bass, and
is played in celebration connected with the
conclusion of peace pacts, burial rites, or
head hunting.

Tongatong and Tungali.

Tungali from from Kalinga Ethnc group is

Very Good.


Direction: Draw the following instruments.

1. Gangsa
2. Libbit
3. Saggeypo
4. Pinsak
5. Bungkaka
IV- Evaluation

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. How many pipes in a row is saggeypo?

a. 10 c. 6
b. 4 d. 1
2. What is a flat gong without bass?
a. Zither c. Jews sharp
b. Gangsa d. Tungali
3. What musical instruments is made from bamboo variety that has long slender internodes?
a. Bamboo buzzer c. jes sharp
b. Stamping tubes d. kallaleng
4. What is the flute that has three finger holes?
a. Bamboo buzzer c. jews harp
b. Stamping tubes d. kallaleng
5. What musical instrument is a blowing edge mouthpiece?
a. Lip-valley flute c. conical drum
b. Saggeypo d. zither

V- Assignment
1. You are asked to play an ethnic instrument. What are you going to choose? Why?
2. Make an improvised musical instrument. To be passed next week.

Prepared by:

Wel Mhar C. Silvosa


Checked by:
Merly M. Figueroa
Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

VI- Objective
At the end of ONE hour discussion, learner can perform the following with at least 80%
proficiency level:
a. Identifies the different secular music from the lowlands of Luzon.
b. Sings folksongs of the lowlands of Luzon accompanied by improvised instrument available
in surrounding and create appropriate movements or gestures to accompany the music
c. Appreciates the significant social functions and purposes of secular music.

VII- Subject Matter

Topic: Secular music of Luzon
Reference: Music and Arts Learners material
Material: Visual Aids, Laptop, speaker and music

Teachers Activity Students Activity
Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review

Lets have a short review. What was our

previous discussion all about? Sir, our topic last meeting was all about the
sacred music of Luzon.

Correct! Then, what is sacred music? Sir, it is the Liturgical and Devotional music.

That’s right! What are the different sacred

music in Luzon? Give one. Mass or the songs sang during Liturgical
Celebfration or mass.

Correct! What else? Pasyon or a song about life and passion of


That’s good! What else? Salubong or a song that is sung during

resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Yes. That’s right. What else? Flores de mayo or a song for mama Mary
during May flower.

Very good. So, those are examples of sacred

music of Luzon. So do you have any question? None sir.
Im glad that you learned a lot from our last
discussion. Now lets proceed to our next topic.

Lets have an activity. The title is “ I hum, you
guess!” I will hum the song and you will guess
the title of it. I’ll group you into four. The group
guessed more songs will have points. Just raise
your hands if you have the answer. As you
answer, sing its final stanza. Okay? Yes, sir.

Are you now ready? Yes, we are.

Okay, group yourselves now into four.

Does anyone now have a group? Yes sir.

Okay, lets start.

(teacher hum the song) ( each group guesses the song)

(After the activity) (Learners perform petmalu clap)

Okay lets give a petmalu clap to the winner

Did you enjoy the activity class? Yes sir.

What can you say about the songs we use in

activity we did? Sir, those songs are folksongs.

Yes, how can you say that it is a folksongs? Sir, because it expresses the customs,
tradition, and peoples activity of a particular

That’s right folksong is the traditional music of

the Filipino people. It said to be the voice of
the people.

How many folksongs do you know? A few.

What are those? Many.
Bahay kubo, magtanim ay di biro. Leron
leron sinta. ( learners continue to answer
That’s good. As a Filipino we must know our
very own folksongs, we must be proud of it.

Our activity has something to do with our topic

for today. Are you ready? Yes, sir.


To strengthen our love in our very own music,

today we will learn about the secular music of
Luzon, especially its vocal form.
Okay, I have a question, what is secular music
for you, and how does secular music differ
from sacred music. Sir, for me secular music is somewhat
worldly songs and non-religious songs while
sacred music refers to Liturgical and
devotional songs.

Very good. That exactly secular music. It is non-

religious in nature.

Now let us discuss the different classification of

secular music of Luzon vocal form. Let me ask
you, in what way did a man court a lady during
our grandmother and grandfather generation? Sir, they were courting a lady through
serenading or what we call Harana.

That’s right Harana is one of the secular music

of Luzon, it is a Filipino word for serenade, it is
a traditional practice of courtship in which a
young man woos a maiden through a song.
What instrument usually used? A guitar, violin and flute.

Correct! It is accompanied by two or three

instrumentalist who are playing , guitar, violin
or flute. Now you wll hear a harana song
entitled O’ Ilaw.
(Learners listen and sing a song)

OkAy, next secular music of Luzon is Polka. Do

you know Polka? Sir, polka is folkdance such as polka sa

Exactly, it is a dance and it is also folksongs.

Now I am going to play a song for you to have
an idea about polka. Please listen.
(teacher plays a song)
What is the song I played? Leron leron sinta.

Let sing t together. ( everybody sings)

Next Pandanggo.

Yes. Paul.

The zither is an instrument with

parallel strings that run along the
entire length of the body.

I am going to group you for your activity. ( The

teacher will group the students into three.)

Direction: Solve the jigsaw puzzle and tell its

name and classification.

Zither is an stringed instrument.

Give me at least 2 examples of the musical
instrument weve discussed today.

Yes, Nick.
Another, Cuase.

( The students will go to their correspond

Group 1- Taladi
Group 2- gangsa
Very Good. Group 3- Tungali


Direction: Draw the following instruments.

6. Gangsa Gangsa and zither

7. Libbit The GANGSA is a flat gong without bass, and
8. Saggeypo is played in celebration connected with the
9. Pinsak conclusion of peace pacts, burial rites, or
10. Bungkaka head hunting.

Tongatong and Tungali.

Tungali from from Kalinga Ethnc group is
IX- Evaluation

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.

6. How many pipes in a row is saggeypo?

c. 10 c. 6
d. 4 d. 1
7. What is a flat gong without bass?
c. Zither c. Jews sharp
d. Gangsa d. Tungali
8. What musical instruments is made from bamboo variety that has long slender internodes?
c. Bamboo buzzer c. jes sharp
d. Stamping tubes d. kallaleng
9. What is the flute that has three finger holes?
c. Bamboo buzzer c. jews harp
d. Stamping tubes d. kallaleng
10. What musical instrument is a blowing edge mouthpiece?
c. Lip-valley flute c. conical drum
d. Saggeypo d. zither

V- Assignment
3. You are asked to play an ethnic instrument. What are you going to choose? Why?
4. Make an improvised musical instrument. To be passed next week.

Prepared by:

Wel Mhar C. Silvosa


Checked by:
Merly M. Figueroa

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