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IPM Sampling

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Sampling Insect

Populations for Pest


Jim Barbour
University of Idaho, Parma R & E Center
Parma, ID
[email protected]
Why Sample?
Sampling and monitoring (scouting) are
fundamental components of an IPM

Increased awareness of insect activity in

orchards and fields

Provides reliable indications of:

Presence of pest and

beneficial insects/
injury & damage
Distribution caused by pests
Why Sample?
Make cost effective and environmentally
sound insect management decisions

• When (if) to apply control measures

• Apply the right control
• Avoid pest outbreaks/ yield loss
• Avoid unnecessary treatments
• Resistance management
• Determine population trends
• Determine effect of treatments
Components of an insect sampling program

Knowledge of pest and beneficial insects

• Identification
• Life cycle and biology
• Injury caused
Action/ economic thresholds

Sampling/ monitoring plan or program

Sampling/ monitoring equipment supplies
Knowledge of pest and beneficial insects
Ability to identify pest and beneficial insects: know what
to count.
• Pest or beneficial?
• Which pest is it?
• What stage is it?
• Generally need to
determine to the species

Knowledge of pest and beneficial insects
Some familiarity with basic insect and mite structure

Insects Mites

• Small to tiny • Tiny to minute

• 3 body sections • 2 body sections
• 6 legs • 4 to 8 legs
Knowledge of insect and mite biology: growth
Simple Metamorphosis: Immature forms (nymphs)
and adults similar in appearance and life history True bugs
Leaf hoppers
Scale insects


Complete metamorphosis: Immature forms (nymphs)s and

adults differ in appearance and life history: pupa stage
(Larvae) Beetles
Bees and wasps

From Orchard Pest Management: A

Resource Book for the Pacific Northwest
Knowledge of pest and beneficial insects
The life cycle and biology tells us when and where and
how often to sample: narrows sampling effort
• Overwintering
When, where, what stage Hatch
• Hosts: the plants
attacked, used Insect/mite
life cycle
• Plant parts attacked Adult Immature
• Damaging stage
• When it’s present
• Number of generations per year Molting
• Generation time
Knowledge of pest and beneficial insects
The life cycle and biology tells us when, where and how
often to sample: narrows sampling effort in time and space
Rosy apple aphid life cycle Winter

Lay eggs on apple twigs Hatch to wingless females Bud break

Mate Give birth to

wingless females

Fall Spring
Give birth to winged
Migrate to apple females
Winged males

Winged females Migrate to summer hosts:

plantain, dock
Several generations
of wingless females

Knowledge of pest and beneficial insects
Life cycles can be displayed in life history tables


From Orchard Pest

Management: A Resource
Book for the Pacific Northwest
Knowledge of pest and beneficial insects

Life cycles for

multiple pests
can be combined
in a season-long
occurrence table
or scouting
calendar for a
particular crop

From IPM for Apples and Pears.

UC Statewide IPM project.
Measurable Pest Injury versus damage
Maximum Value

} Economic Damage
Value (e.g. yield)

Loss in value is great

enough to warrant
control action.

Injury (e.g. pest numbers)

Pest Injury versus damage

Injury – The effect that the pest has on the crop

or commodity.

Damage – The effect that injury has on man’s

assessment of the crop’s economic value.

For crops, “Injury” is biological and “Damage” is

economic. For non-crops, “Injury” =
Economic injury levels and action thresholds
What do the sample numbers mean?
Economic injury level: pest density that causes economically
significant crop loss, or when:

Cost of yield loss = cost of control efforts

Economic (action) threshold:

level at which pest should be
treated to prevent it
Pest density

exceeding the EIL

Lag time

Action thresholds
Indirect vs. direct pests
Indirect pests: attack non-harvested EIL
plant parts (roots , shoots, leaves…) ET

• Higher tolerance level

• Density often below ET
• More response time
Direct pests: attack harvestable

Pest density
commodity (fruit, fruit buds…)
• Lower tolerance level EIL
• Density often above ET
• Less response time
From Metcalf and Luckmann 1994
Action thresholds
Formal EIL and ET have not been developed for many pest/
crop combinations

Most ET’s based on grower/ researcher experience

Sampling gives valuable information:

• Detect pest presence
• Detect damaging stage
• Presence of natural enemies
• Populations increasing or decreasing in
density (from repeated samples)
• Effectiveness of control measures
How to sample
Walk through the field/ orchard and count pests and
beneficial insects
We need to reliably estimate the actual
density (e.g. pests per leaf)

How do we find out?

