Use of Electric Vehicles To Transform Mass Transportation in India

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Use of electric vehicles

to transform mass
transportation in India

December 2018
Table of contents
1. Preface...................................................................................................................... 3
2. A compelling need to create sustainable living – the e-Way................................... 4
3. Understanding the mobility market in India............................................................. 6
4. The end of the road for fuel-powered vehicles?...................................................... 8
5. Megatrends and the public transportation imperative............................................ 9
6. Increased mobility of electric vehicles in public transportation in India.............. 10
7. Driving the future: reshaping India......................................................................... 11

2 PwC | Use of electric vehicles to transform mass transportation in India

creating a business environment in which equipment
manufacturers are provided innovative fiscal incentives
to make a concerted effort to produce electric vehicles.
Once these elements are in place, the market can move
to reduce the cost of electric vehicles by making the
technology widely accessible, and thereby bring about
Vivek Ogra
a meaningful change in the country.
Government & Public Sector, PwC Public electric vehicles are however only one part
of a much broader approach that needs to be taken
Electric vehicles are the way forward for India and we must towards sustainable mobility. What is required is the
move towards self-sufficient electric vehicles that can combination of mutually inclusive elements.
replace fossil fuel-based ones. With the scale of pollution Apart from public transport systems, privately owned cars
in India and alarming projections of worsening climatic and other vehicles should also become climate-neutral.
conditions in the future, the only way to move forward in Use of such vehicles will play a major role in India meeting
our quest to achieve environmental sustainability and clean its environment and sustainability goals, and drastically
air to breathe is to rapidly move towards electric mobility. reduce pollution levels in the country.
Around the world, countries are rapidly adopting electric
vehicle-related technologies and gradually phasing out It will not be enough to merely replace internal
fossil fuel-based vehicles as a part of their concerted plan combustion engines with engines using electricity.
to combat climate change and rising pollution in cities. Electric vehicles must become an integral part of
For instance, some European countries plan to phase intermodal transportation systems to ease citizens’
out all fossil fuel-based cars by 2025 and some intend to transition from traditional modes of transportation
stop manufacture of such cars. This initiative is expected to them. This thrust must be a part of a holistic and
see more than a million electric cars on road by 2030. systemic approach to the establishment of sustainable
In this scenario, India should consider the best interest transport and energy sectors in the country. In addition,
of health and environment-related considerations in the demand-side management via smart city and land use
country. It needs to device an implementable roadmap planning; promotion of walking, biking (including the
and put together the right infrastructure and conducive use of e-bikes), light rail and trains are other means by
policy structure required for electric vehicles to meet the which we can reduce our dependence on traditional
needs of the humongous Indian automotive market and means of transport, and thereby significantly reduce
public transport system. environmental damage.

While the benefits of electric vehicles is obvious, their There is a need to associate electric vehicles with new
adoption rate is minimal in India. Therefore, to push the patterns of use. Instead of owning one car for years
e-Mobility initiative, the Government needs to provide and using it for all transport purposes, people must
adequate incentives for adoption of electric vehicles. This use several mobility services without owning these, but
will lead to cities seeing a surge in the demand for power. paying for their short-time use. It is therefore evident that
To meet this demand, the Government will need to develop the auto industry needs to shift its business model from
innovative solutions, for instance, by using the rooftops of selling cars to offering “mobility as a service”.
fuel pump stations to generate solar power across India.
These fuel stations could initially double up as solar power-
based electric vehicle- charging stations. This will not only
Electric mobility a paradigm shift
augment the earnings of the owners of fuel station, but also Sustainable mobility is not just about replacing fossil
facilitate the smooth transition from traditional fuel-based fuel-powered vehicles with modes of transportation
mobility solutions to renewable and clean energy-based propelled by electricity. It requires a drastic reduction
ones. Electric vehicles have to be an integral part of an in the number of personal vehicles in the country
environmentally sustainable future for us, and the sooner in favour of public transport, even if cars run on
we realise this, the faster will be our progress towards renewable electricity.
mobility of clean and green electricity in the country.
We also need to keep in mind that today a growing
In order to create a conducive environment to aid number of young urban professionals do not
accelerated implementation of green mobility initiatives, consider cars a status symbol, but just hire a car
innovators, entrepreneurs and regulators need to work when necessary. We would all do well to follow suit.
together to evolve new business models for successful It is all about a shift in cultural thinking, coupled with
adoption of ‘green’ initiatives. India needs to find ways the global technical revolution around e-Thinking
to implement electric mobility technology systems by in transport systems.

