As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
Cement Research Institute of India, New Delhi
Members Representing
Shri A. K. Banerjee Metallurgical and Engineering Consultants India Limited, Ranchi
Users of various civil engineering codes have been feeling the need for explanatory handbooks and other
compilations based on Indian Standards. The need has been further emphasized in view of the publication
of the National Building Code of India in 1970 and its implementation. The Expert Group set up in 1972 by
the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India carried out in-depth studies in various
areas of civil engineering and construction practices. During the preparation of the Fifth Five Year Plan in
1975, the Group was assigned the task of producing a Science and Technology plan for research,
development and extension work in the sector of housing and construction technology. One of the items of
this plan was the production of design handbooks, explanatory handbooks and design aids based on the
National Building Code and various Indian Standards and other activities in the promotion of the National
Building Code. The Expert Group gave high priority to this item and on the recommendation of the
Department of Science and Technology, the Planning Commission approved the following two projects
which were assigned to the Indian Standards Institution:
a) Development programme on Code implementation for building and civil engineering
construction; and
b) Typification for industrial buildings.
A Special Committee for Implementation of Science and Technology Projects (SCIP) consisting of
experts connected with different aspects. was set up in 1974 to advise the IS1 Directorate General in
identification and for guiding the development of the work. Under the first programme, the Committee
has so far identified subjects for several explanatory handbooks/compilations covering appropriate Indian
Standards/Codes/Specifications which include the following:
Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS : 456-1978 (SP : 16-1980)*
Explanatory Handbook on Masonry Code (SP : 20-1981)*
Explanatory Handbook on Codes of Earthquake Engineering (IS : 18931975 and IS : 4326-1976)
(SP : 22-1982)*
Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Codes of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
(IS : 456-1978) (SP : 24-1983)*
Handbook on Concrete Mixes (SP : 23-1982)*
Handbook on Causes and Prevention of Cracks in Buildings (SP : 25-1984)*
Summaries of Indian Standards for Building Materials (SP : 21-1983)*
Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing?
Water Supply and Drainage with Special Emphasis on Plumbing?
Functional Requirements of Industrial Buildings (Lighting and Ventilation)t
Timber Engineering-t
Functional Requirements of Industrial Buildings
Foundation of Buildings
Steel Code (IS : 800)
Building Construction Practices
Bulk Storage Structures in Steel
Fire Safety
Construction Safety Practices
Tall Buildings
Inspection of Different Items of Building Work
Loading Code
tUnder print.
One of the compilations suggested is the Summaries of Indian Standards for Building Materials referred
in the National Building Code of India 1970. The list of specifications referred to in Part V of the code was
carefully examined and after scrutiny by a Panel it was decided to summarise all of them except standards
relating to Paints and other specifications not of direct concern to buildings. Also any specifications
revised and new specifications prepared till December 1982 have been taken into account in this summary.
The objective of the summary is to help the practising engineer/architect/contractor or other
professionals to have guidance regarding availability of Indian Standards on various materials/products
and to give a brief summary of the contents to indicate such aspects as quality requirements, dimensions,
range of properties, limitations on use, etc. This, it is hoped, would assist the professional
engineer/architect, etc to choose the material for the purpose of their design and estimation. For actual
purchase of the material/product, latest version of the Indian Standard has to be consulted and this
summary shall not be used for such purposes.
The general format of the summaries is, scope; range of sizes; important requirements regarding
physical, mechanical and other properties; reference to. appropriate methods of testing and other related
material specifications.
The summary shall be considered informative and shall not form part of contract or agreement.
The summary is arranged as per groups of materials/products listed in Part V Building Materials of the
National Building Code of India 1983.
The summary is based dn the draft prepared by Shri 0. Muthachen, Retired Engineer-in-Chief, Central
Public Works Department (Government of India).
Some of the products covered by the summaries bear the IS1 Certification Mark, the details of which can
be obtained from the IS1 Headquarters and its regional/branch offices.
SECTION 16 STEEL. 325-345
SECTION 22 GLASS 431-435
Title Page
IS : 383-1970 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete (second 3
IS : 650-1966 Standard sand for testing‘of cement (first revision) 5
IS : 269-1976 Ordinary and low heat Portland cement (third revision) 6
IS : 455-1976 Portland slag cement (third revision) 7
IS : 1489-1976 Portland-pozzolana cement (second revision) 8
IS : 3466-1967 Masonry cement yirst revision) 9
IS: 6452-1972 High alumina cement for structural use 10
IS : 6909-1973 Supersulphated cement 10
IS: 8041-1978 Rapid hardening Portland cement (first revision) 11
IS : 8042-1978 White Portland cement (first revision) 12
IS : 8043-1978 Hydrophobic Portland cement @rst revision) 12
IS : 8112-1976 High strength ordinary Portland cement 13
IS : 458-1971 Concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement) (second revision) 32
IS : 784-1978 Prestressed concrete pipes (including fittings) (first revision) 34
IS : 1916-1963 Steel cylinder reinforced concrete pipes 35
IS : 4350-1967 Concrete porous pipes for under drainage 36
IS : 7319-1974 Perforated concrete pipes 37
IS : 7322-1974 Specials for steel cylinder reinforced concrete pipes 38
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for aggregates, crushed percent for concrete for wearing surfaces (such as
or uncrushed, derived from natural sources for use in runways and roads) and 45 percent for other concrete.
the production of structural concrete including mass
concrete works. 2.4 Aggregate impact value (alternative to 2.3) shall
not exceed 30 percent by weight for concrete for
2. Requirements wearing surface and 45 percent by weight for other
2.1 Aggregates shall consist of naturally occurring
stones, gravel and sand, and shall be hard, strong, 2.5 Aggregate abrasion value shall not exceed 30
dense, durable, clear and free from veins, adherent percent for concrete for wearing surfaces and 50
coating and injurious amounts of disintegrated pieces percent for other concrete.
and deleterious substances.
2.6 Soundness (,fbr Concrete Liable to be E.~posed ta
2.2 Deleterious Muterials - Aggregates shall not
Frost Action) - Coarse and fine aggregates shall pass
contain in excess of the limits given in Table 1 of the)
the prescribed test.
standurd, harmful materials, such as pyrites, lami-
nated material, alkali, seashells, and organic im- 3. Size and Grading
purities and.those which may attack the reinforcement.
Aggregates shall not be chemically reactive with
3.1 Single-Sized and Graded CoLlrse
alkalis of cement,
Aggregates - shall be supplied in nominal sizes
2.3 Aggregate crushing value shall not exceed 30 given in the following tdble:
IS Sieve
Designation Percemage Passing for Graded Aggregate of Nominal Size
( \
40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm
80 mm 100 - - -
63 mm - - - -
40 mm 95-100 100 - -
20 mm 30-70 95-100 100 100
16 mm - - 90-100 -
12.5 mm - - - 90-100
10 mm IO-35 25 -55 30-70 40-85
4.75 mm o-5 O-10 O-IO O-10
2.36 mm - - - -
SP : 21-1983
3.2 Coarse Aggregates ,for Mass Concrete - shall 3.4 All-in-Aggregates - When available, grading
be in sizes specified in the following table: shall be according to the following table:
Class and Size IS Sieve Percentage IS Sieve Percentage Passing ,for All-in-
Designation Passing Designation Aggregate of Nominal Size
Very large, 160 -80 mm 160 mm 90-100 r
80 mm O-10 40 mm -?zL-
- - -.-- -. __-
Note 1 - For methods of tests, refer to IS : 2386 (Part I)-1963 to IS : 2386 (Part VIII)-1963 Methods of test for aggregates for
Part 1 Particle size and shape
Part II Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities
Part 111 Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking
Part IV Mechanical properties
Part V Soundness
Part VI Measuring mortar making properties of fine aggregate
Part VII Alkali aggregate reactivity
Part VIII Petrographic examination
Note 2 - Description and physical characteristics of aggregates for concrete are given in Appendix C of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 383-1970 Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from naturaC
sources for concrete (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for Indian Standard sand Retained on 90-micron 100 percent
used in testing of cement. IS Sieve .
Particle size greater than 33.33 percent
2. Requirements 1 mm
2.1 Sand shall be of quartz, light grey or whitish Particle size smaller than 33.33 percent
variety. 1 mm and greater than
500 microns
2.2 Sand shall be free from silt.
Particle size below 500 33.33 percent
2.3 Sand grains shall be angular, the shape of grains
approximating to spherical form, and elongated and
flattened g&ins being present only in negligible quan- 2.5 Shall be free from organic impurities. Loss of
tities. weight on extraction with hot hydrochloric acid
(specific gravity 1.16) shall not exceed 0.25 percent.
2.4 Grading
Passing through 2-mm 100 percent 3. Delivery - Shall be delivered in 50 kg sealed
IS Sieve metal containers.
Note - The standard sand shall be obtained from Ennore, Tamil Nadu; particle size greater than 1 mm of the standard sand may
also be obtained from Mudaliarkuppam, Tamil Nadu. Supplies may be procured from Concrete and Soil Research Laboratory,
Chepauk, Madras who shall furnish a certificate that the sand conforms to the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 650-1966 Specification for standard sandfor testing of cement (first
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Manufacture, and chemical and physi- 3.2 Soundr~ss - Expansion (unaerated) shall be
cal requirements of: not more than 10 mm by ‘Le Chatelier’ method; if it
fails, expansion of aerdted sample shall be not more
a) ordinary Portland cement for general use,
than 5 mm. Expansion by autoclave test shall be not
b) low heat Portland cement (where low heat of more than 0.8 tiercent.
hydration is required as in mass concrete for
3.3 Setrir1!: TiUW
a) Ordinary cement - Initial, not less than 30
2. Chemical Requirements minutes. and final, not more than 10 hours.
b) Low heat cement - Initial, not less than 60
2.1 Or,$tlu,;~ Portlud Cement -SW Table I . minutes, and final. not more than 10 hours.
i) Ratio of percentage of lime to percentages of sihca, alumina Not greater than I .02 and not less than 0.66
and iron oxide
ii) Ratio of percentage of alumina to that of iron oxide Not less than 0.66
iii) Insoluble residue, percent by mass Not more than 2 percent
iv) Magnesia, percent by mass Not more than 6 percent
v) Total sulphur content calculated as sulphuric anhydride (SO,), Not more than 2.75 and 3.0 when tticalcium aluminate
percent by mass percent by mass is 7 or less and greater than 7 resp-
vi) Total loss on ignition Not more than 5 percent
2.2 Low heat Portland cement shall comply with the 3.4 Cornprrssivr Strength - Of mortar cubes
requirements specified at Sl No. (ii) to.(vi) of Table 1 (1 cement : 3 standard sand) shall not be less than:
and the following:
Curing Time Or&ilwr\ LOWHeat
The percentage of lime, after deduction of that
(hours) (kgficm;) (kgf/cm’)
necessary to combine with the sulphuric anhyd-
ride percent, shall be: a)72 +I 160 100
Not more than 2.4 (SiO*) + 1.2 bj 168 f 2 220 160
(Al,O,J) +0.65 (Fe,O,), and c) 672 + 4 - 350
Not less than 1.9 (SiO,) + 1.2
3.5 Heat @Hydrurion - for low heat cement, shall
(Al,O,) + 0.65 (Fe,O,).
not be more than 65 Cal/g for 7 days, and 75 Cal/g for
28 days.
3. Physical Requirements
3.1 Fineness 4. Delivery - Packed in bags of 50 kg net. To-
lerance + 2.5 percent per bag and ?I 0.5 percent per
a) Specific surface for ordinary cement, not less
wagon load of 20 to 25 tonnes.
than 2 250 cm2/g; and
b) Specific surface for low heat cement, not less
than 3 200 cm2!g.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 4031-1968 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement, and IS : 4032-1968 Method of
chemical analysis of hydraulic cement.
For detailed infgrmation, refer to IS : 269-1976 Specification for ordinary and low heat Portland cement
(third revision).
SP : 21-1983
Nole-For methods of tests, refel to IS : 4031-1968 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement, and IS : 4032-1968 Method of
chemical analysis of hydraulic cement.
For detailed inforkhion, refer to IS : 4.55-1976 Specification for Portland slag cement (third revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note - For method5 of tests, refer to IS : 1727-1967*. 4.4 Cornpwssi\~r Strength - Of mortar cube
(1 cement : 3 standard sand), shall not be less than:
2.2 Pozzolana, to be interground with cement clinker, a) 220 kgf/cm2 at 168 IL 2 hours; and
shall satisfy lime reactivity requirements of 2.1(b). b) 310 kgf/cmZ at 672 f 4 hours.
2.3 Par-tlmd Cemrrlt Clirlkc~rlPostlarId Cement -
4.5 Drying Shrinkqr - Not more than 0.15 percent.
Shall conform to IS : 269-1976t.
5. Delivery - Packed in bags of 50 kg net. Tole-
3. Chemical Requirements - Shall comply with rance +2.5 percent per bag and +0.5 percent per
pozzolanicity test of IS : 4032-1968$ as also Table 1. wagon load of 20 to 25 tonnes.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 4031-1968 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement, and IS : 4032-1968 Method of
chemical analysis of hydraulic cement.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1489-1976 Specification for Portland-pozzolana cement (second
SP : 21-1983
iii) Soundness:
a) Le Chatelier expansion, Max 10 mm
b) Autoclave expansion, Max 1 percent
iv) Compressive strength: average compressive strength of not less than 3 mortat cubes of 50 mm size,
composed of 1 part masonry cement and 3 parts standard sand by volume, Min
7 days 25 kgflcml
28 days 50 kgf/cm*
Air content: air content of mortar composed of 1 part masonry cement and 3 parts standard sand by 12 percent
volume (determined gravimettically), Min
vi) Water retention: flow after suction of mortar composed of 1 part of masonry cement and 3 parts 70 percent of
standard sand by volume, Min original how
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 4031-1968 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3466-1967 Specification for masonry cement (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Manufacture of high alumina cement 2.2 Fineness - Specific surface not less than 2 250
(HAC) and specific requirements for its use as a cm?/g.
SttWtUrdl building material in the colder regions of our
country (continuously 18°C and below). Its use as a 2.3 Snundness - Expansion not more than 5 mm.
refractory cement is not covered.
2.4 Setting Time - Initial not less than 30 minutes
Note -- HAC mainly a refractory cement, but in some cold and final not more than 10 hours.
regions it may find use as a structural materiai due to high early
strength development. Fo!iowing restrictions shal! be followed for
its use in concrete: 2.5 Cornpressi\*eStrength qj’Cetnent Mortar Cubes
1.3 (1 celnent : 3 StcrntkrrdSand) by Weight:
a) Shall not be uied in locat:ons where ambient temperature
exceeds 18°C a) At 24 hours + 30 minutes, not less than 300
b) Accelerators lihe calcrum chloride shall not be used.
c) Steam curing or elevated temperature of curing shall be
kg /cm2
avoided. b) At 72 +_ 1 hours, not less than 350 kg/cm2
d) Shall not be mixed with other type’s of cement.
2. Requirements
3. Delivery - Packed in new bags, 50 kg per bag
2.1 Total alumina content (A1,0,) - Not less than net. Tolerance IL2.5 percent per bag and + 0.5 percent
32 percent. per wagon load of 20 to 25 tonnes.
-_-- -
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 4031-1968 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement, and IS : 4032-1968 Method of
chemical analysis of hydraulic cement.
~___ -_ ______-
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6452-1972 Specification for high alumina cement for structural use.
SP : 21-1983
and tinal not more than 10 hours. d) Cement shall show at 168 hours and 672
hours a progressive increase in strength from
3.4 Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar Cubes
the strength at 71 hours.
I:3 (I SSC : 3 Stundard Sund) 17~ Weight:
1. Scope - Manufacture and chemical and physical 3.3 Compressive Strengflt oj’ Cerwnt Mortar- Cubes
requirements of rapid hardening Portland cement. 1:3 (I Cement : 3 Srattdard Sand) h) Weight:
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 4031-1968 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement, and IS : 4032-1968 Method of
chemtcal analysis of hydraulic cement.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8041-1978 Specification for rapid hardening Portland cement (first
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to LS : 4031-1968 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement, and 1S : 4032-1968 Method of
chemical analysis of hydraulic cement and Appendix A of rhe standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8043-1978 Specification for hydrophobic Portland cement (first
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 4031-1968 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement, and IS : 4032-1968 Method of
chemical analysis of hydraulic cement.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8112-1976 Specification for high strength ordinary Portland
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope --- Requirements for the following con- notlessthan the value given in Table 1, as appro-
crete masonry building units which are used in priate.
construction of loadbearing and partition walls:
aj Hollow (open and closed cavity) load bearing
b) Hollow (open and closed cavity) non-load
bearing concrete blocks, and
All dimensions in millimetres.
c) Solid load-hearing concrete blocks.
SP : 21-1983
Hollow (open and closed A (3.5) Not less than 1 500 3.5 2.8
cavity) load bearing unit A (4.5) 4.5 3.6
A (5.5) 5.5 4.4
A (7.0) 7.0 5.6
B (2.0) Less than 1 500 but not less 2.0 1.6
B (3.0) than 1000 3.0 2.4
B (5.0) 5.0 4.0
Hollow (open and closed c (1.5) Less than 1 500 but not less 1.5 1.2
cavity) non-load bearing than 1 000
Solid load bearing units D (5.0) Not less than 1 800 5.0 4.0
D (4.0) 4.0 3.2
Note 1 -For requirements regarding materials, manufacture, surface texture, texture and finish, refer to the sfandurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2185 (Part I)-1979 Specification for concrete masonry units: Part I
H&low and solid concrete blocks (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
4. Mix -Not richer than 1 cement:6 combined 5.3 Drying Shrinkage - Not to exceed 0.06 per-
aggregates (by volume). cent.
5.4 Moisture Movement - Not to exceed 0.05 per-
5. Physical Requirements cent.
5.1 Compressive Strength - Not less than 28 kgfl 5.5 Water Ahsorl>tion - Not to exceed 250 kg/m3.
cm2 of gross area at 28 days.
5.6 Moisture Content - Not to exceed 40 percent of
5.2 Density - Not to exceed 1 600 kg/m3. total water absorption.
1. Scope - Requirements for reinforced concrete tapering on ail four sides. The cross-sectional dimen-
fence posts for genera1 purposes. Recommendations sions and the reinforcement shall be adequate to
for the provisions of wire holes and their spacing, as conform to strength requirements given in 4.
well as the erection of post-and-wire fence have also
Note - Some of the common sizes and shapes for reinforced
been included. Reinforced lightweight concrete fence concrete fence posts with other details such as reinforcement,
posts and prcstrcssed concrete fence posts are not fencing wire spacing from ground level, spacing of line post and
covered. strainer post and suitability of particular size of fence post for use
are given in Appendix B of rltc, standard for general guidance.
‘Ihese may be used provided the strength requirements are
2. Classification
Note l-For typical details and dimensions of line post, strainer post and brace for fencing intended for various uses, for
recommendations for manufacture of reinforced concrete under field conditions and for recommendations for erection of fence
posts, refer to the standard.
Note 2 - For method of tests, refer to Appendix C of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4996-1968 Specification for reinforced concrete fence posts.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for autoclaved cellular 5.1 Compressive Strength and Thermal Con-
concrete blocks having density up to 1 000 kg/m3. ducti\qiry
Density in Compressive Strength Thermal
2. Dimensions (Nominal)
Oven Dq Min Conducriviv
Length Breadth Height Condirion
(cm) (cm) (cm) (kg/m’) ~kGradPZ;kca~$$?!lm2)
(kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2)
50 or 60 10 20, 25 or 30
50 or 60 15 20, 25 or 30
50 or 60 20 20, 25 or 30 45 l-550 20 15 0.18
50 or 60 25 20, 25 or 30 55 I-650 40 30 0.21
Note - Actual dimension shall be 1 cm less than nominal 65 l-750 50 40 0.26
dimension. 75 I-850 60 50 0.32
2.1 Tolerances - f 2 mm for height and breadth, 851-i 000 70 60 0.36
and + 3 mm for length. 5.2 Dry Shrinkage - Not more than 0.05 percent
for Grade 1 and 0.1 percent for Grade 2.
Note - Formode of measurement,sce Fig. 1ofthcstundrrd.
5.3 Fire Resistance - Walls made by the blocks
3. Classification - Grade 1 and Grade 2. shall have the following tire grading:
4. Finish - Faces shall be rectangular, opposite 12 cm thick wall 2 hours fire resistance
faces parallel and all arrises shall be square and 15 cm thick wall 3 hours tire resistance
straight. Blocks shall be free from all defects.
19 cm thick wall 4 hours lire resistance
5. Physical Properties 25 cm thick wall 5 hours tire resistance
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 6441 (Part I)-1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part I
Determination of unit weight or bulk density and moisture content, IS : 6441 (Part II)-1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular
concrete products: Part II Determination of dry shrinkage, IS : 6441(Part V)-1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete
products: Part V Determination of compressive strength, IS : 3346-1980 Method for the determination of thermal conductivity of
thermal insulation materials (two slab, guarded hot-plate method) (first revision) and IS : 3809-1966 Fire resistance test of structures.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5482-1969 Specification for autoclaved cellular concrete blocks.
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5751-1969 Specification for precast concrete coping blocks.
SP : 21-1983
3.5 GutterAprons - Width shall range from 150 to Type of Product Dimensions Load to be
2 500 or 3 000 but usual width shall range from 300 to (mm) Supported
900 mm. Usual range of height 125 to 200 mm. The (kg0
thickness of precast kerb shall be 75 to 150; minimum
a) Rectangular kerbs 150x 300 2 275
thickness of channel 125 or 100 mm.
125x250 1 360
100x 250 910
3.6 Lengths - Uniform length of 1 m for straight
kerbs, straight channels, edgings and 1 m maximum b) Splayed kerbs 150x300 2 275
normally for straight kerbs and gutters. 125x250 1 360
Note - For standard sections of concrete kerbs, channel, c) Half-batter kerbs 150x300 2 275
standard sections of concrete edgings, standard cohcrete quar- 125x250 1 360
drants and typical sections of kerb and gutter, see Fig. 1 to 5 of the
standard. d) Half-section kerbs 150x 125 820
4. Tolerances - +3 mm on length and height; e) Channels 250x 125 1 360
+ 1.5 and -3 mm on width.
f) Edgings 50x 250 318
50 x 200 272
5. Moulding - When made under hydraulic pres- 50x 150 204
sure, the pressure employed shall not be less than 7
MN/m*. 6.1.1 If tests are carried out after a longer period,
the load to be supported shall be increased by the
ageing factor given ‘below:
6. Tests
Age of sample (months) 2 3 4 5 6
6.1 Transverse Strength - When tested 28 days Ageing factor 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3
after they are manufactured, the unit shall support
without injury, at least for one minute, the loads given 6.2 WaterAbsorption - Shall not exceed 3 percent
in the following table. in the first 10 minutes and 8 percent after 24 hours.
SP : 21-1983
2.1 Arch type covers are also sometimes used. 4.2 Transverse Strength for Unreinforced Covers
- Average breaking load shall not be lower than the
3. Dimensions value specified in 3.
EHV 1 With peak 450 230 50 75 450
2 do 600 230 50 75 750
HVP 1 do 300 180 40 65 300
2 do 450 180 40 65 350
HV 1 Flat 300 180 40 - 300
2 do 450 180 40 - 350
LV 1 do 250 150 40 - 200
2 do 300 180 40 - 200
3 do 450 180 40 - 200
%te 1 -For manufacturing details with regard to the aspects such as mixing, moulding, protection from frost and reinforcement
details, refer to 5 of the standard.
Note 2-For methods of tests, refer to Appendices A and B of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5820-1970 Specification for precast concrete cable covers.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for autoclaved rein- 5.2 Tolerances - For 500 mm and below, + 2 mm;
forced cellular concrete wall slabs, having density over 500 mm, * 5 mm.
above 450 and up to 1 000 kg/m3.
Note - For form tolerances for wall slabs, refer to Table 1of
the standard.
2. Terminology - The cellular concrete consists of
an inorganic binder (such as lime and cement) in
6. Finish - Tongue at one side and groove on the
combination with finely ground material containing
other side. Alternatively groove on both sides for
silicic acid (such as sand), gas generating material
filling with cement Fortar. Longitudinal edges shall be
(such as aluminium powder), water, and harmless
additives (optional); and steam cured under high
pressure in autoclaves.
7. Physical Properties
3. Classification - Shall be classified on basis of 7.1 Density - Range as specified in 3.
oven-dry density (without reinforcement) and com-
7.2 Dry Shrinkage - Not more than 0.09 percent.
pressive strength:
7.3 Residual. water content at the time of delivery
Class Gross Density (kg/m3)
shall be declared by the manufacturer.
A Over 850 and up to 1 000
7.4 Fire Resistance - Not less than 2 hours.
B Over 750 and up to 850
c Over 650 and up to 750 7.5 Compressive Strength and Thermal Con-
D Over 550 and up to 650 ductivity:
E Over 450 and up to 550
4. Designation - By indicating compressive ClflSS Compressive Strength, Thermal Conductivity,
strength (in kgf/cm*), horizontal load bearing capac- Min (kgf/cm*) MUX(kcaVm/h/“C)
ity, that is, design load (in kkf/cm*), length (in m),
A 70 0.36
breadth (in mm) and thickness (in mm).
B 60 0.32
5. Size’s C 50 0.26
5.1 Preferred Dimensions - Length 1 to 6 m; width D 35 0.21
600 mm; thickness 150 to 250 mm with increments of E 20 0.18
25 mm.
Note l-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3809-1966 Specification for fire resistance test for structures, and IS : 6441 (Part I to IX)
Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products as appropriate.
Note 2 - For details of manufacture with regard to aspects such as reinforcement, formation of cells of cellular concrete (method of
autoclavation) and finish, refer to 6 of the standard.
Note 3 - For structural requirements, refer to 8 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6072-1971 Specification for autoclaved reinforced cellular concrete
wall slabs.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for autoclaved rein- 5.2 Tolerances - For 500 mm and below, + 2 mm;
forced cellular concrete floor and roof having density over 500 mm, + 5 mm.
above 450 and up to 1 000 kg/m3.
Note - For form tolerancesfor tloor and roof slabs, refer to
Table 1 of rhc srrmdcrrd.
2. Terminology - The cellular concrete consists of
an inorganic binder (such as lime and cement) in 6. Finish - Tongue at one side and groove on other
combination with finely ground material containing side. Alternatively, groove on both sides for filling
silicon dioxide (such as sand), gas generating material with cement mortar. Longitudinal edges shall be
(such as aluminium powder), water and additives
(optional); and steam cured under high pressure in’
7. Physical Properties
3. Classification - Shall be classified on basis of
7.1 Density - Range as specified in 3.
over-dry density (without reinforcement) and com-
pressive strength: 7.2 Dry Shrinkage - Not more than 0.09 percent.
Note l-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3809-1966Specification for fire resistance test of structures, IS : 6441 (Part I)-1972
Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part I Determination of unit-weight or bulk density and moisture content,
and IS : 6441 (Part II)-1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 11Determination of dry shrinkage, and
IS : 6441 (Part V)-1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part V Determination of compressive strength.
Note 2-For details of manufacture with regard to aspects such as reinforcement, formation of cells of cellular concrete (method of
autoclavation) and finish, refer to 6 of the standard.
Note 3-For structural requirements, refer to 8 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6073-1971 Specification for autoclaved reinforced cellular concrete
floor and roof slabs.
SP : 21-1983
*Specification for timber door, window and ventilator frames *Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (rhird
(first revision). revision).
Note-For requirements in regard to manufacture (construction and finish, positioning of reinforcement, casting, curing, etc),
arrangements for fixing of hinges to frames, arrangements for door and window fixtures and erection along with illustrations, refer to
the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6523-1912 Specification for precast reinforced concrete door and
window frames.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of unreinforced corru- 3.3 Impermeability - Shall not show during 24
gated and semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets hours of test any formation of drops of water except
designed for roof coverings and walls of different types traces of moisture on lower surface.
of buildings and for decorative and other purposes.
3.4 Acid Resistance - Amount of acetic acid shall
2. Dimensions and Tolerances - See Table 1. not exceed 1150 g/m2.
Note - For shapes of cormgated and semi-cormgated sheets, 3.5 Frost Cracking Test (Optional) - Shall not
see Fig. 1 and 2 of /he standard. show signs of cracking or surface alterations.
Note l-For method of measurements of different dimensions of the sheets, refer to 4 of rhe StUndUrd.
Note 2-Fcr methods of tests, refer to IS : 5913-1970 Methods of test for asbestos cement products.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 459-1970 Specification for unreinforced corrugated and semi-
corrugated asbestos sheets (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
0 80 9.5 99.5 9.5 99.5 9.5 99.5 11.0 101.5 13.5 106.5
ii) 100 9.5 120.0 9.5 120.0 10.0 121.0 13.5 126.5 16.5 132.5
iii) 125 9.5 145.0 9.5 145.0 11.0 147.0 14.0 152.5 17.5 159.5
iv) 150 9.5 171.0 9.5 171.0 13.0 176.5 16.5 183.0 21.0 191.0
v) 200 9.5 221.0 11.5 225.0 16.5 233.5 22.0 242.5 27.5 253.5
vi) 250 9.5 271.0 12.0 276.5 17.0 284.5 23.0 294.5 28.5 305.5
vii) 300 9.5 322.5 14.0 328.5 20.0 340.5 27.0 352.5 34.5 366.5
viii) 350 14.5 379.5 14.5 379.5 21.0 392.0 27.5 405.0 35.0 419.0
ix) 400 16.0 432.0 16.0 432.0 24.0 448.0 32.0 463.0 39.5 478.0
x) 450 17.5 482.0 17.5 482.0 26.5 498.0 35.5 515.0 44.0 532.0
xi) 500 19.5 536.5 19.5 536.5 29.0 554.5 39.0 572.5 48.5 591.5
xii) 600 23.5 643.5 23.5 643.5 35.0 665.5 46.0 686.5 58.0 710.5
NOTE - External diameters at finished ends of the pipes specified in the table are already in practicai use and are specified for the
purpose of interchangeability. Due to inherent characteristics of the manufacturing process and common moulds for’all classes,
external diameter may not be equal to internal diameter plus twice the thickness in all cases.
SP : 21-1983
4.4 On Nawinal Length 6.2 Hydraulic Bursting Test - Unit bursting stress
+ 50 mm Except for pipes from which bursting shall not be less than 20 N/mm2 for sizes up to and
-20 mm test pieces have been cut. including 300 mm diameter and 22 N/mm* for sizes
350 mm diameter and above.
4.5 On Straightness
6.3 Transverse Crushing Test - Unit transverse
Nominal Diameter Maximwn Deviation crushing stress shall not be less than 44 N/mm*.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 5913-1970 Methods of test for asbestos cement products.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1592-1980 Specification for asbestos cement pressure pipes (second
SP : 21-1983
3. Dimensional Requirements 1.05 for all diameters of pipes and pipe fittings.
3.1 Nminal Diameter and Thickness - Nominal 3.3.2 On thickness - Shall be + 1.0 mm for
diameter of pipes and pipe fittings shall correspond to pipes and pipe fittings of nominal diameter 50, 60, 80
internal diameter (bore), tolerances not being taken and 100 mm and + 1.5 mm for 150 mm diameter of
into account. Nominal diameters for pipes and pipe pipes and pipe fittings.
fittings except for items given in 1.1(e), 1.1(g) and
1.1(p) and corresponding thicknesses for all pipes and 3.3.3 On nominal length - Shall be AI10 mm
pipe fittings shall be as follows: and +5 mm for pipes and pipe fittings respectively.
3.3.4 On overall length - Shall be f 10 mm.
Nwninal Diameter of Thickness of Pipe
Pipe or Pipe Fitting or Pipe Fitting 3.3.5 On depth of sockets - Shall be +5 mm.
mm mm
4. Physical Requirements
50 6.5
60 6.5 4.1 Deviation in straightness of pipes shall not
80 8.0 exceed the following:
100 8.0 Nuninal Dimneter Maximum Deviation
150 9.5 mm mm
50 to 60 5.5 1
3.1.1 Nominal size or bore diameter of sanitary
80 to 150 4.5 1
bend and W. C. connectors shall be 100 mm. Thick-
ness 8.0 mm. where 1 is nominal length of pipe in m.
3.1.2 Nominal size or bore diameter of single and 4.2 Hydraulic Pressure Test - To be carried out on
double unequal junctions shall be [(a/b)mml 60/50, all pipes and pipe fittings except on items given in
80/50, 100/50, 80/60, 100/60, 100/80, 150/80 and 1.1 (m) and 1.1(n) and pipe fittings provided with
150/100 where ‘a’ is bore diameter for main pipe and access doors: Pipes and pipe fittings shall show no
‘b’ for branch pipe. Thickness shall be as given in 3.1 fissure or visible sweating on outside surface when
for corresponding diameter. subjected to internal hydraulic pressure of 0.1 MN/m2
maintained for 30 seconds.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 5913-1970 Methods of test for asbestos cement products.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1626 (Part I)-1980 Specification for asbestos cement building pipes
and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings: Part I Pipes and pipe fittings (first
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 5913-1970 Methods of test for absestos cement products.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1626 (Part II)-1980 Specification for asbestos cement pipes andpipe
fittings, gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings: Part II Gutters and gutter fittings (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
*Specification for unreinforced cormgated and semi-conugated 4.4 Acid Resistance Test - Average quantity of
asbestos cemknt sheets (second revision). acetic acid used in testing shall not exceed 1 150 g/m’.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 5913-1970 Methods of test for asbestos cement products.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1626 (Part III)-1981 Specification for asbestos cement building
pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings: Part III Roofing fittings (first
SP : 21-1983
Class A - Length 2 400,180O or 1200 mm 3.1 Transverse Strength - Average breaking load
Width I 200 mm of two specimens taken from same board, tested in
Thickness 6.5 mm perpendicular directions, shall be not less than 20 kgf
Class B - L.ength2400,1800or1200mm for Class A; and 15 kgf for Class B and Class C.
Width 1 200 mm Breaking load of either specimen shall be not less than
Thickness 5 mm 15 kgf for Class A and 10 kgf for Class B and Class C.
Class C -Length2400,1800or1200mm
Width 1 200 mm 3.2 Water Absorption - Shall not exceed 40 per-
Thickness 4 mm cent of dry weight.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to Appendix A of the standardand Appendix D of IS : 459-1970 Specification for unreinforced
corrugated and semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets (second revtsion).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2098-1964 Specification for asbestos cement building boards.
SP : 21-1983
3.2.1 Bends - Moulded or fabricated in poly- 4.2.4 Thickness and tolerances - Thickness
gonal shape. Angles shall be 11?4’, 22’h”, 45” or 90”. shall be as for corresponding size and class of pipes.
Tolerances same as specified in 4.1.3.
3.2.2 Junctions - 45” or 90”.
Note - For detailed dimensions of fittings, refer to Tables 3 to
3.2.3 Saddles - 45” or 90”. 6 of the standard.
SP : 21-1983
5. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Pipes 6.2 Trunmerse Crushing Strength - Junctions
shall not fracture below the loads for pipes of corres-
5.1 Internul Hydrostatic Pressure Test - Pipes
ponding bore and class given in 3 above.
shall not show leakage or swearing on their outside
surface at a pressure of 2.55 kgf/cm2. 6.3 Chemicul Churucteristics - As for pipes.
5.2 Trunsvrrse Crushing Strength - Pipes shall not
7. Joints
show fracture below the loads for the diameter and
class given in3 above. They also shall have a minimum 7.1 Joints shall be made of material similarto that of
transverse crushing stress of 367 kgf/cm2. the pipe.
5.3 Longitudinal Bending Strength - Class 1 pipes 7.2 Rubber sealing rings complying with
of 100, 125 and 150 mm nominal bore shall not IS : 5382-1%9*, shall be used. ’
fracture below 385, 525 and 800 kgf respectively.
7.2.1 Assembled joint shall withstand internal ,
5.4 Chrmicul Charucteristics (Soluhility in Acid hydrostatic pressure of 2.55 kgf/cm*.
Test) - Acetic acid neutralised shall not exceed 0.1
7.3 Total angular deviation in degree from straight
line shall be not less than 1 150 outside dia in mm at
ends or 6” whichever is smaller.
6. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of
Fittings The axial draw at each end of the joint shall be not
less than 25 mm.
6.1 Internal Hydrostutic Pressure Test - For bends
and junctions up to 225 mm bore only. Shall show no *Specification for rubber sealing rings for gas mains, water mains
leakage or sweating at pressure of 2.55 kgf/cm*. and sewers.
Note-For methods of tests for reauirements given in 5 and 6 refer to IS : 5913-1970 Methods of test for asbestos cement products.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6908-1975 Specification for non-pressure asbestos cement pipes and
fittinis for sewerage and drainage.
1. Scope - Requirements a;ld test for reinforced NP3 - Reinforced con- For drainage and irriga-
and unreinforced cement concrete pipes, pressure and Crete, heavy duty, non- tion, culverts carrying
non-pressure types, used for water mains, sewers, pressure pipes heavy traffic
culverts, and irrigation. Prestressed and non-circular
pipes are not covered.
NP4 - Reinforced con- For drainage and irriga-
2. Classification
crete, heavy duty, non- tion, culverts carrying
pressure pipes very heavy traftic, such
NP 1-Unreinforced con- For drainage and
as railway loadings
crete, non-pressure irrigation, above ground
pipes or in shallow trenches
Pl -Reinforced con- For gravity mains, design
NP2 - Reinforced con- For drainage and irriga- Crete pressure pipes pressure not exceeding
crete, light-duty, non- tion, culverts carrying tested to hydrostatic 2/3 of test pressure
pressure pipes light traffic pressunz of 2 kg/cm2
SP : 21-1983
P2 - Reinforced con- For use on pumping Note 2 - For dimensions of spigot and socket ends in case of
crete pressure pipes mains, design pressure NPI class pipe. refer to Table 8 of hr smndurd.
tested to hydrostatic not exceeding l/2 test
3.2 Tolertrnces
pressure of 4 kgf/cm* pressure
a) Length + 1 percent
P3 - Reinforced con- For use on pumping b) Internal diameter of pipes
crete pressure pipes mains, design pressure or socket
tested to hydrostatic not exceeding l/2 test Up to 300 mm +3 mm
pressure of 6 kgf/cm2 pressure - 1.5
400 mm +6
Unreinforced and reinforced non-pressure pipes shall
-3 mm
withstand test pressure of 0.7 kgf/cm2. Over 400 mm +_ k.;5 percent
3. Dimensions
4. Workmanship and Finish
3.1 Pipes
4.1 Ends of the pipe shall be square with longitudinal
axis. Tolerance 3 mm for pipes up to 600 mm diameter
ChS Internal Diameter of Pipes (in mm)
and 6 mm for pipes over 600 mm diameter. Free from
NPl 80,100,150,200,225,250,300,350,400 and cracks and visible defects.
450 .
4.2 Deviution fiorn Struight - shall not exceed 3
NP2 80, 100, 150,200, 225, 250, 300, 350,400, mm for every metre run.
450,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1 100,
5. Tests
1200,1400,1600and1800 b
5.1 Every pressure pipe shall be tested for hydrosta-
NP3 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900,
tic pressure.
NP4 400,500,600,700,800,900, 1000,l 100, Note -The pipe joints shall withstand the same pressure as
the pipe.
Pl 80, 100, 150, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350,400, 5.2 Selected specimen shall be tested for the
450,!%0,600,700,800,900, 1000, 1 100 following.
and 1 200
L- 5.2.1 Hydrostatic test
P2 80, 100, 150, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350,400,
5.2.2 Three edge hearing test or sand bearing test
450, 500 and 600
5.2.3 Absorption test -
shall not exceed 2.5 per-
P3 80,100,150,200,225,250,300,350and400
cent of the dry weight in first 10 minutes and 6.5
percent at the end of 24 hours.
Note 1 - For wall thickness. length of barrel and collar of
pipes, the minimum reinforcements and strength test requirements 5.2.4 Bursting test - Ultimate tensile strength of
of seven types of pipes, refer to Tables 1 to 7 of the sumkwd. concrete not less than 21 kgf/cm2.
Note 1 -For requirements of material, design and manufacture, refer to the stundurd.
Note 2-For methods of tests, refer to 1S : 3597-1966Methods of test for concrete pipes and 456-1978 Code of practice for plain and
reinforced concrete (third revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 458-1971 Specification for concrete pipes (with and without
reinforcement) (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
3.1 Dimensions - The internal diameter and the 4. Workmanship and Finish
length of pipes shall be as specified in Table 1.
4.1 The maximum permissible deviation from the
straight on internal surfaces of any pipe throughout its
PIPES length shall not exceed 3 mm for every metre length for
mm m
4.2 Pipes shall be free from local depressions or
80, 100, 125, 150,250,300,350 and 2, 2.5, 4, 5 or 6 bulges greaterthan 5 mm in depth and extending overa
400 length, in any direction, greater than twice the thick-
450,500,600,700,800,900,1000, 2.5, 4, 5 or 6
ness of barrel.
5. Tests
3.2 Tolerances
5.1 Visual Inspection
3.2.1 Length - Shall not vary by more than + 1
percent. 5.2 Dimensional Characteristics
3.2.2 internal diameter 5.3 Hydrostatic Proof Test - The hydrostatic proof
test pressure shall be one and a half times the working
a) For pipes of length less than 4’m: pressure except where the strength has to be increased
to take care of surge or water hammer. In such cases,
_+5mm For dia up to 300 mm the pressure shall be the working pressure, plus
* 10mm For dia exceeding 300 mm allowance for surge, or one and a half times the
and up to 800 mm working pressure, whichever is the greater.
SP : 21-1983
5.4 Permeability Test - The drop of water level in 5.5 Three-Edge Bearing Test (for Non-cylinder
the stand pipe shall not exceed 1 cm3 in half an hour Pipes). I
taken over a period of 2 hours.
Note l--For requirements regarding materials, design criteria, manufacture, fittings and joints, refer to the standard.
Note 2-For methods of tests and other test details, refer to the stundurd and IS : 3597-1966 Methods of test for concrete pipes.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 784-1978 Specification for prestressed concrete pipes (including
fittings) (first revision).
Note-For detailed requirements of material, design and manufacture, and method of test, refer to the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1916-1963 Specification for steel cylinder reinforced concrete pipes.
SP : 21-1983
Note- For detailed requirements of materials, manufacture and finish, methods of tests and typical sketch, refer to Ihe standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4350-1967 Specification for concrete porous pipes for under
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of perforated non- 4.1 The minimum laying length shall be 1 m.
reinforced concrete pipes for use in underdrainage
4.2 Tolerances
a) Overall length +l percent
Note 1 - Reinforced concrete pipes may be supplied by b) Internal diameter of pipe
mutual agreement.
and socket
Note 2 - These pipes anz used in infiltration galleries, re-
Up to 300 mm +3
claiming water logged areas, etc. - 1.5 mm
SP : 21-1983
Note-For tat details, refer to IS : 3597-1966 Methods of tests for concrete pipes.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7319-1974 Specification for perforated concrete pipes.
SP : 21-1983
works before lining with concrete. Where this is not 7.3 Penetration Oil Test - A hot paraffin oil (at
practicable, unlined special may be tested by applica- temperature generally 20°C below its flash point) when
tion of a penetration oil or other approved means, by poured over the weld from the inside surface, should
mutual agreement. not show any sign of leakage of its vapour on the
7.2 Hydrostatic Test - According to 7.1 of outside of the welded joints.
IS : 1916-1%3* and IS : 3597-1966t.
Note-For requirements regarding design and manufacture, refer to 4 and 7 of the s~undard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7322-1974 Specification for specials for steel cylinder reinforced
concrete pipes.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1727-1%7 Methods of test for pozzolanic materials (first revision) and for other details of
testing, refer to the stundurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1344-1981 Specification for calcined clay pozzolana (second
SP :.21-1983
Grade I For incorporation in cement Note I - Applicable only when reactive aggregates are used
mortar and concrete and in in concrete and especially requested by the purchaser.
lime pozzolana mixture, and Note 2 - For determination of available alkalis,
for manufacture of Portland- IS : 4032-l968* shall be referred to.
pozzolana cement. *Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement.
Also for manufacture of Port- No. A
land-pozzolana cement subject ’ Grade Grade ’
p requirements of IS : 1489- I
1976*. (1) (2) (3) (:
i) Fineness - Specific surface in 320 250
3. Extraction-From flue gases of ground or m2/kg by Blaine’s permeability
method, Min
pulverized coal, or lignite fired boilers by any ii) Lime reacfivily - Average com- 40 3.0
suitable process, such as cyclone separation or pressive strength in N/mmz, Min
electrostatic precipitation. iii) Compressive strength at Not less than 80
28 days, Mh percent of the
4. Chemical Requirements-See Table 1. strength of cor-
responding plain ce-
ment mortar cubes
5. Physical Requirements--See Table 2. iv) Drying shrinkage, percent, Max 0.15 0.10
v) Soundness by autoclave test, ex- 0.8 0.8
pansion of specimens, percent,
*Specification for Portland-porzolana cement (second Max
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1727-1967Methods of test for pozzolanic materials (first revision) and for other details of
testing, refer to the stun&&.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3812-1981 Specification for fly ash for we as pozzolana and
admixture (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for building limes used with addition of pozzolanic material
for construction purposes. for masonry mortar.
Class D - Magnesium lime used for finishing
2. Classification: coat in plastering, whitewashing,
Class A- Eminently hydraulic lime used for Class E - Kankar lime used for masonry mor-
structural purposes. tars.
Class B- Semi-hydraulic lime used for
masonry mortars. 3. Chemical Requirements -See Table 1.
Class C- Fat lime used for finishing coat in
plastering, whitewashing, etc, and 4. Physical Requirements - See Table 2.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
vii) Loss on ignition, percent, Max - 5 for large - 5 for large - 5 for large - 5
lump, 7 for lump, 7 for lump, 7 for
lime other lime other lime other
than large than large than large
lump lump lump
No. ‘CkX%A Class B Chss c Class D Class E \ t;
A A Hydrated E
Hydrated vQuick Quick Hydrated v Quick Hydrated
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
i) Fineness Shall leave no resi- - Shall leave no resi- - Shall leave no resi- - Shall leave no resi- Shall leave no re-
due on 2.36mm due on 2.36~mm due on 850-micron due on 850 micron sidue on 2.36
IS Sieve, not IS Sieve, not more IS Sieve, not more IS Sieve,not more mm IS Sieve,
more than 5 per- than 5 percent on than 5 percent on than 5 percent on not more than 5
cent on MO- 850 - micron IS 300 - micron IS 300 - micron IS percent on 850-
micron IS Sieve Sieve and the frac- Sieve and the frac- Sieve and the frac- micron IS Sieve
and the fraction tion passing throu- tion passing throu- tion passing throu- and the fraction
passing through gh 850-micron IS gh 300-micron IS gh 300-micron IS passing through
850 - micron IS Sieve shall leave Sieve shall leave Sieve shall leave 850 - micron IS
Sieve shall leave not more than 10 not more than 10 not more than 10 Sieve shall leave
not more than percent (of this percent (of this percent (of this not more than
10 percent (of fraction) on 300- fraction) on 212- fraction) on 212- 10 percent (of
this fraction) on micron IS Sieve micron IS Sieve micron IS Sieve this fraction) on
300 - micron IS 300 - micron IS
Sieve Sieve
vi) Workability - - - Shall require Shall require not Shall require Shall require not -
not less than less than 10 not less than less than 10
12 bumps to bumps to attain 12 bumps to bumps to attain
attain an ave- an average spre- attain an ave- an average spre-
rage spread of ad of 19 cm rage spread of ad of 19 cm
19 cm from an from an initial 19 cm from an from an initial
initial spread spreadofllcm initial spread spread of 1 I cm
of 11 cm on on the flow table of 1 I cm on on the flow table
the flow table the flow table
vii) Volume yield - - - 1.7mlpergor - 1.4 ml per g or -
as agreed to as agreed to
between the between the
purchaser and purchaser and
the supplier the supplier
5. Packing - Hydrated lime in jute bags lined with lime in metal or other suitable containers of
polythene or craft paper bags containing 50 kg. Quick 50 kg.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 6932 (Parts I to X)-l973 Methods of test for building limes and IS : 4031-1968 Methods of
physical tests for hydraulic cement.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 712-1973 Specification for building limes (second revision).
1. scope - Requirements for cinder for use as 4. Grading - Average grading is as under:
aggregates in lime concrete. Percentage Passing
IS Sieve
2. General - Cinder aggregates shall be well-burnt IO-mm 100
furnace’ residue obtained from furnaces using coal as 4.75~mm 80
fuel. It shall be clean and free from clay, dirt, wood ash 2.36-mm 60
or other deleterious matter. 1.18~mm 40
600-micron 30
3. Classes 300~micron 25
150micron 16
Class A - for general purposes,
Class B - for interior work not exposed to 5. Characteristics
damp conditions, and
5.1 Sulphate Content - Shall not exceed 1 percent
Class C - for precast blocks.
when expressed as sulphur trioxide.
5.2 Loss on ignition - Shall not exceed 10 percent
for Class A, 20 percent for Class B and 25 percent for
Class C.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for coarse aggregate pre- 3.2 Water soluble matter shall not exceed 1 percent.
pared from broken bricks for use in lime concrete.
3.3 Aggregate impact value not to exceed 50 per-
2. Quality - Shall be prepared from well burnt or
over burnt broken bricks conforming to IS : 1077-
4. Size - Grading shall be as specified below:
1976*. Shall IX free from under burnt particles, soil
and silt. Dust shall be removed by screening over 4.75 IS Sieve Percentage Passing,
mm IS Sieve. by Weight
80-mm 100
3. Physical Properties
40-mm 95-100
3.11 Water absorption after 24 hours on immersion in 20-mm 45-75
water shall not exceed 25 percent. 4.75-mm -
Note-For methods of tests, refer to Appendices A and B of the standurd and IS : X40-1970 Method of test for determining
aggregates impact value of soft coarse aggregates.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3048-1975 Specification for broken brick (burnt clay) coarse
aggregates for use in lime concrete (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
5. Physical Requirements not fall below minimum average value by more than
20 percent.
5.1 Bloc4 lkrzsir~ - Shall not be less than I 000
kg/n+. 5.3 Drying Shrinkage - Shall not exceed 0.1 per-
5.2 Compressive Strength - Average strength shall
not be less than 3.5 N/mm” (35 kgf/cmz), on gross area 5.4 Moisture M~~~ement- Shall not exceed 0.05
and compressive strength of any individual block shall percent.
Note-For methods of measuring dimensions of blocks and methods of tests, refer to IS : 2185 (Part I)-1979 Specification for
concrete masonry units: Part I Solid and hollow concrete blocks (second revision).
For detailed informution, refer to IS : 3115-1978 Specification for lime based blocks (first revision).
1. Scope - Requirement for broken brick (burnt 4. Grading - Particle size grading (for use in lime
clay) fine aggregate for use in lime mortar. mortars for masonry work) shall be as follows:
IS Sieve Percentage Passing (by mass)
2. General Quality - Shall be prepared from
broken/solid bricks conforming to class 50 of 4.75mm 100
IS : 1077-1976*. Shall be free from underburnt parti-
2.36-mm 90 to 100
cles, pyrites, soil and silt.
1.18-mm 70 to 100
3. Physical Properties
600 pm 40 to 100
3.1 Impurity - Quantity of clay, fine silt and fine 300 flrn 5 to 70
dust shall not exceed 5 percent by weight. 150 pm oto 15
Note-For method of test, refer to IS : 2386 (Part II)-1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part II Estimation of
deleterious materials and organic impurities.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3182-1975 Specification for broken brick (burnt clay) fine aggregate
.for use in lime mortar (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
3. Dimensions - Shall be 190~ 90X 90 mm and 5.2 Drying Shrinkage - Shall not exceed the
190~90~40 mm. Tolerance of length +3 mm and of figures given below:
breadth and height +2 mm.
Class Drying Shrinkage
4. Classes - Shall be of the following 4 classes (Percent of Wet Length)
depending on average compressive strength:
75 0.025
Class Average Compressive Strength 100 0.025
kgf/cm2 (N/mm2) 150 0.035
A \ 200 -
Not less than Less than
75 75 (7.5) loo (10)
100 100 (10) 150 (15)
150 150 (15) 200 (20)
200 200 (20) -
Note- For methods of tests, refer to Appendix A of thesfandurdand IS : 3495 (Part I)-1976 Method of test for burnt clay building
bricks: Part I Determination of compressive strength (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4139-1976 Specification for sandlime bricks (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Recommendations for dimensions and 2. Dimensions - See Table 1 (based on thickness
workmanship of natural building stones used for of joints 3 mm for ashlar; 6 mm for block in course and
various types of masonry. 10 mm for square rubble).
vi) Stones for arches, domes and circular moulded The dimensions depend on the particulars of the curve
vii) Coping stones 190,290,390 200,300,400,500 100,150,200
490,590,690, 600
SP : 21-1983
3. Tolerance - For ashlar _+5 mm in length and 4. Workmanship - Stratified rocks shall be so
breadth and f3 mm in height. For other types of quarried and dressed that the stones, when set in
masonry + 5, - 10 mm in length and breadth and building, are laid along plane of’ stratification.
+5 mm in height.
Note- For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1121(Part II)-1974 Methods of test for determination of strength properties ofnatural
building stones: Part II Transverse strength (first revision), IS : 1124-1974Method of test for determination of water absorption,
apparent specific gravity and porosity of natural building stones (first revision) and IS : 1126-1974Method of test for determination
of durability of natural building stones (first revirion).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1128-1974 Specification for limestone (slab and tiles) first
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Reqtiirements for sizes, physical prop- 5.2 Slnhs - +2 percent for length and width;
erties, quality and workmanship of marble (blocks, +3 percent for thickness.
slabs and tiles).
5.3 Tiles - +4 percent for linear dimensions; for
thickness, see 4.2.
2. Classification - (a) white, and (b) coloured.
6. Physical Properties -See Table 1.
3. General Requirements - The marble, as far as
possible, shall be free from foreign inclusions and TABLE 1 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MARBLE
4. Sizes (1) (2) (3)
4.1 Blocks and slabs shall be supplied in following i) Moisture absorption after 0.4 percent by weight, MUX
sizes: 24 hours immersion in
cold water
Length Width Thickness ii) Hardness (Mhos Scale) 3 Min
Blocks 30 to 250 cm 30 to 100 cm 30 to 100 ctn iii) Specific gravity 2.5 Min
Slabs 70 to 250 cm 30 to 100 cm 20 to 150 mm
7. Workmanship - Edges of slabs and tiles shall
Note - All the sizes given above are in stage of 10. be true. Finish may be one of the following:
a) Sand and/or abrasive finish - A flat non-
4.2 Size @Tiles .- 60x60 cm, 50x50 cm, 40x40
reflective surface.
cm, 30x30 cm, 20x20 cm, and 10x 10 cm. Thick-
ness - 18 to 24 mm in the same piece. b) Hone finish - A velvety finish with little or
no gloss.
5. Tolerance
c) Polished finish - Highly polished glossy
5.1 Blocks - +2 percent for all dimensions. surface.
Note 1 -A short note on grouping of marble in the two categories mentioned above in 2 is given in Appendix A of rhe standard.
Note 2-For method of tests, refer to IS : 1122-1974 Method of test for determination of true specific gravity of natural building
stones (first revision) and IS : 1124-1974Method of test for determination of water absorption, apparent specific gravity and Porosity
of natural building stones (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1130-1969 Specification for marble (blocks, slabs and tiles).
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1121 (Part I)-1974 Method of test for determination of strength properties of natural
building stones: Part I Compressive strength (first revision), IS : 1122-1974Method of test for determination of true specific gravity
of natural building stones (first revision), and IS : 11241974 Method of test for determination of water absorption and apparent
specific gravity of natural building stones (first revkion).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 33161974 Specification for structural granite.
1. Scope - Requirements for dimensions, physical 3. Dimensions - Shall be supplied in the foRowing
properties and workmanship for rectangular blocks of standard sizes (other sizes by mutual agreement):
latetite stone for use in construction of walls and parti-
tions . Length Bieadth Thickness
mm mm mm -’
2. General Requirements - Shall be without any
soft veins, cracks, cavities, flaws and similar imperfec- 390 190 190
tions. Shall be exposed for three months before using 490 190
but exposure to rains be avoided. 590 290
SP : 21-1983
3.1 Tolerance - +5 mm on all dimensions. 4.3 Compressive Strength - Not less than 3.5
N/mm* (for satumted dry samples).
4. Physical Properties
5. Workmanship - Blocks shall be of uniform
4.1 Water Ahsorption - Not more than 12 percent
shape with straight edges at right angle and edges be
by mass.
rough and chisel dressed.
4.2 Specific Gravity - Not less than 2.5.
Note - For methods of tests, refer to IS’: 1121 (Part I)-1974 Method of test for determination of strength properties of natural
building stones: Part I Compressive strength (first revision) and IS : 1124-1974Method of test for determination of water absorption,
apparent specific gravity and porosity of natural building stones (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3620-1979 Specification for laterite stone block for masonry (first
1. Scope - Requirements for dimensions and physi- 3.1.1 Tolerances - +3 mm for thickness.
cal properties of sandstone slabs and tiles for use in
3.2 Machine Cut Slabs - Sizes shall be same as
flooring, roofing and face work.
mentioned in 3.1 with true and square edges.
2. General Requirements 3.2.1 Tolerances - f 1 mm for length and
breadth and f 3 mm for thickness.
2.1 The stone shall be without any soft veins, cracks
and flaws and shall have a uniform texture and colour.
4. Physical Properties -See Table 1.
2.2 The deviation of surface from straightness shall
not exceed 5 mm for slabs and 1 mm for tiles.
3.1 Rough Cut - Sandstone slabs and tiles of rough
cut edges shall be of sizes as specified Mow: E. (2) (3)
i) Water absorption Not more than 2.5 percent by mass
Length Breadth Thickness
ii) Transverse strength Not less than 7 N/mm* (70 kgf/cm*)
15 to 360 cm 15to90cm 15 to 100 mm iii) Resistance to wear Not greater than 2 mm on the average
in stages of in stages of in stages of and 2.5 mm for any individual
5cm _ 5 cm 5mm specimen
Note - ‘Ibe size in between (of length and breadth) shall be iv) Durability Shall not develop sign of spalling, dis-
reckoned as next lower size. This aspect will also cover tolerance integration of cracks
in length and breadth.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1121 (Part II)-1974 Method of test for determination of strength properties of natural
building stones: Part II Transverse strength (first revision), IS : 1124-1974 Method of test for determination of water absorption
apparent specific gravity and porosity of natural building stones (first revision), IS : 1126-1974Method of test for determination of
durability of natural building stones (first revision) and IS : 1706-1972Method for determination of resistance to wear by abrasion of
natural building stones (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3622-1977 S’cification for sandstone (slabs and tiles) (first
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of dimensions, physical Note - Other sizes as mutually agreed to.
properties and workmanship of slate tiles used for
sloped roof covering. Requirements in regard to 3.1.1 Tolemnceof f5mmonlengthandbreadth.
method of laying and fixing of tiles are covered in
IS : 5119 (Part I)-1968*. 4. Physical Properties - See Table 1.
(1) (2) (3)
Note - This requirement is related to the conditions of atmospheric pollution and the slate tiles shall be subjected to this require-
ment only if required by the purchaser.
*Code of practice for laying and fixing of sloped roof covering: Part I Slating.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to Appendices A to E of the sfandard and IS : 4122-1967 Method of test for surface softening of
natural building stones.
Title Page
IS: 3952-1978 Burnt clay hollow blocks for walls and partitions first revision) 65
IS : 1077-1976 Common burnt clay building bricks (third revision) 66
IS: 2180-1970 Heavy duty burnt clay building bricks yirst revision) 67
IS : 2222-1979 Burnt clay perforated building bricks (second revision) 67
iS : 2691-1972 Burnt clay facing bricks (first revision) 68
IS : 3583-1975 Burnt clay paving bricks first revision) 69
IS : 4885-1968 Burnt clay sewer bricks 69
IS : 5779-1970 Burnt clay soling bricks 70
IS: 6165-1971 Dimensions for special shapes of clay bricks 70
IS’: 654-1972 Clay roofing tiles, Mangalore pattern (second revision) 72
IS : 1464-1973 Clay ridge and ceiling tiles (first revision) 73,
IS : 1478-1969 Clay flooring tiles first revision) 74
IS : 2690 (Part I) - 1975 Burnt clay flat terracing tiles: Part I Machine-made @-St revision) 75.
IS : 2690 (Part II)-1975 Burnt clay flat terracing tiles: Part II Hand-made Qirst revision) 75
IS : 3367-1975 Burnt clay tiles for use in lining irrigation and drainage works yirst 76
IS : 3951 (Part I)-1975 Hollow clay tiles for floors and roofs: Part I Filler type yirst revision) 76
IS : 3951 (Part II)-1975 Hollow clay tiles for floors and roofs: Part II Structural type (first revision) 77
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for dimensions, quality Type C - Blocks with one face keyed and one
and strength of hollow blocks made from burnt clay face smooth.
and having perforations through and at right angles to
the bearing surface. 4. Dimensions
Note - These blocks are tight in weight for masomy constmc- Length Breadth Height
tion and also being hollow, impart thermal insulation to the cm cm cm
19 19 9
2. General Requirements 29 9 9
2.1 Blocks shall be free from cracks, flaws and 29 14 9
nodules of free lime. Shall be of uniform colour. Sha’ll Thickness of shell and web shall be not less than 11
have plane rectangular faces with parallel sides, sharp and 8 mm respectively.
straight edges at right angle; and a fine compact and
uniform texture. 5. Tolerances
2.2 Blocks shall be free from excessive winding or Dimensions Tolerance
bowing. Winding or bowing in length dimension, cm mm
concavity or convexity in external face of blocks, and
9 +4
angles between sides and joining edges shall be not
more than 5 mm. 14 +‘5
19 +7
Note - For testing details regarding trueness of shape, refer
to 3.2 of the standard. 29 +10
6. Crushing Strength - Minimum average value
3. Types
shall be 3.5 N/mm2 (35 kgf/cm2). The strength of
Type A - Blocks with both faces keyed for individual block shall not fall below the average value
plastering or rendering. by more than 20 percent.
Type B - Blocks with both faces smooth for
use without plastering or rendering 7. Water Absorption - Not more than 20 percent
on either side. by mass.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3952-1978 Specification for burnt clay hollow blocks for walls and
partitions (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for classification, general 4. Dimensions - 19~9x9 cm and 19~9x4 cm.
quality, dimensions and physical requirements of com-
mon burnt clay building bricks used in buildings.
5. Tolerances - Dimensions of bricks shall be
Note - For burnt clay bricks having compressive strength within the following limits per 20 bricks:
more than 400 kgf/cm’, sre IS : 2180-1970*.
Sub-class A Sub-class B ,
2. Classification cm cm
Class Average a) Length 380+ 12 380+30
Designation Compressive
Strength, Not b) Width 180f6 180+ 15
Less Than, ksflcm2 c) Height:
350 350
(For 9-cm 18O_t6 180+ 15
300 300
high bricks)
250 250
200 200
175 175 (For 4cm 80+3 80+6
150 150 high bricks)
125 125
100 100 Note - For measurement of tolerances of burnt clay building
bricks, refer to 52.1 and Fig. 2 of the standard.
75 75
50 50
35 35 6. Physical Requirements
2.1 Each class of bricks shall be further divided into 6.1 Compressive Strength - Shall conform to 2.
sub-classes A and B based on tolerances and shape. Compressive strength of any individual brick shall not
fall below this minimum requirement by more than
3. General Quality - Shall be hand or machine 20 percent.
moulded and free from cracks and flaws and nodules of 6.2 Water Absorption - Shall be not more than 20
free lime. Frog of 1 to 2 cm deep shall be provided for percent up to Class 125 and not more than 15 percent
9 cm high bricks. No frog is required for 4 cm high for higher classes.
bricks and extruded bricks.
6.3 Efflorescence - Shall be not more than ‘moder-
Note - Shape and size of the frog shall conform to either ate’ up to Class 125 and not more than ‘slight’ for
Fig. 1A or Fig. 1B of rhe srmdard. higher classes.
3.1 Sub-class Abricks shall have smooth rectangular
faces with sharp comers and uniform colour. Sub-
class B may have slightly distorted and rounded edges.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3495 (Part Q-1976, IS : 3495 (Part II)-1976 and IS : 3495 (Part III)-1976 Method of test of
burnt clay building bricks:
Part I Determination of compressive strength (second revision).
Part II Determination of water absorption (second revision).
Part III Determination of efflorescence (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1077-1976 Specification for common burnt clay building bricks
(third revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3495 (Parts I to IV)-1976 Methods of tests of burnt clay building bricks (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2180-1970 Specification for heavy duty burnt clay building bricks
(first revision).
SP : 21-1983
perforations, larger dimension shall be parallel to longer 6.1 Compressive Strength - Shall be not less than
side of the brick. Dimensions parallel to short side shall 7 N/mm* on net area.
be not more than 20 mm for rectangular perforations
(25 mm for circular). Area of each perforation shall not 6.2 Water Absorption - Shall be not more than
exceed 500 mm*. Thickness of any shell shall not be 15 percent by mass.
less than 15 mm and that of any web not less than 6.3 EfJlorescence - Shall be not more than
10 mm. ‘slight’.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3495 (Parts I to IV)-1976 Methods of tests of burnt clay building bricks (second revision). ,
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2222-1979 Specification for burnt clay perforated building bricks
(second revision).
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3495 (Parts I to IV)-1976 Methods of test of burnt clay building bricks (second revkion).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2691-1972 Specification for burnt clay facing bricks (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3495(Parts I to IV)-1976Methods of tests of burnt clay building bricks (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3583-1975 Specification for burnt clay paving bricks (first revision).
1. Scope - Requirements regarding dimensions, edges fmm plane surface and straight line shall be
quality, strength and methods of sampling and testing 2.5 mm.
of sewer bricks used for sewers of sanitary (domestic)
3. General Quality - Shall be free from cracks,
flaws and nodules of lime. Shall have plane rectangula;
2. Dimensions and Tolerances
faces with sharp edges and comers.
2.1 Dimensions - 19~9x9 cm and 19X9X4 cm.
(For oval and other special shaped sewers, bricks may
4. Compressive Strength - Average shall be not
be tapered suitably.)
less than 175 kg/cm2 and for individual brick, shall be
2.2 Tolerances not less than 160 kg/cm2.
Dimension Tolerance
mm 5. Water Absorption - Average shall he not more
1’9” +5 than 10 percent and for individual brick, shall be not
9 +2 more than 12 percent.
4 f1.5
2.3 Warpage - Tolerance for warpage of face or 6. EMtorescence - Shall be not more than ‘slight’.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3495 (Parts I to IV)-1976 Methods of tests of burnt clay building bricks (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4885-1968 Specification for burnt clay sewer bricks.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements in regard to dimensions, 4. General Quality - Shall be free from cracks
general quality and physical properties of burnt clay and other flaws and lime nodules. Shall have, as far as
bricks for soling of roads. possible, plane rectangular faces and straight right
angle edges.
2. Dimensions - 19~9x4 cm and 19x9X9 cm.
5. Physical Properties
3. Tderances - Overall dimension of 20 bricks,
selected at random and arranged in a straight line and in 5.1 Compressive Strengrh - Shall be not less than
contact with each, on a level surface shall be within the 50 kgf/cm*.
following limits:
5.2 Water Absorption - Shall be not more than
Length 350 to 410 cm 20 percent by weight after 24 hours immersion in cold
Width 165 to 195 cm water.
For 9-cm high brick 165 to 195 cm 5.3 Effirescence - Rating shall be not more than
For 4-cm high brick 74 to 86 cm ‘slight.’
Nate- For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3495 (Parts I to IV)-1976 Methods of tests of burnt clay building bricks (secondrevision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5779-1970 Specification for burnt clay soling bricks.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For exact shape of clay bricks and detailed dimensions, refer to Fig. 1 to 7 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6165-1971 Dimensions for special shapes of clay bricks.
SP : 21-1983
b) Lugs - At least 2 batten lugs and 2 eave lugs 6.2 Permeability Test - Water shall not drip at
of thickness not less than 15 mm at bottom bottom.
and 10 mm at top shall be provided. Projec- 6.2 Breaking Load Test - Shall conform to
tion shall be 7 to 12 mm for batten lugs and Table 1.
not less than 10 mm for eave lugs.
c) Tie down ha/e - 1.6 to 2 mm diameter.
4. Dimensions
Overall Length Overall Width
mm mm
410 235
420 250
425 260
NO. --~~ ~ \
Class AA Class A
Note 1-For typical details of Mangalore tile, see Fig. 1 of the standard.
Note 2-For tolerances, refer to 5.2 of the standard.
Note 3-For methods of tests, refer to Appendices A to C of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 654-1972 Specification for clay roofing tiles, Mangalore pattern
(second revision).
SP : 21-1983
(Clause 2)
No. / A
Class AA Class A ’
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Water absorption, percent, Max 19 24
Note 1 -Common patterns of ridge and ceiling tiles are shown in Fig. 1 and 2 of the sfundard.
Note 2-For methods of tests, refer to Appendices A and B of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1464-1973 Specification for clay ridge and ceiling tiles (first
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for dimensions, quality 3. General Quality - Shall be uniform in size,
and strength for clay flooring tiles. shape and free from irregularities. Faces shall be plain,
grooved, fluted or figured as specified and edges shall
2. Classification - Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 be square.
with characteristics given in Table 1.
4. Dimensions
150 X 150 X 15 mm
200 x 200 x 25 mm
No. /
250 x 250 X 30 mm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Depth of grooves or frogging underside of tiles
i) Water absorption, 10 19 24 not to exceed 3 mm.
percent, Max
ii) Flexural strength 5. Tolerances
kgficm width,
a) Length and breadth - Average f5 mm, indi-
$firz :
a) Average 6 3.5 2.5 vidual -t2 mm.
b) Individual 5 3.0 2.0 b) Thickness - Average +2 mm, individual
+l mm.
iii) Impact, maximum
height in mm of
6. Warpage - Shall not exceed 2 percent along
drop of (35 mm
edges and 1.5 percent along diagonals.
170 g ) steel ball:
a) IS mm thick 25 20 I5
b) 20 mm thick 60 50 40
c) 25 mm thick 75 65 50
d) 30 mm thick 80 70 60
1. Scope - Requirements for hand-made burnt clay 3. Warpage - Shall not exceed 2 percent of the
flat terracing tiles. dimensions in any direction.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3495 (Parts I to IV)-1976 Methods of tests of burnt clay building bricks (second reVisi’%.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2690 (Part II)-1975 Specification for burnt clay flat terracing tiles:
Part II Hand-made (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3495 (Parts I to IV)-1976 Methods of tests of burnt clay building bricks (second revision),
and Appendices A and B of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3367-1975 Specification for burnt clay tiles for use in lining
irrigation and drainage works (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
3. Dimensions and Tolerances 3.3 Thickness - Shall be not less than 11 mm for
shell and not less than 8 mm for web.
3.1 Dimensions
Length Width Height 4. Breaking Strength - Shall be not less than
lOkgf/c& length.
340,391;.m440,490 35EOO So”“sO
540, 590, 640, 690 250: 200 100: 110
740 5. Water Absorption - Shall be not more than
20 percent.
3.2 Tolerance - +5 percent.
Note ,l -Typical shapes of hollow clay filler tiles are shown in Fig. 4 of the stundurd.
Note 2-For methods of tests, reter to Appendices A and B of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3951 (Part I)-1975 Specification for hollow clay tilesforfloors and
roofs: Part I Filler type (first revision).
Note 1 -Typical shapes of structural clay units for flooring and roofing are shown in Fig. 4 of the standard.
Note 2-For methods of tests, refer to 5.1.1 and Appendices A and B of the stundurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3951 (Part II)-1975 Specification for hollow clay tiles for floors and
roofs: Part ZZStructural type (first revision).
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 2542 (Part II/Set 1 to 8)-1981 Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and
products: Part II Gypsum products (first revision).
. .
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2095-1982 SpecifiTtion for gypsum plaster boards (first revision).
81 ’
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods, of tests, refer to IS : 1288-1973 Method of test for mineral gypsum and gypsum products (first revision),
IS : 2542 (Part I/Set. 1 to 12)-1978 Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part I Plaster and concrete (first
revision) and Appendices A to C of the standard.
For detailed info&nation, refer to IS : 2547 (Part I)-1976 Specification for gypsum building plasters: Part I
Excluding premixed light-weight plasters (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
No. (TYPE A) (TYPE B).
Browning Metal Bonding
Plaster Lathing Plaster
i) Sum of soluble sodium and magnesium salt contents 0.25 0.25 No upper 0.25
expressed as percentages of sodium oxide (Na20) limit
and magnesium oxide (MgO) by mass, Max
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 2542 (Part I/Set 1 to 12)-1978 Method of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products:
Part I Plaster and concrete (first revision) and Appendices A and B of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2547 (Part II)-1976Specificationfor gypsum building plasters: Part II
Premixed light-weight plasters (first revision).
1. Scope - Requirements for gypsum partition gular in shape with straight and square edges and true
blocks for use in non-load bearing construction in surfaces.
inteior of buildings and for protection of columns,
elevated shafts, etc, against tire. 3. Scoring - Scoring shall ‘not reduce materially
thickness of shell when surfaces of block are
2. Type and Shape i Solid or hollow type, rectan- scored.
SP : 21-1983
/Circular Ellrpttcal
Holes or Rectangular
700 Mar 300 Max 75 15 20
in multiples in multiples 100 20 20
of 100 of 100 125 25 30
150 15 20
Note-For method of test, refer to IS : 2542 (Part II)-1964 Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part II
Gypsum products.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2849-1964 Specification for non-load bearing gypsum partition
blocks (solid and hollow types).
1. Scope - Requirements and methods of sampling shall contain not less than 42 percent sulphur trioxide
and tests for calcined gypsum plaster used in manufac- (SO3).
turing fibrous plaster boards covered in IS : 8273-
1976*. 3. Properties
Note - Gypsum building plasters are extensively used for 3.1 Fineness - Residue retained on 600-micron IS
general building operations and for the manufacture of preformed Sieve shall not be mote than 1 percent by mass. ..
building products which have the specific advantages of lightness
and high tire resistance. Generally used as covering for walls, 3.2 Compressive Strength - Shall be not less than
ceilings and partitions in normal dry environments. 76 kgf/cm2.
2. Chemical Composition - Consist essentially of 3.3 Initial Setting Time - Shall be 25 + 5 minutes
calcium sulphate hemihydrate (CaS04. YzH20) and (unless otherwise agreed mutually).
*Specificationfor fibrous gypsum plaster boards.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1288-1973 Method of test for mineral gypsum and gypsum products (first revision) and
Appendices A to C of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8272-1976 Specification for gypsum plaster for use in the
manufacture of fibrous plaster boards.
SP : 21-1983
2.1 Shape - Square or rectangular in shape. 3.3 Test for Determining Fihre Contents - Test as
2.2 Dimensions - Length: 1 200 and 1 500 mm. specified in IS : 2542 @‘art I/Set 1 to 12)-1978*
Width: 400, 600, 800 and 1 200 mm. Nominal for wood fibre content in wood fibre gypsum plaster
thickness: 12 mm. shall be used.
Note I.-For method of tests, given in 3.1 and 3.2 refer to Appendices A and B of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8273-1976 Specification for fibrous gypsum phster boar&.
SP : 21-1983
IS : 399-1963 Classification of commercial timbers and their zonal distribution 89
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Details of the zonal distribution of 4. Classification - Tables I, II, III, IV and V of the
common commercial timbers of India, classified ac- standard list respectively important timbers commer-
cording to their various uses, and information on the cially available in the five zones described under 3 and
availability of these timbers and on some of their classified according to their uses given under 2. Against
important properties. each species of timber, the availability in that zone,
average weight and the range of weight of air-seasoned
2. Uses - The uses are classified under the follow- timber in kg/m3 and lb/ft3, durability, treatability,
ing categories: refractoriness to air seasoning and strength coefficient
a) Constructional purposes, including building are given.
construction, houseposts, beams, rafters, 4.1 Availability - The availability of timbers is
cart-building, bridges, piles, poles and rail- categorized under three classes indicated below:
way sleepers;
X : Most common, 1 415 m3 (I 000 tonnes) and
b) Furniture and cabinet making; more per year
c) Light packing cases; Y : Common, 355m3 (250 tonnes) to 1 415 m3
d) Heavy packing cases (for machinery and (1 000 tonnes) per year
similar stores); Z : Less common, below 355 m3 (250 tonnes) per
e) Agricultuial implements and tool handles;
4.2 Weight - The figures for average weight and
f ) Tumery articles and toys; and range of weights per cubic metre (or ft3) at 12 percent
g) Veneers and plywood. moisture content for all the timbers have been given.
The range of weights is given below the average weight
3. Zones - The territories comprising India, Sik- in parentheses.
kim* and Bhutan have been divided into live zones as
4.3 Durability - The timbers are classified for dura-
indicated on the Map (see page 85 of the standard),
bility according to the average life of these test speci-
which comprise roughly the following areas:
mens as follows:
I North Zone Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, High : Timbers having average life of 120
Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, months and over
Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan Moderate : Ti’mbers having average life of less
II East Zone Assam, Manipur, Tripura, than 120 months but of 60 months
West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, or over
Sikkim, Bhutan, Andamans, Low : Timbers having average life of less
North East Frontier Agencyt than 60 months
and Nagaland
4.4 Treatability - The classification is based to rep-
III Centre Zone Madhya Pradesh, Vidharbha resent approximately the degree of resistance offered by ._
areas of Maharashtra State and the heartwood of a species to the penetration of the
the north east part of Andhra preservative fluid under working pressure of 10.5
Pradesh (Godavari delta area) kgf/cm2. ?he treatability of timbers has been classified
IV West Zone Maharashtra State (except as follows:
Vidharbha areas), Gujarat and a) Heartwood easily treatable
north west part of MysoreS
b) Heartwood treatable, but complete penetration
V South Zone Madras, Andhra Pradesh (ex- of pnxervative not always obtained
cept the Godavari delta area),
Kerala and MysoreS (except c) Heartwood only partially treatable
north west part) d) Heartwood refractory to treatment
e) Heartwood veIy refractory to treatment, penet-
*Now, Sikkim is a part of India.
tNow, known as Anmachal and Meghalaya. ration of preservative being practically nil from
SNOW, known as Karnataka. side or end
SP : 21-1983
4.5 RfJractoriness to Air Seasoning - The timbers Low refractoriness (indicated ‘Low’ in the
are classified, as stated below, under three categories, tables).
depending upon their behaviour with respect to cracking
and splitting during normal air-seasoning practice suit- 4.6 Comparative Strength Coejjicients - The figures
able for the species concerned:
for comparative strength coefficients for various uses for
High refractoriness (indicated ‘High’ in the all the timbers have been arrived at by suitably grouping
tables), the various important mechanical properties that come
Moderate refractoriness (indicated ‘Moderate’ in into play for any particular use, and giving due
the tables), and weightage to the relative importance ofthese properties.
Note 1 -For classification of timbers according to their uses for various zones, refer to Tables 1 to V of the s&ndurd.
Note 2-For key for field identification of commercial timbers (softwoods and hardwoods) based on their general properties, refer to ,
IS : 4970-1973 Key for identification of commercial timbers (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 399-1963 Classification of commercial timbers and their zonal
distribution (revised).
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of measurement of defects in timber, refer to IS : 3364 (Part IQ-1976 Methods of measurement and evaluation
of defects in timber: Part II Converted timber (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 190-1974 Specification for Coniferous sawn timber (baulks and
scantlings) (third revision).
(First Revision)
(With Amendment No. 1)
SP : 21-1983
i) Borer hole Not permissible Permissible on one face only Permissible on two faces only
( dead infestation ) provided such holes are not provided such holes are not
deeper than 10 mm and are deeper than IO mm and are
well scattered scattered, on a single
face only provided they
are not deeper than 20 mm
and are well scattered
ii) Centre heart Not permissible Permissible provided it is not Permissible provided it is not
farther than 25 mm from farther than 50 mm from
the nearest edge and is the nearest edge and is
sound and boxed sound and boxed
vi) End-splits Total length of all longest Total length of all longest Total length of all longest
end splits at each end shall end splits at each end shall end splits at each end shall
not exceed 4 cm per metre not exceed 6 cm per metre not exceed 8 cm per metre
of the length of the length of the length
SP : 21-1983
ix) Sap wood a) For haldu, kanju, mango, a) For haldu, kanju, mango, Permissible
salai, semul, jhingan, garu- salai, semul, jhingan, garu-
ga-permissible up to 100 ga-permissible up to 100
percent percent
x) Surface cracks Not exceeding 7.5 mm in Not exceeding 10mm in Not exceeding 12.5 mm in
depth in any face. In case depth in any face. In case depth in any face. In case.
one of the faces is free from one of the faces is free from one of the faces is free from
cracks the oppgsite face cracks the opposite face cracks the opposite face
may have a few ‘individual may have a few individual may have a few individual
cracks up to 10mm in cracks up to 12.5 mm in cracks up to 15.0 mm in
depth depth depth
xi) Wane Not permissible Up to one-fifth of the width Up to one-fourth of the width
on a broad face, subject to a on a broad face, subject to
maximum of 60 mm and the maximum of 80 mm
up to one third of the width and one-third of the width
on the narrow face provided on the narrow face provided
the one broad face and one that one broad face and
narrow face is completely one narrow face is comple-
free from this defect. Wane tely free from this defect.
shall not be present in more Wane shall not be present
than 30 percent the total in more than 30 percent
number of pieces accepted of the total number of
at any one time pieces accepted at any one
. b.
7. End Coating - Up to a distance of 15 cm or at minimize and cracking, splitting, etc.
least 25 mm more than length of split to prevent and to
Note 1 -For methods of measurement of defects in timber, refer to IS : 3364 (Part II)-1976 Methods of measurement and evaluation
of defects in timber: Part II Converted timber (first revkion).
Note 2-For species of timber covered by this specification, refer to Appendix A of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1326-1976 Specification for non-coniferous sawn timber (baulks
and scantlings) (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements regarding specification Note - In a given lot, the negative variation shall not exceed
of converted timber normally stocked in timber depot by more than 10 percent of the lot.
both for structural and non-structural purposes. It 4. Grading - Shall be graded after seasoning at a
refers to cut sizes of timber as stocked and does not take moisture content not less than 12 percent.
into consideration any reduction or allowance relating
to subsequent use. 4.1 Structural USC>- Based on permissible and
prohibited defects, timber for structural use shall be of
2. Dimensions - Preferred length shall be 50 cm three grades, namely, Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3.
and upwards in steps of 10 cm. Nominal sizes of width The estimated effects in reduction of basic strength of
and thickness shall be as given in Table 1. timber of Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3 are not more
than 12.5, 25 and 37.5 percent respectively.
Note - The size of cut timber specified in Table 1 are at a
moisture content of 20 percent. A method for adjustment of
4.2 Non-structurul Use - Based on permissible
dimensionsat different moisture content is given in Appendix A of and prohibited defects, timber for non-structural use
f/l<’ slnIr&l~t/. shall be of two glades, namely, Grade 1 and Grade 2.
3. Tolerances 5. Defects
a) For width and thickness 5.1 Structural Use
1) 100 mm and below -t3 5.1.1 Dejects prohibited - Loose grains, splits,
-0- compressive wood in coniferous timber, heart wood
2) Above 100 mm + %nm rot, sap rot, warp, worm holes made by powder post
- 3 beetles and pitch pockets shall not be permitted.
b) For length 51.2 Permissible dejkcts - Defects to the extent
+ 25mm
-0 specified in Table 2 shall be permissible.
SP : 21-1983
ii) Worm holes Other than those due to Other than those due to Other than those due to
powder post beetles, are powder post beetles, are powder post beetles, are
permissible permissible permissihle
iii) Slope of grain Not more than 1 in 20 Not more than 1 in 15 Not more than 1 in I2
iv) Live’knots Permissible maximum size of live knot on faces corresponding to different width (Max)
of wide faces of cut sizes of timber ( ranging from 75 to 600 mm ) shall vary from 10 mm
to 159 mm. For detailed requirements for each grade, refer to Table 2 of the stun&d
4 Checks and shakes Permissible depth ( Max ) corresponding to different width of the face of the timber ( ranging
from 75 to 600 mm ) shall vary from 12 mm to 300 mm. For detailed requirements for
each grade refer to Table 2 of tile standard.
iv) End split (largest at end and added 3 percent of length 5 percent of length
together )
xiii) Wane Not more than.4 percent on the Not more than 8 percent on the surface
surface on which it appears on which it appears
Note-For methods of measurement of defects in timber, refer to IS : 3364 (Part II)-1976 Methods of measurement and evaluation
of defects in timber: Part II Converted timber (firs2 revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1331-1971 Specification for cut sizes of timber (second revision).
1. Scope - Species, grades, requirements and net retention of 128 kg/m3 or pentachlorophenol5 per-
treatments for timber used in the construction of cent concentration to a net retention of 8.8 kg/m2.
cooling towers. 3.2 Fill - To be treated under pressure with a
2. Species - Suitable for cooling towers arc: minimum average retention of 16 kg/m3 of timber with
Trade Name arsenic-copper-chromate of acid-cupricchromate or
Rotanical Name
with 160 kg/m3 of creosote/fuel oil mixture or
Cedrus deodara Loudon deodar
12 kg/m3 with pentachlorophenol (95 percent
Pinus wallichiana A. B. Jacks kail
chlorinated phenols), in 5 percent concentration.
Pinus roxburghii chir
Tectona grandis Linn. f teak 3.3 Penetration of Preservative - Depth 100 per-
cent in sapwood of all species and minimum of 1 cm in
3. Treatment deodar, kail and teak and 2 cm in chir for heanwood.
3.1 Structural and Shell Members - With copper-
arsenic-chromate or acid-cupric-chromate to a net Note - For detailed requirement of treatment, refer to
retention of 12 kg/m3 or cr~osote/fuel oil mixture to a AppendixA of the standard,
SP : 21-1983
4. Grading - Select grade, standard grade. and ments of permissible defects refer to 4.3 of the
common grade depending on permitted defects. standard.
5. Prohibited Defects (for All Grades) - Loose 7. Dimensions - Nominal sizes, rough finished
gmin, splits, compression wood, heartwood rot, warp, dimensions and dressed dimensions for various
warmholes which are likely to affect strength, pitch thicknesses shall be as given in Table 1.
pockets, centre-heart (pith). shakes, twisted grain and
wane. 8. Tolerance
Length f 5 mm
6. Permissible Defects - For detailed require- Other dimensions + 1.5 mm
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2372-1963 Specification for timber for cooling towers.
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Physical and chemical requirements of classified into five grades according to their penetration
paving bitumen for use in roadways, airfields and and shall be designated as S35, S45, S65, S!IO and
allied construction. s200.
2; Types and Grades Note - For example, A25 means that paving bitumen corres-
ponding to this grade is from Assam Petroleum and has approxi-
2.1 Types mately a penetration value of 25.
a) Paving bitumen from Assam Petroleum (A), 2.2.3 Intermediate grades shall be subject to
and mutual agreement.
b) Paving bitumen from other sources (S).
3. Requirements
2.2 Grades
3.1 The material shall be homogeneous and shall not
2.2.1 Paving bitumen from Assam Petroleum
foam when heated to 175°C.
shall be classified into six grades according to their
penetration and shall be designated as A25, A35, A45, 3.2 Ash - No mineral matter other than naturally
A65, A90 and A200. contained in the material, shall be present.
2.2.2 Paving bitumen from other sources shall be 3.3 Shall satisfy the requirements given in Table 1.
ii) Water, percent by weight, Max 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
iii) Flash point, Pensky Martens 175 175 175 175 175 175
ClosedType,“C, Min
Note- Wherever two values are given, the values given in bracket shall be applicable to Type S bitumen and other applicable to
Type A bitumen. All other values are applicable to both Types A and S bitumen.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of .tests, refer to IS : 1202-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of specific
gravity Cfirsf revision),IS : 1203-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of penetration (firs!
revision), IS : 1205-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of softening point (Jir\/ ~~,itio~),
IS : 1208-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of ductility Cfirsf revision), IS : 1209-1978 Methods
for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of flash point and fire point Cfirsf revision),IS : 121 l-1978 Methods for
testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of water content (Dean and Stark method) Cfirsr revision),IS : 1212-3978
Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of loss on heating Cfirst revision), and IS : 1216-1978 Methods for
testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of solubility in carbon disulphide or rrichlorocthylcnc cfir.s/ revisions).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 73-1961 Specification for paving bitumen (revised.)
SP : 21-1983
i) Specific gravity at 27’C 1.20 to I.-30 1.22t01.32 1.22to 1.32 1.28 to 1.38
iii) Distillate:
Percent by weight below 27O”C,Max 4 4 3 No Test
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1202-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous
materials: Determination of specific
IS : 12051978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of softening point First
revision), IS : 1213-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of distillation test (first revision),
1s : 1215-1978Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of matter insoluble in toluene (.‘irsf revision),
and IS : 1217-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of mineral matter (ash) Cfir.srrevkim).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 216-1961 Specification for coal tar pitch (revised).
1. Scope - Requirements of materials commer- 2.2 Anthracene Oil - Shall be of one type only.
cially known as coal tar creosote (or creosote oil) and
anthracene oil for use as wood preservatives mainly in 3. Requirements
the treatment of railway sleepers, telegraph and tele-
3.1 Shall be homogeneous and free from any admix-
phone poles, and timber for general use.
ture of petroleum or similar oils. Shall consist of pure
distillates of high temperature coal tar.
2. Types
3.2 Liquidity - Shall liquefy completely on being
2.1 Creosote
warmed to 38”C, with stirring; and shall remain liquid
a) Type I - suitable for use in admixture with on cooling to 32°C and on standing at temperature for
fuel oil, and 2 hours.
b) Tyl>e/f - suitable 1or use alone, or in admix- 3.3 Shall also comply with the requirements given in
ture with fuel oil. Table 1.
SP : 21-1983
-~~ ~ ~~-~
(Clause 3.3)
No. A
1 \
Creosote Type I Creosote Type. II Anthracene Oil
iii) Matter insoluble in benzene, percent by weight, Max 0.50 0.50 0.50
Note-1For methods of tests, refer to 1s : 1202-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of specific
gravity First mMw@,IS : 121 i-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of water Content (Dean and
Stark method) (first revision), IS : 1213-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Distillation test (first revision), and
IS : 1214-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of matter insoluble in benzene (firstreViSiO@.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 218-1961 Specification for creosote and anthracene oil for use as
wood preservatives (revised).
SP : 21-1983
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
i) Specific gravity at 27°C 1.00 to 1.00 to 1.doto 1.00 to 1.00 to 1.01 to 1.01 to 1.01 to 1.02 to 1.02 to
1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.07
ii) Flash point, Pensky Martens 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Closed Type, “C, Mire
vi) Loss on heating, percent by 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
weight, Max
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1202-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminousmaterials: Determination of specific
gravity Cfirsr revision), IS : 1203-1978 Methods for testing. tar and bituminous materials: Determination of penetration (first
revision), IS : 1205-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of softening point (first revision),
IS : 1208-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of ductility (first revision), IS : 1209-1978Methods
for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of flash point and fire point (first revision), IS : 1212-1978 Methods for
testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of loss on heating (first revision), and IS : 1216-1978Methods for testing tar and
bituminous materials: Determination of solubility in carbon disulphide or trichloroethylenc (firs/ revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 702-1961 Specification for industrial bitumen (revised).
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
IS : 777-1970 Glazed earthenware tiles first revision) 109
IS : ~1237-1980 Cement concrete flooring tiles Qirst revision) 110
IS : 1542-1977 Sand for plaster first revision) 111
IS : 3461-1980 PVC asbestos floor tiles (first revisio;z) 112
IS : 3462-1979 Flexible PVC flooring first revision) ,113
IS : 3463-1966 Polystyrene wall tiles 114
IS : 4457-1982 Ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tiles (firsr revision) 116
IS : 4832 (Part I)-1969 Chemical resistant mortars: Part I Silicate type 116
IS : 4832 (Part II)-1969 Chemical resistant mortars: Part II Resin type 117
IS : 4832 (Part lII)-1968 Chemical resistant mortars: Part III Sulphur type 118
IS : 4860-1968 Acid-resistant bricks 119
IS : 653-1980 Linoleum sheets and tiles (second revision) 120
IS : 809-1970 Rubber flooring materials for general purposes first revision) 121
IS :’ 1195-1978 Bitumen mastic for flooring (second revision) 122
IS : 8374-1977 Bitumen mastic, anti-static and electrically conducting grade 124
. ..
SP : 21-1983
i) Cove base, straight top Same as for corres- Same as for corres- - 25
ponding tiles ponding tiles
i v) Ridges do - 50 -
. .
vi) Legs - 25, 31, 31 25, 31, 37 -
Note-Fittings associated with glazed tiles as given in this Table are shown in Fig. 1 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 777-1970 Specification for glazed earthenware tiles (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
2. Terminology
2.1 Plain Cement Tiles - Tiles having a wearing SL CLASS OF TILE MINIMUM
surface wherein no pigments and stone chips are used. No. THICKNESS
2.2 Plain Coloured Tiles - Tiles having a plain mm
wearing surface wherein pigments are used but no
stone chips. i) Plain cement and plain coloured tiles 5
for general purpose
ii) Terrazo tiles with chips of size varying 5
2.3 Terrazo Tiles - Tiles at least 25 percent of from the smallest up to 6 mm, for
whose wearing surface is composed of stone chips in a general purpose
matrix of ordinary or coloured Portland cement mixed iii) Terrazo tiles with chips of size varying 5
with or without pigments and mechanically ground and from the smallest up to 12 mm, for
general purpose
iv) Terrazo tiles with chips of size varying 6
from the smaller up to 20 mm, for
3. Classification general purpose
v) Plain cement and plain coloured tiles, 6
for heavy duty
a) General Purnose Tiles - Used for flooring of
normally lightly loaded, such as in office build-
ings, schools, colleges, hospitals and residen- 6. General Quality - Wearing layer of tiles shall be
tial buildings. free from projections, depressions, cracks, holes,
cavities and other blemishes. Edges of wearing layer
b) Heavy Duty Floor Tiles - Used for heavy
conditions, foot paths, entrances and staircases may be rounded.
of public buildings, passages of auditoriums
and storage godowns. 7. Finish - Colour and texture of wearing layer
shall be uniform throughout its thickness. No appreci-
able difference in appearance of tiles from point of
4. Dimensions
view of colour of aggregate, its type and its distribution
4.B Size shall be as follows: on surface of wearing layer shall be present.
Length Breadth Thickness
mm mm mm 8. Physical Requirements - All tests shall be
carried out not earlier than 28 days from the date of
200 200 20
250 250 22 I
300 300 - 25 8.1 Flatness of Tile Surface - The amount of con-
cavity and convexity shall not exceed 1 mm.
4.1.1 Half tiles rectangular in shape shall also be
available. 8.2 Perpendicularity - The longest gap between
the arm of the ‘square’ and the edge of tile shall not
4.1.2 Other shapes and sizes of tiles may be exceed 2 percent of length of edge.
manufactured when agreed to mutually provided all
other requirements are met. 8.3 Straightness - The gap between the thread and
the plane of tile shall not exceed 1 percent of length of
5. Tolerances edge.
5.1 On length or breadth, it shall be + 1 mm and on 8.4 Water Absorption - Average value shall not
thickness +5 mm. exceed 10 percent.
SP : 21-1983
8.5 Wet Transverse Strength - Average value shall 2) Wear on individual specimen 4 mm
not be less than 3 N/mm2.
b) For heavy duty floor tiles:
8.6 Resistance to Wear - The wear shall not ex- 2mm
1) Average wear
teed the following values: 2) Wear on individual specimen 2.5 mm
a) For general purpose tiles:
1) Average wear 3.5 mm
Note-For reauirements in regard to materials. manufactuie and for methods of tests refer to the stundurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1237-1980 Specification for cement concrete flooring tiles (first
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1542-1977 Specification for sand for plaster (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note 1 - For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3464-1980 Methods of test for plastic floor covering and wall tiles cfirs! revision).
Note 2-For categories of tests, refer to 6 of the sfandurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3461-1980 Specification for PVC asbestos floor tiles (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3462-1979 Specification for flexible PVC flooring (first revision).
2. Workmanship - Shall be free from flow marks, Thickness, Min , mm 1.25 1.75, 2.00
sinks, warpage, blemishes.and other defects. Cavity depth, Min , 0.625kO.125 0.625&O. 125
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3464-1980 Methods of tests of plastic floor covering and wall tiles Cfirst revbion).
Note Z-For categories of tests, refer to 6 of Hzestundurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3463-1966 Specification for polystyrene wall tiles.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for chemically setting concentrated orthophosphoric acids. They are not
silicate type of chemical resistant mortars for bonding resistant to alkalis or to boiling water and steam. They
chemical resistant masonry units. Such mortars are deteriorate by continued exposure to water.
resistant to most type of acids except hydrofluoric and
SP : 21-1983
2. Materials
2.1 Binder - Solution of sodium silicate or potas-
sium silicate with silica/sodium oxide or silica/ potas- SL PROPERTY REQUIREMENT
Note 1 - For methods of tests, refer to IS : 4456 (Part I)-1967 Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars: Part I Silicate type and
resin type.
Note 2 - For general guide for chemical resistance of silicate type mortars to various substances, refer to Table 1 of IS : 4441-1980
Code of practice for use of silicate type chemical resistant mortars (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4832 (Part I)-1969 Specificqtion for chemical resistant mortars:
Part I Silicate type.
1. Scope - Requirements for resin type chemical 3. Physical Requirements -See Table 1.
resistant mortars for bonding chemical-resistant
masonry units. Such mortars have good resistant to 4. General Requirements - Resin, shall have vis-
non-oxidizing mineral acids and poor resistance to cosity. Filler material shall have properly graded
oxidizing mineral acids.. Fairly resistant to inorganic particles that will permit preparation of a minimum
alkalis. Resistant to water; hence give impermeable joint thickness of 1.5 mm.
joints. Used for joining acid-proof bricks and tiles.
5. Chemical Resistance Requirement -The
2. Materials
limits may be settled between the purchaser and the
2.1 Resins - Phenolic, furane, epoxy, polyester. supplier.
2.2 Fillers - Siliceous or other inert fillers. Shall
6. Shelf Life - For phenolic and polyester resins is
be graded so as to permit 1.5 mm joints.
about 3 months and for furane and epoxy resins about
2.3 Catalyst - May be incorporated in fillers. 12 months from date of manufacture.
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 4456 (Part I)-1967 Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars: Part I Silicate type and
resin type.
Note 2-For general guide for chemical resistance of resin type mortars to various substances, refer to Table I of IS : 4443-1980Code
of practice for use of resin type chemical resistant mortars (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4832 (Part II)-1969 Specification for chemical resistant mortars:
Part II Resin type.
Note- For otherfillers, requirements given at SI No. (vii) of 5. Storage Life - Shall not be less than 2 years.
Table 1 shall apply. Shall be placed in a dry place away from fire.
Note l-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 4456 (Part II)-1967 Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars: Part 11Sulphur type.
Note 2-For general guide for chemical resistance of sulphur type mortars of various substances, refer to Table l of IS : 4442-1980
Code of practice for use of sulphur type chemical resistant mortars (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4832 (Part III)-1968 Specification for chemical resistant mortars:
Part III Sulphur type.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of acid-resistant bricks. 4. Warpage - Not more than2.5 mm at any point.
Such bricks are designed primarily, for use in chemical
and allied industries and are used in masonry, flooring, Note - For measurement of warp, refer to 2.4.1 of the
etc, subject to acid attack, lining of sewers carrying
industrial effluents, etc. Made out of suitable clay or 5. Classification
shale with low lime and iron content, felspar, Hint or
sand and vitrified at high temperatures. 5.1 Class I - Recommended ‘for severe type of
corrosive environments as obtained in storage tanks,
2. Dimensions - 230 X 114 X 64 mm. pickling tanks, etc.
5.2 Class II - Recommended for areas subject to
3. Tolerances
occasional spillage of acids, fumes, and contact with
dry chemicals as in fertilizer silos.
Dimensions Tolerances
(mm) (mm) 6. Performance Requirements - Sc>e Table 1.
