Viana Et Al, 2019 - Intervalado X Contínuo

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Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 on 14 February 2019. Downloaded from on 26 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Is interval training the magic bullet for fat loss? A
systematic review and meta-analysis comparing
moderate-intensity continuous training with high-
intensity interval training (HIIT)
Ricardo Borges Viana,‍ ‍ 1 João Pedro Araújo Naves,1 Victor Silveira Coswig,‍ ‍ 2
Claudio Andre Barbosa de Lira,‍ ‍ 1 James Steele,3 James Peter Fisher,‍ ‍ 3 Paulo Gentil‍ ‍ 1

►► Additional material is Abstract Introduction

published online only. To view Objectives  To compare the effects of interval training Whether physical activity affects weight control
please visit the journal online
(​ x.​doi.o​ rg/​10.​1136/​ and moderate-intensity continuous training (MOD) on has been an ongoing topic of controversy.1 2 The
bjsports-​2018-​099928). body adiposity in humans, and to perform subgroup majority of physical activity guidelines for the
analyses that consider the type and duration of interval management of obesity recommend high exer-
Faculty of Physical Education training in different groups. cise volumes.3 4 Guidelines generally recommend
and Dance, Federal University of
Goiás, Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil Design  Systematic review and meta-analysis. 150–250 min/week, and up to 60 min/day, of moder-
Faculty of Physical Education, Data sources  English-language, Spanish-language ate-intensity aerobic exercise to prevent weight gain
Federal University of Pará, and Portuguese-language searches of the electronic or to reduce body mass a little bit (2–3 kg).4 5 More
Castanhal, Pará, Brazil than an hour of exercise daily (>420 min/week)
Centre for Health, Exercise, and
databases PubMed and Scopus were conducted from
inception to 11 December 2017. is recommended to lose more weight (5–7.5 kg)3
Sport Science, School of Sport,
Health and Social Sciences, Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Studies and few people meet these guidelines.6 7
Southampton, Hampshire, UK that met the following criteria were included: (1) Interval training may have the potential to
original articles, (2) human trials, (3) minimum exercise promote weight loss as it has some benefits
Correspondence to
training duration of 4 weeks, and (4) directly or indirectly similar to moderate-intensity continuous training
Dr Paulo Gentil, Faculdade (MOD) while requiring less time.8 9 MOD is
de Educação Física e Dança, compared interval training with MOD as the primary or
Universidade Federal de Goiás, secondary aim. typically defined as continuous effort that elicits
Goiania 74605-220, Brazil; 55%–70% of the maximal heart rate (HRmax) or
Results  Of the 786 studies found, 41 and 36 were
​paulogentil@​hotmail.c​ om promotes oxygen consumption (‍V ‍O2) equivalent
included in the qualitative analysis and meta-analysis,
to 40%–60% of the maximum ‍V ‍O2 (‍V ‍O2max).10
Accepted 14 December 2018 respectively. Within-group analyses showed significant
Interval training is an intermittent period of effort
Published Online First reductions in total body fat percentage (%) (interval
14 February 2019 interspersed by recovery periods11; the two most
training: −1.50 [95% CI −2.14 to −0.86, p<0.00001]
common types of interval training are high-inten-
and MOD: −1.44 [95% CI −2.00 to −0.89, p<0.00001])
sity interval training (HIIT) and sprint interval
and in total absolute fat mass (kg) (interval training:
training (SIT).7 HIIT requires ‘near maximal’
−1.58 [95% CI −2.74 to −0.43, p=0.007] and MOD: efforts performed at a heart rate (HR) ≥80%
−1.13 [95% CI −2.18 to −0.08, p=0.04]), with no of the HRmax or the equivalent as expressed in
significant differences between interval training and the function of the ‍V ‍O2max. Even more intense
MOD for total body fat percentage reduction (−0.23 exercise, SITs are efforts performed at intensities
[95% CI −1.43 to 0.97], p=0.705). However, there was equal or superior to the one that elicited a peak
a significant difference between the groups in total ‍V ‍O2 on an incremental test (i‍V ‍O2peak), including
absolute fat mass (kg) reduction (−2.28 [95% CI −4.00 ‘all-out’ efforts.7 12
to −0.56], p=0.0094). Subgroup analyses comparing HIIT programmes, when compared with
sprint interval training (SIT) with MOD protocols favour MOD, promote greater increases in ‍V ‍O2max,13
SIT for loss of total absolute fat mass (kg) (−3.22 [95% ventricular and endothelial function,14 greater
CI −5.71 to −0.73], p=0.01). Supervised training, or comparable improvements in insulin sensi-
walking/running/jogging, age (<30 years), study quality tivity15 and blood pressure,16 lower ratings of
and intervention duration (<12 weeks) favourably perceived exertion,17 similar6 or higher levels of
influence the decreases in total absolute fat mass (kg) enjoyment,17 18 and similar6 or higher adherence18
observed from interval training programmes; however, than MOD, depending on how the programme is
no significant effect was found on total body fat designed. In addition, despite lower training volume
percentage (%). No effect of sex or body mass index was in SIT programmes, SIT may promote increases in
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2019. No
observed on total absolute fat mass (kg) or total body fat skeletal muscle oxidative capacity,19 specific meta-
commercial re-use. See rights percentage (%). bolic adaptations during exercise19 and exercise
and permissions. Published Conclusion  Interval training and MOD both reduce performance similar to MOD.20
by BMJ. body fat percentage (%). Interval training provided Decreases in body fat may be similar21 or higher22
To cite: Viana RB, 28.5% greater reductions in total absolute fat mass (kg) in interval training than MOD. Interval training
Naves JPA, Coswig VS, than MOD. may elicit greater weight loss even if the energy
et al. Br J Sports Med Trial registration number CRD42018089427. expenditure obtained during the interval training is
2019;53:655–664. lower23 or equal24 to that during MOD. This may

Viana RB, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;53:655–664. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928    1 of 12


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 on 14 February 2019. Downloaded from on 26 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
be due to greater resting energy expenditure and fat utilisation in different analyses, for comparison with MOD. Studies were
immediately following interval training exercise.25 26 However, excluded based on the following article types: letters to the
there are currently many different approaches to performing editor, books, book sections, theses, film/broadcasts, opinion
interval training,27 and there is still no consensus as to which articles, observational studies and abstracts without adequate
training method (HIIT/SIT vs MOD) is best to reduce body data, or reviews.
fat. The considerable variability among interval training proto-
cols,27 compared with fairly homogeneous MOD protocols, Data extraction
introduce ‘noise’ in the literature. No study has yet addressed the The following study characteristics were extracted: age, sex,
simple question: Which type of exercise is better for weight loss? body mass, BMI, ‍V ‍O2max/peak, total or regional fat mass (kg),
We conducted a systematic review, qualitative appraisal and percentage total and regional body fat (%), and HIIT/SIT and
meta-analysis of studies that directly or indirectly compared the MOD interventions characteristics. These data were extracted
effects of HIIT or SIT with MOD on adiposity. We compared independently by two researchers (RBV and JPAN), with
subgroups to test whether (1) the nature of the interval training disagreements resolved by a third researcher (PG). When studies
(HIIT or SIT), (2) sex, (3) baseline body mass index (BMI) or provided insufficient data for inclusion in the meta-analysis (five
other variables influenced the outcome. We hypothesised that studies), the corresponding authors were contacted via email to
HIIT/SIT would reduce body fat more effectively than MOD. determine whether additional data could be provided; however,
no corresponding authors responded.
The results of this systematic review and meta-analysis are Study quality assessment
presented according to the Preferred Reporting Items for System- Study quality was assessed by two researchers (RBV and JPAN)
atic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement,28 and was prereg- using a modified Downs and Black checklist.30 Items included
istered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic the appropriate reporting of the hypotheses, outcomes, inter-
Review (PROSPERO).29 ventions, adverse events, participant characteristics (a clear state-
ment on inclusion and exclusion criteria), descriptions of patients
Search strategy lost to follow-up (studies with  ≥10% dropout without charac-
English-language, Spanish-language and Portuguese-language teristics reported scored 0), assessment method accuracy, statis-
searches of the electronic databases PubMed and Scopus were tical methods, blinding and randomisation procedures. The scale
conducted from inception to 11 December 2017 by two inde- was modified to include criteria for monitoring and reporting of
pendent researchers (RBV and JPAN). Articles were retrieved physical activity level (yes=1, no=0) and diet (yes=1, no=0),
from electronic databases using the following search criteria: the supervision of exercise sessions (yes=1, no=0), and infor-
(interval training OR intermittent training OR high intensity mation about adherence and/or compliance to exercise inter-
OR sprint interval training OR aerobic interval training HIIT ventions (yes=1, no=0). Therefore, the studies that monitored
OR HIIE OR high intensity interval training OR high-intensity and reported control of diet, habitual activity, supervision, and
interval training OR high intensity interval exercise OR high-in- adherence or compliance scored 1 point in each item. If an item
tensity interval exercise OR high intensity intermittent exercise was unable to be determined, it was scored as 0. The highest
OR high-intensity intermittent exercise OR high intensity inter- possible score for quality was 20. In addition, we recorded the
mittent training OR high-intensity intermittent training) AND strengths/weakness/unknowns of available information from
(continuous training OR moderate-intensity continuous exercise studies to strengthen the quality analysis of the included studies.
OR moderate intensity continuous exercise OR moderate-in-
tensity continuous training OR moderate intensity continuous Statistical analyses
training) AND (body fat OR adiposity OR body composition OR All analyses were conducted using the R package (V.3.2.4).
abdominal fat OR visceral fat OR adipose tissue) AND Humans. Meta-analysis was conducted using a random-effects model
Initially, titles and abstracts of identified studies were checked (DerSimonian and Laird approach) for the individual effects of
for relevance by two reviewers (RBV and JPAN). Subsequently, HIIT/SIT and MOD on total body fat (kg) and body fat percentage.
the reviewers independently reviewed the full text of potentially The random-effects model was preferred to a fixed-effect model
eligible studies. Any disagreement for inclusion between the as certain experimental parameters had wide variation. For the
reviewers was resolved by a third researcher (PG). Additional secondary meta-analysis, premeans, postmeans, absolute and
studies were identified via hand-searching and reviewing the relative changes, and SD for each group were collected. Initially,
reference lists of relevant papers. All these steps were performed a within-group effect size (ES) was calculated using a random-ef-
for 3 weeks. Figure 1 presents the flow of papers through the fects model (DerSimonian and Laird approach) to estimate
study selection process. the change from baseline for each group, given that a random-ef-
fects model considers true random errors within a single study
Inclusion and exclusion criteria: participants, interventions, and variation in effects occurring from study to study. The statis-
comparators and outcomes tical heterogeneity of the treatment effect among studies was
Studies with participants of all ages and sexes with a minimum assessed using Cochran’s Q test and the inconsistency I2 test, in
exercise training duration of 4 weeks, which directly or indirectly which values above 30% and 50% were considered indicative of
compared HIIT or SIT with MOD as the primary or secondary moderate and high heterogeneity, respectively.31 Publication bias
aim (according to previous definitions), and which evaluated fat was assessed with funnel plots and Begg’s test. To improve our
change by methods that infer total or regional mass, or total results, we conducted several sensitivity analyses to consider the
or regional percentage fat, were included. Studies that reported individual influence of each study on the overall results, as well
only BMI and that compared HIIT or SIT or MOD with only as the type of comparison group (HIIT or SIT), type of modality
non-training control groups were not included for analysis. When (walking/jogging/running or cycling), age (<30 and ≥30 years),
employing two interval training protocols, both were included, sex, BMI (<30 kg/m2 and  ≥30 kg/m2), intervention duration

2 of 12 Viana RB, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;53:655–664. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 on 14 February 2019. Downloaded from on 26 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1  Flow diagram of outcomes of review. HIIT, high-intensity interval training; MOD, moderate-intensity continuous training; SIT, sprint interval

(<12 and ≥12 weeks), study quality (‘low, middle and high’) and were excluded from this review due to the following reasons: (1)
supervision of exercise sessions (yes and no). two studies did not provide SD for change in mean values67 92; (2)
two studies reported only regional body fat percentage (%)58 84;
Results and (3) one study provided only skinfold values.55 Therefore, 36
Included studies studies provided sufficient data for meta-analysis (35 for total
The search strategy retrieved 786 records. After deduplication body fat percentage [%] and 15 for total absolute fat mass [kg])
and language examination (English, Spanish and Portuguese (figure 1).
studies), 24 studies were excluded from the review process and
698 were excluded after title and/or abstract analysis; 64 full- Participant characteristics
text copies of the remaining studies were obtained and subjected Participants’ characteristics are summarised in table 1. Overall,
to further evaluation. After reading full-text copies, 23 studies 1115 participants were included in the qualitative anal-
were excluded from this review due to the following reasons: ysis and 1012 in the meta-analysis. The number of partici-
(1) four studies included MOD in combination with the HIIT pants in the studies varied from 768 to 90.78 Fourteen studies
protocol23 32–34; (2) one study did not perform MOD35; (3) examined exclusively males,55 59 66 67 69 72 73 75 77 79–81 88 92 nine
four studies applied an HIIT or MOD intervention combined exclusively females,24 63 65 74 82 83 87 90 93 one did not report the
with other activities36–39; (4) five studies did not use the MOD number of males and females used to present the body compo-
criteria adopted in this review40–44; (5) five studies stated the sition results,84 while the remaining studies (n=17) assessed a
use of HIIT or SIT protocols,45–49 but did not match the HIIT mixed-sex sample.44 54 56–58 60–62 64 68 70 71 76 78 85 86 89 91 In total,
and SIT criteria adopted in this review; (6) three studies did not 576 males and 522 females participated in the studies. Two
assess body fat50–52; and (7) one study did not present separate studies used the same sample,61 62 and one performed a double-
body composition data.53 At the end of the process, 41 publica- blind, randomised, crossover investigation with seven athletes
tions meeting the eligibility criteria were included for qualitative (five males and two females).68 The mean age of study partici-
analyses,22 52–91 of which 5 studies provided insufficient data and pants ranged from 10.464 to 70.1 years.87 The training status of

Viana RB, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;53:655–664. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 3 of 12


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 on 14 February 2019. Downloaded from on 26 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1  Characteristics of the participants
Male (%)/
Reference Participants* Female (%) Age (year) BMI (kg/m2) Other population characteristics
Thomas et al 29 38/62 18–32 NR Healthy, untrained but active young adults
Mäder et al55 14 100/0 HIIT: 28–46 HIIT: 25.9 (3.2) Untrained but slightly overweight
MOD: 28–46 MOD: 26.9 (3.3)
Trapp et al24 30 0/100 20.2 (7.7) 23.2 (7.7) Healthy, untrained young
Schjerve et al56 27 22/78 HIIT: 46.9 (8.2) HIIT: 36.6 (5.5) Adults with obesity
MOD: 44.4 (7.6) MOD: 36.7 (5.1)
Moreira et al57 16 36/64 40 (8) HIIT: 28.3 (3.7) Healthy, overweight
MOD: 27.5 (1.9)
Wallman et al58 13 31/69 HIIT: 40.9 (11.7) HIIT: 31.4 (2.6) Overweight/obese adults
MOD: 44.8 (16.8) MOD: 30.1 (2.6)
Nybo et al59 17 100/0 HIIT: 37.0 (8.5) NR Healthy untrained
MOD: 31.0 (6.0)
Macpherson et al60 20 40/60 24.0 (3.0) NR Healthy, recreationally active university students
Buchan et al61 33 82/18 SIT: 16.7 (0.1) SIT: 21.6 (2.2) Adolescents
MOD: 16.2 (0.1) MOD: 22.4 (3.3)
Buchan et al62 33 82/18 SIT: 16.7 (0.1) SIT: 21.6 (2.2) Adolescents
MOD: 16.2 (0.1) MOD: 22.4 (3.3)
Sijie et al63 33 0/100 HIIT: 19.8 (1.0) HIIT: 27.7 (1.9) Overweight/obese young
MOD: 19.3 (0.7) MOD: 28.3 (2.0)
Corte de Araujo et al64 30 30/70 HIIT: 10.4 (0.9) HIIT: 32.0 (3.0) Children with obesity
MOD: 10.7 (0.7) MOD: 30.0 (4.0)
Eimarieskandari et al65 14 0/100 HIIT: 22.3 (0.9) HIIT: 29.2 (0.8) Young adults with obesity
MOD: 21.4 (0.5) MOD: 30.7 (2.3)
Koubaa et al66 29 100/0 HIIT: 13.0 (0.8) HIIT: 30.2 (3.6) Adolescent boys with obesity
MOD: 12.9 (0.5) MOD: 30.8 (2.9)
Earnest et al67 37 100/0 HIIT: 48 (9) HIIT: 30.4 (2.3) Adults
MOD: 49 (9) MOD: 31.4 (3.4)
Shing et al68§ 7 71/29 19.0 (1.2) NR Junior state-level and national-level rowers
Shepherd et al69 16 100/0 SIT: 22.0 (2.8) SIT: 24.8 (2.3) Healthy and inactive adults
MOD: 21.0 (2.8) MOD: 22.6 (4.5)
Keating et al70 22 23/77 HIIT: 41.8 (2.7) HIIT: 28.2 (0.5) Inactive, overweight adults
MOD: 44.1 (1.9) MOD: 28.5 (0.6)
Lunt et al71 49 27/73 HIIT: 48.2 (5.6) HIIT: 32.1 (3.1) Inactive, overweight/obese adults
MOD: 46.3 (5.4) MOD: 32.7 (3.4)
SIT: 50.3 (8.0) SIT: 32.4 (2.9)
Nalcakan72 15 100/0 21.7 (2.2) SIT: 25.5 (2.2) Healthy and young recreationally active university
MOD: 24.5 (1.9) students
Sasaki et al73 24 100/0 NR HIIT: 24.3 (0.7) Healthy and sedentary
MOD: 23.4 (0.8)
Mohr et al74 42 0/100 SIT: 44 (2) >25.0 Sedentary premenopausal women with mild to moderate
MOD: 46 (2) arterial hypertension
Cocks et al75 16 100/0 25.0 (2.8) 34.8 (0.9) Inactive young with obesity
Cheema et al76 12 58/42 HIIT: 43 (19) HIIT: 32.0 (5.9) Inactive adults with central obesity
MOD: 36 (15) MOD: 30.8 (2.6)
Elmer et al77 12 100/0 HIIT: 21.4 (1.1) HIIT: 24.7 (2.9) Healthy sedentary or inactive adults
MOD: 21.8 (2.1) MOD: 27.1 (4.8)
Shepherd et al78 90 33/67 HIIT: 42.0 (11) HIIT: 27.7 (5.0) Healthy and inactive adults
MOD: 43 (11) MOD: 27.7 (4.6)
Fisher et al79 23 100/0 HIIT: 20.0 (1.5) HIIT: 30.0 (3.1) Inactive, overweight/obese young men
MOD: 20.0 (1.5) MOD: 29.0 (3.4)
Sim et al80 20 100/0 31.8 (8.0) HIIT: 27.4 (1.6) Inactive, overweight/obese adult participants
MOD: 27.2 (1.5)
Devin et al81 35 100/0 HIIT: 61.4 (11.1) HIIT: 27.1 (4.8) Colorectal cancer survivors
MOD: 61.5 (10.8) MOD: 26.4 (3.4)
Zhang et al82 24 0/100 HIIT: 21.0 (1.0) HIIT: 25.8 (2.7) Chinese ethnicity, inactive, overweight/obese
MOD: 20.6 (1.2) MOD: 26.0 (1.6)
Gillen et al83 18 0/100 SIT: 27 (7) SIT: 27 (5) Inactive
MOD: 28 (9) MOD: 26 (6)
Martins et al84 17† NR SIT: 33.9 (7.8) SIT: 33.2 (3.5) Inactive adults with obesity
1/2SIT: 34.1 (7.1) 1/2SIT: 32.4 (2.9)
MOD: 33.0 (9.9) MOD: 33.3 (2.4)

4 of 12 Viana RB, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;53:655–664. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 on 14 February 2019. Downloaded from on 26 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1  Continued
Male (%)/
Reference Participants* Female (%) Age (year) BMI (kg/m2) Other population characteristics
Hwang et al 29 41/59 65 (7.1) HIIT: 28.0 (4.3) Inactive and healthy older adults
MOD: 28.7 (3.7)
Ramos et al86 66 63/37 4HIIT: 56 (10) 4HIIT: NR Adults with metabolic syndrome
1HIIT: 58 (7) 1HIIT: NR
MOD: 57 (9) MOD: NR
Maillard et al87 16 0/100 HIIT: 68.2 (1.9) HIIT: 32.6 (1.7) Postmenopausal and obese (61–81 years) women with
MOD: 70.1 (2.4) MOD: 29.7 (1.2) type 2 diabetes
Higgins et al88 52 100/0 20.4 (1.5) 30.3 (4.5) Inactive, overweight/obese women
Boer and Moss89 26 58/42 SIT: 30.0 (7.0) SIT: 29.3 (4.0) Adults with Down syndrome
MOD: 34.2 (9.2) MOD: 30.6 (6.1)
Panissa et al90 23 0/100 HIIT: 30.6 (15.1) HIIT: 25.9 (4.1) Inactive healthy women
MOD: 26.1 (9.1) MOD: 23.3 (2.3)
Camacho-Cardenosa et al91 34 54/46‡ SIT: 11.1 (0.2) SIT: 18.4 (2.8) Adolescents
MOD: 11.3 (0.5) MOD: 20.1 (3.3)
Zhang et al93 30 0/100 HIIT: 21.5 (1.7) ≥25 Obese young women
MOD: 20.9 (1.4)
Galedari et al92† 22 100/0 HIIT: 30.8 (7.6) HIIT: 29.6 (1.5) Overweight men
MOD: 28.8 (6.1) MOD: 28.9 (1.3)
*Number included in HIIT/SIT versus MOD for body composition analysis. 
†n=17 for body composition analysis in HIIT versus MOD. 
‡Percentage referring to 35 participants. Values reported as mean.
§Double-blind, randomised, crossover investigation.
1/2SIT, approximately half of time of the sprint interval training; 1HIIT, high-intensity interval training (one bout); 4HIIT, high-intensity interval training (four bouts); BMI,
body mass index; HIIT, high-intensity interval training; MOD, moderate-intensity continuous training; NR, not reported; SIT, sprint interval training.

the participants ranged from sedentary73 to high-level athletes.68 The intensity of effort for HIIT protocols was prescribed by
The mean BMI ranged from 18.4 kg/m291 to 36.7 kg/m2.56 the percentage of i‍V ‍O2max66 67 77 or i‍V ‍O2peak,58 percentage of
‍V ‍O2max55 63 73 or ‍V ‍O2peak,70 percentage of HRmax54 56 59 71
78 87 90 92 93
Intervention characteristics or peak heart rate (HRpeak),64 65 81 82 85 86 rating of
The interval training and MOD programmes are summarised in perceived exertion,76 HR corresponding to 20% above the HR at
online supplementary table S1. According to the criteria of HIIT and ventilatory threshold,57 and 90% of 4 min maximal power.68 The
SIT adopted in this review,7 12 2554–59 63–68 70 73 76–78 81 82 85–87 90 92 93 intensity of effort in most SIT protocols (n=13) was prescribed
and 1524 60–62 69 72 74 75 79 80 83 84 88 89 91 of the 41 included studies by ‘all-out’ efforts,24 60–62 69 71 72 74 83 84 88 89 91 percentage of
employed HIIT and SIT interventions, respectively. Only one i‍V ‍O2peak,80 percentage of maximal power output75 and
study71 employed both HIIT and SIT interventions, and one percentage of anaerobic power.79
study included two HIIT interventions.86 Of the 41 studies, 20 More than half of the protocols (~63%; n=26) were performed
used cycling,24 55 57 58 69 70 72 73 75 78–81 83 84 87–90 93 16 used walking/ three times per week.24 54–57 59–62 65 66 70–74 77 80 81 83 84 88–92 Four
jogging/running,54 56 59–67 71 77 82 91 92 1 used a synchronous arm protocols were performed four times per week,58 76 82 85 two
and leg air-braked ergometer,85 1 offered a choice between the protocols were performed three to four times per week,67 93 three
two (cycle ergometer or walking/running) depending on ortho- protocols were performed twice a week,64 68 87 one protocol was
paedic limitations,86 1 used swimming,74 1 used boxing drills for performed five times per week,63 and five MOD protocols had a
the HIIT protocol and walking for MOD,76 and 1 used a rower frequency greater (five times per week) than the interval training
ergometer.68 Intervention duration ranged from 468 73 75 81 to protocols (three times per week).69 75 78 79 86
16 weeks,86 87 with 12 weeks being the most common (~44%;
n=18)54 56 57 59 63 64 66 67 70 71 76 80 82–84 89 92 93 (online supple-
Diet and physical activity control
mentary table S1). The most widely used HIIT (n=8) protocol
Almost half of the studies (~42%; n=17) instructed participants
consisted of alternating 4 min at high intensity followed by 3 min
to maintain both normal diet and physical activity.24 60 61 63 69 70
of recovery.56 65 71 81 82 85 86 93 The most widely used SIT protocols 72 73 77 78 81 84 85 87 90 91 93
Twenty-three (~56%) and 19 (~46%)
consisted of alternating 30 s ‘all-out’ efforts followed by 4 min
studies reported a diet24 55 58 61 62 64 65 67–71 73 80 82 84 86–88 90–93 and
of recovery,60 79 88 and protocols that alternate 8 s ‘all-out’ efforts
physical activity control,56 58 62 67 68 70 71 73 78 80–82 84–88 91 93 respec-
followed by 12 s of recovery.24 84 The MOD protocols used lasted
tively (online supplementary table S2). One study provided a
from 1024 to 60 min,59 74 with 40–45 min (n=6)63 65 70 76 83 87 and
1-hour diet education session per week.58 In addition, one study
29–35 min (n=6)71 77 82 85 86 90 being the most used protocols.
employed a caloric reduction of 500 kcal/day based on partic-
Twenty-two HIIT protocols used active
ipants’ normal intake.92 Online supplementary table S1 shows
recovery,54–56 58 63–65 67 68 70 76–78 81 82 84–87 89 90 92 one used
additional information about diet and physical activity of the
passive recovery,93 and five did not report clearly what type of
participants of the included studies.
recovery was used.57 59 66 73 91 Eight SIT protocols used active
recovery,54 60 69 75 79 80 83 88 one used passive recovery,74 and three
did not report clearly what type of recovery was used.61 62 72 The Body composition assessments
only study to employ HIIT versus SIT versus MOD protocols71 Most studies (~56%; n=23) used only dual-energy X-ray
used active recovery in both the interval training protocols. absorptiometry (DXA) to determine total and/or android, trunk

Viana RB, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;53:655–664. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 5 of 12


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 on 14 February 2019. Downloaded from on 26 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
and gynoid body composition.24 56 58 59 63 67–71 74 75 77 79–81 84–88 92 93 reductions of total body fat percentage (%) for these proto-
Others used bioelectrical impedance,57 64 65 78 89 91 hydroden- cols were, on average, 4.6%, 3.5% and 3.5%, respectively. On
sitometry,54 air displacement plethysmography60 83 or skinfold average, HIIT, SIT and MOD protocols included in the analysis
measurements.61 62 66 72 76 90 Three studies used two body compo- on total absolute fat mass (kg) lasted 25 min, 23 min and 41 min,
sition assessments methods, such as DXA and CT,87 bioelec- respectively. The percentage reductions of total absolute fat mass
trical impedance and CT,82 and bioelectrical impedance and (kg) were, on average, 6.0%, 6.2% and 3.4%, respectively.
MRI.73 Online supplementary table S3 shows additional infor-
mation about body composition assessment methods used in the
Sensitivity analyses and publication bias
included studies.
A sensitivity analysis showed that a significant effect (p<0.05)
of HIIT/SIT on total absolute fat mass (kg) remained after
Quality assessment removal of each one of the included studies, with evidence of
A modified Downs and Black checklist30 assessment deter- significant heterogeneity (p<0.05). Funnel plots and Begg’s tests
mined that the quality of studies had a mean score of 13.5±2.3 for all analyses determined no indication of publication bias.
(ranging from 954 to 1970; online supplementary table S1). All
included studies specified their main findings and outcomes,
participant characteristics, statistical tests and accurate Discussion
measures. Only one study83 did not report variability esti- The present study analysed data from studies that compared
mates. No studies blinded participants to exercise intervention, the effects of interval training and MOD on body adiposity in
and only eight (~20%) blinded assessors to group alloca- humans. The analysis combined 41 studies (36 for meta-analysis)
tion.67 68 70 71 76 82 85 86 Most studies (~88%; n=36) randomised involving a total of 1115 participants. Most studies included in
participants to groups.24 54–58 60–64 66–71 73–76 78–82 84–93 Twenty-five the meta-analysis (86.1%) involved a small sample size (<20
studies (~61%) reported adherence or compliance.56 59 61 62 64 67 participants per intervention); therefore, the lack of statistical
68 70–72 74 76–78 80–86 88–90 93
Nineteen studies (~46%) adequately power might have prevented the detection of between-group
reported adverse events.57 59–64 70–72 76 77 79 81 82 85 88 89 93 Four differences in isolated studies. Notwithstanding, by pooling the
studies (~10%) did not provide information about supervision data, we did not find superiority of either interval training or
of exercise sessions.72 73 75 76 MOD in the reduction of total body fat percentage (%), as previ-
ously reported in an earlier meta-analysis.21 However, when
compared with MOD, we found a superiority of interval training
Meta-analysis in the reduction of absolute total fat mass (kg). Indeed, both
The within-group analysis found that interval training (−1.50 interval training and MOD were similarly beneficial in eliciting
[95% CI −2.14  to −0.86, p=0.00001]) and MOD (−1.44 small improvements in total body fat percentage (%) (HIIT/SIT:
[95% CI −2.00  to −0.89, p<0.0001]) resulted in significant −1.50%; MOD: −1.44%) and in total absolute fat mass (kg)
improvements in total body fat percentage (%) (online supple- (HIIT/SIT: −1.58 kg; MOD: −1.13 kg). However, a significant
mentary figures S1A and S2A, respectively). Significant improve- difference was found between SIT and MOD in total absolute fat
ments also were found in total absolute fat mass (kg) for HIIT/ mass (kg) (online supplementary figure S3B).
SIT (−1.58 [95% CI −2.74  to −0.43, p=0.007]) and MOD As a result of the sensitivity analysis that removed each
(−1.13 [95% CI −2.18 to −0.08, p=0.04]) (online supplemen- study one by one, we noted that the significant difference
tary figures S1B and S2B, respectively). favouring interval training for total absolute fat mass (kg) reduc-
tion remained. To better understand the factors that might influ-
Primary analysis ence the results, we critically reviewed individual studies that
The between-group analyses on the effects of interval training favoured interval training or MOD. It is noteworthy that the
versus MOD on total body fat percentage (%) and total abso- studies were selected based on their impact on our meta-analysis
lute fat mass (kg) are presented in figure 2 and figure 3, respec- and not necessarily the results reported in the article.
tively. Overall, there was no difference between groups in total As for the data that supported MOD for a greater reduction
body fat percentage (%) (p=0.705), with evidence of significant in total body fat percentage (%), the study by Buchan et al61 62
heterogeneity in the meta-analysis of total body fat percentage involved adolescents and started with four 30 s ‘all-out’ running
(%) (I2=75.4%, p<0.0001). However, there was a signifi- bouts interspaced by 30 s of rest, progressing to six bouts with
cant difference between groups in total absolute fat mass (kg) 20 s of rest. This protocol, however, seems unfeasible, since the
(p=0.0094), favouring interval training, with evidence of signif- recommended recovery between bouts in similar protocols is ~8
icant heterogeneity in the meta-analysis of total absolute fat mass times the duration of the effort, such that 30 s maximum efforts
(kg) (I2=48.4%, p=0.0184). are usually followed by 4 min of rest.20 As such, it seems unlikely
Subgroup analyses demonstrated a significant effect of interval the participants in the HIIT group in the study by Buchan et
training mode (SIT vs MOD), modality of exercise (walking/ al61 62 were able to maintain maximal effort across the exercise
jogging/running vs cycling), supervision (yes vs no), study quality bouts. Koubaa et al66 reported using running intervals of 2 min at
(low vs middle vs high), age (<30 vs ≥30 years) and interven- 80% of v‍V ‍O2max followed by 1 min of rest for interval training
tion duration (<12 vs ≥12 weeks) on total absolute fat mass (kg) in adolescents. However, they do not report information about
(online supplementary figures S3–S14); however, no significant the number of bouts nor about rest intervals, which makes it
effect was found on total body fat percentage (%). No effect of difficult to analyse the protocol. Moreover, neither Buchan et
sex or BMI was observed on total absolute fat mass (kg) or total al61 62 nor Koubaa et al66 provide data on dietary and physical
body fat percentage (%) (online supplementary figures S15– activity control.
S18). Table 2 shows a synthesis of these results. Another study in favour of MOD is by Nybo et al,59 which
The mean duration of the HIIT, SIT and MOD proto- involved untrained men. During interval training, participants
cols included in the analyses of total body fat percentage (%) were instructed to exceed 95% of the HRmax at the end of 2 min
were 28 min, 18 min and 38 min, respectively. The percentage of running and then rest for 2 min. However, considering that

6 of 12 Viana RB, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;53:655–664. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 on 14 February 2019. Downloaded from on 26 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2  Main effects of HIIT/SIT versus MOD on total body fat (%). 4HIIT, high-intensity interval training (four bouts); HIIT, high-intensity interval
training; MD, mean of differences; MOD, moderate-intensity interval training; SIT, sprint interval training.

the intensity of effort was controlled only at the end of each ~30 beats per minute in the first minute after intense exercise.94
bout, it is not possible to be certain about the intensity of effort The results of the study by Thomas et al54 also favoured interval
maintained during each interval. If we consider that HR progres- training for reductions in per cent body fat in a mixed sample of
sively increases at a constant rate, it might be possible that the men and women. MOD involved running for 3.2 or 6.4 km at
participants spent most of the time at an intensity of effort lower 75% of HRmax, while interval training involved eight bouts of
than recommended. Moreover, although the participants were running for 1 min at 90% HRmax followed by 3 min of walking.
oriented to maintain their habitual lifestyle and dietary practices, However, a limitation of this study was the absence of diet and
the authors did not control for this variable. physical activity control. Macpherson et al60 compared the
Some studies favoured interval training for per cent body fat effects of SIT (4–6 ‘all-out’ efforts of 30 s in a manually driven
loss. Panissa et al90 used a 22 min protocol with 1 min at 90% and treadmill with 4 min of rest) and MOD (30–60 min running
30 s at 60% of HRmax. However, it seems again unfeasible for at 60% ‍V ‍O2peak) in a mixed sample of physically active men
participants to achieve the prescribed intensity of effort based on and women. Their data pointed towards greater decreases in
the percentage of HRmax since both the times taken to increase per cent body fat for SIT; however, while the authors reported
and decrease HR seem too short. For example, in the study of to have encouraged the participants to maintain their physical
Ramos et al,86 participants took 2 min to reach a similar inten- activity and diet patterns, there were no objective measures of
sity of effort, and a previous study showed that HR decreases these variables.

Viana RB, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;53:655–664. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 7 of 12


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 on 14 February 2019. Downloaded from on 26 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 3  Main effects of HIIT/SIT versus MOD on total absolute fat mass (kg). HIIT, high-intensity interval training; MD, mean of differences; MOD,
moderate-intensity interval training; SIT, sprint interval training.

These individual studies highlight the difficulty of drawing used 10 bouts of 60 s at a load that elicited 90% of HRmax inter-
general conclusions about the application and effects of interval spaced by 60 s of recovery. However, in the study by Keating et
training on body composition. The inconsistent results might al,70 HIIT was performed at 120% of i‍V ‍O2max with 30–60 s
be linked to factors such as habitual diet and physical activity duration and 120–180 s of rest. On the other hand, at 120% of
behaviours, since only 23 (~56%) and 19 (~46%) of the i‍V ‍O2max, a previous study used seven bouts of 30 s interspaced
included studies reported diet and physical activity control, with 15 s of rest.13
respectively. Another aspect that needs to be considered is the In addition, another interesting example of the possible influ-
quality of studies performing interval training and MOD. When ence of the control of intensity of effort on the results might
considering only the included studies with middle quality, inter- be found in Ramos et al.86 While the protocol was reported to
vention duration less than 12 weeks or with participants’ age involve four bouts of 4 min at 85%–95% of HRpeak with 3 min
less than 30 years, our results found a significant reduction in intervals, the participants took 2 min to reach the targeted inten-
absolute total fat mass (kg) favouring interval training, although sity. Therefore, the protocol seems to have involved 2 min of the
no significant difference was found on total body fat percentage actual prescribed intensity of effort. In other words, the time at
(%). This suggests an influence of the methodological quality of target intensity of effort was not reached as planned, resulting
the studies and participants’ characteristics on the results. More- in a lower effort to rest ratio than intended. We would like to
over, other aspects that might influence weight loss, such as note that these individual observations do not invalidate or ques-
hormonal status,95 sleeping patterns96 and mood disorders,97 are tion the merit of previous studies. These are only some aspects
not usually analysed in these studies. that might explain the large inconsistency among the results of
With regard to the factors inherent to interval training, the interval training and which we must consider when analysing
absence of adequate control for supervision, intensity of effort and reproducing previous studies.
and the effort to rest ratio might be associated with at least some Our results found that the effect of interval training proto-
of the inconsistent results. The subgroup meta-analysis demon- cols when performed using walking/jogging/running modalities
strated that improvements in total absolute fat mass (kg) caused on total absolute fat mass (kg) is greater than for MOD with
by interval training are higher with supervision during interval the same modalities. However, the number (n=5) of studies
training protocols, providing evidence that supervision during included in this analysis was low,54 60 64 69 82 and only the study
interval training is an important variable for total absolute by Zhang et al82 monitored and reported to control diet and
fat mass (kg) reduction. This might occur because it can help habitual activity. Moreover, our data also showed an influence of
interval training practitioners to train with higher intensity of exercise supervision, and a separate analysis showed that interval
effort.98 Considering that supervision might guarantee adher- training resulted in greater loss of total absolute fat mass (kg)
ence to the prescribed protocol, the results provided by studies than MOD when training was supervised. Possibly, supervision
with supervised sessions are probably more reliable. Therefore, might influence accountability, influencing adherence to the
it is important that interval training studies consider providing prescribed intensity of effort.98 Indeed, for other exercise modal-
supervision to guarantee accountability. ities, such as resistance training, supervision has been shown to
In this sense, some examples of the inconsistency with regard impact significantly on the intensity of effort and outcomes.98
to the intensity of effort can be obtained from the analysis of Separate analyses with HIIT and SIT showed that ‘all-out’
individual studies. For example, Keating et al70 reported that SIT promotes greater total absolute fat mass (kg) reduction than
their protocol was based on the study by Little et al,99 which MOD. The greater decreases in fat loss promoted by SIT might

8 of 12 Viana RB, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;53:655–664. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 on 14 February 2019. Downloaded from on 26 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 2  Summary of HIIT/SIT versus MOD subgroup meta-analysis on body composition
Between-group effects
Outcome (subgroup) Studies (n) MD (95% CI) P value I2 (%) P value
Total body fat (%)
 Mode: HIIT 23 −0.35 (−1.90 to 1.21) 0.66 78 <0.01
 Mode: SIT 13 −0.04 (−2.02 to 1.94) 0.97 71 <0.01
 Modality: walking/jogging/running 14 −1.03 (−1.33 to 3.38) 0.39 86 <0.01
 Modality: cycling 16 −0.88 (−1.93 to 0.17) 0.10 26 0.16
 Sex: male 10 0.86 (−1.36 to 3.07) 0.45 65 <0.01
 Sex: female 9 −1.36 (−3.85 to 1.14) 0.29 89 <0.01
 Age <30  years 19 −0.23 (−2.08 to 1.62) 0.81 86 <0.01
 Age ≥30  years 16 0.15 (−0.94 to 1.23) 0.79 0 0.92
 BMI <30  kg/m2 18 −0.81 (−2.54 to 0.93) 0.36 70 <0.01
 BMI ≥30  kg/m2 10 1.15 (−0.98 to 3.28) 0.29 77 <0.01
 Study quality: low 12 0.44 (−2.11 to 2.98) 0.74 85 <0.01
 Study quality: middle 16 −0.52 (−2.29 to 1.26) 0.57 67 <0.01
 Study quality: high 8 −0.89 (−2.13 to 0.36) 0.16 0 0.96
 Intervention duration <12  months 15 −0.03 (−2.11 to 2.05) 0.98 84 <0.01
 Intervention duration ≥12  months 21 −0.38 (−1.66 to 0.91) 0.56 53 <0.01
 Supervision: yes 26 −0.71 (−1.85 to 0.44) 0.23 59 <0.01
 Supervision: no 10 1.06 (−1.60 to 3.72) 0.43 80 <0.01
Total fat mass (kg)
 Mode: HIIT 10 −1.96 (−4.19 to 0.26) 0.08 56 0.02
 Mode: SIT 5 −3.22 (−5.71 to −0.73) 0.01 18 0.30
 Modality: walking/jogging/running 5 −5.18 (−8.73 to −1.63) <0.01 67 0.02
 Modality: cycling 9 −1.17 (−2.64 to 0.29) 0.12 0 0.51
 Sex: male 2 −0.14 (−3.62 to 3.34) 0.94 0 0.37
 Sex: female 6 −1.23 (−2.83 to 0.38) 0.14 0 0.51
 Age <30  years 8 −3.92 (−6.36 to −1.49) <0.01 63 <0.01
 Age ≥30  years 7 0.19 (−1.94 to 2.32) 0.86 0 0.85
 BMI <30  kg/m2 8 −1.36 (−3.03 to 0.26) 0.10 0 0.54
 BMI ≥30  kg/m2 3 −2.75 (−5.77 to 0.27) 0.08 0 0.79
 Study quality: low 2 −5.59 (−21.03 to 9.85) 0.48 91 <0.01
 Study quality: middle 10 −2.03 (−3.60 to −0.47) 0.01 12 0.33
 Study quality: high 3 −1.10 (−3.73 to 1.54) 0.42 20 0.29
 Intervention duration <12  months 7 −2.82 (−4.79 to −0.84)] <0.01 16 0.31
 Intervention duration ≥12  months 8 −1.88 (−4.67 to 0.90) 0.19 62 <0.01
 Supervision: yes 14 −2.21 (−4.03 to 0.38) 0.02 51 0.01
 Supervision: no 1 – – – –
Significant p values are indicated in bold.
BMI, body mass index; HIIT, high-intensity interval training; MD, mean of differences; MOD, moderate-intensity continuous training; SIT, sprint interval training.

be due to the increases in postexercise fat oxidation, which seems of 33 sessions × 28  min/session=924  min) and provided
to be associated with glycogen depletion.25 100 Indeed, vigorous a reduction of 4.6%, and SIT protocols lasted on average
exercise may be mediated by a more pronounced increase in the 18 min (average of 29 sessions × 18 min/session=526 min)
skeletal muscle oxidative capacity and by a sympathoadrenal and provided a reduction of 3.5% in total body fat percentage
stimulation.101 Thus, protocols that rely more on the glycolytic (%). In other words, MOD protocols provided a reduction
system might be more beneficial to body fat reductions.102 103 of ‘0.0026% per minute’, while HIIT and SIT protocols
In general, although our findings suggest that MOD provided a reduction of ‘0.0050% and 0.0067% per minute’
provides similar benefits to interval training for total body fat
in total body fat percentage (%), respectively. The analysis
percentage (%) reduction, interval training might be an effi-
showed that interval training promotes greater reductions in
cacious, ‘time-efficient’ exercise strategy for body fat manage-
total absolute fat mass (kg) than MOD, despite requiring less
ment, since the MOD protocols examined in the included
studies usually had a greater duration than interval training time to be performed. However, it is important to be aware of
protocols and provide similar reductions in total body fat the possible risks and caveats associated with higher intensity
percentage (%). For example, MOD protocols lasted on average training. For example, it might increase the risk of injury and
38 min (average of 35 sessions × 38 min/session=1330 min) impose higher cardiovascular stress. Adherence should also be
and provided a reduction of 3.5% in total body fat percentage examined, as higher intensity protocols can result in higher
(%), while HIIT protocols lasted on average 28 min (average discomfort.

Viana RB, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;53:655–664. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 9 of 12


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099928 on 14 February 2019. Downloaded from on 26 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
A common criticism of meta-analysis is the combination of choice, age (<30 years), study quality and intervention duration
largely heterogeneous studies that have important method- (<12 weeks). In general, our findings suggest that the ‘signal in
ological differences, which can influence the reported effects the noise’ is the similar effects of interval training and MOD on
particularly when the number of included studies is low.104 105 total body fat percentage (%) management and the superiority
According to Grindem et al,106 heterogeneity is a key factor in of interval training for total absolute fat mass (kg) reduction, yet
the decision to pool or not to pool the results of available studies, that these effects can be produced in a ‘time-efficient’ manner
which makes it a challenging issue in systematic reviews. The when using interval training.
included studies presented relatively high heterogeneity in the
total meta-analysis of total body fat percentage (%) and total Contributors  RBV and JPAN carried out the screenings and reviews. RBV and
absolute fat mass (kg), and this may be a reflection of the large VSC carried out the analysis of the articles. RBV and PG drafted and revised the
heterogeneity in exercise protocols used in the included studies. manuscript. CABdL, VSC, JS, JPF and PG revised the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
Broadly speaking, the different protocols (HIIT/SIT or MOD)
seem similarly effective in modulating body adiposity in humans; Funding  This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in
the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
however, the varied approaches used make it difficult to draw
general conclusions and recommendations about the ‘ideal’ Competing interests  None declared.
interval training or MOD protocol. Therefore, clinicians must Patient consent  Not required.
be careful when interpreting these results and applying them Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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