14MTGB0 Mechatronics: Preamble
14MTGB0 Mechatronics: Preamble
14MTGB0 Mechatronics: Preamble
(Mechatronics) - 2014-15
Category L T P Credit
GE 3 0 0 3
The subject involves study of sensors, actuators, controlling mechanism/algorithm and common
Mechatronics applications. The students would be able to understand the synergistic
combination of all the aspects of Mechatronics which would be useful in developing a particular
Course Outcomes
COs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 P10 P11 P12
CO1 L M S S - - S - - M L S
CO2 L L S S - S - - - M L S
CO3 L S L M M M - - - L L M
CO4 L S L M L S M - - L L L
S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low
Assessment Pattern
Bloom’s Terminal
Assessment Tests
Category Examination
1 2 3
Remember 20 20 20 20
Understand 20 20 20 40
Apply 60 60 60 40
Analyse - - - -
Evaluate - - - -
Create - - - -
Approved in Board of Studies on 26.11.2016 Approved in 53rd Academic Council Meeting on 22.12.2016
B.E. (Mechatronics) - 2014-15
Study the ladder logic program in the figure and answer the questions that follow:
a. State the purpose of interconnecting the two timers?
b. Calulate the time elapsed before output PL is energized?
c. List the two conditions must be satisfied for timer T4:2 to start timing
d. Assume that putput PL is ON and power to the system is lost. Consider power is restored,
predict the status of this output.
e. Assume input PB2 is ON, discuss the consequences.
f. Assume input PB1 is ON, Calculate the accumulated time elapsed before rung 3.
2. Write a program to implement the process illustrated in the following figure. The sequence of
process is to be as follows:
Approved in Board of Studies on 26.11.2016 Approved in 53rd Academic Council Meeting on 22.12.2016
B.E. (Mechatronics) - 2014-15
a. Normally open and normally closed stop push buttons are used to start and stop the
b. Assume the start button is pressed, solenoid A energizes to start filling the tank.
c. As the tank fills, the empty level sensor switch closes.
d. Consider the tank is full, the full level sensor switch closes.
e. Solenoid A is de energized.
f. The agitate motor starts and runs for 3 min to mix the liquid.
g. As the agitate motor stops, solenoid B is energized to empty the tank.
h. As the tank is completely empty, the empty sensor switch opens to de-energize solenoid B.
i. The start button is pressed to repeat the sequence.
Approved in Board of Studies on 26.11.2016 Approved in 53rd Academic Council Meeting on 22.12.2016
B.E. (Mechatronics) - 2014-15
barrier. The car OUT side consists of the same arrangement which gets input from a camera,
which senses the number. Develop a suitable PLC control logic and design.
Concept Map
Actuators: Mechanical Actuating Systems: Mechanical systems - Cams, Gears, Ratchet and
Pawl, Belt & chain drives. Electrical Actuating Systems - Solenoids, DC Motors, Servomotors,
Stepper motors. Pneumatics & Hydraulic Actuating Systems: Directional control valves,
pressure control valves, cylinder sequencing and cascade control, Pneumatics & Hydraulic
Control Systems: Transfer functions, Modelling of dynamic systems, First order and second
order systems, Performance measures, Effect of pole location on transient response, Closed
Loop Controllers: ON – OFF Control, P, I, D control and PID controllers.
Approved in Board of Studies on 26.11.2016 Approved in 53rd Academic Council Meeting on 22.12.2016
B.E. (Mechatronics) - 2014-15
Applications: Bar Code Reader, Automatic Camera, Automatic Car Park system, Wind Screen
wiper motion, Engine management system, Antilock braking system (ABS) control, Pick and
Place Robot and Automatic Washing Machine.
Text Books
1. Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop, “Modern Control Systems” Twelfth Edition, Pearson
Education, 2014.
2. W. Bolton, “Mechatronics – Electronic control systems in Mechanical & Electrical
Engineering”, Pearson Education Ltd., 2003.
3. Shetty and Kolk, “Mechatronics System Design’, Cengage learning, India, second edition,
Reference Books
1. M.Gopal, “Control systems: Principles and Design”, Fourth edition, McGraw Hill education
Private Limited, 2014.
2. David M. Auslander, Carl J. Kempf,”Mechatronics: Mechanical System Interfacing”,
prientice hall, (1996).
Course Contents and Lecture Schedule
Approved in Board of Studies on 26.11.2016 Approved in 53rd Academic Council Meeting on 22.12.2016
B.E. (Mechatronics) - 2014-15
1. Mr T Vivek - [email protected]
2. Mr M.A Ganesh - [email protected]
Approved in Board of Studies on 26.11.2016 Approved in 53rd Academic Council Meeting on 22.12.2016