230 k3.5
114 k2.0
64 k1.0
No. I
Class I Bricks Class II Bricks
(I) (2) (3) (4)
iv) Resistance to acid Loss in weight shall not Loss in weight shall not
exceed I.5 percent exceed 4.0 percent
Note-For methods of tests, refer to Appendices A to D of thestundardand Appendix A of IS : 1237-1980 Specification for cement
concrete flooring tiles (first revision).
For detailed-information, refer to IS : 4860-1968 Specification for acid-resistant bricks.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of linoleum manufac- 3.2 Moire, Jaspe and Marble Linoleum -
tured as sheets or tiles on a hessian backing and used as Composition shall be of different colours extending
floor covering. It does not include jute canvas as back- from wearing surface to backing at random to form a
ing material. variegated surface.
i) Width of sheet Average value shall not vary by morel than + 3mm
ii) Tile size (see Note) 228kO.4 mm
305 f 0.45 mm
457 f 0.60 mm
iii) Thickness Average value shall not vary by more than + 0.15 m
:v) Squareness (for tiles only) Gap between the sides of the tile and the arms of metal jig, shall not be
greater than 0.25 mm at any point along the sides
v) Seasoning (for plain linoleum only) The cut surface shall show no difference in colour or grain, between the edges
and the centre, 24 hours after the cut has been made
vi) Residual indentation Shall not exceed 10 percent of the original overall thickness
vii) Flexibility Shall not crack or break
SP : 21-1983
(1) (2) (3)
viii) Water absorption For Thickness. mm Water Absorption, Percent, Max
4.5 5.5
3.2 6.5
2.0 10
1.6 11.5
ix) Ageing After ageing the sheets shall show no sign of discolourarion. Shall
also satisfy the requirements of residual indentation, flexibility, colour
fastness, water absorption after ageing
x) Colour fastness to artificial light Shall not be inferior to that of No. 5 of the 8 standard patterns of the blue
dyed wool cloth as spccificd in IS : 2424-1967
Note - The tolerances on sizes are applicable at the time of ac:ual cutting of the tiles.
*Method of determination of colour fastness of textile material to artificial light (xenon lamp).
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 9704-1980 Methods of test for linoleum sheets and tiles.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6.53-1980 Specification for linoleum sheets and tiles (second
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3400 (Part II)-1980 Methods of test for vulcanized rubbers: Part 11 Hardness Cfirsr
revision). IS : 3400 (Part X)-l977 Methods of test for vulcanized rubbers: Part X Compression set at constant strain (first revision),
and Appendix B of ;he srandard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 809-1970 Specification for rubber flooring materials for general
purposes (first-revision).
i) Penetration at 25 ‘C - - 5to15 5 to 15
ii) Softening point ( ring and ball ), Max 105°C 105°C 100°C Ioo°C
v) Loss on heating for 5 h at 163“C. percent by mass 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
SP : 21-1983
Note - For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1203-1978*, 3. Composition - Excluding proportions of coarse
IS : 1205-1978t, IS : 1208-1978$, IS :1212-19789, and aggregate retained on a 600micron IS Sieve as given
IS : 1217-1978/l. in 2.2.2, the bitumen mastic shall have composition
given in Table 2.
2.2 Aggregate
Note l-For method for determination of binder content and fine aggregates in bitumen mastic, refer to Appendix C and for method
for determining hardness number, refer to Appendix D of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1195-1978 Specification for bitumen mastic for flooring (second
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of bitumen mastic for 3.2 Aggregates and Fillers -The aggregates and
anti-static and electrically conducting grade. fillers used in preparing bitumen mastic should be of
inert nature and should have the gradings as given
Note - In locations where it is necessary to take brecautionary below:
measures against the accumulation of static electricity, Roaring
should have uniform electrical conductance to a degree which will Sieve lksignalion Percentage
always ensure that under the fastest rate of generation of any by Mass
/x x
charge that can possibly occur in practice, a dangerous potential
can not exist.
’ Passing Retained on
IS Sieve IS Sieve
2. Terminology 75-micron - 45 to 55
2.1 Electrically Conducting - Having an upper (filler)
2 12-micron 75-micron 10 to 30
limit of resistance of 5 X IO4 ohms.
600-micron 212~micron 10 to 30
2.2 Anti-sratic - Having a resistance of 2.36-mm 600-micron 5 to 20
over 5 X 104 ohms and less than lo8 ohms. 2.36 mm Nil
3. Materials 4. composition
3.1 Bitumen - Requirements shall conform to as 4.1 Bitumen mastic composition for electrical con-
specified in Table 1. ducting and anti-static grade are made by incorporating
bitumen in conjunction with other suitable materials
Note - For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1203-1978*,
like carbon black of the conductive grade like graphite.
IS : 1205-1978t, IS : 1208-1978$, IS : 1212-19785, and
IS : 1216-1978 I/. 4.1.1 The bitumen content shall be between 13 to
18 percent by mass of the total mastic.
Note - For method of preparation of bitumen mastic, refer to
SL CHARACTERISTIC REQUIREMENT clause 4.2 of the standwd.
(1) (2) (3) 5. Properties
i) Softening point (ring and ball method) 65 to 100°C
5.1 Hardness number of bitumen mastic as laid shall
ii) Penetration at 25°C in 11100 cm 5 to 20
iii) Ductility at 27”C, M&in cm 2 be 4 to 12 at 35°C unless otherwise agreed to mutually.
iv) Loss on heating, percent, Max 0.3
5.2 Resistance of products after being manufactured
v) Solubility in CSz, percent, Min 99
shall have electrical conductance between 5 X lo4
Note - Industrial bitumen of the grades 90/15 and 75/15 conform- ohms and 2 X IO6 ohms.
ing to IS : 702-1961 ‘Specification for industrial bitumen (revised)’
are two typical examples of binder which will satisfy the require-
ments of this table.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8374-1977 Specification for bitumen mastic, anti-static and
electrically conducting grade.
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
1. scope - Requirements for saturated bitumen 3. Weight - The weight of ingredients of bitumen
felts (underlay) and selEfinished bitumen felts used for felts for 10 m2 shall be not less than those specified in
waterproofing and damp-proofing. Table 1.
ii) Type 2, Self-finished felt, Grade 1 5.0 5.7 10.7 11.9 21.9
iii) Type 2, Self-finished felt, Grade 2 4.0 4.5 21.8 17.1 30.8 ..
Hessian Base
_ iv) Type 3, Self-finished felt, Grade 1 2.3 1.8 17.7 12. I 22.3
Note l-The weight of the untreated base shall be taken as in the dry condition.
Note 2-Includes allowance of 0.5 kg minimum mica dusting powder in dry condition, except for Type 1.
SP : 21-1983
ii) Type 2 95 60 i) The roll shall not The test pieces The test pieces The test pieces 5.0 percent
(all grades ) show cracks on shall be exa- shall show no shall show
unrolling mined after sign of melting no sign of
cooling of the bitu- leakage
men compound
ii) Consider any After release of - - -
surface rupture the load, the
exceeding 5 mm layers of felt
in length as shall be capa-
failure ble of being
separated with-
out damaging
the coatant in
any way
iii) Type 3 135 90 i) The roll shall not The test pieces-_T4e test pieces The test pieces 2.0 percent
( all grades ) show cracks on, shall be exa- &-ill show no shall show no
unrolling mined after sign of melt- sign of leaka-
cooling , ingofthe bitu- ge
men compound
ii) Consider any After release of -
surface rupture the load, the
exceeding 5 mm layers of felt
in length as shall be capa-
failure ble of being
sepala& with-
out damaging
the coatant in
any way
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1322-1970 Specification for bitumen felts for yvaterproofing and
damp-proofing (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
plates, folded sections, wood joints, precast concrete (1) (2) (3)
Note-For methods of tests, refer to Appendices A to C of the standard, IS : 1209-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous
materials: Determination of flash point and fire point (first revision), IS : 1211-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous
materials: Determination of water content (Dean and Stark method) (first revision), and IS : 1217-1978 Methods for testing tar and
bituminous materials: Determination of mineral matter (ash) (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1580-1969 Specification for bituminous compounds for
waterproofing and caulking purposes (first revision).
. ..
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 4031-1968 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement, IS : 69251973 Methods of test
for determination of water soluble chlorides in concrete admixtures, and Appendix A of fhe standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2645-1975 Specification for integral cement waterproofing
compounds (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
3.2 Aggregate - Crushed rock or gravel (Silicious, 4. Composition of Mastic -See Table 1.
granite or limestone) and mineral fillers (cement or
Note l-For methods of determination of binder content and fine aggregates in bitumen mastic, and for determination of hardness
number, refer tq Appendices C and D of IS : 1195-1978 Specification for bitumen mastic for flooring (second revision).
Note 2-For method of preparation of bitumen mastic, refer to 4 of the slandard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3037-1965 Specification for bitumen mastic for use in water-
proofing of roofs.
1. Scope - Requirements for bitumen primer for 2. Requirements - Primer shall be free from water
application to concrete and masonry surfaces and to be and shall conform to the requirements given in Table 1
used with bitumen in damp-proofing and water- and shall preferably be made from the same grade of
proofing below or above ground level. bitumen as used in bonding.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1203-1978Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of penetration
(first revision), IS : 1206-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of viscosity (first revision),
IS : 1213-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Distillation test (first revision), and IS : 1216-1978 Methods for
testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of solubility in carbon disulpbide or trichloroethylene (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3384-1965 Specification for bitumen primer for use in water-
proofing and damp-proofing.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for bitumen mastic used calcium carbonate content not less than 80 percent by
as covering material for damp-proofing of under- weight.
ground tanks, basements of buildings, water reser- 3.3 Aggregates -Shall be fine aggregate consist-
voirs, swimming pools, irrigation canals, etc. ing of natural sand, or crushed limestone or crushed
hard rock. Grading is given below for guidance:
2. General Characteristics - The mastic shall
consist of a mixture of bitumen, aggregates and Percent,
mineral filler in such suitable proportions as to give a by Weight
semi-fluid consistency when heated to about 180°C. At
Passing 75micron IS Sieve Oto 10
this temperature, the mastic shall be easily compressi-
Passing 212micron and retained on 10 to 18
ble by trowels into a compact and uniform layer not
75micron IS Sieve
less than 10 mm thick.
Passing 600-micron and retained on 40 to 54
2 12-micron IS Sieve
3. Materials Passing 2.36~mm Sieve and retained on 24 to 40
600-micron IS Sieve
3.1 Bitumen - Physical properties. Retained on 2.36-mm IS Sieve Nil
a) Softening point (ring and ball method) 50” to 90°C 4. Composition of Mastic - See Table 1.
Note 1 -For methods of determination of contents of bitumen mastic composition and for determination of hardness number, refer
to Appendices C and D of IS : 1195-1978 Specification for bitumen mastic for flooring (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5871-1970 Specification for bitumen mastic for tanking and damp-
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for bitumen or coal tar b)Twe 2 -Grade I - Talcum, mica or sand
pitch treated felts (for pipe-wraps known as outerwrap) surfaced glass fibre base bitumen felts for
and self-finished bitumen felts used for waterproofing waterproo ting .
and damp-proofing. c) Type 2 -Grade I1 - Talcum, mica or sand
surfaced glass fibre base bitumen felts for
Note - Glass fibre base bitumen felts are suitable for water- damp-proofing.
proofing and damp-proofing in buildings and other situations
where penetration of moisture is to be stopped. Glass fibre has the
advantage that it does not rot by continuedexposure to moisture. 3. Dimensions -Bitumen felts in width of one
metre and generally in lengths of 1, 10 and 20 m. Glass
fibre felts generally in length of 100 mm.
2. Classification
a) Type 1 - Bitumen or coal tar pitch treated 4. Weight - The weight of ingredients used in
felts or pipe wrapping (outerwrap) glass fibre manufacture of glass fibre felts for 10 m* shall be not
base, talcum, mica or sand surfaced. less than those specified in Table 1.
SP : 21-1983
kgf kgf
i) Type 1 30 15 a) The roll shall - - - -
not show cracks
on unrolling
b) Consider any
’ surface rupture
exceeding 5 mm
in length as
ii) Type 2 50 30 a) The roll shall The test pieces The test pieces The test pieces 2 percent
(all grades) not show cracks shall be exa- shall show no shall show no
on unrolling mined after sign of melting sign of leak-
cooling of bitumen age
b) Consider any After release of
surface rupture the load, the
exceeding 5 mm layers of felt
in length as shall be capa-
failure ble of being
separated with-
out damaging
the coats in
any way
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
IS : 771 Glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances:
(Part I)-1979 Part I General requirements (second revision) 139
(Part II)- 1979 Part II Specific requirements of kitchen and laboratory sinks 140
(second revision)
(Part III/Set l)- 1979 Part III Specific requirements of urinals, Section 1 Slab urinals 140
(second revision)
(Part III/Set 2)- 1979 Part III Specific requirements of urinals, Section 2 Stall urinals 141
(second revision)
(Part V)-1979 Part V Specific requirements of shower trays (second revision) 141
IS ‘: 772-,1973 General requirements for enamelled cast iron sanitary appliances 142
(second revision)
IS : 773-,1964 Enamelled cast iron water-closets, railway coaching stock type 142
(second revision)
IS : 774-1971 Flushing cisterns for water-closets and urinals (valveless siphonic 143
type) (third revision)
IS : 77%1970 Cast iron brackets and supports for wash-basins and sinks (second 144
IS : 781-1977 Cast copper alloy screw-down bib taps and stop valves for water 145
services (second revision)
IS : 782-1978 Caulking lead (third revision) 146
IS : 1711-1970 Self-closing taps (first revision) 146
IS : 1726 Cast iron manhole covers and frames:
(Part I)-1974 Part I General requirements (second revision) 147
(Part II)-1974 Part II Specific requirements of HD circular type (second 148 .
(Part III)-1974 Part III Specific requirements of HD double triangular type 149
(second revision)
(Part IV)- 1974 Part IV Specific requirements for MD circular type (second 151
(Part V)- 1974 Part V Specific requirements for MD rectangular type (second 152
(Part VI/Set I)-1974 Part VI Specific requirements for LD rectangular type, Section 1 153
Single seal (second revision)
(Part VI/Set 2)-1974 Part VI Specific requirements for LD rectangular type, Section 2 155
Double seal (second revision)
(Part VII/Set l)- 1974 Part VII Specific requirements for LD square type, Section 1 156
Single seal (second revision) ._
(Part VII/Set 2)-1974 Part VII Specific requirements of LD square type, Section 2 157
Double seal (second revision)
IS : 17951982 Pillar taps for water supply purposes (second revision) 159
IS : 2326-1970 Automatic flushing cisterns for urinals (first revision) 159
IS : 2548-1980 Plastic water-closet seats and covers (third revision) 160
IS : 2556 Vitreous sanitary appliance (vitreous china):
(Part I)-1974 Part I General requirements (second revision) 161
(Part II)-1973 Part II Specific requirements of wash-down water-closets (third 161
(Part III)-1981 Part III Specific requirements of squatting pans (third 163
(Part IV)-1972 * Part IV Specific requirements of wash-basins (second revision) 165
(Part V)-1979 Part V Specific requirements of laboratory sinks (second 168 j
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
IS : 2556-Contd
(Part VI) Part VI Specific requirements of urinals
(Part VI/Set l)-1979 Section 1 Bowl type (third revision) 168
(Part VI/Set 2)-1974 Section 2 Half stall urinals (second revision) 170
(Part VI/Set 3)-1974 Section 3 Squatting plates (second revision) 171
(Part VI/Set 4)-1974 Section 4 Partition slabs (second revision) 172
(Part VI/Set 5)-1974 Section 5 Waste fittings (second revision) 172
(Part VI/Set 6)- 1974 Section 6 Water spreaders for half stall urinals (second 173
(Part VII)-1973 Part VII Specific ‘requirements of half round channel (second 174
(Part VIII)-1973 Part VIII Specific requirements of siphonic wash-down ‘water- 175
closets (second revision)
(Part IX)- 1979 Part IX Specific requirements of bidets (third revision) 176
(Part X)- 1974 Part X Specific requirements of foot rests (second revision) 177
(Part XI)- 1979 . Part XI Specific requirements for shower rose Cfirst revision) 177
(Part XII)-1973 Part XII Specific requirements for floor traps 178
(Part XIII)-1973 Part XIII Specific requirements of traps for squatting pans 178
(Part XIV)- 1974 Part XIV Specific requirements for integrated squatting pans 180
(Part XV)-1974 Part XV Specific requirements of universal water-closets 181
IS : 2692-1978 Ferrules for water services (first revision) 182
IS : 2963-1979 Copper alloy waste fittings for wash-basins and sinks (first 182
IS : 3004-1979 Plug cocks for water supply purposes (first revision) 183
IS : 3311-1979 Waste plug and its accessories for sinks and wash-basins (first 183
IS : 5961-1970 Cast iron gratings for drainage purposes 184
JS : 6411-1972 Gel-coated glass fibre reinforced polyester resin bath tubs 184
IS : 7231-1974 Plastic flushing cisterns (valveless siphonic type) for water-closets 186
and urinals
IS : 8718-1978 Vitreous enamelled steel kitchen sinks 187
IS : 8727-1978 Vitreous enamelled steel wash-basins 188
IS : 779-1978 Water meters (domestic type) (fifth revision) 189
IS : 2104-1981 Water meter boxes (domestic type) (first revision) 190
IS : 2373-1981 Water meters (bulk type) (third revision) 190
137 .
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
(Second Revision)
(With Amendment No. 1)
1. Scope - General requirements for materials, shall possess an impervious surface. It shall have a
manufacture. finish. methods of test. sampling and high gloss and shall normally be white.
inspection of all glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances.
5. Finish - It shall not show to the unaided eye
blemishes or defects hi’excess of those specified in
2. Material and Manufacture - Fire clay bodies Table 1 of rhe srandard.
are moderately fine. porous. off-white bodies using
natural fire clays. ball clays or stoneware clays and clay 6. Performance - The appliance shall statisfy the
grogs covered by a glaze properly matured and fitted to following performance requirements:
the body. a) Warpage
b) Crazing
c) Wafer absorption - Shall not be more than
3. Minimum Thickness - At any place shall not 15 percent.
be less than 8 mm. d) Thermal shock - Shall not show any sign of
4. Glazing - All visible surfaces of the body shall e) Chemical resistance - Shall have no loss
be glazed surfaces coming in contact with floor or wall of reflectivity of the glaze.
and the underside, of sinks. etc. may be unglazed. f) Modulus ofrupture - Shall not be less than
20 MPa.
4.1 The glazed shall be uniform, free from craze and g) Resistance to staining and .burning
For detailed information, refer to IS : 771 (Part J-1979 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary
appliances: Part I General requirements (second revision).
SP : 21-19817
For detailed information, refer to IS : 771 (Part II)-1979 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary
appliances: Part II Specific requirements of kitchen and laboratory sinks (second revision).
2.1 The general requirements for materials, manu- Note - Shall be manufactured either as a single or two urinals.
The inside surface shall be regular and smooth.
facture, methods of test, sampling and inspection shall
conform to IS : 771 (Part I)-1979*. 2.3 Tolerances
‘Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part I On dimensions of 50 mm and over f 4 percent
General requirements (second revision). On dimensions less than 50 mm +2 mm
For detailed information, refer to IS : 771 (Part IIUSec I)-1979 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary
appliances: Part III Specific requirements of urinals, Section 1 Slab urinals (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
2.1 For general requirements of materials, manufac- On dimensions of 50 mm and over +4 percent
ture, methods of test, sampling and inspection, refer to On dimensions less than 50 mm k-2 mm
IS : 771 (Part I)-1979*.
2.4 Construction - Shall be manufactured either as
2.2 Size
a single urinal or as a range of two or more urinals. The
1 140X460x400 mm
inside surface shall be regular and smooth throughouk
*Specification for glazed tire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 1 The bottom shall have sufficient slope from the front
General requirements (secotzd rerision ). towards the outlet.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 771 (Part III/See 2)-1979 Specificatidn for glazed fire-clay sanitary
appliances: Part III Specific requirements sf urinals, Section 2 Stall prinals (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 771 (Part V)-1979 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary
appliances: Part V Specific requirements of shower trays (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - General requirements of material, d) Pinholes - not more than two for coloured
thickness, warpage, enameliing, acid and alkali resis- wares and not more than four for white wares;
tance, inspection rules and marking, for enamelled cast e) Specks - Less than 1 mm and not exceeding 5
iron sanitary appliances like water-closets and com- in number. Specks less than 0.25 mm in size
modes. shall not be treated as defects unless in
2. Requirements - Thickness of cast iron base not sufficient number to form discoIouration; and
less than 6.5 mm. Tolerance +3 percent on specified D Flaw - The number shall not exceed
dimensions. War-page shall not exceed 5 mm per metre Small - 2, MUX
for edges set against wall or floor and 7.5 mm per metre Medium - 22, Max
for other edges. Finishing in vitreous enamel fused to Large - None.
cast iron base; enamel thickness not less than 0.5 mm.
2.1 Defects - Not more than one of the following 3. Tests for Enamel
when examined through inspection window is
permitted: a) Enamel shall be of acid and alkali resisting
a) Crazing; quality.
d) Dimples, rundown, sagging; b) Abrasion test - Shall withstand test for resis-
c) Blisters - not more than on interior tance to scratching by Powder No.5 (on Moh’s
surface; Scale).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 772-1973 Specification for general requirements for enamelled cast
iroh sanitary appliances (second revision).
(Second Revision)
1. Scope - Requirements for material, workman- 20 mm diameter threaded nipple fixed to threaded hole
ship, manufacture, dimensions and finish of enamelled cast in the body of the water-closet and secured by a
cast iron railway type water-closets generally used in check nut. Inlet shall protrude out at least by 25 mm
the coaching stock of the Indian Railways. (see also Fig. 1).
2. Requirements - Shall be of one piece construc- 3. Finish - Inside and outside surfaces of each
tion. Bottom flange shall not be less than 10 mm thick, fixture shall be coated with vitreous enamel thoroughly
and shall be provided with not less than 6 holes of fixed to the cast iron base. Shall be uniform, non-
6.5 mm diameter. Inlet or supply horn shall consist of crazing, free from discolouration and impervious.
SP : 21-1983
HEIGHf=475 mm
FLOOR = 350 mm
l- 9 6*5,6 HOLES
Note-Tolerance + 3 percent on specified dimensions limited to 5 mm.
All dimensions m millimetres
Fig. I Enameled Cast Iron Water-Closet
Note l-For general requirements refer to IS : 772-1973 Specification for general requirements for enamelled cast iron sanitary
appliances (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 773-1964 Specificat& for enameled c@t iron water-closets, railway
coaching stock type (second revision).
1. Scope - Requirements regarding material, con- respectively. The body of pressed steel cistern
struction, operation and testing of manually operated shall be of seamless or welded construction.
high-level and low-level, valveless siphonic action The thickness of body and cover shall not be
type sanitary flushing cisterns for water-closets and less than 1.6 mm and 1.3 mm respectively
urinals. before coating, and shall be porcelain enamel-
led or otherwise protected against corrosion.
2. Terminology The outlet of each siphon or stand pipe shall be
securely connected to the cistern by means of
2.1 High Level Cistern - Minimum height between lock nut made of copper base alloys, hot-dipped
top of pan and underside of cistern, 125 cm. galvanized steel or hot-dipped galvanized mal-
leable iron.
2.2 Law Level Cistern - Maximum height between b) Cover - Shall be of the same material as the
top of pan and underside of cistern, 30 cm.
2.3 Coupled Cistern - Cisterns intended to operate c) Flush Pipe - Steel tube, lead pipe, copper
sitting on flat surface provided at the back portion of alloy pipe, polyethylene pipe, unplasticized
siphonic wash down w ater-ciosets , PVC pipe, or smooth bore cast iron pipe.
Diameter 32 + 1 mm for high-level and
3. Material and Construction 38 + 1 mm for lowllevel cistern. Minimum
thickness 1 mm for steel and 3.5 mm for lead
a) Cistern - Thickness of the body including
cover shall be not less than .5,6 and 13 mm for
cast iron, vitreous china and fire-clay cisterns Note - No flush pipe will be required for a coupled cistern.
SP : 21-1983
d) Bolts, Nuts, Chain -Galvanized steel, non- b) Discharge rate - 5 lines with
ferrous metal or other corrosion resisting mate- a tolerance of
rial. Chain shall sustain dead load of 50 kg +0.5 litre in
without deformation of links. 3 seconds
e) Ball Valve - Diameter 15 mm.
f) Lever - Shall not project greater than 35 cm ci Working water -Min 6.5 cm
measured from the centre of the cistern to the level below effective
end of the lever. top edge
g) OverJlow Pipe - Not less than20mm bore for of cistern
high-level and low-level cistern and 15 mm for
coupled cistern. Shall incorporate mosquito- d) Discharge shall operate when cistern is filled
1 cm below working water level.
proof device.
4. Operation e) Endurance - Components
test shall not show
a) Discharge - 5, 10 and 12.5 damage or
capacity litres; Tolerance defects after
+ 0.5 litre 3 000 operations
For detailed information, refer to IS : 774-1971 Specification for flushing cisterns for water-closets and
urinals (valveless siphonic type) (third revision).
SP : 21-1983
shall be 15 mm bore steel tube or casting and 4. Finish - Painted. galvanized or porcelain
shall terminate in a flahge for fixing to floor. enamelled. For hospital use, chromium plated or
porcelain enamelled.
d) Strap or bracket and supporting leg shall be
made separately.
For detailed information, rej2r to IS : 77.5-1970 Specification for cast iron brackets and supports for wash-
basins and sinks (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to .IS : 781-1977 Specification for cast copper alloy screw-down bib taps
and stop valves fur water services (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 782-1978 Specification for caulking lead (third revision).
1. Scope - Requirements regarding nominal sixes, c) Force required for operation shall not exceed
material, manufacture and workmanship, design, con- 7 kgf.
struction, finish, testing and marking of self-closing d) Device which closes tap without release of
taps with or without stuffing box. handle after discharge of a fixed quantity may
be incorporated.
2. Nominal Sizes - 15 mm and 20 mm.
4. Material
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1711-1970 Specification for self-closing taps (first revision).
. (Second Revision)
1. Scope -General requirements for cast iron and warping.
manhole covers and frames intended for use in drain- c) Shall have raised chequered design to provide
age and water works. non-slip grip. Rise of chequer not less than
4 mm.
2. Grades and Types d) Lifting key and key holes shall be provided.
Heavy Duty (HO) - for use in heavy vehicular e) Shall be coated with a material having base
with a black bituminous composition. Coating
traffic conditions.
shall not flow when exposed to 63°C and shall
Medium Duty (MD) - for use under light traffic
not be so brittle as to chip of at 0°C.
conditions, such as footpaths and cycle tracks.
f) Shall withstand without fracture following
Light Duty (LO) - for use in domestic premises
loads for minimum period of 30 seconds, when
or places not subjected to wheeled traffic loads.
subjected to the prescribed test:
HD - Double triangular or circular
3. Requirements - 35 tonnes
a) Shall be of grey cast iron. MD - Circular or rectangular - 5 tonnes
b) Shah befreefrom air and sand holes, cold shuts LD - Rectangular or square - 1 tonne
For detailed information, refer to IS : I726 (Part I)-1974 Specification for cast iron hanhole covers and
frames: Part I General requirements (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
* E 4
A c E
Lz .E YZ
560 660 8 10
Tolerances +5 +3 f3
Fig. 1 Heavy Duty Circular Cover and Frame
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture and workmanship, sampling, testing, key-ho!es and key, refer to
IS : 1726 (Part I)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and frames: Part I General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1726 (Part II)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and
frames: Part II Specific requirements of HD circular type (second revision).
(Second Revision)
(With Amendment No. 1)
SP : 21-1983
. E
mm mm mm
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture workmanship, sampling, testing, key-holes and key, refer to
IS : 1726 (Part I)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and frames: Part I General requkements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : I726 (Part III,)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and
frames: Part III Specific requirements of HD double triangular type (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
A c E
mm mm mm
500 580 710
560 630 760
Tolerances +5 +3 f3
Fig. 1 Medium Duty Circular Cover and Frame
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture and workmanship. sampling, testing, key-holes and key, refer to
IS : 1726 (Part I)-1971 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and frames: Part 1 General requirements (second wvision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : I726 (Part IV)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and
frames: Part IV Specific requirements for MD circular type (second revision).
, E --
mm mm mm mm mm mm
610 455 685 530 840 685
Tolerances +5 +5 $3 +3 +3 +3
Fii. I Medium Duty Rectangular Cover and Frame
SP : 21-1983
%ote-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture and workmanship, sampling, testing. key-holes and key, refer to
IS : 1726 (Part I)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole colers and frames: Part I General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : I726 (Part V)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and
frames: Part V Specific requirements for MD rectangular type (second revision).
Fig. 1 Light L3ut.y Single Seal Rectangular Cover and Frame (Pattern 1)
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture and workmanship, sampling, testing, key-holes and key, refer
to IS .: 1726 (Part I)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and frames: Part 1 General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1726 (Part VI/Set 11-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole
covers and frames: Part VI For specific requirements for LD rectangular type, Section 1 Single seal (second
SP : 21-1983
Thickness of frame = 40 + 2 mm
‘A B C D E F
mm mm mm mm mm mm
455 610 145 590 775 620
Tolerances +5 +5 +3 +3 f3 -+3
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture and workmanship, sampling. testing, key-holes and key. refer to
IS : 1726 (Part I)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and frames: Part I General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1726 (Part VI/Set 2)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole
covers and frames: Part VI Specific requirements for LD rectangular type, Section 2 Double seal (second
SP : 21-1983
mm mm mm mm mm mm
455 455 495 495 530 530
610 610 680 680 715 715
Tolerances +5 +5 +3 f3 +3 +3
Fig. I Light Duty Single Seul Cover and Frame (Square Type)
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture and workmanship, sampling, testing, key-holes and key, refer to
IS : 1726 (Part I)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and frames: Part I General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : I726 (Part VII/Set I)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole
covers and frames: Part VII Specific requirements for LD square type, Section I Single seal (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
mm mm mm mm mm mm
455 455 565 565 600 600
610 610 700 700 740 740
Tolerances ’ +5 +5 +3 +3 f3 +3
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture and workmanship, sampling, testing, key-holes and key, refer to
IS : 1726 (Part I)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and frames: Part I General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1726 (Part VII/Set 2)-1974 Specification for cast iron manhole
covers and frames: Part VII Specific requirements for LD square type, Section 2 Double seal (second
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1795-1974 Specification for pillar taps for water supply purposes
(first revision).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2326-1970 Specification for automatic flushing cisterns for urinals.
(first revision).
1. Scope - Requirements regarding material, e) Seats shall have smooth finish and shall be
manufacture, dimensions, finish and testing of plastic non-absorptive and free from cracks or
seats and covers for use with water closets. crevices.
80 TO 100 mm WIDTH OF
2. Materials - Made of phenolic plastics, poly- OPENING FOR OPEN FRONT SEAT_
3. Manufacture
a) Underside of seat may be flat or recessed. Seat
may be closed or open front mattem (see
Fig. 1).
b) Material for Hinging Device
Type A - Copper alloys with nickel chromium
plating (bronze or brass); stainless steel;
aluminium alloy (with anodic coating); zinc
base alloy (with nickel chromium plating);
and suitable plastic (with reinforcement).
Type B - Mild steel (with nickel chromium Note-Minimum thickness of cover/seat shall be 3 mm.
plating); aluminium alloy (with anodic coat-
ing); and suitable plastic (with reinforcement). All dimensions in millimetres
c) Boltsfor Hinging Device - 65 mm, minimum Fig. I Plastic Cover and Seat
shank length. L
d) Buffers - Plastic or rubber; not less than 3 of 4. Strength - Shall withstand load of 1 150 N at
size 25 X 40 X 10 mm for full-round seats ’ specified locations for 30 minutes without any damage
and not less than 4 for open-front seats. or permanent distortion.
Note 2-For procedure for load test for strength refer to 5.2 of fhe standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2548-1980 Specification for plastic water-closet seats and covers
(third revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope -General requirements for materials, maximum specified warpage (see Tables 1 to 3 of the
manufacture, methods of test, inspection and marking standard) shall not slide under the appliance without
of all vitreous sanitary appliances. force.
2. MininmumThickness - Not less than 6 mm at 4.3 Crazing - None of test pieces shall show
any place in an appliance. crazing.
4.4 Water Absorption - Not exceeding 0.5 percent
3. Glazing - All surfaces of the body visible after
(average) and 0.75 percent (individual).
installation shall be glazed. Glazing shall be uniform,
free from craze and impervious. Lead content shall not 4.5 Chemical Resistance - No loss of reflectivity
exceed 5 percent of soluble lead in case of glazes of glaze when compared with the control sample.
containing lead.
4.6 Modulus of Rupture - Not less than 350 kgfl
4. Performance Requirements cm2 (averageof lOsamples). Individual testvalue shall
not vary more than IfI20 percent of mean value.
4.1 Permissible Blemishes and Defects - Refer to
4.7 Resistance to Staining and Burning - No stain
Tables 1 to 3 of the standard.
shall remain on eitherof test pieces when tested accord-
4.2 Warpage - Feeler gauge of thickness equal to ing to prescribed method.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part I General requirements (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
2.2 Each water-closet shall have atleast 2 floor fixing 2.5 Anti-siphonage vent horn (50 mmkfin dia) set at
holes of 6.5 mm minimum diameter. an angle of 45”, where required by local sanitation
2.3 Flushing rim may be boxed or open type. Flush-
ing rim and inlet shall be self-draining type. 2.6 Test - For flushing testkequirementssee 2.6 of
the standard.
2.4 Integral trap P or S type. For P-trap, slope of
outlet shall be 14” below the horizontal.
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part II)-1981 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part II Specific requirements of wash-down water-closets (third revision).
SP : 21-1983
TO 320
TO 340
580/ 630
SP : 21-1983
HEIGHT = 275
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part III)-1981 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part ZZI Specific requirements of squatting pans (third revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for material, patterns and Note-For detailed dimensions and tolermces refer to he
sizes, construction, dimensions and tolerances for vit- smndard.
reous wash basins. 2.2 One piece construction including combined
overflow and soap holder. Those installed in surgeon’s
2. Requirements room and operation theatre shall not be provided with
2.1 Patterns and Sizes soap holder recess and combined overflow.
a) Flat back - 660 X 460 mm (Surgeon’s basin) 2.3 Waste hole of minimum 65 mm diameter (over-
(see Fig. 1) all) and 10 mm depth.
2.4 Slot type overflow area not less than 5 cm2 and
4::: modem (seeFig.2 and 3)
area of overhow channel 4 cm2, minimum.
450~ 300 mm (see Fig. 4)
2.5 Glazed pedestal, if specified, shall be so de-
b) Angle back - 600 X 480 mm (see Fig. 5) signed that height from floor to top of basin rim is 75 to
400 X 400 mm (see Fig. 6) 80 cm.
HEIGHT s 200min.
SP : 21-1983
I HEIGHT = 290 max.
I / I \ L I-
7 300
Fig. 4
All dimensions in millimetrec.
Flat Back Wash Basrn with Single Tap Hole (Size 450 x 300 mm)
1 HEIGHT = 225 max.
SP : 21-1983
HEIGHT = 290 mm max.
+ 4OOmm ____I 1
Fig. 6 Angle Back Wash Basin (Pattern 2)
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (.wcond revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part IV)-1972 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part IV Specific requirements of wash basins (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part V)-1979 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part V Specific requirements of laboratory sinks (second revision).
2. Requirements
Note - For detailed dimensions refer to rhe standard.
2.1 Patterns and Sizes
a) Flat back - 430 mm, Min X260 mm, Min 2.2 One piece construction with integral flushing
X350 mm, Min (see Fig. 1); and box rim with minimum of 12 holes.
b) Angle back - 340 mmX410 mm, Min
x 265 mm, Min (see Fig.2). 2.3 Not less than 2 fixing holes on each side of
minimum diameter of 6.5 mm.
2.1.1 Tolerances:
On dimensions 50 mm +4 percent 2.4 When installed there shall be no liquid left over
and over in the bottom of the pan of the urinal after flushing.
SP : 21-1983
HEIGHT = 340 mm
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china):
Part I General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part VI/See l)-1979 Specification for vitreous sanitary
appliances (vitreous china): Part VI Specific requirements of urinals,Section 1 Bowl type (third revision).
SP : 21-1983
Fig. 1 Half Stall Flat Back Urinal 2.3 Shall satisfy test for cleanability.
Note 2-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china):
Part I General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part VUSec 2)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary
appliances (vitreous china): Part VI Specific requirements of urinals, Section 2 Half stall urinals (second
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part VI/See 3)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary
appliances (vitreous china): Part VI Specific requirements of urinals, Section 3 Squatting plates (second
SP : 21-1983
2.1 Sizes and Dimensions (mm) 2.2 Shall be one piece construction and with fixing
Size Height Width (Min) arrangement at the flatback top. Shall alsobeprovided
mm X mm X mm mm with countersunk hole at the bottom end.
825 x 450 x 100 825 z-z
675 x 325 x 85 675 Min 325
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part VI/See 4)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary
appliances (vitreous china): Part VI Specific requirements of urinals,Section 4 Partition slabs (second
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to Is : 2556 (Part VI/See 5)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitaty appliances
(vitreous china): Part VI Specific requirements of urinals, Section 5 Waste fittings (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part VI/See 6)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary
appliances (vitreous china): Part VI Specific requirements of urinals, Section 6 Water spreaders for half
stall urinals (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for materials, shape and Depth - 85 mm for type A and 60 mm for type B.
sizes, dimensions and tolerances for half-round chan-
Note - Other shapes and sizes by mutual agreement.
nel made of vitreous china.
2.2 Tolerances
2. Requirements On dimensions 50 mm and over f 4 percent
2.1 Shapes, Sizes and Dimensions - Shall be plain, On dimensions less than 50 mm f 2 mm.
with socket, or with stop end, and shall have 50 mm
internal radius: Note - For detailed dimensions refer to pclestundard.
Length - 300 or 600 mm 2.3 Finish - Shall have uniform smooth glazed and
Width - 150 mm impervious surface.
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part VI&1973 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part VII Specific requirements of harf round channel (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part VIII)-1973 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part VIII Specific requirements of siphonic wash-down water-closets (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
150 min.-
Size A B Height G
Large 600 f 10 350 f 15 380 f 10 375
Medium 530 f 10 350 f 15 380 + 10 360
Small 490 + 10 350 f 15 370 f 10 335
\ Fig. I Bidet
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part IX)-1979 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part IX Specific requirements of bidets (third revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for materials, shape, size Design of face should be such as to permit easy flow
and dimensions for foot rests made of vitreous china. of water towards rim or bowl of squatting pan. Under-
side grooved.
2. Requirements
Note- Other agreed shapes and sizes permissible.
2.1 Shapes and Sizes
Rectangular shape: 2.2 Finish - Surface shall be uniform and smooth
Minimum size = 250 X 125 mm; except for serrations. Edges shall be rounded or cham-
Thickness = 15 mm, Min. fered .
Note-For general requirements refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I
General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part X)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part X Specific requirements of foot rests (second revision).
Note l-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture and methods of test refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974 Specification
for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part XI)-1979 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Par{ XI Specific requirements for shower rose (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for materials, shape, 2.4 Depth of water seal shall be 50 mm, Min.
size, dimensions and finish of floor traps made of
vitreous china. ,
3. DimensIons and Tolerances
2. Requirements Overall length = 310 mm
Gverall height = 150 mm
2.1 Shall be manufactured without vent. Diameter of grating (.I&) = 95 mm
2.2 Grating shall be removable. 3.1 Tolerance
2.3 Inside surface of trap and socket and the grating On dimensions 50 mm and over +4 percent
(all over) shall be glazed. On dimensions less than 50 mm rt2 mm
Note 1 -For detailed dimensions see Fig. 1 of the sfundurd.
Note 2-For general requirements regarding materials, manufacture, finish and methods of test refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974
Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I General requirements (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part XII)-1973 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part XII Specific requirements for floor traps.
1. Scope - Requirements for materials, patterns, 2.3 Minimum water seal JO mm (20 mm for rural
constructions, dimensions, tolerances and finish for pattern).
traps for use with squatting pans conforming to
IS : 2556 (Part III)-1973*. 2.4 Dimensions -See Fig. 1 and 2.
SP : 21-1983
- 990miw
Note-For general requirements regarding materials, manufacture and methods of tests, refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974
Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I General requirements (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part XIII)-1973 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part XIII Specific requirements of traps for squatting pans. ,
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements regarding materials, manufacture. finish and methods of test refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974
Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances.(vitreous china): Part I General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part XIV)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part XIV Specific requirements of integrated squatting pans.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for manufacture and 2.3 Integral flushing rim shall be of box type.
construction, performance, dimensions and toler- 2.4 Anti-siphonage vent horn shall be provided
antes, finish and marking for universal water closets where required by local authority.
made of vitreous china.
2.5 Water seal shall be 50 mm,Min.
2. Requirements 2.6 Dimensions - See Fig. 1.
2.1 Sizes and Patterns -See Fig. 1.
2.7 Tolerances _
a) 450 mm ‘P’ trap or ‘S’ trap On dimensions of 50 mm and over f4 percent
b) 530 mm ‘P’ trap or ‘S’ trap On dimensions less than 50 mm f2 mm
On all angles rt3”
Other sizes and patterns may be made; however,
they shall conform to tolerances on dimensions and 3. Finish -Inside surface of closet and trap shall
flushing, tests specified in this standard. be uniform and smooth. Serrated part of the outlet of
the closets shall not be glazed externally. Inside of the
2.2 ‘P’ trap closets shall be in one piece. ‘S’ trap
inlet socket and the serrated part of the ‘S’ bend shall
closets may be mad& in one or two pieces. Each closet
not be glazed.
shall have not less than 4 floor fixing holes of 6.5 mm
dia, minimum. 4. Flushing Tests - See 2.6 of the standard.
t-p 570/650 _1
All dimensions in millimetres.
Fig. I Universal Water-Closet
Note-For general requirements regarding materials, manufacture, finish and methods of test, refer to IS : 2556 (Part I)-1974
Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part I General requirements (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2556 (Part XV)-1974 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances
(vitreous china): Part XV Specific requirements of universal water-closets.
SP : 21.1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2692-1978 Specification for ferrules for water services (first
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2963-1979 Specification for copper alloy waste-fittings for wash-
basins and sinks (first revision).
182 *
SP : 21-1983
working pressure.
2.3 Materials - Cast brass and leaded tin bronze
2. Requirements for bodies and components. Brass rod for washers,
plug nuts, union nuts and tail pipes.
2.1 TypesofEnd - Plug cocks shall have each body
2.4 Taper of the side of plug and body shall be 1 in 15
end suitable for one of the following types of joints.
(1 in 7/5 included angle).
a) Plain ends for lead (wiped) joint,
b) Socket end for capillary solder joint, 2.5 The larger end of the plug taper shall project
c) Union and tail piece for lead (wiped) joint. 6f 1.5 mm from the body.
d) Union and tail pipe for capillary solder joint, 2.6 Finish of Body Ends - Body ends intended for
and direct plumbing to lead pipe shall be finished by
e) Union for copper tube compression joint. machining and grinding.
2.1.1 Ends for (b), (d) and (c)‘by mutual agree-
ment. When ends are to suit mild steel tubing comply- Note -For details of nut and tail pipe, when the outlet has a
ing with IS : 1239 (Part I)-1973* the purchaser shall union for lead, refer to the standard.
provide the details.
2.7 Hydraulic Test - Shall be tested for body and
*Specification for mild steel tubes and tubulars and other wrought seat tests under internal hydraulic pressure of at least 2
steel fittings: Part I Miid steel tubes (dclird revision). MPa and 1 MPa respectively.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3004-1979 Specification for plug cocks for water suppb Purposes
(first revision).
SP : 21-1983
2.2 Loud Test - Shall withstand 20 kgf without 2.3 Finish - Chain and stay shall be chromium
deformation plated.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3311-1979 Specification for waste plug and its accessories for sinks
and wash-basins (first revision).
1. Scope - Requirements for cast iron gratings for Note - For detailed dimensions see Fig. 1 of Z/Wstandard.
use in drainage works.
5. Weight - 75 kg minimum.
2. Materials - Frame and cover shall be of grey
cast iron. Hinge pin shall be of mild steel wire.
6. Coating 1 Shall be with a material having tar
3. Manufacture and Workmanship - Frame and base with a black bituminous composition. Coating
cover shall be free from air and sand holes, cold shuts shall be smooth and tenacious which will not flow at a
and warping. temperature of 63”C, and which is not so brittle as to
chip off at 0°C.
4. Dimensions and Tolerances
Size of frame =6OOx560mm 7. Test - Gratings shall withstand without fracture
(outside dimensions) a load of 35 tonnes for a minimum period of 30 seconds
Height of frame =lOOmm when subjected to loading test described in IS : 1726
(Part I)-1974*.
4.1 Tolerance
On internal dimensions of the f2 mm *Specification for cast iron manhole covers and frames intended
top of the frame for use in drainage works (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5961-1970 Specification for cast iron gratings for drainage
1. Scope - Requirements for materials, construc- materials).
tion, workmanship, finish, performance and testing for
2.2 Polyester Resin - Shall be resistant to hot water
gel-coated glass fibre reinforced polyester resin bath
and weathering. Ratio of not less than 1:2 of glass tibre
to polyester is recommended.
2. Materials 2.3 Gel-Coat - Shall be provided on working sur-
face. Resin used in gelcoat shall be isophthalic grade
2.1 Glass Fibre Reinforcing Material - Shall be
of polyester or epoxy resin or equivalent.
non-alkaline E Type Grade (A Type Grade made from
indigenous raw materials is also permissible, since E Note - For details regarding chemical composition see 3 of
Type Grade is being made from imported raw the standard.
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information., refer to IS : 6411-1972 Specification for gel-coated glass fibre reinforced
polyester resin bath tubs.
SP : 21-1983
a) Cistern and Cover - High density 5.4 Reduced Water Level - Discharge shall operate
polyethylene. satisfactorily when cistern is filled to a level 1 cm
b) Flush Pipe - Seamless or welded steel tube, below working water level.
lead pipe; copper alloy pipe; low or high den-
5.5 Discharge Capacity - 5, 10 and 12.5 litres.
sity polyethylene pipe; unplasticised PVC
Tolerance f 0.5 lines.
pipe; or smooth bore cost iron pipe (for low
level flushing cistern). 5.6 Discharge Rate - Average rate shall be 5 litres
c) Ovetflow Pipe - High density polyethylene in 3 secotds.
or unplasticized PVC pipe.
6. Tests
3. Requfrements 6.1 Endurance Test - Cistern and component parts
3.1 Wall thickness shall be 4 mm, Min. shall not show signs of damage or defects after 3 000
3.2 Cistern shall be mosquito-proof.
6.2 Distortion Resistance - Cistern shall not bulge
3.3 Chain shall be strong enough to sustain 50 kgf
more than 6 mm and the cover shall not be dislodged.
without permanent deformation.
6.3 Dead Loud Test - Shall withstand the pre-
4. Finish - Surface shall be free from blisters and
scribed test.
6.4 Front Thrust Test - (Applicable to cisterns in-
5. Operation and Performance Requirements tended for low-level use) - Shall withstand the pre-
scribed test.
5.1 Siphonic Arrangement - Shall be on valveless
siphon principle. Shall operate on a single operation of 6.5 Impact Test - Shall withstand the prescribed
lever. teat.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7231-1974 Specification for plastic flushing cisterns (valveless L
siphonic type) for water-closets and urinals.
SP : 21-1983
2. Material - Mild steel sheet minimum 1 mm 5.4.2 Coloured enamelled sinks - Shall con-
thick. form to classes AA, A and B.
4. Tderances - Overall length and width shall not shows any of the following defects:
vary by more than +2 percent.
a) Crazing
b) Dimples, rundown and sagging
Note- Kitchen sinks may be made in other patterns and sizes c>Blisters - not more than two in number on the
where mutually agreed. interior surface shall be permitted provided
they can not be broken by a pressure of a finger
5. Surface Coating - Interiors of sinks shall be
adequately and evenly coated with vitreous enamel of d) Pin holes - maximum 2 for coloured sinks
and 4 for white enamelled sinks. There shall be
quality complying with requirements given 4.1@ 4.5.
nogmuping and they shall not penetrate to the
Atleast one ground or primer coating preferably white,
or coloured enamel coating shall be applied on the ..
e) Specks - shall be leas than 1 mm in size and
outer surface.
maximum 5 in number and there shall be no
5.1 Finish - Gloss, colour and opacity shall be uni- grouping.
form and visually satisfactory.
5.6 Thickness of Enamel - Minimum 0.2 mm, and
5.2 Abrasion - Shall withstand resistance to Maximum 0.5 mm.
scratching. 5.7 Warpage of edges set against wall and edges of
5.3 Alkali Resistance - There shall be no loss in roll rims shall not exceed 5 mm/m. Warpage of all
weight after the test. other edges shall not exceed 7.5 mm/m.
Note-For test procedures refer to IS : 772-1973 Specification for general requirements for enamelled cast iron sanitary appliances
(second revision), and IS : 3972-1968 Methods of test for vitreous enamelware.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8718-1978 Specification for vitreous enamelled steel kitchen sinks.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For test procedures refer to IS : 772-1973 Specification for general requirements for enamelled cast iron sanitary appliances
(second revision), and IS : 3972-1968 Methods of test for vitreous enamelware.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8727-1978 Specification for vitreous enamelled steel wash-basins.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Inferential (horizontal- flow) and Nominal Size Discharge per Hour
semipositive types of water meters with threaded end of Meters l-A-<
connections and of nominal sizes up to and including Semi-positive Type Inferential Type
50 mm. The specification applies to both wet-dial and mm litres litres
dry dial (including magnetic type) water meters. 15 2 000 2500
20 3 400 3 500
25 5 500 5 500
2. Ndnal Sizes - 15, 20, 25, 40 and 50 mm. 40 10 ooo 16 000
50 15 000 23 000
3. Material and Manufacture - Body made from
Type A or B materials. 5.4 ContinuousRunning Capacity - Shall becapa-
ble of giving discharges not less than as given below
a) TypeA- Bronze or brass. without the headloss exceeding 3 mm.
b) TypeB- Ferrous metals (with suitable pro- Nominal Size Discharge per Hour
tection) or suitable plastics. of Meters YAP,
Semi-positive Type Inferential Type
mm litres litres
4. Overall Dimensions 15 1000 1500
20 2000 2 500
Size Length Including Width, Height, 25 3000 3500
Nipples Ma.X MaX 40 6000 8 000
mm mm mm mm 50 9 000 14 000
15 250 130 180
20 i90 130 18(, 5.5 Minimum Starting Flows
25 380 i40 LOi Nominal Size Minimum Starting Flow
40 430 230 250 of Meters per Hour
50 470 250 300 / \
Semi-positive Type Inferential Type
mm 1itres 1itres
15 10 40
Tolerance on overall length = + 5 mm
20 15 60
25 20 75
5. Performance Requirements
40 25 100
50 35 175
5.1 Temperature - Suitable for use with water up
to 45°C. ..
5.6 Life Test - Shall withstand the specified test.
5.2 Hydrostatic Test - Both Type A and Type B
5.7 Metering Accuracy - +2 percent.
shall withstand pressure of 2 MPa.
5.3 Nominal Capacity Rating - Shall be capable of 6. Frost Protection Devices - Meters liable to
giving discharges not less than as given below without damages by frost shall be protected with suitable frost
the head-loss exceeding 10 m. protection devices.
Note-For test procedures and for the method for determination of head loss in water meters refer to the sfondard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 779-1978 Specification for water meters (domestic type) (fifth
- -___
SP : 21-1983
Fordetailed information, refer to IS : 2104-1981 Specification for water meter boxes (domestic type) (first
SP : 21-1983
4.2 Hydrostatic Test - Shall withstand a pressure 4.4 Minimum Starting Flow
of 1.6 Mp a (16 kgf/cm*). Nominal Minimum Starting Flows in
Size Litres per Hour
4.3 Capacity Ratings / h \
Vane-Wheel Type Helical Type
Nominal Capacity Ratings of Water Meters
Size in Litres per Hour 50 250 500
80 500 1000
I \
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2373-1981 Specification for water meters (bulk type) (third
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 404 (Part I)-1977 Specification for lead pipes (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note - Wall thicknesses shall be 0.5,0.6,0.8, 1, 1.2, 1S, 2, 6.3 Flattening (for Tubes not Exceeding 100 nvn
2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 20 mm. Outside Diameter) - Test piece shall not crack.
4.1.1 Length - Up to 6 m. 6.4 Double Bend Test (for Round Tubes Over 100
mm Outside Diameter) - Test piece shall not crack
4.2 Tolerances - For tolerances, refer to 4 of on the outside of either bend.
IS : 5493-1983*.
6.5 Mercurous Nitrate Test - As drawn and stress
*Dimensions for wrought copper and copper alloy tubes yirsf relieved (after the final draw) tubes shall withstand the
revision). prescribed test without showing any sign of cracking.
Note - For test procedures refer to IS : 2866-1965 Method for Vickers hardness test for copper and copper alloys, IS : 2655-1965
Method for tensile testing of copper and copper alloy tube, IS : 2305-1962 Method for mercurous nitrate test for copper and copper
alloys, and IO of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 407-1981 Specification for brass tubes for general purposes (third
SP : 21-1983
3. Requirements
a) Shall be sound, free from visible defects, and 7. Tapers, Bends and Junctions -Internal
b) Glaring shall be free from crazing. diameters of taper pipes, half-section straight chan-
nels, half-section taper channels, and junctions shall be
4. Tests selected from those given in 5.
Hydraulic Test -Pipes shall withstand test 7.1 Barrels and branches of half-section channel
pressure of 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf/cm2) on barrels junctions may be any of the diameters given in 5 but the
and 0.075 MPa (0.75 kgf/cm*)on fittings with- diameter of branches shall not exceed that of the barrel
out signs of injury or leakage. diameter. The angle at junction shall be 45 + 3” or
90 + 3”.
b) Absorption Test - Increase in mass of test
piece by absorption of water shall not exceed ‘Non-preferred size.
Note 1 -For detailed dimensions of pipes and fittings refer to the standard.
Note 2-For test procedures refer to the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6.51-1980 Specification for salt-glazed stoneware pipes and fittings
(fourth revision).
SP : 21-1983
2.2 Half-round Gutters and Fittings 4.2 Hydrostatic Test - Shall withstand pressure
test without showing any leakage, sweating or other
Nominal size, mm 75 100 125 150
defect of any kind.
Width, mm 75 100 125 150
Radius, mm 40 50 65 75 4.3 Hammer Test - When tested for soundness
Thickness, mm 3 3 3 3 pipe shall emit a clear ringing sound.
Note 1 - For dimensions of bends, shoes, branches, offsets, union sockets, holderbats, rainwater heads, refer to the standard.
Note 2-For test details, refer to the standard and IS : 1789-1961 Methods for Brine11hardness test for grey cast iron.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1230-1979 Specification for cast iron rainwater pipes and fittings
(second revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope 4. Sizes
1.1 Requirements for centrifugally cast (spun) iron 4.1 Socket and Spigot Pipes
pipes for pressure main lines for water, gas and sew-
age, manufactured in metal or sand moulds. a) Working length - 3.66, 4, 4.88, 5, 5.5 and
6 m.
1.2 Applicable. to cast iron pipes having spigots,
b) Nominal diameter - 80,100, S25, 150, 200,
sockets or flanges as specified in this standard, and also 250, 300,350,400,450,500,600,700,750,
to pipes with other types of joints particularly rubber 800, 900 and 1 000 mm.
joints. In case of rubber joints the inner profile of
socket end of the pipe shall depend on the type of 4.2 Flanged Pipes
rubber joint ensuring that the overall dimensions are a) Working length - 2, 2.8, 3, 4, 4.88, 5, 5.5
maintained for reasons of safety and interchangeabil- and 6 m.
ity. b) Nominal diameter - 80, 100,125, 150,200,
250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 and 600 mm.
2. Classification - Class LA, Class A and Class B 4.3 Tolerances
depending on thickness. Class A and Class B pipes
allow respectively 10 percent and 20 percent increase 4.3.1 On diameter
in thickness over Class LA. For special cases Classes External diameter of barrel &-‘/if=+
C, D, E, etc may be derived after allowingcorrespond- (4.5 + 0.001 5 DN)
ing increases of thickness of 30,40 and 50percent, etc, Internal diameter of socket +%f=&
over Class LA. (3 + 0.001 DN)
For detaiied information, refer to IS : 1536-1976 Specification for centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure
‘pipes for water, gas and sewage (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope 3. Sizes
1.1 Requirements for cast iron pipes for pressure a) Working length of socket and spigot pipes -
main lines of water, gas and sewage manufactured by 3.66, 4, 4.88. 5 and 5.5 m.
vertical casing in sand moulds.
b) Working length ofjlangedpipes - 2 to 3 m for
1.2 Applicable to pipes with sockets (for lead joints) 80 mm nominal diameter pipe and 2 to 4 m for
or flanges. Standard may also be made applicable to others.
other types of joints specially rubber joints, where
overall measurements shall be adhered to, to ensure c) Nominal diameter of socket and spigot pipes
interchangeability. andfiangedpipes - 80, 100, 125, 150,200,
250,300, 350,400,450,500, 600,700,750,
2. Requirements 800, 900, 1 000, 1 100, 1 200, 1 500.
*Method for tensile testing of grey cast iron. 4.1 Tolerance on standard mass + 5 percent.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1537-1976 Specification for vertically cast iron pressure pipes for
water, gas and sewage (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
6.2 Flanges of Pipes and Fittings Nominal Diameter (DN) Naninal Diameter (DN)
of Body of Branch
Nominal Dia Flange Dia Nominal Dia Flange Dia mm mm
mm mm mm mm 150 80
80 200 500 670 200 80
100 220 600 780 250 80
125 250 700 895 300 80
150 285 750 960 300 100
200 340 800 1 015 350 80
250 395 900 1 115 350 100
300 445 1000 1 230 400 80
350 505 1 100 1 340 400 100
400 565 1 200 1 455 450 100
450 615 1 500 1800 500 150
600 150
700 150
6.3 Flange Sockets, Flanged Spigots, Collars and 750 150
Double Socket 114, ll8,1l16, II32 Bends 800 200
900 200
Nominal Dia - 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 1 000 200
350,400,450, 500, 600, 700,750,800,900, 1 000, 1 100 250
1 100, 1 200, and 1 500 mm. 1 200 250
1 500 250
6.4 Tees: All Sockets, All Flanges
6.6 Crosses: All Sockets, All Flanges
Nominal Dia Nominal Dia of Branch
Nominal Diameter - 80, 100, 125, 150, 200,
of body mm
250 and 300 mm
80 80
6.7 Double Socket and Double Flanged Tapers
100 80, 100
125 80, 100, 125 Nominal Nominal Diameter (DN)
150 80, 100, 125, 150 Diameter (DN) (&tall Dia)
200 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, (Large Dia) mm
250 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250
300 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300
350 200, 250, 300, 350 100 80
400 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 125 80, 100
450 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 150 80, 100, 125
,500 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 500 200 100, 125, 150
600 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600 250 125, 150, 200
700 350,400, 450, 500, 600,700 300 150, 200, 250
750 400,450,500, 600, 700, 750 350 200, 250, 300
800 400,450, 500,600, 700, 750, 8% 400 250, 300, 350
900 450,500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 900 450 350, 400 for double socket, and
1000 500,600,700, 750, 800, 900, 1 000 300,350,400 for double flanged
1 100 600, 700, 750, 800, 900, 1 000, 1 100 tapers
1200 600,700,750, 800,900, 1 000,l 100, 500 350,400,450
1200 600 400,450, 500
1 500 750, 800, 900, 1 000, 1 100, 1 200, 700 500, 600
1 500 750 600,700
6.5 Double Socket Tee with Flanged Branch 800 600,700,750
900 700, 750, 800 I
Nominal Diameter (ON) Nominal Diameter (DN) 1000 800,900
ofBody of Branch 1 100 900,lOOO
mm mm 1 200 900, 1 000 for double socket, and
80 80 1 000,l 100 for double flanged tapers
100 80 1 500 1 000, 1 200 for double socket, and
125 80 1 100,l 200 for double flanged tapers
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For detailed dimensions and sketches of cast iron fittings refer to the sfandurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1538 (Parts I to XXIII)-1976 Specification for cast iron fittings for
pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
3.2 Short Radius Bends With and Without Access 3.12 Straight Inspection Pieces
Nominal Size 50, 75, 100, 150
Nominal Size 0 (Bend) 3.13 Loose Sockets and Collars
Nominal Size 50, 75, 100, 150
50,75, 100, 150 l;oO,95”l& 100” ’ 11241”’
3.14 Cast Iron Holderbats
100 104”
3.3 Large Radius Bends Nominal Size 50, 75, 100? 150
SP : 21-1983
5. Weight - Density of cast iron taken as 7.15 kg/ similar base, it shall be smooth and tenacious and hard
dm3. enough not to flow when exposed to a temperature of
Tolerance - 10 percent 77°C but not so brittle at a 0°C as to chip off when
scribed lightly with a penknife.
6. Coating - Where coating material has tar or
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1729-1979 Specification for sand cast iron spigot and socket soil,
waste and ventilating pipes, fittings and accessories (first revision).
1. Scope - Part I covers general requirements for Note - Metric system has been adopted in India and all quan-
tities and dimensions appearing in this standard have been given in
malleable cast iron pipe fittings screwed in accordance
this system. However, it may be noted that the designation is
with IS : 5541%4*. The dimensions specified based on the international practice of including nominal inch sizes
(centre-to-face , face-to-face and centre-to-centre) are of pipe threads at the outlets.
essential for interchangeability. Dimensions which are
not included in the standard are left to the discretion of 2. Designation - Fittings are designated by the
the manufacturer depending on the end use of the following particulars:
fittings. These fittings shall be suitable for working
pressure up to 1.38 MN/m2 in the case of water and up Type of fitting (elbows, tees, bends, etc).
to 1.035 MN/m2 in the case of steam,.air, gas .and oil. Size designation - Nominal inch sizes of the
Parts II to X cover specific requirements regarding pipe thread at the outlets.
dimensions, weights and marking for elbows, tees, Right- and left-hand thread, where applicable.
crosses, bends, sockets, bushing and hexagon nipples, For sockets and hexagon nipples, with right-
backnuts, caps and plugs, and unions respectively. and left-hand thread, the letter ‘R-L’ (right-
left) shall be added after the nominal size of the
*Dimensions for pipe threads for gas list tubes and pressure tight fitting
screwed fittings (revised). 4 Code number (see Table 1 of the srandurd).
SP : 21-1983
Size % ‘/4 36 ‘h 3h 1 1% 1% 2 2% 3 3% 4 5 6
Wall thickness, mm 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 3.5 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7.5
Reinforcement, 1 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2 2.3 2.5 2.8 3 3.3 4 4.6
projection, mm
Reinforcement, 3 3.6 4 4.6 4.6 5.1 5.1 5.6 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.5 7.1 8.1 8.9
width, mm
Note-Elbows, tees, crosses, pocketsand capsmaybe either plain or reinforced but they are not necessarilyavailablein both tYPes in
all sizes. Bends, pitcher tees, twin elbows and long sweep fittings are supplied only in reinforced type.
3.2 Size Designation of Elbows Al, Male and Female Size Designation
3.7 of Union Elbows, Flat Seat
Elbows A4, and Side Outlet Elbows Zal. UAI; Male and Female Union Elbows, Flat Seat UA2;
Union Elbows, Taper Seat UAII; and Male and
Female Union Elbows, Taper Seat UA12.
a) Elbow Al - 4/e,%, 36, %, %, 1, 1%) 1%) 2,
2%, 3,3%, 4,5 and 6.
Size Designation
b) Male and female elbows A4 - %, Y,, 34, 55, / \
UAl UA2 UAll UA12
3/4, 1, I%, 1’15, 2, 2Y2, 3, 3% and 4.
- - Y4 ‘h
c) Side outlet elbows Zal- %, %, %, 1, l%, % 3/Q J/ 3/s
1% and 2. Y2 ‘h Y2 Y2
J/4 % J/4 3/4
1 1 -1 1
3.3 Size Designation of Elbows, Reducing Al, and 1% 1% 1% 1%
Male and Female Elbows, Reducing A4. 144 1?4 1% lY2
2 2 2 2
a) Elbows, reducing Al - YEX % , l/4 X 3/g, 3.8 Size Designation of Tees BI and Side Outlet
% x 96, % x Y2, 1 x Y2, 1 x %, 1% x 55, Tees, Za2.
1% x %, 1% x ‘h, 1% x %, lY2 x 1,
1% X l%, 2 x ‘/i, 2 x %, 2 x 1, 2 X I%, TeesBl- %,%,%,44,%,1,1%,1%,2,31/2,
2 x 1% and 2% x 2. ‘3, 2’/!z,4, 5 and 6.
Side Outlet Tees, Za2 - %, ‘h; J/4, 1, l%, 1%
b) Male and female elbows, reducing A4 - and 2.
4i x 96, % x $5, 1 x % and lY4 X 1.
3.9 Size Designation of Tees -Reducing or
Increasing on the Branch Bl
3.4 Size Designation of 45” Elbows Al 145” and 45”
Male and Female Elbows A4/45” - Ya, %, %, 1, %X%X% %X%X% 1X%X 1
l%, 1% and 2. %XMX% %X%X% 1X55X 1
95x Y4x ‘h %X44X% 1X%X1
Yzx % x Y2 %X1X% 1X1%X1
3.5 Size Designation of Twin Elbows E2- %, ‘/z, % , Y2x % x ‘$5 %X1%X% 1x 1Yzx 1
1, I%, 1% and 2. ‘h x 1 x Y2 1X%X1 1%X%X 1%
SP : 21-1983
3.11 Size Designation of Pitcher Tees El - J/a, %, 3.15 Size Designation of Bends Dl and Male and
%, 1, 11/4, llh and 2. Female Bends 04 - j/4, 96, %, %, l?A, 1% and 2.
3.12 Size Designation of Pitcher Tees -Reducing 3.16 Size Designation of Long Sweep Bends Gl,
on the Branch, Reducing the Run. and Reducing on Male and Female Long Sweep Bends G4, and Male
Branch and Run El. - Long Sweep Bends GB.
J/4x $5x 95 lYzX%lX 1% a) Long sweep bends G 1, and male and female
3/4 x ‘I2 x 3/4 11/2x 1x 1% longsweepbendsG4-_,‘/4,%,‘/4,%,1,
%X%X % 1%X 1x 1% ll/q, l%, 2, 2%, 3, 3% and 4.
1X1/4X% 1%2x 11/qx 1 b) Male long sweep bend G8 - 3/8, % , % , 1,
1X%X1 i Y2x 1’/4x 1l/4 l%, 1% and 2.
1x % x M 11/2x l’/&X 1*/i 3.17 Size Designation of 45” Long Sweep Bends
1X%X% Glk5”, and Male and Female Long Sweep Bends
1X%X1 2x 1x2 G4/45”- 3/4, 968, ‘/i, %, 1, lf/4, l’/i, 2, 2’/4 and 3.
1X1X% 2x 1’Alx 1?4
1Y4x %X 1% 2x 1’/4x2 3.18 Size Designation of Sockets M2; Sockets, Right-
l?AX%Xl .2x IMX 1% and Left-Hand Thread M2R-L; Sockets, Reducing M2;
lj/qX%X 1% 2x 11/4x 1% and Eccentric Sockets, Reducing M3.
1Xx 1X% 2x lYzX2
1Xx 1x 1 a) SocketsM2-1~,f/4,%,%,%,1,1f/4,1~,2,
1’/4XlX 1% 2’h, 3,3%, 4,5 and 6.
lY$Xl?AX 1
b) Sockets, right- and left-hand thread
3.13 Size Designation of Crosses Cl ‘/4, % , % , M2R-L- ‘A, 3/, ‘/i, %, 1, 1X, l%, 2, 21/i
%, 1, 15/4, l%, 2,21/2,3 and4. and 3.
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
5. Tolerances
Note 1 - Centre-to-face dimensions apply to elbows, bends, Note 3 - Centre-to-centre dimensions apply to return bends.
tees, crosses, etc.
Note 2 - Face-to-face dimensions apply to sockets, nipples,
etc. 6. Finish-May be galvanized.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1879 (Parts I to X)-1975 Specification for malleable cast iron pipe
SP : ‘21-1983
4.2 Length of the barrels of straight and taper pipes, 5. Grooving - The interior of the sockets, and the
junctions and half-section channels, exclusive of the exterior of the spigots shall be grooved cimumferen-
internal depth of the socket, shall be 600,750 or 900 tially and such grooving on the spigot shall be for a
mm. length equal to one and a half times the depth of
the sockets, and the depth of such grooves shall be
4.2.1 Tolerance on length + 10 mm for 600 mm
between 1 mm and 2 mm.
and 750 mm length and + 15 mm for 900 mm length
6. Gully Traps
4.2.2 Deviation from straightness shall not exceed
5 mm for 600 mm length of pipes, 6 mm for 750 mm 6.1 Round Mouth Gully Traps
length and 7 mm for pipes of 900 mm length. Type Size
4.3 Sockets - The interior of the sockets shall be mm
conical, having a minimum taper of 1 mm, measured 100x 100, 125x 100 and 150x 100
on the diameter, per 15 mm length. 125x 100
4.4 Tapers, Bends and Junctions P 100X 100, 150X 100 and 150X 150
For detailed information, refer to IS : 30061979 Specification for chemically resistant glazed stoneware
pipes and fittings (first revision).
4. Lengths - Supplied in coils of nominal lengths Note 1 - For wall thicknesses for different working pressures
of 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 m. see Table 1 of the standard.
SP : 21-1983
Note 2 - Recommended temperature for above pipes shall pipes shall be as below:
be -40” to +38”C.
Pipe Wall Tensile Strength Elongation
Thickness at Break
6. Tests
a5mm 8.85 MPa 350 percent
6.1 Hydraulic Test
(88.5 kgf/cm2)
6.1.1 General test - Coil of pipe shall with- > 5 mm 8.85 MPa 200 percent
stand not less than twice the working pressure. (88.5 kgf/cm2)
6.1.2 Batch test - Shall not burst nor show signs
6.3 Reversion Test - Sample 15 cm long shall not
of localized swelling, leakage or weeping.
alter in length
” bv, more than 3 oercent
A after immersion
6.2 Tensile Strength -Tensile strength and elonga- in boiling water for one hour and allowed to cool to L
tion at break at 2 + 1°C for different thicknesses of room temperature.
*Specification for vertical cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas enough not to flow when exposed to a temperature of
and sewage firer revision). 77°C but not so brittle at 0°C as to chip off when
TSpecification for grey iron castings (second revision). scribed lightly with a pen knife.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3486-1966 Specification for cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes.
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3589-1981 Specification for electrically welded steel pipes for water,
gas and sewage (150 to 2 000 mm nominal size) (first revision).
1. Scope - Requirements for centrifugally cast 3.3 Equal and Unequal Branches (SinglelDouble)
(spun) iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ventilat- With and Without Access Door
ing pipes together with the details of fittings and acces-
Nominal Dia Angles of Bend
sories. These pipes and fittings are suitable for use
above ground only. 50
100 92Yz”9 112%” and 135”
2. Requirements
2.1 Pipes and fittings shall be such that they may be
cut, drilled or machined. 3.4 Off-Sets
Nominal Dia Off-set
2.2 Shall emit aclear ringing sound when struck with
a light hand hammer. 50
75 I.
3. Dimensions (in mm) 1001 75, 115 and 150
SP : 21-1983
Nominal dia - 50, 75, 100 and 150. 100 50 95”, 135” and 180”
3.9 Larger Radius Bends 3.16 Floor Trap (Nahni)
Nominal Dia Angle of Bend
Nominal dia - 50 and 75.
751 3.17 Shoe Bends and Cowls
1001 92?4”, 11244” and 135”
150 Nominal dia - 50, 75, 100 and 150.
3.10 Equal and Unequal Single Parallel Branches Note - For detailed dimensions and sketches refer to the stun-
Nominal Dia dard.
4. Tderances
100 100 External dia of barrel f 3 mm for 50 and
100 50 75 mm pipes
3.11 Equal and Unequal Inverted Branches Socket * 3.5 mm for 100 mm
Type pipes
f 4.0 mm for 150 mm
Nominal Dia Angle of Bend pipes
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3989-1970 Specification for centrifugally cast (spun) iron spigot and
socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes, fittings and accessories (first revision).
- ,
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4984-1978 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for
potable water supplies, sewage and industrial effluents (second revision).
1. Scope - Requirements for plain end as well as ratings (working pressures) at 27°C as follows:
socket end pipes made of unplasticized polyvinyl Class of Pipe Working Pressure
chloride for potable water supplies. Class 1 0.25 MPa
Class 2 0.4 MPa
Class 3 0.6 MPa
2. Classification - Shall be classified by pressure Class 4 1.0 MPa
SP : 21-1983
Note - The above pipes are recommended for water tempera- 4.2 Opacity - Wall of socket portion and plain pipe
ture ranging from 1 to +4YC. The recommended maximum safe shall not transmit more than 0.2 percent of visible light
working stress for these pipes is 10 MPa at 2@‘C. At higher
falling on them.
temperature up to 45% the strength of the pipe reduces and the
working pressure shall be modified in accordance with Fig. 1 of
4.3 Effect on Water - Pipes shall not have any de-
the standard.
trimental effect on composition of water flowing
3. Dimensions through them. When tested, quantities of various toxic
substances extracted from internal walls of pipes shall
3.1 Plain Pipes and Socket End/Bell End Pipes not exceed the following concentrations in test solu-
Nominal Mean Outside Socket tion:
Outside Dia, Max Length, L Lead (first extraction) 1 .O mg/litre
Dia Min Lead (third extraction) 0.3 mg/litre
mm mm mm Dialkyl tin 0 and higher
16 16.3 14 homologues measured as tin
20 20.3 16 (third extraction) 0.02 mg/litre
25 25.3 19 Other toxic substances (third ex-
32 32.3 22 traction 0.01 mg/litre
40 40.3 26
Note - 1.Omg/litre would mean 1 .O part per million by mass.
50 50.3 31
63 63.3 38 4.4 Reversion Test - A length of pipe of approxi-
75 15.3 44 mately 300 mm shall not alter in length by more than 5
90 90.3 51 percent.
110 110.4 61
125 125.4 69 4.5 Stress Relief Test - To be carried out for bell
140 140.5 76 end pipes only. Test specimen shall not show blisters,
160 160.5 86 excessive delamination or cracking or signs of weld
180 180.6 % line splitting.
200 200.6 106 4.6 Resistance to Sulphuric Acid - Mass of speci-
225 225.7 119 men shall neither increase by more than 0.32 g nor
250 250.8 131 decrease by more than 0.013 g.
280 280.9 146
315 316.0 164 5. Mechanical Properties
3.2 Plain End Pipes for Plumbing Work - These 5.1 Hydrostatic Characteristics - When subjected
shall be available in mean outside dia of 20,25,32,40 to internal hydrostatic pressure test, the pipes shall not
and 50 mm. burst during the prescribed test duration.
Note - For detailed dimensions including wall thickness of all 5.2 Impact Strength at 0°C - Pipe samples should
types of pipes and tolerances, refer to 5 of rhe standard. meet the requirements given in Appendix K of the
4. Physcial and Chemical Characteristics
4.1 Visual Appearance - Internal and external sur- 6. Supply of Pipes - Pipes shall be supplied in
faces of pipe shall be smooth and clean, free from straight lengths of 4,5 and 6 m with a tolerance of + 10
groovings and other defects. End shall be cleanly cut and - 0 mm. It may be in other lengths as mutually
and be square with axis of pipe. agreed to. ..
Note - For method of measurements of outside dia and wall thickness of pipes and for methods of various tests, refer to Appendices
A to J of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4985-1981 Specification for unplasticized PVC pipes for potable
water supplies (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for spiral welded pipes is intended should be stated in the order.
suitable for use for conveying gas, water and oil. The
suitability of pipe for various purposes is somewhat 2. Grades - YSt 21, YSt 25, YSt 30, YSt 32 and
dependent upon its dimensions, properties and condi- YSt 37.
tions of service, so that the purpose for which the pipe 3. Dimensions
Outside Wall Standard Test Pressure, kgf/cm*, Min
Dia, mm Thickness, A
/ \
mm YSt 21 Yst 25 Yst 30 YSt 32 YSt 37
SP : 21-1983
914.4 6.35 18 21 37 41 46
to to to to to
15.88 44 51 93 El 115
1016,O 9.52 25 28 50 55 62
12.70 32 37 67 73 82
15.88 40 46 84 91 103
Noti - For details regarding weight and alternative test pres- making a jointer shall be less than 1.50 m. Skelp end
sure see Table 1 of the standard. welds shall be at least 0.3 m from the jointer weld.
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1608-1960 Method-of tensile testing of steel products other than sheet, strip, wire and tube
and 9 of the standard.
~__ ~_____
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5504-1969 Specification for spiral welded pipes.
~__ --___ ____
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - General requirements for cast iron spe- of engagement end of a fitting shall match outside
cials to be used with asbestos cement pressure pipes for diameter of asbestos-cement pressure pipe conforming
water, gas and sewage. This standard (Part I) is appli- to IS : 1592 - 1970*. Engagement length shall not be
cable to cast iron specials for use with asbestos cement less than 75 mm.
pressure pipes suitable for connection with cast iron
detachable joints or asbestos cement couplings. 5. Tolerances on Dimensions
Note - Metric system has been adopted in India and all quan- Machined outside dia + 1.5
tities and dimensions appearing in this standard have heen given in - 1.0 mm
this system. However, it may be noted that the designation is
based on the international practice of including nominal inch sizes
Length and height +15
of pipe threads at the outlets. -1Omm
Wall thickness - (2.00 mm + 0.05 e)
Flange thickness f (3.00 mm + 0.05 b)
2. Mechanical Tests
where, e = standard thickness of wall in mm,
2.1 Tensile Test - Minimum tensile strength 150
Nlmrr&( 15 kgf/mm2). Refer Appendix A of the stun-
b = standard thickness of flange in mm.
durd for method of test.
6. Mass - Density is taken as 7.15 kg/dm3. Toler-
2.2 Brine11 Hardness Test - Hardness of external
ance on mass f 8 percent (In case of bends, fittings
unmachincd surface shall not exceed 215 HB. with more than one branch and non-standard fittings it
3. Hydrostatic Test - Shall withstand (without shall be f 12 percent). Fittings of heavier mass may be
showing leakage, sweating or other defects) the test accepted if they comply with all other requirements.
pressure (maintained for at least 15 seconds) specified
in Table 1 of IS : 1592- 1970* for the class of 7. Coating - Where coating material has a tar or
asbestos-cement pressure pipes with which they are to similar base, it shall be smooth, tenacious and hard
be used. enough not to flow at temperature upto 77°C and not so
brittle as to chip off (when scribed lightly with a
4. Dimensions -As specified in Parts II and III. pen knife) at temperature of 0°C. When fittings are used
The nominal diameter of a special corresponds to the for conveying potable water, coating shall not contain
internal diameter or bore of the pipe. Outside diameter any constituent soluble in such water or any ingredient
which will impart any taste or odour to potable water
*Specification for asbestos-cement pressure pipes yirsr revision). after sterilisation and washing of the mains.
1. Scope - Requirements for dimensions and mass 2.2 Dimensions (in mm)
of the cast iron plain-end bends, plugs, reducers and
crosses for use with asbestos-cement pressure pipes. 2.2.1 Cast iron plain-end bends
SP : 21-1983
2.2.2 Cast iron plain-end plugs 2.2.4 Cast iron plain-end crosses
Nominal 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 Nominal 80 100 125 150 200 250 300
Dia Dia
Overall 125 130 135 140 150 155 160 Overall 180 200 225 250 300 350 400
Length Length
Thickness 8.6 9 9.5 10 11 12 13
2.2.3 Cast iron plain-end reducers
Nominal Inside Dia
Dia at Small End
100 80
125 80, 100
150 80, 100
200 00, 125, 150
250 25, 150, 200
300 50, 200, 250
Note-For details regarding mass of cast iron specials for class 5, 10 and 15 see Tables 1 to 4 of Part II of the standard.
1. Scope -Requirements for dimensions and mass 2.2.2 Cast iron plain-end tees
of the cast iron plain-end flanged spigots, tees and
wyes for, use with asbestos-cement pressure pipes. Nominal Inside Dia at Reducer End, Length of
Dia in Branch Line Tee
2. Requirements 80 80 360
2.1 General requirements for material, mechanical 100 80, 100 400
tests, hydrostatic test, tolerances, coating and marking 125 80, 100, 125 450
shall be as given in Part I. 150 80, 100, 125, 150 500
200 80, 100, 125, 150, 200 600
2.2 Dimensions (in mm) 250 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250 700
2.2.1 Cast iron plain-end flanged spigots 300 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300 800
Nominal Dia of Flange H&s Overall 2.2.3 Cast iron plain-end wyes
Dia Flange Thick- ,------*-. Length
ness Number Dia. Nominal Dia Inside Dia at Branch End
80 200 21 4 19 200 80 80
100 220 22 8 19 200 100 80, 100
125 250 22.5 8 19 200 125 80, 100, 125
150 285 23 8 23 200 150 80, 100, 125, 150
200 340 24.5 8 23 200 200 80, 100, 125, 150, 200
250 395 26 12 23 300 250 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250
300 445 27.5 12 23 300 300 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300
Note-For details regarding mass ofcast iron specials for class 5, lO#and 15, see Tables 1 to 3 of Part 111of the standard.
- ..~
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5531 (Parts I io III)-I977 SpecificatioFfor cast iron specials for
asbestos-cement pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of test, refer to IS : 1789-1961 Method for Brine11hardness test for grey cast iron and Apbendix A of rhe
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6163-1978 Specification for centrifugally cast (spun) iron low
pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage.
1. Scope - Covers grey cast iron and malleable 1.1 Type of gasket and gasket materials are not co-
cast iron flanges for general engineering purposes, vered in thestandard and shall be subject to agreement
which shall be applicable from 0 to 300°C for oil, between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
water, steam, compressed air, gases and other non-
corrosive fluids. 2. Pressure and Temperature Rating
SP : 21-1983
Note 1 - For grey cast iron flanges, the pressure and tempera- Table 10 2.5/l Integral grey cast iron flanges
ture rating shall be reduced by 25 Percent, where moderate shock Nominal pressure : 2.5 N/mm*
(as may occur in efficient boiler feed main) is likely to be present. Nominal size : 10 to 500 mm
Note 2 - Intermediate values may be obtained by linear
interpolation. 1 N/mmz= 0.012 kg/mm*. Table 11 2.5/2 Malleable cast iron integral flanges
Nominal pressure : 2.5 N/mm*
3. Designation - By nominal size and flange table Nominal size : 10 to 150 mm
reference. First part of the table reference is nominal
pressure and the second part indicates the material and Table 12 2.513 Malleable cast iron screwed boss
type of flange as follows: flanges
Nominal pressure : 2.5 N/mm*
a) Grey cast iron - integral (1) Nominal size : 6 to 150 mm
b) Malleable c&t iron - integral (2)
c) Malleable cast iron - screwed boss (3) Note 1 - Nominal sizes are 6,8, 10, 15,20,25,32,40,50,
65,80, 100, 125, 150,200,250, 300,350,400,500,600,700,
Table 2 0.25/l Integral grey cast iron flanges 800,900, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800,2000,2200,
2400, 2600, 2800, 3000, 3200, 3400, 3600, 3 800 and
Nominal pressure : 0.25 N/mm* 4000mm.
Nominal size: 10to40OOmm
Note 2 - For typical illustration of ‘Integral Flange’ and
Table 3 0.6/l Integral grey cast iron flanges ‘Screwed Boss Flange’ see Figures 1 and 2 of the standard.
Nominal pressure : 0.6 N/mm* Note 3 - For detailed dimensions see Tables 2 to 12 of the
Nominal, size : 10 to 3 600 mm standard.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope -Requirements for double flanged cast Flange Dia 200 220 250 285 340 395 445
iron pipes for pressure main lines of water, gas and Flange 21 22 22.5 23 24.5 26 27.5
sewage manufactured by horizontal castings in sand Thickness
moulds .
5.3 Standard Flange Drilling of Flanged Pipes and
2. Manufaiztpre -Metal quality not leas than Fittings
Grade 15. F!$pes shall be such that they could be cut,
Nominal Dia 80100125150200250300
drilled or &adhined. Hardness of external unmachined
surface not greater than 2 10 HB . Number 4 8 8 8 8 12 12
Holes Dia 19 19 19 23 23 23 23
3. Mechanical Tests -Tensile strength not less
than 15 kgf/mm2. 6. Tolerances
On external diameter of barrel +3
-4.5 mm
4. Hydraulic Tests - Shall withstand, without
On flange thickness + (2 + 0.05 b) mm
showing leakage or sweating, a test pressure of
25 kgf/cm2, when kept under pressure for 15 seconds where b is thickness of flange in mm.
and struck moderately with a 700 g hammer.
On length + 10 mm.
5. Sizes (in mm) Maximum deviation from straight line, in mm
5.1 Double Flanged Pipes c 1.25 times the length in metres.
Nominal Barrel Dia Weight Per Metre 7. Weight - density of cast iron is 7.15 kg/dm3.
Dia (External) Vpprox) , kgf Tolerance f 5 percent.
r A \
Class A Class B 7.1 Pipes of heavier mass shall be accepted if they
80 98 17.3 19.8 comply other requirements of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7181-1974 Specification for horizontally cast iron double flanged
pipes for water, gas and sewage.
SP : 21-1983
&‘or detailed information, refer to IS : 7834 (Part I)-1975 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket
fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part I General requirements.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture, methods of test, etc, refer to IS : 7834 (Part I)-1975 Specification
for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvenr cement joints for \\ater supplies: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7834 (Part II)-1975 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket
fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part II Specific requirements for 4.5” elbows.
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7834 (Part III)-1975 Specification for injection moulded PVC
socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part III Specific requirements for 90” elbows.
1. Scope --. Requirements for manufacture, dimen- Size Laying Length Tolerance
sions, tolerances and marking for 90” tee made of mm mm mm
injection moulded PVC for water supplies. +3.2
63 32.5
2. Requirements +4
75 38.5
2.1 Laying length and tolerance thereon shall be as +5
90 46
follows: -1
Size Laying Length Tolerance 110 56 +6
mm mm mm
16 9 +1 125 63.5 +6
20 11 fl -1
25 13.5 +1.2 140 71 -1
-1 +8 .
32 17 +1.6 160 81 -1
+2 Note - For typical illustration of a 90” tee see Fig. 1 of rhe
40 21 -1 standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7834 (Part IV)-1975 Specification for injection moulded PVC
socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part IV Specific requirements for 90” tees.
__-___ ____-- ____--_
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7834 (Part W-1975 Specification for injection moulded PVC
socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part VI Specific requirements for sockets.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture, methods of test, etc, refer to IS : 7834 (Part O-1975
Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7834 (Part VII)-1975 Specification for injection moulded PVC
socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part VII Specific requirements for unions.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture, methods of test, etc, refer to IS : 7834 (Part I)-1975 Specification
for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7834 (Part VIII)-1975 Specification for injection moulded PVC
socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part VIII Specific requirements for caps.
1. Scope - General requirements. for materials, ends for weld shall comply with those given in Table 1
manufacture. methods of test and inspection and mark- of IS : 4984-1978.
ing of all types of injection mouldkd HDPE fittings
4. Weld Length - Weld lengths at free ends of 90”
intended for connection to HDPE pipes covered by
bend and 90” tee shall be as follows:
IS : 4984-1978 for potable water supplies.
Size, mm 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90110
2. Composition - Shall be moulded from a com-
Weld Length, mm 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15
pound consisting of virgin polyethylene in which car-
Tolerance on weld length +l mm
bon black and a suitable non-toxic anti-oxidant are
evenly dispersed .
5. Performance Requirements
3. Sizes and Dimensions of Fittings - Sizes of
5.1 Hydraulic Characteristics - There shall be no
fittings shall be designated by their outsidediameters at
signs of localised swelling, leakage or weeping.
free ends, which shall correspond to outside diameters
of pipes given in IS : 4984-1978.. Outside diameters 5.2 Reversion Test - Dimensions shall not change
and corresponding wall thicknesses of fittings at free by more than 3 percent in longitudinal direction.
Note-For test procedures refer to 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 of IS : 4984-1978 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable
water supplies, sewage and industrial effluents (secondrevision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8008 (Part I)-1976 Specification for injection moulded high density
polyethylene .(HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part I General requirements.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture, methods of test, etc, refer to IS : 8008 (Part I)-1976 Specification
for injection moulded high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8008 (Part II)-1976 Specification for injection moulded high density
polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part II Specific requirements for 90” bends.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture, methods of test, etc, refer to IS : 8008(Part I)-1976 Specification
for injection moulded high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8008 (Part III)-1976 Specification for injection moulded high’
density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part III Specific requirements for 90”
SP : 21-1983
Note - For typical illustration of reducer see Fig. 1 of rhe welding shall be in accordance with IS : 8008
standard. (Part I)-1976.
2.3 Outside diameter and wall thickness at ends for
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture, methods of test, etc, refer to IS : 8008 (Part I)-1976 Specification
for injection moulded high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8008 (Part IV)-1976 Specification for injection moulded high
density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part IV Specific requirements for
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture, methods of test, etc, refer to IS : 8008 (Part D-1976 Specification
for injection moulded high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8008 (Part V)-1976 Specification for injection moulded high density
polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part V Specific requirements for ferrule reducers.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for manufacture, dimen- Size Length Flange Thickness Dia of Flange
sions and tolerances, and marking for injection mm mm mm mm
moulded pipe ends made of HDPE for potable water
supplies. 90 25k1.5 12 + 1 125 IL 2
110 30 + 1.5 15 + 1 155 f 2
2. Dimensions and Tolerances - Overall dimen- 125 3p+ 1.5 15 f 1 188 f 2
sions and tolerances thereon shall be as follows: 140 3Ok1.5 15 f 1 188 f2
Size Length Flange Thickness Dia of Flange 160 35+1.5 20 f 1.5 215 f 2
lxlm mm mm mm 180 35 f 1.5 20 f 1.5 240 + 2
20 16 f 1.5 5 + 0.5 50 f 1 200 50 + 1.5 30 f 2 240 f 2
25 16 f 1.5 5 + 0.5 56 +- 1 225 .50 +_ 1.5 30 f 2 270 f 2
32 16f1.5 5f 0.5 65 IL 1
Note 1 - For typical illustration of pipe end see Fig. 1 of the
40 16k1.5 5 + 0.5 70 + 1 standard.
50 20 f 1.5 10 + 1 80 f 1.5
Note 2 - Outside diameter and wall thickness of the end to be
63 2Ok1.5 10 + 1 95 f 1.5 welded to pipe shall comply with the requirements given in
75 20 + 1.5 10 + 1 105 + 1.5 IS : 8008 (Part I)-1976.
Note-For genrral requirements regarding material, mamifacture, methods of test, etc, refer to IS : 8008 (Part I)-1976 Specification
for injection moulded high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8008 (Part VI)-1976 Specification for injection moulded high
density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part VI Specific requirements for pipe
. ..
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for manufacture, dimen- Size Flange Dia of Dia of Number of
sions and tolerances, and marking for injection mm Thickness Flange Hole Bolts
moulded sandwich flanges made of HDPE for potable mm mm mm
water supplies. 110 20 216.0 18 8
125 20 255.0 18 8
2. Dimensions and Tolerances - Overall dimen-
sions of sandwich flanges and tolerances thereon shall 140 20 255.0 18 8
be as follows: 160 20 279.5 18 8
Size Flange Dia of Dia of Number oj 180 20 305.0 18 8
mm Thickness Flange Hole Bolts 200 25 305.0 18 8
mm mm mm
225 25 336.0 18 8
20 20 95.5 14 4
25 20 101.5 14 4 2.1 Tolerances
32 20 114.5 14 4 AZ1.5 mm on flange thickness.
+ 1.5 mm on flange diameter for sizes 20 to
40 20 120.5 14 4
110 mm.
50 20 133.5 14 4 f 2 mm on flange diameter for sizes 125 to
63 20 152.5 14 4 225 mm.
75 20 165.0 18 8 Note - For typical illustration of sandwich flange see Fig. 1
90 20 184.5 18 8 of the standard.
Note-For general requirements regarding material, manufacture, methods of test, etc, refer to IS : 8008 (Part I)-1976 Specification
for injection moulded high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8008 (Part VII)-1976 Specification for injection moulded high
density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part VII Specific requirements for
sandwich flanges.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for centrifugally cast 5. Hydrostatic Test - All pipes shall withstand the
(spun) ductile iron pipes for pressure main lines for following hydrostatic test pressures kept for a
water, gas and sewage, manufactured in metal or sand minimum of 15 seconds without showing any leakage,
moulds. This standard is applicable to all cast iron sweating or other defects:
pipes having spigots, sockets or flanges as specified in
Nominal Diu Grade I Grade 2
this standard, and also to pipes with other types of
joints particularly rubberjoints. In case of rubber joints mm N/llUl? N/mm2
the inner profile of socket end of the pipe shall depend up to 300 6.0 3.5
on the type of rubber joint ensuring that the overall 350 to 600 5.0 3.5
dimensions are maintained for reasons of safety and 700 to 1 000 4.0 3.5
6. Sizes (in mm)
2. Grades - Grade 1 and Grade 2.
6.1 Sockets and Spigots and Pipes (Lead Joint)
1 All 300 420 10 Dia of 200 220 250 285 340 395 445 505 565 615
2 AlI 300 420 5 Range 670 780
300 30 50 1 000 125 250 Nominal Dia 80 100 125 150 200 250 300
350 35 60 External Dia 98 118 144 170 222 274 326
of Barrel
4.3 brine11 Hardness (of Externul Unmuchined Mass per Metre, 14.1 17.7 22.5 28.0 39.7 52.8
Sutjutce) - Shall not exceed 230 HB. kg 67.3
SP : 21-1983
Note 1 - Nominal diameters are 80, 100,125,150,200,250, 8. Coating - Where coating has a tar or similar
3C!0,350,400,450,500,600,700,750,800,900and1 OOOmm. base it shall be smooth and tenacious and hard enough
Note 2 - Working lengths for socket and spigot pipes: 3.66, not to flow at 77°C but not so brittle at 0°C as to chip
4, 4.88, 5, 5.5 and 6 m. off when scribed lightly with a penknife. When pipes
are used for conveying potable water, inside coating
6.5 Tolerances - See 10 of the standard. shall not contain any constituent soluble in such water
or any ingredient which could impart any taste or odour
7. Mass - Density is taken as 7.15 kg/cm3. Toler- to potable water after sterilization and washing of
ante on mass shall be t 5 percent. mains.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8329-1977 Specification for centrifugally cast (spun) ductile iron
pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. \
1. Scope - General requirements for material, fittings shall be designated by their outside diameters
sizes, performance requirements, sampling and mark- at the free end, which shall correspond to outside
ing of all types of fabricated HDPE fittings intended for diameters of pipes given in IS : 4984-1978*. Outside
connection to HDPE pipes covered by IS : 4984- diameters and corresponding wall thicknesses of
1978* for potable water supplies. fittings at free ends for weld shall comply with those
given in Table 1 of IS : 4984-1978*.
2. Material -Pipes used for the fabrication of
HDPE fittings for potable water supplies shall conform 4. Performance Requirements
to IS : 4984-1978*.
4.1 Hydraulic Pro@ Test - Fitting duly plugged,
when subjected to a hydraulic proof test of twice the
3. Sizes and Dimensions of Fittings - Sizes of
recommended working pressure at ambient tempera-
-. ____ _-
*Specification for injection moulded high density polyethylene ture and for a period of 1 hour shall not show any sign
pipes for potable water supplies, sewage and industrial effluents of localized swelling, leakage or creeping, and shall
(second revision). not burst.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8360 (Part I)-1977 Specification for fabricated high density
polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part I General requirements. ..
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for manufacture, dimen- Size Overall Laying Size Overall Laying
sions and tolerances and marking for fabricated HDPE mm Length mm Length
90” tees for potable water supplies. mm mm
Sate-For general requirements regarding material, sizes, method of test and sampling refer lo IS : 8360 (Part I)-1977 Specification
for fabricated high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8360 (Part IQ-1977 Specification for fabricated high density
polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part II Specific requirements for 90” tees.
SP : 21-1983
Size Overall Laying Size Overall Laying Note - For typical illustration of 90” fabricated bend
mm Length mm Length see Fig. 1 of r/l<standard.
mm mm
2.2 Outside diameters and wall thicknesses of pipes
75 128 f 5 225 384 + 10 out ofwhich90” bendsarefabricated shallcomply with
90 154 + 5 250 427 f 10 those given in IS : 8360 (Part I)- 1977. Wall thickness
110 188 + 5 280 478 AZ10 of fabricated be& shall not be less than that of the pipe
125 213 f 5 315 538 +_ 10 to which it is to be welded.
140 239 f 8 355 606 + 12
160 273 f 8 400 683 + 12
180 307 ‘2 8 450 769 f 12
200 341 + 8 500 855 f 12
Note-For general requirements regarding material, sizes, methods of test and sampling refer to IS : 8360 (Part I)-1977 Specification
for fabricated high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8360 (Part HI))-1977 Specification for fabricated high density
polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part III Specific requirements for 90” bends.
SP : 21-1983
Note - No limit for plus toleranceis specified. 8.2 In all instances where the coating material has a
7. Mass tarot similar base, it shall be smooth and tenacious and
hard enoughnot to flow when exposed to a temperature
Nominal Class Mass of Joint of 77°C but not so brittle at a temperature of 0°C as to
Dia (Approximate) chip off when scribed lightly with a penknife.
(Excluding Rubber
Ring and Bolts), kg 8.3 When the parts are to be used for conveying
potable water, the inside coating shall not contain any
80 5, 10, 15 3.0 constituent soluble in such water or any ingredient
which could impart any taste or odour whatsoever to
100 5, 10, 15 3.8 the potable water after sterilization and suitably wash-
125 5, 10 4.8 ing out the mains.
125 15 5.0
150 5, 10 6.1
150 15 6.2
200 5 8.8
200 10 9.2
200 15 9.4
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8794-1978 Specification for cast iron detachable joints for use with
asbestos cement pressure pipes.
SP :21-1983
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 204 (Part I)-1978 Specification for tower bolts: Part I Ferrous
metals (fourth revision).
SP : 21-1983
Barrel tower bolt 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200 c) Zinc Alloy Tower Bolts - Bolt and barrel
225, 250 and 300 oxidized or bronzed.
Skeleton tower bolt 375, 450, 600, 750 and 900 d) Brass Skeleton Tower Bolts - Bolt, plate and
staples bright finished.
Diameter of bolt 10 or 12 mm
Width of barrel 32 mm for 10 mm d Aluminium Alloy Skeleton Tower Bolts -
Bolt, plate and staples anodized.
diameter bolt
38 or 42 mm for 12 mm f) Zinc Alloy Skeleton Tower Bolts - Bolt, plate
diameter bolt and staples oxidized or bronzed.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 204 (Part II)-1978 Specification for tower bolts: Part IINon-ferrous
metals (fourth revision).
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
4.4 Sheet Brass Butt Hinges (For Cabinet) 5.1 Number of knuckles in each hinge specified
in 4.1 to 4.3 shall not be less than 5 except in case of
Hinge Length Breadth cast brass hinges of size less than 40 mm. In this case.
Designation mm mm and also for sheet brass hinges specified in 4.4, the I
25SB 25 15 number of knuckles shall not be less than 3.
30SB 30 15
5.2 Screw Holes - Shall be countersunk,
40SB 40 20
50SB 50 25
6. Finish - Brass hingps shall have bright or satin
finish and shall be suitably protected against discolora-
4.5 Tolerances tion. Aluminium alloy hinges shall be anodized.
Length + 1 mm.
Breadth f 1 For extruded brass butt hinges, cast
*Dimensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, wire
brass butt hinges and sheet brass
(jirsr revision).
butt hinges. For extruded tDimensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, bar,
aluminium alloy hinges see rod and section (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2051978 Specification for non-ferrous metal butt hinges (third
1. Scope - Requirements for mild steel tee and 3. Dimensions and Tolerances
strap hinges, that are commonly used irr geneml build-
ing construction. 3.1 Type 1 - Sizes (length) shall be 75, 100, 125,
150, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 mm. Tolerance
2. Types - Tee hinges and strap hinges shall be of +2 mm.
the following types:
3.2 Type 2 - Sizes (length) shall be 75, 100, 125,
Type Designation 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500 mm.
