Spending Too Much Time On Social Media
Spending Too Much Time On Social Media
Spending Too Much Time On Social Media
Problem 1: As you have accounts on many social networking sites, do you spend time visiting each one too often?
Problem 2: Do you get so lost in your social media networks that you can’t function if you aren’t connected the online
world? You feel lost, isolated, and become dependent, which can be dangerous.
Problem 3: Do you keep updating your status and remain busy reading the updates of others?
Problem 4: As you are online 24×7, are you neglecting your family, kids, siblings and friends?
Problem 5: Do you spend lots of time interacting with friends or strangers online to make new friends? As you are so used
to working behind the scenes, perhaps when you meet offline people, do you feel awkward in conversing with them?
Problem 6: Get too many messages, notifications, tags that you find it tough to cope with once you are on these social
media networks.
Problem 7: Some people bore you and you don’t like to interact with them, yet you do because you are being polite. So do
you waste time in talking to those who don’t matter to you over issues?
Problem 8: Do you face short attention spans because of the time you spend on social networking sites – making it tough
to cope with ALL the information because there is so much to read and learn and so little time?
Problem 9: Do you lack focus and think your productivity is taking a back seat due to these social media sites?
Problem 10: Perhaps you always want to listen to what everyone has to say, all the time. That’s called FOMO (fear of
missing out), which makes you anxious and crazy. So, are you online and on these social media networks always?
Problem 11: Do you waste time playing online games like Angry Birds, Zynga Poker, Facebook Scrabble etc, which are
present on such social networking sites? Or do people tag and invite you to play such games?
Seeking Validation
Problem 12: Do you spend time clicking your pictures and sharing it on the social media and seeing what others share, or
comment on them?
Problem 13: Do you feel your relationship is breaking up or broke up due to the amount you spent on these social
network sites?
Problem 14: Some people use such sites to hook up or indulge into extra-marital activities. Have you faced such issues
where there are problems in your relationship or marriage?
Problem 15: Have you had privacy issues while being online these social networking sites?
Problem 16: Was your account banned or hacked? Have you come across people with fake accounts and false identities?
Problem 17: Have you come across scammers on social networking sites who trick you to download malicious software or
visit certain sites?
Problem 18: Do you face health issues, like sleep deprivation due to being on the social networks till late night? Even your
teens could be busy texting or surfing online, are you aware?
Problem 19: Do your kids spend endless hours online, especially on social media networking sites, which affects their
studies and results in low academic grades?
Problem 20: Are your kids facing social media problems? Perhaps stalking, cyber bullying and such things have occurred
with them or their profiles – how did you handle that?