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Deposita 26, 18 25 (1991)

9 Springer-Verlag 1991

The Pemali tin deposit, Bangka, Indonesia

M . O . Schwartz 1 and Surjono ? 2
1 Bundesanstaltffir Geowissenschaftenund Rohstoffe,P.O. Box 51 01 53, D-3000 Hannover 51, FRG
2 Directorate of Mineral Resources, Bandung, Indonesia

Received: July 27, 1989/Revised version: February 2, 1990/Accepted: July 4, 1990

Abstract. The Pemali tin deposit is located in a Triassic available about this region which produced about 15% of
granite pluton the magmatic evolution of which is char- all tin mined in the world, mostly from alluvial deposits
acterized by a decrease of compatible Ca, Mg, Ti, P and (Schmidt 1976; Lahner 1982). Pemali is the most impor-
Zr in the sequence: medium- to coarse-grained biotite tant primary granite-hosted tin deposit in Indonesia. It
granite, megacrystic medium-grained biotite granite, produced up to 270 tonnes Sn per year from an open pit
two-mica granite/muscovite granite. The tin mineraliza- operation prior to the landslide which destroyed the
tion is confined to the two-mica granite and consists of southern part of the mine in 1984. The deposit is deeply
disseminated cassiterite as well as greisen-bordered veins. weathered in most areas and can partially be mined by
The highly evolved muscovite granite is tin-barren and is hydraulic methods. But there are also some unweathered
distinguished from the two-mica granite by its low mica outcrops produced by hard-rock mining and unweath-
content and low loss-on-ignition values. The fluid inclu- ered drill core is also available; this material allows us to
sions in quartz and fluorite of the two-mica granite and reconstruct the geological situation prior to weathering.
of the greisen homogenize in the 115-410 ~ temperature
range; the salinities are in the range of 0.4-23 equiv wt %
NaC1 and the CO2 concentrations are < 2 mole %. Geology of the Pemali area

The Pemali Mine is located in the southeastern part of

the 100-km-long Klabat batholith in northern Bangka
The tin islands of Bangka and Belitung constitute the (Fig. 1). The batholith consists mainly of various phases
southern most part of the Southeast Asian tin belt which of biotite granite, of which a K-feldspar megacryst gran-
extends from Indonesia through the Malaysian and ite and an equigranular medium- to coarse-grained gran-
Burmese Peninsular as far as northern Thailand. More ite are the most abundant (Cobbing and Mallick 1984).
than three-quarters of the islands are made up of a sedi- The tin mineralization of the Pemali Mine is hosted by an
mentary sequence of Carboniferous to Triassic age which areally restricted phase of medium-grained two-mica
consists of sandstone, mudstone, shale, chert, limestone granite. A spatially associated fine-grained muscovite
and tuffaceous horizons (Cissarz and Baum 1960; Os- granite, which is unmineralized, occasionally forms dike-
berger 1968; Koko 1984b). During the Permotriassic, like protrusions into the medium-grained two-mica gran-
the sequence was intruded by plutonic rocks the composi- ite and may be the youngest intrusive phase. The two-
tion of which ranges from gabbro to granite (Aleva 1960; mica granite and the bulk of the fine-grained muscovite
Priem et al. 1975; Cobbing and Mallick 1984). granite occur NW of a 10 m wide, NE-trending fault
Closely related to the granite magmatism in space and breccia zone, which is the major structural element in the
time, tin deposits have formed. These are greisen Pemali Mine (Fig. 2). On air photographs, the fault zone
(Schwartz and Surjono 1990c), greisen-bordered vein can be traced as a 50 km long lineation (Koko 1984a);
swarms, vein deposits in granite, cassiterite dissemina- probably the fault zone is younger than all granite intru-
tions in granite as well as vein deposits and replacement sions at Pemali.
deposits in sediments (Adam 1960; Schwartz and Surjono
1990a). During the Neogene and Quaternary period of
erosion, cassiterite was deposited in alluvial deposits. Metasedimen ts
Primary tin deposits on the Indonesian tin islands are
usually difficult to study because of intense tropical The metasediments in the Pemali Mine are deformed horn-
weathering. Therefore, little geological information is fels and skarn consisting of the mineral assemblages ido-

Geological Map of Bangka

Miocene through PLeistocene :
Ranggam Oroup

Triassic :
[~ Biotite granite
Hornblende-biotite granite
5renifoid not classified
oLi (granodiorife ?)
Carboniferous through Triassic:
Tempilang Sandstone
r.-:. <9
,_.4 , P Pemali 5roup
Tin deposit/occurence:
9 primary ~ alluviot
1 9 3 ~ Sample location

z4- + q- q'de 4- + c ++
",~ ( Permisan~'~ + ]
+ + "F .

i, 0 e~-,>,
Fig. 1. Geologicalmap of Bangka
Island, after Osberger (1968), Koko
0 25 SO km I (1984a) and Cobbing and Mallick
I I I | (1984), with sample locations outside the
] Pemali mine (series SI-)

crase-actinolite-diopside-epidote, diopside-wollastonite- parallel orientation are often present. The medium-

calcite-quartz, hornblende-quartz-muscovite, diopside- grained matrix of the rock is composed of quartz (30-
quartz-chlorite-plagioclase, and hornblende-muscovite- 40%), normally zoned plagioclase with Ano-An2o (20-
quartz-epidote-plagioclase. Fluorite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, 30%), K-feldspar (25-30%) and clots or isolated flakes
graphite and needle-like apatite are accessories. The of brown biotite (5-8%), which is occasionally chlori-
hornfelsic texture indicates low-pressure contact meta- tized. Muscovite (2-5%) occurs mainly as an alteration
morphism at probably less than 2 kb. product of feldspar.
About 10-20% K-feldspar megacrysts with a grain
size of 10-80 mm are enclosed in the medium-grained
Medium- to coarse-grained biotite granite matrix. These weakly perthitic megacrysts have an oval
or slightly rounded subhedral-rectangular shape. Often
The medium- to coarse-grained biotite granite is exposed they are elongated parallel to the plane of foliation. Other
between 12 km N and 13 km E of the Pemali Mine. It is deformation features are deformed (elongated) or cata-
a subhedral-granular rock with quartz, K-feldspar and clastic quartz as well as strongly bent biotite flakes and
plagioclase occurring in approximately equal amounts. plagioclase lamellae. Accessories are apatite, allanite, py-
K-feldspar is weakly perthitic and rarely shows cross- rite, tourmaline, fluorite and zircon.
hatched twinning. Plagioclase is often normally zoned
(An12-An28). Biotite (6-10 vol.-%) occurs mostly as
individual flakes, which are occasionally slightly bent,
Fine-grained muscovite granite
whereas clusters with biotite are less abundant. Biotite
exhibits dark-brown to light-brown pleochroism. Up to
The surface exposures of the fine-grained muscovite
half of the biotite is altered to chlorite, Muscovite (up to
granite are always strongly weathered. The unweathered
3%) occurs mainly as an alteration product of plagio-
rock from drill-core samples is composed of 25-30%
clase. Accessories are apatite, fluorite, allanite, epidote
quartz, 25-35% plagioclase (Ano-An17) and 25-30%
and zircon.
K-feldspar. It exhibits an anhedral-granular arrangement
transitional to textures with serrated grain boundaries
Megacrystic medium-grained biotite granite between quartz and feldspar. Muscovite, the concentra-
tion of which averages approximately 6 vol.-%, is often
Megacrystic medium-grained granite occurs in the Pc- found replacing feldspar. Relict biotite is rarely present in
mall open pit as strongly weathered rock. Fresh material muscovite aggregates. Topaz is a common accessory. Lo-
is exposed 1-6 km E to SE of the mine. Irregular folia- cally, the rock contains phenocrysts of quartz (up to 5 %)
tion features with up to 30% of the minerals (mostly which measure 2-5 mm. Feldspar phenocrysts 4 - 6 mm
quartz and K-feldspar megacrysts) exhibiting preferred across are rare.


coy, grQnife


Fig. 2. Geological map of the

Pemali open pit with drill hole
locations. Topography by P.Y.
Timah, 1984

Bent plagioclase tamellae and distorted muscovite shows both cataclastic and plastic deformation with indi-
flakes are occasionally present but generally the rock vidual grains often exhibiting two-fold to four-fold elon-
shows less distinct foliation features than the megacrystic gation in the planes of foliation. Biotite is usually present
biotite granite or the medium-grained two-mica granite as distorted flakes. The cracks and interstices between
(see below). This contrasts with the most intense fractur- broken crystals are filled with muscovite and very fine-
ing and veining of all granite types in the Pemali mine. grained quartz. Muscovite, the concentration of which
The outcrops of fine-grained granite (which are usually varies between 3% and 25% (average 12%), also replaces
weathered) often exhibit closely spaced quartz-kaolinite feldspar and biotite (together with chlorite). Most of the
veinlet stockworks with vein densities of > 20/m. muscovite is of secondary origin but there is also muscov-
ite with deformation features which may be of primary-
magmatic origin. Accessories are fluorite, apatite, zircon,
Medium-grained two-mica granite sphene, phenacite and xenotime.
The medium-grained two-mica granite is present in a About one quarter of the unweathered exposure of
large exposure in the northern slope of the open pit and the medium-grained two-mica granite contains dissemi-
as minor exposures in the centre of the mine. Most of the nated fine-grained sulphide-cassiterite mineralization to-
hydraulic mining area in the centre of the open pit is also gether with abundant muscovite, secondary quartz, fluo-
underlain by the medium-grained granite (communica- rite and some mica with optical characteristics of zinn-
tion by N. Muljadi). The total area occupied by this rock waldite. Sulphide mineralization occurring in veinlets 1 -
measures 180 x 500 m. 20 mm thick is subordinate. There are also some veins
The rock shows foliation features similar to that of 0.2-15cm thick filled with quartz and bordered by
the megacrystic medium-grained biotite granite. The pre- greisen zones up to 25 cm thick. These greisen-bordered
deformation texture is medium-grained with 30-40% veins, which constitute less then 1% of the total rock
quartz, 20--30% plagioclase (Ano-An16), 25-35% K- volume, are invariably strongly weathered. No primary
feldspar and 3 - 5 % biotite. A great part of the originally ore minerals have been found in the quartz veins except
medium-grained K- feldspar and plagioclase is broken up for some fine- to medium-grained cassiterite. The prima-
into smaller fragments. Plagioclase also displays plastic ry minerals preserved in the weathered greisen zones are
deformation as evidenced by bent twin lamellae. Quartz quartz and muscovite _+tourmaline_+ topaz + cassiterite.

The dominant ore mineral in unweathered granite is

arsenopyrite. The other ore minerals arranged in the or-
der of decreasing abundance are pyrite, cassiterite, chal-
copyrite, sphalerite, galena, pyrrhotite, marcasite, ten-
nantite, rutile, sphene, wolframite, enargite and luzonite.
The ore mineralization is post-deformation in age ex-
cept for some wolframite grains which are fractured and
bent. Rutile, which occurs as tiny inclusions in cassiterite,
is an early mineral. All cassiterite is undeformed; most of /o 0 / / ". /~',,
it crystallized before the bulk of the sulphides. Arsenopy- " ] ~ 2 - mica
rite which is the dominant disseminated mineral, was de- 3 '\

posited before most of the other sulphides but it is usually

later than cassiterite. Copper and iron sulphides as well as
.... .'1 .'2
sphalerite and galena are usually present in veinlets which TI02 (%1 TI02
cut through the disseminated mineralization.
~o o
~ j


Forty one samples (12 drill core, 12 surface samples and
17 weathered samples) have been analysed for 30 ele-
ments by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. A few addi-
tional analyses have also been made for fluorine by a

f ''c~

distillation/titration method.


Biotite granite
~i .... .'I 8418484184
TI02 ~%)
The biotite granites are silica-rich (73.94-77.05% SiO2)
Fig. 3. CaO/TiO2, MgO/TiO2, P2Os/TiO 2 and Zr/TiO z variation
a n d p e r a l u m i n o u s , m o l a r A 1 2 0 3 / K 2 0 + N a 2 0 + C a O be- diagrams for granites from the Pemali area. Symbols: x = Medium
ing in the range of 1.0 1.1. The normative qz-or-ab-an to coarse-grained biotite granite; + = megacrystic medium-grained
composition is close to minimum-temperature melts at biotite granite; o=medium-grained two-mica granite; 9=fine-
1 kb (James and Hamilton 1969). The granites can be grained muscovite granite
classified as S-type derived from a sedimentary parent
rock (Chappell and White 1974; Hine et al. 1978). They
have low NazO/K20 ratios (<0.69) and plot in the S- distinct depletion trend from medium- to coarse-grained
type granite field in the ACF diagram (Pitfield 1987). biotite granite to megacrystic biotite granite.
Their high initial Sr isotope ratio (see below) is also dis- Tin probably was enriched with magmatic differentia-
tinctive of S-Type granite. This is in agreement with its tion. Log Sn plotted against a differentiation index such
low magnetic susceptibility of 0.05 x 10- 3-0.2 • 10- 3 SI as TiO2 shows a distinct increase with differentiation, i.e.
units (Cobbing and Mallick 1984). with decreasing log TiO2 (Fig. 4). The use of log MgO or
The biotite granites in the Pemali area are enriched in log Zr would produce a similar pattern.
some lithophile trace elements such as Pb, Rb, Sn and U
with respect to the average granite of Vinogradov (1962)
or with respect to typical peraluminous granites such as Two-mica granite and muscovite granite
the S-type granite in the Tasman geosyncline of Eastern
Australia (Hesp and Rigby 1975; Chappell and White The medium-grained two-mica granite and the fine-
1984; White and Chappell 1988). The elevated concentra- grained muscovite granite have been affected by hy-
tions of lithophile trace elements allow the correlation of drothermal alteration. This produced a certain redistri-
the biotite granites in the Pemali area with the Western bution of alkaline-earth metals but it can be assumed that
Granite Province (or Main Range) rather than with the TiOz, P205 and Zr are little affected. Titanium liberated
Eastern Granite Province of Peninsular Malaysia (Liew by the hydrothermal destruction of biotite is fixed in situ
1983; Cobbing et al. 1986; Schwartz and Askury 1989; as newly formed rutile and sphene; apatite and zircon are
Schwartz and Askury 1990). stable mineral phases in the hydrothermally altered gran-
The variation diagrams for compatible elements ite at Pemali. The hydrothermal immobility of TiO2,
(Fig. 3) show that the granites in the Pemali area are PzOs and Zr is a common feature of muscovitized grani-
genetically linked by a process which was probably dom- toids (Schwartz 1982; Schwartz and Askury 1989;
inated by fractional crystallization. The elements which Schwartz and Surjono 1990c).
fractionate preferentially into biotite (TiO2 and MgO), The low concentrations ofTiO2, P205 and Zr charac-
plagioclase (CaO), apatite (P205) and zircon (Zr) show a terize both the medium-grained two-mica granite and the

Table 1. Average concentrations of major and minor elements in granite and greisen from the Pemali Mine and the surrounding area,
Bangka, Indonesia

Medium- to coarse-grained Megacrystic Medium- Fine-grained Weathered Weathered

biotite granite medium- grained muscovite fine-grained greisen
grained biotite 2-mica granite granite
SI-193 b SI-189 SI-191 granite granite

No. of analyses 1 1 1 5 (4) a 11 (3) 5 (2) 10 7

SiO 2 (%) 74.86 73.94 74.63 76.51 76.60 75.11 71.37 73.35
TiO 2 0.26 0.22 0.17 0.15 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.02
A120 3 12.47 13.00 12.84 12.06 12.08 13.95 18.78 11.74
Fe20 3 (total Fe) 1.75 1.72 1.44 1.27 1.69 0.93 1.61 6.77
MnO 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.08
MgO 0.25 0.18 0.11 0.05 0.03 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
CaO 1.33 1.09 0.99 0.71 0.41 0.10 0.01 0.01
Na20 2.76 2.84 2.56 2.78 2.31 3.75 0.14 0.18
K20 5.05 5.05 5.88 5.09 4.58 4.67 0.38 1.95
P205 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 < 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.02
L.O.I. 0.53 1.13 0.70 0.81 1.19 0.79 6.96 3.35

Sum 99.35 99.24 99.38 99.48 98.99 99.38 99.36 97.47

F n.a. 0.15 0.11 0.28 0.27 0.33 n.a. n.a.

Ba (ppm) 165 186 278 70 <15 <15 <15 34

Pb 55 65 64 63 113 164 81 175
Rb 321 354 333 534 1073 1290 185 747
Sn 5 7 7 13 1250 8 33 7020
Sr 52 45 49 44 19 3 5 9
W 8 8 <5 23 31 45 46 205
Zn 42 44 48 40 383 45 27 346
Zr 185 181 159 143 70 64 116 46

a Number of analyses for fluorine in parentheses

b Sample no.
n.a. = not analysed

Z O f i n e - g r a i n e d m u s c o v i t e g r a n i t e as late-stage p r o d u c t s o f
D_ O
m a g m a t i c differentiation. T h e d e p l e t i o n o f C a O , M g O ,
[i_ ~ I ......... i ......... L......,.,. . . . . . . . . . i ......... i ......... i..,..,...i ..,, , , , 1
Ba a n d Sr (Fig. 3 a n d Table 1) can be e x p l a i n e d b y b o t h
z lO'"~ magmatic differentiation and hydrothermal alteration.
09 ~ Os
T h e m e d i u m - g r a i n e d t w o - m i c a g r a n i t e is e n r i c h e d in
o! /0/ Sn (average 1250 p p m ) , Pb, R b , W a n d Z n b u t the fine-
o I / g r a i n e d m u s c o v i t e g r a n i t e o n l y shows e n r i c h e m e n t o f Pb,
~ fo~ I R b a n d W with respect to the b i o t i t e granites (Fig. 4 a n d
Table 1). T h e Sn c o n c e n t r a t i o n s are especially low in the
// @,
t f i n e - g r a i n e d m u s c o v i t e g r a n i t e f r o m u n w e a t h e r e d drill
iI \
core ( a v e r a g i n g 8 p p m Sn); the w e a t h e r e d o u t c r o p s o f
/ 2-illif.Q \
f i n e - g r a i n e d g r a n i t e show slightly elevated c o n c e n t r a -

i ' \ tions ( a v e r a g i n g 33 p p m Sn). Textural studies o f un-

w e a t h e r e d r o c k indicate t h a t the b u l k o f the enriched
m e t a l s has been d e p o s i t e d f r o m a fluid phase.
T h e m e d i u m - g r a i n e d t w o - m i c a g r a n i t e has a higher
w a t e r c o n t e n t t h a n the f i n e - g r a i n e d m u s c o v i t e granite.
C2~ ~ This is reflected b y the d a t a for l o s s - o n - i g n i t i o n (L.O.I.)
which is m a i n l y p r o d u c e d by w a t e r loss d u r i n g h e a t i n g o f
the sample, o t h e r volatile c o m p o n e n t s such as F a n d S
~l roSE
being s u b o r d i n a t e . T h e L.O.I. r a n g e is 0 . 7 1 - 2 . 3 6 % for
the m e d i u m - g r a i n e d t w o - m i c a granite a n d 0 . 6 3 - 1 . 0 3 %
for the fine-grained m u s c o v i t e granite.

Fig. 4. Log Sn/log TiO 2 variation diagrams for granites from the
T]02 C%) Pemali area. For symbols refer to Fig. 3

O.BO 25 i I j

154 152
T, , ?,; I 20-
0.~0 155 1 165

9 +"+ + + +4
200 I oo I.oo I
..1= 15-
9 " "+++ "'+t
:+~. ~"
+ 9

BTRbI86Sr +,+

Fig. 5. Sr isotopic composition versus 8VRb/a6SR ratios at 211 Ma .,._" " .i

for granites from the Pemali area. In this plot, a 211 Ma isochron ro
9 , +

is a horizontal straight line and the ordinate of each data point gives ._> 9.- §

g 10
the initial isotope ratio of the rock sample (series SI-). The bars .'-... ~;+
indicate 2 a errors
"" ".9 .
"2":"" ~+§
9 , 9 9 9 +~+
9 9149 9149 +
9 .,~. 9

9 " 9149149

Isotope analysis . 9149

9. ~;
Three samples of megacrystic medium-grained biotite
granite located 5 km southeast of the Pemali open pit 9"" .2:-..
(SI-152, 154, 155) yield a Rb/Sr errorchron 0
(MSWD = 7.7) corresponding to an emplacement age of 100 2;0 360 400 500
211 _+16 Ma (2 a error, enhanced by the square root of
Homogenization femperafure,~
MSWD); the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio is 0.7138+_0.0060
Fig. 6. Salinity versus homogenization temperature of fluid inclu-
(2 a). These data refer to an errorchron approaching a sions in quartz ( d o t s ) and fluorite ( c r o s s e s ) from the medium-
two-point isochron because the isotopic compositions of grained two-mica granite in the Pemali open pit, Bangka
the samples SI-154 and SI-155 are very similar (Fig. 5).
The hydrothermally altered and mineralized sample
SI-165 from the Pemali orebody (medium-grained two-
mica granite with 0.4% Sn) shows a very high 87Rb/86Sr mineral; some may also be classified as primary (Roedder
ratio (1303.9), which reflects the high content of muscov- 1981)9
ite and hydrothermal Sr loss. Assuming the same Sr ini- Most inclusions encountered at Pemali are two-phase
tial ratio as for the unaltered biotite granite, this sample aqueous inclusions consisting of an aqueous liquid phase
yields a consistent age of211 _+3 Ma. The actual Sr initial and a vapour phase at room temperature. Daughter min-
ratio of a muscovite-rich granite may be slightly higher erals are very rare. None of these solid phases, which are
than that of a biotite granite in the same pluton (Schwartz mostly muscovite and unidentified ore minerals, dissolves
and Askury 1989) but such a difference does not greatly on heating9
affect the age calculation for the two-mica granite at Pe- The temperature of phase changes was measured on a
mali considering its very high 87Rb/S6Sr ratio9 Other tin- heating/freezing stage made by F L U I D INC. (Pasteris
mineralized areas in Indonesia have similar ages based on 1983). About 200 measurements were made.
K/Ar data: the greisen at Tikus and Batu Besi (Belitung) Though none of the inclusions shows a discrete CO 2
yield 195 _ 12 Ma and 200 + 12 Ma, respectively (Jones et phase, they contain some CO2 as can be deduced from the
al. 1977); the greisen at Sungei Isahan (Sumatra) have an formation of CO2 hydrate (clathrate). The presence of
age in the range of 193-197 + 2 Ma (Schwartz and Sur- CO2 was also verified by crushing-stage experiments. The
jono 1990b). CO2 concentrations of fluid inclusions that do not form
Darbyshire (1988) obtained Rb/Sr isoehrons in the a separate CO2 phase is less than 2.1 mole %. If no
range of 200-252 Ma with initial ratios varying between clathrate is formed, the CO 2 concentration must be below
0.712 and 0.727 for six other granitoid plutons on Bangka 0.85 mole % (Hedenquist and Henley 1985). CO2 was
Island9 also released by a crushing-stage test only, which may
indicate concentrations as low as 0.2 mole % CO 2 (Bod-
nar et al. 1985)9
Fluid inclusion studies The temperatures of first melting vary between -21 ~
and -45 ~ i.e. below the NaCI-H20 eutectic (-209 ~
Fluid inclusions have been studied in nine quartz and or below the NaC1-KCI-H20 eutectic (-22.9~ This
fluorite samples from the medium-grained two-mica indicates that salts other than NaCl and KC1 must be
granite and the enclosed greisen. Most of the inclusions, present, which probably are CaC12 and/or MgCI 2 . Final
the size of which is usually in the 7-20 #m range, are melting temperatures vary between -20.5 ~ and -0.2~
secondary having formed after the growth of the host The salinity range is 0 9 wt % NaC1 equiv, for in-
eas are represented by correlation lines for log Sn plotted
against log TiO 2 (used as a differentiation index).
Hydrothermally altered granites (muscovite granites)
Z generally show a wide scatter of tin concentrations. A
typical example is the Bujang Melaka pluton from the
Kinta Valley, Malaysia. The tin concentrations in mus-
0 covite granite range from very high values to concentra-
0 tions below those which would be expected fro,m the log
Sn/log TiO2 trend of hydrothermally unaltered biotite
granite (Fig. 7). This situation has been interpreted by a
model which implies enrichment, redistribution and de-
pletion of tin by fluid-rock interaction (Schwartz and
c:3 Askury 1989; Lehmann and M a h a w a t 1989).
But a simple hydrothermal redistribution model does
not satisfactorily explain the situation at Pemali. It is
unrealistic to assume an entirely selective mechanism for
the hydrothermal depletion of tin in the fine-grained
muscovite granite and enrichment in the medium-grained
two-mica granite. It is more likely that the two granite
types represent two different regimes of magmatic-hy-
drothermal evolution. This is indicated by the different
levels ofvolatiles. The tin-mineralized two-mica granite is
distinguished by its high mica content (high L.O.I. val-
ues) from the unmineralized fine-grained muscovite gran-
ite (low L . O T values). Tectonically produced accessibili-
TI02 (%) ty for the hydrothermal fluids obviously had less influ-
Fig. 7. The log Sn/log TiO2 fields for biotite granite, two-mica ence on the mineralizing process: the fine-grained mus-
granite and muscovite granite from Pemali compared to biotite covite granite shows a much higher vein/fracture density
granite (crosses) and muscovite granite (dots) from the tin-mineral- than the medium-grained two-mica granite.
ized Bujang Melaka pluton, Malaysia (from Schwartz and Askury
1989). The correlation lines for other reference granites are also Acknowledgements. This paper represents part of the results of the
shown (from Lehmann 1987). The tin-mineralized reference gran- project "Tin-bearing and tin-barren granites, primary tin mineral-
ites are from Northern Portugal, Cordillera Real (Bolivia), Erzge- ization in SE Asia", which is carried out by the Bundesanstalt ffir
birge (German Democratic Republic), Main Range (Malaysia), Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), FRG, the Directorate of
Massif Central (France) and Thailand. Unmineralized granites are Mineral Resources (DMR), Indonesia, and other geological institu-
from Cape Province (South Africa) and Snowy Mountains (NSW, tions in SE Asia. The project is partly financed by the Ministry of
Australia) Economic Cooperation of the FRG (Project No. 83.2063.2).
The work has been supported by many individuals in the coun-
terpart institutions who provided the necessary logistic, administra-
tive and analytical assistance. The constructive help by the staff of
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