Object Oriented Programming Using Java Lab Manual (4+2)
Object Oriented Programming Using Java Lab Manual (4+2)
Object Oriented Programming Using Java Lab Manual (4+2)
1) Learn the significance of path & class path to execute JAVA applications
using command prompt.
2) Implement a program to print a statement on the console.
3) Add two integer numbers and print the result
4) Find out the difference between print and println methods.
1) Implement a program that creates & initialize 5 elements of a 1-D array & a
2-D array of type int & display it.
2) Create arrays of 5 item. Pass item name, qty and rate. Calculate and display
net amount for each item. Also display item having highest net amount.
3) Implement a JAVA program that supports automatic type casting in JAVA.
4) Implement a JAVA program that supports type casting of incompatible
1) Create a class called stack having two private members (array of integer,
tos) & two methods called push () & pop (). Create class DemoStack having
main () method. In that create stack object with different array size and then
push & pop the elements from stack.
1) Create a class Shape make it abstract, create one method abstract method
area() override it to calculate area of rectangle and Triangle.
2) Create an interface Area. Create compute() method and compute the area
of Rectangle and circle and display it using display method().
7. Packages:
8. Exception Handling: