Wind Load

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Calculation of wind load External coefficient

Vb 39 m/s h/w 0.18

K1 1 Roof angle 13 degree
K2 0.98 At 0 degree
K3 1 windward -0.96
K4 1.15 Leeward -0.4
Vz 43.953 m/s
Pz 1159.12 N/m2 At 90 degree
Pz 1.15912 KN/m2 windward -0.77
Kd 0.9 Leeward -0.6
Ka 0.832
Kc 0.9
Pd 0.781154 KN/m2

B/w 2 truss 4.825 m

Cpe and Cpi
Internal coefficient At 0 degree
Case 1
Cpi 0.7 (More than 20% opening) windward -0.26
Right direc
Leeward 0.3

Case 2
windward -1.66
Left direc
Leeward -1.1

At 90 degree
Case 3
windward -0.07
Right direc
Leeward 0.1

Case 4
windward -1.47
Left direc
Leeward -1.3
F (Cpe-Cpi)*Pd*A

F1 -0.98 KN/m
F2 1.13 KN/m

F3 -6.26 KN/m
F4 -4.15 KN/m

F5 -0.26 KN/m
F6 -0.26 KN/m

F7 -5.54 KN/m
F8 -4.90 KN/m
F (Cpe-Cpi)*Pd*A

Cpi1 0.7 Cpe -0.5 F1 0.75

A 4.825

Pd 0.78

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