Adoption of Internet Banking by Australian Consumers: An Empirical Investigation
Adoption of Internet Banking by Australian Consumers: An Empirical Investigation
Adoption of Internet Banking by Australian Consumers: An Empirical Investigation
Milind Sathye
Lecturer, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
[ 328 ]
Milind Sathye Table II(b) 1 respondents who are aware about avail-
Adoption of Internet banking Profile of survey sample ability of Internet banking service and are
by Australian consumers: an
empirical investigation using it (AU);
Number of 2 respondents who are aware about avail-
International Journal of Bank respondents
Marketing ability of Internet banking service but are
17/7 [1999] 324±334 Respondent who
not using it (ANU);
characteristics answered %
3 respondents who are unaware about
Form of business availability of Internet banking but are
Proprietary 100 31 prepared to use it, if made available
Partnership 38 12 (UPU); and
Company 181 56 4 respondents who are unaware about
Other 5 2 availability of Internet banking and are
Total 324 100 not prepared to use it, even if made
Nature of business available (UNPU).
Agriculture/fishing 4 1
Table III has also been presented in the form
Mining 34 10
of a bar chart (Figures 2 and 3). The chart
Manufacturing 63 19
shows that security concerns and lack of
Construction 41 13
awareness about Internet banking and its
benefits stand out as the reasons for non-
trade/transport 53 16
adoption of Internet banking. As a factor for
Finance/insurance 52 16
non-adoption, ``unreasonable price'' ranks
Small business 69 21
third. It may be interesting to note that a
Other 8 2
study by www.consult (1999), in Singapore,
Total 324 100
found this to be the prime reason for non-
Annual turnover adoption of online banking. This chart also
Under 100,000 (A$) 32 11 shows that non-access to computers/Internet,
100,000 to 500,000 107 36 resistance to change and difficulty in use are
500,001 to less than not the major factors affecting adoption of
2 million 128 43
Internet banking by Australian consumers.
2 million and over 32 11
These results are not surprising given the
Total 299 100
fact that 18 per cent of Australian households
Location of business have access to the Internet from home
New South Wales 72 22 (Alston, 1999).
Victoria 63 19 Australia has the world's third highest use
Queensland 48 15 of EFTPoS per head and a long way ahead of
South Australia 32 10 the USA (Macfarlane, 1997) and, as such,
Western Australia 39 12 Australians are considered as technology
Aus. Capital Territory 29 9 savvy. Another point to note is in this study,
Tasmania 32 10 the personal users of Internet banking were 22
Northern Territory 9 3 (8 per cent), while the business users were 39
Total 324 100 (12 per cent), with an overall percentage of 10.
The ABS (1999) report states that about 2 per
respondents who are aware about availabil- cent of adults used the Internet to pay bills or
ity of Internet banking service, while ``una- transfer funds. The results in this sample are
ware'' represents those respondents who on the higher side, probably because our
have no knowledge that such a service was sample was restricted to capital cities only.
available. In Table V, these two groups were The paragraphs below discuss the findings
further classified, as follows: with respect to each of the six propositions.
Table V
Views of personal and business respondents according to awareness and use of Internet
banking (IB)
Aware Unaware
No % No % No % No % No %
Difficulty in use 0 0 19 40 35 43 78 68 132 50
Security concern 8 37 45 95 61 75 92 80 206 78
Unreasonable price 0 0 16 33 66 82 76 66 158 60
Resistance to change 0 0 34 73 9 11 101 88 144 54
No access to Internet 0 0 18 38 9 11 72 63 99 37
Benefits of IB not clear 0 0 38 81 70 86 86 75 194 73
n 22 47 81 115 265 100
Difficulty in use 0 0 27 48 58 31 16 40 101 31
Security concern 9 23 36 64 158 84 35 87 238 73
Unreasonable price 10 25 11 19 120 64 25 63 166 51
Resistance to change 0 0 14 24 0 0 32 80 46 14
No access to Internet 0 0 6 10 0 0 9 23 15 5
Benefits of IB not clear 0 0 39 69 147 78 23 57 209 65
n 39 57 188 40 324 100
Notes: The vertical totals will not tally since a respondent could tick more than one response
AU = aware and using Internet banking; ANU = aware but not using Internet banking
UPU = unaware but prepared to use Internet banking; UNPU = unaware and not
prepared to use Internet banking
[ 330 ]
Milind Sathye adopt it. A total of 75 per cent of personal aware about Internet banking but were not
Adoption of Internet banking customers and 57 per cent of business custo- using it found it difficult to use. It could be
by Australian consumers: an mers were not prepared to use Internet because some banks require downloading of
empirical investigation
banking, as they were unclear about the software before Internet banking can be used.
