Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme For Micro and Small Enterprises (Cgmse)
Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme For Micro and Small Enterprises (Cgmse)
Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme For Micro and Small Enterprises (Cgmse)
CGMSE provides credit guarantee cover to the collateral free credit provided to Micro
& Small Enterprises by the bank.
For all credit facilities under MSE up to Rs.10 lacs:
As per RBI guidelines, no collateral security shall be obtained and all eligible loans shall
be covered under CGTMSE without exception.
For all credit facilities above Rs.10 lacs up to Rs. 100 lacs under MSE eligible for
coverage under CGTMSE
Only primary security /mortgage of land and building associated with the business shall
be obtained and all eligible accounts shall be covered under CGTMSE. However option is
available to borrower to decide on coverage of loans under CGTMSE
Assets created out of credit facility granted and associated with the business of the unit
and CGTMSE covered loans no third party or collateral security.
Rate of interest:
Credit Facilities(Cumulative) Interest Rate
Upto `.50000/= BR+0.50%
Above `.50000/= upto `.10.00 lacs BR+1.00%
Credit Rating Above `.10 lacs & upto `.100 Lacs Above `.100 lacs
* The tenor premium of 0.25%shall be added for all term loans of 36 months and above
as per the guidelines.
Period of term loan in case of Term Loans and 5 years in case of working capital facility.
Composite all in one guarantee fee@ 1.00% of the credit facility sanctions is payable
annually to CGTMSE.In case of women Micro Enterprises and units in North eastern
region it is 0.75% for loans up to Rs. 5.00 lac and 0.85% for loans above Rs 10.00
Lock in period of 18 months from either the date of last disbursement or date of
payment of guarantee fee whichever is later, for invoking the claim under the scheme.
*Conditions apply