1 Light weight Tolerance +2 mm up to 200 mm size and +3 mm on
2 Medium weight all other sizes in case of Tee hinges; and +-2 mm for all
3 Heavy weight sizes in case of strap hinges.
SP : 21-1983
3.3 Type 3 - Sizes (1ength)shall be 150,200,250, 4. Workmanship - Hinges shall be well made,
300, 350, 400, 450, 500 and 600 mm. Tolerance free from burrs, flaws and defects of any kind. Move-
f2 mm up to 300 mm size and +4 mm on all other ment shall be square, and working shall be free and
sizes in case of tee hinges; and % 2 mm for all sizes in easy, without any play or shake.
case of strap hinges.
Note - For detailed dimensions, tolerances and typical 5. Finish - Shall be either bright or stove
figures, refer to rhe standard. enamelled black.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 206-1981 Specification for tee and strap hinges (third revision).
1. Scope - Requirements for materials, manufac- Type Size -Overall Length, Internal Depth,
ture, dimensions and finish of door handles of the type mm Min Min
that are commonly fixed to doors in buildings. mm mm
3 75 100 20
2. Types and Materials 90 *125 25
Type 1 Cast (cast iron, malleable cast iron, cast 100 150 28
brass, cast aluminium or zinc alloy die 4 15 115 30
100 140 35
Type 2 Pressed oval (mild steel), 125 175 80
Type 3 Present half oval (mild steel), Note - For detailed dimensions and figures, refer to- the
Type 4 Fabricated (brass or aluminium alloy).
3.2 Tolerances
For detailed information, refer to IS : 208-1979 Specification for door handles (third revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note 2-For detailed dimensions, tolerances and figure refer to the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 281-1973 Specification for mild steel sliding door bolts for use with
padlocks (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
3. Dimensions and Tolerances Note - For detailed dimensions of a11types of hinges, refer to
Tables 2 to 4 to be read with Fig. 1 of fhe standard.
Size of Tolerance on Size Width
Hinges * 4. Manufacture - Hinges shall be well made and
(Width ‘For Alumi- For Mild ’ be free from flaws and defects of all kinds. Washer
Bet ween nium and Steel Hinges shall be provided between knuckles for Type 1 and
Flanges) Cast Brass Type 3 hinges. Washer shall be made of nylon, plastic
I Hinges or other suitable material. In locations susceptible to
mm mm mm mm corrosion, use of brass or phosphor bronze hinge pins
is recommended in case of brass hinge. All screw holes
50 +l +2 20+1 shall be clean and countersunk.
65 +l +2 20*1
75 *l +2 20+1 5’. Finish - Brass hinges shall have bright or satin
10 *l +3 27+1 finish and be suitably protected against discoloration.
125 *l +3 27kl Aluminiumalloy hinges shall be anodized to a bright,
150 &I +3 27+1 natural, mat or satin finish or dyed. Mild steel hinges
175 +l +3 27&l shall be finished bright or electro galvanized as
200 +l +3 27+1 specified.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 362-1982 Specification for parliament hinges (fourth revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 363-1976 Specification for hasps and staples (third revision).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 364-1970 Specification for fanlight catch (second revision).
Note 1 -For details regarding materials of door spring rat-tail type see 3 of the stundurd.
Note 2-For detailed dimensions of door springs see Fig. 1 of the stundurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 452-1973 Specification for door spring, rat-tail type (second
SP : 21-1983
Note 2-For detailed dimensions see 5 and Fig. 1 and 2 of the stundurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 453-1973 Specification for double-acting spring hinges (second
1. Scope - Requirements regarding material, di- Type 2 - Opens when handle is turned in any
mensions, manufacture and finish of rim latches for direction.
general use. 3.1 Type 1 rim latches shall either be ‘left-hand’ or
2. Hand@ of Rim Latches - Left hand latch if
fitted on left hand door. Right hand latch if fitted on 4. Sizes - 75, 100, 125 and 150 mm denoted by
right hand door. overall length of the body measured from the outside
face of the fore end to the rear end.
3. Types
Type 1 - Opens when handle is turned in one 5. Material - Shall be of mild steel, brass,
direction only. aluminium alloy or zinc base alloy.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For requirements for materials of rim latches see Table 1 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1019-1974 Specification for rim latches (second revision).
kor detaiied information, refer 70 IS : 1341-1981 Spe&fication for steel butt hinges (fourth revision). .
SP : 21-1983
a) Four countersunk holes for fixing door stop- 5.4 On the extreme end, a rubber piece shall be
per to floor. attached to absorb shocks due to pulling action of door.
b) Body o,r housing shall be cast in one piece The rubber used shall comply with the following re-
and fixed to cover plate by brass or mild steel quirements:
screws. a) Relative density, Max 1.3
c) Rubber piece shall be attached to extreme 60_+5
b) Hardness
end to absorb shocks.
c) Ageing for 24 h at, i) Charge in initial
100 +i”c hardness +5, -0
4. Dimensions (in mm)
-ii) Shall not develop
Thickness of door shutter 30 35 40 45 brittleness or
Overall length of cover 140 140 150 150 tackiness
Width of cover plate 40 40 40 40 6. Workmanship and Finish - Stoppers shall be
Thickness of cover plate 4.5 for castings free from flaws and defects of all kinds. Aluminium
3 for sheet metal door stoppers shall be anodized and brass stoppers be
finished smooth. Stoppers may also be chromium or
nickel plated, anodized or oxidized. The exterior of
4.1 Tolerances
door stopper shall be in flush with floor and be finished
a) On overall length of cover plate +0.5 mm. bright or satin.
For detailed information, refZ+ to IS : 1823-1980 Specification for floor door stoppers (third revision).
SP 21-1983
For detailed information, ‘refer to IS : 1837-1966 Specification for fanlight pivots (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
case of locks with more than two levers, these shall 6. Finish
have non-interchangeable keys in a batch of minimum
100 locks. a) Brass body - Finished smooth.
5. Manufacture b) Steel body - Protective coating such as paint-
a) Body - Clear depth 15 mm, MUX.
b) Locking bolt - Section not less than c) Aluminium alloy l&y - Anodized.
8x25 mm. d) Face plate and striking plate - Finished
c) Lever spring - Lever spring fitted into the smooth and polished bright or satin (or may be
lever shall withstand the prescribed tests with- chromium plated, anodized or oxidized).
out showing signs of permanent set.
d) Lock shah becapable of being opened with the 7. Tests - Shall withstand the prescribed tests
key from both inside and outside. given 9.1.1 to 9.1.5 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2209-1976 Specification for mortice locks (vertical typ) (third revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2681-1979 Specification for non-ferrous metal sliding door bolts
(aldrops) for use with padlocks (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3564-1975 Specification for door closers (hydraulically regulated)
(second revision).
1. Scope - Requirements for continuous (piano) Pin a) Mild Steel Wire - Shall satisfy
hinges, prescribed wrapping test. Tensile
strength 40 kgf/mm*.
2. Material b) Aluminium Alloy
Flap a) Mild Steel - Shall satisfy prescrib-
3. Requirements
ed bend test
b) Aluminium Alloy a) Hinge pin shall be of mild steel for mild steel
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3818-1971 Specification for continuous (piano) hinges (first
SP : 21-1983
b) Pin - Mild steel wire (shall satisfy the pre- Note - For detailed dimensions see 4 of he smdard.
scribed wrapping test; tensile strength shall not 5. Reqbirements - All screw holes shall be clean
be less than 40 kgf/mm2). and countersunk.
4. Dimensions (in mm) 6. Finish - Finished with anticorrosive treatment.
Nominal size 20 25 30 40 45 50 65 75
Length (Tolerance + 1) 20 25 30 40 45 50 65 75
Width over flaps:
Min 70 72 80 85 97 105 150 165
Mar 71.15 73.5 81.5 86.5 100 108 153 168
i Thickness 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8
25 40 50 65
Width over flaps):
75 90 105 125
76.5 91.5 108 128
1.6 1.8 1.9 2.4
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3843-1966 Specification for steel backfap hinges.
1. Scope - Requirements for mortice night latches Note - For materials for other components see 5 and Table 1
for general use. of the standard.
4. Requirements
2. General - Nominal size shall be denoted by
a) Depth of. body shall not exceed 15 mm.
length of face over the body in mm. Termed ‘left hand’
b) Locking bolt section shall be not leas than
if fitted on the left-hand door and ‘right-hand’ if fitted
8x25 mm.
onright hand door. Two lever latches and latches with
c) Number of levers shall be not leas than two.
more than two levers shall have non-interchangeable
keys for a batch of at least 12 and 60 latch& r&pec- 5. Finish
a) Steel body - Protective coating such as
3. Materials b) Face plate and striking plate - Finished
For body, body cover, i) Mild steel smooth and polished bright or satin (or may be L.
case plate, face plate ii) Aluminium alloy sheet chromium plated).
and striking plate iii) Cast brass (copper c) Aluminium alloy - Anodized.
content shall not be
less than 60 percent) 6. Tests - Shall satisfy the prescribed performance
iv) Brass sheet tests and endurance tests.
\ For detailed information, refer to IS : 3847-1966 Specification for mortice night latches.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for indicating bolts for b) Indicating disc Aluminium alloy sheet
use in public baths and lavatories. Brass casting
c) Gears Aluminium alloy casting
2. General - Operation of bolt may be achieved Brass casting
either by gear work or by displacement. Normally
made in two sizes, namely, size 1 and size 2. When the 4. Dimensions and Tolerances -
bolt is drawn, it shall show the word “ENGAGED ” on
red background, and when it is withdrawn, it shall Size 1 Size 2 Tolerance
show the word “VACANT” on green background. (mm) (mm) (mm)
Length of bolt 75 85 fl
3. Material --Breadth of bolt 45 50 fl
a) Body, knob and Aluminium alloy casting Dia of disc 70 70 fl
indicating Extruded aluminiumalloy Note - For detailed dimensions and tolerances see 4 of rhe
spindle Brass casting standard.
Extruded brass
Zinc base alloy dia 5. Finish - Assembled bolt shall be satin finished
casting. or bright polished. Aluminium bolts shah be anodized.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4621-1975 Specification for indicating bolts for use in public baths
and lavatories (first revision).
1. Scope - Requirements for welded steel wire Note - For chemical composition and bend test, refer to
fabric for general use, such as fencing, window grill IS : 226-1975* and IS : 280-1972 t respectively.
and crates. Not intended to cover fabric for concrete
reinforcement (see IS : 15661967*). 3. Size
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4948-1974 Specification for welded steel wire fabric for general use
(first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for flush bolts for use in T,pe Size Face Plate Throw of Bolt Bolt Dia
cupboards and doors. (mm) Length, (Min) (Min) (mm)
mm (mm)
2. Materials
a) Body and plate - Cast brass, cast aluminium 1 200 200 30 8fl
and extruded aluminium alloy. 2 100 100 15 8fl
b) Bolt - Cast brass, extruded brass and 2 150 150 15 8+1
extruded aluminium alloy.
2 200 200 15 8+1
c) Spring - Phosphor bronze and steel strip.
2 250 250 15 8+1
3. Manufacture - Rod shall be retained in its 2 300 300 15 8+1
maximum bolting position by the spring.
Note - For typical illustration of Type 1 and 2 bolts see Fig. 1
of the standard.
4. Dimensions and Tolerances:
Type Size Face Plate Throw of Bolt Bolt Dia
5. Workmanship and Finish - Shall have smooth
(mm) Length, (Min) (Mirt) (mm) and easy working when assembled. Brass bolts shall be
bm (mm) satin or bright polished, or nickel or chromium plated
1 100 100 20 821 or copper oxidized. Aluminium flush bolts shall be
1 150 150 25 8+1 anodized.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5187-1972 Specification for flush bolts (first revision).
1. Scope - Requirements for material, size and alloy, and aluminium extrusions.
finish of bathroom latches. b) Bolts - Brass cast, brass extruded, mild steel
rod, cast iron, aluminium alloy and aluminium
2. Shape and Size extrusions.
c) Knob - Cast brass, cast iron, aluminium
Overall size = 40x50 mm
alloy and aluminium extrusions.
Thickness = 10 mm
Note - For typical illustration see Fig. l’of the standard. 4. Workmanship and Finish - Latch shall be
smoothly finished. Aluminium alloy body may be
3. Material
anodized. Cast brass body shall be given a protective
a) Body - Cast brass, cast iron, aluminium coating such as painting.
SP : 21-1983
(With Amendment No. 1)
1. Scope -Requirements for mortice latches fa c) Mechanism - Latch shall operate easily from
use ondoors, such as bath roomdoors, W.C. doors and both sides of the door. Bolt shall turn into
doors to private rooms. locking position when the thumb turn knob is
turned through 90”.
2. Sizes - 65, 75 and 100 mm. Size shall be de-
d) Lever spring - Lever spring fitted into the
noted by overall length of the body measured from the
lever shall withstand following tests without
outside face of the fore end to the rear end. Measured
showing signs of permanent set.
length shall not vary by more than 3 mm from the
length specified for size. i) Lever spring shall be pressed down so as to
Note - For typical illustration of a mortice lock see Fig. 1 of touch top edge of lever and released. Repeat
the standard. six times.
ii) Lever spring shall also stand a transverse
3. Material -Material for different component
load of 15 kgf beforefailureofjointbetween
parts shall comply with the requirements given in levea and spring.
Tables 1 and 2 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5930-1970 Specification for mortice latch (vertical type).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6315-1971 Specification for floor springs (hydraulically regulated)
for heavy doors.
1. Scope - Lays down performance and Rtnc tional 3. Size and Shape
requirements of window stays made of polypropylene
Length of window stay = 300mm
and fasteners (handles) made of nylon.
Length of window fastener = 110 mm
2. Materials - Requirements of polypropylene: Note - For typical illustration see Fig. 1 of rhe srandurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6318-1971 Specification for plastic window stays and fasteners.
SP : 21-1983
Note - For requirements regarding manufacture and details of finishing, refer to the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6343-1982 Specification for door closers (pneumatically regulated)
for right doors weighing up to 40 kg (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for size, shape and mate- free from fabrication, casting and surface defects. Sur-
rials for ventilator pole. face shall be smooth. Two screw holes on side shall be
counter sunk to suit wood screws No. 8.
2. Dimensions
Length = 450 + 15 mm 5. Finish
Note - For typical illustration of a ventilator polesee Fig. 1 of Steel and cast iron -Bright finished, black
the standard.
painted or oxidized.
3. Materials - Cast iron, mild steel, cast brass, Brass - Oxidized or plated.
aluminium alloy, polypropylene or timber Aluminium - Natural or anodized finish.
Wood -Waxed, french polished, varnished or
4. Manufacture - Ventilator pole hook shall be painted.
1. Scope - Requirements for rebated mortice locks b) Locking bolt - Section shall not be less than
suitable for use on double leaf doors with rebated 12x 16 mm for all sizes of locks
meeting stiles. c) Mechanism - Locking mechanism shall be
lever type with not less than two levers.
2. Sizes - 65,75 and 100 mm. Size shall be de-
noted by length of the body measured from the outside d) Lever spring -
Shall withstand the prescribed
face of the fore end to the rear end over the body in mm.
The measured length shall not vary more than f 3 mm e) Keys - Two for each lock usable from inside
from the length specified for size. and outside.
Note - For typical design of rebated mortice locksee Fig. 1 of f) Latch bolt - Section not less than 12X 16
rhe standatd. mm.
3. Non-interchangeability Two-lever - locks 5. Workmanship and Finish - Brass body shall
shall have non-interchangeable keys in a batch of be finished smooth and polished. Aluminium alloy
minimum of 24 locks. Locks with more than two levers body may be anodized. Rebated face plate and striking
shall have non-interchangeable keys in a batch of a plate may be polished, stained, chromium plated or
minimum of 100 locks. oxidized. Steel body shall be given protectivecoating.
Steel parts shall begiven specified protective treatment
4. Manufacture before painting.
a) Body - Depth of body shall not exceed 15 6. Tests - Shall withstand the tests specified in 9 of
mm. the standard.
Note-For requirements for materials for component parts of mortice locks see Table 1 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6607-1972 Specification for rebated mortice locks (vertical type).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for mild steel hold fasts 3. Manufacture - Shall be made from mild steel
for use with wooden doors and window frames. flats not less than 5 mm thick, and without any burrs or
2. Size and Dimensions - Shall be as given in 4. Finish - Shall be given a coat of bitumen and
Fig. 1. sanded.
100-e 100 c
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for concealed type floor brass or aluminium sheet which only shall be flush with
springs (without oil check) for vertical doors weighing the floor. Provision shall be made in floor springs for
not more than 125 kg. For doors having more than one adjusting door leaf to final closed position by turning
leaf. the weight of each leaf shall not exceed 125 kg. the adjusting screw. 1
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7197-1974 Specification for double action floor springs (without oil
check) for heavy doors.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7534-1974 Specification for mild steel locking bolts with holes for
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for mortice dead locks. minimum of 24 locks. Locks withmore than twolevers
shall have non-interchangeable keys in a batch of a
Note - Mortice dead locks have a single bolt which is shot and
withdrawn by means of key (from either side) providing reasona- minimum of 100 locks.
ble degree of security. Being lock for occasional rather than
frequent use it is well suited for use alone, or as an additional lbck 5. Manufacture
for the doors of store rooms, cellers, warehouses, etc.
a) Body - Depth of body shall not exceed
2. Sizes - 45, 65 and 75mm. Size is denoted by 15 mm.
length of face over the body in mm. Measured length b) Locking bolt - Section shall not be less than
shall not vary by more than + 3 mm from length spec- 10X30 mm.
ified for size. c) Levers - Not less than two.
Note - For typical details of mortice dead locks see Fig. 1 of d) Lever spring - Shall withstand the prescribed
the standard. tests without showing any sign of permanent
3. Material e) Keys - Two for each lock.
3.1 Body, B&y Cover - Mild steel, cast brass, 6. Finish - Brass body shall be finished smooth
brass sheet, aluminium alloy castings and sheets and and polished. Aluminium alloy body be anodized.
zinc base alloy casting. Face plate and striking plate shall be polished, painted,
Note - For requirements for materials for other component plated or oxidized. Steel body shall be given suitable
parts see Table 1 of the standard. protective coating.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7540-1974 Specification for mortice dead locks.
1. Scope - Requirements for material, sizes and closed position, it shall be retained in that position by
finish of ball catches for use in wooden almirahs. the spring action of the ball catch and working shall be
ensured in continuous usage. Door shall open only
2. Sizes - 6,7.5,9.5 and 12.5 mrn.Size is denoted when it is pulled to open.
by the external diameter of the cylinder.
Note - For detailed dimensions and typical illustration of a 4. Workmanship and Finish - Shall have smooth
ball catch refer to the standard.
and easy working. Body and striking plate shall be
3. Manufacture - When the almirah door is in satin or bright polished.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8756-1978 Specification for ball catches for use in wooden almirahs.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for mortice sliding door shall have non-interchangeable keys in a batch consist-
locks having lever mechanism. ing of a minimum of 24 locks.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8760-1978 Specification for mortice sliding door locks with lever
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of different grades and AC, AD, BB, BC, BD, CC, CD and DD based on
types of plywood used for general purposes. quality of face and back surface in terms of permissible
.defects. For quality requirements see Table 1.
2. Grades (Depending on type of adhesive used for Maximum number of permissible defects per m3 shall
bonding veneers):
a) Boiling water proof or BWP Grade Species of timber used shall be those given in Class 1 of
b) Boiling water resistant or BWR Grade 1 Appendix A of the standard.
c) Warm water resistant or WWR Grade Species of timber used shall be those given in Class I
d) Cold water resistant or CWR Grade 1 and II of Appendix A of the standard.
3. Types Based on Classification by Appear- be 3, 6, 9 and ‘no limit’ for surface types A, B, C, D
ante - Classified into 10 types, namely, AA, AB, respectively.
(1) (2)
ii) Checks Individual check not Individual check not Individual check not Individual check not
more than 25 mm in more than 50 mm in more than 100 mm in more than 125 mm in
length, and the total length, and the total length, and the total length, and the total
length not more than length not more than length not more than length not more than
300 mm/ma 600 mm/ma 1000 mm/ma 1 200 mm/m2
iii) Discolouration 3 percent of the area 25 percent of the area 50 percent of the area 75 percent of the area
(sound not injurious)
iv) Discolouration Nil Nil Nil 20 percent
v) Dote Nil 5 cm/m2 15 cm/ma 15 cm/m2
vii) Joints None in 250 mm wide Not more than one in No restriction No restriction
face and in wider 250 mm wide face
faces, one joint for and in wider faces
every multiple of one joint for every
200 mm in width multiple of 200 mm
provided no indivi- provided no indivi-
dual piece is less than dual piece is less than
125 mm in width 100 mm in width
viii) Knots (dead) Nil 2 up to 12 mm dia/ma 4 up to 20 mm dialma 8 knots up to 20 mm
in dia/ma including
drop out knot holes
may be permitted
ix) Pin knots (dead) Nil 2/m2 6/m2 lo/ma
SP : 21-1983
(1) (2)
xii) Patches Nil 4 patches/m* provided Any number, provided Any number, provided
they are all tight they are all tight they are all tight
patches and do not patches -and are patches and properly
mar the appearance matched for colour made
xiii) Splits One split, not more 2 splits, not more than 3 splits, not more than 6 splits, not more than
than 1.0 mm wide 6 mm wide and total 10 mm wide and 25 mm wide and
and not longer than length not more than total length not more total length not ex-
50 mm provided it is 200 mm provided than 300 mm provi- ceeding 400 mm
filled with a suitable they are filled with ded they are filled
filler suitable veneer inserts with suitable veneer
inserts. Splits up to
25 mm long and
0.8 mm wide may be
ignored provided they
are suitably filled
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For species of timber to be used for faces, cores and cross-bands see Appendix A of the standard. Adhesive for bonding the
veneers in different grades of plywood shall be the corresponding type of adhesive as specified in IS : 848-1974 Specification for
synthetic resin adhesives for plywood (phenolic and aminoplastic) (first revision).
Note 2-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1734 (Parts I to XX)-1972 Methods of test for plywood (first revision) and Appendix B of
the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 303-1975 Specification for plywood for general purposes (second
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1734 (Part I)-1972 Methods of tests for plywood: Part I Determination of density and
moisture content (first revision), IS : 1734 (Part V)-1972 Methods of tests for plywood: Part V Test for adhesion of plies (first
revision), and of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1328-1982 Specification for veneered decorative plywood (second
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of plywood for concrete 3.3 Face with plastic coating, or with suitable
shuttering work. overlay shall be dense, smooth, without blister
and without patch marks and shah be of uniform
1.1 Recommended method for handling, storing and colour.
use of plywood of concrete shuttering and formwork is
covered in Appendix A of the standard.
4. Tests
2. Dimensions and Tolerances
, 4.1 Moisture Content - Shall be between 5 and 15
2.1 Size (Length X Width) - 240 X 120, 240 X90., percent.
210 x 120, 210 x 90, 180 x 120, 180 x90,
150 x 120,150 x90, 120x 120, 120 X 90,120 x60 4.2 Glue Adhesion in Dry State
and90 X90cm.
4.2.1 Glue shear strength - Average failing
2.2 Thickness - 4,5,6 mm for 3-ply; 6,8, 10 mm load shall be not less than 1 323.9 N and no individual
for 5-ply; 13, 16 mm for 7-ply; 16, 19 mm for 9-ply; value shall be less than 1 078.7 N.
22, 25, 30, 35, 40 mm for more than 9-ply.
4.2.2 Adhesion ofplies - The veneers shall offer
2.3 Tolerances appreciable resistance to separation and the fractured
Length up to 120 cm and +3 mm samples shall show some adherent fibms distributed
width up to 90 cm mom or less uniformly.
Length above 120 cm and +6 mm
width above 90 cm 4.3 Water Resistance Test
Thickness up to 5 mm * 10 percent
Thickness above 5 mm f 15 percent 4.3.1 Glue shear strength - Average failing
load shall be not less than 980.7 N and no individual
3. Finish value shall be less than 784 N.
3.1 Shall be smooth and the faces and back shall be 4.3.2 Adhesion of plies - Requirements shall be (
free from harmful discolouration, pleates overlaps and same as given in 4.2.2
loose knots. Edges shall be of smooth uniform finish.
4.4 Plywood for concrete shuttering work with plas-
3.2 Gaps and open joints shah be permitted as tic coating or with suitable overlay after being sub-
follows: jected to 72 hours boiling shall not show any softening,
checking, cracking or deterioration of the surface
a) Inface - Provided the gap or opening does
not exceed a width of 0.4 mm, if it-exceeds 0.4 layer.
mm, if it exceed 0.4 mm, this may be rectified
by well fitted veneer inserts of a minimum 4.5 Plywood manufactured from species not natur-
width 4.8 mm provided the gram of the veneer ally durable, shall show more or less uniform absorp-
does not exceed in deviation by more than 10 tion of preservative on the entire surface.
percent from the grain direction of the sur-
rounding veneer. 4.6 Tensile Strength
b) In Core (cross-band) - Width of opening a) Not less than 318 kN/m2, parallel to grain
shall not exceed 0.8 mm in the case of 3-ply or direction of face veneers;
3.2 mm in the case of multi-ply, provided the
openings are not less than 30 cm apart in any
b) Not less than 220 kN/m2 at right angles to
grain direction of face veneers; and
veneer and staggered not less than 15 cm bet-
ween any veneer and the next one with the c) Sum of tensile strengths in both directions not
same grain direction. less than 588 kN/m2.
SP : 21-1983
4.7 Mycological Test - Test piece shall show no shall comply with requirements given in 4.3.1
appreciable signs of separation at edges of veneers and and 4.3.2.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4990-1981 Specification for plywood for concrete shuttering work
(first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note l-Dimensions and tolerances of fire retardant plywood shall conform to IS : 303-1975 Specification for plywood for general
purposes (second revision).
Note 2-For test procedures for the tests specified, refer to IS : 1734(Part I)-1972 Method of test for plywood: Part I Determination
of density and moisture content (first revision); IS : 1734 (Part III)-1972 Method of test for plywood: Part III Determination of fire
resistance (first revision); and IS : 2753 (Part I)-1964 Methods of estimation of preservatives in treated timber and in treating
solution: Part I Determination of copper, arsenic, chromium, zinc, boron, creosote and fuel oil.
Note 3-Plywood when tested for glue shear strength in dry state, mycological test, water resistance test and for any other
mechanical property as agreed to shall meet requirements of BWR grade general purpose plywood conforming to IS : 303-1975
Specification for plywood for general purposes (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5509-1980 Specification for fire retardant plywood (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
ii) Plywood in direct contact with All a) Type 4 (Copper-chrome- Pressure 12.0
water or ground and required arsenic composition or process
to be painted as for pontoons, acid-copper-chrome com-
boats, rafts, tugs, fence posts, position)
box, columns, etc (IS : 710- b) Type, 1 [Creosote or Pressure 100.0
1976’) but plywood not re- creosote fuel oil mixture process
quiring light painting or only (50 : SO)]
back coal tar base
(IS : 710-1976*)
iii) Marine structures exposed to All Type 1 [Creosote or creo- Pressure 200.0
marine borer danger sote fuel oil mixture process
(IS : 710-1976*) (50 : 5O)j
SP : 21-1983
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Note- For information regarding natural durability and degree of treatability of different species of timber see Appendix B of the
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5539-1969 Specification for preservative treated plywood.
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 73161974 Specification for decorative plywood using plurality of
veneers for decorative faces.
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
’ 2-h 24-h “Thick- Length Width ’ ABSORPTION ,_.-, PERPENDI- Max
Soaking Soaking ness IN THICKNESS Length- Width- CULARTO
MUX wise wise SURFACE
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (‘3) (9) (IO) (II) (12) (13)
kg/m3 Percent Percent Percent Percent kgf/cm* kgf/cm* kgf/cm* kcal cm/ ,_
m2 h”C
FPSI 500 f 10 30 70 12 0.5 0.5 9 90 90 8 0.12 ’
FPTH 500 + 10 40 80 12 5 5 9 110 110 3 0.12
XPSO 500 f 10 40 80 5 12 5 4 3 20 12 0.12
XPTU 500 *10 45 80 5 12 5 4 - 10 4 0.06
Note-The values for minimum modulus of rupture should be multiplied by 0.8, when the thickness of the board exceeds 20 mm.
SP : 21-1983
5.1 Density - Shall be between 500 to 900 kg/m3. 5.7 Tensile Strength Perpendicular to Surface (see
Variation in density shall not exceed 10 percent. Table 1)
5.2 Moisture Content - Shall be between 7 and 16 5.8 Thermal Conductivity (see Table 1)
percent. Variation of individual from mean shall
5.9 Workability - Shall not crack or split when
not exceed f3 percent.
drilled, sawed and nailed perpendicular’to lbe surface.
5.3 Water Absorption (see Table 1)
6. Finish - Shall be of uniform thickness and
5.4 Swelling in Water (see Table 1)
density throughout thelength and width. These shall be
5.5 Swelling Due to Surface Absorption (see Table 1) flat and sanded to a smooth finish on both the -faces.
Note-For test procedures, see IS : 2380-1963 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic
materials and IS : 3129-1965 Specification for particle board for insulation purposes.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3087-1965 Specification for wood particle boards (medium density)
for general purposes.
1. Scope - Requirements such as grades and types, b) Type 2 - Solid core, decorative (boards
material, manufacture, dimensions and tests for with solid core but faced with ornamental
veneered particle boards. veneers on one or both sides).
2.1 Each gxade of veneered particle board shall be of d) Type 4 - Tubular core, decorative (boards
with tubular core faced with decorative
the following four types:
veneers on one or both sides).
a) Type 2 - Solid core, general purpose
(boards with faces of veneer of general 2.2 Designation - The grades and types shall be
purpose type). designated as follows:
SP : 21-1983
3. Material 6. Tests
a) Particle boards shall be of medium density. 6.1 Density - Density of each specimen shall not
vary from mean density by mo= than f 10 percent.
b) Veneers for cross-band and faces shall be
either sawn or rotary cut or sliced and shall be 6.2 Moisture Content - Average value shall be
smooth. between 7 to 16 percent.
c) Adhesive used for bonding veneers shall be
BWP or BWR for exterior grade (Grade I) 6.3 Wafer Absorption - Value shall not exceed 25
percent for 2 h soaking and 50percent for 20 h soaking.
boards and WWR or CWR for interior grade
(Grade II) boards. 6.4 Water Resistance Test - Boards shall not show 1
signs of disintegration and/or shall not delaminate.
4. Finish - All boards shall be flat and squarely
cut. Both faces shall be sanded to a smooth even 6.5 Swelling in Water - Swelling in thickness in
surface. percentage of original thickness shall not be more than
7 percent due to general absorption and this shall be 5
5. Dimensions and Tderances percent in case of swelling due to surface absorption.
a>Length - 480, 365, 300, 270, 240, 210,
6.6 Adhesion of Plies - Adhesion of face veneers
180,150,120,100and90cm. Tolerance f 5 to the board core shall offer appreciable resistance and
mm up to 150 cm and + 10 mm above 150 the exposed surface of veneer shall show sizes of some
cm. adherent fibres distributed more or less uniformly.
b) Width - 180,150,120,100,90and45 cm.
6.7 Static Bending Strength (Maximum Transverse
Tolerance same as for length.
Strength or Modulus of Rupatre in Bending) -
kc)Thickness - 6, 10, 12,20,25,30,35,40, Average value of modulus of rupture shall not be less
45 and 50 mm. Tolerance + 1 mm. than 300 kg/cm*.
4 Length of two diagonals shall not differ by 6.8 DeJection Under Sustained Load (Long Time
more than 2.5 mm. Loading Test) - The deflection under load and re-
e) Edges shall be straight with a maximum sidual deflection after removal of load shall be as
deviation of 3 mm. agreed to mutually.
Note-For test procedures, refer to the standard and IS : 2380 Method of test for wood particle boards and boards from other
lignocellulosic materials:
IS : 2380 (Part I)-1977 Part I Preparation and conditioning of test specimens (first revision)
IS : 2380 (Part II)-1977 Part II Accuracy of dimensions of boards (first revision)
IS : 2380 (Part III)-1977 Part III Determination of moisture content and density Cfirst revision)
IS : 2380 (Part IV)-1977 Part IV Determination of static bending strength (modulus of ruputre and modulus of elasticity in
bending) (firsf revision)
IS : 2380 (Part XVI)-1977 Part XVI Determination of water absorption Cfirsf revision)
IS : 2380 (Part XVII)-1977 Part XVII Determination of swelling in water Cfirst revision)
IS : 2380 (Part XXI)-1977 Part XXI Planeness rest under uniform moisture content (first revSon)
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3057-1980 Specification for veneeredparticle boards (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of insulation type of par- b) Width - 180, 150, 120, 100, 90,60, 45 and
ticle boards. 30 cm.
c) Thickness - 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 27, 25, 22,
2. Materials 20, 16 and 12 mm.
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 2380 (Parts I to XXI)-1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other
lignocellulosic materials Cfirst revision), IS : 3308-1969 Methods of wood wool building slabs and Appendix A of the standufd.
@or detailed information, refer to IS : 3129-1965 Specification for particle board for insulation purposes.
SP : 21-1983
3. Form and Texture - Slabs shall be of uniform Type Size Thick- Test Test Dejection
thickness with rectangular parallel faces and shall have ness Load Span (Max)
clean reasonably square edges and shall be of uniform mmxmm mm kg cm
texture. 1 2 000x500 25 100 45 6
1 220x610 25 165 27.5 6
4. Dimensions, Weights and Tolerances
2 000x500 40 90 75 6
Length Width Type Thickness Weight of the 1 220x610 50 90 75 6
Slab, Max 75 120 75 5
mm mm mm kg 100 150 75 5
Note-For test procedures, refer to Appendix B of the Standard, IS : 3346-1966 Method for the determination of thermal
conductivity of thermal insulation materials (two slab, guarded hot-plate method) and IS : 8225-1976 Method of measurement of
absorption coefficient in a reverberation test.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3308-1981 Specification for wood wool building slabs (first
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for insulating boards Type of Board Nominal Mean Water
made of wood or sugar cane fibre. It also covers the Thickness Absorption
following special types of fibre insulation boards: mm at 27+2”C,
a) Bitumen - bonded tibre insulating board, and Max
b) Flame - retardant treated fibre insulating Bitumen- bonded fibre 9 25
board. insulation board 12 25 1
18 20
2. Dimensions aud Tolerances: I 25 20
( 25
9 :12.8
7.2 ;:16
Bitumen bonded fibre insulating
c 25
9 E
1: 32
-- L..
3.3 Water A bsorption 3.5 Sound Absorption
Type of Board Nominal Mean Water Frequency, c/s 125 250 500 1 000 2 000
Thickness Absorption Absorption
mm at 27&2”C, coefficient, Min 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 :
Fibre insulation board, 9 30 4.. Special Requirement for Flame-Retardant
ordinary or flame 12 30 Boards - Average maximum area of char, when
retardant type 18 25 tested for surface spread of flame, shall not exceed
I 25 25 75 cm2.
Nate-For test procedures, refer to IS : 3308-1969 Specification for wood wool building slabs and Appendices A to E of the
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3348-1965 Specification for fibre insulation boards.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of high density wood 3.3 Sizing - Paraffin wax up to 1 percent, Max.
particle boards in flat sheet or moulded forms.
1.2 Min 55to
to 10
16 250
300 200
225 25
Type 2 Not specified
. Note-For test procedures, refer to 1s : 2380 (Parts 1 to XXI)-1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other
lignocellulosic materials (first revision) and 9.3 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3478-1966 Specification for high density wood particle boards.
Title Page
IS: 1038-1975 Steel doors, windows and ventilators (second revision) 302
IS : 1361-1978 Steel windows for industrial buildings (first revision) 303
IS : 1948-1961 Aluminium doors, windows and ventilators 304
IS : 1949-1961 Aluminium windows for industrial buildings 306
IS : 4351-1976 Steel door frames (first revision) 307
IS : 6248-1979 Metal rolling shutters and rolling grills (first revision) 308
IS : 7452-1982 Hot rolled steel sections for doors, windows and ventilators first 309
SP : 21-1983
3.6 Asbestos Cement Panelling - Minimum thick- 6.1 Defective knots, when permitted on surfaces
ness 12mm incaseof singlepanel shutters and IOmm exposed to view shall be completely bored or cut out
in case of 2 or mere panel construction. and tightly plugged with the same timber species and
properly glued in. Grains of plug shall run in direction
3.7 Lockrail Centre Line - 80 cm from bottom of
of the grains of the piece.
6.2 Surfaces of door shutters which are required to be
4. Dimensions, Sizes and Tolerances
painted ultimately shall be covered by brush painting
4.1 Dimensions of Door Shutters (in mm) with a priming coat. Doors to be polished or varnished
Width Height shall be given a priming coat of polish or varnish.
8 DS 20 700 1 905(1 945)
8 DS 21 700 2 005(2 045) *Combinedwidth of two shutters in closed position.
For detailed information, refer td IS : 1003 (Part I)-1977 Specification for timber panelled and glazed
shutters: Part I Door shutters (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note-For details regarding materials, finish and glazing refer to IS : 1003 (Part I)-1977 Specification for timber panelled and glazed
shutters: Part I Door shutters (second revisionh
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1003 (Part II)-1966 Specification for timber panelled and glazed
shutters: Part II Window and ventilator shutters (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Covers material, constructional details, 4.6 Cord - Made of cotton yarn, nylon yarn or a
sizes, and requirements of open head custom made combination of cotton and rayon.
Venetian blinds made of either wood or metal slats.
5. Finish
2. Grades
5.1 Aluminium slats shall be given a pretreatment
a) Grade 1
and then suitable coats of primer and upper coats of
i) Shall have aluminium slats,
paint which shall be of high gloss and of a baked
ii) Shall have provision for locking slats or
have dual ladder for each slat (so that slats enamel type.
may not fluttor), and 5.2 Wooden Slats and Rails -For finishing one
iii) Shall be capable of being removed ins- coat of sealer, one coat of primer-surfacer, putty and
taneously . two coats of paint shall be applied. Paint used shall be
b) Grade 2 - Shall have wooden slats. of semi-gloss good quality enamel or cellulose paint.
3. Material 6. Testing
3.1 Timber - Wooden slats and rails shall be made 6.1 Alumini,um Slats
from timbers having durability of class I and II timbers
6.1.1 Physical tests
as given in IS : 399-1963*.
a) Tensile strength, Min: 3 375 kgf/cm2
3.2 Metal - Aluminium alloy used for rolling of b) Yield stress, Mitt: 3 100 kgf/cm*
slats shall conform to NS 4 of IS : 737-1974t. c) Elongation, MUX: 2.5 percent
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1969-1968 Specification for breaking load and elongation at break of woven textile fabrics
(first revision) and 9 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1826-1961 Specification for Venetian blinds for windows.
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1659-1979 Specification for blockboards (secondrevision),IS : 4020-1967Methods of tests
for wooden flush doors: Type tests and 9 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2Z91 (Part I)-1980 Specification for wooden frush door shutters
(cellular and hollow core type): Part Z Plywood face panels (third revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2191 (Part II)-1980 Specification for wooden flush door shutters
(cellular and hollow core type): Part 11 Particle board face panels and hardboard face panels (second
SP : 21-1983
(Third Revision)
1. Scope - Requirements regarding types, sixes, Note 2 - Type of shutter is designated by symbols denoting
material, construction, workmanship and finish , and width (number of modules in width of door opening), type
(D=door, S=single shutter, T= double shutter) and height
tests of solid core wooden flush door shutters with face
(number of modules in height of door opening).
panels of plywood or cross-band and face veneers.
4. Materials
cl Particle board with or without blockboard, 4.1.1 Knots and knot holes less than half the width
decorative, PD. of cross section of members in which they occur may
be permitted. Pitch pockets, pitch streaks and harmless
4 Particle board with or without blockboard, pin holes shall be permissible except in the exposed
non-decorative, PN,
edges of the core members where they shall be cut
out and filled in with carefully fitted glued pieces of
3. Sizes
wood of similar species and character with their grain
a) Dimensions running in the same direction.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1659-1979 Specification for blockboards (second revision), IS : 4020-1967 Methods of tests
for wooden flush doors: Type test and 9 of the standard.
Fordetailed information, refer to IS : 2202 (Part I..-1980 Specification for wooden flush door shutters
(solid core type): Part I Plywood face panels (third revision).
Non-decorative (paintable) B N PV
with skins of particle 4.4 Adhesive - For bonding particle board or hard
boards veneered with board face panels to the core shall be phenol formal-
commercial veneers dehyde synthetic resin (BWP type).
Particle board Decorative with skins of P D PV*
with or without decorative veneered parti-
block board cle boards 5. Requirements
Non-decorative with skins P N P*
of particle boards unve-
5.1 Face Panel - Thickness of each face panel of
neered particle board shall be at least 4 mm and of hardboard
at least 3 mm.
Non-decorative with skins P N PV*
of particle boards veneered 5.2 Shutters shall be shop-prepared for taking
with commercial veneers mortice locks or latches.
*Where particle board headed care is used, the designations *Specification for wooden Aush door shutters (solid core type):
will be PED, PV, PE, NP and PE N PV respectively. Part I Plywood face panels (third rwision).
SP : 21-1983
6. Workmanship and Finish - All the four edges 7. Tests - Same as given in IS : 2202 (Part I) -
of door shall be square. Shutter shall be free from twist 1980*.
or warp in its plane.
*Specification for wooden flush door shutters (solid core type):
Part 1 Plywood face panels (third revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2202 (Part II)-1980 Specification for wooden flush door shutters
(solid core type): Part II Particle board and hardboard face panels (second revision).
ii) Sound knots and live Not more than 0.5 per- Not more than 1 per- Not more than 1.5 percent of the
knots cent of the area of cent of the area of piece; 40 mm, Max
the piece; 10 mm, the piece; 25 mm,
Max Max (Continued)
SP : 21-1983
3.1 Finished Dbnensions fir Frames 3.4 Ventilator Sizes (in rwn)
a) Width for frames carrying 100 mm Designation Overall Overall
one set of shutters Height Width
b) Width for frames carrying 120 or ‘140 mm 6V6 5? 59
two sets of shutters 10 V 6 59 99
c) Thickness 60 mm 12V 6 59 119
3.5 Tolerance - +3 mm.
3.2 Door Sizes (in mm)
Designation Overall Overall Note 1 - External sixes of assembled frames are derived after
allowing a margin of 5 mm all round for fitting into a module
Height Widrh opening based on 10 cm module.
8 DS 20 199 79
9 DS 20 199 89 Note 2 - Type of shutter is designated by symbols, denoting
10 DS 20 199 99 width (number of modules in width of opening); type (TIcdoor,
12 DT 20 199 119 W=window, V=ventilator, S=single shutter, T=double shutter)
8 DS 21 209 79 and height (number of modules in height of opening).
9DS21 209 89
10 DS 21 209 99 4. Requirements
12 DT 21 209 119
4.1 Holdfasts - 3 on each side for doors and win-
3.3 Window Sizes (in mm)
dows 2 on each side for ventilators and windows less
Designation Overall Overall than 1 m height.
Height Width
6WS 12 119 59 4.2 Joints - Framer shall have dovetail joints.
1oWT 12 119 99 Jamb post shall be through-tenoned into mortises of
12 WT 12 119 119 transom to full width.
SP : 21-1983
5.1 Defective knots, when permitted on surfaces ex- 5.2 All surfaces which are required to be painted
posed to view, shall be completely bored or cut out and ultimately shall be given a priming coat of a white
tightly plugged with same timber species and properly lead-based primer. In case of frames to be polished or
glued in. Grain of the plug shall run in the direction of varnished, a priming coat of polish or varnish shall be
the grain of the piece. Face of the frame abutting the given before delivery.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4021-1976 Specification for timber door, window and ventilator
frames (first revision).
For detailed information, rejer to IS : 4962-1968 Specification for wooden side sliding doors.
SP : 21-1983
2. Materials Note 1 - For two shutter doors, only size of one shutter has
been given.
2.1 Timber shall be of four classes, namely,
(a) teakwood, (b) deodarwood, (c) hardwoods other Note 2 - In arriving at standard widths and heights, an allo-
than teak, (d) softwoods other than deodar. wance of 6 cm has been made for timber door frames, 4 cm for
floor finish, 0.5 cm for clearance all round between door opening
Note- For classification of species of timber see Appendix A and door frame and 1.5 cm for rebate all round for the shutter into
of the standard.
the frame.
2.2 Moisture Content, Max - 10 to 16 percent for
timber of 50 mm and above, and 8 to 14 percent for Tolerance on size of door shutter: f3 mm.
timber thinner than 50 mm.
2.3 Defects Prohibited F Shall be free from decay, 5. Dimensions of Components - Finished dimen-
fungal growth, boxed heart, pitch pockets or streaks on sions shall be as follows:
the exposed edges, borer holes, slits and cracks. Top and bottom ledges 150x30 mm;
2.4 Grades of Timber and Permissible Defects - Middle ledge 2 200X30 mm:
Shall be graded as Superior Grade, First Grade and Braces 110 to 125x30 mm. 1
Second Grade on the basis of permissible defects in Battens 140 to 160x25 mm.
timber. All battens in a shutter shall be of uniform width.
Note - For permissible defects for various classes of timber 6. Rebating -In case of double leaved shutters,
see Table 1 of the standard.
meeting of the stiles shall be rebated 20 mm (splayed or
3. Designation - By symbols denoting width, square type).
type and height of door in succession. Width --Indi-
cated by the number of modules of 10 cm in the width 7. Fittings - Three tee hinges for each shutter (one
of door opening. Type D= Door; S= Single shutter; at centre and others 20 cm from top and bottom). Each
T= Double shutter. Height - Indicated by the shutter shall also have 2 barrel bolts and one sliding
number of modules of 10 cm in the height of door bolt for locking.
Ewnple - 8 DS 2 1 would mean a shutter suita- 8. Finish - Well-planed and finished smooth. Sur-
ble for a single shutter door of 8 module width and 21 faces to be painted, polished or varnished shall be
module height. given a suitable priming coat before delivery.
Defective knots, where permitted in surfaces
4. Standard Sizes (in mm):
exposed to view, shall be completely bored or
Designation Width Height cut out and tightly plugged with a cross-gained
8 DS 20 700 1 905 plug (round or dovetailed) of similar species of
8 DS 21 700 2 005 timber and shall be properly glued in.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6198-1971 Specification for ledged, braced and battened timber
door shutters.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements regarding material, fab- 10 HS 12. The overall width and height to the
rication and finish of steel doors, windows and outside of frames after allowing 10 mm
ventilators manufactured from rolled steel sections to clearance on all four sides (see Note 2) shall
standard sizes and designs. This standard does not be 98 cm and 118 cm respectively.
cover steel doors, windows and ventilators for use in b) Two lO-module wide and 1Zmodule high
industrial buildings. horizontally glazed side hung windows
coupled side by side with two fixed glass
2. Standard Sizes, Tolerances and Designations frameventilators attop, each IOmodulewide
and 6 module high, is designated by
a) Doors: 10 HF 6/10 HF 6
6HS20 8HS20 lOHS20 12HS20 10 HS 12/10 HS 12
6HS21 8HS21 lOHS21 12HS21
b) Windows: 3. Materials
5HF12 lOHF12 15HF12
5HF15 lOHF15 15HF15 3.1 Rolled Steel Sections - Shall conform to
5HF12 lOHS12 15HS12 IS : 7452-1974*.
5HS15 lOHS15 15HS15 3.2 Glass Panes - 3 mm Min thick. Shall be
provided on outside of frames.
6HF12 12HF12 18HF12
6HF15 12HF15 18HF15 Note - For sizes of glass pane see Table 1 of rhe standurd.
6HS12 12HS12 18HS12
6HS!5 12HS15 18HS15 4. Fabrication
SP : 21-1983
4.4.1 Mortice lock with not less than 4 levers or 4.4.2 In double shutter doors, the tirst closing
pins shall be provided for thedoor. It shall be operable shutter shall have a concealed brass extruded
from outside as well as from inside but in addition a aluminium or steel bolt at top and bottom.
bolt shall beprovided on the inside so that whendoor is
locked from inside and bolted, it cannot be opened 5. FInIsh - Painting, or phosphating and painting
from outside with its key. or hot dip galvanizing.
Note I-Handing and direction of closing of doors shall be designated in accordance with IS : 4043-1969 Recommendations for
symbolic designation of direction of closing and faces of doors, windows and shutters.
Note 2-For details regarding position of fixing holes, fixing screws and lugs see 7 of the standurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1038-1975 Specification for steel doors, windows and ventilators
(secohd revision).
*Recommendations for symbolic designation of direction of clos- *Specification for hot rolled steel sections for doors, windows and
ing and faces of doors, windows and shutters. ventilators.
SP : 21-1983
5.2 Pivots and Spring Catches - Non ferrous ventilator, and attached with screws.
7.3 Centre-hung and bottom hung ventilators shall
5.3 Glass - Shall conform to IS : 2835-1977* or have a bronze spring catch in the centm of the top
IS : 5437-1969t. section, suitable for operation by hand or pole (and by
cord in case of centre-hung ventilators). The former
shall be provided with a 30 cm peg stay of steel or a
6. Holes for Fixing, Coupling and Glazing - 30 cm bronze cam opener to hold the ventilator open
Holes for fixing and coupling sashes shall be provided in three different positions. Bottom-hung ventilators
in the web of the outside frame sections (and shall have folding side arms to limit the opening.
of outer ventilator frame sections where these occur at
the perimeter of the sash). Holes for glazing clips shall 8. Composite Windows - Shall be despatched un-
also be provided. assembled, but complete with necessary coupling
components. Each coupling member will increase the
7. Fittings and Fixing Materials overall height or width by 25 mm maximum which
7.1 Centre-hung ventilators shall be mounted on a includes manufacturing tolerances.
pair of brass cup pivots, each pivot consisting of an
inner and an outer cup, permitting the swinging of the 9. Glass - Sizes shall be as given below:
ventilator through at least 85” and so balanced that the Pane Designation abcdef
h ventilator shall be capable of remaining open in any
desired position. Width (mm) 269 304 292 304 304 292
Height (mm) 425 425 460 460 492 492
7.2 Centre-hung ventilators shall be provided with a
pulley with centre of the bottom section of the Note - For number of glass panes for each type of window
see Fig. 4 of the standard.
