Overview of Subsea Systems

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Ov er v iew of Subsea

Syst ems- SS- 2

Dis cip line: Offshore & Subsea
L evel: Basic
Durat io n: 5 days
Ins t ruct o r( s ) : Kris Digre, Andrea Mangiavacchi, George Rodenbusch, Kent

An overview of subsea components and how they are integrated into field architecture is
provided during this five-day course. Individuals will develop a basic understanding of
the various subsea components used in all water depths, from relatively shallow to ultra-
deepwater. T he participants will all learn how the components are integrated into subsea
field developments, which will accelerate learning and productivity. Installation and flow
assurance are emphasized as key drivers in subsea design. T he course emphasizes a
systems approach to design. Individual and group exercises are used throughout the
course, including a case study to develop field architecture recommendations, basic
component selection, and high level project execution plans for a subsea development.
Course instructors are experienced offshore managers.

"Overall, a very well delivered and enjoyable course. As someone new to the industry, I
found the level of the course was pitched just right." - Process Engineer, Netherlands

"I learned a lot about subsea design considerations and trade-offs. Great instructor!" -
Facilities Engineer, United States

Des ig ned Fo r:
T echnical staff who are beginning or transitioning into the design, construction, and
operation of subsea systems. Non-technical staff working with a subsea development
team will benefit by developing an awareness of subsea systems.

Y o u Will L earn:
How T o:

Recognize the integrated nature of field architecture, system design, and component
Identify appropriate applications for subsea systems
Identify the main subsea components, their functions, strengths, weaknesses, and
interfaces from the well to the production facility
Understand key design, construction, and installation issues
Describe basic operating and maintenance considerations
Understand the key steps, from drilling through startup, for the design, fabrication,
testing, installation, and operation
Understand the importance of an integrated approach to design, flow assurance,
installation, and life-cycle considerations
Co urs e Co nt ent :
Applications for subsea systems
Flow assurance considerations in system design and configuration
Field architecture considerations
Subsea component descriptions and functions
Fabrication, testing, installation, commissioning, and operational issues
Production, maintenance, and repair considerations

Ins t ruct o rs :

MR. KRIS A. DIGRE has over 36 years of experience working in locations around the
world. He has designed or been involved with the design of offshore structures located
off the coast of West Africa, Alaska, Australia, Brazil, Borneo, California, China, Egypt, the
Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea. He has been involved in the technical specification
development and/or installation of all of deepwater T ension Leg Platforms (T LP) and a
Floating Production System (FPS) in the Gulf of Mexico and an FPSO offshore Nigeria. Mr.
Digre remains active in retirement providing advice to E&P project groups on various
Nigeria FPSO projects. Mr. Digre is a graduate (BSCE) of Illinois Institute of T echnology
and a Licensed Professional Engineer in New Jersey, Louisiana, T exas and California.

DR. ANDREA MANGIAVACCHI is currently involved in international deep-water offshore

projects on behalf of major oil and gas operators. He is also an active member of work
groups involved in the development of US and international standards for offshore
structures. After an early academic career with the University of Rome, Italy and with Rice
University in Houston, Andrea joined Brown & Root (today KBR), where over the next 25
years he was involved in a number of major international offshore oil and gas projects
(Gulf of Mexico, North Sea, South America, West Africa, Asia-Pacific). He also held a
number of corporate positions in the area of deep water technology, fixed and floating
offshore structures, and engineering systems. Andrea has extensive experience in
conceptual field development projects, structural analysis and design, hydrodynamics,
naval architecture, Computer Aided Engineering and Design. Andrea holds a MSc in
Nuclear Engineering and a PhD in Aerospace Engineering, both from the University of
Rome. He has authored or co-authored over 30 technical papers, and holds two patents.

DR. GEORGE RODENBUSCH has more than 32 years of experience in the engineering
and management of deepwater offshore oil and gas developments. He started his
career working in R&D where he developed tools for the estimation of loads on offshore
platforms induced by wind, wave and current during severe storms. He then joined a
Marine Systems Engineering group, which was formed to develop concepts for the
development of deepwater fields in the Gulf of Mexico. He has led the global analysis
group supporting the design of the Auger T ension Leg Platform that would move the
record water depth for offshore production from 410m to 870m. In addition to design
activities, he spent several years working on various technical problems involving
hydrodynamic and hydroelastic design of offshore platforms. He has provided
development planning support to operating companies around the globe in selecting
systems for the development of deepwater offshore fields. He spent several years as an
Engineering Manager supervising a group responsible for the design of floating
systems, risers, mooring systems and foundations for deepwater development
systems worldwide. He was active in the API Offshore Structures subcommittee, which
established and maintained key standards for offshore engineering, chairing that group
for several years. He was appointed as a Global T echnical Expert in Offshore Structure
Engineering in recognition of technical expertise and global contribution and was later
named the Global Discipline Head for Offshore Engineering. He holds a BS and MME in
Mechanical Engineering from Rice University and a PhD in Oceanographic Engineering
from Massachusetts Institute of T echnology & Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
He is a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of T exas and is a member of ASME.

DR. KENT SAUGIER is a hands-on scientific, technology and business professional with
twenty-five years' experience in upstream oil and gas, offshore technology, economics,
economic modeling, international petroleum contracts, project management, software
applications and technology including design, licensing and commercialization. He has
domestic and international experience, excellent presentation skills and strong
customer awareness. He received both a B.A. and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the
University of California.

In-Ho us e Co urs e P res ent at io ns

All courses are available for in-house presentation to individual organizations. In-house
courses may be structured the same as the public versions or tailored to meet your
requirements. Special courses on virtually any petroleum-related subject can be
arranged specifically for in-house presentation. For further information, contact our In-
House T raining Coordinator at one of the numbers listed below.
T elephone 1- 832 426 1234
Facsimile 1- 832 426 1244
E-Mail [email protected]

P ub lic Co urs e P res ent at io ns

How to contact PetroSkills:
1-800-821-5933 toll-free in North America or
T elephone 1-918-828-2500
Facsimile 1-918-828-2580
E-Mail [email protected]
Internet www.petroskills.com
Address P.O. Box 35448, T ulsa, Oklahoma 74153-0448, U.S.A

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