Juki MO-357, MO-358

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The document provides instructions for using a parts book for an industrial sewing machine. It explains how the parts are organized and indexed as well as codes used to indicate changes or replacements to parts.

One should divide the parts book into sections by part function. The part numbers in figures correspond to the index numbers. Codes are used to indicate changes from previous books or additional notes.

The codes represent dates that parts were added or made obsolete, as well as corrections or errors. They help identify the most current part number.


® 1978 11

model M0-357·358

Straight Needle Safety Stitching Industrial Sewing Machine



From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
1. As a basic principle, this parts book is divided into various sections according to the functions of respective parts.
2. The port numbers of parts shown in the figure mdicate the corresponding numbers(Ref.No.) shown by the Index.
3. Explanation of codes
1) I ,., mark .............. means this part is changed from the previous ports book.
:z 01 .................... refer to "Note" explanation at bottom of page.
2) Codes on the "E.C. (Engineering change)" column
I A.10/74 ............ Added from October, 1974
2 0.1/75 ............... Obsoleted from January, 1975
S When D.(obsoleted) and A.(added) are ondicated together
0 .12/74)
A. 12/74
@ When previous parts (Obsoleted part) and new parts (Added parts) are not interchangeable woth each other:
In th os case, even obsoleted parts( D.) can be ordered with the obsoleted part number, so select the parts woth changed dates and
plac your orders.
R PI. Note Part No. Description E.C. Amt.
No. Req.
c .g
,R, ~ ~~~FI DD ft
81 4 01-100.000 Needle bar f6~12774l / ' 1) *-
1·1 .~ 8 1401-100.00(}-A Needle bar L~:..1J£.7.9J -'' IJ *-
@ In case when previous parts and new part are Interchangeable with each o ther:
In this case the new part number is replaced on the ",R,.g (Japanese" column of the previous parts, so please order by the new
part number:
Rt>f. Note Part No. Descroptoon E.C. Amt.
No. Req.

8 11 05-200.000 Frame cover

,.- ~!l!
-----.!f l'l
; 0.12/74 I
-, [8 1105-300.000
.i, ft

Frame cover ~ ~-~.?:t~.4J
C.3/75 .............. This indocatcs error was discovered on March, 1975 and so it was corrected to a new part number.
Please note that in thos case, the corrected part number is shown in the part number column and the wrong part
number is shown 111 the "n"'o:fo(Japanese" column, so please order by the correct part number.
Ref. Note Part No. Descroption E.C. Amt.
No. Req.
un ~!J!~Jj
I 81 105-500.000"] F ranu~ covl!r C.3 /75
Correct No.
~M.5/7 5 .............. The amount requored is changed from March, 1975
The new amount requirud is shown m the "Ami. Req." column.
3) Codes on t he "Ami. Req." column
I 2 .............. ......... Indi cates amount required is 2.
2 2.0 ....... ............. Indicates length in meters. (unot os meter)
3 - ............. .. ....... Indicates parts obsoleted from the parts book .
4 (11. ............ .. ...... lndoca ll!s sub parts which construct the assembly paol.
Assnmbly pa rt 1s shown us "nsm." i.lntl P ~ •n Japanese. rn the ·· oescn pt 1on., colun1n.
l'lo•l. Nolli Pan No. Desc• ip1ion E.C. Amt.
No Req.
nn ~-'";1- fl ~~~ ~~ IX
10 811 05-!JOO-OAO Frame covnrlnsn1.1 7t..--.l.n"-l 7 " I
11 H 11 05 !l00-000 Frnme cover 7t..--.l.j]/\- ~
12 SS·8 110310.SP Scmw 11/64·40 L - 2.8 ~ -" :t :-> I I b4 · 40 l... = 2. 8