*Spkcification for flat transparent sheet glass (second revision). 10. Finish - All sashes and coupling members shall
‘/‘Specification for wired and figured glass. be either galvanised or painted.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1361-1978 Specification for steel windows for industrial buildings
(first revision).
SP : 21-1983
b) Tolerances - For frames Z!Z1.5 mm. 5.2 Centre Hung Ventilators - Shall be hung on
two pairs of cup pivots of aluminium alloy (IS
Note 1 - The external dimensions of width and height are Designation NS-4).
derived after allowing 1.25 cm clearance all round for fitting into a
modularopening based on 10 cm module. 5.3 Doors - Outer fixed frame shall be of section
Al - FX 8. Shu-tter frame shall be of either hollow
Note 2 - Designation is by symbols denoting width (number
sections Al - HF x 5 and Al -HF X 6 or of solid
of modules in width of opening); type (C=centre hung shutters;
F=fixed glass panes; H= with horizontal glazing bars; N= without sections Al - F X 5 and Al - F X 6.
horizontal glazing bars; S= side-hung shutters; T=top-hung shut-
ters); and height (number of modules in height of opening).
5.3.1 Hinges - Shall be of 50 mm projecting
5.3.2 A suitable lock for the door operable either
a) A window of width 10 modules (97.5 cm) and height 9 from inside or outside shall be provided.
modules (87.5 cm), having horizontal glazing bars and
side-hung shutters is designated by 10 HS 9. 5.3.3 In double shutter doors the first closing
b) Two 10 module wide and 12 module high horizontally shutter shall have a concealed aluminium alloy bolt at
glazed side-hung windows coupled side by side with two top and bottom.
fixed glass pane ventilators at top, each 10 module wide
and 6 module high, is designated by 5.4 Composite Units - Doors shall be coupled to
windows or side 1ights by extruded aluminium sections
10 HF 6110 HF 6 made from aluminium conforming to IS Designation
10 HS 12/ 10 HS 12 HE 9-WP.
Note 3 - Windows without horizontal glazing bars shall be 5.5 Weather Bar - Where a coupling member is
designated by ‘N’ in place of ‘H’ in the range shown above. fitted over an external opening shutter, the coupling
member should incorporate an integrally extruded
Note4 - Doors and side lights shall only be coupled with 12
weather bar.
module (117.5 cm) high windows.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1948-1961 Specification for aluminium doors, windows and
SP : 21-1983
b) Composite wmdows Width (mm) 265 300 290 300 300 290
IN 10 C lo/IN 10 C 10 Height (mm) 420 420 455 455 490 490
IN 10 C 15/IN 10 C 15
Note - For number of glass panes for each type of window see
Indicates the combination of four windows, Fig. 5 of the standard.
twoofthetypeIN 10ClOontopandtwoofthe
typeIN 10 C 15 at bottom, all the four of them 5. Holes for Fixing, Coupling and Glazing -
coupled both horizontally and vertically. Holes for fixing and coupling sashes shall be provided
in the web of the outside frame sections and of outer
3. Sizes and Tolerances ventilator frame sections where these occur at the
perimeter of the sash. Holes for glazing chips shall also
Sizes :
be provided, one hole being located in web of the
INlOClO IN22C 10 IN16C15 section or tee, on each side of each pane.
INlOTlO IN22T 10 IN16T15
INlOBlO IN22B 10 IN16B15 6. Fitting and Fixing Materials
IN16C.10 INlOC15 IN22C 15
IN16TlO INlOT IN22T15 6.1 Centre-hung ventilators shall be mounted on a
IN16BlO INlOB IN22B 15 pairofcup-pivotsmadeoutof aluminium alloy sheetor
chromium plated brass and each pivot consisting of an
INlOC20 IN22C20 INlBFlO inner and outer cup, permitting the swinging of the
IN lOT20 IN22T20 IN16F15 ventilator through at least 85”. The ventilator shall be
INlOB IN22B20 IN16F20 so balanced that it can remain open in any desired
IN16C20 INlOFlO IN22FlO position.
IN16T20 INlOF15 IN22F15
IN16B20 IN lOF20 IN22F20 6.2 Centre-hung and bottom-hung ventilators shall
have cast aluminium or bronze spring catch in the
b) Ventilators (opening part of a sash) shall be of centre of the top section, suitablefor operation by hand
one size and designed to fit into outer frame of or pole (chord in case of centre-hung).
IN10 C 10 and with 1.2 mm clearance.
6.3 Bottom-hung and top-hung ventilators shall be
c) Tolerance for overall dimensions +3 mm.
hung on aluminium alloy hinges. The former shall be
provided with a pair of aluminium alloy folding side
Note - The overall width and height of window is smaller
arms (tolimit theopening) and thelatterwith a300 mm
than dimensions of modular opening by 2.5 cm, allowing a clear-
ance of 1.25 cm all round. Thus, width and height of long peg stay. Alternatively, top-hung ventilator may
INlOC5=97.5 cmx 147.5 cm. be provided with 30 cm cam opener.
SP : 21-1983
6.4 Two spring glazing clips per pane shall be 8. Finish - Matt, scratch-brush or polished may be
provided. anodized additionally. A thick layer of transparent
lacquer, based on methacrylates or cellulose butyrate,
7. Composite Windows - Shall bedespatched un- shah be applied, by the suppliers, toprotect the surface
assembled, but complete with necessary components. from action of wet cement during installation. This
Each coupling member will increase the overall height lacquer coating shall be removed after installation is
or width by 25 mm. completed.
For &tailed it&rrrtation, refer to IS : 1949-1961 Specification for aluminium windows for industrial
SP : 21-1983
profiles A, B and C respectively. Tail shall be 200 mm 5.3 Lock-strike plate of steel, complete with mortar
long, 40 mm. Min wide and 1 mm, Min thick. guard, shall be provided.
5.2 Hinges
5.4 Shock Absorbers - Minimum 3 buffers, for
a) Frames fordoors 89 cm wide and above - 3 side-hung door, and 2 buffers for double shutter door.
hinges welded to one jamb.
b) Frames for doors 99 cm wide and above - 6 6. Finish - Door frames shall be hot-dip gal-
hinges, 3 welded to each jamb. vanized or painted.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4351-1976 Specification for steel door frames (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
places. Height of grill portion shall be 0.5 m coat of a brushing quality ready mixed primer before
maximum. despatch. Portions where there is contact between
aluminium and steel shall be painted with zinc
6. Painting .- All component parts (except springs chromate primer.
and the inside of guide channels) shall be given one
Note-For details regarding types based on position of fixing, materials, fabrication, optional features, operation, etc, refer to the
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6248-1979 Specification for metal rolling shutters and rolling grills
(first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7452-1982 Specification for hot rolled steel sections for doors,
windows and ventilators (first revision).
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
IS : 280-1978 Mild steel wire for general engineering purposes (third revision) 313
IS : 432 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire
for concrete reinforcement:
IS : 432 (Part I)-1982 Part I Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars (third revision) 314
IS : 432 (Part II)-1982 Part II Hard-drawn steel wire (third revision.) 315
IS : 1139-1966 Hot rolled mild steel, medium tensile steel and high yield strength 315
steel deformed bars for concrete reinforcement (revised)
IS : 1566-1982 Hard-drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement (second 317
IS : 1785 Plain hard-drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete:
IS : 1785 (Part I)-1966 Part I Cold-drawn stress-relieved wire (revised) 318
IS : 1785 (Part II)-I%7 Part II As-drawn wire 319
IS : 1786-1979 Cold-worked steel high strength deformed bars for concrete 319
reinforcement (second revision >
IS : 2090-1962 High tensile steel bars used in prestressed concrete 320
IS : 6003- 1970 Indented wire for prestressed concrete 321
IS : 6006-1970 Uncoated stress relieved strand for prestressed concrete 321
IS : 7887-1975 Mild steel wire rod for general engineering purposes 323
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1521-1972Method for tensile testing of steel wire first revision), IS : 1755-1961Method
for wrapping test of wire and 8 of the standard.
SP : 21-1983
(Third Revision)
1. Scope - Requirements of mild steel and medium 5.2 Coiled Rounds and Squares
tensile steel plain bars in round and square sections for ,
use as reinforcement in concrete. 5.2.1 Size - 310.5 mm for size up to and includ-
2. Types and Grades ing 12 mm.
a) Mild steel bars; Grade I and Grade II, and 5.2.2 Out of shupe - Permissible value at any
b) Medium tensile steel bars. cross section shall not exceed 0.65 mm.
Note - Grade II bars am not recommended for use in ”
structures located in earthquake zones subjected to severe damage Note 1 - Size shall be diameter in case of round bars and side
and for structures subjected to dynamic loading (other than wind width in case of square bars.
Note 2 - No weight tolerance shall be applicable in case of
3. Freedom from Defects - Finished bars shall be
coiled round and square bars.
sound and free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations
and rough, jagged and imperfect edges, etc.
6. Physical Requirements
4. Nominal Sizes - Diameter of round bars or
side of square bars shall be 5,6,8, 10, 12,16,20,22, 6.1 Ultimate tensile stress, yield stress and percent-
25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 45 and 50 mm. age elongation shall be as given in Table 1.
5. Tolerance
5.1.1 Size
Size Tolerance
/ Min Min Min
i) Mild Steel Grade I
mm mm mm
- 25 +0.5 For bars up to and includ- 410 250 23
35 +0.6 ing 20 mm
35 50 f0.8 For bars over 20 mm, up to 410 240 23
50 80 +1.0 and including 50 mm
80 100 f1.3 ii) Mild Steel Grade II
100 - f 1.6 per- For bars up to and includ- 370 225 23
cent of dia or ing 20 mm
side width For bars over 20 to 370 215 23 L..
mm, up
5.1.2 Ovality and out-of-square - Permissible and including 50 mm
ovality for round bars and out-of-square of square bars iii) Medium Tensile Steel
shall be 75 percent of total tolerance (plus and minus) For bars up to and includ- 540 350 20
specified on size. ing 16 mm
For bars over 16 mm, up to 540 340 20
5.1.3 Weight and including 32 mm
Size Tolerance,
, I\ . Percent For bars over 32 mm, up to 510 330 20
and including 50 mm
Over Up to and
Including_ *Elongation on a gauge length 5.65 * where So is the
mm mm cross-sectional area of the test piece.
- 10 ’ t-7
10 16 +5
16 - +3 6.2 Bend Test - Shall withstand the specified test.
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1608-1972 Method for tensile testing of steel products (first revision), IS : 1599-1974
Method for bend test for steel products other than sheet, strip, wire and tube Cfirst revision) (both read in conjunctionwith
IS : 226-1975 Specification for structural steel (standard quality) GJ?h revision) and 9 of the standard.
Note 2-For chemical composition refer to see4 of thestandard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 432 (Part I)-1982 Specification for mild steel and medium tensile
steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part I Mild steel and medium tensile steel
bars (third revision).
Note l-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1521-1972 Method for tensile testing of steel wire Cfirst revision), IS:1716-1971 Method
for reverse bend testing of steel wire Cfirst revision) and 8 of the standard.
SP : 21-1983
4. Freedom from Defects - Finished bars shall be 7.2 Bend Test - Shah withstand the specified test.
sound and free from cracks, harmful surface flaws,
7.3 R&end Test - Shall withstand the specified
laminations, rough and imperfect edges, etc.
Note l-For test procedures, refer to 1S : 1608-1972 Method for tensile testing of steel products (first revision), IS : 1599-1974
Method for bend test for steel products other than sheet, strip, wire and tube and 10 of the standard.
Note 2-For chemical composition see 4 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1139-1966 Specification for hot rolled mild steel, medium tensile
steel and high yield strength steel deformed bars for concrete reinforcement (revised).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for hard-drawn steel wire b) Size of sheet 525 mm for dimensions up to
fabric consisting of hard-drawn steel wire with cross 5 m.
wires electrically welded to them for use as concrete f?4 pexent for dimensions
reinforcement. over 5, mm
c) Mass
i) When neither maximum nor +6 percent
2. Types minimum mass specified
a) Oblong mesh, and ii) When maximum mass speci- T y2percent
b) Square mesh. iii) When minimum mass speci- ‘_A* percent
3. Material - Wire used shall be hard-drawn steel 7. Mechanical properties
wire suitable for welding. 7.1 Shall meet the minimum requirements forphysi-
cal properties as prescribed in IS : 432 (Part II)-1982*.
4. Sizes of Sheets or Rolls - Width of fabric shall 7.2 Bend Test - Test piece shall withstand one
be such as to fit in with modular size of 10 cm module. complete cycle of reverse bend around a pin of size
indicated below:
5. Mass - Calculated on the basis that steel Diameter of Diameter of Pin
weighs 0.785 kg/cm2 of nominal cross-sectional area Specimen Wire
per metre run. Actual weight is determined by weigh-
7.5 mm and under Equal to diameter of
ing any convenient size and if possible at least one specimen
square metre . Equal to twice the
Over 7.5 mm
diameter of specimen
6. Tolerances *Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and
hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part II Hard-
a) Pitch: f7% percent drawn steel wire (third revision).
Note l-For mesh sizes, weights and sizes of wires for square and oblong welded wire fabric commonly manufactured see
Appendix A of the standard.
Note 2-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1521-1972 Method for tensile testing of steel wire (first revision), IS : 1716-1971
for reverse bend testine of steel wire ~first revision) and 11 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1566-1982 Specification for hard-drawn steel wire fabric for
concrete reinforcement (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for manufacture, supply 4.2 Proof Stress - Proof stress (which produces a
and testing of plain, cold-drawn, stress-relieved steel residual strain of 0.2 percent of original gauge length)
wire for use in prestressed concrete. shall not be less than 85 percent of minimum specified
tensile strength.
2. Nominal Sizes - 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0 and 4.3 Ductility - Shall withstand the prescribed re-
8.0 mm (nominal diameter). verse bend test.
4.4 Relaxation Stress - Shall not exceed 5 percent
3. Tolerances of initial stress at the end of 1 000 hours. When it is not
+0.05 mm for nominal sizes 3,4, 5,7 and 8 mm possible to conduct 1 000 hours relaxation test, wire
and f0.02,5 mm for nominal size 2.5 mm. may be accepted on basis of 100 hours test, provided
that relaxation stress at 100 hours is not more than
3.50 percent of the initial stress and provided manufac-
4. Physical Requirements turer furnishes proof establishing a relation between
relaxation test values at 1 000 hours and 100 hours.
4.1 Ultimate tensile strength and elongation after 4,s Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion -
rupture over a gauge length of 200 mm: Manufacturer shall provide proof that wire is not sus-
ceptible to stress corrosion-.
Nominal diameter, mm 2.5 3 4 5 7 8
Ultimate tensile strength, 205 190 175 160 150 140 4.6 There shall be no welds or joints in the finished
kgf/mm2, Min wire as supplied to the purchaser. Any welds or joints
Elongation, percentage, 2.5 2.5 3 4 4 4 made during manufacture to promote continuity of
Min operations shall be removed.
Note I---For test procedures, refer to IS : 1521-1972 Method for tensile testing of steel wire f&t revision), IS : 1716-1971 Method
for reverse bend testing of steel wire ffirst revision) and 7 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1785 (Part I)-1966 Specification for plain hard-drawn steel wire for
prestressed concrete: Part I Cold-drawn stress-relieved wire (revised).
___ __~
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for cold-worked steel Ncvninal Size Cross Sectional Mass Per Metre
high strength deformed bars for use as reinforcement in (Dimeter) Area Run
concrete, in two strength grades as: Fe 415 (N/mm2) (mm) (mm2) (kg)
and Fe 500(Nlmm2). 18 254.6 1.999
20 314.3 2.467
2. Nominal Sizes (Diameters)
22 380.3 2.985
Nominal Size Cross Sectional Mass Per Metre 25 491.1 3.855
(Diameter) Area Run 28 616.0 4.836
(mm) (mm21 0%) 32 804.6 7.994
6 28.3 0.222 40 1257.2 9.869
8 50.3 0.395 45 1591.1 12.490
10 78.6 0.617 50 1964.3 15.424
12 113.1 0.888 Note - The nominalsize (diameter)of a deformedbar is equal
16 201.3 1.579 to thatof a plain roundbar havingthesamemasspermetrelength.
SP : 21-1983
5. Physical Properties
6. Chemical Composition
Characteristic Fe 415 Fe 500
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1608-1972 Method for tensile testing of steel products (first revision), IS : 1599-1974Bend
test for steel oroducts other than sheet, strip. wire and tube (first revision) and 7 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 17861979 Specification for cold-worked steel high strength
deformed bars for concrete reinforcement (second revision).
Nole I-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1608-1972 Method for tensile testing of steel products (firsf revision) and 9 of the
Note 2-For chemical composition see 7 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 20&l-1962 Specification for high tensile steel bars used in
prestressed concrete.
SP : II-1983
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1521-1972 Method for tensile testing of steel wire (first revision), IS : 1716-1971 Method for
reverse bend testing of steel wire Cfirsr revision) and 8 of Ihe sfmdard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6003-1970 Specification for indented wire forprestressed concrete.
1. Scope - Requirements for manufacture, supply 3. Material -Element wire shall be cold drawn
and testing of uncoated stress relieved, high tensile from plain carbon steel, containing not more than
steel strands for use in prestressed concrete. The fol- 0.050 percent each of sulphur and phosphorus.
lowing types of strands are coveEd:
a) Two wire strand, 4. Manufacture of Strand - Seven wire strand
shall have a centre wire at least 1.5 percent greater in
b) Three wire strand, and
diameter than surrounding wires enclosed tightly by 6
c) Seven wire strand. helically placed outer wires with a uniform length of
lay of at least 12 times but not more than 16 times the
2. Siie and Designation - Two wire and three wire nominal diameter of the strand. Length of lay for 2 and
strand designated by number and diameter of element 3 wire strands shall be uniform and shall be 24 to 36
wires. Seven wire strand designated by approximate times the diameter of element wire. Wires shall not
overall diameter of the strand and the number of element unravel when strand is cut. After stranding, strands
Wk. shall be subjected to stress relieving.
SP : 21-1983
For detailed infot?nation, refer to IS : 6006-1970 Specification for uncoated stress relieved strand for
prestressed concrete.
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1608-1972 Method for tensile testing of steel products Cfirst revision) and IS : 1599-1974
Method for bend test for steel products other than sheet, strip, wire and tube Cfirsf revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7887-1975 Specification for mild steel wire rod for general
engineering purposes.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
IS : 226-1975 Structural steel (standard quality) (fifth revision) 327
1s : 961-1975 Structural steel (high tensile) (second revision) 328
IS : 1977-1975 Structural steel (ordinary quality) (second revision) 329
IS : 2062-1980 Structural steel (fusion welding quality) (second revision) 330
IS : 8500-1977 Weldable structural steel (medium and high strength qualities) 331
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for mild steel (standard 3. Freedom from Defects -Finished material
quality) plate, sections bars, etc, designated as shall be free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations,
Fe 410-S (St 42-S) for use in structural work. Steel may rough, jagged and imperfectedges, etc. Minor surface
also be supplied in copper bearing quality in which defects may be removed by grinding provided the
case it shall be designated as Fe 410 Cu-S (St 42-SC). thickness is not reduced locally by more than 4 percent
Note - Steel specified in this standard is suitable for welding (with a maximum of 3 mm).
provided that the thickness of material does not exceed 20 mm.
When the material conforming to this standard is over 20 mm 4. Mechanical Properties
thick, special precautions may be required in case the material is to
be welded (see IS : 823-1964*). 4.1 Tensile Test
Plates, flats, angles, tees, beams, channels, etc Be(ow 6 Bend test only shall be required
6 to 20 42-54 26 23
Over 20 42-54 24 23
up to 40
Over 40 42-54 23 23
Bars (round, square and hexagonal) Below 10 Bend test only shall be required
IO to 20 42-54 26 23
Over 20 42-54 24 23
Note 1-I N/mmz= 1 MN/mZ=0.102 kgf/mm2.
Note 2-Provided that the yield stress and elongation requirements are complied with, the upper limit for tensile strength
may be raised by 3 kgf/mm2.
Note 3-If agreed to mutually, the material with thickness below 6 mm may be supplied with tensile property requirements.
*Specification for rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled steel
*Code of procedure for manual arc welding of mild steel. products (second revision).
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1608-1972 Method of tensile testing of steel products (first revision), IS : 1599-1974 Method
for bend test for steel products other than sheet, strip, wire and tube (first revision) and 7 and 8 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 226-1975 Specification for structural steel (standard quality) (fifth
SP : 21-1983
1. !kope - Requirements for high tensile steel of two 3.2 Bend Test - Shall withstand without cracking,
grades designated as Fe 570-HT (St 58-HT) and the prescribed test when doubled over until internal
Fe 54OW-HT (St 55-HTw) for use in structural work. diameter is not greater than 3 times the thickness of test
Fe 57CMT (St 58-HT) is intended for use in structures piece (2 times in case of bars up to 25 mm diameter).
where fabrication is done by methods other than welding.
Fe 54OW-l-IT (St 55-HTw) is intended for use in struc- 3.3 Weldability - Steel is acceptable if at no point
tures where welding is employed for fabrication and the hardness exceeds 35Ow. If this limit is exceeded,
where guaranteed weldability is required. it will be necessary to take special precautions when
Steel may also be supplied in copper bearing quality in welding, the thickness of the plate being taken into
which case the two grades shall be designated as account. Values higher than 350 HV may be accepted
Fe 570Cu-HT (St 58-HTC) and Fe 540 CuW-HT for certain low alloy steels.
(St 55-HT WC).
4. Dimensions and Tolerances - Dimensions of
Note - In this standard high tensile structural steel has been rolled ‘steel products shall conform to the relevent
classified into two grades designated as Fe 570-HT (St 58-HT) and
Fe 540 W-HT (St 55-HTw). Steel Fe 540 W-HT (St 55-HTw) is
Indian Standards as listed in Table 4 of the standard.
intended for use in structures where fusion welding is employed. Rolling and cutting tolerances shall conform to
IS : 1852-1973*.
2. Freedom from Defects -Finished material 5. Weight - Calculated on the basis that steel
shall be free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations, weighs 7.85 g/cm’.
rough, jagged and imperfected edges, etc.
3. Mechanical Properties
*Specification for rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled steel
3.1 Tensile Test products (second r&&r).
Note l-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1608-1972 Method of tensile testing of steel products lfirsr revision), IS : 1599-1974
Method of bend test for steel products other than sheet, strip, wire and tube Cfirsf revision), 7, 8 and Appendix A of fhe sfandard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 961-1975 Specification for structural steel (high tensile) (second
SP : 21-1983
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1608-1972Method of tensile testing of steel products (first revision), IS : 1599-1974 Method
of bend test for steel products other than sheet, strip, wire and tube (first revision), 7, 8 and Appendix A of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1977-197.5 Specification for structural steel (ordinary quality)
(second revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for mild steel (fusion 3.2 Bend Test - Test piece shall withstand without
welding quality designated as Fe 4 10-W (St 42-W), fracture, being doubled over until internal diameter is
intended for use in structures subjected to dynamic not greater than three times its thickness (two times in
loading where welding is employed for fabrication and case of bars up to 25 mm diameter).
where fatigue and fluctuation and reversal of stresses
3.3 Weldability Test - Shall satisfy the prescribed
are involved, such as crane gantry girders, bridges,
tests(applicable for plates with thicknesses between28
etc. The steel may also be supplied in copper-bearing
and 50 mm)
quality designated as Fe 410 Cu-W (St 42-WC).
3.4 Charpy Impact Test- Shall be carried out at
sub-zero temperature, if required by the purchaser.
2. Freedom from Defects - Finished steel shall be
free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations, rough, 4. Dimensions and Tolerances - Dimensions of
jagged and imperfect edges, etc. Minor defects may be rolled steel products shall conform to the relevant
removed by grinding provided the thickness is not Indian Standards as listed in Table 3 ofthe standard.
reduced locally by more than 4 percent (with a Rolling and cutting tolerances shall conform to
maximum of 3 mm). IS : 1852-1973*.
*Specification for rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled steel
3.1 Tensile Test products (second rwision).
Note l-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1608-1972 Method of tensile testing of steel products (first revision), IS : 1599-1974
Method of bend test for steel products other than sheets, strip, wire and tube (first revision) and 7 to 10 of the standard.
SP : 21-1983
Note 2 - These steels are specific class of steels in which 5. Tolerances - Unless otherwise agreed the rol-
enhanced mechanical properties are obtained by the incorporation ling and cutting tolerances shall conform to IS : 1852-
of low proportions of one or more alloying elements, besides 1973*.
6. Mass - Shall be calculated on the basis that steel
2. Freedom from Defects - Finished material
weighs 7.85 g/cm’.
shall be free from cracks; surface flaws; laminations:
rough, jagged and imperfect edges; and other such *Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled steel products first
defects. Minor surface defects may be removed by revision).
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm* N/mm* N/mm2 N/mm2 J J
Fe 440-HT 1 440-560 300 300 290 280 By agreement 20 3u - -
Fe 440-HT 2 440-560 300 300 290 280 -do- 20 3T - -
Fe 490-HT 490-610 350 340 330 320 -do- 20 3T - -
Fe 490-HTA 490-6 10 350 340 330 320 -do- 21 3T 40 30
Fe 490-HTB 490-610 350 340 330 320 -do- 22 2T 45 35
Fe 540-HT 540-660 410 400 390 380 -do- 19 3T -
Fe 540-HTA 540-660 410 400 390 380 -do- 20 3T 35 25
Fe 540-HTB 540-660 410 400 390 380 -do- 21 2T 40 30
Fe 570-HT 570-720 450 440 430 420 -do- 18 3T 30 20
Fe 590-HT 590-740 490 480 - - - 18 3T - -
Fe 640-HT 640-790 540 530 - - - 17 3T - -
Note l- -IN/mm2 = 1 MN/m2 = 0.102 kgf/mm* = 1 MPa.
Note 2-Higher impact values than specified will be subject to mutual agreement.
Note J-The requirements more stringent than those specified above may be agreed between the purchaser and the
*Code for designation of steel Cfirst revision).
t T is the thickness of the test piece.
Note l-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1608-1972 Method for tensile testing of steei products (first revision), IS : 1599-1974
Method for bend test for steel products other than steel strip, wire and tube (fkst revision) and IS : 1757-1974 Method for beam
impact test (V-notch) on steel (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8500-1977 Specification for weldable structural steel (medium and
high strength qualities).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for the following 4 clas- Note - For details regarding dimensions and weights see 6 of
ses of plain and corrugated galvanized steel sheets the standard.
produced by hot dip process:
4. Tolerances
Class 1 Extra heavy coating of zinc, nominal
75og/n?. Length - + 10 mm or +0.5 percent of length
Class 2 Heavy coating of zinc, nominal 600 g/m2 whichever is higher.
Class 3 Medium coating of zinc, nominal
450 g/m:, and Overall width after corrugation - + 10 mm.
Class 4 Light coating of zinc, nominal Length of diagonals of sheet shall not differ by
375 g/m2. more than 20 mm.
This standard also covers the requirements for Depth of corrugation - + 1.5 mm.
galvanized steel sheets in coil form.
Pitch of corrugation - 22.0 mm.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for expanded metal (LWM) of the diamond, and width and thickness of the
steel used for general purposes. strands.
2. Size of Mesh - Based on measurements of
shortway of mesh (SWM) and longway of mesh 3. Dimensions
SP : 21-1983
Note 1 -For test procedures, refer to IS : 1663-1972Method for tensile testing of steel sheet and strip of thickness 0.5 mm to 3 mm
(first revision),and IS : 1692-1974 Method for simple bend testing of steel sheet and strip less than 3 mm thick (first revision).
Note 2-For chemical composition see 3.1 and 3.2 of fhe standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 412-1975 Specification for expanded metal steel sheets for general
purposes (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
*Dimensions for steel plate, sheet and strip for structural and 7. Rend Test - Shall withstand the prescribed test.
general engineering purposes: Part II Sheet (first revision).
tDimensions for steel plate, sheet and strip for structural and *Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel products
general engineering purposes: Part III Strip (first revision). (secondrevision).
Note l-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1663-1972 Method for tensile testing of steel sheet and strip of thickness 0.5 mm to 3 mm
(first revision), IS : 1608-1972 Method of tensile testing of steel products (first revision), IS : 1692-1974 Method of simple bend
testing of steel sheet and strip less than 3 mm thickness (first revision) and 6 and 7 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1079-1973 Specification for hot rolled carbon steel sheet and strip
(third revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for cold rolled carbon 4. Hardness Test - Grade ‘0 ’ strips, when sub-
steel strip having carbon content up to a maximum of jetted to Rockwell hardness test shall conform to
0.2 percent and of thickness up to 5 mm and width requirements given in table given below. Grade ‘D’
below 600 mm intended for general engineering sheets in annealed and skin-padded conditions
purposes. Carbon steel strip covered by this specifica- shall also conform to hardness values given
tion may be case hardened but their suitability is not therein.
2. Tempers - Shall be supplied in any of the 5. Edge Condition - Cold-rolled strips shall be
following tempers: supplied with mill, trimmed or slit edges.
No. 1 Hard Produced by heavy cold rolling
No. 2 Half hard Produced by cold rolling, anneal- 6. Freedom from Defects - Shall be free from
ing and further cold rolling to scale, rust, blisters, laminations, pitting and cracked
give strip of intermediate edges.
No. 3 Quarter hard hardness values.
No. 4 Skin passed Produced by light cold rolling 7. Surface Finish - Bright, plating, mirror, matt,
’ after annealing dark annealed and blue.
No. 5 Annealed Produced by a final annealing
(dead soft) Extra process
hard, three- Produced by varying degrees of
quarter hard, cold rolling
medium hard,
eighth hard
Note 2-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1692-1974 Method for simple bend testing of steel sheet and strip less than 3 mm thick
(first revision), IS : 1586-1968Methods for Rockwell hardness test (B and C scales) for steel Cfirsf revision) and 6 to 8 of thestandard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4030-1973 Specification for cold rolled carbon steel strip for general
engineeringpurposes (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for cold-rolled medium, 4. Freedom from Defects - Shall be free from
and high carbon and low alloy steel strips of thickness scales, rust, blisters, laminations, pitting and cracked
up to 3 mm and width up to 330 mm intended for edges.
general engineering purposes.
2. Chemical Analysis - Carbon content (percent) 5. Edge Condition - Shall be supplied with mill,
on ladle analysis shall be as follows: trimmed or slit edges.
Note - For manganese, silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, 6. Surface Finish - Bright finish.
chromium and tungstencontents, refer to 4 of the srundurd.
Note - For rolling tolerances see 9 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7226-1974 Speci$cation for cold-roiled medium, high carbon and
low alloy steel strip for general engineering purposes.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For detailed information regarding weight, area of cross section, moment of inertia, modulus of section, radius
gyration, etc. see Table 1 of the standard.
4. Tolerances\
a) Outside diameter:
Up to and including 48.3 mm +0.4 mm
-0.8 mm
Over 48.3 mm f 1.0 percent
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1161-1979 Specification for steel tubes for structuralpurposes (third
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1894-1972 Method of tensile testing of steel tubes (first revision), IS : 1328-1963 Method
of flattening test on steel tubes, IS : 2329-1963 Method for bend test on steel tubes, IS : 2335-1963 Method for drift expanding test on
steel tubes and 14 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : I239 (Part I)-1979 Specification for mild steel tubes, tubulars and
other wrought steel fittings: Part I Mild steel tubes (fourth revision).
SP : 21-1983
3.1.3 Bends and springs - Bends and springs 125x80; 125x100; 150x80; and 150x 100.
shall be with 90”, 112.5”, 135” and 157.5” angles. 3.2.5 Tees, reducing (on the run and branch, or L..
Tolerance k1.5”.
on run only)
3.1.4 Return bends Nominal sizes of outlets - 20x 15x 15;
3.1.5 Sockets
SP : 21-1983
3.2.9 Elbows, round, male a&female, equal Nominal size 15, 20,25, 32, 40,50,65, 80, 100,
-of outlets 125, and 150
Nominal size of outlet - 8, 10, 15,20, 25, 32,
40, 50, 65, 80 and 100. 3.2.16 Socket unions and pipe unions
Nominal size 6 8 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80
3.2.10 Elbows, equal, 135”
of outlet 100 125 150
Minimum Length:
Nominal size 6 8 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 65
Socket 38 44 51 57 67 76 85 100 110
of outlet 80 100
Minimum length 16 17 19 22 27 33 38 44 51 60 120 135 160 185 210
center to face Pipe 95 100 110 115 120 125 135 140
73 105
150 165 180 205 215 230
’ \
SP : 21-1983
5. Pressure Tests - Each fitting after being 6. Workmanship - Tubulars and fittings shall be
screwed shall withstand without any signs of leakage: cleanly finished and reasonably free from scale,
surface flaws, laminations, etc.
a) internal hydraulic pressure of 5 MPa, and
b) internal air pressure of 0.7 MPa while im-
mersed in water or light oil.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1239 (Part II)-1982 Specification for mild steel tubes, tubulars and
other wrought steel fittings: Part II Mild steel tubulars and other wrought steel pipe fittings (third
SP : 21-1983
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1894-1972Method for tensile testing of steel tubes first revision)and IS : 2328-1963 Method
for flattening test on steeltubes.
For detailed information, iefer to IS : 4270-1967 Specification for steel tubes used for water wells.
1. Scope- Requirements for welded and seamless 2. Designation - Tubes are designated by a sym-
elliptical mild steel tubes for structurals and heat ex- bol indicating major axis, minor axis and thickness,
changers. preceded by the word ‘Elliptical’.
SP : 21-1983
Length (ha) Width (ba) Thickness Length (h,) Width (ba) Thickness
28 21 1.6 40 23 2.0
28 21 2.0 44 19 1.6
30 19 1.6 54 25 2.0
30 19 2.0 56 36.5 2.0
33.5 16.5 1.6 60 30 2.0
33.5 16.5 2.0 71.4 21 1.2
35.5 14 1.6 71.4 21 1.4
35.5 14 2.0 71.4 21\ 1.6
38 25 - 1.6 71.4 21 2.0
38 25 2.0 75 15 1.6
40 23 1.6 75 15 2.0
Note l--For details regarding weight, moment of inertia, Use - Shall be tested to one and a half times the
elastic modulus and radius of gyration see Table 1 of the working pressure specified.
Note 2 - Area of cross section =A = 0.785 398 (b,h, - bihi)
in cm2 7. Mechanical Properties
Weight = W=O.785 A (kg/metre)
Moment of inertia = Ix = 0.049 087 (b,hi - bib:)
in cm’ 7.1 Tensile Test - Minimum ultimate tensile
Elastic modulus of section = Zx = 0.098 175 (b, strength 34 kgf1mn-G; minimum yield stress 21.5
hi - bjhi2) in cm3 kgfhnm2 and elongation shall not be less than 950
Where hi and bi are internal length and width
divided by ultimate tensile strength in kgflmm2 subject
of cross section, and h, and b, are external
length and width of cross section. to minimum of 20 percent.
4. Tdlerances
7.2 Bend Test
a) Thickness - ?I 10 percent
7.2.1 Finished tube shall not crack when bent cold
b) Outside dimensions - f0.5 mm up to 50
with major axis in the plane of bending through 90”
mm size and t- 1 percent above 50 mm size.
round a former having a radius at the bottom of groove
c) Tolerance on weight
equal to four times the outside length of major axis of
For quantities of less than 150 m - +8 per-
For quantities of 150 m and above - +4 per- 7.2.2 Tubes shall not crack when bent at red heat
cent. through 90” round a former of radius two times the
outside length of major axis.
5. Lengths - Tubes shall normally be supplied in
random lengths from 4 to 7 m.
8. Oiling and Painting - All tubes shall be
’ 6. Hydraulic Test for Tubes for Heat Exchanger varnished painted or oiled externally.
Note- For test procedures, refer to IS : 1894-1962Method for tensile testing of steel tubes (first revision) and IS : 2329-1963 Method
for bend test on steel tubes.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 45161968 Specification for elliptical mild steel tubes.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 1894-1962 Method for tensile testing of steel tubes (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4923-1968 Specification for hollow steel sections for structural use.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
is : 733-1975 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy bars, rods and sections (for 349
general engineering purposes) (second revision)
IS : 737-1974 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, sheet and strip (for general 350
engineering purposes) (second revision)
IS : 1254-1975 Corrugated aluminium sheet (second revision) 351
IS : 7094-1973 Aluminium and aluminium alloy welded tubes for general engineering 352
SP : 21-1983
Note-For chemical composition and mechanical properties (0.2 percent proof stress, tensile strength and elongation) see 5 (Tables 1
and 2) of fhe standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 733-1975 Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy
bars, rods and sections (for general engineering purposes) (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
b) Strip - Cold rolled product, supplied in coil 51000-A Appliances and utensils, archi- 0, HI, H2
tectural trims, consumer dura- H3, H4
with slit edges, 0.14 to 5 mm thick. bles with attractive anodized
3. Dimensions and Tolerances - As given in
IS : 2676-1981*. 51000-B Architectural applications; high 0, Hl, H2
anodizing quality kitchen ware H3, H4
4. Characteristics and Typical Uses of Alloys and cooking utensils, consumer
durables; bathroom fittings,
auto trim, air-conditioner and
Designa- Typical Uses Condition t TV housing; chemical equip-
ment , marine applications and
19000 Panelling and moulding; refrige- 0, Hl, H2 refrigerator trim
ration tubing equipment for H3, H4
chemical, food and brewing 51300 General purpose alloy which can 0, HI, H2
industries; packaging; cooking be used for most of the appli- H3, H4
utensils. Sheet metal work, cations of alloys 31000 (NS3)
architectural and builder’s and 19000 (SIC)
hardware, spun/pressed hollow-
ware, deep drawn parts, clad- 52000 Panelling and structures, sheet 0, Hl, H2
ding, welding wire and electri- metal work and domestic appli- H3, H4
cal appliances ances
24345 Heavy duty forgings, structures w, WP 53000 Shipbuilding; rivets; pressure 0, Hl, H2
where high mechanical proper- vessels and other processing H3, H4
ties are of utmost importance, tanks; cryogenics and welded
aircraft application of clad structures
sheets, extrusions and orna-
54300 Welded structures, cryogenic 0, HI, H2
applications, structural marine
31000 General purpose alloy for mode- 0, Hl, H2 applications, rail and road tank
rate strength applications, H3, H4 cars, rivets and missile compo-
pressure vessels, irrigation tub- nents
ing, heat exchangers, utensils
and pressure cookers, roofing 55000 Shipbuilding and other applica- 0, Ii1
sheets, pilferproof and detona- tions demanding moderately
tor caps, air-conditioning high strength with good corro-
ducting fan blades and vehicle sion resistance; rivets, zippers,
panelling welding wire, etc
SP : 21-1983
Note- For chemical composition and mechanical properiies (0.2 percent proof stress,tensile strength, elongation and bend tes$) ,
see 5 (Tables 1 and 2) of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 737-1974 Specifkation for wrought aluminium and aluminium
alloys, sheet and strip (for general engineering purposes) (second revision).
2. Material - Shall be made from sheets in alloy General purpose : 650 and 800 mm overall
and temper conforming to Alloy 31000-H4, 31500- Industrial : 795 mm overall
H4, 40800-H4 or 51300-H4 of IS : 737-1974*. Building : 830 mm overall
4.2.1 Tolerance 1 f 1Omm for sheets 0.45 mm
3. Profile
and above in thickness. less than 0.45 mm
For sheets
thick, tolerance shall be as mutually agreed.
3.1 General Purpose Sheer
Pitch : 75 mm 4.3 Len@ - 1 800, 2 400,3 000 and 3 600 mm.
Depth : 19mm 4.3.1 Tolerance - _+6 mm.
3.2 Industrial Sheet 4.4 Squareness -Diagonal distances of a sheet
Pitch : 125rnm shall notdifferbymorethan20mmfor sheetsO. mm
Depth : 38 mm and above in thickness. For sheets less than 0.45 mm
-- thick, it shall be as mutually agreed.
*Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys,
sheet and strip (for general engineering purposes) (second revision). 5. Finish - As rolled.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For test procedures, refer to IS : 2657-1964 Method for tensile testing of aluminium and aluminium alloy tube, IS : 4599-1%8
Method for drift expanding test on aluminium and aluminium alloy tubes, and IS : 4177-1967 Method for flattening test of
aluminium and aluminium alloy tubes.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7094-1973 Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy welded
tubes for general engineering purposes.
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
IS : 811-1965 Cold formed light gauge structural steel sections (revised) 355
IS : 1173-1978 Hot rolled and slit steel tee bars (second revision) 358
IS : 1852-1979 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel products 359
(third revision)
IS : 2314-1963 Steel sheet piling sections 361
IS : 3443-1980 Crane rail sections (first revision) 361
IS : 3908-1966 AIuminium equal leg angles 362
IS : 3909-1966 Aluminium unequal leg angles 363
IS : 3921-1966 Aluminium channels 364
IS : 3954-1966 Hot-rolled steel channel sections for general engineering purposes 364
IS : 3964-1980 Light rails (first revision) 365
IS : 5384-1969 Aluminium I-beams 365
IS : 6445-1971 Aluminium tee-sections 366
,IS : 808-1964 Rolled steel beam, channel and angle sections (revised) 367
IS : 808 (Part I)-1973 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel beams: Part I MB series (second 368
IS : 808 (Part II)-1978 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel sections: Part II Columns-SC 369
series (second revision)
IS : 808 (Part III)-1979 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel beam, channel and angle sec- 369
tions: Part III Channel-MC and MCP series (second revision)
IS : 808 (Part V)-1976 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel sections: Part V Equal leg angles 371
(second revision)
IS : 808 (Part VI)-1976 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel sections: Part VI Unequal leg 372
angles (second revision)
IS : 1730 Dimensions for steel plate, sheet and strip for structural and
general engineering purposes:
IS : 1730 (Part-I)-1974 Part I Plate (first revision) 375
IS : 1730 (Part-II)-1974 Part II Sheet (first revision) 376
IS : 1730 (Part-III)-1974Part III Strip (first revision) 376
IS : 1731-1971 Dimensions for steel flats for structural and general engineering 377
purposes (first revision)
IS : 1732-1971 Dimensions for round and square steel bars for structural and 378
general engineering purposes (first revision) L
IS : 2678-1972 Dimensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, 379
drawn tube (first revision)
IS : 3965-1981 Dimensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, bar, 380
rod and section (first revision)
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21.1983
Size Thickness Lip Area Weight Size Thickness Lip Area Weight
per per
Metre Metre
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
mmXmm mm mm cm2 kg mmXmm mm mm cm* kg
Note-For detailed dimensions and properties, namely, moment of inertia, moduli of section, etc, refer to Tables 1 to 11 of
the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 811-1965 Specification for cold formed right gauge structural steel
sections (revised).
- -
SP : 21-1983
(Third Revision)
1. Scope - Lays down rolling and cutting toler- IS : 961-1975*, IS : 1079-19737, IS : 1977-1975$,
antes for hot-rolled structural steel beams, channels,
equal and unequal leg angles, tee bars, bulb angles,
round and square bars (other than bars meant for
*Specification for structural steel (high tensile) (seco& revision).
fasteners), flats, plates, strips and sheets rolled from
structural steels conforming to IS : 226-1975*, ‘fSpeciIicationfor hot rolled carbon steel sheet and strip (third
*Specification for structural steel (standard quality) (fifth SSpfxification for structural steel (ordinary quality) (second
revision ) revision).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1852-1979 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel
products (third revision).
SP : 21-1983
4. Dimensions
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2314-1963 Specification for steel sheet piling sections.
. ..
SP : 21-1983
Note 2-Dimensions of some of the rail sections commonly used in country (non-metric sections) alongwith relevant tolerances and
sectional properties are covered in Appendix A of rhe sfandard.
Note 3-For methods of tests refer to IS : 1500-1968 Method of Brine11 hardness test for steel (firsf revision), and IS : 1608-1972
Methods for tensile testing of steel products (first revision).
Note 1-A B denote lengths of legs and t the thickness of the angle.
Note 2-For detailed dimensions and properties, namely, moment of inertia, radius of gyration, etc, see 5 and Table 1 of the standard.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Lays down dimensions of aluminium 3. Material - Shall be extruded from following
unequal leg angles for structural use. aluminium alloys specified in IS : 733-1975*: HE 9,
HE 14,HE 15,HE20,HE30,NE4,NE5indNE8.
2. Designation - Indian Standard Aluminium Un-
equal Leg Angles (ISALU). 4. Dimensions (mm) and Properties
Note-For detailed dimensions and properties, such as, sectional area, moment of inertia, radius of gyration and modulus of section,
see 5 and Table 1 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3909-1966 Specification for aluminium unequal leg angles.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Lays down dimensions of structural 3. Material - Shall be extruded from following
aluminium channels. aluminium alloys specified in IS : 733-1975*: HE 9,
HE 14, HE 15, HE 20, HE 30, NE 4, NE 5 and NE 8.
2. Designation - Indian Standards Aluminium
Channels (ISALC). 4. Dimensions and Sectional Properties
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3954-1966 Specification for hot-rolled steel channel sections for
general engineering purposes. .
SP : 21-1983
Note 1 -For detailed dimensions and sectional properties of rail sections, refer to Tables 1 and 2 of rhe standard.
Note Z-For method of test, refer to IS : 1608- 1972 Method for tensile testing of steel products (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3964-1980 Specification for light rails (first revision).
1. Scope - Lays down dimensions of structural 4. Material - Sections shall be extruded from the
aluminium I-beam sections. following ahuninium alloys specified in IS : 733
1975* HE 9, HE 14, HE 15, HE 20, HE 30, NE 4,
2. Designation - Designated ISALB followed by NE5andNE8.
depth of section and width of flange in mm and weight
in kg/m. *Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys,
bars, rods and sections (for general engineering purposes) (second
3. Weight - Calculated on basis of 2.7 g/cm3. revision).
SP : 21-1983
2. Designation - Designated as ISALT, followed 5. Material - Sections shall be extruded from fol-
by depth of section and width of flange in mm, and lowing aluminium alloys specified in IS : 733-19753.
weight in kg per metre of section. HE9,HE 14,HE 15,HE200,HE30,NE4,NE5 and
NE 8.
Example :
Alumininm tee-section of depth 25 mm, width *Dimensionsfor wroughtaluminium and aluminiumalloys, bars,
25 mm and weight 0.4 kg/m shall be designated rods and sections (firs?revision).
as ISALT 25X25 - 0.4. tSpecification for wrought aluminium and aluminiuq alloys,
bars, rods and sections (for generalengineering purposes) (second
3. Dimensions and Sectional Properties revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6445-1971 Specification for aluminium tee-sections.
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
4.2 Channels:
Note -For detailed dimensions and geometrical properties, namely, moment of inertia, section moduli, etc, refer to Tables I and 2
of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 808-1964 Specification for rolled steel beam, channel and angle
sections (revised).
Note 1 -For detailed dimensions and sectional properties, namely, moment of inertia, section moduli, radius of gyration, etc, refer
to Table I of the standard.
Note 2-For dimensional and weight tolerances, refer to IS : 1852-1979 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel products
(third revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 808 (Part I)-1973 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel beams:Part I
MB series (Second revision).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 808 (Part I&1978 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel sections: Part II
Columns - SC series (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
3. Dimensions
*The heavier sections in each size intended for use in wagon building industry are to be obtained from same set of rolls as the
corresponding lightest section in that size group, by raising the rolls.
Note I-For detailed dimensions and sectional properties, namely, moment of inertia, section moduli, etc. refer to Tables I and 2 of
the standard.
Note Z-For dimensional and weight tolerances, refer to IS : 1852-1979 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel products
(third revisionJ.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 808 (Part III)-1979 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel beam, channel
and angle sections: Part III Channel -MC and MCP series (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note I-For detailed dimensions and sectional properties, namely, moment of inertia, moduli of section, etc, refer to Tables 1 and IA
of the standard.
Note 2 -For dimensional and weight tolerances, refer to IS : 1852-1’179Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel products
(third revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 808 (Part V)-1976 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel sections: Part V
Equal leg angles (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For detailed dimensions and sectional properties, namely, moment cf inertia, moduli of section, radii of gyration, etc, refer
to Tables 1 and 1A of the standard.
Note 2-For dimensional and weight tolerances, refer to IS : 1852-1979 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel products
(third revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 808 (Part VI)-1976 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel sections: Part VI
Unequal leg angles (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
1 900 950 1 000 1 100 1 200 1 250 1 400 1 500 1 600 1 800 2 000 2 200 2 500
2200 63 63 63 63 63 63 63- 63 63 63 63 63 63
2 500 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
3 200 63 63 63 63 %: 2: 2: 2: 63 :: :: 66.: 2,’
3 600 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
4000 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
4500 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
5 000 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
5 600 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 56
6 300 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 56 50
7 100 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 56 50 45
8 000 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 56 50 45 40
9 000 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 56 56 50 45 40 36
10 000 63 63 63 63 63 63 56 50 50 45 40 36 32
11000 63 63 63 63 56 56 50 50 45 40 36 32 28
12 500 63 63 63 56 50 50 45 40 40 36 32 28 25
13 500 63 63 56 50 50 45 40 40 36 32 28 25 25
--~ _____ _____..-- .-_-_ __.
4. Weight - Nominal weight cajculated on basis
that density of steel is 7.85 kg/cm3.
Note I--For nominal weights per metre of plates of different widths and thickness, see Table 3 of the sfondard.
Note 2-For tolerance on thickness size and weight of plate, refer to IS : 1852-1979Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel
products (thirdrevision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1730 (Part I)-I974 Dimensions for steel plate, sheet and strip for
structural and general engineeringpurposes:Part I Plate (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note l- For details regarding nominal surface area and weight per sheets see Table 2 of the standard.
Note 2-Weight has been calculated on the basis that density of steel is 7.85 g/ems.
Note 3-Tolerance on dimension and weight of sheets shall be as per IS : 1852-1979Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel
products (third revision).
For detailed: information, refer to IS : 1730 (Part II)-1974 Dimensions for steel plate, sheet and strip for
structural and general engineering purposes: Part II Sheet (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For weights per metre of strips of different widths and thicknesses see Table 1 of the standard.
Note 2-For tolerances refer to iS : 1852-1979 Rolling andcutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel products (third revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1730 (Part III)-1974 Dimensions for steel plate, sheet and strip for
structural and general engineering purposes: Part III Strip (first revision).
Width Thickness
10 3. 4 5 6
14 3 4 5 6 8
20 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18
25 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18
30 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20
35 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32
40 3 4 5 6 8 10 !2 16 18 20 25 32
45 - 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32
50 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40
55 - 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40
60 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45
65 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45
70 4 5 6 8 10 M 16 18 20 25 32 40 45 50
75 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45 50
80 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45 50
90 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45 50 60
100 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45 50 60
110 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45 50 60
120 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45 50 60
130 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45 50 60
140 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45 50 60
150 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45 50 60
160 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45
180 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45
200 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45
250 10 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 45
300 12 16 18 20 25 32 40 ‘45
400 16 18 20 25 32 40 45
*Specification for structural steel (standardquality) (@I revision). *Specilic~tion for structural steel (fusion welding quality) @rst
tSpecification for structural steel (high tensile) (second revision). revision).
$Specification for structural steel (ordinary quality) (second
SP : 21-1983
Note 1-Weight shall be calculated on the basis that steel weights 7.85 g/cm 3. For details regarding weight see Table 1 of the
Note 2-Flats above 160 mm in width will normally be supplied in round edges.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1731-1971 Dimensions for steel flats for structural and general
engineering purposes (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
-- __-..-
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2678-1972 Dimensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium
alloys, drawn tube (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note-For all tolerances, namely, dimensional tolerances of regular sections and solid bars, tolerances for concavity, convexity,
straightness and twist. and angular tolerance, refer to 4 of thestandard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3965-1981 Dimensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium
alloys, bar, rod and section (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
c) Transverse tensile test - Tensile strength e) Transverse impact test - Assessment shall
510-610 N/mm*. be in accordance with 5.1 (b).
f) Tests for determining d@sible hydrogen
d) Transverse bend test - Shall comply with content - Shall not exceed 10 ml per 100 g
5.1 (d) of deposited metal.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 814 (Part Z)-1974 Specificationfor covered electrodes formetal arc
welding of structural steeLPart Z For welding products other than sheets (fourth revision).
SP : 21-1983
6.2 Tensile Test - Tensile strength shall not be less 6.3 Guide Bend Test - Test piece shall develop no
than 410 N/mm* in case of normal penetration elec- crack beyond 1.5 mm.
trcdes including hydrogen controlled electrodes for
welding mild steel (Group 1) and 5 10 N/mm* incase of 6.4 Workability Test - The sectioned surface shall
hydrogen controlled normal penetration electrodes for be inspected for porosities, undercuts and overlaps
welding medium tensile steel sheets. near the starting and finishing ends of the weld run.
Note l--For classification of the electrodes, refer to IS : 815-1974 Classification and coding of cohered electrodes for metal arc
welding of structural steels (second revision).
Note 2-For detailed requirements of tests, refer to 9 of rhe standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 814 (Part II)-1974 Specification for covered electrodes for metal arc
welding of structural steel: Part II For welding sheets (fourth revision).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 815-1974 Classification and coding of covered electrodes for metal
arc welding of structural steels (second revision).
(Second Revision)
(With Amendments No. 1 and 2)
1. Scope - Requirements of ferrous and non- 2.2 Length - It shall be 500 or 1 000 mm for rods
ferrous filler rods for gas welding made of the less than 2.5 mm dia and 1 000 mm for rods 2.5 mm
following materials supplied in cut lengths: and above. The tolerance on length shall be +5 mm.
a) Structural steels,
b) Austenitic stainless steels, 3. Requirements
c) Cast irons (excluding spheroidal graphite 3.1 Shall be free from surface imperfections, corro-
and malleable iron castings), sion products, grease, excessive oxide, etc.
d) Copper and copper alloys,
e) Nickel and nickel alloys, 3.2 Structural steel filler rods shall have a protective
0 Aluminium and aluminium alloys, and copper coating; copper content not exceeding 0.4 per-
g) Magnesium and magnesium alloys. cent by weight.
.2. Dimensions and Tolerances 3.3 Aluminium, aluminium alloy and magnesium
2.1 Size alloy filler rods shall be supplied in as-manufactured
Diameter Tolerance on Diameter condition.
, h
mm Cast Iron Other Gas Welding 3.4 Incase of austenitic stainless,steel fillerrods, the -
Filler Rods Filler Rods inter-crystalline corrosion test may be conducted. The
mm test piece shall show no sign of cracking.
1, 1.25, 1.6, 2, 2.5 fO.08 go5
3.15, 4, 5, 6.3
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1278-1972 Specification for filler rods for gas welding (second
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope- Code numbers (in metric units), dirnen- 3.1.2 Straight electrodes with tapered
sional requirements, and physical and mechanical shanks - Pointed, dome, flat, offset, truncated cone
properties for a series of spot-welding electrodes, cap and spherical types. Overall length range from 38 to
electrodes and shanks, mainly intended for resistance 102mmfornominalsizes1,2and3and64to125mm,
spot welding of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This 76 to 12.5 mm and 89 to 125 mm for nominal sizes 4,9
standard covers electrodes with standard IS0 tapers and 10 respectively.
and with Morse tapers.
3.1.3 Electrode nose configurations - Types
2. Materials Recommended sameasgivenin3.1.2,. Availableinallsizes (1 to 10).
3. Specification for Electrodes with Standard IS0 3.1.4 Standard single - bend elecrrodes, cold-
Tapers formed from standard straight electrodes - Pointed,
dome, flat, eccentric and truncated types. Overall
3.1 Sizes and Dimensions length 64,70,83 and 83 for nominal sizes 5,6,7 and 8
3.1.1 The size of an electrode with taper engage- 3.1.5 Standard double-bend electrodes, cold-
ment with dimensions of electrode shanks and formed from standard straight electrodes - Types,
electrode holders is given Table 1. overall length and sizes are same as given in 3.1.4.
SP : 21-1983
3.1.6 Caps and adapter shanks - Types A to F. 10.0 mm) and (28.5 and 10.0 mm) for nominal sizes 1,
Nominal sizes 1 to 3. 2 atid 3 respectively in case of pointed and dome types.
Note 1 - For dimensions of socket gauges for shanks, refer to 4.1.2 Straight electrode with tapered shanks -
Tables 2 and 3 with Fig. 1 of the standard. Types same as given in 4.1.1. Overall length range 32
Note 2 - For electrode designations and other dimensional to 102 mm for sizes 1 and 2 and 38 to 102 mm for size
details, refer to Tables 1 and 4 to 8 and Fig. 2 of rhe standard. 3.
4.1.3 Single-bend electrodes, cold-formed from
4. Specification for Electrodes with Standard standard straight electrodes - Pointed, dome, Hat,
Morse Tapers eccentric and truncated types. Overall length 64, 70
4.1 Sizes and Dimensions - Nominal size 1, 2 and and 83 mm for nominal sizes 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
3. Major dia 12.24, 15.87 and 22.22 mm for sizes 1,2 4.1.4 Double-bend electrodes; cold-formed from
and 3 respectively. standard straight electrodes - Types, overall
4.1.1 Morse electrode nose conjigurations - lengths and sizes are same as given in 4.1.3.
Pointed, dome, flat, offset, truncated cone and spheri- 4.1.5 Morse caps and adapter shanks - Types A
cal type. Nose lengths (19.0 and 6.5 mm), (22.0 and to F.
Note l-For dimensions of shanks of electrodes, refer to Fig. 3 and for taper ring and plug gauges, refer to Table 9 of thestandard.
Note 2-For electrode designations and other dimensional details, refer to Tables 10 to 14 and Fig. 4 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4972-1968 Specification for resistance spot-welding electrodes.
Wire (0.5), 0.6, (Oy, 0.9, 1.0. 3. Finish -Filler rods and wires shall have a
Wire and rod (1.2), (1.6), (2.0), 2.4, 2.5, smooth finish and be free from surface imperfections,
(3.2) * corrosion products, grease, excessive oxide or other
Rod 4.0, 5.0 foreign matter. The copper content of coated rod or
Note - Preferred sizes are given in parentheses. wire expressed as a percentage of rod (or wire plus
coating) shall not exceed 0.4 percent by weight.
2.1.1 Toierance
4. Classification -S-l, S-2, S-3, S-4 and S-5
Dia Tolerance
based on their chemical composition.
0.5 to 0.6 +O.Ol, -0.03 mm
Note l-For requirements of reels and reeling conditions, refer to 5 and 6 of the standard.
Note 2-For chemical composition of filler rods and wires, refer to 9 and 10 (Table 4) of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6419-1971 Specification for welding rods and bare electrodes for gas
shielded arc welding of structural steel.
SP : 21-1983
Note 1 -For requirements of reels for wires and reeling conditions, refer to 5 and 6 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7280-1974 Specification for bare wire electrodes for submerged arc
welding of structural steels.
Note l-For requirements of coils for wires and reeling conditions, refer to 5 and 6 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8363-1976 Specification for bare wire electrodes for electroslag
welding of steels.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
Title Page
IS : 207-1964 Gate and shutter hooks and eyes (revised) 393
IS : 451-1972 Technical supply conditions for wood screws (second revision) 393
IS : 723-1972 Steel countersunk head wire nails (second revision) 394
IS : 724-1964 Mild steel and brass cup, ruler and square hooks and screw eyes 395
IS : 725-1961 Copper wire nails (revised) 3%
IS : 730-1978 Hook bolts for corrugated sheet roofing (second revision) 397
IS : 1120-1975 Coach screws (first revision) 398
IS : 1363-1967 Black hexagon bolts, nuts and lock nuts (diameter 6 to 39 mm) and 398
black hexagon screws (diameter 6 to 24 mm) (first revision)
IS : 1365-1978 Slotted countersunk head screws (third revision) 400
IS : 1366-1968 Slotted cheese head screws (diameter range 1.6 to 20 mm) (first 400
IS : 1929-1982 Hot forged steel rivets for hot closing (12 to 36 mm diameter) 402
(first revision)
IS : 2016-1967 Plain washers (first revision) 403
IS : 2155-1982 Cold forged solid steel rivets for hot closing (6 to 16 mm diameter) 405
(first revision)
IS : 2389-1968 Precision hexagon bolts, screws, nuts and lock nuts (diameter range 405
1.6 to 5 mm) (first revision)
IS :, 2585-1968 Black square bolts and nuts (diameter range 6 to 39 mm) and black 406
square screws) (diameter range 6 to 24 mm) (first revision)
IS : 2687-1975 Cap nuts (first revision) 408
IS : 2907-1964 Non-ferrous rivets (1.6 to 10 mm) 408
IS : 2998-1982 Cold forged steel rivets for cold closing (1 to 16 mm diameter) 409
(first revision)
IS : 3063-1972 Single coil rectangular section spring washers for bolts, nuts and 410
screws (first revision)
IS : 3121-1981 Rigging screws and stretching screws (first revision) 411
IS : 3468-1975 Pipe nuts first revision) 412
IS : 3757-1972 High tensile friction grip bolts (j?rst revision) 413
IS : 4762-1968 Worm drive hose clips for general purposes 414
IS : 5369-1975 General requirements for plain washers and lock washers ifirst 415
IS : 5372-1975 Taper washers for channels (ISMC) (first revision) 415
IS : 5373-1969 Square washers for wood fastenings 416
IS : 5374-1975 Taper washers for I-beams (ISMB) (first revision) 416
IS : 5624-1970 Foundation bolts 417
IS : 6113-1970 Aluminium fasteners for building purposes 417
IS : 6610-1972 Heavy washers for steel structures 418 -
IS : 6623-1972 High tensile friction grip nuts 419
IS : 6639-1972 Hexagon bolts for steel structures 420
IS : 6649-1972 High tensile friction grip washers 421
IS : 6733-1972 Wall and roofing nails 422
IS : 6736-1972 Slotted raised countersunk head wood screws 422
IS : 6739-1972 Slotted round head wood screws 423
IS : 6760-1972 Slotted countersunk head wood screws 424
IS : 8633-1976 Round washers with square hole for wood fastenings 424
IS : 8412-1977 Slotted countersunk head bolts for steel structures 425
IS : 8869-1978 Washers for corrugated sheet roofing 426
SP : 21-1983
Note-For detailed dimensions and shapes, refer to Tables I and II, and Fig. I and 2 of the sfundard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 207-1964 Specification for gate and shutter hooks and eyes
SP : 21-1983
4.2 The threaded portion of the screw shall be rotated and strong enough to prevent distortion of
formed by progressive reduction of the root diameter to thread.
obtain a uniform taper. The screws shall be gimlet 4.3 Threads shall be clear and well-defined. At the
pointed and the included angle of the gimlet point shall end of the threaded portion nearest to the head, the root
be between 28°C and 44°C. The thread form through- of the thread shall runout to the nominal diameter with
out the length of the screw shall be such that it will give a distance not exceeding one-quarter of the length of
the maximum bite into the wood when the screw is the threaded portion.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 451-1972 Technical supply conditions for wood screws (second
For detailed information, refer to IS : 723-1972 Specification for steel countersunk head wire nails (second
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for mild steel and brass 2.1 Screw eyes shall be of one type only.
cup, ruler and square hooks and screw eyes.
3. Designation - Shall be based on type, length,
and screw designation No. of the fitting. For example,
2. Types shouldered cup hook of length 25 mm and of screw
a) Shouldered cup hooks designation No. 5 shall be designated as “Shouldered
b) Shouldered ruler hooks cup hook 25xNo. 5”.
c) Shouldered square hooks
d) Plain cup hooks
I 4. Dimensions
e) Plain ruler hooks
f) Plain square hooks. 4.1 Shouldered Cup, Ruler and Square Hooks.
Dimension Designation
Dimension Designation
/ \
25 x No. 5 30 x No. 7 40 x No. 8 45 x No. 8 50 x No. 8
D (mm) 3.10 3.81 4.17 4.17 4.17
T (mm) 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 18.0
Dimension Designation
/ A
20x No. 4 25 x No. 5 30x No. 6 40x No. 7 50x No. 9 60x No. 12 75 x No. 14
D (mm) 2.74 3.10 3.45 3.81 4.52 5.59 6.30
T (mm) 8.0 10.0 14.0 15.0 20.0 24.0 28.0
4.4 Screw Eyes
Dimension Designation
’ 16 x No. 0 20 x No. 1 20 x No. 2 25 x No. 3 25 x No. 4 30 x No. 5’
D (-1 1.52 1.78 2.08 2.39 2.74 3.10
T (mm) 5.5 6.5 7.5 9.5 9.0 12.0
30 x No. 6 35 x No. 8 40 x No. 10 45 x No. 12 50 x No. 14
D (mm) 3.45 4.17 4.88 5.59 6.30
T (mm) 11.0 12.0 12.5 15.0 19.0
SP : 21-1983
Note 1 - D - Nominal diameter of unthreaded shank refer to Tables I to V, and Fig. 1 to 7 of thestandard.
T - Threaded length of shank
5. Finish - Hooks and eyes shall be finished
Note 2 -For detailed dimensions. tolerances and shapes, bright.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 724-1964 Specification for mild steel and brass cup, ruler and square
hooks and screw eyes (revised).
2. Dimensions (in mm) - Lengths of different 3. Finish - Shall be finished bright and free from
types of copper nails are given in 2.1 to 2.5. Values burrs and sharp edges except at the points. In case of
given in brackets are the sizes of shank across flats tinned copper nails, tin coating shall cover nails com-
‘except in case of Type (e) where it is diameter. pletely and uniformly.
110 (5) 110 (4) 100 (5) 100 (4) 100 (3.15) 90 (5) 90 (4) 90 (3.15)
80 (4.5) 80 (4) 80 (3.15) 80 (2.5) 70 (4) 70 (3.15) 70 (2.5) 60 (4)
60 (3.15) 60 (2.5) 60 (2) 50 (3.15). 50 (2.5) 50 (2) 45 (3.15) 45 (2.5)
45 (2) ‘40 (3.15) 40 (2.5) 40 (2) 35 (3.15) 35 (2.5) 35 (2) 30 (3.15)
30 (2.5) 30 (2) 25 (5) 25_(2.5) 25 (2) 25 (1.6)
125 (5) 100 (5) 100 (4) 100 (3.15) 90 (3.55) 80 (5) 80 (3.15) 70 (5)
70 (3.15) 60 (4) 60 (3.15) 50 (3.55) 50 (3.15) 40 (3.15) 30 (3.15) 25 (3.15)
20 (3.15)
Note l-Head diameter of side of square shall be 2.5 times the size of shank in case of types (a), (b) and (c) and shall be 3 times the
size of shank in case of types (d) and (e) copper nails. _
Note 2-For detailed dimensions, approgmate count of copper nails and tolerances refer to 4 (Table 1) with Fig. 1 to 5 of thestundmj.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7251961 Specification for copper wire nails (revised).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for hook bolts for corru- 6. Designation --The hook bolts shall be desig-
gated sheet roofing. nated by the type, size, length, inside width (in case of
L and U-type bolts) and number of the standard. For
2. Types example, U hook bolt of type II with square nut of size
MlO, inside width 80 mm and length 180 mm shall be
a) J-type hook bolts
designated as “U Bolt II MlOX 180N - 801s : 730”.
b) L-tvpe hook bolts
c j U-t+ hook bolts 7. General Requirements
3. Dimensions (in mm) 7.1 Hook bolts and nuts shall be surface protected
4. Grade - Black grade (B) as specified in. with suitable coating. If bolts and nuts are hot-dip
IS : 1367-1%7t. galvanized, the requirement shall be in accordance
w.ith IS : 5358-1969*.
5. Mechanical Properties - Property class 4.6 of 7.2 The square nuts used with bolts shall conform to
IS : 1367-19677. IS : 2585-1968f.
*ISO metric screw threads: Part IV Tolerancing systems (first *Specification for hot-dip galvanized coating on fasteners.
revision ) . tspecification for black square bolts and nuts (diameter range 6 to
tTechnica1 supply conditions for threaded fasteners yirsr 39 mm) and black square screws (diameter range 6 to 24 mm) f&t
revision). revision).
Note-In regard to requirements not covered in the standard, refer to IS : 1367-1967 Technical supply conditions for threaded
fasteners uirst revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 730-1978 Specification for hook baits for corrugated sheet roofing
(second revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note-In regard to the requirements not covered in thestundurd, refer to IS : 451-1972 Technical supply conditions for wood screws
(second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1120-1975 Specification for coach screws (first revision).
1. Scope - Requirements of black hexagon bolts, and screws and class 4 for nuts and lock nuts as
nuts and lock nuts in the diameter range 6 to 39 mm and specified in IS : 1367-1967*.
black hexagon screws in the diameter range 6 to
24 mm. 2.2 Grade - Black Grade B of IS : 1367-1967*.
2. Requirements
*Technical sup&$)conditions for threaded fasteners yirst
2.1 Mechanical Properties - Class 416 for bolts revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note l-Preferred lengths for bolts-25, (28), 30, (32), 35, (38), 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, (95), 100, 110, 120,
130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 380and400.
Note 2-Preferred lengths for screws-10, (1 l), 12, 14, 16, (18), 20, (22). 25, (28). 30, (32), 35, (38), 40,45, 50, 55,60, 65, 70. 75
and 80.
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1365-1978 Specification for slotted countersunk head screws (third
1. Scope - Requirements of slotted cheese head conform to Classes 4.6, 4.8, 6.6 or 8.8 of IS : 1367-
screws in the diameter range 1.6 to 20 mm for both 1967*. When brass or aluminium alloy is used for
coarse and fine pitches of screw threads specified in manufacture, it shall have minimum tensile strength of
IS : 42181967*. 30 kgf/mmZ .
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1366-1968 Specification for slotted cheese head screws (diameter
range 1.6 to 20 mm) (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note 2-For general requirements for supply of rivets and their workmanship, limits of surface cracks&rivets, tolerances,methods
of tests, refer to IS : 10102-1982 Technical supply conditions for rivets.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 19~9-1982 Specification for hot forged steel rivets for hot closing
(12 to 36 mm diarneter) (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for plain washers of the Size External ‘Ihickness For Bolt1
followine tvnes: (Diameter Diameter Screw Size
4 Machined washers, for precision and semi-
precision grade of general purpose bolts and
44 4 M24
screws, in diameter range 1.7 to 155 mm.
50 4 (~27)
b) Punched washers, Type A, for black grade 56 4 M30
general purpose bolts and screws, in diameter 60 5 (M33)
range 1.8 to 52 mm. 66 5 M36
72 6 (M39)
cl Punched washers, Type B, for slotted head
screws, in diameter range 7.8 to 22 mm. 78 7 M42
85 7 (M45)
2. Requirements 92 8 M48
2.1 Shall be of steel, brass, aluminium or any other 98 8 (M52)
specified material. 105 9 M56
110 9 (M60)
2.2 The washers shall be free from cracks, burrs, pits 115 9 M64
and other defects. The holes shall be reasonably 120 10 (M68)
concentric with the outer periphery. 125 10 M72
3. Designation - A washer shall be designated by 135 10 (M76)
name, type, size, number of rhe standard and material. 140 12 M80
For example, a punched washer, Type B of size 14 mm 145 12 (M85)
made of brass shall be designated as ‘Punched Washer 160 12 M90
B 14 IS : 2016 - Brass’. 165 12 (M95)
175 14 Ml00
4. Dimensions (in mm) 14 (M105)
4.1 Machined Washers 185 14 Ml10
200 14 (Ml 15)
Size External Thickness For Bolt1
210 16 (M120)
(Diameter Diameter Screw Size
220 16 Ml25
of Hole)
230 16 (M 130)
1.7 4 0.3 Ml.6
240 18 Ml40
(2) 5 0.3 (Ml .8)
250 18 (M150)
5 0.3
(E) 6 0.5 (M?2) 4.2 Punched Washers, Type A, for Hexagonal Bolts
2.7 6.5 0.5 M2.5 and Screws
7 0.5 M3
(33:72) 8 0.8 (M3.5) Size Erternal Thickness For Bolt/
9 0.8 (Diameter Diameter Screw Size
(Z) 10 1 (My5) of Hole)
5.3 10 1 M5 1.8 4 0.4 Ml.6
12.5 1.6 (2.1) 5 0.4 (Ml 8)
$:I) 14 1.6 (E) 5 0.4
17 _ 1.6 M8 (22::) 6 0.5 (M”2T2)
ld.5 21 2 Ml0 2.9 6.5 0.5 M2.5
24 2.5 Ml2 3.4 7 0.5 M3
(::) 28 2.5 (M14) (4) 8 0.8 (M3.5)
30 3 Ml6 4.5 9 0.8
(S) 34 3 (M18) (5) 10 1 $45)
37 3 M20 5.5 10 1 M5
39 3 (M22) 6.6 12.5 1.6 M6
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2016-1967 Specification for plain washers (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for precision hexagon 1967” in respect of steel. When copper, brass,
bolts, screws, nuts and lock nuts in the diameter range aluminium, aluminium alloy or phosphor-bronze is
1.6 to 5 mm. used in manufacture, material shall have minimum
tensile strength of 30 kgf/mm*.
2. Requirements 2.2 Grade - Precision grade (P) specified in
IS : 1367-1%7*.
2.1 Mechanical Properties - Shall conform to *Technical- supply conditions for threaded fasteners (+st
any of property classes specified in IS : 1367- revision).
SP : 21-1983
3. Designation
Note Z-Preferred lengths for screws-3,4, 5,6, (7), 8, (9), 10, (1 l), 12, 14, 16, (18). 20, (22), 25, (28), 30, (32), 35, (38), 40,45,
50,55, 60, 65, 70, and 75.
Note 3-Sizes shown in brackets in 4, Note 1 and Note 2 are of second preference.
*Range of preferred lengths for bolts (bolts with lengths less than the minimum preferred lengths are to be treated as screws).
tR&nge of preferred lengths for screws.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2389-1968 Specification for precision hexagon bolts, screws, nuts
and lock nuts (diameter range I.6 to 5 mm) (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
3. Designation
Note 2-Preferred lengths for screws- 16, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80.
*Range of preferred lengths for bolts (bolts with lengths less than the minimum preferred lengths are to be treated as screws).
tRange of preferred lengths for screws.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2.5851968 Specification for black square bolts and nuts (diameter
range 6 to 39 mm) and black square screws (diameter range 6 to 24 mm) (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
M6 10 10 9.78 11.05
4. Designation - Shall be designated by the name,
M8 13 13 12.73 14.38 1;
size and number of the standard. For example, a cap
Mlb 17 17 16.73 18.9 14
nut of size Ml0 shall be designated as ‘Cap Nut Ml0
Ml2 19 19 18.67 21.1 16
IS : 2687’.
Ml4 22 22 21.67 24.49 18
4.1 When brass or aluminium is used for man-
*Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners @rsf ufacture the word ‘Brass’ or ‘Aluminium’ shall come
revision ). at the end of designation.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2687-1975 Specification for cap nuts (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note 2 - For shapes of these types of rivet heads,see Fig. 1 to 5. Designation - As an example, a snap head rivet
4 of rhe standard. of 6 mm diameter, having a length of 30 mm and made
of copper, shall be designated as ‘Snap Head Rivet
4. Tolerances
6x30 IS : 2907 Copper’.
4.1 Shank Diameter
On dia 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3 and 4 +0.05 mm 6. Tests
Ondia5 and6 +o.os mm 6.1 Flattening Test - Shall not crack on cold Rat-
-0.15 tening to twice diameter.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2907-1964 Specification for non-ferrous rivets (1.6 to 10 mm).
SP : 21-1983
4. Tolerances - On length, +OS, 0 mm for 56 to 78 HRB (100 to 139 VPN) for Grade 2.
diameter up to 10 mm and + 1 .O, 0 mm for diameter
5.3 Head Soundness Test - Rivets shall withstand
above 10 mm. the test without exhibiting any sign of cracking at the
fillet between head and shank.
5. Tests
6. Designation - As an example, a countersunk
5.1 Shear Test - Minimum shear strength shall be
230 MPa for Grade 1 and 200 MPa for Grade 2. head rivet, with a countersunk angle of 90”, diameter
4 mm, length 24 mm and made from material Gradz 2
5.2 Hardness Test - Hardness on the head of rivet shall be designated as ‘Countersunk Head (90”) Rivet
shall be 48 to 73 HRB (91 to 127 VPN) for Grade 1 and 4X24 Grade 2 IS : 2998’.
Note l-For detailed dimensions, refer to Tables 1 to 4 of the standard.
Note I-For general requirements for supply of rivets and their workmanship, limits of surface cracks on rivets, tolerances, refer to
IS : 10102-1982 Technical supply conditions of rivets.
Note 3-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1500-1968Method for Brine11hardness test for steel (first revision) and IS : 10102-1982
Technical supply conditions for rivets.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2998-1982 Specification for cold forged steel rivets for cold closing
(I to 16 mm diameter) (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note 1 - Sizes shown in brackets are of second preference. 6. General Requirements - The surface shall be
Note 2 - Steel weighs 7.85 kg/dm”. free of scale and burrs. The washers shall be coiled
Note 3 - For detailed dimensions, refer to Table 1 of the without any kinks except in case of turned up ends. The
ends of washers shall not abut when washers are
4. Finish - Natural. May be phosphate coated,
mixed plated, tinned, galvanized, copper plated,
7. Tests
cadmium plated, etc, if specified.
7.1 Hardness Test - Hardness in the range of 43 to
5. Designation - Shall be designated by the nomi- 50 HRC.
nal size, type, number of the standard and the surface
7.2 Permanent Set Test - Shall satisfy the require-
protection, if any. For example, a single coil spring ,
washer having a nominal size 10 mm of Type A with
phosphate coating shall be designated as ‘Spring 7.3 Twist Test - The washer shall show no sign of
Washer Al0 - IS : 3063 Phosphate coated’. fracture.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3063-1972 Specification for single coil rectangular section spring
washers for bolts, nuts and screws (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3121-1981 Specification for rigging screws and stretching Screws
(first revision).
External ‘Ihickness, Distance Between
‘(According to (According to’ Diameter, Nom Parallel Sides,
IS : 554 *) IS : 2643 t) Nom Norn
R,S G4g 18 6 19
R,y, G1/4 20 6 22
R; % G% 25 6 27
% M (Z) 30 8 32
- 30 8 32
R, % (Z) 33 9 36
- 38 9 41
R* 1 Cl 43 10 46
R$l (G
G 1%
1%) 52
47 11
10 55
R, 145 G 1?4 56 12 60
%2 G 1% 70
65 13 75
R,2H (GG2;
G 2% ) 80
90 16 85
SP : 21-1983
4. Designation - Shall be designated by the name, designated as ‘Hex Pipe Nut %-IS : 3468’.
size and number of the standard. For example, a
4.1 When brass is used for manufacture, the word
hexagonal pipe nut of nominal size & 2 shall be
‘Brass ’ shall come at the end of designation.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3468197.5 Specification for pipe nuts (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note 1 -Preferred lengths - 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, bolt of size M16, length 100 mm and of property class
65,70,75.80,90,100,110,120,130, 140, 150,160,170,180, 10.9 conforming to the standard shall be designated as
190, and 200 mm.
‘Friction GriD Bolt M16X 100~-IS : 3757 - 10.9’.
Note 2 - Size shown in brackets are of second preference.
5. Tests - Bolts shall be subjected to tests specified
Note 3 - For detailed dimensions and tolerances, refer to in IS : 1367-1%7*.
Table 1 of the standard.
*Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners yirsf
4. Designation - As an example, a friction grip revision )
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3757-1972 Specification for high tensile friction grip bolts (first
1. Scope -Requirements for worm drive hose Size Suitable for Internal Test
clips of two types, for general purpose. This does not Hose Sizes Diameter Pressure
relate to worm drive hose clips for aircraft use.
WA4in up to ;Max-- Min
2. Types kgf/cm2
Type A - Hose clips with serrated bands. 80 60 80 80 60 4.2
Type B - Hose clips with pierced bands. 90 70 90 90 70 ”
100 80 100 100 80 ”
3. Dimensions (in mm) 115 95 115 115 95 ”
130 110 130 130 110 ”
Size Suitable for Internal Test
145 125 145 145 125 ”
Hose Sizes Diameter Pressure
160 140 160 160 140 ”
Min Up t0 Min Note - For detailed dimensions, refer to Table 1 of the
kgf/cmk standard.
12 9 12 12 9 14.1
16 12 16 16 12 ” 4. Designation - Shall be designated by the size,
20 14 20 20 14 ” type and number of the standard. For example, a hose -
22 16 22 22 16 ” clip of nominal size 25 mm and with serrated band shall
25 18 25 25 18 ” be designated as ‘Hose Clip 25 A - IS : 4762’ .
30 22 30 30 22 ”
5. Finish - Various parts of the hose clip shall be
35 25 35 35 25 8.4
smooth and shall be fEe from burrs and sharp edges.
40 30 40 40 30 ”
The parts shall be zinc plated or cadmium plated.
45 32 45 45 32 ”
50 38 50 50 38 ” 6. Tests - Shall satisfy the prescribed (a) torque
60 45 60 60 45 ” test, (b) fatigue torque loading test, and (c) hydraulic
70 50 70 70 50 ” pressure test.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4762-1968 Specification for worm drive hose clips for general
SP : 21-1983
Note-For permissible deviation on main dimensions and concentricity of the hole with respect to outside diameter of precision grade
washers as well as of ordinary grade washers, refer to Tables 1 to 4 of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5369-197.5 General requirements for plain washers and lock washers
(first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5372-1975 Specification for taper washers for channels (ISMC)
(first revision).
SP : 21-1983
I. Scope - Requirements for square washers in- Naninal Size Sides Thickness For Bolt
tended for use in wood fastenings with bolts in (Dia of Hole) Size
diameter range 10 to 52 mm.
(36) 100 6 %:)
2. Dimensions (in mm)
(i29) 125
110 8 0439)
Nominal Size Sides Thickness For Bolt 45 135 8 M42
(Dia sf Hole) Size 48 140 8 M45
11.5 30 Ml0 52 150 10 M48
14 40 Ml2 56 160 10 M52
18 50 Ml6
Note - Sizes in brackets are of second preference.
23 60 M20
24 70 M22
80 M24 3. Designation - As an example, a square washer
(ii) 90 (~27) for wood fastenings having a nominal size of 18 mm
33 95 M30 shall be designated as ‘Square Washer 18 IS : 5373’.
Note-Other requirements not covered in the standard shali conform to IS : 5369-1975 General requirements for plain washers and
lock washers cfirst revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5373-1969 Specification foi square washers for wood fastenings.
For detailed dimension, refer to IS : 5374-1975 Specification for taper washers for I-Beams (ISIWB) (first
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of foundation bolts in the Size Nom Dia Length of Bolts
diameter range 8 to 72 mm. (see Note 1)
M36 36 400-2 500
2. Requirements M42 42 500-2 500
2.1 Mechanical Properties - Shall conform to M48 48 630-3 200
property class 4.6 of IS : 1367-1%7*. M56 56 800-3 200
M64 64 1 000-3 200
2.2 Grade - Shall conform to Black Grade (B) M72x6 72 1600-3 200
specified in IS : 1367-1%7*.
2.3 Shank Forms - At the discretion of manufac-
Note 1 - Range of preferred lengths.
turer. Some typical forms are given in Appendix A of
the standard. Note 2 - Preferred lengths - 80, 100. 125, 160, 200, 250,
300,400,500,630,800,1000,1 250,1600,2 000,2 500 and
Note - For other requirements of bolts refer to IS : 1367-1%7*. 3 200.
2. Requirements
*Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners @rsl
2.1 Material - Aluminium and aluminium alloys, tGenera1 requiremmts for plain washers and lock washers (firsr
as specified in the standard. revision).
SP : 21-1983
3.3 Washers - Types A, B, C and D. Hole diame- 1966* shall be designated as ‘Seam Bolts M8 X 80
ter 5.8, 7, 10 and 12 for size 5, 6, 8 and 10 IS : 6113 HG 19’.
Note - For detailed dimensions of bolts, nuts and washers, *Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, wire
refer to Tables 1 to 3 of the standard. (for general engineering purposes) (revised).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6113-1970 Specification for aluminium fasteners for building
SP : 21-1983
3. Material - Shall be made from steel. of this standard. Example: Washer 14 IS : 6610.
Note-Other requirements of washers shall be as specified in IS : 5369-1975 ‘General requirements for plain washers and lock
washers (first revkion)‘, for ordinary washers.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6610-1972 Specification for heavy washers for steel structures.
Size Ml2 Ml6 M20 M22 M24 (M27) M30 (M33) M36 (M39)
Dia offfok 12 16 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39
s, Nom (see Note 1) 22 27 32 36 41 46 50 55 60 65
Thickness 10 13 16 18 19 22 24 26 29 31
@Head, Nom
Note 3-For detailed dimensions, refer to Table 1 and for tolerances, refer to Fig. 1 of the standard.
*Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners (firit *Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners yirst
revision). revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6623-1972 Specification for high tensile friction grip nuts.
SP : 21-1983
Note Z-Preferred lengths-30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135,
140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185, 190, 195 and 200.
Note 4-For detailed dimensions, refer to Table 1 and for tolerance, refer to Fig. 1 of the standard.
Note S-For clamping lengths for bolts, refer to Table 2 of the standurd.
For derailed information, refer to IS : 6639-1972 Specification for hexagon bolts for steel structures.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for high-tensile friction 4.2 Material - C-45 steel according to IS : 1570-
grip plain circular and square taper washers for use 1961*. Phosphorus and sulphur content shall not
with high-tensile friction grip bolts and nuts in the exceed 0.04 and 0.05 percent respectively on ladle
diameter range 12 to 3 9 mm. analysis, and 0.05 and 0.06 percent respectively on
check analysis.
2. Types”
4.3 Heat Treatment -Washers shall be through
Type A - Plain circular washers.
quenched and tempered to have a hardness between 38
Type B - Square taper washers for use with
to 45 HRC (see IS : 1586-1968t).
I -beams.
Type C - Square taper washers Ibr use with Note - Other requirements shall be as for ordinary washers
channels. according to IS : 5369-19756.
3. Dimensions (in mm)
5. Designation - By the type, size and number of
3.1 Plain Circular Washers the standard. Example: Washer ‘A’ 21 - IS : 6649.
For bolt size Ml2 Ml6 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36 M39
* Thickness, nom 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
Note 3-For detailed dimensions and tolerances, refer to Tables 1 and 2 of the standard.
4. Requirements
4.1 Grade - As specified for ordinary washers in _
IS : 5369-1975*. *Schedules for wrought steels for general engineering purposes.
tMethods for Rockwell hardness test (I3 and C scales) for steel
*General requirements for plain washers and lock washers (first *General requirements for plain washers and lock washers (first
revision). revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6649-1972 Specification for high tensilefriction grip washers.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of wall and rooting nails. 3. Designation - Shall be designated by size,
length and the number of the standard.
2. Dimensions (in mm)
Examples: Wall nail 4x30 IS : 6733
Type of Size Dia of Length Approx No. Roofing nail 5.6X50 IS ; 6733
Nail (Dia of Head of Nails/ 4. General Requirements - Nails shall be
kg machine made and may have die marks and feeding
Wall nail 4.00 8.0 30 260 knife marks on shank. They shall be uniformly circular
4.50 9.0 40 190 in section, straight, free from wastes. Wall nails shall
Roofing nail 5.60 13.4 50 have sharp points and roofing nails, a chiesel point.
The heads shall be properly formed and concentric
60 80
6.30 15.1 with shanks.
70 60
80 50
5. Finish - Plain finished.
2.1 Maximum eccentricity and ovality of the centre
of the nail head from axis of shank shall be 14 percent 6. Test
of shank diameter, Max.
6.1 Bend Test - Nails whe:i cold shall not break or
Note 1 - For tolerances, refer to Table 1 of dze srundard.
crack when doubled over either by pressure or by
Note 2 - Length of tapered portion minted at bottom) of the blows from a hammer until the internal radius is equal
nail shall be 1 to 1.5 times the diameter of shank. to the diameter of the test piece and sides are parallel.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6733-1972 Specification for wall and roofing nails.
1. Scope - Requirements for slotted raised coun- Screw No. Dia of Unthreaded Shank Range of
tersunk head wood screws. (Screw , \ , Preferred
Designation) Nom Max Min Lengths
2. Dimensions (in mm) (se& Note 1) -
8 4.17 4.29 4.04 12-75
Screw No. Dia of Unthreaded Shank Range of
(Screw ,-A-, Preferred 9 4.52 4.65 4.39 15-75
Designation) Nom Max Min’ Lengths 10 4.88 5.00 4.72 15-75
(see Note 1) 12 5.59 5.72 5.38 20-75
1.52 1.55 1.47 8-12 14 6.30 6.43 6.05 25-75
1.78 1.85 1.70 8-12 16 7.01 7.14 6.76 30 -75
2.08 2.16 1.98 8-12 18 7.72 7.85 7.47 30-75
2.39 2.46 2.29 8-12 20 8.43 8.56 8.18 30-75
2.74 2.87 2.64 12 -25 24 9.86 9.98 9.60 30-75
3.10 3.23 2.97 12-30
3.45 3.58 3.33 12- 40 Note 1 - Preferred lengths - 8, 10, 12, 15,2O,i.5,30,35,
3.81 3.94 3.68 12-40 40,45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 and 75 mm.
SP : 21-1983
Note 2 - Threaded portion of the screw shall nearly be equal Note 5 - For tolerances, see Fig. 1 of the standard.
to 2B times the total length of the screw.
Note 3 - Dia of head CJ4u.x)shall be 2 times the diameter of 3. Designation - As an example, a slotted raised
unthreaded shank (Nom). countersunk head wood screw No. 8, length 20 mm
Note 4 -For detailed dimensions, refer to Table I of the ar.d made of steel shall be designated as ‘Wood Screw
skmlard. No. 8x20 IS : 6736 Steel’.
Note-In regard to the requirements not covered in thestandard, refer to IS : 451-1972 Technical supply conditions for wood screws
(second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6736-1972 Specification for slotted raised countersunk head wood
1. Scope - Requirements for slotted round head Size No. Dia of Unthreaded Shank Range of
wood screws. (Screw r------F Preferred
Designation) Nom Min Lengths
2. Dimensions (in mm) I_ (see Note 1)
14 6.30 6.43 6.05 25 -75
Size No. Dia of Unthreaded Shank Range of 16 7.01 7.14 6.76 30-75
(Screw b ;$e;;sd 18 7.72 7.85 7.47 30-75
Designation) Nom Max Min
(see Note 1) 20 8.43 8.56 8.18 30-75
24 9.86 9.98 9.60 30-75
0 1.52 1.55 1.47 8-12 Note 1 - Preferred len& - 8, 10, 12, 15,20,25,30,35,
1 1.78 1.85 1.70 8 -12 40,45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, and 75 mm.
2 2.08 2.16 1.98 8 -12 Note 2 - ‘Rreaded portion of the screw shall nearly be equal
to 2/3 times the total length of the screw.
3 2.39 2.46 2.29 8 -12
Note 3 - Dia of head @far) shall be 2 times the diameter of
4 2.74 2.87 2.64 12-25 unthreaded shank QVCWZ).
5 3.10 3.23 2.97 12-30 Note 4 - For detailed dimensions, refer to Table 1 of the
6 3.45 3.58 3.33 12 -40 standard.
7 3.81 3.94 3.68 12 -40 Note 5 - For tolerances, see Fig. 1 of he standard.
8 4.17 4.29 4:04 12-75
3. Designation - As an example, a slotted round
9 4.52 4.65 4.39 15-75 head wood screw No. 8, length 20 mm and made of
10 4.88 5.00 4.72 15-75 steel shall be designated as ‘Wood Screw No. 8 X 20
12 5.59 5.72 5.38 20-75 IS : 6739 Steel’.
Note---In regard to the requirements not covered in thestandard, refer to IS : 451-1972 Technical supply conditions for wood screws
(second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6739-1972 Specification for slotted round head wood screws.
!$I’ : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for slotted countersunk Size No. Dia of Unthreaded Shank Range of
head wood screws. (Screw I , Preferred
Designation) Nom Max Min Lengbcls
2. Dimensions (in mm) (see Note 1)
16 7.01 7.14 6.76 30 -200
Screw No. Dia of Unthreaded Shank Range of 18 7.72 7.85 7.47 30-200
(Screw ,pA-s Preferred
20 8.43 8.56 8.18 30-200
Designation) -Nom Max Min Lengths
24 9.86 9.98 9.60 30-200
(see Note 1)
Note 1 - Preferred lengths - 8, 10, 12, 15,20,25,30,35,
0 1.52 1.55 1.47 8-12 40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100,110,125,150,
1 1.78 1.85 1.70 8-12 175 and 200 mm.
2 2.08 2.16 1.98 8-12 Note 2 - Threaded portion of the screw shall nearly be equal
3 2.39 2.46 2.29 8-12 to 2/3 times the total length of the screw.
4 2.74 2.87 2.64 12-25 Note 3 - Dia of head @fax) shall be 2 times the diameter of
unthreaded shank Qva).
5 3.10 3.23 2.97 12-30
Note 4 - For detailed dimensions, refer to Table 1 of the
6 3.45 3.58 3.33 12 -40
7 3.81 3.94 3.68 12-40
Note 5 - For tolerances, see Fig. 1 of the stundard.
8 4.17 4.29 4.04 12-75
9 4.52 4.65 4.39 15 -75 3. Designation - As an example, a slotted coun-
10 4.88 5.00 4.72 15-75 tersunk head wood screw No. 8, length 20 mm and
12 5.59 5.72 5.38 20-100 made of steel shall be designated as ‘Wood Screw
14 6.30 6.43 6.05 30-100 No. 8x20 IS : 6760 Steel’.
NOW-In regard to the requirements not covered in thes/andurd, refer to IS : 451-1972 Technical supply conditions for wood screws
(second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6760-1972 Specification for slotted countersunk head wood screws.
SP : 21-1983
Note 1 - Dimensional tolerances as well as tolerances for 4. Designation - As an example, a round washer
form and position shall conform to those of ordinary washers of with square hole of nominal size 14 mm shall be
IS : 5369-197S*.
designated as ‘Washer With Square Hole 14
*General requirements for plain washers and lock washers Vrsr IS : 8033’.
Note-In regard to the requirements not covered in thestandard, refer to IS : 5369-1975General requirements for plain washers and
lock washers cfirsf revision).
Note-In regard to requirements not covered in the standard, refer to IS : 1363-1967 Technical supply conditions for threaded
fasteners (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8412-1977 Specification for slotted countersunk head bolts forsteel
SP : 21-1983
For detailed in-formation, refer to IS : 8869-1978 Specification for washers for corrugated sheet roofing.
Title Page
IS : 278-1978 Galvanized steel barbed wire for fencing (third revision) 429
IS : 2365-19’77 Steel wire suspension ropes for lifts, elevators and hoists (firer 430
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 1521-1972 Method for tensile testing of steel wire (First revision), IS : 1755-1961 Method
for wrapping test of wire, and IS : 4826-1979 Specification for hot-dipped galvanized coatings on round steel wires (first revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 278-1978 Specification for galvanized steel barbed wire for fencing
(third revision).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2365-1977 Specification for steel wire suspension ropes for lifts,
elevators and hoists (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
IS : 2553-1971 SAFETY GLASS
(Second Revision)
(With Amendments No. 1 and 2)
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2553-1971 Specification for safety glass (second revision).
(Second Revision)
(With Amendment No. 1)
1. Scope - Requirements and method of sampling mirrors, safety glass other than wind shields
and test for flat transparent sheet glass for use in etc;
manufacture of photographic plates, projection slides, cl B Quality
or Ordinary Quality (OQ): In-
_. ._
silvered glass mirrors, toughened or laminated safety tended for glazing and framing purposes.
glass and for glazing and framing purposes. d) C Quality or Green House Quality (GQ):
Intended for green house glazing, production
2. Classification: of frosted glass, strips for flooring, etc.
a) AA Quality or Special Selected Quality
(SSQ): Intended for use where superior qual- 3. Requirements
ity is required, such as safety glass for wind
3.1 Sheet glass shall be flat, transparent, clear and
shields, high quality mirrors, photographic
free from any cracks.
plates and projection slides.
b) A Quality or Selected Quality (SQ):Intended 3.2 Thickness (in mm) - 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5,
for selected glazing and manufacture of 3.0, 4.0, 4.8, 5.5, 6.3, 8.0, 9.0, lO.Oand 12.0mm
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 28351977 Specification for flat transparent sheet glass (second
SP : 21-1983
3.2 Salt Spray Test - The silver shall not show pin water. No silver shall be visible through exposed
holes, spots, fog, cloudiness, haze, separation or any metallic copper plating.
other visible defect when subjected to the prescribed
3.3.1 On further treatment of copper plating with
concentrated ammonia, a clear silver film without any
3.3 Testing ofCopper and Silver Plating -Remove pin holes, blemishes or other visual defects shall be
protective coating by suitable removers and flush with exposed.
Note-For methods of tests given in 3.1 and 3.2, refer to 6.1 and 6.2 of the standura’.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3438-1977 Specification for silvered-glass mirrors for general
purposes (first revision).
1. Scope - Requirements and methods of sampling 3.1.1 Wire Mesh Used - Steel wire of 0.46 to
and test for wired glass, wired-figured glass and 0.56 mm diameter completely embedded at least 1 mm
figured glass. from surface.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5437-1969 Specification for wired and figured glass.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
IS : 110-1%8 Ready mixed paint, brushing,, grey filler for enamels, for use over primers 439
yirst revision)
IS : 345-1952 Wood tiler, transparent, liquid 439
IS : 419-1967 Putty, for use on window frames Cjirst revision) 440
IS : 423-1961 Plastic wood for joiners filler (revised) 441
IS : 424-1965 Plastic asphalt (revised) 441
IS : 3709-1966 Mastic cement for bedding of metal windows 442
SP : 21-1983
2.1 Composition shall be such as to meet require- i) Drying time, hard dry Not more than 12 hours
ments of the standard. For obtaining satisfactory ii) C&sistency Smooth and uniform and
flattening properties, use of slate powder along with suitable for bmshing
extenders and pigments as may be necessary is iii) Finish Smooth and matt to
recommended. semi-glossy
2.2 Flattening Properties - Material shall not be iv) Colour G=Y
inferior to approved sample when tested as prescribed v) Residue on sieve, percent 2.0
in Appendix A of the standard. by weight, Max
2.3 Hold Out Pioperty - Shall pass test prescribed vi) FlexibiQty and adhesion No visible damage or de-
in Appendix B of the standard. (atIer48 hours air-drying) tadunent of fitIn
2.4 Water Content - Shall not exceed 0.5 percent. vii) Flash point ICotbelow 30°C
viii) Keeping properties Not less than six months
2.5 Weight in kgper 10 Litres - Shall be within +3
percent of approved sample.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 101-1964 Methods of test for ready mixed paints and enamels (second revbion).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 110-1968 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, grey filler,
for enamels, for use over primers (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 197-1969 Methods of sampling and test for varnishes and lacquers Cfirstrevision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 345-1952 Specification for wood filler, transparent, liquid.
1. Scope - Requirements and methods of sampling cracking. After being moulded in place, it shall convert
and test for putty for use in fixing glass panes on wood itself into a cohesive mass which will not yield to
and metal frames and for filling splits, cracks and holes specified pressure after 72 hours.
in wood or metal.
2.4 The material shall also comply with the require-
ments given in Table 1.
2. Requirements
2.1 Form and Condition - Shall be homogeneous -
paste and shall be free from grit and other visible WINDOW FRAMES
impurities. SL C&ARACT~~~STIC REQU~RE~~ENT
2.2 Composition - Shall consist only of whiting, No
i) Residue on sieve, percent by 5.0
linseed oil, raw and suitable varnish medium.
weight, Max
2.3 Consistency - The material, after thorough ii) Water content, percent by 1.0
working in hands, shall have good plastic quality weight, Max
without sliminess or stickiness that would render it iii) Keeping properties Not less than
difficult to handle and apply. It shall work readily and 6 months
smoothly under a palette knife without crumbling or -
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 85-1950 Methods of test for oil pastes for paints; and for method of determination of
setting time, refer to Appendix A of rhe standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 419-1967 Specification for putty, for use on window frames (first
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements and methods of test for Note - The nitrocellulose syrup shall consist of nitrocel-
material commerciallv known as elastic wood, for lulose, suitable resins, plasticizers, solvent and diluent.
joiners tilers. The material is usei for filling holes,
2.3 Consktency -It shall be in such a condition
cracks and other irregularities in wood to produce a
that it can be easily worked into a smooth paste suitable
smooth surface capable of taking suitable stain to
for application by a palette knife for filling.
match timber.
2.4 Performance - Twenty-four hours after appli-
2. Requirements cation, it shall be in such a condition that it has not
shrunk unduly, cracked or fallen away from the
2.1 Form and Condition - Shall be homogeneous
wooden surfaces to which it be applied. Shall be
and free from grit and other visible impurities.
capable of being worked by a chisel, plane or saw, as if
it were timber, and of holding nails screws and similar
2.2 Cposition
a) Nitrocellulose syrup, 77 2.5 Keeping Qualities - Six months from the date
percent, Min of manufacture, in original sealed containers.
b) Wood dust passing Remainder
through IS Sieve No. 15 2.6 Marking - Containers shall be marked
(aperture’ 151 microns) ‘HIGHLY INFLAMMABLE’ in red letters and ‘Flash
with a maximum mois- point below 24.4”C’.
ture content of 5 percent
For detailed information, refer to IS : 423-1961 Specification for plastic wood for joiners fillers (revised).
SP : 21-1983
Note- For methods of tests for setting time and flexibility and adhesion, refer to the Appendices A and B of fhe s~undurd. For other
tests, refer to IS : 101-1964 Methods of test for ready mixed paints and enamels (second revision).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 424-1965 Specification for plastic asphalt (revised).
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 85-1950 Methods of test for oil pastes for paints.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3709-1966 Specification for mastic cement for bedding of metal
Title Page
IS : 3677-1973 Unbonded rock and slag wool for thermal insulation (First revision) 445
IS : 3690-1974 Unbonded glass wool for thermal insulation (jirsr revision) 446
IS : 4671-1968 Expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation purposes 447
IS : 6598-1972 Cellular concrete for thermal insulation 448
IS : 7509-1974 Thermal insulating cements (Type 750) 449
IS : 7510-1974 Thermal insulating cements (Type 350) 450
IS : 8154-1976 Preformed calcium silicate insulation (for temperatures up to 650°C) 450
IS : 8183-1976 Bonded mineral wool 452
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements and methods of sampling 3.4 Moisture Absorption - Not more than 2 per-
and test for unbonded rock and slag wool for thermal cent.
insulation. Can be used for temperature range 700°C
to -200°C with suitable facing material. 3.5 Incombustibility - Shall be rated as incombus-
tible. Loss in total mass shall not exceed 5 percent.
2. Types
3.6 Thermal conductivity or k-value shall not exceed
Type I - Loose rock and slag wool (shall be the following:
fluffy, light weight material). Mean k-value in mW/cm
Type 2 - Stitched rock and slag wool mats (shall Temwpture ,--+n
be in the form of stitched mats with confining 200 150
media on one or both sides. If confining medium is kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
metallic cage, it shall be attached to the mat by 0.48 0.50
50 0.42 0.46
stabbing at not more than 250 mm centres or by 0.54 0.56
100 0.50 0.52
stitching at not more than 250 mm along width and 0.68
150 0.60 0.62 0.66
100 mm along length with twine or metallic wire
200 0.72 0.75 0.78 0.80
not thicker than 0.7 mm. If confining medium is of
hessian cloth, scrim cloth, kraft paper or glass 3.7 Sulphur Content - Shall not exceed 0.6 percent.
tissue, it shall be stitched to the mat with suitable
twine). 3.8 Width and Thickness - Type 2 material shall be
supplied in widths of 90 + 3 cm or 100 zb 3 cm, and in
thickness of 25, 40, 50, 60, 75, 90 and 100 mm.
3. Requirements
Tolerance on thickness is -5 mm.
3.2 Apparent density under specified load (in kg/m3) 3.9.2 Resistance to micro-organisms - Shall not
show any mould of bacterial growth.
Load, kgfJcm2 Apparent Density Under Speci$ed
3.9.3 Odour emission test - There shall be no
Load, Max
h apparent difference in odour.
/ \
At Factory At Site 3.9.4 Oil content - Not more than 2 percent.
0.01 95 115 3.9.5 Carbon content - Not more than 0.3 per-
0.02 105 130 cent of total carbon.
0.05 136 165
0.07 150 185 3.9.6 Resistance to vibration - Not more than
0.10 165 200 1 percent by height of settlement.
3.9.7 Resistance to jolting - Not more than
3.3 Shot Content - Shall not exceed the values 3 percent by height of settlement.
given below. Any shot present shall not be more than
5 mm in any dimension. 3.9.8 Heat resistance - Shall not suffer visible
deterioration in the fibrous structures.
500-micron IS sieve 5 percent (by mass) 3.9.9 Fibre diameter - Average not more
250-micron IS sieve 15 percent (by mass) than 7 microns.
SP : 21-1983
3.9.10 Alkalinity - pH value of solution shall be 3.9.11 Corrosive attack - Shall not cause corro-
between 7.0 and 10.0. sion of. the surface on which it is applied.
Note-For methods of tests for requirements given in 3.2 and 3.9.10, refer to Appendices A and B of the sfundnrd. For other test
methods, refer to IS : 3144-1965 Methods of test for mineral wool thermal insulation materials and IS : 3346-1966 Method for the
determination of thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials (two slab, guarded hot-plate method).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3677-1973 Specification for unbonded rock and slag wool for
thermal insulation (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
3.8.7 Fihre diameter - Not more than 10 mic- 3.8.9 Alkalinity --pH value of solution shall be
rons. between 7.0 and 10.0.
3.8.8 Heat resistance - Shall not suffer visual 3.8.10 Corrosive attack - Shall not cause corro-
deterioration in the fibrous structures. sion on the surface on which it is applied.
Note-For methods of tests for requirements given in 3.2 and 3.8.9, refer to Appendices A and B of the standard. For other test
methods, refer to IS : 3144-1965 Methods of test for mineral wool thermal insulation materials, and IS : 3346-1966 Method for the
determination of thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials (two slab, guarded hot-plate method).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3690-1974 Specification for unbonded glass wool for thermal
insulation (first revision).
SY : 21-1983
3.3 The material shall also comply with require- 3.4.1 Flammability -The material shall be of
ments given in Table 1. self-extinguishing type.
Note-For method of test for k-value, refer to IS : 3346-1966 Method for the determination of thermal conductivity of thermal
insulation materials (two slab, guarded hot-plate method) and for method of test for flammability, refer to Appendix E of fhe
For detailed inform&ion, refer to IS : 4671-1968 Specification for expanded polystyrene for thermal
insulation purposes.
SP : 21-1983
4.2 Crushing Strength 4.5 Dimensions - For Type 1 and Type 2, length
50 or 60 cm; width 20,25 or 30 cm; and thickness 7 S,
10, 15, 25 or 40 cm.
4.5.1 Tolerance: +3 percent on width and height
A 7.0 2.5
and li- 1 percent on thickness.
0 12.0 4.5
C 20.0 8.0
4.3 Capillaq Absorption -- Shall not exceed 20
percent in case of Type 1 cellular concrete.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3346-1966 Method of test for preformed block-type and pipe covering-type thermal
insulation, IS : 5688-1970 Method for the determination of thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials (two slab, guarded
hot-plate method) and Appendix A of the sfundard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6598-1972 Specification for cellular concrete for thermal insulation.
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 5724-1970 Methods of test for thermal insulating cements, and IS : 3346-1966 Method for
the determination of thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials (two slab, guarded hot-plate method).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7.509-1974 Specification for thermal insulating cements (Type 750).
___- .-
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 5724-1974 Methods of test for thermal insulating cements,and IS : 3346-1966 Method for
the determination of thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials (two slab, guarded hot-plate method).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 7510-1974 Specification for thermal insulating cements (Type 350).
1. Scope - Requirements and methods of sampling b) wet (after 18 hours immersion in water) under
and test for preformed calcium silicate insulation a load of 170 kN/mZ.
intended for use in surfaces which reach temperatures 2.3 Flexural Strength - The average value not less
up to 650°C. than 240 kN/m*.
Note - This insulation is predominantly composed of reacted 2.4 Heat Resistance - The material shall be
hydrous calcium silicate reinforced with suitable fibres so as to deemed suitable for use under conditions of soaking
meet the specified requirements.
heat for 24 hours at 650°C up to the temperature at
which the following requirements are met:
2. Requirements
a) Linear shrinkage 2 percent, Max
2.1 Bulk Density - Average value 200 to 350 b) Loss in weight 15 percent, Max
kg/m3. Tolerance: f 15 percent on the declared value. c) Compressive Reduction in thick-
2.2 Compressive Strength -Reduction in thick- strength ness under a load of
ness shall not exceed 10 percent when 345 kN/m2, 10 per-
a) dry under a load of 4 15 kN/m2, and cent, Max
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3346-1966 Method for determination of thermal conductivity of thermal insulation
materials (two slab, guarded hot-plate method), IS : 5688-1970 Methods of test for preformed block-type and pipe-covering type
thermal insulation, IS : 5724-1970 Methods of test for thermal insulating cement,and Appendices A and B of fhe standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8154-1976 Specification for preformed calcium silicate insulation
(for temperatures up to 6.5O’C).
~___ ____~ ._~
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests, refer to IS : 3144-1965 Methods of test for mineral wool thermal insulation materials, IS : 3346-1966
Methods for the determination of thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials (two slab, guarded hot-plate method), and
Appendices A and B of the stnndard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 8183-1976 Specification forbonded mineral wool.
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 20361974 Specification for phenolic laminated sheets (first
SP : 21-1983
Type I - Having only one side bearing the For panels of length 0.4 mm Max
decorative surface, the other side being less than 0.6 m from straight line
roughened or given an appropriate treatment to 0.6 m and above 20.06 L mmMax
promote adhesion to the base; and from, straight line
(L = length of straight line in metres).
Type 2 - Having both sides bearing the de-
corative surface, the two sides may be different 3.6 Squareness of Rectangular Finisheti
in colour or pattern or both. Panels - Out of square by not more than 3 mm per
2.5 m length.
3. Requirements
3.7 Resistance to Dry Heat -There shall be no
3.1 Appearance - Surface and edge finish, colour, blistering or appreciable surface deterioration on loss
pattern, etc , as mutually agreed. of gloss.
3.2 Flatness 3.8 Dimensional Stability - Dimensional change
3.2.1 For 1.5 mm nominal thickness - Height shall be not mom than 0.5 percent in machine direction
above flat surface at the edges of the full manufactured and 0.9 percent in perpendicular direction.
and trimmed width shall not exceed 150 mm. 3.9 Resistance to Immersion in Boiling Water -
3.2.2 For nominal thickness 3 mm and over - Water absorption shall not exceed 10 percent. Increase
The departure at any point of its surface from a light in thickness of sheet shall not exceed 10 percent. There
straight edge shall not exceed the following: shall be no crazing, blistering or delamination.
Length of Straight Edge Max Departure 3.10 Resistance to Staining - Shall not show any
mm mm blistering or discolouration at the final examination.
300 1.0 3.11 Cross-Breaking Strength - Shall not be less
600 3.0 than the following values:
1 000 6.5 a) With decorative face in 850 kgf/cm2
3.3 Nominal Length and Width
b) With decorative face in 1 200 kgf/cm*
3.3.1 Sheets for fabrication - Dimensions and compression
tolerance shall be as mutually agreed. (shall apply only to 1.5 mm thick sheets)
SP : 21-1983
3.12 Impact Strength - Not less than 0.035 kgf.m. 3.14 Optional Requirements
3.13 Machining Test -Shall be capable of being 3.14.1 Colour fastness to artificial light - Shall
sawn, milled, drilled and tapped without splitting or not be inferior to standard pattern for light fastness
cracking. rating No. 5.
Note l-For the benefit of users, general information on proper use; application and maintenance of decorative laminated sheets
has been given in Appendix A of fhe standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 20461969 Specification for decorative thermosetting syn’?hetic resin
bondedJaminated sheets (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2508-1977 Specification for low density polyethylene films (first
SP : 21-1983
3.1 Appearance - Sheet shall be uniform in colour, 3.6 Delamination (Calendered and Laminated
Sheet) - Material shall show no signs of delami-
transparency and finish; reasonably free from detri-
mental scratches, creases, streaks, pinholes, dents, nation.
pimples and inclusions. 3.7 Colour Fastness - Shall be tested if agreed
3.2 Thickness between the purchaser and the supplier.
No. A
/ 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6307-1971 Specification for rigid PVC sheets.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
Title Page
IS : 694-1977 PVC insulated cables for working voltages up to and including 463
1 100 volts (second revision)
IS : 1596-1977 Polyethylene insulated cables for working voltages up to and 465
including 1 100 volts (second revision)
IS : 9968 Elastomer insulated cables
IS : 9968 (Part I)-1981 For working voltages up to and including 1 100 volts 466
IS : 9968 (Part II)-1981 For working voltages from 3.3 kV up to and including 11 kV 467
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
Note l-Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor-l, 1.5, 2.5, 4.6, 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70, 95, 120, 150, 185, 240, 300, 400, 500
and 630 mm*.
Note Z-For detailed dimensions, refer to Tables 1 to 4 of the standard.
2.3 Cable Code - The following code shall be used f) Physical tests for insulation and sheath,
for designating the cable: g) Test for bleeding and blooming of pigments,
h) Insulation resistance test, and
Constituent Code Letter
j) High voltage test (water immersion test).
Aluminium conductor A
PVC insulation Y 3.2 Acceptance Tests - Tests specified in (a) to (e)
PVC sheath Y and (h) of 3.1.
Earth continuity conductor (ECC)
3.3 Routine Tests
Note - For detailed constructional requirements refer to Sec- a) Conductor resistance test, and
tion III of rlze srandard.
b) High voltage test or Spark test.
3. Tests 3.4 Optional Tests
a) Cold bend test,
3.1 Type Tests
b) Cold impact test, and
a) Annealing test (for copp?r), c) Additional ageing test (for weather proof
b) Tensile test (for aluminium), cables).
Note-For test details, refer to IS : 5831-1970 Specification for PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables, IS : 8130-1976
Specification for conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords, and fhe standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 694-1977 Specification for PVC insulated cables for working
voltages up to and including I 100 volts.
-- ---
SP : 21-1983
^ . .
Note I -For requirements regarding materials and construction, refer to Ihe standard.
Note 2-For test details, refer to IS : 5831-1970 Specification for PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables, IS : 6474-1971
Specification for polyethylene insulation and sheath of electric cables, IS : 8130-1976 Specification for conductors for insulated
electric cables and flexible cords. and the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1596-1977 Specification for polyethylene insulated cables for
working voltages up to and including I 100 volts. 100 volts (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements of elastomer insulated ca- 1 100 V. These cables may be used on dc systems for
bles for fixed wiring, flexible cables and flexible cords rated voltages up to and including 1 500 V.
for electric power and lighting for operation at voltages
1.3 The cables covered in the standard are suitable
up to and including 1 100 volts.
for use where the combination of ambient temperature
1.1 The following types of cables and cords are and temperature rise due to loads results in a conductor
covered in the standard. temperatute not exceeding the values given below:
1.l .l Cables for fixed iviring Type of Insulation Conductor
a) Braided and compounded/varnished,
“C, Max
b) Elastomer sheathed (general purpose), and
c) Elastomer sheathed with earth continuity INonnal
conductor (general purpose). Operation Circuit
1.1.2 Flexible cables a) General purpose rubber 60 200
b) Heat resistance synthetic rubber:
a) Braided and varnished, and 1) Butyl rubber, and 85 220
b) Elastomer sheathed (heavy duty). 2) Ethylene propylene rubber 90 250
1.1.3 Flexible cords c) Silicone rubber 150 350
Note - The short circuit temperatures mentioned above are
a) Braided, based on the intrinsic properties of the insulating materials. It is
b) Elastomer sheathed (general purpose), and essential that the accessories which are used in the above system
c) Unkinkable flexible cords - braided and with mechanical and/or soldered connections are suitable for the
compounded (workshop type). temperature adopted for the cable.
1.2 The cables covered in the standard are suitable 2. Size - The nominal cross-sectional area of vari-
for use on ac single phase or three-phase (earthed or ous types of elastomer insulated cables and cords shall
unearthed) system for rated voltage up to and including be as follows:
SP : 21-1983
3. Tests 4. Identification
Note l-For dimensions, such as thickness of insulation, thickness of sheath for various types of cables and cords, and for
requirements regarding material and construction, refer to the standard.
Note 2-For test details, refer to IS : 6380-1971 Specification for elastomeric insulation and sheath of electric cables, IS : 8130-1976
Specification for conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords. and the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 9968 (Part I)-1981 Specification for elastomer insulated cables: \
Part I For working voltages up to and including I 100 volts.
1. Scope - Requirements for heat resisting elas- conductors, heat resisting elastomer insulated (with
tomer insulated cables for fixed installations and conductor and insulation screens as required), unar-
flexible cables, suitable for the following voltage mouEd or wire/strip armoured, with overall sheath of
grades (UoAJ): PVC or I-ID HOFR elastomeric compound.
a) Earthed Systems - 1.913.3, 3.816.6 and 1.2 Flexible cables cover single- and three-core con-
6.35111 kV; and structions with or without grounding conductors,
b) Unearthed Systems - 3.313.3, 6.616.6 and copper conductors, heat resisting elastomer insulated
ll/ll kV. (with conductor and insulation screens as required),
1.1 Cables for fixed installations cover single- and unarmoured or armoured, with overall sheath of HD
three-core constructions with copper or aluminium HOFR elastomeric compound.
SP : 21-1983
1.3 The cables covered in the standard are suitable 3.2 Acceptance Tests
for use where the combination of ambient temperature a) Annealing test (for copper),
and temperature-rise due to load results in conductor b) Tensile test (for aluminium),
temperatures not exceeding the following for normal c) Wrapping test (for aluminium),
sustained operation and for short-circuit conditions: d) Conductor resistance test,
e) Test for thickness of insulation and sheath,
BUtyl Ethylene
*f) Partial discharge test, and
Rubber Propyltvne
g) High voltage test.
Insulated Rubber
Cables Insulated 3.3 Routine Tests
Cables a) Conductor resistance test,
Maximum conductor tempera- 85°C 90°C *b) Partial discharge test, and
ture for continuous C) High voltage test.
operation 3.4 Optional Tests
Maximum conductor tempera- 220°C 250°C a) Ozone resistance test, and
ture during short circuit b) Electrical test on semi-conducting non-
metallic screen.
2. Size - The sizes of conductor shall be 16, 25, Note - Test marked as (*) are applicable to cables with
35, 50, 70, 95, 120, 150, 185, 240, 300,400, 500, conductor and insulation screens.
630, 800 and 1000 mm2.
4. Identification
3. Tests 4.1 Voltage Identijcation - The voltage grade of
cable shall be identified throughout the length of cable
3.1 Type Tests
by means of a tape bearing the voltage grade (for
a) Annealing test (for copper), example, 6.35/11 kV or 6 350/11 000 V) or by
b) Tensile test (for aluminium), voltage grade being printed, embossed or indented on
c) Wrapping test (for aluminium), the outer sheath.
d) Conductor resistance tests,
e) Test for armour wires/strips, 4.2 Cable Identification - Cable shall also be iden-
0 Test for thickness of insulation and sheath, tified throughout the length by the legend shown
g) Physical tests for insulation, below, either printed or indented or embossed on
h) Physical tests for sheath, cable:
Type of Cable Insulation Legend
9 Insulation resistance measuremerit at room
temperature, Butyl rubber HR 85
k) Partial discharge test, EPR HR 90
m) Bending test, followed by partial discharge
4.3 Cable Code - The following code shall be used
test, for designating the cable:
n) Dielectric power factor as ti.mction of voltage,
P) Dielectric power factor as a function of tempera- Constituent Code Letter
ture, Aluminium conductor A
q) Insulation resistance measurement at operating Elastomer insulation (rubber)
temperature, Steel round wire armour &
r) ⅈngdcycle test, followed by partial discharge Non-magnetic round wire armour Wa
Steel strip armour F
s) High voltage test for four hours.
Non-magnetic strip armour Fa
Double steel strip armour FF
Elastomer outer sheath (rubber) R
Note 1 - Tests (k), (m), (n), (p) and (r) are applicable to
screened cables only. PVC outer sheath R
Note 2 - In three-core cables, each test or measurement shall Note - When conductormaterial is copper, no code letter is
be carried out on all the cores. required for conductor.
Note 1-For requirements regarding materials, and construction, refer to fhe standard.
Note Z-For test details, refer to IS : 5831-1970 Specification for PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables, IS : 6380-1974
Specification for elastomeric insulation and sheath of electric cables, IS : 8130-1976 Specification for conductors for insulated
electric cables and flexible cords, and fhe sfandard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 9968 (Part II)-1981 Specification for elastomer insulated cables:
.Part II For working voltages from 3.3 kV up to and including 11 kV.
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
SP : 21-1983
a>Base terminal housing and cover (having integ- 3.8 The clearances and creepage distances between
ral cord grip) and extension flange (where live live parts of opposite polarity and between live parts
parts are supported) - Vitrified ceramic or and the following parts shall not be less than 0.3 mm:
tough non-ignitable moulded insulating a) Metal fixing screws;
material. b) Other metal parts; and
b) Cover (not incorporating cord grip) and exten- c) Flat mounting surfaces.
sion flange (not supporting live parts) -
Materials as in (a) or alternatively suitable 4. Cord Grip - Ceiling roses shall be provided
non-ignitable thermoplastic materials. with means for gripping flexible cord which shall not
cl Terminal and terminal screws - Brass, phos- damage the insulation and/or sheath of the cqrd and
phor bronze and/or suitable equivalent shall be such that the load on the cord is not transmitted
material. to the terminals.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 371-1979 Specification for ceiling roses (second revision).
SP : 21-1983
Dimensions Rating
1. Scope - Requirements and tests for three-pin h
(two-pole and earthing-pin) plugs and socket-outlets of / \
5A 15A 30A
surface and flush type (shuttered and non-shuttered)
suitable for ac and dc circuits having voltages up to tiiii) Diameter of earthing-pin 7.06 8.71 9.53
250 V. The standard ratings shall be 5, 15 and ix) Length of slot in earthing 10.5 17 25
30 amperes. pin, Min
x) Length of slot in current- 7.5 10.5 17
2. Requirements carrying pin, Min
2.1 Material 2.3.1 Tolerances
a) Plug base, plug cover, socket-outlet cover and On dimensions given in (ii) and (viii) in 2.3 shall
shutter - Tough non-ignitable insulating be + 0.025
material. -- 0.050;-
b) Socket base - Tough non-ignitable insulating and on dimensions given in (iii) and (vi) shall be
material or vitrified ceramic material. +1.04
c) Pins, terminals, current carrying parts and -o.13mm
earthing pin and earthing contact - Note 1 - Socket contacts shall be self-adjusting for centres
Phosphor-bronze, brass, aluminium ahoy or 0.15 mmgreaterorlessthan dimensionsgiven in<iJand(v) in2.3
other suitable material. Note 2 - For detailed dimensions and tolerances refer to
d) Non-current-carrying parts - Mild steel, Table 1 of the standard.
ahrminium alloy or insulating material.
2.4 Clearances and Creepage Distances - Not less
2.2 Earthing-pin shall make and break contact before than 3.0 mm.
and after the associated current carrying pins. Connec-
tion of flexible conductor to earthing pin of plug shall Note - For constructional requirements of 3-pin plugs and
socket-outlet with regard to aspects such as protection against
be visible through an opening in plug.
electricshock, plug cover and base, pins and socket contacts, cord
enay and cord grip, ana terminals and screws, referto 5 and 6 of
2.3 Dimensions (in mm) dre standard.
Dimensions Rating
A \ 3. Tests
’ 5A 15A 30A
3.1 Type Tests
i) Distance c/c of current- 19.1 25.4 36.5
3.1.1 Visual examination
carrying pins
ii) Diameter of current- 5.08 7.06 7.93 3.1.2 Interchangeability
carrying pins
iii) Projection from plug 15.9 20.6 28.6 3.1.3 Effectiveness of contact - Voltage drop
base to the top of cur- shall not exceed 15 millivolts.
rent-carrying pins
3.1.4 Withdrawal pull
vi) Nominal width of slot 0.6 0.8 0.8
in current-carrying 3 to 60 N for 5 A plug
pins 4 to 80 N for 15 A plug
v) Distance c/c of 22.2 28.6 39.7 7 to 100 N for 30 A plug
earthing-pin and cur- 3.1.5 Insulation resistance (dry) - Not less than
rent-carrying pin 100 megohms.
vi) Projection from plug 20.6 28.6 36.5
base to the top of 3.1.6 High voltage
earthing-pin 3.1.7 Moisture resistance - Insulation resis-
vii) Nominal width of slot in 0.8 0.8 0.8 tance shall not be less than 2 megohms after moisture
earthing-pin treatment.
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For detailed requirements and methods of tests, refer to 10 of the standard.
Note 2-For gauges for plugs and socket-outlets, refer to Appendix B of the standard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 1293-1967 Specification for three-pin plugs and socket-outlets (first
- ___-.--.__
1. Scope - Requirements for rewirable type fuse- 3. Physical and Electrical Requirements
bases and fuse-carriers having a current rating up to 3.1 Mechanical Endurance - At the end of pre-
and including 200 A and a voltage rating not exceeding sctibed test, the fuse-base and fuse-carrier shall be
650 V between lines. All types of rewirable type examined for the following:
electric fuses as well as fuse-elements are not covered.
a) The contacts shall not work loose,
Note - It is undesirable to use rewirable fuses of rated currents
higher than 100 A. b) No damage shall be caused to any part of the
2. Ratings fuse-carrier or fuse-base,
2.1 Rated Voltage - Preferred values shall be as c) There shall be no displacement of any of the
follows: component parts, and
For ac systems 240 and 415 V d) The serviceability of the fuse shall not have
For dc systems 11.5, 250 and 500 V been impaired.
2.2 Rated Currents - Preferred values shall be 6, 3.2 Mechanical Strength - Carrier and base shall
16, 32, 63, 100 and 200 A. show neither cracks nor permanent deformation.
SP : 21-1983
3.3 Withdrawal Force - Shall be between valves fied, smoothly glazed, except in case of steatite and
given below: shall be free from defects such as dents and
Rated Current, Withdrawal Force,
A kgf 3.9.2 Temperature cycle - When bases and car-
6 0.5 to 1.5 riers axe subjected to temperature cycle test, the
16 0.5 to 3.5 ceramic material shall withstand series of tests without
32 1.5 to 5.5 breaking, cracking or crazing. Base and carrier shall
63 3.0 to 10.0 also comply with requirements of 3.6 when subjected
100 4.0 to 16.0 to high voltage test.
200 15.0 to 70.0 3.9.3 Water absorption - Material shall not ab- ,
3.4 Temperature-Rise - Shall not exceed 55°C in sorb more than 2 percent of its weight of water when
case of fuse-carrier contacts and 40°C in case of fuse- broken.
base contacts. 3.10 Non-&mmability - Materials shall be incap-
3.5 Insulation Resistance - Not less than 10 meg- able of burning or giving off flammable vapours in
ohms. sufficient quantity to ignite at a pilot flame when heated
for 5 minutes in an oven at 300°C.
3.6 Dielectric Strength - Carrier and base shall
withstand the application of an ac voltage of 2 000 V Note - For constructional requirements of fuse-base and
rms for one minute without puncture of insulation or fuse-carrier with regard to aspects such as material, protection,
handle or grip, screws current-carrying parts and terminals, refer
to 4 of Ihe standard.
3.7 Breaking Capacity - Carrier and base shall be
deemed to have failed the test if one or more of 4. Tests
following occur:
a) Any part of the fuse-carrier or the fuse-base 4.1 Type Tests
‘ignites, a) Test for mechanical endurance
b) The fuse-carrier is ejected, 6 Test for mechanical strength
c) Any part of the fuse except the fuse-element c) Test for withdrawal force
and its covering is damaged to such an extent as d) Test for temperature-rise
to render it unserviceable, 4 Insulation resistance test
d) The insulation resistance reduces to below 0 High voltage test
100 000 ohms. g) Test for breaking capacity
3.8 Water Absorption (for Non-ceramic h) Test for water absorption
Materials) - Materials shall be incapable of taking 8 Test on ceramic material
up water in sufficient quantity to cause appreciable k) Ignition test
swelling, laminating, warping or changing of the
4.2 Routine Test - High voltage test.
4.3 Acceptance Tests - Tests specified in (a), (c),
3.9 Requirements of Ceramic Material
(d), (e), (f) and (h) of 4.1 and temperature cycle tests
3.9.1 Material shall be sound, thoroughly vitri- (for ceramic material).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 20861963 Specification for carriers and bases used in rewirable type
electric fuses up to 650 volts (revised).
SP : 21-1983
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2412-1975 Specification for link clips for electrical wiring (first
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for circular rigid 4.2 Bending Test - Surface shall show no cracks
conduits manufactured from unplasticized PVC or after bending.
copolymer material or other suitable non-metallic 4.3 Test for Resistance to Heat - Specimen main-
material and intended for the enclosure and protection tained at a temperature of 60 + 2°C for 240 hours. It
of cables used in the wiring of electrical installations. shall not show any change which would impair its use.
Covers the conduits suitable for temperature between On cooling, it shall be capable of withstanding the
- S”C,and + 60°C. impact test.
2. Dimensions (in mm) 4.4 Test for Mechanical Strength
Nomirralout- 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 4 Rigidity - Deflection shall not be more than
side dia 25 mm.
Outsidedia, 16.3 20.3 40.3 50.3 63.3 b) Resistance to impact - There shall be no
MlW cracks.
Inside dia, 13.4 17.2 21.6 28.2 35.8 45 56.8 c) Resistance to crushing - Flattening shall not
Min be more than 1.0 percent of original outside
Ecentricity , 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 diameter.
MaX 4.5 Tests for Electrical Characteristics
Ovality , 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.8
Max. a) Dielectric strength -‘No breakdown shall
occur after application of high voltage.
2.1 Tolerance on nominal outside diameter shall be b) Insulation resistance - Not less than 100 meg-
+0.3 mm and -0 mm. ohms.
2.2 Size Designation - By nominal outside dia- 4.6 TestforResistance to Combustion - Specimen
meter. shall not bum to 25 mm mark and shall not show any
flame or afterglow 5 seconds after removing the
2.3 Length - 3 or 4 m or as specified.
4.7 Testfor Resistance to Chemical Action - There
3. Workmanship - The interior of conduits shall shall be no visible deterioration after 1 week immer-
be free from obstructions. The ends of conduits shall be sion in acid solution (330 ml HCl diluted to 1 litre) or
cleanly cut or formed plane and shall be free from alkaline solution (80 g of sodium hydroxide dissolved
burrs. in water and diluted to 1 litre).
4.8 Copper Test - Shall show no evidence of
4. Tests formation of copper salts.
4.1 Checking of Dimensions - Outside diameter 4.9 Testfor Resistance to Oil - Specimen shall not
ovality; uniformity of wall thickness (eccentricity); show any sign of penetration of oil or of cracking or
inside diameter. splitting .
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Material, dimensions and other re.-. Note - For profile and other details of IS0 metic threads,
quirements of screwed type fittings (couples, elbows, refer to Appendix A of he standard.
tees, bends and boxes) for use with rigid steel conduits 3. Dimensions (in mm)
for electrical wiring purposes conforming to
3.1 Nominal sizes of outlets of fittings shall corres-
IS : 9537 (Part II)-198 l*. Screw reducers are not co- pond to nominal outside diameter of conduits (16,20,
vered . 25, 32, 40, 50 and 63) covered by IS : 9537 (Part
2. Requirements II)-1981*.
2.1 Material - Steel, cast iron or malleable cast 3.2 Minimum thickness of fittings (other than boxes)
iron. shall be equal to that of corresponding conduit thick-
2.2 Fittings shall be fabricated or cast to the shape. ness with which they are used. For cast fittings, the
The interior and the ends of fittings shall be free from minimum thickness at the root of the thread shall be as
burrs, dents, tins, sharp edges or projections and the follows:
like. 1.5 mm forcast fittings of sizes 16,20 and 25 mm.
2.3 Couplers shall be screwed inside for entire 3.0 mm for cast fittings of sizes 63 mm.
3.3 Tolerance - +5 percent on nominal dimen-
2.4 Elbow - Atis of elbow shall be quadrant of a sions .
circle (radius = its nominal size) plus a’straight portion
3.4 Couplers
(of length=twice nominal size) at each end.
Nominal size 16 20 25 32 40 50 63
2.5 Normal Bend - Axis shall be quadrant of a Length, Min 30 35 43 43 43 49 49
circle (radius = 2% times nominal size) plus a straight
3.5 Tees - Radius of axis shall be equal to nominal
portion (of length = twice nominal size) at each end.
size and straight length at each end shall be twice the
Half normal bend will be same as normal bend except
nominal size.
that diversion shall be 45” instead of 90”.
3.6 Boxes
2.6 Circular Boxes - Shall be provided with lugs
3.6.1 Circular boxes
(thickness not less than 2.8 mm) for fixing covers; two
lugs for small boxes and four lugs for large boxes. Size of conduit 16 20 25 20 25 32
Internal dia 60 60 60 80 80 80
2.7 Rectangular Boxes - Those used with 16 mm
Internal depth 50 50 50 70 70 70
and 20 mm conduits are recognised as standard; and
Thickness, C.I. 3 3 3 3.5 3.5 3.5
shall be provided with two lugs of thickness not less
Thickness Mall C.I. 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
than 2.8 mm.
Thickness steel 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.5 2.5 2.5
2.8 Coversfor Boxes - Shall be of steel, malleable
3.6.2 Preferred internal dimensions of rectangular
cast iron, or other suitable material. Thickness shall
boxes :
not be less than 1.2 mm for steel covers; and not less
than minimum thickness of box for malleable cast iron. Height
Length 75 100 100 150 150 150
2.9 Protection Against Corrosion - Shall be 37.5
I Breadth 75 75 100 75 100 150
treated both inside and outside, excluding machined 75 100 100 150 150 150
surfaces and screw threads. Examples of protection 50 “B
I 75 75 100 75 100 150
are: 100 150 150 150
a) Medium protection - Stove enamelling; 75 B”
( 100 75 100 150
Air-drying paint; Electrolytic deposits. 100 150
b) Heavy protection - Hot-dip galvanized coat- 100 B”
{ 100 150
ing; Sherardizing. 100
150 “B
2.10 Screw Threads - IS0 metric threads. { 100
*Specification for conduits for electrical wiring: Part II Rigid steel *Specification for conduits for electrical wiring: Part II Rigid steel
conduits. conduits.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For methods of tests given in 4(b) and 4(d), refer to Appendices C and D and for method of test given in 4(c), refer t0
IS : 9537 (Part II)-1981 Specification for conduits for electrical wiring: Part II Rigid steel conduits.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 2667-1976 Specification for fittings for rigid steel conduits for
electrical wiring (first revision). L
i ___~
*Specification for rigid non-metallic conduits for electrical instal- Internal dia of spout 60 60 60 - - -
lations @rst revision ). type circular box
SP : 21-1983
Thickness of spout type 1.6 1.6. 1.6 - - - 4.1.6 Moisture absorption test - Shall not
circular box exceed 1 percent.
Length of spouts of 18 20 23 - - - 4.1.7 Test for resistance to chemical action -
spout type circular Thete shall be no visible signs of deterioration after
box, Minimum
immersion of sample in acid solution (330 ml HCL sp
Note - For detailed dimensions and tolerances of fittings, gr 1.6 diluted to 1 litre of water) or alkaline solution
refer to Tables 1 to 9 of the standard. (80 g of sodium hydroxide dissolved in water and
diluted to 1 litre of water for one week.
4. Tests
4.1.8 Copper test - There shall be no visible
4.1 Type Tests evidence of formation of copper salt on sample.
4.1.1 Visual examination 4.1.9 Testfor resistance to oil - Strip shall show
4.1.2 Checking of dimensions no sign of cracking or splitting.
4.1.3 Test for resistance to heat - Specimens 4.1.10 Test for resistance to combustion -
shall not show changes which will impairtheiruse after Burning shall not spread. Flame shall die out in less
they are maintained at a temperature of 60 + 2°C for than 30 seconds after removal of burner.
240 hours. On cooling they shall withstand impact
resistance test. 4.2 Acceptance Tests - Tests specified in 4.1.1,
4.1.2 and 4.1.5.
4.1.4 Test for resistance to impact - Sample
shall show no damage or cracks.
4.3 Routine Tests - Tests specified in 4.1.1
4.1.5 Test for electrical characteristics and 4.1.2.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3419-1976 Specification for fittings for rigid non-metallic conduits
(first revision).
1. Scope - Requirements for flexible steel conduits Nominal internal dia 6.5 10 16 25 40 63 100
for protection of cables in electrical installations. Such Internal dia 6.5 10 16 25 40 63 100
conduits shall not be used as an earth continuity
External dia in nor- 9 13 20 31 46 70 108
ma1 position, M&
2. Requirements Tums/metre in nor- 315 235 200 160 100 100 100
ma1 position, Min
2.1 Strip steel used in manufacture shall be of mild
steel, bright, cold-rolled and annealed. Shall be Bending dia, Min 55 63 90 150 225 350450
electro-galvanized or electro-tinned to a minimum ‘Linear breaking 35 60 110 210 330 430 500
thickness of 0.002 5 mm, or otherwise provided with load, Min, kgf
equally effective protective coating. Bending fracture 11.5 18 35 45 70 125 190
2.2 Conduit shall be wound tightly and the strip so load, Min, kgf
overlapped in subsequent helicis that no openings are Tolerance on internal +0.5 and -0 +l.O and -0
seen in normal position. dia
2.3 Internal surfaces shall be free from burrs and
sharp edges.
*Linear breaking load = Load at which coils pull off adjacent
3. Dimensions (in mm) beading.
SP : 21-1983
Size of conduit/bush 16 20 25 32 40 50 63
Minimum thickness (ordinary clips, 0.71 0.9 0.9 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 I
single and multiple saddles)
Minimum width (ordinary clips, single 15 20 20 25 25 25 25
and multiple saddles)
Maximum width across flats (plugs) 17 22 41 50
Maximum width across flats (lock nuts) 22 27 Z 4’: 50 65 ::
Maximum width across flats (hexagonal 17 22 30 36 41 55 -
Bore (hexagonal bushes) 10 13.5 19 26.2 31 44.4 - .
Circular bushes, external dia 20 24 29
Circular bushes, bore 11.1 14.3 19 ;:.2 Yl.8 Z.4 q
*Specification for conduitsfor electrical wirlng: Part II Rigid steel Note I - Tolerances shall be +5 percent on nominal dimen-
conduits. sions .
SP : 21-1983
Sore 2 - The material shall be mild steel for clips, saddles, 4. Tests
plugs and lock nuts. mild steel forgings for pipe hooks and
crampets. and shall be moulded insulating for bushes. a) Visual examination,
b) Dimensional check, and
Sote 3 - For detailed dimensions of accessories. refer to c) Test for protective coating (for medium and
Tables 1 to 8 of r/w srnr~~~~nrtl. heavy protection).
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3837-1976Specification for accessories for rigid steel conduits fer
electrical wiring (first revision).
SP : 21-1983
Difference between dia 3.5 5 5 5.1.6 Over voltage and overcurrent capacity -
of head and thread 130 percent of rated current at 110 percent of rated
part, Min voltage, 10 times in succession at intervals of
Height of head, Min 2.6 3 3.5 30 seconds.
4.4 Creepage Distance and Clearance - 3 mm, 5.1.7 Endurance - 15 Ooo switch cycles for 5
Min. and 15 amperes and 10 000 for 30 amperes.
Note 1 - For constructional details in respect of enclosures, 5.1.8 Switches for inductive circuits
cord grip, covers and switch plates, mounting of switches,
current-carrying parts, operating cord, prevention against char- 5.1.9 Screws and connections
ring of base, and sealing compound, refer to 6 of rhe stundard.
5.1.10 Mechariical strength ,
Note 2 - For requirements regarding terminal and screws, 5.1.11 Water absorption - Shall not exceed
and actuating mechanism, refer to 7 and 8 of the smndard. 0.5 percent for ceramic material and 1 percent for
5. Tests moulded insulating material.
5.1.3’ Insulation resistance (dry) - Not less than 5.1.15 Resistance to rusting - Shall show no
100 megohms. sign of rust after the prescribed ammonium chloride
5.1.4 Moisture resistance - Not less than 2 meg-
ohms titer moisture treatment. 5.1.16 Maximum pull - 50 N normal to plane of
base and 75 N at 45” to plane of base.
5.1.5 Contact resistance and temperature
5.2 Acceptance Tests - Tests specified in 5.1.1
rise - Shall be capable of carrying rated current for
to 5.1.6, 5.1.8, 5.1.10 and 5.1.16.
half an hour without temperature rise of any part ex-
ceeding 25°C. 5.3 Routine Tests - Tests specified in 5.1.1
and 5.1.2.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 3854-1966 Specification for switches for domestic and similar
1. Scope - Requirements for interlocking type b) Cover, cover plates and actuating
switch socket outlets, rating up to 30A, suitable for use member - of tough, non-ignitable insulating
in ac and dc circuits at rated voltages up to 250 V. material.
SP : 21-1983
Note l-Test for tracking shall be applicable to mould insulating materials only and be carried out by manufacturer for proper selec-
tion of raw materials.
Note 2-For detailed requirements and methods of test, refer to 11 of the stmdard.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4160-1967 Specification for interlocking switch socket outlet.
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for switch socket-outlets 3.3 Clearances and Creepage Distances - Not less
of the non-interlocking type of the surface and flush than 3 mm.
type (shuttered and non-shuttered) having ratings up to
30 A and suitable for use on ac and dc circuits at rated Note 1 - For &mstmctional details in respect of enclosures,
covers, cover plates, mounting of switch socketautlet, current
voltage not exceeding 250 V.
carrying parts, precautions against electrical contact, earthing,
socket contacts, prevention against charring of base, sealing and
2. Standard Current Ratings - 5, 15 and 30 A. holes, refer to 5 of Phe standard.
SP : 21-1983
4.1.12 Screws and connections sign of rust after the prescribed ammonium chloride
4.1.13 Mechanical strength
4.1.17Endurance ofshutters - 5 000 operations.
4.1.14 Water absorption 4.2 Acceptance Tests - Tests specified in 4.1.1
to 4.1.11 and 4.1.13.
4.1.15 Resistance to heat
4.3 Routine Tests - Tests specified in4.1.1,4.1.2,
4.1.16 Resistance to rusting - Shall’ show no 4.1.5 and 4.1.6.
Note I-Test for tracking shall be applicable to mould insulating materials only and be carried out by manufacturer for Proper sek-
tion of raw materials. \
Note 2-For detailed requirements and methods of tests, refer to 10 of the standard.
For &tailed information, refer to IS : 4615-1968 Specification for switch socket-outlets (non-inrertockiw
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements for manually operated Note 1 - For amspuctional details in respect of enclosures,
2-Amp single pole one-way switches, such as tumbler, cord grip, covers and switch plates, current carrying pans and
prevention against charring of base, refer to 4 of the srundard.
push button, bell push and other types for domestic and
similar purposes, for incorporation in cords, lamp- Note 2 - For requirements regarding terminals and screws,
holders or for mounting on or in appliances or and actuating mechanism, refer to 5 and 6 of the srandard.
accessories where tappings cannot be taken, suitable
for use on ac or dc circuits at rated voltages not 3. Tests
exceeding 250 V. These switches shall not be used for
wall mounting, where tappings can be taken. 3.1 Type Tests
3.1.1 Visual examination
2. Requirements
2.1 Material - Parts shall be manufactured with 3.1.2 High voltage - Shall withstand ac voltage
following materials: of 1 500 V rms for a period of one minute under the
specified test conditions.
a) Base - Tough, non-ignitable insulating
material or vitrified ceramic material. 3.1.3 Insulation resistance (dry) - Shall not be
b) Cover, switch-plate, dolly, push button - less than 100 megohms.
Tough non-ignitable insulating material. 3.1.4 Moisture resistance - Not less than 2 meg-
C) Current-carrying parts - Brass, copper, ohms after moisture treatment.
phosphor bronze, aluminium or silver alloy.
d) Spring - Corrosion-resistant metal. 3.1.5 Contact resistance and temperature-
e) Attachmentjttings, screws, non-current carry- rise - Voltage drop not exceeding 0.075 V and
ing parrs - Mild steel, aluminium alloy or temperature rise not more than 25°C.
insulating material.
3.1.6 Overvoltage and overcurrent capacig -
2.2 Terminals and Screws 130 percent of rated current at 110 percent of rated
2.2.1 Terminals shall allow conductor to be con- voltage 10 times in sucession at intervals of
nected without special preparation, such as soldering 30 seconds.
of strands, use of cable lugs and formation of eyelets. 3.1.7 Endurance - 15 000 cycles at a rate not
2.2.2 Dimensions of pillar Qpe terminals exceeding 6 cycles/minute.
SP : 21-1983
Note- For detailed requirements and methods of tests, refer to 9 of the s!andurd.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 4949-1968 Specification for 2-Amp switches for domestic and
similar purposes.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 5133 (Part I)-1969 Specification for boxes for enclosure of
electrical accessories: Part I Steel and cast iron boxes.
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983
1. Scope - Requirements and tests for three-pin Note - For detaileddimensionsand tolerances, refer to Table
1 of the standard.
(two-pole and earthing-pin) plugs having the base and
cover, or either of these components, constructed of 3.2.3 Terminals and Screws - The design shall
rubber or other suitable resilient material and suitable allow a conductor to be connected without special
for use in ac and dc circuits having voltage up to 250V. preparations, such as soldering, use of cable lugs and
Note - These are intended to be used with socket-outlets formation of eyelets. When pillar type terminals are
conforming to IS : 1293-1967*. used, their dimensions shall be as follows:
2. Standard Ratings - 5 and 15 A. 5A 15 A
Current rating
3. Requirements Nom thread dia, Min 3.5 mm 4.0mm
Dia of hole for conductor, 3.5 mm 4.0mm
3.1 Materials:
a) Plug base and cover - of rubber (hardness Length of thread in pillar, 2.5 mm 3.0mm
<85 IRHD) or tough non-ignitable insulating Min
material. Difference between dia of 0.6 mm 0.6mm
b) Pins, terminals, current-carrying parts - of hole and nominal dia
phosphor-bronze, brass, aluminium alloy, etc. of screw, Max
c) Non-currentcarrying parts - of mild steel, 3.3 Ageing - Plugs shall be resistant to ageing.
aluminium alloy, or insulating material.
3.4 Clearances and Creepage Distances - Not less
3.2 Construction than 3.0 mm.
Note - For consnuctional requirements of three-pin plugs
3.2.1 During insertion of plug into socket-outlet, with regardto aspects such as earthing,plug cover and base, pins,
it shall not be possible to touch a live pin after contact cord entry and cordgrip, current-canying parts, finger grip, plugs
has been established between pins and socket contacts. with integralflexible cord. and terminalsand screws, referto 5 of
Earthing pin shall make and break contact respectively he standard.
before and after the associated current-carrying pins 4. Tests
make and break contact with corresponding contacts. 4.1 Type Tests
a) Visual examination,
3.2.2 Dimensions ofplugs(in mm)- SeeTable 1.
b) Test for interchangeability,
d Test for effectiveness of contact,
TABLE 1 DIMENSIONS OF PLUGS Test for insulation resistance (dry),
A e) High voltage test,
‘5 A 15 A’ 0 Test for moisture resistance,
i) Distance between earthing-pin 22.2 28.6 iz) Temperature-rise test,
and current-carrying pin h) Breaking capacity test,
(centre to centre)
8 Test for mechanical strength,
ii) Distance between current-cany- 19.1 25.4 k) Ageing test,
ing pins (centre to centre) m) Plug pin deflection test,
iii) Dia of earthing-pin 7.06 8.71
n) Test for water absorption,
P) Test for screws and connections (not
iv) Dia of current-carrying pin 5.08 7.06 applicable for moulded-on type plugs),
v) Projection of current-carrying 15.9 20.6
Test for cord grip,
pins from plug face :; Test for resistance to heat, and
s) Test for resistance to rust.
vi) Projection of earthing-pin from 20.6 28.6
plug face 4.2 Acceptance Tests - Tests specified in (a) to (j)
I of 4.1.
*Speciticarion for three-pin plugs and socket-outlets yirst 4.3 Routine Tests - Tests specified in (a), (b) and
revision). (e) of 4.1.
SP : 21-1983
Note-For test details, refer to 9 of the standard and IS : 1293-1967 Specification for three-pin plugs and socket-outlets
For detailed information, refer to IS : 6538-1971 Specification for three-pin plugs made of resilient
1. Scope - Requirements for pliable conduits and 2.2 Material and Workmanship - Shall be manu-
flexible conduits (non-metallic), plain or with corru- factured from self-extinguishing plastic materials and
gated walls (with or without non-metallic reinforce- shall ensure reliable mechanical protection to the
ment) manufactured from unplasticized PVC or cables and withstand the stresses likely to occur during
copolymer or other suitable non-metallic material, in- transport, storage and installation.
tended for the enclosure and protection of cables used
in wiring of electrical installations, and suitable for 2.3 Mechanical Strength - Shall show no crack or
working temperatures between -5°C and -t6O”C. deformation when bent or compressed, or exposed to
impacts or e.xtreme temperatures, either during or after
Note L- May be used forcircuit voltages not exceeding 650 V.
SP : 21-1983
Note l-For requirements regarding gauge for checking minimum and maximum outside diameter of conduits, measurement of
thickness and screw threads, refer to the standard.
Note 2-For test details and provisions regarding external influences, refer to the standard and IS : 9537 (Part I);1980 Specification
for conduits for electrical installations: Part I General requirements.
For detailed information, refer to IS : 9537 (Part II)-1981 Specification for conduits for electrical wiring:
Part II Rigid steel conduits.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
SP : 21-1983
Title Page
IS : 1911-1967 Schedule of unit weights of building materials (first revision) 495
SP : 21-1983
SP : 21-1983