Preventive Maintenance

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S.No Action Taken Yes No Remarks
1 Have you taken work permit for Maintenance
2 Do you use proper PPE'S for Maintenance
3 Do you have proper Tools and Tackles for Maintenance
4 Appropriate Sign Board for indicative of Maintenance work used
5 Do you completed weekly maintenance Schedule

6 Electrical Panels
(a) Connection tightness of Main LT Panel, Lighting DB, Raw power DB, UPS DB, VTPN, SPN
(b) Any damaged, burned, malfunctioning electrical equipment found in any Panels
(c) If yes, what corrective measure have you taken

7 Battery Bank
(a) Cleaning and Connection Tightness of all battery , UPS and Inverter System
(b) Are water level of each Tabular battery is sufficient
(c) Any damaged, burned, malfunctioning electrical equipment found in any system
(d) If yes, what corrective measure have you taken

8 Electrical Equipment ( Motors, PLC , VFD, sensors etc) and Installation

(a) Connection tightness of all Electrical Eqipments and Installation
(b) Are all Electrical eqipments like Motors, VFD, PLC working in their nominal voltage , current`
(c) level, greasing is appropriate as per standard of that particular machine for DG Sets, Air Compressure, Gear Box.
Oil level, coolant
(d) Any sound or vibration found in any electrical equipment
(e) If yes, what corrective measure have you taken
(f) Any damaged, burned, malfunctioning electrical equipment or Installtion found
(g) If yes, what corrective measure have you taken
9 Earthing System

(a) Proper earthing system of all electrical Panels, Eqipments, Installation is done or not Electrical
& Dedicated Earthing should be separately.
(b) What max. Earthing Voltage comes in your any electrical system.

10 Cables
(a) Whether the condition of cables are checked
(b) Any damaged or burned found on any part of cable.
(c) If yes, what corrective measure have you taken

11 HVAC/Air Conditioner( Split AC, Cassette AC)

(a) Are all cooling system working in their nominal voltage , current`
(b) Have you cleaned Indoor Unit & Outdoor unit or not
(c ) Have you checked its Gas Connector tightness

Technician sign:- Engineer sign:- HOD sign:-


S.No Action Taken Yes No Remarks
1 Have you taken work permit for Maintenance
2 Do you use proper PPE'S for Maintenance
3 Do you have proper Tools and Tackles for Maintenance
4 Appropriate Sign Board for indicative of Maintenance work used
5 Cleaning of Main LT Panel( ACB, Contactors, MCCB, MCB etc)
6 Cleaning of Lighting DB Panel
7 Cleaning of Raw Power DB Panel
8 Cleaning of UPS DB Panel
9 Cleaning of UPS with Battery Bank
10 Cleaning of Electrical Equipment ( Motors, PLC , VFD, sensors etc)
11 Are any loose connection found at Work area
12 Are any faulty lighting fixture found in plant
13 Are all power socket working properly with plug and socket

14 Do you maintain proper hygine and housekeeping of Electrical

Equipment Floor Area.

Technician sign:- Engineer sign:- HOD sign:-

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