Sweet Potato-Based Pasta Product: Optimization of Ingredient Levels Using Response Surface Methodology
Sweet Potato-Based Pasta Product: Optimization of Ingredient Levels Using Response Surface Methodology
Sweet Potato-Based Pasta Product: Optimization of Ingredient Levels Using Response Surface Methodology
Sukhcharn Singh,1 Charanjit Singh Raina,1 Amrinder Singh Bawa2 & Dharmesh Chandra Saxena1*
1 Department of Food Technology, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal 148 106, India
2 Defence Food Research Laboratory, Mysore, India
(Received 29 September 2001; Accepted in revised form 25 June 2003)
Summary Sweet potato flour was used for the development of a pasta product. The system known as
response surface methodology was used to analyse the effect of sweet potato flour,
soyflour, water, Arabic gum and carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) on quality responses
(sensory, solids loss and hardness) of the pasta product. A rotatable central-composite
design was used to develop models for the responses. Responses were affected most by
changes in soyflour and gum levels and to a lesser extent by sweet potato flour and water
levels. Individual contour plots of the different responses were superimposed and regions
meeting the maximum sensory score (33.8), minimum solids loss (16.6%) and maximum
texture hardness (5616 g) were identified at 674 g kg)1 sweet potato flour, 195 g kg)1
water, 110 g kg)1 soyflour, 10.6 g kg)1 Arabic gum and 10.1 g kg)1 CMC levels.
Keywords Arabic gum, carboxy methyl cellulose, cooking loss, sensory analysis, soyflour, texture.
and found that supplementation improved the enhance the nutritional protein quality of pasta.
sensory properties of Egyptian bread. Chiappe The production of sweet potato per hectare is also
et al. (1984) found that substituting 10% of the higher than that of the cereals used for making
wheat with sweet potato flour improved the pasta.
quality of bread. In India, the size of the semi-processed/ready-
Defatted soyflour and grits are the most to-eat food segment is over Rs. 4000 crores (US
economical sources of soya protein available and $1.1 billion), with over 60 000 bakeries, 20 000
the nutritional value of these products is some- traditional food units and several pasta food units
what superior to that of concentrated (refined) (the annual production of macaroni/noodles is
protein products made from soybean. Limroong- about 16 500 tonnes). The annual production of
reungrat & Huang (2002) observed that pasta bread, biscuits and other bakery products in India
made from 100% alkaline-treated sweet potato is estimated to be 3.70 million tonnes (Ministry of
flour had the lowest cooking loss (9.9%) and Food Processing Industries, 2003).
the highest firmness (1.8 N). Different hydrocol- However, the standardization of the process and
loids (sodium alginate, K-carrageenan, xanthan formulation of pasta using sweet potato flour has
gum and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) have not been reported in the literature. Therefore, in
improved the rheological properties of the wheat the present study, investigations were undertaken
flour dough and the final quality of bread (Rosell to utilize the easy availability of sweet potato to
et al., 2001). develop a pasta product in combination with
Response surface methodology (RSM) has been soyflour and hydrocolloids and to use RSM to
shown to be an effective tool for optimizing a optimize the formulation of raw ingredients. The
process as highlighted by different authors. Basic- production of a high quality soya sweet potato
ally RSM relates product properties by using blend-based pasta product was dependant on
regression equations that describe interrelations different responses such as sensory quality, solids
between input parameters and product properties loss and textural property being measured and
(Colonna et al., 1984). Jauregui et al. (2000) used optimized.
RSM to optimize the conditions for an extruder
producing an amaranth-based snack food. Thakur
& Saxena (2000) used RSM to analyse the effect of
corn flour, green gram flour, xanthan, guar gum, Sweet potatoes were purchased from a local
Arabic gum and carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) market and its slices were lye peeled, dried at
on the sensory and objective (expansion ratio) 65 C to 12% moisture content, ground and then
attributes of an extruded snack food and found passed through an eighty-mesh sieve to make
that the responses were affected most by changes flour. The flour contained 1.56 g kg)1 ash and
in corn flour, green gram flour and guar gum levels 2.3 g kg)1 protein. The flour was kept at 4 C
and to a lesser extent by xanthan, Arabic gum and until required.
CMC levels. Vatsala et al. (2001) optimized the Defatted soyflour was kindly donated by Mod-
ingredients and process conditions for the prepar- ern Food Industries, Chandigarh, India. The
ation of puri using RSM. Some good examples of soyflour contained 8% moisture, 1.2 g kg)1 ash
the appropriate applications of this technique in and 57.5 g kg)1 protein. Arabic gum was procured
textured products are the optimization of complex from the local market. Laboratory grade CMC
products or properties or many process variables was purchased from Brightways Agencies,
(Onwulata et al., 2000; Sebio & Chang, 2000; Ambala, India.
