Soft Tissue Augmentation With Dermal Fillers, Part 1: Lips and Lower Face

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Soft Tissue Augmentation

With Dermal Fillers, Part 1:
Lips and Lower Face
Anthony M. Rossi, MD; Rajiv I. Nijhawan, MD; Maritza I. Perez, MD

As the development of new technologies and treatment approaches continue to expand the field of
cosmetic surgery, dermal filler injections have become increasingly popular, minimally invasive means
of improving aesthetic appearance. New filler materials have improved the ease of use with longer-
lasting results as well as minimal adverse effects (AEs) and downtime. The aging lower face features
characteristic changes that are particularly amenable to treatment with fillers. In this article, we discuss

techniques used for successful lip augmentation as well as rejuvenation of the lower face through
correction of the perioral rhytides, marionette lines, and prejowl sulci with frequently used dermal
fillers. Although most dermal fillers are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for

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treatment of lines and wrinkles only, we encourage a more natural approach using global assess-
ment of facial aging to develop an individualized approach to volume restoration and rejuvenation.
Cosmet Dermatol. 2012;25:260-265.

he field of cosmetic surgery continues to changes that are particularly amenable to treatment with
expand with the development of new tech- dermal fillers. The effects of facial aging include bone
nologies and treatment approaches. Among resorption, loss of subcutaneous tissue, muscular atrophy,
the newest developments are injectable der- and decreased skin elasticity due to loss of collagen and
mal fillers, which have become increasingly elastic tissue. The process is unique in each individual
popular as a noninvasive means of improving aesthetic and can lead to varying degrees of vertical perioral rhyt-
appearance, including the signs of aging. New filler mate- ides; downturned oral commissures; temporal atrophy;
rials are associated with improved ease of use, longer- prominent prejowl sulci; and deep forehead lines, naso-
lasting results, and minimal adverse effects (AEs) and labial folds, and marionette lines. Characteristically, aging
downtime. The aging lower face undergoes characteristic lips also become thinner and flatter with blunting of the
vermilion border, Cupid’s bow, and philtral columns.
All from the Department of Dermatology, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital The gradual changes associated with aging often cause
Center, New York, New York. Dr. Perez also is from Advanced the face to appear tired and unhappy, which can have
DermCare, Danbury, Connecticut. social implications that affect how a person is perceived
The authors report no conflicts of interest in relation to this article. by others.1 Soft tissue augmentation with surgical and
This article is the first of a 2-part series. The second part will appear minimally invasive procedures has dramatically evolved
in a future issue. to help reverse the signs of aging in the lips and lower
Correspondence: Anthony M. Rossi, MD, Department of Dermatology, face. Although most dermal fillers are approved by the
St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, 1090 Amsterdam Ave, Floor 11, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment
New York, NY 10025 ([email protected]). of lines and wrinkles only, we encourage a more natural

260 Cosmetic Dermatology® • JUNE 2012 • VOL. 25 NO. 6

Copyright Cosmetic Dermatology 2012. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted without the prior written permission of the Publisher.
Soft Tissue Augmentation With Dermal Fillers

approach using global assessment to develop an individu- cosmetic indication for Sculptra Aesthetic includes correc-
alized approach to volume restoration and rejuvenation. tion of shallow to deep nasolabial fold contour deficiencies
In 1893, Neuber2 became one of the first physicians to and other facial wrinkles. Radiesse currently is approved
report the use of soft tissue augmentation by filling facial for use in the United States for moderate to severe facial
defects with fat removed from a patient’s arms. Since then wrinkles and folds such as nasolabial folds and for the cor-
and especially over the last decade, the use of various rection of facial fat loss in patients with human immuno-
dermal fillers has exponentially increased as a popular deficiency virus–associated lipoatrophy.9 For treatment of
means of cosmetic enhancement and reversing the aging deeper lines or areas where structural support is needed,
process. The first bovine collagen filler Zyderm (Allergan, thicker filler materials can optimize outcomes, whereas
Inc) was introduced in 19773 and was approved by the thinner fillers are better suited for treatment of superficial
FDA in 1981; however, this product was not ideal because rhytides and the superficial dermis.
of the short duration of its clinical efficacy and its immu-
nogenic potential, which necessitated preinjection skin CONSULTATION
testing.4,5 A desire for a lower risk for hypersensitivity and Prior to any cosmetic procedure, the physician and the
longer-lasting effects led to the development of human patient should comprehensively discuss potential AEs
collagen–derived fillers such as Autologen (Isolagen as well as other possible treatment options. It also is im-
Technologies Inc), which was harvested from the patient’s portant to discuss the patient’s desired outcome and to
own skin but had a complex production process, and inform the patient of the likely degree of correction that
Dermalogen (Collagen Matrix Technologies, Inc), which is possible. Baseline photographs are essential in docu-
was derived from tissue banks and introduced in 1998.4-6 menting and discussing any preexisting asymmetries,
However, longer-lasting products with a minimal risk irregularities, or scars prior to injection.10 Informed con-

for sensitivity were still desired. Introduced in 2003, the sent should be obtained, and rare but potential AEs such
CosmoDerm and CosmoPlast (Inamed Corporation) fam- as infection, formation of granulomas or nodules, the
ily of fillers was developed based on the technology of Tyndall effect, bruising, persistent numbness, intra-
growing a single cell line of human fibroblastic collagen arterial injection, necrosis, pain, and hematoma formation

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in culture7; however, these products did not prove to have should be noted. A detailed medical history including any
the long-lasting effects desired by both cosmetic surgeons facial nerve disorders, herpes simplex virus infection,
and patients, and thus continued distribution has dimin- hypertension, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, and autoim-
ished with the advent of new filler materials. mune disorders should be documented. If applicable,
More recently, the FDA’s approval of tightly cross-linked, antiviral prophylaxis for herpes simplex virus should be
nonanimal-stabilized hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers for use prescribed. Once realistic expectations are addressed, an
in the United States has revolutionized soft tissue aug- appropriate management plan can be initiated.
mentation. Hyaluronic acid can be cross-linked to varying
degrees, which determines the size and inherent nature LIP AUGMENTATION
of the product. Hyaluronic acid fillers, some containing Noninvasive lip augmentation has become increasingly
lidocaine, primarily will be discussed in this article with popular with the development of thinner HA fillers, which
regard to their use for augmentation in the lips and lower have become the most commonly used products in this
face. The HA fillers Restylane/Restylane L and Perlane/ area.11 When considering augmentation with fillers, a com-
Perlane L (Medicis Aesthetics, Inc) as well as Juvéderm prehensive knowledge of the different anatomic compo-
Ultra/Ultra Plus/Ultra XC/Ultra Plus XC (Allergan, Inc) nents of the lips and the distinct structures that provide
are FDA approved for the correction of moderate to severe both the underlying support and youthful appearance of
facial wrinkles and folds such as nasolabial folds, but there lips is imperative. Physicians must consider the following
also has been reported success in other off-label indica- factors when assessing the lips: the shape and size of the
tions. Recently, the FDA approved Restylane for lip aug- upper and lower lips; the vermilion border; the white roll,
mentation in patients older than 21 years. a fine line of pallor skin that accentuates the circumferential
The effects of soft tissue augmentation procedures using vermilion skin border; the Cupid’s bow; the philtrum, ex-
these newer fillers tend to last for 6 to 12 months,8 though tending from the upper lip to inferior nasal septum; and the
satisfactory results may persist for up to 18 months with upper and lower labial tubercles.12-14 It is important to rec-
re-treatment. In this article, we discuss the use of poly- ognize signs of aging in the lips (Table) to provide optimal
L-lactic acid (PLLA)(Sculptra Aesthetic, sanofi-aventis rejuvenation to the aspects that are most in need of correc-
US LLC) and calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA)(Radiesse, tion and achieve an aesthetically pleasing result.10 The lips
Merz Aesthetics, Inc) in the lips and lower face. The can be challenging to treat, as they are a focal point in social VOL. 25 NO. 6 • JUNE 2012 • Cosmetic Dermatology® 261

Copyright Cosmetic Dermatology 2012. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted without the prior written permission of the Publisher.
Soft Tissue Augmentation With Dermal Fillers

upper lip and the inferior labial artery supplies the lower
Signs of Aging in the Lips lip. Both are branches of the facial artery and bifurcate,
coursing under the orbicularis oris muscle, to then anas-
Blunting of the Cupid’s bow tomose with its companion artery from the other side.
Blunting of the philtral columns and philtrum
Individual vascular variations of both the superior and
inferior labial arteries, which are well-documented in
Downturned oral commissures
cadaveric studies, apply not only to branches of these
Equal heights of the upper and lower lips vessels but also to their proximity to the cutaneous lip.19
Less distinction of the vermilion border Therefore, it is important to aspirate slightly prior to
Loss of pout injection to ensure inadvertent arterial placement does
Thinner flatter lips not occur.
Among the available products, HA fillers are most often
used for lip augmentation. Neither CaHA nor PLLA is
interaction and emotional expression and are essential in suitable for lip rejuvenation and should not be injected at
drinking and eating.15 Even the slightest overcorrection can the vermilion border because of the higher risk for nod-
lead to an unsatisfied patient. Many reports have sought to ule formation in this area. The small gel particle HA filler
document the ideal proportions of the lips, some using the Restylane has demonstrated results that last for at least
golden ratio of 1 to 1.618 for the upper versus the lower 6 months (Figure 1).20 Because of its intrinsic structural
lips as a guideline, whereas others have noted a more gen- attributes that lack a granular consistency, Juvéderm is
eral ratio of one-third to two-thirds, respectively.16-18 considered a smooth filler and is easily injected, making
Prior to injection, topical anesthetic agents can be it another ideal product for lip augmentation (Figure 2).21

applied, but in more sensitive patients, intraoral or trans- A 27- to 29-gauge needle usually is used to inject these
cutaneous nerve blocks can be administered to anesthetize HAs into the mid to lower dermis with avoidance of the
the infraorbital and mental nerves for the upper and lower superficial dermis to prevent the possible complication of
lips, respectively. To intraorally anesthetize the infraorbital the Tyndall effect (Rayleigh scattering), a bluish discol-

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nerve, lidocaine 1% is injected with a 30-gauge needle by oration that can appear at the injection site. This effect
introducing the needle into the mucosa above the gingiva can occur secondary to clear HA fillers being placed too
between the upper first and second bicuspids (premo- superficially, causing refraction of blue light.
lar teeth), aspirating to avoid intravascular injection, and Although not FDA approved for this indication, a
injecting approximately 1.5 to 2 cc of anesthetic solution thicker HA filler such as Juvéderm Ultra Plus or large gel
adjacent to the infraorbital foramen. A similar approach particle HA filler such as Perlane can be injected con-
is utilized to intraorally anesthetize the mental nerve. An servatively for lip augmentation for longer-lasting and
advantage of regional nerve blocks is that they provide more structurally robust results, with anecdotal reports
adequate anesthetization without distorting the anatomy of greater patient satisfaction. Because these products are
to be augmented. thicker, the patient may feel or have a greater awareness of
Knowledge of the vascular anatomy of the area to be the filler’s presence postprocedure, a potential effect that
augmented is crucial to the success of the procedure. It should be fully discussed with the patient prior to injec-
is important to note that there may be variations or aber- tion. These off-label uses should be closely monitored for
rations from the standard known vasculature in every any potential AEs such as nodule formation and usually
patient. The superior labial artery supplies blood to the require a smaller quantity of injected filler.

Figure 1. A 28-year-old patient before (A) and immediately after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Medicis Aesthetics, Inc)(B).

262 Cosmetic Dermatology® • JUNE 2012 • VOL. 25 NO. 6

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Soft Tissue Augmentation With Dermal Fillers


Figure 2. A patient before

(front, A; profile, C) and
immediately after lower
face rejuvenation with
calcium hydroxylapatite
(Radiesse, Merz Aesthetics,
Inc) and lip augmenta-
tion with hyaluronic acid
(Juvéderm Ultra, Allergan, Inc)
B D (front, B; profile, D).

instead of flowing freely, the needle has not entered the

space as desired. In the central area of the upper lip, known
as the Cupid’s bow, the filler should be injected conserva-
tively to recreate the V shape that lies inferior to the phil-
trum. The lateral limbs of the white roll/vermilion border

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can then be filled; however, it may not be necessary to fill
the lateral limbs all the way to the lateral commissures. The
lower white roll should then be filled similarly.
For further augmentation, injections can be made in the
2 sets of paired tubercles of the upper and lower mucosal
Figure 3. Preprocedure anatomical diagram of injection sites (black lip in the mid to deep dermis. Adding this volume can re-
arrows) and technique in a patient desiring lip augmentation.
create the natural pout of the mucosal lip. Finally, because
Red arrows indicate direction of insertion; filling done in a
retrograde fashion. the philtral columns often become blunted with age, a lin-
ear threading approach can be utilized to inject filler into
Although each patient should be treated uniquely, these locations at the level of the mid dermis to achieve
a systematic approach is useful. With the lip slightly subtle protrusion of the upper lip with restoration of a
stretched, the filler can be meticulously injected along youthful pout. Injection should occur along the patient’s
the vermilion borders and the Cupid’s bow utiliz- individual oblique angles because the patient’s appearance
ing a linear threading technique with slightly threaded could be distorted if the natural anatomical boundaries
depots placed at the tubercles of the lips to achieve the are not respected. The volume injected should reflect the
appropriate volume and eversion desired by the patient degree of augmentation that the patient desires, account-
(Figure 3). Beginning with injections in the vermilion bor- ing for the fact that immediate postoperative swelling can
der and white roll is appropriate, as this practice can add obscure the actual results. An appreciable goal is to retain
volume and provide eversion without the need for further the natural proportion of the upper and lower lips in a ratio
tubercle or labial body volume restoration. Different tech- of one-third to two-thirds, respectively.10 It is imperative
niques have been purported for filler injection into the to maintain an individualized approach to augmentation,
white roll. To recreate a defined white roll, one can inject as one approach for all is not recommended. In younger
into the space between the lip mucosa and orbicularis oris patients or patients who have retained a crisp vermilion
muscle. When the needle is correctly placed into this plane, border, sole augmentation of the tubercles or Cupid’s bow
the filler will flow in either an antegrade or retrograde fash- may be all that is needed or desired. In a similar light, one
ion with only slight syringe plunger pressure. If a greater may not want or need to fill the lateral portions of the ver-
amount of pressure is needed or the filler creates a lump milion borders because it may cause a noticeable upward VOL. 25 NO. 6 • JUNE 2012 • Cosmetic Dermatology® 263

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Soft Tissue Augmentation With Dermal Fillers

curvature. In older patients, augmentation of other areas of the angle of the mouth or, in more severe cases, injecting
the lower face also should be considered. more superior and lateral to these areas.14


Vertical perioral rhytides can develop in the upper cuta- In the natural course of aging, bone resorption is one of the
neous lip22 and tend to be more pronounced in patients dominant characteristics that induces the appearance of
who smoke. Because of the characteristics that make small facial recession.21 Correction of the jowls/jawline with soft
particle or less viscous HA fillers beneficial for injection tissue augmentation is off label but can help to redefine
in the lips, they similarly can be periorally injected with the loss that has occurred due to aging. The jawline and
ease in the mid dermis.23 These HA fillers can be injected the prejowl sulcus require sound structural support at the
into finer lines, slightly perpendicular to the lines or even level of the deep dermis or subdermal plane. Radiesse and
horizontally across the upper cutaneous lip; however, they Perlane both provide excellent structural support and
do not provide the appropriate structural support needed can be injected using various techniques, including se-
to correct deeper lines where larger particle HA fillers rial puncture, fanning, and linear threading. Smaller
would yield more desirable results. Caution should be quantities of Radiesse may be required to achieve the
taken to avoid overcorrection in this area to prevent same level of correction as HA fillers.9 Radiesse and
overblunting in the upper cutaneous lip. Concurrent in- Perlane should be injected in a deeper plane to lay
jection with a neurotoxin or concomitant use of fractional down a matrix of support because of the loss of un-
ablative or nonablative lasers also may optimize results, derlying bone and soft tissue. An important aspect of
especially in patients with deeper lines.24,25 It is impor- prejowl sulcus correction with filler is to recreate the
tant to note that PLLA is a poor candidate for treatment inferior border of the mandible instead of just injecting

of perioral rhytides given the higher risk for subcutaneous volume over the body of the mandible.9 Using CaHA to
papules and nodules. fill this area will promote the growth of collagen in this
area, and thus help create structural support for the
MARIONETTE LINES AND overlying areas. Thinner HA fillers can be precisely in-

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DOWNTURNED ORAL COMMISSURES jected over these areas for the correction of finer lines.
With age, the depressor anguli oris and the platysma mus- A combination approach with the utilization of both
cles pull the corners of the mouth downward; because CaHA and HA in certain areas with greater bone absorp-
of decreased elasticity of the surrounding skin, the mari- tion with overlying deep rhytides may help achieve the
onette lines become more prominent and this downturn- most optimum and long-lasting results.
ing of the lips becomes more obvious.15 All HA fillers as If volume is needed in the lower jaw area and prejowl
well as CaHA can be used to successfully treat superficial sulcus, PLLA may be beneficial in appropriate patients
marionette lines, but this application also is considered and has begun to be used more frequently.8,21,26 A fanning
off label.9 For correction of these lines, filler can be placed technique can be used to inject PLLA at the inferior aspect
under the folds using a linear retrograde and/or fanning of the ramus with a series of injections administered at
approach, or, when appropriate, filler can be placed deep least 4 weeks apart.
and perpendicular to the lines in a cross-lined pattern to
stretch the skin and provide structural support to the tri- ADVERSE EVENTS
angle created by the marionette lines, prejowl sulcus, and In addition to the previously mentioned AEs, sides effects
commissures. For deeper, more prominent marionette associated with HA injections (eg, bruising, tenderness,
lines, CaHA or a larger particle HA filler can be injected in edema, pain) have been linked to rapid injection speed,
the deep dermis or subdermal plane to provide structural higher volumes of injected filler, and use of the fanning
support, and an HA filler can be layered above this plane technique.27,28 Injector experience and knowledge of
for finer correction. A recent study recommended higher facial anatomy play an important role in minimizing
volumes of HA filler for the marionette lines, similar to the undesired outcomes.23 Intra-arterial injection can be
volume used for the nasolabial folds, for optimal results.15 avoided by pulling back on the syringe plunger before
For deeper depressions creating downturned oral com- injecting to ensure that the needle has not entered an ar-
missures, a serial puncture approach may yield better tery. Areas at higher risk for inadvertent arterial injection
results. If the desired result is not achieved using this include the angular artery when filling the melolabial and
technique, additional structural support may be required nasolabial folds as well as the superior and inferior labial
in the surrounding area, which can be achieved by inject- arteries when augmenting the upper and lower lips,
ing into the most lateral portion of the upper lip to elevate respectively. Although proper knowledge of vascular

264 Cosmetic Dermatology® • JUNE 2012 • VOL. 25 NO. 6

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Soft Tissue Augmentation With Dermal Fillers

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