Juki MO-357, MO-358
Juki MO-357, MO-358
Juki MO-357, MO-358
® 1978 11
model M0-357·358
~ ·-·-··. .·-·-·-·-·-·-·-··-·-·-·-·-·-.. . . . . . . . .-.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _._. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . _._.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... ·-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . i
When Ordering The Spare Parts: I
In order to ensure that we deliver the correct parts to you, please clearly state when ordering the correspond ing PART ;
NUMBER (e.g. 81109..012-AOO) and also the PARTS BOOK NUMBER (e.g. 0010..01, given at the top right of the i
cover) or the MACHINE SERIAL NUMBER, because there are some parts which have been changed.
· - · - · - · - · · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - .................................................. !-to ............................................................. . ..................... . ..... ... ....................... .... . - . - · - · - · - · - .. - ·-· -
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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M0-357(C) 4.8mm
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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15 - - (!
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Ref. Note
ii r.
Part No.
Description E. C.
Feed mechanism cover ................................................................ ::>t 7 'I 1J , , _ ................................................... .
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Rol . Note Amt.
Part No. DI>Scription E.C. Req.
;.uc "
QQ l2:3l!.tFFl =t
1 8 1123-352-0AO Face plate cover asm. .................... ........................................... .I ;..- 1 :!' :tJ 1' - 7 ~ .................................... .. 1
2 81142-352-000 Stopper screw ................................... ............................... ....... . .1 ;..- 1 :!' :tJ " - ;<. ~ , 1' - 1' :t· ~ .I :t· "' ..
3 WP-0371 026-SD Washer3.7x7 .0x1 .0 ................................................................ 1:: 7-lf:tJ' :t· 3.7 x 7.0 xl .............................. ..
4 81127-352·000 Stopper sprong ............................................................................ .I :.--1 :!' :h" - A~ , , ,_ " :t· ................ ..
5 NS-609031 0-SP Nut 9/64-40 .................................................................................. 6:h 7 -r ., ~ 9 64·40 ....................................
6 0 81423-352-000 Needle thread eyelet ................................................................ 1' 'J 1 ~ 7 :.-- -r 1 ....................................... ..
7 «> SS· 709091 0-SP Scrow 9/64-40 L• 8.5 ................................................................ 7 Jv 1:: 7 :t- "' 9 64-40 L = 8.5 ................. ..
8 8 1420-357-000 Thread gu ide ............................................................................ " •J ;f. - 7' :.-- 1: :.- 1 ~ ? 'r ........................ ..
9 SS-7090710-SP Screw 9/64·40 L=6.8 ................................................................ 7 Jv 1:: 7 :t- ::; 9 64-40 L = 6.8 ................. . 1
'10 SS-2090550-TP Screw 9/64-40 Ls 3.2 ...................... ......................................... 7 JJ.. -tf 7 :t· ·/ 9 64-40 L = 3.2 .................. 4
11 8 1128-352-000 Side cover
12 81129-352-000 Frame sode cover gasket ............. ............................................ 'J 7 .I:.-- :tJ " - ' ' ., ~ :.-- ............................. 1
13 SS-511 0740-TP Screw 11/64-40 L=6.5 .......................................................... ~ 7 A :t- ;,... I I 64-40 l = 65 ....... ....... ..... 5
14 83101-352-000 Thread tension post mount ing base ........................................ 1 ~ 7- n -"' ~ 1 ........................................... .
15 83102-352-000 Gasket ........................................................................................ 1 ~ 1· 1 - Y "' 1 " ' 'f :.-- .......................... I
16 SS-7110910-SP Screw11/64·40L~8. 5 ................................................................ 7 JL.t: 7:t· "' I I 64-40 L = 8.5 ................. 6
17 83103-352-000 Oiling hole large screw ....... ......................................................... ·r "-- ::1. 7 7 :t· / "' 1 ............................... ..
18 83104-352-000 Gasket ........................................................................................ 7-..t - -17 -J· ,, .,'\'.;..- ................................. 1
19 83115-352-000 Thread guode tube ...................................................................... ;,... ? I t - - " 1 ~ ' ' 1 ............................. I
20 83116-352-000 Tubl!bu shing .... ........................................................................ ;,... :;. 11- - " 1 ~ ' ' 17' 4 v ' 7 · ........... .. . 2
21 81132-352-000 Plug screw ....................................................................... ........... :t 7 IJ '/' 1 - -!! ·y 7 -r -i· ;,... .................... ..
22 R0·1721801·00 Rubber ring .................................................................................. 0 1J :.-- 7 ' ............................................................ ..
23 81116-352·000 Stopper plate ............................................................................ 11- - ' ' :tJ ' ' - A ~ .., " -1 9 ................ ..
24 SS-409061 O·SP Screw9/ 64·40L=6.0 ................................................................ -J· ....; ;t. ::; 9 64·40 L - 6 ............................. 2
25 83535-352-000 Filter paper .................................................................................. ll :tJ "' ................................................................
26 835 10-352-0AO Folter screen asm. .. .................................................................... u 111' ~ 7 ~ .................................................
27 83509-352-000 Filter screen frame ...................................................................... ll 11 7 ~ :t -tf z ............................................ 1
28 SS-409061 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=6 .0 ................................................................ -r ....;;r. "' 9 64-40 L '=6 ............................. 6
29 81103-352-000 Frame bottom gasket ................................................................ 7 v- J. '/ :J 1 9 ' ' .., 'f ;..- ................... ..
30 811 02-352-0AO Frame bottom plate asm. .. ........................................................ 7 1- - 1~ '/ :J 1 :;. 7 i: ................................. 1
31 811 02-352·000 Frame bottom plate ................................................................ 7 t- - J, 'J :J 1 :;. ......................................... 11)
32 83518-352-000 Oil drain screw ............................................................................ "1 ::1. :t·"' ......................................................... (1)
33 R0·0291801·00 Rubber ring ........................................ .......................................... 0 'J :.- 7 ............................................................. (2)
34 81148-352-000 Frame bottom plate gasket .......................................................... 7 v -L, '/ ::11 ~' 7 ;t ' ' ., -1- :.-- .......... Ill
35 81147-352-000 Frame bottom plate cover .......................................................... 7 v -1. '/ ::1 1 ~ 7? ............................. (1)
36 SS-7621 040-SP Screw 3/16·32 L&9.5 ................................................................ ·< Jv 1: 7 :t· ::; 3 16-32 L =- 9.5 .................. (5)
37 SS-6151440-SP Screw 15/64·28 L' 14.0 .......................................................... l. 7 :t· "' 15 64-28 L = 14 ......................... 18
38 811 04·352-0AO Frame supporting base asm. .. .................................................. 7 v - 1. •:J 'r :;.· 1 7 < ........................... ..
39 811 05·352-000 Rubber cushion ............................................................................ >1·-"' :.-- :J J. ................................. ................... 4
40 SK-1351600-SC Woodscrew0=3.5L• 16 .......................................................... ·lt7 -t: 7:t- -/ 0 = 35 L : l6 ...................... 4
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43 ----f I
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1 ------
- 5 -
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Ref. Amt .
Part No. Descri ption E.C .
;;t c a
aa ~
831 05·35 7·000 Thread eyelet
~ ll! ~~
................. ...•.......•.............................................. 1 ~ 7 :.- ,;
1 ~ 1 ..........................................
2 SS-4090610-SP Screw9/64-40L=6.0 ................................................................ 1--"'=l"· '-' 9 / 64-40 L = 6 ............................. 2
3 83110-357-000 Thread guide (A) ............................................................................ 1 ~ 7' :.- T 1 A ........•..•........•...•..........•..........
4 SS-309071 0-TP Screw 9/64-40 L "' 7.0 ............................................. 0.3/76 SS-4090610-SP ............................................... .
SS-409061 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=6.0 ............................................. A .3/76 7" -"' :J". ,;;. 9 / 64-40 L=6 .............................. 1
5 001 83108-352-0AO Needle thread tension post asm. .............................................. " •J 1 ~ 7- " - '-' ? ~ ................................. 2
6 NS-615031 0-SP Nut 15/64-28 .........................•.................................................. 6n? -t , ~ 15/ 64-28 ...................................... ( 1)
7 83108-352-000 Needle thread tensipn post .......................................................... " •J 1 ~ 7- 1 - '-' *- . ..... .... ....................... ( 11
8 83126-012-000 Tension disc .................................................................................. 1 ~ 7 3 - '-' if 7 ....•............... ....... .....•........ (2)
9 83120-352-000 Thread tension spring felt .......................................................... 1 ~ r _. - ;..- " :t- "If 7 ,_ Jv ~ ................... (1)
10 83129-012-AOO Tension spring (A) ...................................................................... 1 ~ 7 • - '-' " =l"· A ...................................... ( 1l
11 83120-125-000 Tension disc stopper .................................•.............................. 1 ~ 7 a - :..- if 7 n 1 7 :.- t: ;I. ••••••••• •• •• • ( 1l
12 83110-352-000 Thread tension post nut .......................................................... 1 ~ 7 r - :..- T ·.• ~ ...................................... ( 11
13 83107-352-000 Needle thread guide ...................................................................... 7 :,. . T 1 1 ? .............................................. u. 2
14 WP-0651 056-SD Washer6.5x11.0x1.0 .........................•................................ t 7 "1fn·:t- 6.5x11 .0 X I .............................. 2
15 •)02 831 08-358-0AO Needle thread tension asm. .........................................................• " 'I 1 ~ 7 r - :..- ? ~ ................................. 1
16 NS-6150310-SP Nut 15/64-48 ............................................•............................... 6n !J-r .,~ 15 64-28 ................................. (1)
17 831 08-352-000 Needle thread tension post .......................................................... ' ' 'I 1 ~ 7- n - :..- *- . . . .......... ......... ...... ( 1l
18 83126-012-000 Tension disc .................................................................................. 1 ~ 7 " - :..- if 7 ......................................... (21
19 83120-352-000 Thread tension spring felt .........................................................• 1 ~ 7- " - :..- " =1"·-tf' 7 J Jv ~ .................. (1)
20 83121 -352-000 Tensionspring .....................................................................•...... ?7Jv - , ; 1~7 u -Y ''=1"· •••••••••.•••.•..• (1)
21 83120-125-000 Tension disc stopper ................................................................ 1 ~ 7 r - :..- if 7 n 1 7 :.- F ;1. ••• •• ••• ••• ••• ( 1l
22 8311 0-352-000 Thread tension post nut .......................................................... 1 ~ 7- r - :..- -t .., ~ ...................................... I 1)
23 83112·352-0AO Lower looper thread guide tube asm. ........................................ ;..- ? Jv-,, 1 ~ r - n :.- 7 ~ .................. 1
24 83112-352-000 Lower looper thread guide tube .............................................. ;..-;:. Jv-, ; · 1 ~ f - n :.- .......................... ( 1l
25 8311 3-352-000 Mounting bracket ...................................................................... y ::) )v- , , 1 ~ r- jJ / ~ 'I ·:; 7"::) 1 ... (2)
26 82418-019-000 Looper thread tube cap ................................................................ r- n :.- ~ ~· ·y 7 ........................................ (2)
27 SS-4110910-TP Screw11/64-40L~9. 0 ................................................................ T -"' =1"- :..:- 11 / 64-40 L = 9 .......................... 4
28 83112-357-0AO Chain looper thread guide tube asm . ........................................ 1 ~ t:- n :.- ? ~ ......................................... 1
29 83112-352-000 Lowerlooperthreadguidetube .............................................. y ;)Jv - ,; 1 ~ f -:IJ :.- ......................... (1 )
30 83113-357-000 Mountlngbracket ...................................................................... =. ,;.> _,_- :IJ :.- Jv - ' ' 1 ~ 1' - n:.- .......... (2)
31 82418-019-000 Looper thread tube cap .......................................................... r - n :.- 4 ,. -1 7' ....................................... (2)
32 83119-352-0AO Lower looper thread tension asm ............................................... ;..- ? Jt.-- , ; 1 ~ 7- J - '-' 7 :: .................. (2)
33 83117-352-000 Thread tension post nut .......................................................... 1 ~ 'r 1 - :..- ·r "> ~ ............ ... ................ .......... (2)
34 83118-352-000 Thread tension spring ................................................................ 1 ~ ·J· ~ - -;_, , ' :t- ............................................ ( 1l
35 83127-352-000 Spring felt ................................................................................... :.; ;:. 1 ~ ' ' =1"· -1)' 7 , Jt.- I· .......................... (1l
36 83126-352-000 Tension disc .................................................................................., 1 ~ 7- " -- ;..- ·1)- 7 ...................... ................... (2)
37 83119-352-000 Thread tension post ...................................................................... ·( ~ '1· 1 - ;..- ;j ! - ... ..................... ....... .... .... .... ( 1)
38 83128-352-000 Rotation stopper ........................................... ..... .................... ;..-::) 1 ~ ·1· " - :..- -tt 7 7 '7 11 F ;1. •• ••• ••••• 2
39 83107-352-000 Needle thread guide ...................................................................... 7 :.- -t 1 1 ? ............................................... .
40 83122-357-000 L type thread guide bracket .................................................... L n· ? 1 ~ ·r "- :..- <J--IJ· :r. .................... ..
41 N$-6150310-SP Nut 15/64-28 .................................................................................. 61J :7 -r ·· ~ 15 / 64-28 ............................... ..
42 SS-7110820-SP Screw 11/64-40 L =7.5 ............................................. 0.8/76 SS-711 0840-SP ............................................... .
S$-711 0840-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=7 .8 .................................. ........ . A.8/76 -.- Jv!:: 1 =l"·;; I I / 64-40 L =7 8 ................
43 83123-352-0AO Upper looper thread tensron asm . ............................................... •:J '"l ll· - ' ' 1 ~ '}· " -:..- 7 ................. 1
44 83123-352-000 TensionpostNo. 1 ...................................................................... 1 ~ -'J-,-:..- ;1! - .................... ........................ (1)
45 83126-012-000 Tension disc ................................................................ .................. ·( I· J' r - :..- -IJ· 7 ........................................ (2)
46 83120-352-000 Thread tension spring felt .......................................................... 1 I· 7· " - ;..- ' ' :j". ·f) ' 7 :r: JL, ~ ............... •• ( 1)
47 83121 -352-000 Tension spring ............................................................................ 'J ' 7 Jv - ' ' 1 J· 7- " --:..-- ''=1"· ................. (1)
48 83120-125-000 Tension disc stopper ........................................... .................... 1 J· 'f·"--;...- ·I)· 7 :IJ 1 7 :.- ~ .1 .. ........... (1 l
49 83110-352·000 Thread tensron post nut ........................·................................ .. 1 ~ ·T r - :..- ·J- ·y I· ...................................... ( 1l
50 83111-352-000 Upper looper thread guide .......................................................... ,.) '7 lt.- - " 1' ~ 'J' :.- -j· 1 1 P ................ .
Note ( ;ilc) ¢01 ..... For M0-357 (A), (B), (Cl. MO<i!i7(A), (B), (C)Ill
02 ..... For M0-358 (A), (B). M0-358(A), (B)Ill
9 II
~ :: "[]
~ 10 =---cl
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
23 81203·352·000 Hand wheel .................................................................................. 1 ' .A' ~ 7' Jl- 7 ......... ........................................... . 1
24 SS-8151150-SP Screw 15/64-28 L- 10.5 .......................................................... ~ >' .:t-9 15 64-28 L=10.5 ...................... . 2
25 82529-352·000 Protection plate ...................................................................... * ::i 1 ? ............................................................ . 2
26 82509-352·000 Upper looper shaft bushing, rear .............................................. 1'
? ? Jv- 9 7 ? ;..- o ;J? Jv .................... ..
27 SS-612151 0-SP Screw3/16·28L =15.0 .......................................................... 1::7:t·-/ 316-28 L=15 .......................... .
28 8250 5-352-000 Driving lever .. ............................. .......... ......................................... JJ.,-~{ v :,. . ?- ':I P 7;,..... 7 ..........................
29 SS-666071 ().TP Screw 1/4-40 L ~ 7 . 0 ...................................................................... 1:: 7 :?--/ 1 4-40 L = 7 .............................. .. 4
30 SS-6090660-TP Screw 9/64-40 L=6.0 ................................................................ 1:: 7 :t· 9 9 64-40 L :o 6 ............................ .. 2
31 82512·362-000 Driving lever connecting link .................................................... Jl--1\ 1.- :.-- 7 ·:; 1! :.--7 ................................ ..
32 81412-352-000 Looper connecting link pin 1.- / 7 ':/ IJ / 7 1::' / ............... ....... ... . 2
33 82514·352-000 Lower looper driving shaft crank .............................................. -/ ? Jr.--~.; 7 7 :.--7 .....................................
34 82507·352·000 Upper looper driving shaft .......................................................... ? ? Jt-- 1 ' - / 7 ............................................ ..
35 TA-0290601-MO Plug 2.9 x 3.2 L=6.0 ................................................................ ~ >' -1! :.-- 2.9 x 3.2 L = 6 ............................ ..
36 82508-352-000 Upper looper shaft bushing, front ........................................ ? ? Jl- - 1 ' / 7 7 x ;J ? Jv ............. .. ...........
37 SS-6121510-SP Screw 3/16-28 L=15.0 ................................................................ 1:: 7 t- / 3 16·28 L :: 15 ........................... .
38 82525-352-000 Oil seal ring .................................................................................. JL·- " ;..- 7 :t 1 Jv ;..- - Jl- ............................ ..
39 82510.352-0AO Upper looper holder asm. .. ........................................................ ? ? Jv - 1 ' ;..- / + 7 ~ ............................ .. 1
40 SS-6121220-TP Screw 3{16-28 L• 11 .5 ................................................................ 1:: 7 -1'- -/ 3 16-28 L -= 11.5 ....................... .. (11
41 01 8 2520.352·000 Upper looper ........................................................................... ? ? J~-~' ....................................................... .
42 ' 02 82520.353-000 Spreader ................................................................... ..................... :tJ t- J~ - 1 \ .. .. ... ... . ....... . . ..... .. ....... . ......... ... .. .. ..... .
43 SS-4110910-TP Screw11/64-40L• 9.0 ........................... ..................................... 7 " =?· 9 1164-40 L = !t ........................... .
44 82524·352·000 Lower looper thrend toke-up bracket ........................................ _.,. ~ Jl· - 1 ' 7 :.-- 1::' :/ ? 7 ? 1 ...... ........... ..
45 SS-4090610-SP Screw 9/64·40 L~ 6.0 ................................................................ ·r "' :t-;..- 9 64-40 L = 6 ............................ ..
46 82511 ·352-000 Lower looper thread take-up ....................................................._.,. ? J~ - 1'
7 :.-- 1::' :.-- ............... .... .................. .
47 SS· 709051 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L- 4.6 ................................................................ 7 Jt· l::. 7 '?· -/ 9 64-40 L :: 4.6 ................. ..
48 82515·352·000 Lower looper droving shaft .................................................... ;..- ? Jl.- - 1' :.-
7 ................................................ ..
49 82522·352-000 Lower looper driving sha ft bushong, rear .................................. ,;.- ? Jt.- 1 \ / 7 •') ,;.- ll >' ? Jl- ................... 1
50 SS-6121510-SP Screw3/16-28LE15.0 ................................................................ t:: J t- 9 3 16·28 L = l5 ............................ 2
51 CS-0791260-SH Thrust collar asm. .. .................................................................... ;..- ~ 11-- - " :.- 7 :>; 7 :>; I· •'J 'r 7 ~ ....... 1
52 SS-866061 (). TP Screw 1/4·40 L• 6.0 ..................................................... ................ I· ;J :t c/ 1 4-40 L :o 6 ................................ (11
53 8 2528·352·000 Bushing, fro nt ............................................................................ ;..- ? Jl.o - 1 \ :} 7 < x ;J? Jl-- ......................... .
54 82525·352·000 Ool sr.alr ing .............................................................. .............. 11 - ,' 9 7 ;J· 1 Jl / - JI. ............................. .
55 82517-352-0AO Lowerlooperholder asm .......................... ............................... -_.,. ?Ji--- 1,. ;..- :...-t- 7 ~ .............................. 1
56 SS-6 121220-TP Screw3/16-28L"' 11 .5 .................................................... ............ L"J:t / 3 16-28 L = 11 .!i ......................... (11
57 82521 ·352-000 Lower looper ............................................................................ ·· !' Jl·- 1' ...................................................... ..
58 SS-4110910-TP Screw 11/64-40 L•-9. 0 .................. ............................................. -J··. :?· '/ I I 64-40 L = 9 ........................... .
!i9 82518-352-000 X. Upper looper thmad t.Jkl'-up ................................................... •'J 7 11. - ' \ r :.-- t: :.-- . ...................... .......... ..
60 SS-4090610-SP Screw 9/64-40 L• 6 .0 ................................................................ -J · .;. '-' 9 64-40 L = 6 .... ...................... ..
Note ( ii li! I o01 ..... For M0-357 (AI, (BI, (CI. M0-3fi7(AI. 181. (C)Ifl
2 ..... For M0-358 (AI, (BI. MU-358(A). (8)111
26 27
14 ~
- 9 -
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
A mt.
R ef. Note Part No. Descript i on
No. R oQ.
D a
;:U:~ ft
1 MDC·270B1100 Needle DC x 27 No. 11 ..•............•...........................•................... " 1) DC 27 jj: 11 ..............•...... .................. 2
2 r 03 B1415·357-AAO Needle clomp asm. .. ................................................................... " ') ~ .;1 7 ;;: ................................................... 1
3 SS-B08031 (). TP Screw 1/8-44 L• 2.8 ............................................................... ~ ;J =?· '-' 1 8-44 L "" 2.8 .............................. (2)
4 0 04 B1415-357-BAO Needle clamp asm . (B) ................................................................ " •J F .;1 7 ;;: (8) ......................................... 1
5 SS·B08031().TP Screw 1/8-44 La2.8 ................................................................ ~ .;1 ;t. ;; 1 8-44 L = 2.8 .............................. (2)
6 <'05 B1415-357-CAO Needle clamp asm. (C) ............................................................... " 1) ~ -" 7 ::: (C) .... .... .......... ............ .......... 1
7 SS-BOB031 (). TP Screw 1/8-44 L~ 2.8 ................................................................ ~ ;J :t- :/ 1 8-44 L = 2.8 .............................. ( 2)
8 B1414-357-000 Needle bar .................................................................................. ' ' 11 ,Y. - ..... ....... .. ....... ........ ............................. .. .
9 B 141 B-352-000 Needle bar bushing, lower ......................................................... " 11 ,Y.- Y :? -" ~ I~ ......... ........... .. ... .. ......... .. 1
10 B 1413-352-0AO Needle bnr connect ion vsm. .. .................................................. ' ' 1) *- ::r ~ 7 ~ ........................................... 1
11 SS.7110810·SP Screw11 / 64-40L =8.0 ...................... ......................................... 71~ 1:: 7;t.;; 1164-40 L = 8 ........... ......... 11)
12 C0-20 20000.00 Or I wick ....................................................................................... .::> ;; :-- ............... .... ........ ...................... .... ......... .. 0 .6
13 B1416-352-000 Needle bar bushing, upper ............................. ............................ " 11 i! - ? '7 ;J ? J~ ... ....... ..... ............... .. ..... .