3 PwC | Use of electric vehicles to transform mass transportation in India

A compelling need to create
sustainable living – the e-Way.

‘Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’.
– United Nations.

The world’s current population is 7.5 billion1. Our earth The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
is going through an appalling period with respect to has forecast that global temperatures will continue to
climate change, an unsustainable population, extinction rise year on year for decades to come, mainly due to
of flora and fauna, an oil and energy crisis and much greenhouse gases produced by human beings. This
more. These conditions can all be attributed to human translates to a threat to flora, fauna and the entire
activities. Therefore, there is an immediate need to focus ecosystem, rising sea levels, the increased risk of new
on sustainable development and life around the world. diseases and health-related issues, and finally, the sixth
mass extinction of the human race.
Sustainable living is a way of life for humans to reduce
or limit their use of the earth’s natural resources, and Among several factors such as deforestation, changes in
conduct their lives in a manner that is consistent with and land usage and agriculture, decomposition of wastes in
respectful of their interdependent relationship with the landfills, etc., burning of fossil fuels is the key contributor
earth’s natural ecology and cycles. to climate change. Burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline
and diesel releases carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse
The United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development
gas, into the atmosphere, which causes the earth’s
in 2015 had listed Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
temperature to warm up and result in climate changes.
to address critical environmental, economic and political
Today, with the world witnessing a dramatic shift in
challenges faced in the world2. Among other issues,
economic, military, technological and cultural strength,
climate change is largely attributable to human activities.
countries such as India and China are considered to
be the potential superpowers of the future.

1. U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base,

2. UN Sustainable Development Goals,

4 PwC | Use of electric vehicles to transform mass transportation in India

India’s greenhouse emissions has grown faster than the country’s population. The emission
of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) in India is 20.54 billion tons with emissions growing annually by
5.57 percent between 2005 and 2013.3

Analysis of GHG Platform

The transportation sector is one of the major contributors with taking another look at our current fuel-powered mass
to CO2 emissions. Moreover, with rapid urbanisation transportation industry, and ways in which the desired
in developing economies such as India and China, incremental changes can be achieved. With our growing
CO2 emission by urban transport is increasing rapidly. population, a move to mass transportation will reduce
Therefore, there is an onus on these economies to the number of privately owned passenger vehicles on the
act immediately and combat climate change through road. To achieve this, the mass transportation industry
a constant focus on innovation in industry and needs to stay abreast with modern technologies and
infrastructure, and by building sustainable smart cities. automobiles that can cut down on CO2 emissions. The
The Government of India has been taking concrete main change will come in the form of e-Vehicles, which
steps in addressing climate change by investing heavily can take the industry to new and wider horizons and
on the issues mentioned above. However, taking into reimagine our vision of a sustainable future.
consideration the country’s ambitions and the pledge
This report elaborates on the imperatives for
taken under the Paris Agreement to reduce carbon
transportation through a sustainable electric
intensity to 33-35% by 2030, in comparison to the
vehicle transport system by the adoption of a
baseline year 20054, there are still huge gaps that
transformation strategy relating to use of electric
need to be bridged.
vehicles in mass transportation, the penetration of
Looking from a solution-based approach, the gaps in drivers of electric vehicles and the future of e-Mobility
the system could first be reduced and later bridged. This in India. These measures will go a long way in fulfilling
brings in the quintessential questions: What is causing the the nation’s promise of reducing carbon intensity
change? What needs to changed and to what? How can and achieving sustainability to improve the quality
the desired change be brought about? This would start of life of its inhabitants.

