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Chapter 4: Fluid dynamics: Lectures by PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý [email protected]

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Momentum equation- PGS.TS.

Nguyễn Quốc Ý

Chapter 4: Fluid dynamics

Part 2: Momentum equation

Lectures by PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý

[email protected]

Ngày 4 tháng 7 năm 2019

Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý

Momentum equation
Applications of momentum equation to calculate fluid flow - solid
objects forces

Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý General momentum conservation equation

Momentum conservation equation

D ~ ρ d–V “
V F~sys
Dt sys
sys ” cv :
ÿ ÿ
F~sys “ F~cv

Reynolds transport theorem:

ż ż ż
D ~ B ~ ~ ρV
~ ¨ ~ndA
V ρ d–V “ V ρ d–V ` V
Dt sys Bt cv cs

Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Momentum equation for steady 1D flow

Momentum conservation

Reynolds transport theorem:

ż ż ż
D ~ B ~ ~ ρV
~ ¨ ~ndA
V ρ d–V “ V ρ d–V ` V
Dt sys Bt cv
looooooomooooooon cs
Steady flow:
ż ÿ
~ ρV
V ~ ¨ ~ndA “ F~cv
cs 4/1
Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Momentum equation for steady 1D flow

Momentum conservation

ˇ ˇ
ÿ ÿ ˇˇ
cv “ csˇ ` csˇ
ˇ ˇ
out in
ÿ ÿ ÿ
~out ρout Qout ´ V
V ~in ρin Qin “ F~cv

˝ Uniform velocity distribution:

ˇ ˇ
ÿ ÿ ˇ ÿ ˇ
F~cv “ ~
ρQ V ˇ ~
ρQ V ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
CS out CS in

Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Momentum equation for steady 1D flow

Momentum conservation

˝ Non-uniform velocity distribution:

ˇ ˇ
ÿ ÿ ˇ ÿ ˇ
F~cv “ αo ρQ V~av ˇ ´ ~av ˇˇ
αo ρQ V
ˇ ˇ
CS out CS in

αo : Momentum correction factor,

v 
ż ˆ ˙

αo “ dA
A A Vav

Laminar flow in pipe: αo « 1.33

Turbulent flow in pipe: αo « 1.04
In engineering applications, αo “ 1.0: OK!

Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Applications of steady 1D momentum equation

General method:
Fluid flow - solid body interaction forces

* Step 1, Identify:
Control volume CV , Sketch on the figure
Suitable coordiate system Oxy , Oxyz. . . , Sketch on the figure
* Step 2, Analyze forces and velocity vectors
External forces acting on CV:
Body forces (Gravitational focre, magnetic force. . . )
Surface forces (pressure, friction. . . )
Forces by solid bodies on the flow, supporting forces from the
structures acting on CV
~in , V
Identify ρQ “ Qm in and ρQ “ Qm out; V ~out
* Step 3, Write the momentum equation in each direction
To find velocity: Employ continuity and/or energy equation
To find pressure: Employ energy equation
* Step 4, Solve for the unknowns

Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Applications of steady 1D momentum equation

Fluid flow - solid body interation forces

Action force - Reaction force

Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Applications of steady 1D momentum equation

Fluid flow - solid body interation forces

Control volume

Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Applications of steady 1D momentum equation

Fluid flow - solid body interation forces

Pressure force

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Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Applications of steady 1D momentum equation

Fluid flow - solid body interation forces

1) Forces due to jet

A water jet is deflected 60o by a

stationary vane as shown in the figure.
The incoming jet has a speed of 30m/s
and a diameter of 2.5 cm. Find the force
exerted by the jet on the vane. Neglect
the influence of gravity.

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Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Applications of steady 1D momentum equation

Fluid flow - solid body interation forces

2) Forces on nozzle

Air flowing through a nozzle. Given: p1

105 kPa abs, and the atmospheric
pressure:101.3 kPa abs. The nozzle
diameter: 60 mm, exit diameter of 10
mm, and connected to the pipe by
flanges. Find the air speed at the exit of
the nozzle and the force required to hold
the nozzle stationary. Assume the air
density of 1.22kg {m3 . Neglect the
weight of the nozzle.

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Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Applications of steady 1D momentum equation

Fluid flow - solid body interation forces

3) Forces on pipe bend

A 1 m–diameter pipe bend carrying

crude oil (δ “ 0.95)with flow rate of 2
m3 {s.;The bend angle of 30o and in a
horizontal plane. The volume of oil in
the bend: 1.2 m3 ; the empty weight of
the bend: 4 kN. Assume constant
pressure along the centerline of the bend
of 75 kPa gage. Find the net force
required to hold the bend in place.

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Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Applications of steady 1D momentum equation

Fluid flow - solid body interation forces

4) Forces due to flow in open channel

Given: water depth H and the width b of the sluice gate. Determine the anchoring
force required to hold the gate in place in the horizontal direction.

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Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Applications of steady 1D momentum equation

Fluid flow - solid body interation forces

5) Forces on body moving at constant velocity

Water from a stationary nozzle: speed of

50 m/s and a cross-sectional area: 5
cm2 . The jet strikes a moving block and
is deflected 90o relative to the block.
The block: constant speed of 25 m/s on
a surface with friction. The water
density: 1000 kg {m3 . Find the frictional
force F acting on the block.

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Momentum equation- PGS.TS. Nguyễn Quốc Ý Applications of steady 1D momentum equation

Fluid flow - solid body interation forces

6) Forces on object in wind tunnel

A bullet-shaped device tested in a wind tunnel. The tunnel diameter: 1 m,

the pressure at section 1 and 2: 1.5 kPa gage and 1.0 kPa gage, and air
density is 1.0 kg {m3 . The inlet velocity: 30 m/s. The exit velocity varies
linearly as shown in the sketch. Determine the drag force on the device
and support vanes. Neglect viscous resistance at the wall, and assume
pressure is uniform across sections 1 and 2.

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