This self-assessment guide is for the qualification of Bread and Pastry Production NC II. The project-based assessment involves performing bread and pastry production, including preparing and producing bakery and pastry products, gateaux, tortes, petits fours, and presenting desserts. The guide asks the candidate to check yes or no boxes to indicate if they can perform various baking and food safety tasks that are covered by the units of competency.
This self-assessment guide is for the qualification of Bread and Pastry Production NC II. The project-based assessment involves performing bread and pastry production, including preparing and producing bakery and pastry products, gateaux, tortes, petits fours, and presenting desserts. The guide asks the candidate to check yes or no boxes to indicate if they can perform various baking and food safety tasks that are covered by the units of competency.
This self-assessment guide is for the qualification of Bread and Pastry Production NC II. The project-based assessment involves performing bread and pastry production, including preparing and producing bakery and pastry products, gateaux, tortes, petits fours, and presenting desserts. The guide asks the candidate to check yes or no boxes to indicate if they can perform various baking and food safety tasks that are covered by the units of competency.
This self-assessment guide is for the qualification of Bread and Pastry Production NC II. The project-based assessment involves performing bread and pastry production, including preparing and producing bakery and pastry products, gateaux, tortes, petits fours, and presenting desserts. The guide asks the candidate to check yes or no boxes to indicate if they can perform various baking and food safety tasks that are covered by the units of competency.
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Qualification BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION NC II Qualification
Project - Based Assessment Project - Based Ass
PERFORM BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION Title: Title: • Prepare and produce bakery products • Prepare and produce pastry products Units of Competency Units of Comp • Prepare and present gateaux, tortes and ca Covered Covered • Prepare and display petits fours • Present desserts Instruction: Instruction: • Read each of the questions in the left-hand column of the chart. • • Place a check in the appropriate box opposite each question to • indicate your answer.
Can I? YES NO Can I?
Select measure and weigh ingredients according to • • recipe requirements Prepare variety of bakery and patissiers' products (e.g. bread, pastry, cake, petits fours) according to standard • • mixing procedures/ formulation/recipes and desired product characteristics Select and use appropriate equipment, tools and • • utensils Select oven temperature to bake products in • accordance with desired characteristics, recipe • specifications and enterprise practices
Bake products according to techniques and appropriate
• • conditions; and enterprise requirement standards*
• Decorate and present products* •
Prepare different types of desserts accoridng to recipe • specifications, desired product characteristics and • standard operating procedures* • Plate and decorate a variety of dessert products* • Store and package bakery and patissiers' products/ • • desserts* • Apply food hygiene and safety principles* • Demonstrate knowledge on varieties and • • characteristics of products and desserts. I agree to undertake assessment in the knowledge that information gathered will I agree to undertak only be used for prefessional development purposes and can only be accessed by only be used for pre concerned assessment personnel and my manager/supervisor. concerned assessm Candidate's Signature: Date: Candidate's Sign SELF-ASSESSMENT GUIDE Qualification BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION NC II
Project - Based Assessment
PERFORM BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION Title: • Prepare and produce bakery products • Prepare and produce pastry products Units of Competency • Prepare and present gateaux, tortes and ca Covered • Prepare and display petits fours • Present desserts Instruction: Read each of the questions in the left-hand column of the chart. Place a check in the appropriate box opposite each question to indicate your answer.
Select measure and weigh ingredients according to
recipe requirements Prepare variety of bakery and patissiers' products (e.g. bread, pastry, cake, petits fours) according to standard mixing procedures/ formulation/recipes and desired product characteristics Select and use appropriate equipment, tools and utensils Select oven temperature to bake products in accordance with desired characteristics, recipe specifications and enterprise practices
Bake products according to techniques and appropriate
conditions; and enterprise requirement standards*
Decorate and present products*
Prepare different types of desserts accoridng to recipe specifications, desired product characteristics and standard operating procedures* Plate and decorate a variety of dessert products* Store and package bakery and patissiers' products/ desserts* Apply food hygiene and safety principles* Demonstrate knowledge on varieties and characteristics of products and desserts. I agree to undertake assessment in the knowledge that information gathered will only be used for prefessional development purposes and can only be accessed by concerned assessment personnel and my manager/supervisor. Candidate's Signature: Date: