2019 Budget Call
2019 Budget Call
2019 Budget Call
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RepuLrhc ,'1 the I'hrl4rpurcs
Office 0f the ('itY Nhmr !
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The Budget Call for Calendar Year 2020 is issued for the following purposes, to wit:
1.2 To provide the overall fiscal policy framework that will be the basis for the preparation and prioritization of
the city's Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) for Budget Year (BY) 2020 and the estimation of their
corresponding budgetary requirements;
t.J To prescribe guidelines and procedures in the preparation of the department/office budget, including the
definition of accounts and filling-in of the requisite forms; and
2.1 The Local Government Unit of General Santos City's Four (4) Clusters, namely, ( 1) Good Governance; (2)
Bankability (3) Livability; and (4) Competitiveness, shall ensure that their respective cluster plans will be
aligned the city's vision "Green City of the South Gensan...Center of Region XIl, Regional Agri-
industrial and Transhipment Hub of SOCCSKSARGEN and Model of a Harmonious Multi-Cultural
City; blessed with a healthy disciplined and educated citizenry; driven by a diversified, competitive
and resilient economyl endowed with a balanced, sustainable and well-managed environment;
equipped with efficient, hazard resistant, and world-class infrastructures; and governed by a
responsive, participatory and transparent leadership" and address the requirements ofthrust and over all
development objective based on the following:
In line with the said thrust of the local government, the clusters shall consider the following critical
2.2 Cluster planswill likewise address the issues and concerns pointed out in the Climate and Disaster Risk
Assessment (CDRA); ELA Situational Analysis Matrix (SAM) and other related issues encountered by the
city to pursue a stabie local economy supportive of economic growth and enhanced quality of life. This shall
proAuri a societal impact to the lives of the Generals and the City as a whole.
The allocation of resources forthe proposed Programs/Projects/Activities (PPAs) of the Local Govemment Unit
of General Santos City for By 2020 shall be governed by the revised implementing guidelines on the budgetary
mechanism for the allocation and distribution of free-resources as stipulated under the Local Memorandum
Circular No. 2019-004, dated May 17, 2019. The said revised guidelines shall empower the four (4) clusters to
evaluate and identify ppAs need io be prioritized in the allocation/distribution of the free-resources among its
member departments.
The following variables shall be considered in determining the Free Resources, to wit:
3.r.3 Statutory, Contractual Obligation (Non-offi ce) shall include the followins: 20o/o of IRA for Local Development Fund; 5% of ERR reserve for CDRRM Fund; Aid to Barangays;
3.1 .3.4 Debt Servicing, Loan Amortization and lnterest Charges; Registration and lnsurance of Covernment Property; Inter-Special Account Transfer; and
3.1.4 Recurring Expenditures under Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)- This shall be
the guaranteed amount or floor value to be allowed or given to a particular office or program. lt
for the job
to 50% of their actual utilization, excluding the total utilization
shall be equivalent is the 55% of the difference of
the total
order, in cy 201g. Therefore, n..rrrii!'g*p.noi,utt and wages in the
utiriza'tsioiTor ;;;il; Personnel salaries
utilization under MOOE less its
Year (CY 20 I
3.1.5 Aid to National Government Agencies
3.1.9 Festivals
3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.1.6' 3'l'7, 3'l'8
by subtracting items 3'l'2' 3.1.3,
The Free Resources shall be computed the mathematical formula for the
computation of Free
Beiow is 1
Proposal Preparation
3.2 Budgetary Mechanism and
to the Ten (10) Point Agenda of the city
competitiveness and Livability, fased
on its relwance
on allocation by cluster' and' the formula as
based on the result of the EXECOM's decision
cluster during its budget preparation proceedings;
ncils her
att The Cluster
tt*at shall be ,.rponribi. in collating the approved PPAs (with budgetary allocation) and
endorsing the same to CBO on or before the date indicated in this Budget Call. Thus, the cluster
heads sh-atl prepare an e.recutive brief of their cluster review process, highlighting the Goal
Achievemeni Vlatrix (CAM) used in the prioritization of the PPAs, taking into consideration the
Cluster Logical Framework Analysis. Such will be presented during the technical budget hearing
by the Local Finance Board.
3.2.6 The Department Heads and Division Chiefs under the City Mayor's office, shall prepare their
budget proposals on a per PPA manner based on their approved PPA Profile as incorporated in the
approved AIP furnished by the City Planning and Development Office to the City Budget Office.