International Journal of Bank
Marketing benefits. These results drive home the point It appears that the problem of difficulty in
17/7 [1999] 324±334 that there was a general lack of awareness use could be handled by appropriate custo-
among Australian consumers about Internet mer education.
banking and the benefits it offers.
Pricing/cost aspects
Ease of use As already mentioned, ``cost'' was cited as the
It can be seen from Table III that 40 per cent top-most reason for non-adoption of Internet
of respondents overall ascribed difficulty in banking in Singapore. In the Australian
use as the reason for non-adoption of context, it was found that 55 per cent of all
Internet banking. Table IV shows us that, of respondents consider that unreasonable
those who were aware of Internet banking, price was preventing them from adoption of
only 28 per cent ± both business and personal Internet banking. Internet banking services
respondents ± ascribed this as the reason for are generally free for personal customers:
non-adoption. Further, according to Table V, still, 60 per cent of the personal respondents
40 per cent of personal respondents and 48 indicated this as the reason for non-adoption.
per cent of business respondents who were Obviously, these respondents were unaware
that the service is generally offered free of
Figure 2 charge. Table IV shows that 23 per cent of
Percentage responses to each of the six propositions personal customers and 22 per cent of busi-
ness customers, who were aware about
Internet banking, found the price unreason-
able. Table V throws further light on this and
shows that those who are using the service do
not have any price concerns. In sum, the
results again highlight the importance of
customer education and appropriate publi-
Resistance to change
Table III shows that only 32 per cent of the
customers cite this as the reason for non-
adoption. Understandably, the resistance to
change was found to be much higher (50 per
cent), in the case of personal customers than
in the case of business customers (14
per cent). Table V shows that 73 per cent of
the customers, who were aware but not using
the service, have shown resistance to change.
This could be due to customer inertia
Figure 3 (Daniel, 1999), need for personal interaction
Views of personal and business respondents to the six propositions especially among the senior customers or
technology phobia. As more and more custo-
mers migrate to Internet banking, the resis-
tance of the remaining customers could
disappear. Demonstration kiosks at super-
markets could help in this direction.
No access to computers/Internet
This is the least cited, of all the factors, for
non-adoption of Internet banking. Most cus-
tomers have access to Internet, at home or at
the office or both. Statistics show that 18 per
cent of all households in Australia have
access to Internet from home (NOIE, 1999).
Table IV shows that, of the personal respon-
dents who are aware of Internet banking, 26
per cent cited this as the reason for non-
adoption, compared with only 6 per cent of
[ 331 ]
Milind Sathye business respondents. From Tables III to V, it the information on security aspects needs to
Adoption of Internet banking can be seen that this was the least cited be presented in simple and non-technical
by Australian consumers: an form. Issues like lack of awareness about the
empirical investigation reason for non-adoption of Internet banking.
service and its benefits, difficulty in use,
International Journal of Bank Supplemental analysis and findings
Marketing resistance to change, are matters of customer
Chi-square tests were conducted to deter-
17/7 [1999] 324±334 education and thus controllable from a
mine the relationship between the respon-
managerial perspective. Possible solutions
dents who were willing to use Internet
could include giving wider publicity under-
banking and the four characteristics of
scoring the benefits, demonstration kiosks at
personal and business respondents. The
supermarkets or public libraries, where
analysis is shown in Table VI.
