Powers Home Eviction
Powers Home Eviction
Powers Home Eviction
3, Defendant named above is in possession of the premises located at (street address, apt. no,, city, zip code, and county):
340 Surfview Drive
Pacific Palisades. CA 90272
4. Plaintiffs interest in the premises is [ZJ as owner CJ
other (specify):
5. The true names and capacities of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plaintiff.
6. a. On or about (date): 8/ I 7/18 defendant (name each):
* NOTE: Do not use this form for evictions after sale (Code Civ. Proc.,§ 1161a). Pago 1 ol 3
Form Approved for Optional Use Civil Cade,§ 1940 el seq.
Judicial Council of Califomia COMPLAINT-UNLAWFUL DETAINER Code of c,vil Procedure§§ 425.12, 1166
UD 100 IRev. July 1, 2005) www.courli nfo.ca.gov
Case 19-10573-KG Doc 31-15 Filed 05/06/19 Page 3 of 17
PLAINTIFF (Name): Rosanna Rocker CASE NUMBER:
Clique Communications, Inc., Andrew Powers, and Marget Powers
e. D✔ A copy of the written agreement, including any addenda or attachments that form the basis of this complaint, is attached
and labeled Exhibit 1. (Required for residential property, unless item 6f is checked. See Code Civ. Proc., § 1166.)
f. D (For residential property) A copy of the written agreement is not attached because (specify reason):
(1) D the written agreement is not in the possession of the landlord or the landlord's employees or agents.
(2) D this action is solely for nonpayment of rent (Code Civ. Proc., § 1161(2)).
7. D✔ a. Defendant (name each):
Clique Communications, Inc., Andrew Powers, and Marget Powers
was served the following notice on the same date and in the same manner:
(1) D✔ 3-day notice to pay rent or quit (4) D 3-day notice to perform covenants or quit
(2) D 30-day notice to quit (5) D 3-day notice to quit
(3) D 60-day notice to quit (6) D Other (specify):
b. (1) On (date): 3/18/19 the period stated in the notice expired at the end of the day.
(2) Defendants failed to comply with the requirements of the notice by that date.
c. All facts stated in the notice are true.
d. D✔ The notice included an election of forfeiture.
e. D✔ A copy of the notice is attached and labeled Exhibit 2. (Required for residential property. See Code Civ. Proc.,
§ 1166.)
f. D One or more defendants were served (1) with a different notice, (2) on a different date, or (3) in a different
manner, as stated in Attachment 8c. (Check item 8c and attach a statement providing the information required
by items 7a–e and 8 for each defendant.)
8. a. D✔ The notice in item 7a was served on the defendant named in item 7a as follows:
(1) D by personally handing a copy to defendant on (date):
(2) D by leaving a copy with (name or description): ,
a person of suitable age and discretion, on (date): at defendant's
D residence D business AND mailing a copy to defendant at defendant's place of residence on
(date): because defendant cannot be found at defendant's residence or usual
place of business.
(3) D✔ by posting a copy on the premises on (date): 3/14/19 D AND giving a copy to a
person found residing at the premises AND mailing a copy to defendant at the premises on
(date): 3/14/19
(a) D because defendant's residence and usual place of business cannot be ascertained OR
(b) D✔ because no person of suitable age or discretion can be found there.
(4) D (Not for 3-day notice; see Civil Code, § 1946 before using) by sending a copy by certified or registered
mail addressed to defendant on (date):
(5) D (Not for residential tenancies; see Civil Code, § 1953 before using) in the manner specified in a written
commercial lease between the parties.
b. D (Name):
was served on behalf of all defendants who signed a joint written rental agreement.
c. D Information about service of notice on the defendants alleged in item 7f is stated in Attachment 8c.
d. D Proof of service of the notice in item 7a is attached and labeled Exhibit 3.
9. D Plaintiff demands possession from each defendant because of expiration of a fixed-term lease.
10. ~ At the time the 3-day notice to pay rent or quit was served, the amount of rent due was$ 69,900.00
11. [iZJ The fair rental value of the premises is$ 1,165.00 per day.
12. D Defendant's continued possession is malicious, and plaintiff is entitled to statutory damages under Code of Civil
Procedure section 1174(b). (State specific facts supporling a claim up to $600 in Attachment 12.)
13. [iZJ A written agreement between the parties provides for attorney fees.
14. D Defendant's tenancy is subject to the local rent control or eviction control ordinance of (city or county, title of ordinance,
and date of passage):
Any other remedies that the Court deems just and
18. [il] Number of pages attached (specify): _ __ proper.
19. (Complete in all cases.) An unlawful detainer assistant [iZJ did not Ddid for compensation give advice or assistance
with this form. (If plaintiff has received any help or advice for pay from an unlawful detainer assistant, state:)
Date: 3/22/19
I am the plaintiff in this proceeding and have read this complaint. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of
California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Rosanna Rocker
A _s soc
OF llBA LTOllS• (c..ut.F.Ol'IIILR.~1111)
B. The PNlft"llul are for the tole use as a personal residenc:e by the following named r>er90n(s) ~ : Andfw
andthw•llvf, chlM',n
C. ~f(>llowlng pe,sonal property, malntaihed pursuant·to pa~raph 11, la ineluded: AN @ldnl ~
-,----,.------..,._---,-__,,,--or□ (if chedted) the persn property Qn the·attac:hiid addendum is included.
p, The Premisu may be •ubJect to a local rent control Ofdinance l,M AnawlN . .
~ TERM: The term begins on (date) Septfmbec 1. 2011 ("Comrl'iel"lCll'net Date"). If Tenant has ;,(rt g>4lid all amounts then due;
(i) T ~ has no right 1· 0 pou9S9ion or keys to the prwniles and; (U} ~ -AQreefflCWlt is W>ideble at the option of landlord, 2 calendar
d . after giving T-.nt a Notice to Pl)' (CAR. Form P'PN). Notice may . b e ~ to Tenant (i) in peiaon; .(10 by mal to Tenanfs last
known adc:11'918; or (Ill) by email, if provided in Tenant's application or pr9VK)U9ly 1.-ed by Tenant to communleate With Landlord ot agent
for OMler. If L.anctord ..__ to void the leaae, Landlord 8hall refund to Tenant II rant and security deposit paid.
~MtkAorB): .
LJ A, M ~ : This Agreement continues from the commencement dn as a month-to-month tenancy. Tenant may
term~ the tenancy by giving ~ notice at least ao days priOr' to the lnteoded tennination date. Tenant shall be
~ for paying. l'IM'it through the 111nnlnatlon • even if moving 01,1t earty. landlord may terminate the tenancy by
giving writt8n notice as provided by law. Such notices may be given on any date. .
ljB. ......: Thia AQreement shall i.rmlnate on (date) Au""!f 31, 2011 at t:IJO □ AMI [ilPM. Tenant
shal vacate the• Premises upon t.,rminlttion of the ~•nt. unless: (I) Landlord and Tenant ha~ ext9nded thi•
Agreement in -writing or Jigned.a new agteement; (Q) mand• t,y loc:81 rent control t.w; or (lil) Landlord atoepts Rent from
Tenant (ocher than past dUe Rent), in Whieli C8$8 a month-to-month tenancy shall be created whld'I ~ party may
temi:lmita es specified In paragraph 2A. Rent shall be at a rate agreed to by Land!Qrd and Tenant. or as allowed by law; All
other ternis and oondltioris of this Ag('eel'llellt shall reri:ialn in fuU force and effect
3. RENT: •Renr shall ~ .i mooetary obligations of Tenant to Landlord urw the terms of the Agfaement, except security depc8it.
A. Tenant agrw to -P8)' s.u,go,oo . per month for the 111rm of the Agreement. ·
a. Rent Is ~able,in advlmce cm the 1st (or LJ _____ ) day of each calendar month, anci it delinquenton the next day.
C. If Commencement Date falls on any day other than the day Rent is payable under pal'agnlJ)h 38, and Tenant ha$ paid ~ full
month's Rent in advance-of Commenctment Date, Rent for 1he second calendar month shall be prorad and Tenant shaft pay
1l30tn of the fflOn1htv rent per dly for each day remaining in the p,or.ted second month;
D. PAYMENT: {1) .'R .nt ah.it be paid by ~ personai ~ lj money ordet, licaahier's
check, midi _,.· ~ to ROillMINI
BfCl'« , l&Jwireleledn:>nictranafer, or ti.other
(2) Rent sha11 .be delivered to <nam•>
Roonna Rock., ....... ~=--~~-----
(whose phooe number is) l31o,no.,ti0 at (~,...) .J de Oc!,nhtk BlwtL 11014 Sald:I Aran1g. CA »fO§
...,,,....-,--,,,_---,,-~---:~ (or at any ~ -1ocat1oruubeec1t.-nlly _iJ)edfied by l.anilori1 iri witting to- Tenant) (and U if
d'leckl,,d, rnmay be paid peraonally, between the l'iour8 of t and 5 on the following days~,....,,....,,,,,.,,---,,--.,--._·
(3) ltany payment • i9liJnied tor non-eufflcient funds (9NSP) or because tenant ltlpl ~ then. a1llr that; (!)_Landlotd may, in
wn11ng. requji9T-.nt1D pay~ lncaat\ forthreemontha and f•) al rwn Relitn•be ~ i:,yLJ
money order, orLJ cashier'• check.
E.. Rem paymema r:eatived by Ulndltjrtl S.haD be epplied 1D the earliest amount(s) dlMt or pita\ due.
'A. Tenant ag,.. to pay iff,H0.00 as a security depo$it. Security deposit wil be. OttansfemKI to and held by~
Owner .of·the PremiW,.or Oheld in OWne(s Broke(s trust account
e. All or_,, ·J)Ol1!on d ihe IMJCUrily deposit l'Tlal)' be uied, as ~ -neceesary, to: (0 CUf9 Tenanrs c1erau1t in paymert of Rent (whk::h
indudes Lale~. NSF• or olheruna ciJe): (I) repairdanage, muding oninaryw.r ~ -,. caueed .t,y T..,.,-.tor b y • ~
inllllaeor~ dTena,,t; (II) clean Pnlt.nisel, i f ~ . upon IMmiitallon of the tenancy; --1 (iv} r9l')lacl or ratum .pellonal property
"The maximum amount of se<)Urity deposit however deaignatErd, cannot ex~ two mom:h$' Rent for an unfurnished premises, or
three rnontht' Rent for a furnished premises.
I\. Tenant acknowledges either late payment of Rent or issuance of a returned check may cause W.ndlord to incur oosts and
expenses, the exact am01,1nts of which are extremely ctifficult and Impractical to determine. These costs may Include, but are not
limited to, proceuing, enforcement and accounting expenses, and late charges imposed on Landlord. If any ~ lment of Rent
due from Tenant is not l"8CeMtd by Landlord within I (or D--:-:c:,---:------,:-:-) ~1,ndar daya !lfterthe date due; or If a check
Is retui:ned, Tenant shell! pay to Landlord, ~ l y . an additiortal sum of$ or ~,,....,_....,,....._%
of the Rent due as a Lam c ~ and $25~00 as a NSF fee for the first returned check and S35.00 a a NSF fee for each
additional rittumed ehe!:;k, either or botll of which sh-.11 be c:t,emed addttk>nal Rent
B. Landtord and Tenant agree that thetct charges represent a fl!llr and ,..._e>,,_ble estimate of the c;osts Landlord may incur by
ruson of Tenanr, i.te or NSF payment. Any Late Ch•rge or NSF fee due shall be paid with the QU'l'ent instaHment of Rent
landk>rd's acceptance of any Late Charge or NSF fee shall not constitute a waiver " tp any ~fault. of Tenant.. Landlord's right
to oottect a Late Charge or NSF fee shafl neither be ~med an extension of the date Rent Is due under paragraph 3 nor prevent
Landlord from exercising any other rights and remedies under this Agreement and as provide<,1 by law.
7; PARKING: (C""" A or B)
jjA. Parking ii pennitted as follows: "'D....,m,,=·.wa=
·-".:&y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
□a. Tenants acknowlec:lgment of the condition of these. items is contained in an attached statement Qf condition (C.A.R. Form
0 C. (I} Landlord will Pefiver to Tenant a statement of condition (C.AR: Form MIMO} within 3 • ~ after execution of this D
Agreement; prior to the Commencement ~ : Owithin 3 daya after the Commencement Date.
(II) TenariUhall ooinplete and return the MIMO to Landlord Within 3 (or ____J eta,- after Delivery. Tenant's failure to D
return the MIMO with.in that time shall conclusiv81y be deemed Tenanfs Acknowledgement of the condition as stated in the
....;--~.AEJ~I~ l
Landlord'$lnftlala ( ~~ ) .._(_ __,)
~ -qll'Mnitlly lipl.otpX taOtn Finw, ll!illtftGN, Ff!IINI', MICtllpn oC!1!12i11 ww l1laf nc:&CClli .•ila.Mn, ' - t
Case 19-10573-KG Doc 31-15 Filed 05/06/19 Page 8 of 17
C. Ii Landlord LJ Tenant shall maintain the garden, landscaping, trees and.shrubs, except _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
not make~ repars, dlllatlons or ml)f'CM'Jffl8t'l in or about the Prwnises Including: painting, ~ •ng
17. AL11:RA11()NS;·REPAIRS: Untesa 01helWlae specified by law or pahlgraph 25C, without Landlord's prior written CdnSelit, (Q Tenant st1a11
or changirG lodes,
it IS1alq .. , . _ or satelllle dish(es), plac:iqg.sis,ns, disPlaYli or axhibitB, or using ~ --.liug devices, large, nails or adhesive
materials; (I) Landlotd shal not be ~ fpr the C,()&ts of alteratiot!S or 119P1Mrt made by Tenant; (IQ) Tenant ahall not del;t\Jd from Rent
the ooits of any~;..~• or mproyements; and(IY)any deduction made byTeNiritshal beco11slden1d l.flP8ld Rent.