Count them all?
Estimate the density by sampling
a only portion of the population

Almost always interested in

estimating mean density per
sample unit
Representative samples
We need to reliably estimate the actual mean density (e.g. pests
per leaf)
Samples should be unbiased
• Representative of the area (field/block)
being sampled
• Sampling only from areas showing
damage gives estimates higher than
actual mean
• Sampling only from undamaged
areas gives estimates lower than
actual mean
• Each sample unit should have an equal
chance of being selected
Sample vs. subsample
Sample unit (subsample): the individual unit from which insects are
counted: the counts from one or more inspections at a scouting stop

• Single leaf
• Stem, shoot or branch
• Fruit
• Sweeps of an area
• Beat board/ cloth
• Trap

Sample: all of the sample units (subsamples) collected to estimate the

population density pest or beneficial insects or mites in a field or
portion of a field
Sample size: the number of sample units (subsamples) per sample
Sample vs. sample unit
Sample size examples:
10 leaves per vine from each of 20 vines

Sample size =200

5 sweeps per site from each of 5 sites
Sample size =25

Always sample from

more than one tree,
vine, area per field or
How to sample
Walk a predetermined route that covers the entire field

Zig-zag or “W” shaped routes are good

Make observations about field

conditions while scouting

Don’t sample from plants that are

obviously more or less healthy than
the field generally
Don’t consistently sample from
leaves/areas within easy reach

Consider separate samples from field

edges and “hot spots”
How to sample
Take separate samples for units (fields/blocks) managed

• Different varieties
• Different fertilization
• Different irrigation
• Different ages
• Different previous crop

How many samples are required?

Depends on insect distribution
Possible Insect distributions in fields or on plants
Uniform Random Clumped
Mean>> variance Mean≈variance Mean<< variance

Mean=3 Mean=3 Mean=3

Variance=0.2 Variance=2.6 Variance=18.2
Few samples Many samples needed: Very many samples
needed: rare uncommon needed: common
From Orchard Pest Management: A Resource Book for the Pacific Northwest
Knowing the number of samples to take requires detailed
information about the mean to variance relationship
• Changes with each pest and crop combination
• Changes as density increases for each pest
• Changes for different stages of same pest
Most sampling plans use a fixed number of samples to
provide a conservative estimate of the mean

Mean to variance relationship can also be used to develop

sampling plans that don’t rely directly on the sample mean
• Presence-absence (binomial) sampling plans
• Sequential sampling plans
Presence absence (binomial) sampling

• Relationship between
% of infested sampling
units (e.g. leaves) at
different pest densities

• Tally number of leaves

infested instead of
counting pests

• Estimates unreliable % infested leaves can

when infestations are provide an accurate
high (≥ 80%) estimate of the mean
From Orchard Pest Management: A Resource Book for the Pacific Northwest
Presence absence (binomial) sampling example
European red mite in
• Examine 5 leaves from each of
10 trees per block

• Sum the number of infested

and uninfested leaves from
each tree
• Calculate the % infested leaves
in the entire sample
(27/50)*100 = 54%

• Read estimated density from


From Orchard Pest Management: A

Resource Book for the Pacific
Sequential sampling
Take some minimum number of samples, then make a
decision to stop or continue sampling
• Stop sampling: treat 100 Stop sampling:

Cumulative number of pests

density exceeds
• Stop sampling: don’t 80 threshold
You’ve taken enough ●
samples to make a ● Stop sampling:
density below
decision 20
• Continue sampling: 0 ●
need more samples 0 25 50 100
to make a decision Number of samples taken

Usually some maximum sample number

Sequential sampling
Campylomma plant
bugs in apple

• Minimum sample: 10
samples per block
• Maximum sample: 50
samples per block
• Alternative fixed
sample plan: 20
samples per block

From Orchard Pest Management: A

Resource Book for the Pacific
Sampling methods

Visual samples
Counts of insect/mites or
damage directly on leaves,
stems, fruit, roots…