14 B1405·012-000 Rubber plug ................................................................................. 4' .,. > "1 .............................................................
15 0 B1419-357-000 Needle bar thread ta ke-up ................................................ ......... " 'I *- T :-- 1:: :-- ........ .. ...... ........... ......... .. ... .
16 ' SS-608041 O.SP Screw i/8-44 L • 4.0 ............................................................... 1::7 :?·;; 1 8-44 L - 4 ................................
17 ~ B1420.352-000 Tensiondrsc .................. ............................................................. ' ' 'J,Y. - 7":--1:: :--- 1~ 7- -, -;; "'t 7
18 • B1422-352-000 Tensionspring .... ....................................................................... ' ' 'I,Y. - 7-:-- 1:: :-- 1 ~ 1 , - :-- '' "'" ......
19 ~ B1421-352-000 Hinge screw ................................................................................. T :-- 1::· :-- 1 ~ -• - ;; -t)" 7 ? :-- * '-' .......
20 • NS-608021 0-SP Nut 1/8-44 ................................................................................. 6 :1:! 7 1" •1 ~ 1 8-44 ....................................... 1
21 B1412-352-CAO Needle crank link pi n asm. .. .................................................. 1::' :-- C 7 ~ ................................................... 2
22 CQ-2020000.00 Oil w ick ....................................................................................... .;1. ;; :-- ............................................ ...................... 10. 1)
23 SS-6090660·TP Screw 9/64·40 L~6.0 ................................................................ 1:: 7 ;;?. -: ; 9 64-40 L "' 6 .............................. .
24 B1411-352·000 Needle bar link ................................................... ........................ ' ' 11 :t- - 11 :--7 ................................................ ..
25 s 8090650.TP Screw9/64-40L: 5.5 ................................................................ ~ -" :?- '-' 9 64-40 L = 5 5 ...........................
26 B 1404·352-000 Needle bar driving shalt ................... ....................................... " 1) *- 7 7 :-- 7 '-' 7 ................................ ..
27 TA-0370301-MO Plug3.9x4.0L • 3.0 ................................................................ ~ ." -!! / 3.9 x 4 L = 3 .............................. .. .
28 B1408·352-000 Bushing, fro nt ............................................................................ ' • 'I :t- - 7 F - '-' 7 7 ~ -~ ~ 1~ .......... ..... 1
29 SS-6121 020.SP Screw3/16-28L ~ 9.5 ............................ .................................... 1:: 7 -1'- i; 31 6-28 L = 9.5 ............................ 2
30 CS-127 101A-SH Thrustcollarasm . ...................................................................... .A 7.A ~ ?'r 0 : 12.7 W= 10 7 • ......... 2
31 SS-866061 ().TP Screw 1/4-40 L ~ 6.0 ................................................................ ~ -" ;t. -: ; 1 4-40 L = 6 ................................. 14)
32 B1409-352-000 Bushing,rear ......................... ...... ............................................. ..... ' ' 'l :t-- 7~ - '-'7 ;~ y ll;/ ;? 1~ .. ..... ..... 1
33 8 1402-352-AAO Crank asm . ........................................................................... ....... " '! ,; - 7 ? 7 ? 7 7 ;.; 7 7 ::: ............... 1
34 SS-71 51210.SP Screw15/64-28L - 12.0 .......................................................... 711.- 1:: 7 :?;; 1564 -2 L = 12 ...... ............ (1 )
35 B1213-352-000 Needle bar eccentrrc cam .......................................................... " 1) ;t. - :h .t.. .......................... .......................... .
36 SS-7681450-TP Screw 9/ 32-28 L- 13.5 ... ............................................................ < 11.- 1: 7 -1' ;; 9 32-28 L = 13.5 ............ ......
37 SS-815071 0-SP Screw15/64-28L • 7.0 ................................................................ ~ -" :?·'-' 1564-28 L = 7 ............................
38 B1401-352-AOO Needle bar connecting rod .......................................................... '• 'I ;f. - 7 7 :--- 71:1 > ~ .............................. .
39 SS-6110710.TP Screw 11/64-40 L' 6.5 ................................................................ 1:: 7 1 .__. II 64-40 L = 6 5 ... ..................... .
40 B 1403-352-000 Pin .............................................................................................. ' ' 'I *- 7 ::r "';; ;; 7 :.- 7 Y. :.- ....... .. .... ..
41 B1426-352-AOO Needle be rrng (A) ..................................................................... '• 'I ,J; - ~ 7' 11 :-- P A ...... ..................... ..
42 B1214-352-000 Cam cover ................................................................................ ' • 'I :t- - 11 1. 7 "' .............................. ....... .... 1
43 SS-1 090930. SP Screw 9/64-40 L- 8.6 ................................................................ ·If 7 t· ;- 9 64-40 L = 8.6 ........................... 3
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
I ,,
Ref. Nato
) Amt.
Part No. Oescnption
No. Req.
i:£1i! oft, :JI: Aa ft A
1 B1501-352·000 Lifting lever .................................................................................... :>tit z 1:: ~ 7 'T v "- .............................
2 SS-711131 0-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=12.8 ............................................................ 7 Jt, 1:: 7 ;t.;,.. 11 64-40 L = 12.8 .............. .
3 B 1506-352-000 Suspension screw (B) .................................................................. 1:: ., ' ' IJ ";t. 71 .;- 8 ................................ .
4 B 1507-352-000 Foot lifter lever tension spring ................................................ 1:: ., , ; IJ , ';t. .. ................................................. .
5 B1505-352-000 Suspension screw (A) .................................................................. 1:: ., ' ' IJ ";t. 71 .;- A ............................... ..
6 NS-6150310-SP Nut 15/64-28 .............................................................................. 671 7 7 ., ~ 15 64-28 ................................ .
7 ss-71 20760-SP Screw3/16-28L" 7.0 .................................................................. 711-1::7:?- ;; 316-28 L=7 ..................... .
8 B1502·35 2·000 Foot lifter lever arm .................................................................. ::tit:.: ? 't it it:.: ....................................... .
9 S0-0500721-SP Hinge screw 0"5.00 H =7.2 ...................................................... :Jt :-- ;t. ;.> 0=5 H= 7.2 ............................. ..
10 B1504-352-000 Lifting lever shaft ........................................................................ :>t ·If:.:? 7' it it:.: ;.> 7 ................................. .
11 SS-8151550-S'P Screw15/64·28L• 15.0 ............................................................ ~;l;t. ;.> 1564-28 L=15 ........................ .
12 R0-0552001 -00 Rubber ring .................................................................................... 0 1) :-- ~ ...................... . ......... . ........................... .
13 B1517-352-000 Presser spn ng regulator ............................................................ ::tit z 7- 3 --!! "J ;f ;,.. ........................... .. .. ..
14 B151 B-352-000 Presser spring .............................................................................. ::tit z " ;t- ....................................................... .
15 B1519-352-000 Prosser spring plunger .................................................................. :>tit z ' ' ;t. 1::' :-- ............................................ .
16 B1514-352-000 Holddownlever ........................................................................ ::titzv, , - ................................................... .
17 B 1516-352-000 Hold down lever shaft .................................................................. ::tit z v ' ' - ,;.> 7 .........................................
18 SS-6121510-SP Screw3/16-28L"15.0 .................................................................. 1::7:f ;.> 316-28 L = 15 ......................... ..
19 R0-0371801-00 Rubber ring .................................................................................... 0 IJ :-- ~ ............................................................ .
20 B1515-352-000 Presser foot hold down stud screw .......................................... :>tit z? 't :>tit x ....................................... .
21 NS-6150430-SP Nut 15/64-28 .............................................................................. 671 7 7 ., ~ 15 64-28 ............................... ..
22 81508-352-000 Stopper screw .............................................................................. ::tit z 7' '1' 't :::1 .A ~ ., ' ' - ;t. ,;.> ................ .
23 B1520-352-000 Release lever .............................................................................. :>tit z 7' 'T 't ::J .................... ........... ............ .
24 S0-0721111-SP Hingescrew0=7.24H=11 .1 ...................................................... :Jt:--;t.,;.> 0=7.24 H=11 .1 ...................... ..
25 B1522-352-000 Spring .......................................................................................... :>t it z 7' 'T 't :::1 ' ' ;t. ................................. I
26 B1521-352-000 Bushing .......................................................................................... ::t if· z 7' 'T 't :::1 IJ :-- ~ ............................. 1
27 03 81510-357-AAO Presser foot asm. (A) .................................................................. ;.>.:..?:>tit:.: A 7 ~ ................................... 1
28 03 81510-357-AOO Presser foot (A) ........................................................................ ,;.>.:.. ? :>t if z A ............................................. ( 1)
29 B1511-357-000 Pin ................................................................................................ :>tit:.: 1::' :-- ......................................................... (1)
30 81512-357-000 Stitch tongue .............................................................................. 1 ~ .A -"' IJ? 1 ............................................ (1)
31 SS-606041 0-TP Screw 3/32-56 L=3.5 .................................................................. 1:: 7 :?· ,;.> 3 32-56 L=3.5 .......................... (1)
32 B1527-357-000 Spring .......................................................................................... otit.r. -1! ;_-,,;t. ......... ........... ........ ............. .. . (11
33 S0-0 370401-SP Hingescrew0=3.70H c4.0 ...................................................... ?" :-- ;t.,;.> 0 = 3.70 H := 4 ............................. (11
34 81 530-352-000 Thread knife .............................................................................. 1 ~ ~ IJ " .................................. ..................... 1
35 SS-7080510-SP Screw 1/8-44 L=4.5 .................................................................. < 11.-1:: 7 ;t. ,;.> 1 8-44 L , 4.5 ..................... 2
36 004 B1510-357-BAO Presser foot asm. (B) .................................................................. ,;.> .:.. ? :>t it x B 7 ~ .................................. 1
37 004 B1510-357-BOO Presser foot (B) .............................................................................. ;.:.:..?:>tit x 8 ............................................. (1)
38 B1511-357-000 Pin ................................................................................................ ;i· it x 1::' :-- ........................................................ ( 1)
39 B1512-357-000 Stitch tongue .............................................................................. 1 ~ .A -~ •J ? ' 1 ............................................. (1)
40 SS-606041 0-TP Screw 3/32-56 L=3.5 .................................................................. 1: 7 ;t.;.: 3 / 32-56 L =3.5 .......................... (1)
41 81527-357-000 Spring .......................................................................................... :>tit:.: ·1:!:-- , ,;t. .......... .. ...................... ........ .. (1)
42 S0-0370401-SP Hingescrew0=3.70H =4.0 ...................................................... ? ·:-- ;t. ,;.> 0=3.70 H=4 ............................. (11
43 •)05 81510-357-CAO Presser foot asm . .. ...................................................................... o-'.:..? >J· •t ;r: 0 7 ~ ................................... 1
44 o05 81510-357-COO Presserfoot(C) ........................................................................ ;.>.'l.?otit:r. C ............................... ............. (11
45 81511-357-000 Pin ................................................................................................ " ' it .It' :-- ......................................................... (1)
46 81512-357-000 Stitch tongue .............................................................................. -( ~ .A-"''! ? ' 1 ................................. ........... ( 1)
47 SS-606041 0-TP Screw 3/32-56 L=3.5 .................................................................. 1:: 7 ;t. ,;.> 3/ 32-56 L =3.5 ........................... ( 1I
48 81527-357-000 Spring .......................................................................................... ;tit x. ·I! :-- ' ' :t- .............................. ........... .. ( 1I
49 S0-0370401-SP Hingescrew0=3.70H=4.0 ...................................................... ? · :--;t. ,;.> 0=3.70 H=4 .............................. Ill
50 006 B1510-357-A80 Presser foot asm. (A) with fingur guard .................................... ,;.> .:J. "J >J· tJ· I 7 ~ (' • 1J 1' :-- -I!. :-- 71 " - "I 4-)
51 07 81510-357-BBO Presser foot asm. (B) with finger guard .................................... :/ .:L ? >J· ·•t x 7 ~ (" 1! 'J' :- -t!' :--11 ' • - ·~ ·I I
52 008 81510·357-CBO Presser foot asm. (C) with fingur guard .................................... :/.:.. ·~ ;t· ·IJ· .1: 7 ~ ( '' 1) 'J' :-- ·t! :-- :IJ ' • - -~ I )
Note ( ;:£fc I 003 ..... For M0-357 (A), M0-35B (A). M0-357(A), M0-358(A)III
' 004 ..... For M0-357 (B), M0-358 (B). M0-357(8). M0-358(13)111
005 ..... For M0-357 (C). M0-357(G)III
C·OG ..... Special order pari for M0-357 (A) , M0 -358 (A). M0-357(A). M0-358(A)III H )ii( ,J·Jt:::~,\1,
007 ..... Spucial order part for M0-357 (8). M0-358 (B). M0-357(13) . M0-358(13)111 1 •~ llllii:5C1'J\,~,
008 .... . Specml order part for M0 -357 (C) . M0-357( 0 )/fl H)JIIi:t:st~I'JI,\1;
14 ' 15 16
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23 22
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47 48
49 51 52
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
;;tiC .fl.
003 B1136-357-AOO
Throat plate (A) .............. ................................... ......................... " 1
J -f ? A ...................................................... .
2 004 B1136-357· BOO Throat plate (B) .....- ............................................................... " 'I -( ;11 8 ..................................................... ..
