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Basic Assembler

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EEL 4744C: Microprocessor Applications

Lecture 3

Part 1
Assembly Language Programming
and Debugging

Dr. Tao Li 1
Reading Assignment
• Microcontrollers and Microcomputers: Chapter
• Software and Hardware Engineering (new
version): Chapter 2.4, Chapter 5.3, Chapter 6
• CPU 12 Reference Manual: Chapters 1, 2, and 3

Dr. Tao Li 2
Assembly Language
• Gives you a better appreciation of how the
hardware works than high-level languages
• Resources are given by the programmer’s
• These include registers, hardware resources in
CPU, and memory used for data storage
• Look through the instructions in a category,
find the mnemonic for the required operation,
then find the correct addressing mode
Dr. Tao Li 3
The Assembler
• Converts (assembles) a source file into binary
codes (machine codes) executed by the
– 1-to-1 correspondence between assembly language
statements and the machine code in memory

• Assembly source code fields: 4 of these

– Label Field
– Operation Code Field
– Operand Field
– Comment Field
Dr. Tao Li 4
Assembly Source Code Fields
• Label field
– Optional and provides a symbolic memory reference
– Represents the address of the first byte of an
instruction or a data element
– Also used to define constants
– Usually starts with an alphabetic character, may
contain digits and other characters
• Operation code field
– Contains either a mnemonic for the operation or an
assembler directive or pseudo-operation
– Mnemonics are assembled into code to be placed into
– Assembler directives or pseudo-operations are
instructions to direct the assembler how to do its job

Dr. Tao Li 5
Assembly Source Code Fields
• Operation code field (continued)
– In the following code example, the ORG (for
origination) directive specifies where the code is
located in memory
– When assembler sees the ORG directive, it sets the
value of current location counter to $1000

Use label to
ORG directive
specify target
actual address

Dr. Tao Li 6
Assembly Source Code Fields
• Operand field
– Can be: names of registers, numeric/symbolic
constants, labels, algebraic expressions to be
evaluated by assembler
– The following 2 instructions load the A, B registers
from memory location DATA1 and DATA1+1

• Comment field Label
– Ignored during assembly
– May have source code lines that are only comments
or blank
– For some assemblers, beginning of comment fields
are denoted by “;” or “*” characters
Dr. Tao Li 7
Assembly Source Code Fields
• Assembler directives or pseudo-operations
– We have seen the ORG example
– There are others to define symbols, provide data in
memory locations, reserve memory locations for data
storage, define macros, etc.

Dr. Tao Li 8
Macro Assembler
• What is it?
– An assembler in which frequently used assembly
instructions can be collected into a single statement
– It makes the assembler more like a high-level
Assembler directives

• 3 stages of using a macro: macro definition,

macro invocation, macro expansion

Dr. Tao Li 9
Macros and Subroutines
• Each time a macro is invoked, the assembler expands
the macro “in line”. A subroutine code is included only
once. So the macro’s make your program larger

• A subroutine requires a call or JMP, a macro does not.

So a macro is faster than a subroutine to run

• Both allows reuse of code segments. Both make the

program easier to read, and allow changes to be made
in one place. Both hide details of the program so you
don’t need to know how it is doing something but just
what it is doing
Dr. Tao Li 10
Two-Pass Assemblers
• Allow symbols to be used before they are defined. This
is called a forward reference

• The assembler evaluates these symbols by making 2

passes through the source code

• On the first pass, any symbol definitions it finds are

recorded in a symbol table (containing values defined
for symbols using the EQU directive, and the memory
locations for labels, e.g. TARGET

• On the second pass, the assembler uses the symbol

table to substitute the values for the symbols

Dr. Tao Li 11
Cross and Native Assemblers
• Cross assembler: for microcontroller applications,
different computers are often used to edit and assemble
the programs. (i.e. cross platforms)

• Native assembler: one that runs on the target processor

• Assembler output:
– Executable file or object file
– Assembler listing (source code + assembled code)
– Symbol table, cross-reference listing…

Dr. Tao Li 12
Code Location Problem
• Tied to the hardware’s specific memory map
• In a dedicated application system, code is located in
ROM (read-only, non-volatile); data is in RAM

Dr. Tao Li 13
Code Location Problem
• Absolute assemblers
– The code on slide #5, where
the ORG directive specifies
the code location, can be
assembled with an absolute

• Major disadvantage
– The source file MUST contain
ALL the source code to be in
the program, i.e. all code must
be assembled with any change

Dr. Tao Li 14
Code Location Problem
• Relocatable assemblers
– Source code file need not have the complete program, nor
does it need to have location information, or ORG

– The program can be split into multiple source files and

assembled separately, producing multiple object files.

– These object files are then combined using a linker


– Code and data location information are supplied to the

linker program to produce the final executable file

Dr. Tao Li 15
Code Location Problem
• The linker program
– Takes modules that have been assembled by a
relocatable assembler, links them together, and locates all

– May also receive object files from a library. Libraries are

collections of object files that have been preassembled
and bound together by a librarian program

– Linker pulls from the library only those object files


Dr. Tao Li 16
Code Location Problem

Dr. Tao Li 17
Code Location Problem

Dr. Tao Li 18
Code Location Problem
• Loader program
– Puts an executable file into the memory of a computer
– Can take on many forms, e.g. OS as MS-DOS programs, a
modem/downloader program (cross platforms), a program
or system that burns the programmable ROM

• Assembly time
– Refers to data values that are known at the time of
– Includes constants (e.g. loop counters, ASCII character
codes), operand expressions, absolute addresses and
relative addresses (with relocatable assemblers)

• Linking time
– Evaluate address/constants left by the relocatable
Dr. Tao Li 19
Code Location Problem
• Load time
– When the executable file produced at link time
(relocatable assembler) or at assembly time (absolute
assembler) is loaded into the memory of the computer
– Using assembler directives, it is possible to initialize the
variables in RAM at load time

• Run time
– Refers to the time when the program is running
– Data elements are initialized and manipulated at run time
– Addresses can also be initialized and manipulated at run

Dr. Tao Li 20
Program Debugging
• Debugging: the process of finding the clues and
interpreting these clues to find the problem
• 1st approach: synthesis
– Try to fix the problem by changing the code somewhere
– Wrong!

• 2nd approach: analysis

– Try to find out what your program is doing before any fixes
– Right!

• Every program has 2 parts: data, logic

– Most program bugs occur in the logic

Dr. Tao Li 21
Program Debugging

Dr. Tao Li 22
Program Debugging
• Choose an input data set

• Predict what the program will do with the input data set
at each step of the program, and what the program will
do next (the program model)

• Now run the program, and look for data values and
program steps that differ from the prediction

• Once we find out where the program deviates from the

prediction, we are on track to finding the bugs and fixes
for the bugs

Dr. Tao Li 23
Debugging Program Flow/Logic
• Program trace: stepping through the program one
statement at a time. Values of registers are shown
during each step. Data elements in memory have to be
checked manually

• Breakpoints: much like a high-level language debugger,

e.g. Gdb. These cause program flow to be interrupted,
and control transferred to the debugger (the user)

• Breakpoints can be set at statements, as well as when

certain conditions are met, e.g. data elements become
some specific values

Dr. Tao Li 24
Debugging Data Elements
• Registers: state of the registers must be known at each
step. Debugger usually will display contents of all the
registers, including the CCR. Watch for any deviating
register content values

• Memory: usually are displayed in hexadecimal

• You will most likely need a source code listing

generated by the assembler, not the original source
code file. And you will need an up-to-date one!