Such shall be based on their respective cluster plans, anchored to the Ten-Point Agenda of the City
Mayor, Five (5) priority areas of budgeting and other budgeting guidelines taking into consideration
the departments/office basic needs as presented in the AIP and shall follow the general guidelines
hereunder prescribed:
3 | i];: r,r i:
Departments/offices shall identify and direct resources
to the least cost and cost mandated in RA 7160 and
effective methods in the exercise of their functions as
their resPective dePartment Plan;
Mandatory, statutory and contractual obligations shall be fully provided, pursuant to the provisions
as prescribed in Republic Act No. 7160.
budget proposals deliberated by the Local Finance Board and approved by the City Mayor
shall be
deemed final and no longer be subjected for any further deliberation. Hence, all departments are encouraged
to use the Technical eudget Heaiings of the Cluster and Local Finance Board as an avenue in defending
request to be considered.
4.1 .1 Not less than twenty percent (20%) of the Internal Revenue Allotment shall be allocated for Local
Development Fund;
4.1.2 Five percent (5%) of total estimated revenues shall be set aside for City Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Fund;
4.1.3 Aid to Barangays shall not be less than Php 1,000.00 per barangay;
4.1.4 Two percent (2o/o)Extraordinary and Miscellaneous Expenses (Discretionary Fund) shallbe based
on the actual collections derived from the basic real property tax ofthe next preceding year;
4.1 .5 Confidential Fund shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the annual amount for Peace and Order
Programs of the LGU, pursuant to Joint CircularNo.20l5-0 I dated January 8,20 l5; and
4.1 .6 Debt Service appropriation shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total estimated revenues
for the budget year.
4.2.1 ItemizedPositions;
A''1 No organizational and personnel expansion, including the creation, conversion and re-classification
in order
of position, shall be allbwed withoui prejudice to the unfunding of funded lvacant positions
to fund needed positions;
permanent positions
+.2.J Salaries of itemized positions shall be equal to the sum of the annual salaries of
in the Plantilla of Personnel to be prepared by the Human Resource Management and Development
Office (HRMDO);
4.3.1 The budget proposals shall be reviewed according to the allocated funds per PPAs;
4.3.2 The proposal for the appropriation of Traveling Expenses shall indicate the destination,
based on the supplied
number of travel to conduct and other relevant information. The rates shall be
on the present
4.3.5 The proposed appropriation for Gasoline, Oil and Lubricants Expenses shall be based
number of vehicles and equipment at current price standard'
The departments' in-house training shall be supported with PPA. While external training shall
based on the departments' training plan submitted to HRMDO'
supported approved PPA Profile.
4.4.1 All lnformation Technology (lT) and Communication Eauipment related requirements shall be pre-
Uy ttte City Mayor's Office-lnformation Communication and Technology Division
such that lT requirements shall conform with the design for electric program or system that will serve
as the database s:ystem to synchronize the reports of the City Planning and DeveloPment Office. CitY
Engineer's Office. City Budget Office and other processing departments;
4.4.2 Purchase of motor vehicles shall not be allowed except for medical ambulances;
4.4.3 Repair and rehabilitation of existing equipment shall be considered as an alternative to the purchase
of new items. Replacement of unserviceable equipment considered necessary shall be given priority
overthe purchase of additional items. This provision shall not apply where the cost of repair is more
expensive. Request for replacement shall be supported by a certification that the said equipment is no
longer serviceable duly signed by the head of the department and properly turned over to the City
General Services Office (CGSO) for retirement.
4.4.4 Proposals for new equipment items shall be supported by an inventory of existing equipment duly
signed by CGSO. All equipment not directly needed in the performance of the agency's line functions
shall be disallowed.
4.4.5 Local development projects under the 20%o component of the Internal Revenue Allotment (lRA) and
other development projects shall compl), the provisions of Department of Interior and Local
Government and Department of Budget and Management Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No.
201 l-l dated April 13. 201 I and JMC No. 2017-01 dated February 22 2017.
4.4.7 Consider the status of your respective existing aopropriations for capital outlav accounts. otherwise
such will be subiected to the provisions of Local Memorandum Circular No. 2017-003 dated
September 12, 2017 re: Guidelines in the implementation, Usage and Reversion o.f Capital Outlqv
Accounts. both current and continuins Appropriations.
4.5.1 For uniformity, the following shall be observed for particular budget forms: Programmed Appropriation and Obligation by Object of Expenditure (LBp Forrn No 2)
Long Size Bond Paper
Font Style: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12
4.5 .l .2 Programrned Appropriation and Obligation fbr Special Appropriations (LBp Fornr No 2-A)
Bond Paper
: i:f.?;ze
Font Style: Times New Roman
Font Size: l2 Personnel Schedule (LBP Form No. 3-A)
Long Size Bond Paper
Font Style: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12
4.5.1 .4 Mandate, Vision/Mission, Major Final Output, Performance Indicators and Targets
(LBP Form No'4)
Lons Size Bond paoer
Font Style: Times New Roman
Font Size; l2 Matrix of Job Order Requirement per PPAs with the following details:
- Period of Contract
- Number of JOs to be needed for the imolementation of the
proposed PPA
- JO position
- Salary rate
- Total cost
- Corresponding competency needed
6lFr11r,t SummarlyListof Local DevelopmentProjectsunderthe20%oComponentof lntemal
neyrrust Atl"tr."t (lRA)
Approved Budget for the Contract: and proposed timelines duly signed by the CitY
4.6.2 All budgetary forms must be properly filled-up based on the instructions provided at the back of
evcrv forms:
4.6.3 All proposals shallbe accomplished in nine (9) copies/sets fastened in individualfolders; and
its coresPonding soft coPies;
4.6.4 Failure to submit budget proposal on the set deadline indicated in the Budget Calendar of
Activities, the same shill not be accepted by the Cluster Head except upon written approval of
the Citv Mavor.
The following documents shall be submitted to the City Budget Office on or before September 30,2019 as
required documents in the submission of the Local Expenditure Program (LEP) to the Sangguniang
Panlungsod and DBM:
tnconre generating units submit to City Treasurer their own All concerned departtnents May l5-31,2019
income estimates with supporttnB comPu!3tr9!:-
Mechanisnr of Allocation of Free Resources/Finalization of EXECOM/Local Finance Board May 17,2019
the Budget Call
eluster Meeting/Allocation of Free Resources within the Cluster Heads with CBO/LFB June 4-7. 20 I 9
City Budget Office June 6-7, 2019
Tinalization on the Enhanced Budgetary Mechanism on
Resource Allocation/Critiquing
VI. Workshop on Prioritization of PPAs and Resource Allocation Cluster Heads.4 TWC members June 13,2019
per Cluster. CPDO. CBO and City
VII. lssuance of Budget Call-Policy Cuidelines & City Mayor/City Budget Oftice .lune 14,2019
Procedures/Budget Forms
vilt Submission of Detailed Statement of lncome and City'Treasurer June 14,2019
City Mayor/Cit) Budget Oftice June 14,2019
tx tludgct Prcparation Fortrtrl/Workshop
Coordination/Prioritization/lsstles * lth in the Cluster Cluster HeadsiAOs/Budget .lune 14,2019
'Iechnical Iludget Hcarrng rvithin the Cluster IIXECOM June l8-19,2019
Departments/Ollices/Units June l9-June 28,
Assistance to AOs & SOs in the preparation of budget Departments/Otlices/Units lune l9-June 28,
proposals 2019
XIII. Revierv b-"- Cluster of the Subnritted Budget Proposal oithe Cluster I leads July 2{uly ||
Departrnent s 20t9
Submission of Budget Proposals to the City Budget Office by Cluster Heads July 12,2019
the Cluster lleads
XIV. Pre-review/validation of Budget Proposals City Budget Ol'fice July 12 to August
XV. Technical Budget llearing per Cluster l.ocal Finance Board August 6-14.2019
XVI. Consolidation ofBudget Proposals into the Local Expcndittlre i-ocal Finance Board August I -30. 20 | 9
Progranr (LEP)/Final Departnrent/Oilice Budget
XVII. Revicw of Final Budget u'ith the City fvlayor l,ocal l--inance Board September 2-4,
XVIII. Consolidation and Printing ofThe Executive Budget City Budget Oflice Septenrber 5-20.
XIX. SieninioiOttice Budget DepartrnerrVUnit Heads/LFB/CM Septenrher 23-27.
XXI Prcparatiorr of Budget Mcssagr' City Mayor/City Budget Office Septenrber 23-27.
I 2019
XXI, Submission of'fhe Executive Budget to Sangguniang City Mayor/City Budget Olfice Septernber 27 .2019
udqet proposals returned to depafirnents for correction or finalization must be given with utrnost
urgenc)' and is expected to be re-submitted immediately or within three (3) days upon receipt.
whichever is dernandable.
6.2.2 Complete set of duly accomplished Budget Preparation Forrns indicated under item 4.5
of this Memorandurn duly signed by the head of department/office.
7.1 The Local Finance Board shall act on queries, clarificatory questions, issues and observalions relative to
these guidelines for further resolution.
7 .2 The City Budget Office shall act as the secretariat in budget hearings and render technical and other forms
of assistance upon the request of the different offices to ensure that the preparation of the office budget
proposals are in accordance with the policies, guidelines, procedures and schedules prescribed in this
City Mayor
8li '