Aphids, scale insects mites,

leafminers, small 10x-20x hand lens useful
caterpillars, leaf hoppers,
immature psylla…

Counts on site or in shop/lab

Sampling methods

Beat tray (tap) samples

Jar insects/mites onto a tray

or cloth where they can be
easily counted

Larger caterpillars, adult

psylla, aphids
Counts on site or in

Hand lens/ aspirator useful

Sampling methods
Sweep net samples
• Collects many insects
• Not as useful for tree and
small fruits
• Useful for sampling field
crops, ground cover and
field edges
• Counts on site or in shop/lab
• Hand lens/ aspirator useful
Sampling methods

Insect aspirator
Sampling methods
Attractant traps
Visual traps: colors and/or shapes used to attract insects
Yellow sticky cards:
Red spheres:
aphids, cherry fruit flies,
apple maggot
Sampling methods
Attractant traps
Food attractants: Food source scents
Often an ammonia source: ammonium acetate, or
ammonium carbonate
May have a protein source (casein)
Often combined with visual/sticky traps
Sampling methods
Attractant traps
Pheromone traps:
• Most commercial pheromones are synthetic versions of
natural scents produced by insects to attract mates
• Most are female-produced scents that attract males
• Usually species specific
• Synthetic pheromones available for many pests
Codling moth Fruittree leafroller
Cutworms (several) Corn borer
Red-banded leafroller Peachtree borer
Grape root borer Corn earworm
Peach twig borer Spotted tentiform leafminer
Mint root borer California prionus
Sampling methods
Attractant traps
Pheromone traps
Consist of a lure or dispenser and a trap

+ =

Many kinds of lures and traps

Sampling methods
Attractant traps
Useful for monitoring pests and beneficial insects
• Monitor flight periods
• Synchronize DD models (setting biofix: peak flight)
• Monitor/ assess success of control programs
• Monitor exotic or invasive pests (BMSB)
Useful for controlling pests
• Mating disruption (codling moth, peach tree borer)
• Mass trapping (apple maggot: visual + food
attractant sticky traps)
Sampling methods
Monitoring degree days
• Insects don’t grow or grow very slowly below some
lower temperature threshold
• Insects don’t grow or grow very slowly above some
upper temperature threshold
• Between the lower and upper thresholds insect
growth increases with temperature
• Predicts insect development by accumulating heat
units (degree days)
• Determine best time to sample for or control
Insects/ mites
Particular insect/ mite growth stage
Sampling methods
Monitoring degree days
• Biofix: When to begin accumulating degree days
Calendar date or biological event (1st or peak flight)
• Threshold temperatures
• Lower threshold: no development below this
• Upper threshold: no development above this
• Mean daily temperature: ( Tmax-Tmin
2 )
Sampling methods
Accumlating degree days: for each day

Degree days =
( Tmax-Tmin
2 ) _ Tlow

Mean daily temp. ≤ Lower threshold: No DD accumulation

Mean daily temp. > Lower threshold: DD accumulation
Maximum daily temp never exceeds the upper development

• Thermal constant: no. of DD required to reach a

development stage (e.g. 50-60 DD from 1st trap catch to
first egg laying for codling moth)
Online models available for many pests
Record Keeping
Scouting forms –Record sampling/
monitoring data and observations
Provides permanent record
Develops field history
Time line of pest/ crop development
Improved management for
entire field and hot spots
Minimum data
A: field description/location
B: Pest observations/results
C: Crop/field/weather observations
D: Comments
E: Field map and sampling route
Sampling/monitoring tools
Clipboard –Keep all the scouting forms and field maps in one place.
Pencils –Carry a spare
Field maps –Jot notes, location pest problems and record observations
Scouting forms –Record sampling monitoring data, field history.
Hand lens –See and correctly identify pests, 10-20x
Pocket knife –Cutting shoots, scraping at trunks skinning berries.
Shovel /sturdy trowel –digging soil
Traps/ trap parts (lures) –There’s always a broken trap
Collection bags and vials –Send pest /damage samples to others
Camera –Send pest /damage photo to others for ID
References –field guides, fact sheets, pictures of pests/damage
GPS unit –relocate sample sites accurately

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