A. T e n a . . n t ~..·receip
_2_ .key{s) to PfitmMS,
.· .t of (or Tenant will receive~ prior to the Commencement
. _
or O••· O
2 _ _ ,:emote control device{t) for garag&door/gate opener(s),
. ):
_ _ key(s) tom~.
~ key(s) ·to' cammon area(i),
a. T ~ IICktlQWledges that locks to the Premises D have, have no~ ~n re,.keyed.
C, If T..-m re-keys existing locks or opening devicl,s, T.,,,..nt shd Im.mediately dell...- copies of an keys to Landk>rd. T,nant sllall pay
au co$ti and charges reiat.,dto tpss of any keys or opening devices. Tenant may not n,move loc:i<I, even if installed by Tenant
A. Tenant shal make Premi,e& eval~ to landlord or Landlord's representative for'the purpose of entering to make necessary or
agreed repairs (including, but not limited to, installing, repairing, testing, end maintaining smoke.delec:tors and carbon mor)()Xkle
devices, a bracing, anchoring or strapping water heaters, or rapairing diJapidatlon relating to the pnisence of mold}; providing
decoration$, allerations, or lmpn,vements, or supplying necessary or agreed aervicea; or to show Premises to pi'OIJpeCtive or
actual purchasers, tenants, mortgagees, lender,, appraisers, c:ontractora and others ( ~ l y •r~ted Persons~). Tenant
agrees that Landlord, Broker and lntetested P~rsons may take photos of the Premi.e..
a. Landlord and Tenant agrae that i4-hour written notice shaN be reasonable and sufficient notiQe, except as follows: (1) 48-hour
'Written nQtice ls required to cond®t an Inspection of the PremiSes .prior to the Tenant moving out.. r.mlesis the Tehant waives the
right to such notice. (2) If Landlord has In .writing informed T•nant that the Premises are for sale and thlt Te~t WiH be notified
oraUy to show the premises (C.A. R f()fT't) NSE), then, for the next 120 days following the delivery of the N.SE, notice may be
given orally to show the PtemisN to actual or p ~ v e purchasers. (3) No Written notice i9 requited if Landlord and Tenant
orally·agrN to an entry for agreed aarv10$1 or repairs if the dat. and time of entry are within one W98k of the oral agreement (4)
No notice is required: (t) to enter in cue of an emergency; (IJ) if the Tenant is present and oonsena at the time of entry; or (IH) if
.the Terianthas @andoneQ or surrendered the Premises.
C. 0 (If .c::hec:ked) tenant authorizes the uae of a keysafeJlockbox to allow entry into the Premises and agrees to sign a
k e ' y s a ~ a®endum (CAR. Form KLA).
A. In order to • ~ market the Pram.ises for sale or rental it is often necessary to prOVide photographs, virtu.al tours and other
media tQ lnillAlstect Persons. Tenant agrees that Broker may f)hotograph or otherwise elf)ctronically capture im91 of the
exterior and lnt&rior of the Premises {"tm$ges") for static and/or virtual tours of the Premises l)y lnte,_.ted Pef8Qns for use on
Broker's ~ . the ~LS. and other marketint materials and aitas. Tenant acknowledges that once Images are placed on the
lntiamet neither Broker nor Landk>rd ha control over who Qin view sueh Images and what use viewers may make of the Images,
or how long such lmaget rnay remain ~labia on the Internet
B. Tenant ~ that prospective Interested Persons
coming onto the Premises may take ~tographs, Videos or other
~ bf the Pnwnilies. Tenant uncter.tands lhat Broker does not have the ability to control or blod< the taking and use of
Image.a by any such persons. Oll08 linages are • n and/qr put into electronic display on the Imam~ or otherwille, neither
Broker nor Landlord h• control 0\/8r who ·Views such Images not What use ~ , . . may nuJke-of the h·nages.
21. SIGNS! Tenant authorizet1 Landlord to place FOR SALE/LEASE signs on the Premises. .
22. ASSIGNMENT; SUBLETTING: A. T ~ stu.11 not sublet .a l or any part of Premises, orl)arking or sto(age space$; or •ign or transfer
this Agreement or any int8re8t in It. without ~ • priqr written consent Untess such consent is obtflned, any 8'Slg~ transfer
or subl8lllng of Premiees or this Agn,ement or tenancy, by voluntary act of Tenarw, ~ of law or otherwise, shall, at the option of
Landtom, 18nninate this Agreement Any proposed assignee, transfeAMt or sublessee· shall submit to ~ndlOOf ari epplication and ~it
information br Laridloi'd's approval and;, if appf'OVl!d, lllgn a separate WritlBn agreement with Landlord ~ Tenant. Landloro's con.nt to
any one ala!.gnment. trtnsfer or sublease, shal not be c::oilstrued as tQnsent to any subsequent ~ transfer oi' sublNse and
does.not raleaae Tenant of Tenant's obligations under this ~ n t . B. This prohlbltlonalaQ applies ( Ocioe!!I nQtapply)to lhorUerm,
vacation, •nci transient ~Is suet, as, but not.limited to, those arranged 1:tlrough Air8n8, VRBO, HotneAWlllly or ottter ahort titrm rantJI
Nl'VIQfll. C. Anyviolation of this pl'Ohibttion is a non-curable, material breach oftt,•is Agraei'nent
23.JOINT AND INDMDUAL OBUGATIONI: tf there 18 rnont tnan one Tenant. each 00't .ti.it t. individudy and coms,letllti
respc>n$ibkl for the performance of all obligation• of Tenant under this Agmement, Jointly with every other Tenant, •~ indhllquelly,
whether .or not lh poeeessiOn.
2,4. POI.IE811QN:
A. (1) Tenant Is not in poi!lfilion of the Premlaes. If Landlord is unable to deliver P<>S,eSsion of Premises on Commencement
Date, IUCh Date sh8II be extended to the date on which P-01'8SSJon Is made avalfable to Tenant If Landlord is unable to
-delNer poeae11ion within I (or O _____ ) calendar day• attar agteed Commenoement Date, Tenant may
tenninate this Agreement by Qiving writtBn notice to Land.lofd, and shall be refunded all Rent and security deposit paid.
or ....@ POAeeiiOn 18 de
. e
. me
. dtermi.natl!d When Tenant has returned all keys to the Premises to l.a.ndlord.
. a. LJ Tenant is already in po1sesslon olthe Prem•.
A. Upon 1-tlffllnation of this Agreement. Tenant shal: (I) giw ~ aR copies of all kt,ys and any opening devices to Premi$88-,
including any common areas; (II) vacate ,nd surrender Premises to" Landlord, empty of all persons; and pel"S(Jnal prop$rty
belonging to Tenant (Ill) vacate any/al parking and/or•~ spact!; (Iv). clewl and deliver Premises, as apec::ifled.in
C below; to Landlord In the same condffion as r&feretlced in paragtaph 10; (Y) remo','8 all debris;. ("1) gMt written notice to
Larldk>rd of Tenant'a foiwarding addreu; and (;,ti) ...,......---,-.,.......,,,,..--___,..,..___,,.,...._-.___,,.,.--,,....._---c-------,-,---- .
8. AH attendionallmprowmems ~ t:,y o r ~ to be made by Tenanti with or without LandlQrd's consent, become the property
of Land~ upon termination. Landlord may ct,arge Tenant for rest()ration of the Premises to the con<llti<>n it~• in prior to any
c. Right to PN Mow Out Inspection and Repahs: (I) Atlar giving or 18081ving notice of termination of a tenancy (CAR Form NTT),
or blfore the e>cplnitiOn of thil Agreement, Tenant haa the right to n,qu.t that an i~on of the Prem-. take place prior to
termination of the laueor l8ntal (CAR Form NRI). lfT..,.nt19qU8811 such an irl8f)ection, tenant shall be given a n ~ to
remedy identified defieiencies prior to tetminatlon, conslltant with the te,ms of this Agraement (Ii) Any.1'1")alrs o r · ~.made to
tht Premlles ai a result ofthie inspection (collectiwlY; "Repair's") shall be made at Tenant'• ~ Repairs may be performed by
Tenant or through others, who have adeque ~llQe and _ , . . and are approved by L.aildlord. The Work·shall comply with
applk:able law; indudil'J9 goyemmental permit, inspectlon and approval requirements. R..... shall be perfomled in .a ~ . skillful
manner with materials of quality and appemanc::e oomparable to ~ materials. It 1s under$0Cf ~ 9)(8Ct .restoration of
aps:,earance or coemetic it8ma folowing all Repairs may not be poseible. OH) T•nt shall: (a) obtain receipts for Repairs ·perforrn$d
by othln; (b) prepare a Written statement indicating theRepairs~ by Tenant and the dabt of such ~epairs; and (c) provide
copies q t ~ and •tallaments to Landlord prior to termin.tion. Paragraph Z5C does not apply when the.tiN'laney !$ jerminated
pufSIJ&nt to callfomia Code of Civil Pr0¢8<.fure § 1161 (2), (a), or (4).
21, BREACH OF C.ONTRACT; EARLY TERIIINATION: In addition to any obligations e$tablisned: by paragraph 25, In the event of
termination .by T---nt priorto completion of the original term of the ~eement, Tenant Shaft allo be t8$pOnSible for !Qst Rent. rental
commissions, advertising expen• and painting coets neceeaary to ready Premises for ,~ t Landford m•y withhOld ·any such
amounts from r-.nrs 9-CUritydeposit.