Rosell et al., 2001). A pasta-making machine (model: Dolly; La
The nutritional value of pasta, as shown by its Monforrina, Asti, Italy) was used in the present
bromatological composition, is not very high, as it study, in which relatively dry dough is forced into
is rich in starch, whereas its protein concentration the holes in the die under a pressure of approxi-
and quality is significantly lower (approximately mately 6895 kPa. A standard weight of raw
seven to eight times). Therefore, the incorporation material (256 g) was used for each experimental
of soyflour in the pasta preparation would run.
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2004, 39, 191–200 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Optimization of pasta made from sweet potato S. Singh et al. 193
Sensory evaluation
The sensory analysis of the cooked product was
PASTA PRODUCT done by a panel of five people. The samples were
evaluated for colour, appearance (deformation),
PARTIAL DRYING (60˚C for 30 min)
taste, aroma and mouth-feel. Each of the five
attributes was evaluated using a nine-point scoring
scale, with a liked very much product, retaining its
original shape and with a smooth, chewable, non-
Figure 1 Flow sheet for the pasta preparation from sweet sticky mouth-feel, scoring 9, and a disliked very
potato flour. much, extensively deformed product, scoring 1.
2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2004, 39, 191–200
194 Optimization of pasta made from sweet potato S. Singh et al.
Total 100.00 256.00 1000.0 where X1 ¼ (x1 – 1.98)/0.1; X2 ¼ (x2 – 1.39)/0.1; X3 ¼ (x3 –
5.00)/0.5; X4 ¼ (x4 – 1.00)/0.2.
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2004, 39, 191–200 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Optimization of pasta made from sweet potato S. Singh et al. 195
composite rotatable design was adopted (Cocha- Yk ¼ bk0 þ bki Xi þ bkii X2i þ bkij Xi Xj
i¼1 i¼1 i6¼j¼1
ran & Cox, 1957). In this design, experiments were
randomized in order to minimize the effects of ð1Þ
unexplained variability in the observed responses where bk0 is the value of the fitted response at the
due to extraneous factors. For analysis of the centre point of the design, i.e. point (0,0,0,0), and
experimental design by the RSM, it was assumed bki, bkii and bkij are the linear, quadratic and cross-
that n mathematical functions, fk (k ¼ 1, 2,…,n), product regression terms, respectively.
Expt. no. X1 X2 X3 X4 A B C D E Y1 Y2 Y3
2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2004, 39, 191–200
196 Optimization of pasta made from sweet potato S. Singh et al.
*P < 0.05 (2.145), **P < 0.01 (2.977) for d.f. ¼ 14.
The t-values in bold indicate the significance at different P levels.
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2004, 39, 191–200 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Optimization of pasta made from sweet potato S. Singh et al. 197
were selected for developing the models as Table 5 Analysis of variance for different models
Sources of Sum of Mean
Sensory score ðY1 Þ ¼ 35:03 0:82X2 0:65X3 Responses variation d.f. squares square F
560:64X4 þ 746:12X23
711:30X1 X2
þ 1445:25X1 X3 þ 675:28X2 X3 Conditions for optimum responses
d.f. ¼ 14; R2 ¼ 0:847:
The models (Y1, Y2 and Y3) were useful for
The sweet potato flour ratio had a greater positive indicating the direction in which to change vari-
quadratic effect on solids loss. The water ratio had ables in order to maximize sensory score and
a negative linear effect on both the responses. The texture and minimize solids loss. The multiple
soyflour ratio had a negative linear and quadratic regression equations were solved for the maxi-
effect on the sensory score, but a positive linear and mum sensory score (36.60), texture (9687 g) and
quadratic effect on solids loss. The Arabic gum minimum solids loss (13.34%). The optimum
ratio had a negative linear and quadratic effect on ingredientsÕ ratios (coded) predicted for each
sensory score and a negative linear and positive corresponding response are shown in Table 6,
quadratic effect on solids loss. The interaction of and lay within the experimental range, indicating
sweet potato flour and water content ratio had a the validity of the selection of the variables range.
significant positive and negative effect on sensory The calculated actual compositions (g kg)1) were:
score and solids loss, respectively. The interaction 656.79 sweet potato flour, 188.63 water, 127.41
of sweet potato flour and soyflour ratio had a soyflour, 12.81 Arabic gum and 14.36 CMC for
positive effect on both the responses. The interac- sensory score, 675.32 sweet potato flour, 195.32
tion of water content and soyflour ratio had a water, 105.88 soyflour, 12.66 Arabic gum and
negative effect on both the responses. The interac- 10.82 CMC for solids loss, and 666.11 sweet
tion of water content and Arabic gum ratio had a potato flour, 194.59 water, 119.16 soyflour, 9.22
negative effect on solids loss because of greater Arabic gum and 10.92 CMC for texture.
absorption and binding. The response surfaces and contour graphs were
obtained by plotting two variables, with the two re-
Analysis of variance maining having the values which give the optimum
2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2004, 39, 191–200
198 Optimization of pasta made from sweet potato S. Singh et al.
20.50 20.30
2.00 16.85
16.95 2.00
2.00 19.46 2.00 1.00 1.00
1.00 19.46 1.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 Water ratio –1.00 –1.00
Arabic gum ratio –1.00 -1.00 Water ratio –2.00 –2.00 Sweet potato flour ratio
–2.00 –2.00
Plate A
Plate A
36.06 15.50
33.48 16.11
2.00 16.95 19.46 2.00
1.00 1.00
32.19 34.77
0.00 0.00
2.00 Soy flour ratio –1.00 –1.00 Water ratio
–1.00 –2.00 –2.00
0.00 0.00
Plate B
Water ratio –1.00 1.00 Soy flour ratio
–2.00 2.00 Figure 3 Effect of ingredients on solids loss of pasta
Plate B
Figure 2 Effect of ingredients on solids loss (plate A) and The response surface of solids loss affected by
sensory score (plate B) of pasta product. sweet potato flour and water ratio (Fig. 3, plate A)
and soyflour and water ratio (Fig. 3, plate B)
exhibited an Ôasymmetrical saddleÕ; contours were
response in the equations of Y1, Y2 and Y3. Some asymmetrical hyperbolas. There was a ÔminimaxÕ,
selected surfaces are presented in Figs 2–4. i.e. a minimum at the bottom of the saddle,
The relationship of solids loss with water and whereas the surface tended to rise at the edges
Arabic gum ratio is shown in Fig. 2 (plate A). The (Edger & Himmelblau, 1988). The same effect was
unit change in Arabic gum ratio does not produce observed by Rustom et al. (1991) in the extraction
much change in response, whereas, when moving of peanut protein.
in the direction of water ratio, a change in ratio A region of minimum hardness was observed in
brings greater changes in solids loss. The response Fig. 4 (plate A) and the partial derivatives showed
surface for sensory score was saddle-shaped, and that the independent variables (coded) for this
similar values were encountered at various com- minimum were 0.150 sweet potato flour ratio and
binations of minimum and maximum levels of the 1.834 soyflour ratio. These conditions are almost
independent variables (Fig. 2, plate B). near those for pasta, which resulted in maximum
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2004, 39, 191–200 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Optimization of pasta made from sweet potato S. Singh et al. 199
Hardness (g)
Water ratio
5500.00 33.83
(Sensory score)
4750.00 0.00
4000.00 16.57%
Solids loss
5616.70 g
2.00 3413.86
4499.99 2.00 –2.00
4862.03 1.00 –2.00 –1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00
0.00 Plate A
Soy flour ratio –1.00 Sweet potato flour ratio
Sweet potato flour ratio
–2.00 –2.00
Plate A
Plate A
(Sensory score)
5616.70 g
6250.00 Hardness
16.57 %
Solids loss
2.00 3413.86
3775.90 2.00 –2.00
1.00 –2.00 –1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00
4137.95 1.00
0.00 0.00 Soy flour ratio
–1.00 4862.03 –1.00
Soy flour ratio Water ratio
–2.00 –2.00 Plate B
2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2004, 39, 191–200
200 Optimization of pasta made from sweet potato S. Singh et al.
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A. Sweet potato flour 673.95
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B. Water 195.10
New York: McGraw-Hill.
C. Soyflour 110.28
El-sahy, K.N. & Siliha, H. (1988). Use of sulphite treated
D. Arabic gum 10.59
sweet potato flour in manufacture of wheat bread.
E. CMC 10.08
Getreide Mehl und Brot, 42, 215–217.
Total 1000.00 Hamed, M.G.E., Siliha, H. & Sandy, S.K. (1973). Prepara-
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tolerate wheat gluten. However, consumer testing ing Industries, Ministry of Food Processing Industries.
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