Curriculum Map 7 2019 2020
Curriculum Map 7 2019 2020
Curriculum Map 7 2019 2020
Subject: English 7
Q1 Unit 1 The learner… The learner Acquisition
July 15 – Philippine transfers
Septembe Literature demonstrates learning by: ReadingComprehension Drills and Interactive reading Slides Grab every
r 25, 2019 in the Pre- understandin 1. Scan for specific exercises Charts and Tables opportunity
colonial information (EN7SS-Ia- Quizzes Close reading/ in- to unravel
g of: pre- showing
Period 1.5.2) Long test depth reading Lapid, M. & Serrano J. new
colonial appreciation 2. Skim for major ideas discoveries
Traffic Lights (2018), English
Philippine for the using heading as guide Projects Communication Arts
literature as a literature of the (EN7SS-Ib-1.5.1) and Skills through
means of past; 3. Read intensively to find teacher Philippine
connecting to comprehendin answers to specific conference Literature,Phoenix
the past; g texts using questions (EN7RC-Ic- Self- Publishing House Inc.,
various appropriate 7.1) assessment Quezon City
reading styles; reading styles; 4. Give the meaning of Oral Gonzales, C. et al,
ways of participating in given signs and symbols Questioning Oral Recitation Essential English Obedience
determining conversations (road signs, prohibited Seatwork English, Rex Book to road and
signs, etc.) (EN7RC-Ig- Analyzing/reacting Store Inc., Sampaloc, prohibited
word using Worktext
1.2) to the symbols’ Manila signs to
meaning; the appropriate exercises
meaning Tinao, C. Practical prevent
sounds of context- Pair work and
Spoken English from
English and dependent group work
Listening Comprehension Program(PSEP) accidents
the prosodic expressions; Performance
Task Villamin, A. et. Al
features of producing 1. Recognize prosodic (2013), Skill Builders
speech; and English sounds features: volume, for Efficient Reading,
subject-verb correctly and projection, pitch, PSEP Phoenix Publishing
agreement. using the stress, intonation, House, Quezon City Proper
prosodic juncture, and speech Listening to audio- AralinksTeachnology speech
features of rate that serve as clips delivery to
carriers of meaning watch? help people
speech Analyzing/reacting
(EN7LC-Ia-5) decipher the
effectively in 2. Listen for important to audio clips v=ew4HmNigsRs message
various points signaled by
situations; and volume, projection,
observing pitch, stress,
intonation, juncture,
correct subject-
and rate of
verb speech(EN7LC-Ia-5.2)
agreement. 3. Note the changes in
volume, projection,
pitch, stress,
intonation, juncture,
and rate of speech that
affect meaning(EN7LC-
Viewing Comprehension
1. Identify the genre of a
material viewed (such
as movie clip, trailer,
news flash, internet-
based program,
documentary, video, Examining
etc.) (EN7VC-Id-6) Video Analysis the
2. Organize information Direct instruction truthfulness
from a material viewed and
(EN7VC-If-9) accuracy of
3. Determine the the content
truthfulness and being
accuracy of the viewed
material viewed Graphic organizers
(EN7VC-Ih-10) Cooperative
Vocabulary Development Differentiated
1. Distinguish between Instruction Respecting
slang and colloquial and
expressions in adapting
conversations (EN7V- one’s culture
Ia-22) for survival
2. Distinguish features of
colloquial language Using
Small group guided
(fillers, contractions, language
etc.) and slang(EN7V- Direct instruction suitable for
Ia-22.1) a particular
3. Select appropriate situation
colloquial or idiomatic
word or expression as
a substitute for another
word or
1. Describe the different
literary genres during Connecting
the pre-colonial period to the
(EN7LT-Ia-2) significant
2. Identify the past
distinguishing features
of proverbs, myths, and
3. Determine the tone,
mood, technique, and
purpose of the author
(EN7LT-If-2.2.3) strategies
4. Draw similarities and Interactive reading
differences of the Graphic Organizers
featured selections in Class treasury
relation to the theme Agree-disagree
Literature Interactive
1.Discover literature as a discussion
means of connecting to Faithfulness
a significant
past(EN7LT-Ia-1) Appreciatio
2. Explain how the n and
elements specific to a awareness
genre contribute to the of various
theme of a particular Dyad Sharing cultures
literary selection
Self-paced teaching
(EN7LT-Ib-2.2) Take pride
3. Express appreciation in honoring
for sensory images one’s roots
used and cultural
4. Explain the literary heritage
devices used (EN7LT-
Id-2.2.2) Guided Writing
5. Explain how a selection Guessing Game
may be influenced by Graphic Organizers
culture, history, Oral sharing on
environment, or other related topic
factors (EN7LT-Ii-3)
Essential Questions
What do Philippine folk
speeches tell about the
Filipinos of the pre-
colonial Philippines?
How can I use literature
to connect with the past?
How can I distinguish folk
speeches from other
literary forms?
How do the elements of
folklore contribute to the
theme of the lesson? Learning Logs
Direct instruction
Transfer Cooperative
Make a compilation of Be focused
literary texts that allows to any task
one’s self to connect to the
significant past