3. GHG Platform’s Analysis,

4. Climate Goals for India – MoEF,

5 PwC | Use of electric vehicles to transform mass transportation in India

Understanding the
mobility market in India
India is the second most populous country in the world With respect to sale of vehicles in the industry, the
with a population of 1.33 billion, and is growing at the passenger car segment grew by 5.87%, the commercial
rate of 1.1% year on year5. At this rate, it is expected to vehicle segment by 35.68%, the three-wheeler segment by
become the country with the largest population in the 31.97% and the two- wheeler segment by 11.14% in April-
world in the next 20 years. Furthermore, the advent of October 2018 over the same period the previous year10.
industrialisation and commercialisation has spurred
employment opportunities and resulted in spreading Share of vehicle types
urbanisation. With this rapid urbanisation, India is
expected to see 500 million people living in its cities by
2030 6. This, coupled with current and projected economic 70%
trends, is likely to lead to rising incomes in Indian
households, thereby increase the demand for mobility. 60%
The automobile industry in India is the world’s fourth 50%
largest and is expected to become the third largest
by 2021. The industry accounts for 7.1% of India’s 40%
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Automotive
Mission Plan 2016-2026 of the Government of India 30%
aims to raise this to 12% The Indian automotive
industry (including component manufacturing) is
expected to grow at a compounded annual growth
rate of 5.9% and reach INR16.16-18.18 trillion
(US$251.4-282.8 billion) by 2026, thereby becoming 0%
the fastest growing industry in the country7. 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
According to the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan
Two Wheelers Goods Vehicles
2020 report, the Indian automobile market is ruled by two
wheelers, which account for 75% of the total number
Cars, Jeeps and Taxis Others
of vehicles sold in the country. And the passenger car
segment is dominated by the small car segment and Buses
there is an increased likelihood for numbers to go up
significantly by 2030 8. Source:
This information has been corroborated by the Society of
Although India has been witnessing an increase in its
Indian Automobile Manufacturers’ (SIAM) report, ‘Overall
sale of vehicles year on year, automobile ownership in
Auto Industry Growing in Double Digit Marginal Growth
the country still remains low, with only 18 cars per 1,000
in Passenger Vehicles’, which indicates that the industry
citizens, compared to nearly 69 in China and 786 in
has produced a total of 1.95 crore vehicles, comprising
the US11. This indicates that a major section of Indians
passenger, commercial, three- wheeler and two-wheelers
do not own vehicles and are dependent on shared or
vehicles and quadricycle vehicles in April-October 2018
public means of mobility.
compared to 1.71 crore in April-October 2017, registering
a growth of 14.39% 9.

5.  World Bank Data 2017,,

6.  Urbanization Statistics,
7. IBEF, Automobile Industry in India,
8. NEMMP 2020,
9. SIAM Report,
10. SIAM Report,

6 PwC | Use of electric vehicles to transform mass transportation in India

With the dominance of and Indians’ increasing reliance
on road and rail transport, public buses and trains have
been the primary mode of transport in the country. The
report, The Key Indicators of Household Expenditure on
Services and Durable Goods, published by the Ministry
of Statistics and Programme Implementation in 2016,
indicated that buses are the most common means of
transport both in rural and urban areas. According to the
report, the maximum spend of around 66% of households
in rural areas and 62% of households in urban areas is on
buses. The other modes of transportation include auto-
rickshaws, cabs and trains12.

However, the supply side has not been able to catch up

proportionately with growing demand due to the rising
population. Moreover, the share of public transport buses
has declined, which has necessitated a revamp of the
public transport system in the country. This has resulted
in the growth of app-based cab aggregators, and is
synonymous with the penetration of smart phones. Today,
India’s two largest app-based cab aggregators provide
close to 3.5 million rides on a day to day basis13. This had
transformed the industry in terms of mobility and has
been a turn-key solution. However, in view of the long-
term perspective, what is needed is an efficient public
transport system in the country, with vehicles running on
electricity or alternative fuels, which make this mode of
conveyance efficient, convenient, comfortable and safe,
and encourage people to opt for public transport.

In this regard, India’s electric vehicle industry is taking

huge forward strides. The National Electric Mobility
Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020 was launched by the
Central Government in 2013 to boost the manufacture of
hybrid and electric vehicles in India and aims to achieve
production of seven million electric vehicles by 2020. This
initiative has been complemented by the Government
providing demand-side incentives through its Faster
Adoption & Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
in India (FAME) scheme.
A face lift is definitely anticipated for India’s electric
Private automobile players have risen to the challenge vehicle industry with a major thrust from the Government.
and have been investing in R&D facilities and setting up The differentiating factor will be how automobile
additional manufacturing units for e-Vehicles. And with manufacturers provide unique tailor-made services to
the Government deciding to fund up to 60% of R&D the different segments and at the same time comply with
costs for the development of indigenous low-cost electric mandated standards, quality and rate of innovation. This
technology, global automobile players are investing will catapult some organisations to the next league and at
heavily in R&D in electric vehicle technologies in India14. the same time see the downfall of others.