• Debugging plan: no universal solutions, but in general

make your code “modularly”

Dr. Tao Li 25
EEL 4744C: Microprocessor Applications

Lecture 3

Part 2
68HC12 Assembly Program

Dr. Tao Li 26
Reading Assignment
• Software and Hardware Engineering (old
version): Chapter 3
• Software and Hardware Engineering (new
version): Chapter 5.1, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6,

• M68HC12B Family Data Sheet: Chapter 1

Dr. Tao Li 27
Hello World! (Assembler Listing)
1 ; Example program to print "Hello World"
2 ; Source File: hello.asm
3 ; Author: F. M. Cady
4 ; Created: 4/97
5 ; Constant equates
0000 6 EOS: EQU 0 ; End of string
7 ; Debug-12 Monitor equates
0000 8 printf: EQU $FE06 ; Print a string
9 ; Memory map equates
0000 10 PROG: EQU $0800 ; RAM in the EVB
0000 11 DATA: EQU $0900 ; Middle of RAM
0000 12 STACK: EQU $0a00 ; Stack pointer
0800 13 ORG PROG ; Locate the program
14 ; Initialize stack pointer
0800 CF0A00 15 lds #STACK
16 ; Print Hello World! string
0803 CC080C 17 ldd #HELLO ; Pass the adr of the string
0806 FEFE06 18 ldx printf ; The adr of the printf
0809 1500 19 jsr 0,x
20 ; Return to the monitor
080B 3F 21 swi
22 ; Define the string to print
080C 48656C6C 23 HELLO: DC.B 'Hello World!',EOS
6F20576F Dr. Tao Li 28
Assembler Source Code Field
• Label: see textbook section 5.3 for how to define labels
– A whitespace character is needed for a source code line without
• Opcode field: mnemonic, assembler directive or
pseudooperation, macro name
• Operand field: symbols, constants, expressions (see
textbook section 5.3 for detail
– Special symbols: * and $ represent the current value of program
– Constants: Decimal (default), Hexadecimal /w ($) prefix, Binary
/w (%) prefix, ASCII /w ‘ ’ and “ ”
– Expressions: evaluated by assembler, used for specifying
constant only
• Comment field: ; or * (in column 1)

Dr. Tao Li 29
68HC12 Assembler Program
• Assembler pseudo-ops:
– ORG: set assembler’s location counter (e.g. ORG $1000)

– EQU: equate symbol to value (e.g. COUNT EQU $10)

– DS (define storage): reserve storage (e.g. ARRAY DS 10)

– DC.B (define byte constant), DC.W (define word constant) :

define constants in memory storage (e.g. DATA1 DC.B

Pseudo-ops help the assembler

generate code for the program

Dr. Tao Li 30
Example: ORG

0000 1 ROM: EQU $F000 ; Location of ROM

0000 2 RAM: EQU $0800 ; Location of RAM
0000 3 STACK: EQU $0a00 ; Location of stack
4 ;
F000 5 ORG ROM ; Set program counter to ROM
6 ; for the program
7 ; The following code is located at memory address ROM
F000 CF0A00 8 lds #STACK ; Initialize SP
F003 B60800 9 ldaa DATA_1 ; Load from memory address RAM
10 ; - - -
0800 11 ORG RAM ; Set program counter to RAM
12 ; for the data
0800 20 13 DATA_1: DC.B $20 ; Set aside $20 bytes

Dr. Tao Li 31
Example: EQU

0000 1 CRLF: EQU $0D0A ; For each occurrence of

2 ; CRLF, the assembler will
3 ; substitute the value $0D0A
0000 4 COUNT: EQU 5 ; Loop counters often need to
5 ; be initialized
0000 6 COUNT1: EQU COUNT*5 ; The assembler can evaluate
7 ; an expression to provide
8 ; a value of 25 for COUNT1
0000 9 LSMASK: EQU $0F ; A mask that picks off the
10 ; least significant nibble
11 ; in a byte
0000 12 ls_mask: EQU %00001111; A binary mask equate is
13 ; more readable and
14 ; informative than one
15 ; given in hexadecimal

Any constant value can be defined

for the assembler using the EQU
Dr. Tao Li 32
Example: DS Directive
Show how to use the DS directive to reserve 10 bytes for data.
Initialize each byte to zero in a small program segment.

0000 1 NUMBER: EQU 10 ; Number of bytes allocated

0000 2 PROG: EQU $0800 ; Program location
0000 3 RAM: EQU $0900 ; Location of RAM
0800 4 ORG PROG
5 ; - - -
0800 C60A 6 ldab #NUMBER ; Initialize B with a loop
7 ; counter
0802 CE0900 8 ldx #BUF ; X points to the start of the
9 ; buffer
0805 6930 10 loop: clr 1,x+ ; Clear each location and
11 ; point to the next location
0807 0431FB 12 dbne b,loop ; Decrement the loop counter
13 ; and branch if the loop
14 ; counter is not zero
15 ; - - -
0900 16 ORG RAM ; Locate the data area
0900 17 BUF: DS NUMBER ; Allocate the data area

Dr. Tao Li 33
68HC12 Assembler Program
• Assembler directives: (see textbook Table 5-5 for
complete list)
– Exact syntax varies by assembler program used;
most interesting options for conditional assembly
and macros
– Directives are invoked by placing a /, # or $ as the
first character of a line followed by the directive and
any parameters
– Conditional assembly directives permit different
sections of source code to be assembled depending
on setting of condition;

Assembler directives control

How the assembler creates it output files
Dr. Tao Li 34
Example: Conditional Assembly

1 ; Set the version number for this software

0000 2 PARAM1: EQU $76 ; Parameter to use for vers 1
0000 3 PARAM2: EQU $77 ; Parameter to use for vers 2
0000 4 $SET Ver1
5 ; . . .
6 ; The conditional assembly follows.
0000 7 $IF Ver1
8 ; This code is assembled if Ver1 has been SET.
0000 8676 9 ldaa #PARAM1
0002 10 $ELSEIF
11 ; This code will be assembled if Ver1 has been SETNOT.
12 ldaa #PARAM2
0002 13 $ENDIF

Dr. Tao Li 35
68HC12 Assembler Program
• Assembler directives: Macros
– Assembler directives MACRO and MACROEND
encapsulate the code

– Macro parameters: specified by %n (n is the nth

parameters) in macro definition

– Labels in Marcos: A label may not occur more than

once in a program. The assembler expands macro
labels to make each label unique

Dr. Tao Li 36
Example: MACRO Parameters
1 ; Macro definition for a variable arithmetic
2 ; shift left of the A register
0000 3 $MACRO alsa_n num
4 ; Shift the A register left num bits
5 ; where n is a parameter in the macro call.
6 ; Save B to set up a loop counter
7 pshb ; Save B on the stack
8 ldab #%1
9 loop: asla ; Shift the A reg
10 dbne b,loop ; Decr and branch if
11 ; not zero
12 pulb ; restore the B reg
0000 13 $MACROEND
14 ;
15 ;
16 ; The macro call is with a parameter
0000 macro 17 alsa_n 3
0000 37 18 PSHB
0001 C603 19 LDAB #%1
0003 48 20 LOOP: ASLA
0004 0431FC 21 DBNE B,LOOP
0007 33 22 PULB

Dr. Tao Li 37
Assembler Output Files
• Assembler listing (includes a symbol table) and
executable (S-Record file)
– Assembler listing
Loc [Cycles] Obj Code Line Source Line

– Symbol table: lists all symbols used in a program

and their values

– Cross-reference table: shows where the symbols are

defined and referenced

Dr. Tao Li 38
Example: Symbol Table
… … …
5 ; Constant equates
0000 6 EOS: EQU 0 ; End of string
7 ; Debug-12 Monitor equates
0000 8 printf: EQU $FE06 ; Print a string
9 ; Memory map equates
0000 10 PROG: EQU $0800 ; RAM in the EVB
0000 11 DATA: EQU $0900 ; Middle of RAM
0000 12 STACK: EQU $0a00 ; Stack pointer
0800 13 ORG PROG ; Locate the program
14 ; Initialize stack pointer
0800 CF0A00 15 lds #STACK
16 ; Print Hello World! string
0803 CC080C 17 ldd #HELLO ; Pass the adr of the string
0806 FEFE06 18 ldx printf ; The adr of the printf routine
0809 1500 19 jsr 0,x
20 ; Return to the monitor Symbol Table
080B 3F 21 swi DATA 0900
22 ; Define the string to print EOS 0000
080C 48656C6C 23 HELLO: DB 'Hello World!',EOS
726C6421 PRINTF FE06
00 PROG 0800
Dr. Tao Li 39

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