people can have hands-on experience of
No correlation was found between the
Internet banking, a third party, like, say,
factors like age, occupation, income and
industry association/consumer groups/gov-
education and interest in Internet banking.
ernment, publishing educational literature,
These findings were surprising, since a etc. The Commonwealth Government has,
survey by the Australian Bureau of Statistics recently, published a fact sheet on Internet
about use of the Internet (ABS, 1998) shows banking for consumers along with a status
that use was related to income, age and report on Internet banking (NOIE, 1999).
education. As regards business, no correla- Such documents could help in customer
tion was found between form and nature of education. The above documents reproduce
business but a high degree of correlation was the security systems in use in the banks but
found between turnover, location and inter- do not provide analysis and recommenda-
est in Internet banking. tions. The customer is again left to himself to
analyse the security information, which is
provided mostly in technical terms. There
Discussion of results and appears to be a role here for the consumer
limitations of the study organisations to guide the customers suita-
This study shows the major factors that bly. Similarly, banks may consider passing
influence the consumer uptake of Internet on some of their gain in reduced operating
banking in Australia. As identified, security cost to customers and thus offer a low-cost
concerns and lack of awareness about Inter- service. This may ensure customer loyalty to
net banking and its benefits stand out as the the service and switching to other modes of
obstacles to non-adoption of Internet banking delivery or banks could be avoided.
in Australia. Security is a burning issue and It appears that the uptake of Internet
even one instance of adverse media publicity banking will not be uniform. The young,
can damage consumer confidence in the educated and wealthy groups of customers
system. A quick response to such publicity need to be targeted first for migration to
can help ease customer concerns and restore Internet banking. It is important to identify
the relevant customer segments and predict
their confidence. One of the major banks,
the development of their growth. The pro-
gives such an update to the customers. Some
ducts could include account maintenance,
of the banks have included an undertaking
account monitoring, and credit card trans-
that they will indemnify the losses incurred
actions, mortgage loans, stock market trad-
through unauthorised use except under cer-
ing, margin loans and vehicle loans. Farm
tain circumstances. Such an undertaking can
loans and other products for the farmers and
help build customer confidence. In addition,
others in remote areas and various deposit
schemes could also be the possible targets.
Table VI
Internet banking will also give rise to issues
Interest in Internet banking
that influence banker and customer rela-
Chi-square tionships. Establishing identity of both par-
value DF p value ties, authentication of transactions,
Personal resolution of disputes, etc. The Australian
Age 3.96 3 0.26 government was quick to identify and initi-
Occupation 5.05 4 0.28 ate suitable steps to remove the legal and
Income 8.66 5 0.12 regulatory barriers to e-commerce in general
Education 5.31 5 0.37 and Internet banking in particular.
This study has the following limitations.
Given the fact that banks are reluctant to
Form 2.86 4 0.58
disclose the names and addresses of their
Nature 1.35 6 0.96
customers, this study does not specifically
Turnover 1.62 4 0.80
look at those customers who are presently
Location 2.81 6 0.83
using Internet banking. It would be very
[ 332 ]
Milind Sathye useful to study these sets of customers ABS, (1999), ``Use of Intemet by householders'',
Adoption of Internet banking exclusively. Further, being an exploratory Australia, Cat. No. 8147, February.
by Australian consumers: an Alreck, P. and Settle, R. (1985), The Survey
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used, instead of Likert-scale, to measure Research Handbook, Irwin, IL, p. 45.
International Journal of Bank
Marketing various constructs. With a Likert-scale mea- Alston, R. (1999), ``E-commerce: the banking
17/7 [1999] 324±334 surement, it could be possible to compare the business partnership'', speech dated 20 Au-
two groups more rigorously. Further, the gust at the National Office of Information
relative importance of these factors could Economy forum, available at the URL: http://
also be established. It could be possible to
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Davidson, J. (1998), ``NAB wakes up to online
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