3 005 B1136-357·COO Throat plate (C) ........................................................................... " '! -( ;11 C ..................................................... .. 1
4 SS-211 0920-TP Screw 11/64-40 L• 8.5 ............................................................... '7 JL-i.t 7 :t. :/ 11 '64-40 L = B.5 ................ .. 2
5 003 B4133·357·AAO N eedle guard asm. fA) .............. ................................................. " 'J ? ?- 7 £ A ......................................... .. 1
6 • B4131 -357·000 Noodle guard adjusting guide ................................................... ' ' '! ? ?- :/ d - ?' 7- ~ - -t? ·;; ~ 1 ........... . (1)
1 003o84132-357·A00 Noodle guard (A) 3
t.1..~.f.t.~...................................................... = '-' _,_ - :':! :..- " 1J ? ?- A ........................... . ( 1)
8 SS-6090520-SP Screw 9/ 64-40 L ~ s .o ............................................................... 1: 7 ::?- ,;; 9 84-40 L = 5 ............................ .. (2)
9 84133-367·000 Needle guard . .. .............................................................. - ........ " IJ ? ?- ........................................................... .. ( 1)
10 84134-357-000 Needle guard ..................................... ...................................... " '! 7 v F .JI ... ... ......... ................ .............. ..... .. (11
11 SS-7060810-SP Screw 3/32-56 L " 8.0 ............................................................... '7 JL- t: 7 ;t. ,;; 3 32-56 L = 8 ...................... (2)
12 004 84133-357-8AO Needle guard asm. (8) ............................................................... " 1J? 'r 7 ~ 8 .......................................... . 1
13 • 84131-357-000 Needle guard adjusting guide .....'1 ................... .................... ....... .. " '! ? ?- ,;; ~ - ?' 7- ~ - -t? •;; ~ 1 ........... (1 )
14 0046B41 32-357-800 Needle guard (B) 1>..1,.'1...f3...... J.X.7..L ..................................... = ,;;.:. - 'h :..- " 1J ? ?- 8 .......................... . (1)
15 SS-6090 520-SP Screw 9/64-40 L =5.0 ............... ................................................. I: 7 ::?-,;; 9 64-40 L "" 5 ............................. . (2)
16 841 33-357.000 Needle guard ............................................................................ " 11 ? ?- ............................................................. (1)
17 B4134-357-000 Needle guard ............................................................................ " '! 7 v ~ .JI ........................ ........ .. .............. .... . (1)
18 SS-7080810-SP Screw 3/32·56 L=8.0 ................................................................ '7 JL- t: 7 ::t- :/ 3 32-56 L=8 .................... .. (2)
19 05 84133-357-CAO Needle guard asm. (C) ...................... .......................................... ' ' '! ? ?- 7 ~ C ......................................... . 1
20 G- B4 131-357-000 Needle guard adjus t i ng gu ide .................................................... " 'J ? ?- ,;; ~ - ?' 7- ~ - -t? ·;; ?' 1 .......... . 11)
21 Q 00~84 1 32- 357- BOO N eedle guard (8) ...................................................................... ::. ,;; .:. - :tJ :..- "•1 ? ?- 8 .......................... . (1)
22 SS-6090520-SP Screw 9/64-40 L .. 5.0 ................................................................ t: 7 ::t- ,;; 9 64-40 L =5 ............................ .. (2)
23 B4134-357-COO Needle guard washer ................................................................ " '! ? ?- -tt -n· ::t- C ...................................... ( 11
24 841 33-357-000 Needle guard ...... .............. .. .... .............. ..... .... ..................... ...... " 'I) 'j T ........................................................... . ( 1)
25 84 134-357-000 Needle guard ............................................................................ " IJ 7 v F .JI ................................................... .. ( 1)
26 SS-7060810-SP Screw 3/32-56 L ~ 8.0 ................................................................ '7 JL- t: 7 ;t.,;; 3 32-56 L = 8 .................... .. (2)
27 II SS-7110820-SP Screw 11/64-40 L ~ 7 . 5 ............................................. 0.8/76 SS-7110840-SP ............. ................................. ..
0 SS-7110840-SP Screw 11/64-40 L• 7.8 ............................................. A.8/76 < JL- t: 7 ;t. '-' 11 64-40 L = 7.8 ............... ..
28 II WP-0450000-SD Washer 4 .5 x 8.0 x 0.5 ................................ ................................ t:? -tt :tJ' • 4.5 x 8.0x0.5 ............................. .
29 82207-357.000-A Thread guide (C) ...................................................................... :/ ? 1 ~ :tJ b. 1 ~ 7 :..- -t 1 ..... ................... ..
30 84128-352-000 Felt cush ion .................................................................................. :/ ~ .JI :;>, ~ 1! •:; ?- ~ 1 7 .r JL- ~ .. ........... ..
31 B41 13-357-0AO Lower knife support brack et asm. ........................................ ~- ? .JI A ~ 1J ·:; ?- ;11· 1 7 ~ ....................... .. 1
32 B4114-357-000 Knife holder ..................................... ....................................... ::-- ? ;I ;t. -J- ~ - -t? '/ 7 1 ............................. . ( 1)
33 84113-352-000 Lower knife support brocket .................................................... ,;; :'J .JI ?. ~ '! ·:; ?- 7 1 ................................ .. ( 1)
34 84117-352-000 Knife locking screw ................................... ............................. :/ ~ ;I A 7- , - -1! ·:; ? 1 :;>, ~ ••, ' ' - ;t. ,;; ... ( 1)
35 B4116-352-000 Knifelockingnut ...................................................................... :/ ? .Ji ::A. -r~ - t "/?1 :;>,~ J' -:--t -, ~ ( 1)
36 RE-0320000-KO Snap ring 3.2 ............................................................. ............... E :tJ' ? ~ .JI '7 3.2 ...................................... .. ( 1)
37 B4115-352-000 Knife holder sl ide stud .......................................................... ,;; ? ;I A -J- ' - -t? •;; ~ 1 :;>, 7 1 ~ ,;; 7 .. (1)
38 SS-7112420-SP Screw 11 / 64 -40 V 24.0 .......................................................... · -1 Jv I: 7 :t :.' 11 64-40 L = 24 ............... .. (1)
39 NS-6110420-SP Nut 11/64-40 ............................................................................ 6'/J 7 ·)- •;- ~ I I ti4·40 .................................. ( 1)
40 SS-4110910-TP Screw11/64-40L=9.0 .......................................................... -t- ...;, 1- ~ ; II 64-40 L = 9 ......................... .. (2)
41 B4126-352-000 Lower knife holder sprin g bushing ....................................... . y ~ .;1 A ·J ~ - t ':I -1) :If ;f ............... ......... . ( 1)
42 8 4120-352-000 Knife holder spring ............................................................... . Y ;'J .1- A 7- I - -t! '/ ? 1 '' t• ................. . (11
43 84123-352-000 Cloth plate larch spring ......................................................... . ){ / ?j- 7 f) ?' 1 }J n - A ~ 'I " - I { :t• "'""
44 SS-709071 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L =6.8 .............................................................. .. Jv 1: 7 ;t.,;; 9 64-40 L :: 6.8 ................. .. 2
45 SS-7121 4 10-SP Screw 3/16-28 L ~ 14.0 7 Jt- 1: 7 ~- ,;; 3 16-28 L -= 14 .................. . 3
46 WP-0501016-SC Washer 5.0 x 10.5 x 1.0 I: 7 ·It :tJ' ;t 5 0 X 10.5 X I ............................ .. 3
47 84127-352-000 Bottom gu ide ............................................................................ ,;_.? ;1 .A 1· 11 ·;; 'r ~ 1 7' :..- 1· 1 ............. . 1
48 SS-7111310-SP Screw 11 / 64-40 L - 12.8 .......................................................... -" Jv 1: 7 1 ,_. I I 64-40 L = 12.8 ............ .. 2
49 81154-352-000 Support bracket rubber plug .................................................... ;...- ;, .;1 :;>, I· •J ·:; ?- ~ 1 i' :.- -J· ( t· -1- ·1 7 ' 2
50 a 84 122-352-00A Lower kni fe ................................................................. ................ -;; ~ .;1 :>. ........................................................... .
51 009gB4122-352-00C Hagh -s peed steel lower kn i fe .................................................... ' ' 1 ;~ '-" ? .1- :;>, .. .......... ................... ....... ..... ..
52 o WP-0371016-SD Wa, her 3. 7 X 8 .0 X 1.0 ............................................ .................... I~ -J -II j j ;f 3.7 8.0 ' 1 ................................
53 84127-357.000 Stop ring .................................................................................. ,;; :; .< :-\ , , ;t. I· .1- '7 ..... .... ........ .... .. ...... ... .... .
54 .. 841 21 -352-000 Lower knife clamp ................... .................................................... ,;; 7 .;1 A ;J· -tt x ............................................ .
55 o SS-7090710-SP Screw 9/64-40 L ~6 . 8 ................................................................. --I ll· I~ 7 I ..,. 9 134·•10 L= 6.8 ... ..............
Note ( iiiC ) <03 ..... For M0-357 (A), M0-358 (A). M0-357(A). M0-35H(A)IH
4 ..... For M0 -357 (B), M0-358 (01 . M0-3!>7(8 ). M0-358(8)11!
"{)5 ..... For M0-357 (C). M0-357(C)III
09 ..... Spechll order pan. 1W J,j :51.m1,1~.
uli5===J \
] ·~
f 3
R Amt.
N oe
I Par t No. Descnpt•on E.C.
•d e " 3
00 lll:!!: .lf.fl :2a
1 841 08·352-008 Upper kn i fe .................................................................................. ? '7 ~ .A ...... ........ ...... ..... ..... ..... ... .......... ............ .
2 09 841 08 352·000 ~ Cemente d carb&de upper k n1f e .................................................... 7' , - ::J - ? '7 ~ .:>. ..................................... .
3 8 41 09-352-000 Upper knife holder ...................................................................... "J '7 ~ .:>. *
11.- ~ - ............. ........... .......... ... . .. .
4 8 411 0-352·000 Upper knife clamp shaft .......................................................... ? '7 ~ ~ ;t -If .:r:"' 7 ..................................... .
5 8 4 129-352-000 Upper knife holder clamp .......................................................... ? '7 ~ .:>. ;t -If .:r:"' 7 < '7 'I ~ ~ ............. .
6 SS-406031 0-SP Screw 3132·56 Lg2.5 ........................... .................................... 7-.-.:. ;t. "' 3 32-56 L=2.5 ...........................
7 84107-357-0AO Upper knife driving arm asm. .................................................... ? ? ~ .:>. 3 - r- :1l :.-- 7 ~ ................ ..... 1
8 SS-41109 10-TP Screw 11164-40 L~ 9.0 ............... ................................................. 7-.--. ;t. "' 11 64-40 L=9 ........................... (1)
9 SS-9150730-SP Bolt15164-28Lg7.0 ................................................................ 6:1l7 ;f! IL-~ 1564-28 =7 .................... ( 1)
10 84125-352-000 Screw A .................................................................................. ..... ? ? ~ .:>. 3 - r - :h :.-- ~ ~ .:t- "' A ......
11 84112-352-000 Upper knife clamp screw ................................................. ........ ? ? .:1 .:>. :t -If .:r: :t· "' .................................... .
12 841 04-352-0AO Upper kni fe driving arm sh aft asm. ........................................ ? ? .:1 .:.. 3 - r- "'
7 7 ~ .................... ..
13 T A-0370601-MO Plug3.9x4.0L=6.0 ............................................ .................... ~ .:1 -1! :.-- 39x4 L =6 ................................ ( 11
14 84130-352-000 Driving arm guard ..................................................................... ? ? .:1 .:>. 3 - ~ - :h ;..- ? 'T ......................
15 SS-e660820-TP Screw 114-40 L =8.0 ............................................ 0 .8/76 SS-8660810- P .................................... ...........
SS-866081 0-TP Screw 1 4-40 Lx8.0 .............. .............................. A .8176 ~ ~ ~ :/ 1 4-40 L = B .............. ..................
16 841 05-352-000 Bush&ng, front ....................... ........ ... ....................................... ? '7 ~ .:>. 3 - F - "' 7 < .:r: Jl ~ 11.- ......... .. 1
17 SS-6121510-SP Screw 3/16-28 L=15.0 ......................................... ....................... t: ? :t- "' 3 16-28 L= 15 ................... ......... 2
18 841 03-352-0AO Feed rocker shaf t cran k asm. ................................................... ? '7 .:1 .:>. 7 ? < ? ? :.-- ::> 7 ~ .......... ........ 1
19 SS-6621220-SP Screw 3/16-32 L=12.0 .............................................................. t: ? :t· Y 3 16·32 L =1 2 ............................ ( 21
20 B 1403-352-000 Pm ............. ................. .............................. ................. . ............ ' ' 'I ;r. - 7 ? < ? 7 ? :.-- 7 ~ :.-- ............. .
21 8 4101-352-000 Upper kni fe dn ving connecting rod ........................................ ? '7 ;t .:>. 7 ? :.-- 7 P ., f .................. ......... ..
22 SS-6110710-TP Screw 11164-40 L=6.5 ........................................ ....................... t: 7 :t· Y 11 64-40 L = 6.5 ...... ............. . ..
23 841 06-352-000 Bushing, rear ........... ............................. .......... ........................ ? '7 ~ .:>. 3 - F - "' 7 ? ~ P .:1 ? 11.- ... .. 1
24 CS-111101 0-SH Thrustcoll ar asm . . ..................................................................... .:>. ? .:>. ~ ?7" 0 = 11.1 1 W= 10 7 :1: ...... 1
25 SS-6660710-TP Screw1/4 -4 0L ~ 7.0 .................................... ............ .............. t: 7.:t- Y 1 4-40 L = 7 ................................ 121
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
13 --l~
Arn t.
el. Note Part No. Description
No. Req.
5i2C 0
8 1622·352-000
• Feed bar guide ............................................................................ ::t 7 ') 3 - l- - JJ :.-- :t ·•t I ...... ... ......... ... . ~1·
2 SS-411091Q-TP Screw 11/64-40 L =9.0 ................................................................ T "~- c:; 11 64-40 L = 9 ······················""···
8 1608-352-0AO Feed bar asm. ............................................................................ -/ .• ::t 7 •J :1 - 1-' ·- :h :.-- 7 ~ .................. . 1
81608-352-000 Main feed bar ............................................................................ -/ .:a :t 7 'I 3 - 1-' - tJ :.- •.....••. .....•.....••....•... (1}
5 81609-352-000 Differential feed bar ...................................................................... 7 7 :t 7 'I 3 - l- - tJ :.- •...•.•.......•.•.•••. ..••.•.. ( 1)
6 81611-352-000 Differential feed bar roller .......................................................... 7 7 ::t 7 •J ::J o ............................................. . (11
7 SD-0640601-SP Hi nge screw D=6.35 H~6.0 .................................................... ?' :.-- :t· :;- 0=635 H = 6 .............................. (1)
ll 8 1403-352-CAO Crank pin asm. (C) ...................................................................... 7 7 :.-- 7 l:' ~· C 7 ~ ..................... .............. . 2
9 C0-202000Q-OO Oil wick ........................................................................................ .cL -/ :.-- ............................................ ..... ............... . (0.1)
10 SS-6110710-TP Screw11/64-40L=6.5 ................................................................ 1:7 ;?-c:; 1164-40 L = 6 5 ........................
11 8161Q-352-000 Feed li f t blo. ·, ............................................................................ -;;" -?' :t 7 'J 1J 7 ::J < ............................. .
12 8161 4·357-AOO Differential feed dog (7A) .......................................................... 7 7 :t 7 11 ,.; 7A ........................................
7 1
~c:~n:~~~!~~ ~ 1o:o~:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ : =t· ~ ~~~~-4o.....L:.~--i(i.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
13 oOS D1613-357-KOO 7
14 SS-4091 010-SP 2
15 81613-357-AOO Main feed dog (7AI ..................................................................... -/ ,_ :t 7 •1 ,.; 7A ....................................... . I
16 8 1621-352-0AO Differentiol feed bar driving stu d IBI .tsm. ............................ ~)' F - :t 7 11 :!' / ;t c:; (8) -/ ~ .......... .. 1
17 C0-2020000-00 Oil wick ........................................................................................ .::1. ~ :_,., ••• . •• •••• •••••••• •••• •• ••••••••••••• ••• ....••• •• •••. •••••••.••.• (0 . 1)
18 8 1617·352-000 Differential fct!d drive link .......................................................... "f I' - ;f· 7 •J '!- 1 -·I! "I 'I :.-- 7 ............. .... ..
19 SD-064 751-SP HingescrewD c6.35H=7.5 .......................................................... ;!1':.-:t-;."· 0 = 6.35 H = 7.5 ........................ . .
20 81619-352-000 Differen tial feed drivfl link nut .............................................. ·I)' I· - :;j· 7 'I '' :.---? ;; A -r 1 I· .. ...... ...... .
21 8 162Q-352-000 Differential feed drive link Wilsher ........................................ iJ· I· - ;· P 'I :1 / l :;- A"J' /J' :,•....... ....... . I
22 81615·352-000 Differentia l feed rocker ............ ............................................. iJ· F- :;j· ~ 11 ·~ j · ......... .... ... .. .. .... ......... .. .. . . 1
23 SS·611071Q-TP Screw11/64-40L=6.5 .......................................................... t 7:t- ·/ 11 / 64 -40 L = O.!l .......... ........... .. 2
24 81606-352-000 Bushing, front ............................................................. .. ............. :;j· 7 'I "' ~ -;· .1: J' :it it. ..................... .......... 1
25 SS-612151 0-SP Scmw 3/16-28 L=15.0 ................................................................ 1: 7 ;t. c:; 3/ lli-21l L = l !:i ................ ......... 2
26 CS-1111010-SH Thrustcollarasm. . ..................................................................... ;,7;, }-•':J'r 0 =1 1.11 W =I O P< ...... 1
2 '/ SS-666071 o- TP Screw 1/4-40 L~7.0 ................................................................ 1:7 :t· c:; 1;4-40 L == 7 ................ ................ 2
28 81605-352-000 Diffl!rcntial feed rockur shalt ..................................................... ;f· ~ 'I :;- ~ ................................................ . ... ..
2!J 81607-352-000 Bushing, rear ................................................................................... ;f· 7 11 :;- 7 •':J -/ n J' :1 ' " ............................ .
30 81623-352-000 Di ffl!rl!nlial feed rockl!r shaft crank ......................................... :;j· ~ 11 7 :it 7 :it 7 / ":1 ............................ .... 1
31 SS-6621220-SP Screw 3/16·32 L=12.0 ................................................................. t: 7 :t· "' 3 !1 6-32 L = 12 ........................... 2
32 SS-6110710-TP Scmw 11/64-40 L=6.5 ................................................................. t:: 7 ;t. c:; II /{i4-•IO L = 6 .5 ........................
33 B 1601-352-AOO Frlml driV<! connecting rod .......................................................... ;t· 7 'I ~ 7 :.-- P "' I' ................................ .
34 09 81625·357-000 Feed dog (78) ............................................................................. I ..,·( ;t .;_, 11 78 ..........................................
- 19-
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
_ _:>
~ I
~- -- - -- - - - - - - ------- - ~
(1) M0-357-8
;:U(! 0
"" •
:?lJ! lFR
Throat plate 7HA .................................... ................................... " 1) 1 ? ............................................................. ~·
2 01613-357-HOA-A Main feed dog 7HA ................................................................. :.--- .-. :t p •J ' ' .•••..•..••.•.••.••.••••••.••••..•..•.•.•..••..•. 1
3 D1510-357·HAO Presser foot asm. ..............•........................................................ :t -tt z H P ~ ....•......................................... 1
4 81510-357 -800 Presser foot (8) ............................................................................. ;;.::..-:t-ttz (8) ........................................... (1)
5 81511-357-000 Pin ...........•.........................................................................•......... :t-ttzt::.-- ......................................................... (1)
6 D1512-357-HOO Stitch tongue ............................................................................ 1 ~ ~ """'- IJ ~ 1 ............................................ ( 1)
7 SS-606041 0-TP Screw 3/32-56 L ~ 3. 5 ................................................................. 1:: 7 ~- v 3 32-56 L = 3.5 .......................... (1)
8 81527-357-000 Sprirg .........................................................•............................... :t -tt z 1! :.-- '< ~- .....................•.•....•................ ( 1)
9 SD-037041 0-SP Hinge screw ...............................................••.................................. ~ :.-- ~-::; ............................................................ (1 )
10 o09 D1510-357-H80 Presser foot asm. (with finger guard) ........................................ v.::..?:t-ttz P ._ H( n iJJ':.--1!":.-- :h, ,_ '!!-'\'-).
11 009 D 1136-35 7·H08-A Throat plate 7HB .......................................................................--;., •J ~ :$1 ••••••••~................................................... .
12 .;00 01613-357·H08-A Main feed dog 7H8 ................................................................. ·:..- ~ ;t p •J , , ..•..••••••.••.••••.•.••.•••••••.•.••••.••••••••
p 009 01614-357-H08 Differential feed dog 7H8 ............. ....................... ....... .... ...... 7 p
Note Ui lc) All parts other than above are same as M0-357 (8). ..t. cl:.J.9} r~ M0-357(B ) l: liil l.: "(·T
, >09 •.••. Special order part. ~SIJ;i ::Q:: &I\ .11
(2) M0-357-10
1 D1136-357-KOO Throat plate .................................................................................. , , 1) 1 ~ ............................................................ .
2 D1613-357-KOO Main feed dog 7K ...•.................................................................. .;_., ~ :t P IJ ' ' ....••....••.•.....•.•.••••••••••••••.••.•.••••.•
3 841 22-352-00C Htgh-speed steel lower knife ..................................................... "1 ~ -/? .;1 ~ ....... .................................. ... .
4 c09 84 108-352-00D Cemented carbide upper knife .............................................. '1- ., - ::1 - ? '7 .;1 ~ ........... ......................... .
5 0 9 101 -357-K AO Stitch gu ide asm. ....................................................................... ::; ,. --¥ P .. ................................................. 1
6 D9 103-357-KOO Stitch gu ide bracket ................................................................. ::; " - -¥ ? Jr ~ 1 ......................................... 11)
7 D9102-357-KOO St itch guide reta iner ................................................................. ::; " - -¥ ? Jr ................................................. ( 1)
8 83125-155-000 Disc spring ................................................................................... -tt7, ':t· ............................................................. ( 1)
9 SD-0600271-SP Hinge screw Dz6.00 H=2.7 ..................................................... ~ :.-- :t- ;:.; D=6 H=2.7 ............................... (1)
10 NS-6110310-SP Nut 11/64-40 .................................................. ........................... 6:JJP-t ·~ ~ 11 64-40 .................................. (1)
11 D9 101-357-KOO Stitch guide ................................... .......................................... ::; " - -¥ .......................... ................................. 11)
12 SS-7090710-SP Screw 9/64·40 L=6.8 ................................................................. .., JL-- 1:: 7 :t-;:.; 9 64-40 L=6.8 .................. ( 11
13 D9104-357-KOO Nut ............................................................................................... ::; ,. - -¥ ~ .;1 -t ., ~ .................. .................. ( 1l
14 ~ SS· 711 0840-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=7.8 ................................................................. .., JL-- 1:: 7 ~-;:.; 11 64-40 L= 7.8 ........ ....... 2
Note ( itlcl All parts other than above are same as M0-357. ..1: cl:.J.9}l1M0-357 tf!ll L "(·'t ,
009 ..... Special order part. 4-;j )l.Jii:X iltl .!'~
- 21 -
From the library of: Superior Sewing/ Machine & Supply LLC
(3) M0-358-8 (4) M0-358-10
2 2
13 14 15
(3) M0-358-8
Note ( ii:IC I All parts other than above arn same as M0-35 7 t B) J:!l~ !.:l. 7~f.tM0-:357( B) .~ ~·I L ·c 1
c09 ..... Spo•coal no dcr part.
(4) M0-358-10
D1136·357-KOO ThrnaLplaLP. ................................................................................... " 'I 1 '' .................... ..................... ............... .
01613-357-KOO Maon hwd dog 7K .................................................................... ·/ .:o. ;j· 7 'I' ' ....................... .......................
B252Q-353-000 Spor.ado•r ...................................................... ....... ........................... 11 =1' 11-- 1' ....................................................... .
4 09101-357-KAO Stotch guo dot asm. .. ..................................................................... -;; " - ¥ 7 ~ .............. .......... ..................... .. 1
5 SS·7110840·SP Sco cw11/64·40L 7.8 .. .............................. ................................ 711- 1::7 :?· -;; II U4·40 L - 78 ............ . 2
Notc ( ; · CI All paots other rh:m above illll same <IS M0-357. .l.:..i.!LUI Il M0-357 t I~J t.: -r:··4·
- 23-
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Part No. Pngc Item Rof. Part No. Pilgc llem Re f. Port N o. Po9e llem Ref. Part No. Page Item R ef.
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC