FMPC Brochure

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Medical Group Management Association®

MGMA® 2011 Financial

Management and Payer
Contracting Conference
March 27-29, 2011
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront

Finding opportunity in uncertain times

• L earn how to financially position your practice and prepare
yourself for success in the current healthcare environment
• F ocus on in-depth education, peer learning and
state-of-the-art thinking
• L eave this conference armed with practical knowledge,
tools and techniques you can implement in your practice

Join your colleagues at the only face-to-face MGMA

education program focused on in-depth financial
management for 2011.
What you need to know about financial management and payer
contracting in the new healthcare environment.
Whether you are new to financial management or payer contracting or an experienced professional, this conference is
designed to provide in-depth, practical education, with many knowledge-building sessions followed by labs that will give
you tools and techniques, hands-on learning experiences and peer-to-peer interaction.
You won’t want to miss the keynote and general session, where speakers will discuss models of group practice that are
emerging from healthcare reform, laying the foundation for the entire conference.

Additional learning opportunities

Who should attend:
Three complimentary Leading Edge sessions
n Practice professionals with financial management
n Foundations of Payer Contracting for those new to
and/or payer contracting responsibilities
n Chief financial officers (CFOs)
n Foundations of Financial Management for those new
n Controllers, accountants, managed care/payer
to this area
contracting professionals or other positions reporting
n Advanced Applications for Microsoft Excel® Pivot
to CFOs
Tables in a Medical Practice for experienced
administrators Special team attendance offer: When two or more
colleagues from the same practice register, the second
Revenue cycle track and subsequent team member(s) receives $100 off his/
her registration fee. Team members must register at the
This track covers pre-visit, time-of-service and post-visit
same time via phone. Please call toll-free 877.275.6462,
billing issues and includes useful tools and takeaways.
ext. 1888.

Interactive education
Conference site
n At the “Refreshing Ideas” session, with hors d’oeuvres
Located in Harbor East,
and cocktails, Henry Evans will discuss his book,
Baltimore’s premier
Winning With Accountability: The Secret Language
neighborhood, the
of High-Performance Organizations and facilitate
Baltimore Marriott
discussion from the audience. You will receive a
Waterfront sits on the
complimentary copy of his book when you arrive in
water’s edge. You’ll enjoy
the spectacular views
n During the innovative lab sessions, you’ll have the
of the Baltimore Harbor,
opportunity to roll up your sleeves and apply the
as well as easy access to
knowledge you acquired in the preceding lectures
the city’s finest shopping
using practical tools, techniques and peer-to-peer
and restaurants. Choose
from more than 50 dining
Be confident you have the knowledge and skills you need options within a few blocks of the hotel, or explore the
to lead your practice in the new healthcare environment. National Aquarium, the Maryland Science Center and

Register today – seating is limited.

2 Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888.
Program content/format About ACMPE:
The sessions included in the MGMA 2011 Financial The American College of Medical Practice Executives
Management and Payer Contracting Conference were (ACMPE) is the standard-setting and certification body of
selected to provide in-depth and practical education on MGMA. ACMPE was established in 1956 as an affiliate to
the most important topics of financial management and MGMA to provide board certification, self-assessment and
payer contracting in today’s medical practice. By taking leadership development for medical practice executives.
advantage of up-to-date and relevant knowledge and Earning your professional ACMPE certification elevates you
tools, attendees will be better positioned to successfully in the eyes of your peers and your supervisors, and helps
manage the adaptation and change that is necessary in advance your career and salary opportunities.
the current healthcare environment. Because financial
management and payer contracting elements are often Conference planning volunteers
found in all aspects of a medical practice, the content of n Randy W. Cook, MPH, FACMPE, senior medical
the sessions will cover financial and payer contracting practice consultant, State Volunteer Mutual
issues and topics found in all domains of the Body of Insurance Co., Brentwood, Tenn.
Knowledge for Medical Practice Management, 2nd
n Jennifer “Nifty” Gosney, CPA, director of finance,
Edition, developed by the American College of Medical
Department of Surgery, Scott and White Health
Practice Executives (ACMPE), MGMA’s standard-setting
System, Temple, Texas
and certification body. The educational content is highly
n Stephen Mandolesi, MPH, director of payer
relevant for the day-to-day challenges in medical practice
and in preparation for the ACMPE board certification contracting, East Region, RMS Lifeline Inc./DaVita
examinations. Inc., Fairfax, Va.
n Daniel D. Mefford, MBA, FACMPE, CPA, consultant,
The Body of Knowledge domains include: Business
Practice Resource Management Group Inc.,
Operations, Financial Management, Human Resource,
Columbus, Ohio
Management, Information Management, Organizational
n Edward J. Myslik, MBA, CMPE, CPA, director of
Governance, Patient Care Systems, Quality Management
and Risk Management. The domains form the framework finance, Capitol Anesthesiology Association, Austin,
of MGMA’s core educational curriculum. Texas
n Gregory S. Pawson, CMPE, CPA, CMA, chief financial
Visit to download the Body officer, Women’s Healthcare Associates LLC,
of Knowledge brochure and to access domain-specific Beaverton, Ore.
resources and free quizzes. n Donald Stumpp, CPA, manager of payer contracting,
American Health Network Inc., Indianapolis
About MGMA: n Charles Virnau, MBA, CPA, director of business
Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) is administration and operations, Scott and White
the premier membership association for professional Inpatient Medicine, Temple, Texas
administrators and leaders of medical group practices.
Since 1926, MGMA has delivered networking, professional
education and resources, and political advocacy for
medical practice management. MGMA serves 21,500
members who lead 13,700 organizations nationwide in
which some 275,000 physicians provide more than 40
percent of the healthcare services delivered in the United

Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888. 3
Schedule at a glance
Sunday, March 27 11:25 am-12:40 pm
Concurrent sessions – 200 series
8:00 am-6:30 pm 12:40-1:35 pm
Conference registration open Lunch
8:00 am-3:30 pm 1:35-3:45 pm
ACMPE workshops* Exhibit Hall open with Industry Insight presentations
2:00-5:00 pm 1:35-2:50 pm
Leading Edge sessions Concurrent sessions – 300 series
5:00-7:45 pm 2:50-3:45 pm
Exhibit Hall open with Industry Insight presentations Networking break
5:00-5:45 pm 3:45-5:00 pm
Networking break Concurrent sessions – 400 series
5:45-6:45 pm 5:00-6:30 pm
Keynote session: Adapting to the New Healthcare Market Refreshing Ideas: Hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and discussion
6:45-7:45 pm of Henry Evans’ Winning with Accountability
Happy Hour
* Additional registration fee required Tuesday, March 29
7:30 am-1:00 pm
Monday, March 28 Conference registration open
7:30 am-5:00 pm 7:30-8:15 am
Conference registration open Continental breakfast
7:30-8:00 am 8:15-9:30 am
Continental breakfast Concurrent sessions – 500 series
8:00-9:15 am 9:30-9:45 am
General session: Succeeding in an Accountable Care Stretch break
World 9:45-11:00 am
9:00 am-12:30 pm Concurrent sessions – 600 series
Exhibit Hall open with Industry Insight presentations 11:00-11:15 am
9:15 am-10:00 am Stretch break
Networking break 11:15 am-12:30 pm
10:00-11:15 am Concurrent sessions – 700 series
Concurrent sessions – 100 series
11:15-11:25 am
Stretch break

MGMA members – bring your team and save!

Physicians registering with an MGMA member pay the member price.

When two or more colleagues from the same practice register for this conference, the second and
subsequent team member(s) receives $100 off his/her registration fee.

Teams must register by calling MGMA toll-free 877.275.6462, ext. 1888. Team members are
encouraged to register at the same time.

4 Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888.
ACMPE preconference
Engage yourself
Get engaged in a process that will take your career to the next level – earning credentials through the American College of
Medical Practice Executives. The rewards enjoyed by Certified Medical Practice Executives (CMPEs) and Fellows in ACMPE
(FACMPEs) are worth the challenge. For more information, visit or call the ACMPE certification help desk
toll-free at 877.275.6462, ext. 1869.

Engage with like-minded colleagues at the Pathway workshops to accelerate your pursuit.
ACMPE workshops: Earning the CMPE and Pathway to Fellowship: Earning the
FACMPE Designations* FACMPE Designation*
Sunday, March 27 Sunday, March 27
8:30 am-3:30 pm 12:30-3:30 pm
Registration fee: $225 (lunch provided) Registration fee: $95
ACMPE credit: 6.5 hours ACMPE credit: 3.0 hours
Attend both workshops for a discounted package price and This energetic session will jump-start your pursuit of
pursue your certification and Fellowship simultaneously. Fellowship with:
• An overview of the Fellowship requirements
• Exercises to get you started on your paper or case studies
“I believe that the CMPE designation helps • Topic brainstorming and development (Bring any topic ideas
secure better positions and better pay. It aided you may have!)
• An outline evaluation exercise illustrating the grading
me in obtaining my current position and has process
helped me attain goals that, at one time, • Tips on avoiding the common pitfalls in developing an
seemed unreachable.”
*Additional fee required. Sign up for these programs on the
Kathryn Rhodes, MBA, CMPE, Administrator,
registration form, page 19.
The Healthcare Strategy Group, Louisville, Ky.

“Achieving Fellowship wasn’t the end of my

Pathway to Certification: Earning the CMPE professional development road — it was
Designation* more like a beginning: expanded leadership
Sunday, March 27
opportunities, thought-provoking discussions,
8:30 am-12:00 pm
Registration fee: $150 (lunch provided) a much more informed take on healthcare in
ACMPE credit: 3.5 hours general. It’s easy to see why Fellows are held in
During this interactive session, you will: such high regard.”
• Gain valuable test-taking tips and assess your readiness to
take the exams Patricia L Brewster, MHA, FACMPE, Chief Executive
Officer, Southern Orthopaedic Foundation Inc &
• Take a 50-question sample objective exam
Southern Orthopaedic Specialists LLC, Atlanta, Ga.
• Learn the essay grading criteria
• View “passing” and “not passing” essay responses
• Write a response to an essay question
• Receive feedback on your essay response from an ACMPE
• Learn about the process to complete the other two board The American College of Medical Practice Executives
certification requirements – presentations and continuing (ACMPE) is the certification and standard-setting body of the
education hours Medical Group Management Association (MGMA).

Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888. 5
Conference schedule Sunday, March 27
Sunday, March 27
1:00-6:30 pm
Conference registration open
2:00-5:00 pm
Leading Edge Sessions
Leading Edge sessions are for individuals who want to take full
advantage of the many educational offerings and get a head
start on the conference. Two of the sessions, Foundations of
Payer Contracting and Foundations of Financial Management,
are for attendees who want to gain or further develop the
fundamental knowledge that is essential for effective group
practice management. The third session, Advanced Applications
for Microsoft Excel® Pivot Tables in a Medical Practice, is for
individuals who want to explore how Excel pivot tables can
dramatically affect productivity.

2:00-5:00 pm
Foundations of Payer Contracting
Randy Cook, MPH, FACMPE, senior medical practice consultant,
State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Co., Brentwood, Tenn. 2:00-5:00 pm
Foundations of Financial Management
Session description:
This foundation-level course offers a comprehensive overview Lee Ann H. Webster, FACMPE, CPA, practice administrator,
of the knowledge and skills a medical practice administrator Pathology Associates of Alabama PC, Birmingham, Ala.
must have to create an effective payer-contracting strategy. You Session description:
will find out how to develop a fee-analysis system and conduct Managing a successful medical practice requires a solid
a reimbursement analysis. Additionally, you will learn about understanding of a variety of topics. Financial management
measuring cost and using it to set a pricing policy. All attendees is key among these. This session is designed for new and
will receive a link to a resource package of templates, tools, experienced practice administrators, as well as for experienced
worksheets and other resources. You will leave this session with a financial professionals. New administrators will gain the
complete model of how to build managed-care strategies for your fundamental knowledge necessary to succeed as a practice
practice. executive or financial manager. Experienced administrators
This session will provide you with the knowledge to: will solidify and improve their financial skills, and experienced
• Evaluate the financials and meaning of a written contract financial professionals new to practice management will gain
an understanding of medical practice financial terminology and
• Calculate the “walk-away opportunity”
issues. All will walk away with relevant, practical tips on how
• Determine what data to gather from your practice-
to present financial information in a clear and concise way to
management system
members of their medical staff.

This session will provide you with the knowledge to:

• Apply the core financial concepts and skills for managing a
• Identify key financial indicators and their meanings in your
• Analyze and explain financial reports to physician and
nonphysician providers

6 Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888.
Conference schedule Sunday, March 27
5:45-6:45 pm

Keynote session: Adapting to the New

Healthcare Market
Thomas C. Royer, MD, president and chief executive officer,
Christus Health System, Irving, Texas
Healthcare reform and other changes will shape our marketplace
more in the next five to 10 years than over the last 30. Is
your practice ready? Royer’s keynote session will focus on
understanding the exceptional changes that are occurring and
will occur in the near future. He will also address the critical
leadership roles that practices will assume in the creation of
innovative health and wellness programs in the future.

This session will provide you with the knowledge to:

• Explain the market drivers of healthcare reform
• Evaluate the effects of an outcome-based marketplace
• Examine ways of leading your practice through change

Thomas Royer, MD, is chief

2:00-5:00 pm executive officer and president
Advanced Applications for Microsoft Excel® Pivot of the Christus Health System.
Tables in a Medical Practice Dr. Royer leads day-to-day
operations for Christus Health
Nate Moore, MBA, CMPE, CPA, president, Moore Solutions Inc.,
and lends extensive expertise in developing
Salt Lake City
physician partnerships and community health
The pivot table feature in Microsoft Excel® is a powerful tool
programs. His extensive executive experience
to help medical practice administrators efficiently analyze
includes time as the chairman of the board of
large amounts of practice data and bring clarity to complicated
governors for the Henry Ford Medical Group and
medical practice challenges. This live demonstration will illustrate
a variety of medical practice scenarios that can be solved and senior vice president of medical affairs for the Henry
depicted using pivot tables. You will learn how to approach and Ford Health System. He also spent two years at the
solve problems through the manipulation of pivot tables and how Johns Hopkins Medical Services Corp. and Wyman
to apply the “logic” of pivot tables to resolve data-analysis issues. Park Medical Associates in Baltimore in a variety of
Also, you will find out how to create pivot tables that you can use positions, including chief executive officer, president
throughout your practice and how to build upon basic pivot table and chief operating officer, as well as vice president
knowledge. of clinical operations. Prior to his time in Baltimore,
This session will provide you with the knowledge to: he spent 18 years with the Geisinger Medical Center
• Review practice scenarios where pivot tables present a and Clinic in Danville, Pa., holding posts as senior
powerful solution vice president and medical director.
• Coach novice users in working with pivot tables
• Design pivot charts as visual solutions to organizing practice
6:45-7:45 pm
5:00-7:45 pm
Happy Hour
Exhibit Hall open with Industry Insight The conference’s kickoff networking event will take place in the
presentations Exhibit Hall, with exhibitors providing products and solutions to
help make your practice more efficient. Join your fellow attendees
5:00-5:45 pm for drinks, appetizers and networking with your peers.
Networking break

Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888. 7
Conference schedule Monday, March 28
Monday, March 28 9:15 am-10:00 am
Networking break
7:30 am-5:00 pm
10:00-11:15 am
Conference registration open
Concurrent sessions – 100 series
7:30-8:00 am
Continental breakfast 101. Revenue-Cycle Track: Fine-Tuning Pre-Visit
Revenue-Cycle Processes
9:00 am-12:30 pm Sarah Holt, PhD, FACMPE, practice administrator, Cape Girardeau
Exhibit Hall open with Industry Insight Surgical Clinic Inc., Cape Girardeau, Mo.
presentations The revenue cycle starts long before an invoice reaches the
business office. This session will address the pre-visit processes of
8:00-9:15 am insurance verification, benefits eligibility, charge capture and pre-
and time-of-service collections. You will explore how to capture
General session: Succeeding in an potentially lost revenue by identifying accurate insurance and
Accountable Care World demographic data before the patient arrives, and discover proven
methods to identify lost charges and how to use tools to improve
John A. Deane, MPA, chief executive officer, Southwind Health
your pre-visit processes. The session will help you save hours of
Partners LLC, The Advisory Board Company, Nashville, Tenn.
work for your insurance staff, and prevent extensive rework on
In this general session, Deane will focus on how medical groups the back end.
should adapt to a marketplace that is shifting from a unit-based
revenue system to a system that rewards accountable and reliable This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
outcomes. He will discuss several business models for adapting • Review pre-visit processes that support revenue collection
to healthcare market changes, including taking the market-leader • Examine the fiscal effects of an efficient and accurate
role, niche markets, and models for aligning with hospitals and pre-visit information-collection process
other entities. • Refine pre-visit processes within your clinic’s patient flow

This session will provide you with the knowledge to:

• Recognize the various adaptation options for a physician
• Select the adaptation option that is a fit for you
• Align incentives with affiliation partners

John Deane is founder and chief executive officer of Southwind, a contract-management,

interim-management and consulting company focused on improving the performance of
physician practices owned by hospitals, health systems and academic medical centers. Deane
has more than 24 years of senior physician practice management and managed care experience.
He has led turnaround engagements for a number of large, institutionally sponsored medical
groups, facilitating annual savings from $2 million to $20 million. In addition, he has consulted
for major health systems regarding physician alignment, leading engagements focused on strategic planning,
physician-compensation model design, practice acquisition, turnaround restructuring and alternative models of
physician alignment.

8 Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888.
Conference schedule Monday, March 28
102. Assess Your Practice’s Readiness for Healthcare
Reform and a Transformed Health System
Dave Gans, MSHA, FACMPE, vice president, innovation and
research, Medical Group Management Association, Englewood,
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will
fundamentally change our nation’s health-insurance and
healthcare-delivery systems. With healthcare reform already
underway, it is essential that practice leaders understand how
patient demographics, demand for services, payer mix and
physician compensation could be very different in the future. This
session will offer strategies you can use to prepare your practice
for the new healthcare environment and provide metrics that can
assess your organization’s readiness to function in a transformed
health system.

This session will provide you with the knowledge to:

• Review major goals and timelines of the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act
• Explore potential changes in patients, service demands, care
delivery and payments
• Define metrics for assessing a practice’s readiness for
healthcare-reform changes

103. Accountability Matters: Deterring Fraud and

Embezzlement in Medical Groups
104. Moore Ways to Use Microsoft Excel® in a
Denise McClure, CPA, CFE, president, Averti Fraud Solutions LLC,
Medical Practice
Boise, Idaho
Nate Moore, MBA, CMPE, CPA, president, Moore Solutions Inc., Salt
How would you like to increase profitability by 5 percent
Lake City
annually? It’s possible your medical practice is losing that much
each year due to systemic problems in your billing, collection Microsoft Excel® has several built-in tools medical practice
and accounting processes. Most of us believe that fraud and managers can leverage to analyze and report on medical practice
embezzlement will not affect us, but it happens every day. And data. This live demonstration using Microsoft Excel 2010
unfortunately it’s often the result of actions by those we would will focus on conditional formatting and the tables features
least suspect. In this session, you will hear how to safeguard your introduced in Excel 2007. Conditional formatting instantly
practice by building accountability and transparency into your highlights relevant data. Tables allow users to filter, sort and
systems and processes. You will leave with tools and approaches analyze critical practice data quickly. Participants will be able to
to prevention you can use in your own medical practices. apply both tools and determine when each is appropriate for their
This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
• Explain how and why theft and embezzlement are threats to This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
medical practices • Implement conditional formatting tools in practice reports
• Identify accountability gaps that increase risk of fraud, • Filter, sort and analyze data with tables
embezzlement and unidentified errors • Determine which tools are appropriate for your practice data
• Develop transparency and accountability in accounting,
billing and collection processes to close the accountability 11:15-11:25 am
gaps Stretch break

Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888. 9
Conference schedule Monday, March 28
11:25 am-12:40 pm 203. MGMA Washington Outlook
Concurrent sessions – 200 series Anders Gilberg, MGA, vice president, public and private economic
affairs, Medical Group Management Association, Washington, D.C.
201. Revenue-Cycle Track: Time-of-Service With a new Congress settling in, this session will provide a
Revenue-Cycle Processes and Collections timely look at pertinent healthcare issues under consideration.
Sarah Holt, PhD, FACMPE, practice administrator, Cape Girardeau Attendees will hear about recent legislative and regulatory
Surgical Clinic Inc., Cape Girardeau, Mo. developments and how proposed changes might affect the
Have you optimized your revenue stream? Are you doing the day-to-day activities of medical group practices. The discussion
right things during the patient visit? To maximize revenue, you will include background information and a progress report
must calculate, benchmark and analyze the key revenue-cycle on key Medicare payment initiatives enacted as part of
performance indicators for your medical practice. In this session healthcare-reform legislation. These will include accountable
you will learn about time-of-service tools that you can use to care organizations, bundled payment pilots and new value-based
recognize and examine revenue enhancers during the patient payment modifiers.
visit. You will explore key tools to help you make the most of the This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
visit and do the right things at the right time to maximize revenue • Identify how relevant legislative and regulatory initiatives
in your practice. might affect group practices
This session will provide you with the knowledge to: • Conclude when to expect implementation of significant
• Examine processes that maximize revenue collection during healthcare-reform provisions
the patient visit • List the key elements of pending Medicare payment models
• Manage patients’ expectations of revenue collection through
the face-to-face encounter 204. Managing Practice Data Using the VLOOKUP
• Implement methods to track and monitor revenue Function in Microsoft Excel®
Nate Moore, MBA, CMPE, CPA, president, Moore Solutions Inc., Salt
Lake City
202. Utilize Benchmarking to Maximize Profits The VLOOKUP feature in Microsoft Excel® is an indispensable tool
Todd Evenson, MBA, assistant director, survey operations, Medical for medical practice administrators to combine data stored in
Group Management Association, Englewood, Colo. multiple places. This session will demonstrate the fundamentals
Administrators from the most profitable medical practices of VLOOKUP and build to more complex applications of this
understand how productivity, operating costs and revenue versatile function. Participants will come away with a variety
interact to determine a practice’s profit. This knowledge allows of scenarios and practical tools they can apply to benefit from
them to focus their attention on maximizing profit for their VLOOKUP in their medical practice. The session will be a live
organizations. This session will describe how to measure your demonstration using Microsoft Excel 2010.
practice’s performance in multiple dimensions and how to use This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
process benchmarking, the concept of learning from the best, to • Apply the fundamentals of VLOOKUP
improve your practice’s bottom line.
• Combine functions to add power to VLOOKUP
This session will provide you with the knowledge to: • Discover multiple applications for VLOOKUP in a medical
• Recognize how the dynamic relationship of productivity, practice
revenue and operating costs affects a medical group’s
profitability 12:40-1:35 pm
• Describe how to use process benchmarking to model the Lunch
practices of successful medical groups
• Compare staffing, productivity, expenses and profits to other 1:35-3:45 pm
medical groups and better performing practices Exhibit Hall open with Industry Insight

