Donald Winnicot,: Spiritus

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What is digital?

We all have a "true self" that is complex and

- It describes electronic technology that fragile, but ultimately, is our essence. In an
generates, stores, and processes data in attempt to share that self with the world, we
terms of two states: positive and non- engage our decoy selves to manage the day-
to-day anxieties and challenges that come
before us.

Positive is expressed or represented by the

number 1; and
Therefore, our digital selves can but as:

1. Public: awareness that people will see

Non-positive by the number 0.
and know us

2. Social space: we wanted to be

Thus, data transmitted or stored with digital perceived by others, the way they
technology is expressed as a string of 0's wanted us to be; a medium wherein we
and 1's. Each of these state digits is referred can make friends

to as a bit (and a string of bits that a 3. Networked: we are interconnected with

computer can address individually as a others; we are wired for/within each
group is a byte).
other; we can be connected to anyone,
anytime and anywhere

In the last 15 years we have been 4. Economic space: a way where we

introduced to: wanted to be perceived by others or we
•World Wide Web
perceived ourselves based in our
socioeconomic status

•Chat rooms
5. By the numbers: we incorporate every
•On-line shopping
aspects of who we are basing on the
•Cell phones
number/s presented

•Internet gambling

•Internet pornography

•My Space





- derived from the Latin word, SPIRITUS

which refers to "breath" or "wind".


- This also refers to the part of human being

that seeks meaning less, through intra,
inter, and transpersonal connection.


- It involves a belief in a relationship with

•Four Square
some higher power, creative force, divine
•Wii and so on...
being or infinite source of energy.


Let's put it in the context of Psychology...

1. MEANING: having purpose, making

sense of life.

Physician and Psychoanalyst,

Donald Winnicot,
 2. VALUE: having cherished believes and
proposed a theory of self that posited there standards.

was a "true self" that is the instinctive core

of our personality and must be nurtured and 3. TRANSCENDENCE: appreciating a
dimension that is beyond the self.

Then there is the "false self" that is created 4. CONNECTING: relating to others

to protect the "true self" from insult and


5. BECOMING: involves reflection, allowing
life to unfold, and knowing who one is

6. SPIRITUAL NEEDS Need for: Love

Fullness of life Hope Values Trust
Creativity Forgiveness Connecting with
Higher power Being respected & valued
Belonging to a community Dignity

7. SPIRITUAL WELL BEING: a feeling of

being "generally alive, purposeful and

8. SPIRITUAL DISTRESS: a challenge to the

spiritual wellbeing or to the belief system
that provides strength, hope and
meaning to life.


Sacred Writing Sacred symbols Prayer
and meditation


" Spiritual life doesn't make you a good

person; You are a good person, you are a
holy being when you are born. What spiritual
life does is remind us that this is who we
really are." -Jack Kornfield


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