'Zl. TEMPORARY RELOCATION: Subjecfto local law; Tenant agrees; upon .demand of Landlord, to temporarily v-=ate Premisell for a
teaso~ period, to allow for fumigation (or .other mettiods) to control WOQd destroying pejtl or organisms, or other repai~ to
PntmiML. Tenant ag,-. to comply with all instructions and requirements necessary to prepare Pramieea to accommodate pest
control, fi.tmlgt1ion or other w0!1(, including bagging or storage of food and medicine, and removal of perishables and v,iilu. .-,s.
Tenant shall only be errtiUecl to a credit of Rent equal to the per diem Rent for the period of time Tenant la required to vacate
28. DAMAGE TO PREMISES: If, by no fault of T•nant, Premi.e. ere totally or partially damaged or destroyed by fiN, earthquake,
accident or other' casualty ~ -render Pnlmitea totaMy or partially unlnhabit..bie, either Landlord or Tenant may tet:minata th!•
A g ~ by giving the other written notice. Rent shall be abated as of the dma Premises become totany or partially uninhabitable.
The ~ . amount shall be the cvrrent monthly Rent protat&d on a 30-day period. If the Agreement Is :not terminated, Landlord
1h11 promptfy repair the damage, and Rent shall be reduced baled on the .extent to which the d8ffla!1$ interfetet with Tenants
rusonable use of Pternisee. tr d!lmage OQCUrs as a reault of an act of Ten,nt or Tenant's gueets, onty Landlord shall have the right
of termin.tion. and no reduction in Rent shall be made.
29. IHSJJRANCE: A. Tenanfs, guest's, invitees or lice0$M's personal property and V$hicle$ are not inasured by Landlord, manager or, If
applicable, HOA. against IOSJ or damage due to ""· theft; vandalism, rain, water; criminal or n$0figent acts of others, or any other
ca.use. Tenant • advlud to cany Tenant'• o.-. Insurance (,.ntw'• tnauranc.) to protect T...-m from any aueh ion or
damage. a. Tenant •ha! comply with any requirement Imposed on Tenant by LandlOrd's insurer to avoid:. (I) an increese in
Landlord's insurance premium (or Tenant shall pay fQr the increase in premium); or (II) loss of Insurance. C. [ii Tenant shall obtain
liability ~ . in an amount not less than $1,000,0CH>,OO , naming LandlOrd and, if appffl;8ble, Pr()pefty Manager
as addltional. lnlul'Eld for injury or dam• tQ, or upon, the Premises during the term of this agn,ctment or any extension. Tenant shall
provide Lal'ldlcird a 90PY.of the i.nsurance policy :betore commencement of this·Agreement, and a riditt prior tQ any renewal. ·
·so. WA'l'ERliEDSIPORTABLE WASHERS: Tenant shaft not ue or have·watetbtkts on the Pi'9ml5" unie.a: (I) Tenant obtains a valid
wateibed insurance policy; (ti.) Tenant increaset the security dep091t i,n ari amount equal to one-half of one month's Rent; and (Ill)
thff bed conforms to the floor load capacity of PAffl'li.-. Tenant Shall not use on the Premises O
Portable Oish'Ma&her Portable D
Washing Mact,ine. .
31. WAIVER: The waiver of any bteach sha~ not be consvued as• continuing waiver of the same or any s~uent breach;
Tenant'• ' " - ,~ l ) c > Landlofifs 1n1t1a11 < '2'2 ) <..__ __,
Case 19-10573-KG Doc 31-15 Filed 05/06/19 Page 11 of 17
1). r.&lRo..PEL CERTIFICATE: Tenant shall execute and return.a tenatrt estoppel ~ · deliverecHo T ~ by LandloR:I or
Landlord's agent within 3 dat- after its receipt (C.A.R. Form TEC). Failure to comply with this requirement shall' be deemed
Tenant'• acknowledgment ~t the ten-,,t estoppel certificate.Is true and correct. and m~y be rel~ vpon by a ktnder or purcha8er.
A. TENANT REPRESENTATION; ~TIONS RE(iARDING OCCUPANTS; ,CREDIT: Tenant warranta that al statements in
Tenant's rental ·appUcatlon are accuralet Landlord requln,e all oocup,nts 18 years of age or older and all emancipa1ed mln01'8 to
~ a leaM rental applk:ation. Tenant acknowledge8 this reqllitement and agrees to notify l.andlQrd when any occupant of the-
Prem!Ms nNIChas the ,-ge of 18 or becomes an emiJlidpa11$d minor. Tenant,uthonzes Landlord and Broket(s} to Obtain Tehant's credit
report periodk:ally during the 1enancy in connection with the modification or enforawnent of this ~ t Landlord may .cancel this
Agreement (I) befcr9 occupancy begina; upon disapprOval of the credit rapotUs), or upon discovenng that information In Tefnant's
~ is false; (II) After comtnenoement date, upon disapproval of an updated credit teport or uPQn diacQverlng that lnfQrmation In
T$11anrs applatiOn la no longer tr\le. A negative c:radlt raport rallec1ing on Tenant's reco,:d may be ,ut,rn:itted to a Ct8dlt teportlng
.agenc,y if Tenant fails .to fulfl the terms of payment and other ·obtlgaiions under this Agreement.
a. LANDLORD RIEPRESENT,-TtpNS: Landlord wart1ntil that, unless otherwise specified In writing, Landlord ts unaware of (l) any
tecofded Notices of OeratJlt a1'fec:tmg·the Prwnise; (II) any delinquent amounts due under any loan S8CUhl(f by lhe Ptemisea; and
(IH) any bankruptcy prQCeedii,g affecting the Premises.
A. COnllatent With paragraphs B and C below, Landlord Jlnd Tenant agree. to mediate any diapute or daim arising bel'Ween 1het'n
out of this ~ or sny resulting tranaaction., before resorting to court action. Mediation 1M$, if •ny, shall be divided
equally among the patties Involved. If, for any d~pute or claim to whieh this paragraph appllea, ..ny perty commences an action
w1thout ftm ,ttampting to reeolYe the matter through mediation, or refuses to mediate at'lar a request has been made, th,n that
party shall not be entitled to recover attorney fees, even If they would otherwise be avallaJ)le to thet'party in any •uch action.
a. The following matters 819 excluded from mediation: (I) an unlawful d$tainer actloo; {Ii) the fllmg ot enforcement of a mechanic's
lien; and (Ill) any rnatter within the J1:11i$dittion of a.probate, smalJ claims or bankruptcy court. ihe filing of a court action to
enable the recording of a notice of pending action, for order of au..ctvnent. ~ . injunction, or other provi$ional
remedies, shall not 0Qfl8titute a waiver of the ~ation provision.
C. Landford and Tl!lnant agree to mediat6 disputes or claims involving Llating ~nt, Leasing Agent or property manage.r ("Broker"),
provided Broker shall have ag,\led to such medi!ltion plior to, or Within a reasonable ti~ after; the disPl,lte or claim is presented
to 9UCh Broker. Any election by Broker to participate in mediation shall not result in Broker being deemed a party to this
38.ATTORMEY FEES: In any action or Pl'()08eding arising OIJt of this Agreement, the prevailing party t>.etween Landlord and Te~t
!Shall •be entitled to r:eaaonable atto~ fees and costs, collectively not to. exe88d $.1,000 (or $_ _ _ _ _-, exi::ept as
pto'lided In paragnif)h 35A.
37. c,.A.R. FO,-: C,A.R. Form means the specific form refer&nced or another comparable foriTI agreed to by the parties.
A. Ji LEADIIMED PAINT(lc:hki.t): Premlleswere r::onsb'uded priorto 1978. lnaooocdanoewithfadei'll l&W, Landlortl giwsand
Tenantacknowtedges 111C8iptof~ cm.ciOSUf8S on 1he attac:hed form (CAR. Form FLO) and a~~ lead pamphlet
1. D Landlord has fn11ered into a contract for periodic peS.t control tretlltrnent of the Premises and shall ghnt Tenant a eopy of
the notice origlnaNy given to Landlord by the pest control company.
2:.0 Premises i.· a house. Tenant• reiponsi* for pe~lc pest control treatment
C. 0 IIETHMIPHETAaNE CONTA~TION: Prior to :signing this Agreem~mt. i...tndlord has given Tenant a notice th~ a hNlth
official has isJued an order prohibitiog occupancy of the property bec:ause of methamphetimine contamination. ,A copy of the
~ and Gider nattachecl.
D. BED BU(JS: Landlord has no knowledge of any Infestation in the Premises by bed bugs. $ee ~ched Bed Bug D.lsctoaui:e
{C.A.R. f=om, 880) for further information. Tenant Shall report SUapected bed~ infestation to Landtortl or, If applical>le,
property manager and cooperate with any inspection for and trea1ment of bed bugs. Land!Qrd will notify bments of'any .uni.ts
infested by bed bt.lgs.
E. IEGAN'S LAW l>ATABASE DISCLOSURE: Notice: Pursuant to $ec:tion 290.46 of the Penal Code, information about specified
regiatal'9d sex offenders is maqe avallat>le to the publlc via an Internet 'Neb site rneinteined by the Department of Jus,oe at
~-meoenslaw.ca.gov.. 0$1:>ending on an otrender's criminal histofy, this information will indude either the eddress at Which the
offender reeidN or 1he oommuntty o f ~ and ZIP Code in-which he or she resides. (Neither Landlord not Brol<ffl, if any, 81'19·
~ t o ~ thiswebllte. lfTenantwanll further Information, T$nanbhould obtain lnfotmation .dire(:lly frQm this wabsite.)