10 Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888.
Conference schedule Monday, March 28
1:35-2:50 pm 303. Reporting Practice Data to Your Physicians
Concurrent sessions – 300 series Thomas Stearns, FACMPE, vice president, medical practices services,
State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Co., Brentwood, Tenn.
301. Revenue-Cycle Track: Post-Visit Miscommunication is a common source of frustration between
Revenue-Cycle Optimization physicians and administrators. Effectively communicating
Sarah Holt, PhD, FACMPE, practice administrator, Cape Girardeau performance and financial data to physicians is a skill that can be
Surgical Clinic Inc., Cape Girardeau, Mo. learned and developed. This session will cover the essentials of
How can you enable your insurance staff to do what they do how to communicate data to physicians so they hear the message
best: bring in all the revenue that your organization is entitled you intend. You will learn about the common mistakes to avoid
to receive? Your insurance staff always has too much work to do, and reap the benefits of improved communication in your
and your organization always needs to generate more revenue. practice.
What can you do to refine your post-visit billing processes? This You will have an opportunity to apply these skills in the “Analytics
session will explore the expertise and tools needed to take full and Communicating Information” lab, session 402.
advantage of the post-visit. You will discover how to set post-visit
This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
priorities and refine billing processes to capture maximum
• Recognize how physicians hear a topic
revenue. Additionally, you will learn to apply the best practices of
clean claims and timely filing. At the end of the session you will • Translate essential practice metrics for increased physician
have the knowledge and tools needed to ensure no revenue falls understanding
by the wayside. • Identify common mistakes in communicating with
This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
• Maximize revenue through minimizing loss of billable
• Identify the elements of coding clean claims and avoiding
rework Save Yourself Some Money and Attend the
• Use tools to maximize collections and minimize write-offs MGMA 2011 FM-PC conference
If you wonder why I said “save yourself some money
302. Numbers to Knowledge: Translating Data Into and attend”, it is not because they are giving money
Actionable Information
away or I have a coupon to give you. It is because
Todd Evenson, MBA, assistant director, survey operations, Medical
Group Management Association, Englewood, Colo.
the quality of the content is always top-notch and

Just having data doesn’t mean you will identify the “right”
you will be able to take back more than enough new
question or find the optimal solution. Your ability to analyze and ideas to incorporate into your practice to more than
communicate data is prerequisite to translating it into actionable cover the costs of airfare, hotel, food, incidentals,
information. This session will cover basic analytics and explore
effective methods for depicting data in meaningful ways to etc. I have been to a number of conferences one
different stakeholders. You will learn the importance of creating time never to return because no matter how great
easy-to-read reports that support the decision-making needs of the city or the weather, the conference was not of
physician boards and practice leaders alike.
value to my company. I have always found value at
You will have an opportunity to apply these skills in the “Analytics
and Communicating Information” lab, session 402. the MGMA FM-PC conference and credit it for many
improvements and money-saving processes that I
This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
• Define “actionable information” (what it is and how have incorporated into our practice.
you get it)
This is a conference focused on improving your
• Identify each stakeholder’s acumen and preferences for how
information is displayed
bottom line and if you attend, I will guarantee that
• Illustrate how to create effective charts you will “save yourself some money” in the long run.

Nancy Wilkes VP, Practice Management Technology

UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
Columbia, S.C..

Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888. 11
Conference schedule Monday, March 28
304. Positively Transform the Practice With 402. Analytics and Communicating
Web-based Technology Information (Lab)
Rosemarie Nelson, MS, principal, MGMA Health Care Consulting Todd Evenson, MBA, assistant director, survey operations, Medical
Group, Jamesville, N.Y. Group Management Association, Englewood, Colo. and Thomas
In this fast-paced session you will get time-saving tips about Stearns, FACMPE, vice president, medical practices services, State
specific operational issues. You will learn new ways to work Volunteer Mutual Insurance Co., Brentwood, Tenn.
harder and smarter as you apply Web-based tools to make Miscommunication is a common source of frustration between
more effective use of physician and staff time. You’ll leave this physicians and administrators. Effectively communicating
session with new ideas about using technology to improve daily performance and financial data to physicians is a skill that
financial outcomes. And you’ll learn to evaluate how to adopt can be learned and developed. This lab experience will cover
new technology tools for your organization to assist staff and the essentials of how to communicate data to physicians so
physicians with the change-management process. they hear the message you intend. You will learn about the
common mistakes to avoid and reap the benefits of improved
This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
communication in your practice.
• Identify the variety of Web tools available to reach your
patients and excel at service delivery This lab focuses on the tools and applications associated with the
• Determine the effects of various Web-based services on your presenters’ earlier sessions.
practice’s efficiency and your patients’ satisfaction This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
• Prioritize technology implementations to meet your practice • Recognize how physicians hear a topic
objectives and goals • Translate essential practice metrics for increased physician
2:45-3:45 pm
• Identify common mistakes in communicating with
Networking break physicians

3:45-5:00 pm
403. Optimizing the Benefit of Using Nonphysician
Concurrent sessions – 400 series Providers
401. Silent PPOs: An Enforcement Strategy Dave Gans, MSHA, FACMPE, vice president, innovation and
research, Medical Group Management Association, Englewood,
Randy Cook, MPH, FACMPE, senior medical practice consultant, Colo.
State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Co., Brentwood, Tenn.
Most medical groups employ nonphysician providers – nurse
Small payers, which usually constitute less than 1 percent of the practitioners, physician assistants and other licensed
practice’s business, often can be the second- or third-largest payer professionals. In general, medical groups that use nonphysician
group. How can this be? These small payers often take discounts providers report increased financial performance. However,
that are not earned. They take inappropriate discounts given questions persist concerning how to best incorporate these
their volume, and they do this without contractual authority. professionals in the practice. What is the optimal ratio of
This session will show you how to identify payer contracts that nonphysician providers per physician? Is there a diseconomy in
are leased to other networks and will detail how to establish which having more nonphysician providers decreases, rather
a small-payer enforcement process. You will receive a resource than increases, profitability? This session will describe strategies
package of enforcement letters, contract templates and a model a medical practice can draw upon to employ nonphysician
enforcement plan. providers. You will also learn about the financial and productivity
This session will provide you with the knowledge to: metrics you can use to assess practice and provider performance.
• Use a pricing policy to set an enforcement threshold This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
• Identify payer contracts that are leased to other networks • Describe how nonphysician providers affect a medical
• Articulate the fundamentals of building your own group’s economic performance
enforcement plan • Outline strategies for employing nonphysician providers
• Identify metrics to assess provider productivity and overall
financial performance

12 Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888.
Conference schedule Monday, March 28

404. Optimize Your EHR for the Future With Data 5:00-6:30 pm
Analysis Refreshing Ideas: Tools for Progressive
Rosemarie Nelson, MS, principal, MGMA Health Care Consulting Practice Management
Group, Jamesville, N.Y.
Join your colleagues, share your experiences, and gain additional
Do you have an electronic health records (EHR) system that you tips on how to make accountability work for you and your
are not fully utilizing? Are you realizing the full benefits an EHR practice at our inaugural Refreshing Ideas event. Get ready for an
can deliver, especially in the analysis of clinical data and the role interesting and fun evening of learning and conversation where
that analysis plays in contracting? This interactive session will you can snack, drink and get terrific leadership knowledge that
present the methods for collecting clinical data and presenting you can use immediately.
information to providers to facilitate the adoption of protocols
and standards. The framework provided will position your Henry J. Evans, co-founder and managing partner, Dynamic
practice’s success with clinical performance contracting. Results LLC, Dallas
What is accountability? Why is it important in our changing
This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
healthcare environment? What is your role in creating a culture of
• Determine methodology for delivering timely feedback to
accountability in your practice? How can accountability make you
providers about adherence to clinical protocols
and your practice more successful?
• Identify deliverables based on standardization
Henry J. Evans, author of Winning With Accountability: The Secret
• Produce data for providers to promote the adoption of
Language of High-Performing Organizations, will share insights
and lead a discussion about his compelling and straightforward
approaches to setting clear expectations and improving
performance. Participate in this engaging dialogue while you
learn about principles that you can confidently and readily apply
as you navigate through the many changes that lie ahead.

This session will provide you with the knowledge to:

• Define accountability as a positive attribute
• Determine the role of accountability in your practice, career
and leadership style
• Identify specific ways to apply accountability principles in
your medical practice

Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888. 13
Conference schedule Tuesday, March 29
502. Preparing for Global Payments
Tim Shoger, senior vice president, Health Directions LLC, Oakbrook
Terrace, Ill.
Government and commercial payers and leading provider
organizations are promoting global payment as the next step
in healthcare reform. This session will address how to prepare
medical groups to thrive under emerging global payment
models. It will outline specific changes in clinical and financial
operations that are key to transitioning away from fee-for-
service reimbursement and taking advantage of global payment
opportunities. You will learn about clinical and business-office
processes that are essential for adopting a patient-centered
medical home model of care. Additionally, you will explore viable
options for partnering with hospitals and other provider entities
to form accountable care organizations.

This session will provide you with the knowledge to:

• Establish equitable risk- and reimbursement-sharing
methods to protect against problems with previous
capitation models
• Implement effective processes for managing performance
under global payments
Tuesday, March 29 • Configure electronic medical records to manage financial
tracking and global payment quality and reporting
7:30 am-12:30 pm
Conference registration open
503. Medical Practice Mergers
7:30-8:15 am Reed Tinsley, CPA, CVA, CFP, CHBC, consultant, Cypress, Texas
Continental breakfast As pressures continue to mount on the profitability and success
of medical practices, many physicians today are considering
8:15-9:30 am a merger with another practice. When properly prepared
and completed, mergers can be a financial win-win for all
Concurrent sessions – 500 series involved; when not properly done, the merger often ends up in
501. Payer Auditing: Enforcement Strategies for “divorce.” After emphasizing the pros and cons of a merger, this
presentation will walk participants through the merger process,
Payer Contracting
highlighting the “do’s and don’ts” along the way.
Penny Noyes, president, Health Business Navigators, Bowling
Green, Ky. This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
• Identify your options when considering a merger with
After the negotiations have wrapped up, physician practices
another practice
cannot afford to simply assume that the payer will administer the
• Explain the common pitfalls that can lead to a merger not
agreement correctly. Your practice needs an enforcement plan
being properly accomplished
for each payer. The savvy administrator must learn to monitor
the compliance of insurers, networks, payers and other parties • Articulate how to make a merger a win-win for all the
accessing the discounts and terms of contract agreements. This parties involved
session will teach you how to build a package of enforcement
strategies to ensure payer compliance with the terms of their

This session will provide you with the knowledge to:

• Assess contract compliance for your practice
• Create effective monitoring systems for your contracts
• Develop systematic processes to verify that payment is
made and that it reflects the needed bottom line

14 Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888.
Conference schedule Tuesday, March 29
504. Managing Physicians in Transition 602. Negotiation Skills for Practice Managers
Thomas Stearns, FACMPE, vice president, medical practices services, Randy Cook, MPH, FACMPE, senior medical practice consultant,
State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Co., Brentwood, Tenn. State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Co., Brentwood, Tenn.
The increasing uncertainty in the healthcare marketplace is Negotiation is a skill required of every successful medical practice
pressuring practices to accommodate new and innovative ways professional, yet few have any formal training. Being an effective
for physicians to join or leave a practice. What are the factors negotiator requires more than just knowledge of your contracts.
affecting older and younger physicians, causing them to seek new You also need to understand and use specific skills and subtle
solutions as they make transitions in their careers? In this session, tools that will put you in the driver’s seat. By recognizing the type
you will explore various transition approaches, such as fractional of negotiation environment, preparing properly and determining
partnerships, job sharing and professional service arrangements. how to apply the right tactic at the right moment, you will
You will learn about the income distribution plan (IDP) and will improve your negotiation results. During this session you will
leave this session with models for accommodating transitioning learn about the importance of body language and how to use this
physicians. knowledge to improve your practice’s financials.

This session will provide you with the knowledge to: Following this session you will have an opportunity to apply the
• Describe physician-transition issues related to joining, knowledge gained in the lab, session 702.
leaving or slowing a practice This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
• Outline models for adding or losing a physician • Describe the different negotiating environments
• Explain the effect of the IDP on transitioning physicians • Summarize negotiation tactics
• Recognize the various signals you and others send with body
9:30-9:45 am
Stretch break
603. Ancillary Revenue: Building New Revenue
9:45-11:00 am
Opportunities for Your Medical Practice
Concurrent sessions – 600 series Reed Tinsley, CPA, CVA, CFP, CHBC, consultant, Cypress, Texas
601. Contract Language: Tough Problems and An important option for enhancing revenue and increasing profit
Tactical Solutions is the implementation of new service lines or adding ancillary
services. This session will demonstrate how the addition of new
Penny Noyes, president, Health Business Navigators, Bowling
revenue opportunities has contributed to the financial turnaround
Green, Ky.
of many medical groups. You will explore the tools you can use
No written agreement will fix a bad business relationship, but to assess possibilities for your own practice and discover how
a badly written agreement can destroy a good one. To create to gain physician support. Service options will be identified
effective contract language, the medical practice professional for primary care, single-specialty, multispecialty and academic
must understand and be able to use common contract terms. In groups, including ambulatory surgery centers, freestanding
this session you will learn about the chief components of a payer cancer-treatment centers and computer tomographic and
contract and how to use that knowledge to quickly evaluate these cosmetic centers.
important documents. You will discover how to avoid common
language problems, and build in the elements that you must have This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
in order to reap financial benefits for your practice. • Identify potential ancillary service options for your practice
• Select tools to forecast the demand for services and prepare
Following this session you will have an opportunity to apply the
pro forma financial projections
knowledge gained in the lab, session 701.
• Determine how to build physician support for your projects
This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
• Evaluate the important elements of a payer agreement in a
timely fashion
• Identify problem areas and propose alternative language
• Summarize the key elements of payer contracts in a payer

Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888. 15
Conference schedule Tuesday, March 29
604. The Tools of Process Improvement: A Primer 702. Negotiating Skills for Practice Managers
Frank Cohen, MPA, MBB, principal and senior analyst, Frank Cohen (Lab)
Group LLC, Clearwater, Fla. Randy Cook, MPH, FACMPE, senior medical practice consultant,
The framework and standards of the healthcare industry are State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Co., Brentwood, Tenn.
undergoing significant change. Medical practices will be asked Negotiation is a skill required of every successful medical practice
to produce value, outcome or quality rather than units. To professional, yet few have any formal training. Being an effective
accommodate this transformation, medical practices must gain negotiator requires more than just knowledge of your contracts.
control over clinical quality. This session will provide a basic You also need to understand and use specific skills and subtle
primer on the tools of quality improvement and will precede a lab tools that will put you in the driver’s seat. By recognizing the type
experience (session 703) where you can practice using the tools. of negotiation environment, preparing properly and determining
This session will provide you with the knowledge to: how to apply the right tactic at the right moment, you will
• Articulate the terms of process improvement improve your negotiation results. During this lab experience you
will find out about the importance of body language and how to
• Apply process improvement in a physician practice
use this knowledge to improve the financials of your practice.
• Identify what specific assistance you need in using process
improvement to guide the redesign of a practice This lab focuses on the tools and applications associated with the
presenter’s previous session.
11:00-11:15 am This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
Stretch break • Identify your negotiating environment
• Determine when and how to apply negotiation tactics
11:15 am-12:30 pm • Interpret and employ body language effectively
Concurrent sessions – 700 series
703. Tools of Process Improvement
701. Contract Language: Tough Problems

 Tactical Solutions (Lab)
Frank Cohen, MPA, MBB, principal and senior analyst, Frank Cohen
Penny Noyes, president, Health Business Navigators, Bowling Group LLC, Clearwater, Fla.
Green, Ky.
Process improvement can be one of the most difficult challenges
No written agreement will fix a bad business relationship, but a practice administrator must manage. In this follow-up lab
a badly written agreement can destroy a good one. To create experience to the “Tools of Process Improvement” session, you
effective contract language, the medical practice professional will get hands-on practice with the nuts and bolts of process
must understand and be able to use common contract terms. In improvement. Using metrics and tools, you will take the next step
this lab experience, you will learn about the chief components toward implementing process improvement in your practice.
of a payer contract and how to use that knowledge to quickly
evaluate these important documents. You will discover how to This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
avoid common language problems, and build in the elements that • Interpret the key metrics of process improvement
you must have in order to reap financial benefits for your practice. • Practice the application of various process-improvement
This lab focuses on the tools and applications associated with the techniques
presenter’s previous session. • Recall practical tips on communication and implementation
of process-improvement initiatives
This session will provide you with the knowledge to:
• Evaluate the important elements of a payer agreement in a
timely fashion
• Identify problem areas and propose alternative language
• Summarize the key elements of payer contracts in a payer

16 Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888.
You come in search of solutions.
You’ll leave with knowledge about an array
of products and services to meet your needs.
The MGMA 2011 Financial Management and Payer
Contracting Conference Exhibit Hall is your source for
information about the products and services to help your
group practice succeed. Dedicate time during the conference
to visit the Exhibit Hall, find answers to your challenges,
and build important relationships. What you learn from the
product and service experts will enable you to make informed
decisions about your practice’s current and future needs.

Exhibit Hall hours

Sunday, March 27
5:00-7:45 pm
Monday, March 28
9:00 am-12:30 pm and 1:35-3:45 pm
Tuesday, March 29

Healthcare Innovations Pavilion

Join leading solution providers and MGMA subject-matter
experts for focused, insightful 20-minute educational and
Q&A sessions. Each topic is designed to help you understand
opportunities for enhanced revenue or cost savings in your
practice. The complete schedule of presentations will be
available in the MGMA 2010 Financial Management and
Payer Contracting Conference planner.

Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888. 17
General information
Hotel and conference site Reserve your hotel room early!
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront MGMA has reserved a limited block of rooms until Friday, February
4, 2011. After this date, reservations at the group rate will be
700 Aliceanna Street accepted on a space-available basis only. Please note, if the room
Baltimore, MD 21202 block fills prior to the cutoff date, MGMA might not be able to
Phone: 410.385.3000 procure more rooms at the group rate.
Reservations: 800.266.9432 For sleeping room reservations, call 800.266.9432. Identify yourself as an attendee of the MGMA 2011 Financial Management and Payer
Contracting Conference to receive the discounted group rate. A
Room rate: Standard guest rooms are $229 per night for single or one-night deposit, including tax, must accompany all reservation
double occupancy, plus 13.5 percent to cover state and local taxes, requests by cash, check or credit card. Reservations can also be
as well as occupancy tax (subject to change). made online at; enter
your arrival date, number of nights, occupancy and the room type
requested to get rates and check availability.

Air transportation Faculty

MGMA recommends flying into the Baltimore/Washington MGMA reserves the right to change faculty or modify program
International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) located about 25 content.
minutes from the hotel. Taxi rates start at $30 from the airport to
the hotel. Note to those with special needs
We wish to take steps to ensure that no individual with a
Conference cancellation policy disability is excluded, denied services, segregated or otherwise
All conference registration cancellations must be received in treated differently than other individuals because of the absence
writing to the MGMA Service Center, 104 Inverness Terrace of auxiliary aids or services. If you need any auxiliary aids or
East, Englewood, CO 80112-5306, or faxed to 303.643.4439 no services identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act, call
later than Thursday, March 23, 2011, and are subject to a $150 the MGMA Meetings and Conferences Department toll-free at
processing fee. NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS will be issued after 877. 275.6462, ext. 1875, prior to your arrival.
Thursday, March 23, 2011. Cancellations by telephone will not be
accepted. All hotel cancellations must be made directly with the Continuing-education and ACMPE credit hours
hotel. Your hotel reservation confirmation will provide details on The American College of Medical Practice
making changes or canceling your lodging reservation. Executives (ACMPE) is MGMA’s standard-
If, for any reason, MGMA must cancel one of its programs or setting and certification body and promotes
turn you away due to limited attendance at the conference, the professional growth of leaders. By developing the Body of
your registration fee will be refunded in full. However, you are Knowledge for Medical Practice Management, ACMPE provides
responsible for your own airline and hotel reservations. MGMA a central framework for MGMA resources. This program is
cannot be held accountable for any cancellation charges caused approved to receive a maximum of 13.75 credit hours as assigned
by program cancellation or attendance limitations. by the ACMPE.
Call the MGMA Service Center toll-free 877.ASK.MGMA CME credit
(275.6462) if you are going to send a substitute registrant. If the The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) is
substitute has a different MGMA status, we will adjust the fee accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical
accordingly. Education to sponsor continuing medical education (CME) for
physicians. MGMA takes responsibility for the content, quality
ACMPE workshops cancellation policy and scientific integrity of this CME activity. MGMA designates
A registration cancellation must be postmarked no later than this CME activity for a maximum of 14 credit hours in Category
10 business days prior to each program and is subject to a $25 1 of the Physician’s Recognition Award of the American Medical
processing fee. No partial or full refund or credit will be made Association.
after this date or for failure to attend. Cancellation by telephone CPE credit
is not valid. All cancellations must be received in writing. MGMA designates this continuing professional
If for any reason it is necessary for ACMPE to cancel one of its education (CPE) activity up to the maximum number
programs or turn you away due to limited attendance, we will of 16.5 contact hours of credit in the Specialized Knowledge
refund the registration fee in full. You are responsible for your and Applications Field of Study. MGMA is registered with the
own airline reservations, and we cannot be held accountable National Association of State Boards of Accountability (NASBA) as
for any cancellation charges for airline tickets caused by such a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National
program cancellations or attendance limitations. Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final
authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.
Attire Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to
Business casual attire is appropriate for all conference functions, the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Ave. N., Ste.
including the receptions. Meeting-room temperatures vary. We 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Web site: For more
recommend wearing layers and bringing a light sweater or jacket information regarding administrative policies, such as complaint
for your comfort. and refund, please contact our offices at 877.275.6462, ext. 1875.

18 Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888.
MGMA 2011 Financial Management and Payer Contracting Conference
Meeting code: FMPC11 Register early …
Dates of conference: March 27-29, 2011 seating is limited!
Teams must register by calling MGMA toll-free 877.275.6462, ext. 1888
Please make copies of this form if more than one person registers.

(Check here if this is a new address) MGMA member #

Full name

Title Preferred name for badge



City State Zip Code

Phone Fax E-mail

Year started in medical group management: Is this your first time attending? Yes No

I will be attending the Refreshing Ideas Networking Event. Yes N0

A special note to the disabled: Please call MGMA’s Meetings and Conferences Department toll-free 877.275.6462, ext. 1875, prior to your arrival if
you have a special need and require accommodation to participate in this activity.

Postmarked on or before Postmarked after

Registration Fees
Feb. 25, 2011 Feb. 25, 2011
National MGMA member $579 $679
Affiliate $729 $829
Nonmember $779 $879

ACMPE activities
Pathway to Certification and Fellowship workshops (ACMFMJ11) $245
Pathway to Certification workshop (ACMFMB11) $185
Pathway to Fellowship workshop (ACMFMF11) $95

Members: Bring your team and take advantage of these special offers!
• Physicians attending with a member pay the member price
• When two or more colleagues from the same practice register, the second and subsquent team member(s) receives $100 off his/her registration fee.
Team must register via phone. Call MGMA toll-free 877.275.6462, ext. 1888. Team members are encouraged to register at the same time.


Method of payment (payment must accompany registration):


Mail Check enclosed
Mail the program registration form(s)
Charge my credit card:
Card number
VISA MasterCard
Exp. date
American Express

with your check made payable to MGMA, Cardholder’s name

to the following lockbox address: Cardholder’s signature Date
Medical Group Management Association
P.O. Box 17603, Denver, CO 80217-0603 If you’d prefer not to receive updates and promotional material from our exhibitors
and sponsors, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with “FM-PC 2011 no
% Toll-free 877.ASK.MGMA (275.6462) third-party promotions” in the subject line.

Fax: 303.643.4439

Registration must be received on or before Friday, Feb. 25, 2011, to receive the early-registration discount. All registrations received after Friday, Feb. 25, 2011, will be processed at the
standard fee category. Member rates are a privilege of MGMA membership. You must be a member at the time of registration.
We are not responsible for faxes not received. Cancellation of preregistration must be postmarked no later than Thursday, March 23, 2011, and is subject to a $150 processing fee. No
partial or full refund or credit will be made after this date or for failure to attend. See “Conference cancellation policy” in this brochure for the full policies regarding cancellations and

Please use promotion code FMPC11BR22 when registering from this brochure. Register at or phone toll-free, 877.275.6462, ext. 1888. 19
104 Inverness Terrace East
Englewood, CO 80112

Finding opportunity in uncertain times

MGMA 2011 Financial Management and
Payer Contracting Conference
March 27-29, 2011
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
Join your colleagues at the only face-to-face MGMA education program
focused on in-depth financial management for 2011.

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