JSA - Smith Structures
JSA - Smith Structures
JSA - Smith Structures
Sr. Sequence of activity in Hazard Associated Sequence of control Measure using Hierarchy
No. chronological order
PEB Material Loading & Unloading, Erection of PEB material , Roof sheet and Wall Cladding ,
1 Manually/ Mechanically Personal Injury due to Ensure work specific tool box training to
unloading PEB materials from slippage of material by all the workmen conducted by the
trailer. Shifting of the hand. contractor engineer & safety officer
materials from storage yard Fall of stacking before start the work.
by the help of Farana ,Hydra. materials due to non- Ensure the ground surface condition to be
Positioning of vehicle at sequence materials levelled for materials stacking and vehicle
unloading point. removal. movement.
The maximum height of Slip & trip due to Materials shifting route to be clearly
material stored will be 2.5 m uneven access. identified and any obstacle materials to be
ground level.
Fall of man & materials remove from access area.
Identified the materials from height. Ensure the weight of materials before
stacking and store area. Overturn of hydra due manually handling don’t handling by
Clearly marked the access to over load and forcefully.
area and route for materials uneven ground.
Work permit should be taken for activity.
shifting. Breaking of slings due
Shifting of column and to overload and use Route survey must be carried out for
rafter , Purlin, Sag Angle, the wrong procedure. entering trailer
Gutter at required place By Hit by suspended load.
Farana. Hit to person and Speed 10Kmph limit should be maintained
2 Placement of PEB other object by while entering the site.
Material at erection place crane/hydra during
for slinging & guide rope the materials shifting. Vehicle must be checked before entering
Job Safety Analysis
(JSA) Job no :- 395
Prepared By Checked by Approved by Date Revision
Mr. Ranjan Kumar Roy Mr. Sachin Aher Mr. Dhaval Patel 25/06/2019 A
Name of Project Simens Gamesa Work Location Rachaillapadu
Column, Rafter, Fall of man & in the Unloading area.
purlin,crane beam and materials from
bracing Erection and fixing height. Safety Helmet, Jacket, Shoe must be
of all structural members, Swing of material. provide driver & helper.
3 sheets, manually with the All the workers should be trained &
help of Farana, Hyadra & Damage lifting tool
Crane & tackles.
Shifting of column& Rafter Poor ground Check the condition of incoming trailer.
at required place By condition or bad
Farana,Hyadra/mobile component All lifting tools / equipment i.e. Crane/
crane. resulting in topple Lifting Sling, D-shackle must have valid test
of Farana,Hyadra & certificate (third party test certificate by
Placement of rafter piece Crane. competent person) with good condition
on wooden batten for Failure of and punched SWL and color code.
assembly with Farana equipment. Experienced hydra operator with valid
Failure of lifting tool license to be engaged for unloading,
Assembly of rafter & &tackles. shifting work of materials.
column at ground with the Falling Object.
Materials storage area to be caution tape
help of bolting and final
tighten of bolts will be Working at height. barricading.
done with the help of Ensure the Hydra documents like RC book,
torque wrench. Fall of rafter piece Insurance, PUC, driver license, Fitness
from wooden piece certificate (10 no form) to be valid and
Placement of column & due to Improper submit before use.
Rafter at erection place for stacking or damaged PPEs (Polka dotted type cotton Hand
slinging & guide rope wooden piece. Gloves , Safety Helmet, safety shoes, ,
fixing. Reflective jacket, Nose mask to be used)
Improper hand Don’t allow the work under height activity.
Erection of column & rafter tools. Safety harness to be used if working above
by crane/Farana /Hyadra Stumble hazard 1.8 mtr height and test certificate to be
Failure of submit.
De-slinging of Column & equipment. Lifted load should be guide by two guide
Rafter Failure of lifting tool ropes to prevent toppling during shifting.
&tackles. Ensure the lifting/erection area barricaded
Fixing of pulley in the
by caution tape and displayed the signage
column top for manually Poor housekeeping board.
girts lifting. at site. Slinging must be done by experienced
Then temporary wire ropes
will be fixed with the turn Heavy wind/loose
buckle for support of first materials. SWL of the sling must be matched
two columns. Falling object during according to the material weight.
lifting & fixing of Only one trained signal man will give signal
Erection of girts by Rope sheet.
Job Safety Analysis
(JSA) Job no :- 395
Prepared By Checked by Approved by Date Revision
Mr. Ranjan Kumar Roy Mr. Sachin Aher Mr. Dhaval Patel 25/06/2019 A
Name of Project Simens Gamesa Work Location Rachaillapadu
Pully or Farana,Haydra to the operator.
Fixing of pulley in the Fall of Hook
Two guide ropes of minimum three meter
rafter for manually purlin Tripping hazards
length must be use to guide the material
lifting at ground level by Electric shock. during shifting.
the help of PP Rope Serious injury of
Erection of purlin by Rope suspend of eyes or The position of person holding guide rope
Pully or Farana,Haydra body for the should be out of material & equipment
Manual lifting &fixing of damage of cutting reach.
purlin. wheel. Lifting tool & tackles must be checked
After fixing of purlin, fixing Fire hazard. before use.
of bracing members will be Breaking of PP rope.
done in the same manner. Personal Injury due Only third party certified lifting tool &
crane beam will be erected to slippage of tackles should be use.
with the help of Farana material by hand. Check the capacity of tool & tackles
&Haydra before lifting.
Safety Training
Helmet Safety Type of Hand Face mask / Safety Hearing Safety Any other
Shoes and gloves with face shield harness protection goggles Pls specify
gumboot description
Jacket, Nose
hand glows.
Revisions History
Type Does work require work permit Cold work, Material handling,
height work, sheeting work
Does any activity requires emergency rescue especially for height work? Ladder
Communicate to all relevant parties (via a toolbox talk) and ensure it is signed by all Personnel.
Job Safety Analysis
(JSA) Job no :- 395
Prepared By Checked by Approved by Date Revision
Mr. Ranjan Kumar Roy Mr. Sachin Aher Mr. Dhaval Patel 25/06/2019 A
Name of Project Simens Gamesa Work Location Rachaillapadu
I undersigned have read, discussed and fully understand the above Standard work procedure (Erection
work &SSR sheeting work and Wall cladding) and will adhere to all method of work and condition set