Effect of Tempering On The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Low Alloy Martensitic Steel

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Effect of tempering on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low

carbon low alloy martensitic steel

Article · June 2007


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3 authors:

K. A. Bello Bolaji Hassan

Ahmadu Bello University University of Lagos


Malik Abdulwahab
Ahmadu Bello University


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Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 3(12): 1719-1723, 2007
© 2007, INSInet Publication

Effects of Tempering on the Microstructure and

Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon, Low Alloy Martensitic Steel

Bello K.A., Hassan S.B. and Abdulwahab M.

Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria.

Abstract: In this study, the effects of tempering thermal treatment on the microstructural and properties
behaviour of 0.22wt pct C microalloyed steel were investigated. The microalloyed steel samples were
austenitized and quenched to produce a lath martensite followed by annealing in intercritical region (á+ë)
and subsequently quenched to produce a dual phase of ferrite-martensite microstructure. The specimens
were subsequently tempered at temperatures of 250, 350 and 450 o C for 1 hour. The microstructures, tensile
and impact toughness properties of these steels were analyzed and compared with the microalloyed steel
that were conventionally quenched and tempered. The result showed that tempered dual phase
microalloyed steel samples significantly exhibited superb mechanical properties including higher tensile
strength, ductility and impact toughness as compared with that of conventionally quenched and tempered
steel samples.

Keywords: Microalloyed Steel, Quenching, Tempering, Intercritical region, Ferrite-Martensite

INTRODUCTION acceptance in this role [8 ] . This successful application

has p receded the acquisition of a complete
Steel is arguably world’s most “advanced” understanding of the detailed relationships between
material. It is very versatile material with a wide range their process route, microstructure, and mechanical
of attractive properties which can be produced at a properties, although some research has been carried out
very competitive production cost [1 ,2 ]. The optimization in ord er to op tim ize the va ria bles in the
of alloying contents in the iron-carbon alloy system strength/formability balance [1 ,9 ,1 0 ] . H owever, the
combined with different mechanical and heat treatments Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of
lead to immense opportunities for parameter variations tempered dual phase steels is also of interest but has
and these are continuously being developed [3 ]. received little attention.
Applications of steels for engineering components The objective of this work, therefore, was to study
and compare the effect of variation of tempering
require a complete understanding of material properties
temperatures on the microstructure and mechanical
and design requirement. Through the last few decades
properties of quenched and conventionally tempered
a category of steels known as high strength steels have
microalloyed steels with that of tempered dual phase
undergone constant research [1 ]. As a result, quenched
microalloyed steels.
and tempered microalloyed steels are most likely
candidate material for the next generation of high-
strength steel sheets. For a given alloy content,
quenched and tempered microalloyed steel exhibit good M aterials: Commercial microalloyed steel used in the
combination of strength and toughness [4 ,5 ]. present investigation was supplied by SCC Nigeria
Traditionally, quenched and tempered steels sheets Limited (Abuja, Nigeria) in the form of 15-mm-thick
are being employed in automotive industry in the areas hot rolled plates. The steel was analyzed and the
of structural members, power transmission and impact chemical compositions are given in Table 1.
resistance systems. W ith the advent of dual-phase (DP)
heat treatment, the possibility of introducing dual phase Equipment: The equipment used for this research are;
treated sheets is becoming attractive proposition in Muffle furnace with a maximum temperature of
those areas. Dual-phase microalloyed steel consists of 1600 o C, Brine (quechant), SAE 40 Engine Oil
martensitic islands in a ductile ferrite matrix [6 ,7 ]. Their (quechant), Grinding and Polishing Machine, Optical
potential as superior strength and formability substitutes Metallurgical Microscope with an in-built camera,
for current automotive steels was recognized and has Lathe turning machine, Monsanto type W -tensiometer,
provided an incentive for their rapid development Izod impact testing machine.

Corresponding Author: Bello K.A., Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria.
Tel.: +234806-036-0240. E-mail address: [email protected]
J. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(12): 1719-1723, 2007

Table 1: Chem ical Com positions of the Steel U sed.

%C %Mn % Si %P %S %Mo %V % Ti % Al
0.22 1.20 0.25 0.025 0.025 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.051

M icrograph 1: M icrostructure of microalloyed steel

sample austenitized at 920 o C and
quenched in iced brine (-8 o C) solution.
T he structure consist only lath

M icrograph 2: M i c r o s t r u c t u r e of martensitic
microalloyed steel sample
intercritically annealed (DP-treated) at
770 o C for 60minutes and quenched in
o il. T h e stru c tu re c o nsists o f
martensite (dark) in a ferrite matrix

M ethods: The steel samples were austenitized at 920 o C M icrograph 3: M i c r o s t r u c tu r e of dual phase
in an electric muffle furnace for 1hr and quenched in microalloyed steel samples and
9% iced brine (-8 o C) to produce 100% lath martensitic tempered at (a) 250 o C (b) 350 o C (c)
microstructure. Part of these samples was then 450 o C.
intercritically annealed at the intercritical temperature
of 770 o C, held for 60min and then quenched in oil The microstructures of all the heat treated
(28 o C) to room temperature to produce a composite conditions were examined by means of optical
dual microstructure of ferrite and martensite. The initial metallurgical microscope. The samples for optical
quenched and the intercritically annealed samples were microscopy were cut along the rolled direction, ground,
subsequently tempered at a temperature of 250-450 o C polished, etched in a 2% Nital solution and analyzed
for 60minutes followed by air-cooling. using optical microscopy. Tensile tests were carried out

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(12): 1719-1723, 2007

quenched in iced brine solution. Micrograph 2 shows

the microstructure of quenched sample subjected to
intercritical thermal treatment and quenched in oil. The
structure consists of fine distribution of lath martensite
in a ferrite matrix. Micrograph 3(a-c) reveal the
microstructure of sample quenched from the intercritical
temperature of 770 o C (1hr) and tempered at 250 to
450 o C. The structures of these tempered samples
consist of ferrite and tempered martensite, the
proportions of which depend on tempering temperature.
The tempered martensite with associated ferrite is
responsible for the unique combination of strength,
ductility, and toughness that were obtained in tempered
d u a l p ha se ste els. M ic ro g ra p h 4 (a -c ) sho w
microstructure of samples quenched and tempered at
250-450 o C range. As expected, this reveals tempered
martensite only.

M echanical Properties: Evaluation of mechanical

properties of the tempered dual phase steel samples
indicates that the dual phase (DP) sample has
undergone microstructural changes on tempering that
are akin to those of fully martensite low carbon steel.
The yield strength and tensile strength are plotted
against the tempering temperature as shown in fig.1
and fig.2 respectively. T he tensile strength of the
tempered DP steels decreases with an increase in
tempering temperature range of 250-450 o C. Similarly
the yield strength decreases but does not show
significant variation as tempering temperature increases.
The results of variations of percentage elongation and
impact toughness with the tempering temperature are
represented in fig.3 and fig.4 respectively. The
percentage elongation increases with an increase in the
tempering temperature. T he percentage elongation of
the tempered dual phase specimen is slightly greater
than that of the dual phase samples.
The yield strength, tensile strength, elongation and
impact toughness of the conventional quenched and
tempered steel are plotted against the tempering
temperature (250-450 o C). These results are also
M icrograph 4: M icrostructure of the as-quenched indicated in fig.1-4. The yield and tensile strength of
steel samples tempered at (a) 250 o C conventional quenched and tempered steel significantly
(b) 350 o C (c) 450 o C. decreased with increase in the tempering temperature.
An increase in the elongation and impact toughness is
on round samples with a diameter of 12.5mm and a observed with tempering temperature but comparatively
gauge length of 50mm following. Impact tests were low to that of tempered dual phase steel samples.
carried out using standard Izod V-notch-type samples.
A minimum of three samples was tested for each heat- Conclusion: From the result of the investigation carried
treated microstructure. out in this research, it can be concluded that:

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS C The tempered dual phase steel samples are
characterized by a comparatively high strength,
M icrostructure: M icrograph1 shows martensite ductility and toughness than the quenched and
structure in a sample austenitized at 920 o C and tempered samples.

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(12): 1719-1723, 2007

Fig. 1: Effect of tempering temperature on the tensile strength of as-quenched and DP-treated steels.

Fig. 2: Effect of tempering temperature on the yield strength of as-quenched and DP-treated steels.

Fig. 3: Effect of tempering temperature on the % Elongation of as-quenched and DP-treated steels.

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(12): 1719-1723, 2007

Fig. 4: Effect of tempering temperature on the Impact toughness of as-quenched and DP-treated steels.

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