Erections and Wet Dreams

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Erections and wet dreams

Links to Curriculum for Excellence

Links to health and wellbeing outcomes for Relationships, Sexual Health and

I am aware of my growing body and I am learning the correct names for its
different parts and how they work.
HWB 0-47b HWB 1-47b

I am learning what I can do to look after my body and who can help me.
HWB 0-48a HWB 1-48a

I can describe the physical and emotional changes during puberty,

understand why they are taking place and the importance of personal
HWB 2-48a

Although it may feel embarrassing to teach about erections and wet dreams,
the majority of young men will experience them and may find them confusing
and upsetting unless they understand that this is a normal part of growing up
and nothing to worry about.
These first two lesson plans incorporate erections and wet dreams amongst
other non-sexual aspects of puberty, which can be introduced at an earlier
stage and with less embarrassment.

Growing up
(An introduction to menstruation, erections and wet dreams)
 Remind students of previous lesson on Parts of the Body.
 Compare drawings of children with drawings of adults
 Discuss what happens during puberty for boys and girls e.g. hips
widen, chest broadens, voice deepens, grow taller, facial hair, muscle
development, penis and testicles grow, breast develop, menstruation
starts, erections and wet dreams occur)

Pictures of Child to Adult from:
 Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Resource for Young
People with Autism Spectrum Disorder p52/53
 Puberty and Sexuality p43,44
 Talking Together about Growing up (FPA) - pictures of child to adult.
Hard and soft
You will need a selection of hard and soft objects
Use body outlines for male and female (draw round someone, use Body
boards or other pictures from books)
 Pass hard and soft objects around the group so students can
understand and feel the difference.
 Ask them to think of parts of the body that are HARD and SOFT.
 Draw parts of body on to outline.
 If not mentioned, ask about private body parts.
 Explain that a penis can be both hard and soft.
 Does anyone know what it is called when a man’s penis goes hard?
This is an erection.
 Sometimes this happens when a man feels sexy, but sometimes it
happens at other times.
 It is normal and nothing to be embarrassed about.

What is an erection? (Use with body board or pictures from Puberty and
Sexuality pack, p122. See resources list)

Explain what an Erection is:

 Sometimes a mans penis goes hard and sticks out from his body
 This is called an Erection
 When you have an erection, your body releases certain chemicals.
 These chemicals cause blood to flow into the penis.
 This is what makes the penis go hard
 Erections can happen anytime
 Sometimes a man will have an erection in the morning when he wakes
 Sometimes a man will have an erection during the day, maybe if he is
in school, college or at work
 When you have an erection you should not wander about
 One thing you can do if you have an erection when you are outside is
to put your bag in front of you (demonstrate). This will hide your
erection so nobody else can see
 After a while the erection will finish and the penis will become soft

Sometimes a man will get an erection while he is sleeping. Semen will

ejaculate from his penis while he is sleeping. This is called a wet dream
Factual information about wet dreams
(You can use with pictures from the any of the resources listed below.)

Discuss what the class have heard about wet dreams. Then read the

 Boys usually start having ‘wet dreams’ from about 11 or 12 years

 A wet dream happens when a boy is sleeping
 He will be having a nice or a sexy dream
 His penis will become hard. This is called an erection.
 His penis will ejaculate and sperm will come out
 When they boy wakes up he may have wet pyjamas or sheets
 Wet dreams are normal for boys
 Most boys have wet dreams
 After a wet dream it is important to clean your pyjamas and sheets
 After a wet dream you should also wash your hands and your penis
and around your testicles.

Pictures can be used from the following resources;
 Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Resource for Young
People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
 Picture yourself cards/CD. Pictures of wet dream p 116
 Chance To Choose– pictures of wet dream p29
 Puberty and Sexuality 112
Wet dream stories

Read the story about Peter having a Wet Dream

Or Mike’s Story about a Wet Dream

 Social Story about Peter having a Wet Dream p68 Relationships,
Sexual Health and Parenthood Resource for Young People with Autism
Spectrum Disorder
 Mike’s Story about a Wet Dream Puberty and Sexuality page113


o Ask parents to read the Social Story about Peter’s Wet Dream or
Mike’s Wet Dream and discuss with their son what they should do if
they have one (who to tell, where clean bedding is etc)

Other useful resources to explain Erections and Wet Dreams

 ALL About Us CD Rom. Sections include Wet Dreams. Can use

individually or in small group.
 Jason’s World DVD – section on wet dreams
 Body boards- Body Changes at Puberty pack- erect penis, dreaming,
sexy thoughts. And Body boards- Personal Hygiene Pack- soap,
sponge, towel. (To use after wet dream…)

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