12. GoI Press Release,

13. Economic Times September 2018,
14. UNEP DTU Partnership, Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development,

7 PwC | Use of electric vehicles to transform mass transportation in India

The end of the road for
fuel-powered vehicles?
The answer to whether fuel-powered vehicles will end consumer’s point of view. In addition, if the total
be phased out in India will have to be looked at from cost of ownership, including the depreciation cost, tax,
different angles, including fuel consumption, and maintenance and insurance of a traditional vehicle, is high,
by the transportation industry on its contribution this makes such modes of transport unsustainable.
to air pollution, the total cost of ownership of fuel-
In 2017, the World Health Organization reported that India
powered vehicles against e-vehicles, and finally, the
has six of the ten cities in the world that are the highest on
Government’s focus on improving the sustainability of
the air pollution gauge. With the transport sector playing a
transport systems in the country.
major role in emission of Particulate Material 2.5 and with
India’s daily consumption of crude oil was around 4.6 the WHO classifying as early as 2012 that diesel exhausts
million barrels as of December 2017 (1 barrel ~ 159 litres), from transportation are Class I carcinogens17, it is clear that
which is the third highest in the world after the US and fuel-powered vehicles have a major role to play in polluting
China. However, the country’s dependence on imports the environment.
is high at close to 80% of its total oil consumption. This
The growth story of electric vehicles has been compelling
means depletion of its cash reserves, which serve as a
and some technologically advanced economies have
cushion during fluctuations in exchange rates. According to
developed cutting-edge technologies that have given them
2014 statistics, 70% of diesel and 99.6% of petrol was
the much-needed traction. This is in part a solution to the
consumed by the transport sector15. Today, the bulk of
larger problem in hand, since electric vehicles have zero
usage of diesel and petrol is by the transport sector,
tailpipe emissions and thereby reduce the carbon footprint.
barring a substantial use of diesel for farm-related services.
Apart from emissions, electric vehicles have fewer moving
Today, the price per litre of petrol is close to 19.5% parts or components and batteries with a life time of up to
of India’s daily per capita GDP16. And the high price 15 years. This drastically reduce their maintenance costs.
volatility of both petrol and diesel increases from the However, the current stabilisation phase is expected to
take longer periods of time in terms of technology, battery
support and charging infrastructure that need to be
established pan- India.

With government schemes and Smart City projects

providing a catalytic base and fostering the growing
EV presence, the future looks promising. At the current
rate, with the incremental changes introduced and the
formulation of policies and standards on emissions,
the inflection point is expected to be achieved by
2050, wherein 90% of vehicles will be electric and
only 10% traditional18.

15. India Crude Oil Consumption and Import Statistics, Crude Oil
Consumption of India,
16. Deduced, $/litre in Chennai, India is 1.06 (approximation based
on petrol prices in Chennai during 01st Dec 2018 to 03rd Dec
2018). GDP per capita India is $5.417 (
com/en/indicator/india/gdp-per-capita). Hence price per litre is
1.06/5.417 = 19.5% of the daily GDP per capita.
17. T
 op Polluted Cities in the World Data WHO 2017, https://
18. B
 ank of America Merrill Lynch Forecasts,

8 PwC | Use of electric vehicles to transform mass transportation in India

Megatrends and the public
transportation imperative
With India being at the heart of a transformation and Electric Mobility is also an example of how these
with numerous factors contributing to this, it is time for megatrends identified by PwC are interacting with each
some foresight that will provide India the opportunity other while also reshaping the world we live in.
to search for innovative solutions, achieve significant
More than a technological breakthrough, electric vehicles
growth and build stronger communities. PwC has been
need to be seen as a way for society to respond to the
helping the Government tackle complex changes inspired
changes brought about by the other Megatrends.
by five megatrends, including rapid urbanisation, the
shift in global economic power, climate change, scarcity Concerns surrounding climate change dictate our need
of resources, demographic and social change and to move to cleaner sources of energy, and all available
technological breakthroughs. These trends are disrupting evidence indicates that such energy will be harnessed
the economy, business and society as a whole. They in the form of electricity, and therefore it is imperative
are expected to make a major impact on the global that vehicles of the future should be built to be driven
economic and commercial landscape, and no society, using electrical energy.
organisation or individual will be exempt from the effect
As the forces of demographic transition and continued
of these megatrends. Therefore, it is important for us to
economic growth run their course, the size of the Indian
understand how to respond and adapt to the changes
middle class is expected to surge. Consequently, Indian
they will bring about.
cities are expected to witness a huge rise in the demand
for transportation services. An increase in personal
transportation would spell doom for the already over-
Rapid urbanisation crowded Indian cities and also be environmentally
disastrous. This indicates an urgent need for a rapid ramp
up of public transportation infrastructure in Indian cities.