F. □ RESIDENTIAL EtMRONIIENTA-1,, HAZAR.DI BOOKLET: Tenant ~ receipt of the, residential environmental
h~booklet. .
G. D .MILITARY ORDNANCE PIICLOSURE: {If applicable and known to Landlord) Premises are located within one mu. of an
area onc:e ~ for milftary training. and may CQntain potentlaly e,cploslve munition&.
H. FJ-000 HAZARD DIICLOSURE: Flooding has the potential to cause significant damage to ~rsonal property owned by
~Tnnt. See Jiched Tenant FIOOd HazardDledoslll9(C.A.R,. Form TFHD)for,adcltl0n8llnfotrndon., . , _
Jteas ) .(
. '. ' T ~ ~1!11
UUllMfP'tllt (P: . . a OF I)
) landlord's lnltlalt ( '.t~ ) ' -- -..J
PNldlic-chll!II ~ - - - 1i070 Flllwl Mle Roal. F,..., Mldlieln ~ .... jjpf Ofllicgp ...,.,, ~
Case 19-10573-KG Doc 31-15 Filed 05/06/19 Page 12 of 17
'8, ~~ _rC~P~CITY: If one or more P..,.. is ~ning this AgnNJf'l'leOt in a ~ . cilplcity· and not for
him/hersetf as an lndMdual then that Party shall !Ml i ~ In paragraph 49 or 50 and attach a Representative Cllpacity Signature
Dbtcioauf$ (C.A.R. Farin RCSD}. ~ the signature Of initials of th& ~t.atlve kMntified in the RCSD ~ on this
Ag~nt or any related dOcuments, it shaU be dieemed to be in a representative cap~ for the entity described and not in an
indiv.ldOIII Ciipadty, unlesa ~indicated.The Party acting in a ~ capaaty (l) repteNms that the entity for which
that party i.s acting alNMldY •xists and .(ii) .stiaU .Deliver to the other Party and Escrow Holder, withll.'I 3 Days After Acceptance,
evidence: of authority to act in ·tr1at .c,apacity {such as but not llmited to: applicabl$ portion of the trust or ~ n Of Trust
(Pro• Code §1,8100.5), Jettltr'S testarnentary, court order, power of atto~y. corporate retollttlon, or formation docurl'lenta olthe
Landlotd ai1d Tenant ·.~ · and agree Btokei's: <•> do not . ~ the condition of the Ptemisea; (b) cannot verify
,........,itatlot• made by others; .(c) cannot~ le,gal or1ax adVlc:e; wl not
{d) other~ or infMnatiOn that exceeds the
~ -• ~ or experience ,-qulred to obtain a l'iaal estate I ~. Furthermore, if Btokerl are not also acting as l..and1ord In this
~ Brol«Ms: (e) do not ctec.:te vmat rent.I rn, a Tenant should pay or Lahdlortl .,auld accept; and {f) do not decide upon 1he
len01h .or ott,et ·wma ot thil Agreement. LandkJrd and Tenant agree 1hat they will seek legal, tax. il'i8Ut1ffl09 .~ other·desired ase1stance
ftO!T-1 ~ profelalonal5.
41.0 _INTERPREtER/'l'NaLATOR: The tenna of this Agreement have been interpreted for Tenant into the following lahgu11ge:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Landlord and Tenant ac:knc7,¥1edge r.eoeipt of
.the eflac:hed interpntterltrarislator agreement (C.A.R. Fom, ITA).
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to the lease or rental agreement
under which you hold the possession of the hereinafter described premises,
there is now due and unpaid rent in the total sum of:
Sixty nine thousand. nine hundred ($ 69.900.00 )
1 2019 through March 31, 2019
representing rent due from February ·
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that within Three (3) days after service of
this Notice on you, you must pay the amount of said rent in full or quit said
premises and deliver up possession of the same to the landlord/agent or the
landlord/agent will institute legal proceedings for an unlawful detainer against
you to recover possession of said premises, to declare said lease or rental
agreement forfeited and to recover rent and damages.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that by this Notice the landlord/agent elects
to and does declare a forfeiture of said lease or rental agreement if said rent is
not paid in full within the said three (3) days. The premises are located at:
340 Swfview Drive, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Address to pay 3435 Ocean Park BJvd. # 107-98, Santa Monica, CA 90405
•• Please note: If the address to pay is a Post Office Box, it must be mailed only. No
personal delivery.
Phone Number 310· 920-9990 (Payment may be made at any time within the time
stated: (Monday through Saturday 8:30 AM through 5:30 PM)