Climate change and resource scarcity

Shift in global economic power

Demographic and social change

Technological breakthroughs

9 PwC | Use of electric vehicles to transform mass transportation in India

Increased mobility of electric vehicles
in public transportation in India
As the forces unleashed by the five megatrends interact,
Urban planning
the twin imperatives of mobility of electric vehicles
and public transportation throws up exciting options Electric mobility can also be expected to have an impact
for a resolution of associated challenges. And while it on how future Indian cities will need to be designed.
is not possible to predict how this will evolve, it would Space will have to be allocated for the creation of
be interesting to look at some of the key choices and large-scale charging infrastructure, where large fleets
trends that are emerging. of vehicles can be accommodated while they are being
charged. This is especially true in the case of India where
open urban spaces and proper parking facilities are a
Charging infrastructure rarity. Moreover, increasing adoption of public or shared
mobility options will also affect commute distances,
Solving this problem is central to driving adoption of
travel modes and various other factors necessitating
electric vehicles. It will also determine the kind of vehicles
recalibration of how and where urban services are
and the applications for which they will be suitable.
provided. This will have an impact on the design of
While wide availability of charging facilities would take
residential neighbourhoods, workplaces, shopping
care of range-related anxiety and encourage increasing
districts and entertainment facilities.
adoption of electric vehicles, this is expected to take
time. This means that early adopters will have to make
do with applications with a limited range, which can be Utilisation of vehicles
serviced by batteries for on-board charging.
The high initial cost of their batteries, coupled with the
low running cost of electric vehicles, is a clear indication
Para-transit that only high-utilisation vehicle categories will be viable,
especially during the early stages of their adoption curve.
Ensuring first and last mile connectivity is critical for
This points to public transportation vehicles.
adoption of public transportation, and the intermediate
para-transit sector is critical in this. In India, this sector is
riddled with problems, with a large number of un-regulated Connected mobility
transportation formats. This may be a viable opportunity
for governments and policy-makers to rethink their Shared and connected mobility paradigms are expected
approach to regulation of this critical sector. to reshape the evolution of this sector. New technology-
based solutions, business models and players are
expected to revolutionise the sector.

Form factor innovation

The use of the ‘electric drivetrain’ component, the need for
on-board battery storage, optimisation of vehicles’ weight
and shape for maximum range and similar engineering
considerations, coupled with new ways in which vehicles
are likely to be used (e.g., shared mobility), are expected
to lead to innovation in the design of future automobiles.
This is already evident in the widespread emergence of the
motorised e-rickshaws in India. Furthermore, innovations
can be expected in the seat and wheel configurations of
such vehicles. Regulators will also be required to respond
with updated norms, or even new categories of vehicles,
e.g., the recently approved ‘quadricycle’.

10 PwC | Use of electric vehicles to transform mass transportation in India

Driving the future:
reshaping India
While India has a clear vision, the path towards being
smart and sustainable to achieve this dream will require the
coordinated action of all stakeholders across the delivery
value chain. Responsibility and accountability will be integral
in the creation of a sustainable future for our economies,
cities and communities by protecting our environment. And
so the change has to come from within, from each of us,
with organisations and individuals working together in a
world driven by technology and virtue.

The Government should be responsible and draft reforms,

policies and programmes to build a favourable ecosystem
to promote e-Mobility. It should ensure promotion of
demand- and supply- side incentives to boost the Indian
electric vehicle industry, and continue with its efforts
and initiatives, e.g., proposing to bear up to 60% of the
R&D cost of developing indigenous and low-cost electric
technology19, undertaking pilot studies to provide a
structure for electric vehicle-charging infrastructure across
the country, supporting setting up of charging stations,
promoting electric three-wheelers and battery-powered
buses, inviting to India global companies making and
selling electric vehicles, seeking investment for setting up
charging stations, and subsidising the cost of electric cars,
three-wheelers and batteries. Furthermore, the Central
and state governments will have to step on the pedal and
promote Unified Metropolitan Transport in line with models
in countries such as Germany and Singapore. A focus
on revamping mass transportation run on electricity or
alternative fuels, and integrating bus, train and ferry services
in the city (supplemented with Information & Communication
Technology-related initiatives) would make the various
modes of public transportation efficient, convenient,
comfortable and safe, and encourage people to use them.

With the Government investing time, effort and money in

the field of e-Mobility, automotive companies will have to do
their bit in R&D to tap the full potential of technology―from
Block Chain to Artificial Intelligence. They will need to set up
manufacturing hubs in the country to focus on and invest in
building sustainable transport, to contribute to the creation
of-high performing and sustainable communities.

Lastly, getting closer to a bright future (projected above) will

not be possible without the support of Indian citizens. It is
the responsibility of every individual to welcome and be a
part of this change, to ensure that future generations inherit
a beautiful planet!

19. UNEP DTU Partnership, Centre on Energy, Climate and

Sustainable Development,

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14 PwC | Use of electric vehicles to transform mass transportation in India

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15 PwC | Use of electric vehicles to transform mass transportation in India
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