~ ·-·-··. .·-·-·-·-·-·-·-··-·-·-·-·-·-.. . . . . . . . .-.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _._. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . _._.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... ·-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . i
When Ordering The Spare Parts: I
In order to ensure that we deliver the correct parts to you, please clearly state when ordering the correspond ing PART ;
NUMBER (e.g. 81109..012-AOO) and also the PARTS BOOK NUMBER (e.g. 0010..01, given at the top right of the i
cover) or the MACHINE SERIAL NUMBER, because there are some parts which have been changed.
· - · - · - · - · · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - .................................................. !-to ............................................................. . ..................... . ..... ... ....................... .... . - . - · - · - · - · - .. - ·-· -
· .... · - · - · - · - · - · - · ..... .:t

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
El ~


ID!H~~*ilOO'f*(l) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . 1
iii!i$*~00~(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
*-BI1J7-D8f*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • 5
;Eft , Jl;-r\fdiiJOf~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
~t:t$00{~ ....................................................... 9
~IJI.r. I'JIH~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 11
=:m: JL--r\fU!f~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1' ;t .AOOf~............................ .......................... 15
1:. ;l .A mJf~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
~ IJ fm'f* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
~~d!IUJ'f* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
"-Ja.. ~ :tJ.t'-00f~(~jjlJii5cllB~) ....... . ........................... . 20
iJ-7~7-AOOf~ .................................................. 21
( 1)
M0-357-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. 21
M0-357-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . •. . . •. 21
M0-358-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 22
(4) M0-358-10 ................. . .•............................ . . . 22
*51 ....................... . ....................... . ........ . . 23


It "- Bt rtJ
M0·357(A) M0-358(A) 2.0mm

M0-357(8) M0-358(8) 3.2mm S1andard

M0-357(C) 4.8mm

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC



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- 1 -

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Ref. Note

ii r.
Part No.

Description E. C.
Feed mechanism cover ................................................................ ::>t 7 'I 1J , , _ ................................................... .

2 SS-111 0840-SP Screw11/64-40L=8.0 ................................................................. 'it7:?· >-'11 64-40 l=8 .............................. 7

3 SS-9111820-SP Bolt 11/64-40 La18.0 ................................................................. 61J 7 :t! II-~ 11 64-28 l= 18 ................. .
4 B1527-352-000 Stopper screw nut ....................................................................... ::>t 'it :r. A ~ ., ,.; - :?· >.' -t -~ ~ ................. .
5 B1140-352-000 Plug screw ................................................................................... 7 ? ::>t ::>t :?· '-" ................................................ 4
6 R0-2201801-00 Rubber ring ................................................................................... 0 11 / !I' ............................................................. 4
7 R1117-357-000 Cloth plate ................................................................................... ;;r / :>t 7 'I ?" -1 ............................................... .
8 B1118-357-000 Cloth plate frame ....................................................................... )I / :>t 7 'J 5F -1 1J '<- ...............................
9 WP-0371016-SD Washer 3 .7 x 8 .0 x 1.0 ................................................................. 1:: 7 -If ff =r- 3.7x8.0X 1 ............................... 4
10 SS-7091110-SP Screw9/64-40L=10.5 ................................................................. 7II-1::7:?·Y 9 64-40 L = 10.5 ................ 4
11 B1120-352-000 Ball screw ................................................................................... A ~ ., ' ' - 1:' / ..............................................: 1
12 NS-612031 0-SP Nut 3/16·28 ................................................................................... 61J 7 -t ., ~ 3 16-28 ..................................
13 SS-6151920-TP Screw 15/64-28 L=19.0 ........................................................... 1:: 7 :?· '-" 15 64-28 L= 19 ...................... ..
14 NS-6150310-SP Nut 15/64-28 ............................................................................. 61J 7 -t ·> ~ 15 64-28 ................................ 1
15 B1143-352-000 Hinge holder ................................................................................... ;;I / ::>t 7 11 ? -1 1J " - 1:: /-;,.-? 'r 9· -1 ..... 1
16 SS-7151120-SP Screw15/64-28L=11.0 ........................................................... 711-1::7:?·-/ 15 64-28 L = l1................. 2
17 B1119-352·000 Hinge stud ................................................................................... ;;r / :t 7 11 ? -1 1J " - 1:: / -;,.- '-" 7 .........
18 SS-8110510-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=5.0 ................................................................. ~-" ;t. '-" 11 64-40 L=5 ........................ ..
19 B1130-352-000 Frame rear cover '/7_,1/tJn- ............................................. ..
20 B1131-352-000 Frame rear cover gasket ........................................................... ? 7 -" / 1J " - ' ' ., :t- / ............................ 1
21 SS-7110910-SP Screw11/64-40L=8.5 ................................................................. 711-1::7:?·'-" 1164-40 L = 8.5 ............... 6
22 B2519-352-000 Upper looper thread guide ........................................................... ? '7 11-- ' ' 7- / r. / -1 ~ 7 / -t -1 .........
23 B2523-352·000 Upper looper thread gu ide clamp plate ................................... 7- / t:' / -1 ~ 7 / -t -1 ~ -" -1 ? .............
24 SS-409061 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=6.0 ................................................................. -t.-:. :?· '-" 9 64-40 L =6 .......................... ..
25 B1134-352-000 Frame feed cover, front ........................................................... :t 7 11 7 :r.tJ ' ' - ....................................... .
26 SS-2090620-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=5.5 ................................................................. 7 IVft 7 :?· '-" 9 64-40 L - 5.5 .................. 2
27 B1102-357-000 Driving crank cover ....................................................................... OJ- F- 7 7 / 7 P ·; ~ 7 9 ................ 1
28 B1158·581-000 Plug (A) ........................ .. ..................................... .......................... 7 -t :t- 1• ., 7 ................................................ 3
29 B31 06-352-000 Thread eyelet ............................................................................. 7- _,_ - 1J / -1 ~ 7 / -t -1 ............................. 1
30 SS-209051 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L ~ 5.0 ................................................................. 7 11- -It 7 :?· >-' 9 64-40 L =5 .................... 2
31 B1132-352-000 Plug screw ................................................................................... :t 7 'I ·7- " --I! ·:; 7 -t :?· '-" ....................
32 R0-1721801-00 Rubber ring .................................................................................. 0 11 / 7' ............................................................ .
33 B1135-352-000 Oil gauge ......................................................................................... ;.t -fli-7->-' ................................................... .
34 B11 07-352-000 Hinge screw ................................................................................... *- ·> / '-" 7 t- '-" ..... ................................... 4
35 B1138-352-000 Belt guard ................................................................................... ""-II- ~ 7 / -1! / -1 ? .................................... 1
36 SS-7110840-SP Screw11/64-40L 7.8 ................................................................. --l'll-t:7:t->-' 1164-40 L ~ 7 .8 ................ 2
37 B11 08-352-000 Loopercover ................... ................................................................ Jl.--.1'\ ;1).1\-- ................... ...... ..................... .
38 B1110-357-000 Chip cover .....................................................................................: /7 ;(1J,'- ............................................... 1
39 SS-509061 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L~ 6 . 0 ................................................................. ~ 7 A:?·>-' 9 64-40 l = 6 ......................... 2
40 NS-609031 0-SP Nut 9/64-40 ................................................................................... 611 7 ·J- ·:; ~ 9 64-40 ................................... 2
41 ~ B1115-352·000 Looper cover spr1ng ..... ..... ... ... ................ ........ ......... .... .................. Jt.- - .1 \ 1J "' - l ' :t- ........................................ 1
42 B1113-352-000 Looper cover hinge pin ................................................................. 1'--' ' 1J ,, _t:: ;..- '-" '-" 7 ......................... 1
43 • B1111-352-000 Looper cover hmge bracket ..................................................... 11-- ' ' JJ ' <- ":1 'r 1 ? ................. .......... 1
44 • SS-409061 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=6 .0 ................................................................. :J- .-.. ct. '-" 9 64-40 l = fi ............................ 2

From the library of: Superior Sewing

- 2 -
Machine & Supply LLC



From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Rol . Note Amt.
Part No. DI>Scription E.C. Req.
;.uc "
QQ l2:3l!.tFFl =t
1 8 1123-352-0AO Face plate cover asm. .................... ........................................... .I ;..- 1 :!' :tJ 1' - 7 ~ .................................... .. 1
2 81142-352-000 Stopper screw ................................... ............................... ....... . .1 ;..- 1 :!' :tJ " - ;<. ~ , 1' - 1' :t· ~ .I :t· "' ..
3 WP-0371 026-SD Washer3.7x7 .0x1 .0 ................................................................ 1:: 7-lf:tJ' :t· 3.7 x 7.0 xl .............................. ..
4 81127-352·000 Stopper sprong ............................................................................ .I :.--1 :!' :h" - A~ , , ,_ " :t· ................ ..
5 NS-609031 0-SP Nut 9/64-40 .................................................................................. 6:h 7 -r ., ~ 9 64·40 ....................................
6 0 81423-352-000 Needle thread eyelet ................................................................ 1' 'J 1 ~ 7 :.-- -r 1 ....................................... ..
7 «> SS· 709091 0-SP Scrow 9/64-40 L• 8.5 ................................................................ 7 Jv 1:: 7 :t- "' 9 64-40 L = 8.5 ................. ..
8 8 1420-357-000 Thread gu ide ............................................................................ " •J ;f. - 7' :.-- 1: :.- 1 ~ ? 'r ........................ ..
9 SS-7090710-SP Screw 9/64·40 L=6.8 ................................................................ 7 Jv 1:: 7 :t- ::; 9 64-40 L = 6.8 ................. . 1
'10 SS-2090550-TP Screw 9/64-40 Ls 3.2 ...................... ......................................... 7 JJ.. -tf 7 :t· ·/ 9 64-40 L = 3.2 .................. 4
11 8 1128-352-000 Side cover
12 81129-352-000 Frame sode cover gasket ............. ............................................ 'J 7 .I:.-- :tJ " - ' ' ., ~ :.-- ............................. 1
13 SS-511 0740-TP Screw 11/64-40 L=6.5 .......................................................... ~ 7 A :t- ;,... I I 64-40 l = 65 ....... ....... ..... 5
14 83101-352-000 Thread tension post mount ing base ........................................ 1 ~ 7- n -"' ~ 1 ........................................... .
15 83102-352-000 Gasket ........................................................................................ 1 ~ 1· 1 - Y "' 1 " ' 'f :.-- .......................... I
16 SS-7110910-SP Screw11/64·40L~8. 5 ................................................................ 7 JL.t: 7:t· "' I I 64-40 L = 8.5 ................. 6
17 83103-352-000 Oiling hole large screw ....... ......................................................... ·r "-- ::1. 7 7 :t· / "' 1 ............................... ..
18 83104-352-000 Gasket ........................................................................................ 7-..t - -17 -J· ,, .,'\'.;..- ................................. 1
19 83115-352-000 Thread guode tube ...................................................................... ;,... ? I t - - " 1 ~ ' ' 1 ............................. I
20 83116-352-000 Tubl!bu shing .... ........................................................................ ;,... :;. 11- - " 1 ~ ' ' 17' 4 v ' 7 · ........... .. . 2
21 81132-352-000 Plug screw ....................................................................... ........... :t 7 IJ '/' 1 - -!! ·y 7 -r -i· ;,... .................... ..
22 R0·1721801·00 Rubber ring .................................................................................. 0 1J :.-- 7 ' ............................................................ ..
23 81116-352·000 Stopper plate ............................................................................ 11- - ' ' :tJ ' ' - A ~ .., " -1 9 ................ ..
24 SS-409061 O·SP Screw9/ 64·40L=6.0 ................................................................ -J· ....; ;t. ::; 9 64·40 L - 6 ............................. 2
25 83535-352-000 Filter paper .................................................................................. ll :tJ "' ................................................................
26 835 10-352-0AO Folter screen asm. .. .................................................................... u 111' ~ 7 ~ .................................................
27 83509-352-000 Filter screen frame ...................................................................... ll 11 7 ~ :t -tf z ............................................ 1
28 SS-409061 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=6 .0 ................................................................ -r ....;;r. "' 9 64-40 L '=6 ............................. 6
29 81103-352-000 Frame bottom gasket ................................................................ 7 v- J. '/ :J 1 9 ' ' .., 'f ;..- ................... ..
30 811 02-352-0AO Frame bottom plate asm. .. ........................................................ 7 1- - 1~ '/ :J 1 :;. 7 i: ................................. 1
31 811 02-352·000 Frame bottom plate ................................................................ 7 t- - J, 'J :J 1 :;. ......................................... 11)
32 83518-352-000 Oil drain screw ............................................................................ "1 ::1. :t·"' ......................................................... (1)
33 R0·0291801·00 Rubber ring ........................................ .......................................... 0 'J :.- 7 ............................................................. (2)
34 81148-352-000 Frame bottom plate gasket .......................................................... 7 v -L, '/ ::11 ~' 7 ;t ' ' ., -1- :.-- .......... Ill
35 81147-352-000 Frame bottom plate cover .......................................................... 7 v -1. '/ ::1 1 ~ 7? ............................. (1)
36 SS-7621 040-SP Screw 3/16·32 L&9.5 ................................................................ ·< Jv 1: 7 :t· ::; 3 16-32 L =- 9.5 .................. (5)
37 SS-6151440-SP Screw 15/64·28 L' 14.0 .......................................................... l. 7 :t· "' 15 64-28 L = 14 ......................... 18
38 811 04·352-0AO Frame supporting base asm. .. .................................................. 7 v - 1. •:J 'r :;.· 1 7 < ........................... ..
39 811 05·352-000 Rubber cushion ............................................................................ >1·-"' :.-- :J J. ................................. ................... 4
40 SK-1351600-SC Woodscrew0=3.5L• 16 .......................................................... ·lt7 -t: 7:t- -/ 0 = 35 L : l6 ...................... 4

From the library of: Superior Sewing

- 4 - Machine & Supply LLC

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- 5 -
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Ref. Amt .
Part No. Descri ption E.C .

;;t c a
aa ~
831 05·35 7·000 Thread eyelet
~ ll! ~~
................. ...•.......•.............................................. 1 ~ 7 :.- ,;
1 ~ 1 ..........................................

2 SS-4090610-SP Screw9/64-40L=6.0 ................................................................ 1--"'=l"· '-' 9 / 64-40 L = 6 ............................. 2
3 83110-357-000 Thread guide (A) ............................................................................ 1 ~ 7' :.- T 1 A ........•..•........•...•..........•..........
4 SS-309071 0-TP Screw 9/64-40 L "' 7.0 ............................................. 0.3/76 SS-4090610-SP ............................................... .
SS-409061 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=6.0 ............................................. A .3/76 7" -"' :J". ,;;. 9 / 64-40 L=6 .............................. 1
5 001 83108-352-0AO Needle thread tension post asm. .............................................. " •J 1 ~ 7- " - '-' ? ~ ................................. 2
6 NS-615031 0-SP Nut 15/64-28 .........................•.................................................. 6n? -t , ~ 15/ 64-28 ...................................... ( 1)
7 83108-352-000 Needle thread tensipn post .......................................................... " •J 1 ~ 7- 1 - '-' *- . ..... .... ....................... ( 11
8 83126-012-000 Tension disc .................................................................................. 1 ~ 7 3 - '-' if 7 ....•............... ....... .....•........ (2)
9 83120-352-000 Thread tension spring felt .......................................................... 1 ~ r _. - ;..- " :t- "If 7 ,_ Jv ~ ................... (1)
10 83129-012-AOO Tension spring (A) ...................................................................... 1 ~ 7 • - '-' " =l"· A ...................................... ( 1l
11 83120-125-000 Tension disc stopper .................................•.............................. 1 ~ 7 a - :..- if 7 n 1 7 :.- t: ;I. ••••••••• •• •• • ( 1l
12 83110-352-000 Thread tension post nut .......................................................... 1 ~ 7 r - :..- T ·.• ~ ...................................... ( 11
13 83107-352-000 Needle thread guide ...................................................................... 7 :,. . T 1 1 ? .............................................. u. 2
14 WP-0651 056-SD Washer6.5x11.0x1.0 .........................•................................ t 7 "1fn·:t- 6.5x11 .0 X I .............................. 2
15 •)02 831 08-358-0AO Needle thread tension asm. .........................................................• " 'I 1 ~ 7 r - :..- ? ~ ................................. 1
16 NS-6150310-SP Nut 15/64-48 ............................................•............................... 6n !J-r .,~ 15 64-28 ................................. (1)
17 831 08-352-000 Needle thread tension post .......................................................... ' ' 'I 1 ~ 7- n - :..- *- . . . .......... ......... ...... ( 1l
18 83126-012-000 Tension disc .................................................................................. 1 ~ 7 " - :..- if 7 ......................................... (21
19 83120-352-000 Thread tension spring felt .........................................................• 1 ~ 7- " - :..- " =1"·-tf' 7 J Jv ~ .................. (1)
20 83121 -352-000 Tensionspring .....................................................................•...... ?7Jv - , ; 1~7 u -Y ''=1"· •••••••••.•••.•..• (1)
21 83120-125-000 Tension disc stopper ................................................................ 1 ~ 7 r - :..- if 7 n 1 7 :.- F ;1. ••• •• ••• ••• ••• ( 1l
22 8311 0-352-000 Thread tension post nut .......................................................... 1 ~ 7- r - :..- -t .., ~ ...................................... I 1)
23 83112·352-0AO Lower looper thread guide tube asm. ........................................ ;..- ? Jv-,, 1 ~ r - n :.- 7 ~ .................. 1
24 83112-352-000 Lower looper thread guide tube .............................................. ;..-;:. Jv-, ; · 1 ~ f - n :.- .......................... ( 1l
25 8311 3-352-000 Mounting bracket ...................................................................... y ::) )v- , , 1 ~ r- jJ / ~ 'I ·:; 7"::) 1 ... (2)
26 82418-019-000 Looper thread tube cap ................................................................ r- n :.- ~ ~· ·y 7 ........................................ (2)
27 SS-4110910-TP Screw11/64-40L~9. 0 ................................................................ T -"' =1"- :..:- 11 / 64-40 L = 9 .......................... 4
28 83112-357-0AO Chain looper thread guide tube asm . ........................................ 1 ~ t:- n :.- ? ~ ......................................... 1
29 83112-352-000 Lowerlooperthreadguidetube .............................................. y ;)Jv - ,; 1 ~ f -:IJ :.- ......................... (1 )
30 83113-357-000 Mountlngbracket ...................................................................... =. ,;.> _,_- :IJ :.- Jv - ' ' 1 ~ 1' - n:.- .......... (2)
31 82418-019-000 Looper thread tube cap .......................................................... r - n :.- 4 ,. -1 7' ....................................... (2)
32 83119-352-0AO Lower looper thread tension asm ............................................... ;..- ? Jt.-- , ; 1 ~ 7- J - '-' 7 :: .................. (2)
33 83117-352-000 Thread tension post nut .......................................................... 1 ~ 'r 1 - :..- ·r "> ~ ............ ... ................ .......... (2)
34 83118-352-000 Thread tension spring ................................................................ 1 ~ ·J· ~ - -;_, , ' :t- ............................................ ( 1l
35 83127-352-000 Spring felt ................................................................................... :.; ;:. 1 ~ ' ' =1"· -1)' 7 , Jt.- I· .......................... (1l
36 83126-352-000 Tension disc .................................................................................., 1 ~ 7- " -- ;..- ·1)- 7 ...................... ................... (2)
37 83119-352-000 Thread tension post ...................................................................... ·( ~ '1· 1 - ;..- ;j ! - ... ..................... ....... .... .... .... ( 1)
38 83128-352-000 Rotation stopper ........................................... ..... .................... ;..-::) 1 ~ ·1· " - :..- -tt 7 7 '7 11 F ;1. •• ••• ••••• 2
39 83107-352-000 Needle thread guide ...................................................................... 7 :.- -t 1 1 ? ............................................... .
40 83122-357-000 L type thread guide bracket .................................................... L n· ? 1 ~ ·r "- :..- <J--IJ· :r. .................... ..
41 N$-6150310-SP Nut 15/64-28 .................................................................................. 61J :7 -r ·· ~ 15 / 64-28 ............................... ..
42 SS-7110820-SP Screw 11/64-40 L =7.5 ............................................. 0.8/76 SS-711 0840-SP ............................................... .
S$-711 0840-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=7 .8 .................................. ........ . A.8/76 -.- Jv!:: 1 =l"·;; I I / 64-40 L =7 8 ................
43 83123-352-0AO Upper looper thread tensron asm . ............................................... •:J '"l ll· - ' ' 1 ~ '}· " -:..- 7 ................. 1
44 83123-352-000 TensionpostNo. 1 ...................................................................... 1 ~ -'J-,-:..- ;1! - .................... ........................ (1)
45 83126-012-000 Tension disc ................................................................ .................. ·( I· J' r - :..- -IJ· 7 ........................................ (2)
46 83120-352-000 Thread tension spring felt .......................................................... 1 I· 7· " - ;..- ' ' :j". ·f) ' 7 :r: JL, ~ ............... •• ( 1)
47 83121 -352-000 Tension spring ............................................................................ 'J ' 7 Jv - ' ' 1 J· 7- " --:..-- ''=1"· ................. (1)
48 83120-125-000 Tension disc stopper ........................................... .................... 1 J· 'f·"--;...- ·I)· 7 :IJ 1 7 :.- ~ .1 .. ........... (1 l
49 83110-352·000 Thread tensron post nut ........................·................................ .. 1 ~ ·T r - :..- ·J- ·y I· ...................................... ( 1l
50 83111-352-000 Upper looper thread guide .......................................................... ,.) '7 lt.- - " 1' ~ 'J' :.- -j· 1 1 P ................ .

Note ( ;ilc) ¢01 ..... For M0-357 (A), (B), (Cl. MO<i!i7(A), (B), (C)Ill
02 ..... For M0-358 (A), (B). M0-358(A), (B)Ill

From the library of: Superior Sewing

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Machine & Supply LLC


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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Ret . Note Part No. Descropt1on E.C. Amt.

No. Req.
;i iC .r., # ~ !il!l!OJ'l .r., ~ Itt
81212·352-000 Crank shalt bushing (E I............................................. 0 .6/76 81212·357-0AO ............................................... ..
'' 81212-357-0AO Crank shalt bush ing (EI asm .................................. C.1/77 8 12 12·357·000 ................................................ .
2 SS-8110410-TP Screw 11/64·40 L• 3.5 ............................................................... ~ >' -1'- -/ 11 64-40 L = 3.5 ........................ .
3 82501·337-0AO Crank shaft looper droving crank asm. .. ................................ ? 7 7 7 ;..- 7 7 ~ ....................................... .. 1
4 SS·8661030-SP Screw 1/4-40 L• 10.0 ................................................................ ~ >' :t· -/ 1 4·40 L = 10 ............................ .. (21
5 82504-352·080 Upper looper crank connec tmg rod ........................................ Jv - 1 ' 7 7 ;..- 7 P ., f 7 ~ ..................... . 1
6 S0·0450701·TP Hingescrew .................................................................................. ~:.-- *-/ 0 = 4.50 H= 7.0 .......................... . (41
7 82503-352·000 Rotat ion stopper ...................................................................... Jv - 1 ' 7 7 :.--7 o ., ~ 7 1.- r >' ............. . (11
8 SS-4091020.TP Screw 9/64·40 L" 1 0.0 ................................................................ T ~ -1'--/ 9 64-40 L = 10 ........................... . ( 11
9 81211-352-000 Crank shaft bushing (01 .......................................................... ~ F - '-' 7 >' ? Jv D .................................. 1
10 SS-8150710-SP Screw15/64-28L ~ 7.0 .......................................................... ~ >'-1'-/ 15 64·28 L = 7 ......................... .. 3
11 8 1210-352-000 Crank shalt bushing !CI .......................................................... 7 ~ - -/ 7 >' ? Jl- C ................................ .
12 84102-352-000 Upper knife dr iving eccentric .................................................... ? ? >' .A .--.. :.-- ;..- :.-- :tJ J. ...................... ......... .. 1
13 SS-8150710-SP Screw15/64·28L =7.0 ................................................................ ~ >':?--/ 15 64-28 L = 7 .......................... . 2
14 B1209-352-00Q Crank shaft bushing ( Bl .................. ........................................ 7 ~ - -/ 7 >'?Jt- 8 ................................ ..
15 81201-357-AAO Crank shaft ................................................................................. 7 ~ - ;..- 7 7 ~ ........................................... ..
16 81602-352-0AO Feed eccentric regulator asm. .. .................................................. .A 1 .--..1 :t 7 I) 7 " - -1! •:; ' 1 7 ~ ..... . 1
17 SS-7110740-TL Screw 11/64·40 L=7.0 ................................................................ 7 Jl-1:: 7 .:t- 9 11 64·40 L = 7 ................... . (11
18 SS-8150710-SP Screw 15/64-28 L=7.0 ................................................................ ~ >' :t·-/ 15 64-28 L = 7 .......................... . (21
19 81604·352-000 Adjusting screw ............................................................................ .::>. 1 .--.. 1 :t 7 1) 7 .1 - -1! ·:; .:t- 9 ................ .. (11
20 81205-352·000 Crank shaft bush ing (AI .......................................................... 7 F - 9 7 >' ' Jv A ................................ ..
SS-8 1 51 550-SP
Screw15/64·28L =15.0 ..........................................................
Oil seal ........................................................................................
~ >'-1'-9 15 64-28 L=15 ....................... ..
7 F- 9 7 >' ' Jl.- A :t 1 Jl.- ;..-- Jl.- ....... . .,

23 81203·352·000 Hand wheel .................................................................................. 1 ' .A' ~ 7' Jl- 7 ......... ........................................... . 1
24 SS-8151150-SP Screw 15/64-28 L- 10.5 .......................................................... ~ >' .:t-9 15 64-28 L=10.5 ...................... . 2
25 82529-352·000 Protection plate ...................................................................... * ::i 1 ? ............................................................ . 2
26 82509-352·000 Upper looper shaft bushing, rear .............................................. 1'
? ? Jv- 9 7 ? ;..- o ;J? Jv .................... ..
27 SS-612151 0-SP Screw3/16·28L =15.0 .......................................................... 1::7:t·-/ 316-28 L=15 .......................... .
28 8250 5-352-000 Driving lever .. ............................. .......... ......................................... JJ.,-~{ v :,. . ?- ':I P 7;,..... 7 ..........................
29 SS-666071 ().TP Screw 1/4-40 L ~ 7 . 0 ...................................................................... 1:: 7 :?--/ 1 4-40 L = 7 .............................. .. 4
30 SS-6090660-TP Screw 9/64-40 L=6.0 ................................................................ 1:: 7 :t· 9 9 64-40 L :o 6 ............................ .. 2
31 82512·362-000 Driving lever connecting link .................................................... Jl--1\ 1.- :.-- 7 ·:; 1! :.--7 ................................ ..
32 81412-352-000 Looper connecting link pin 1.- / 7 ':/ IJ / 7 1::' / ............... ....... ... . 2
33 82514·352-000 Lower looper driving shaft crank .............................................. -/ ? Jr.--~.; 7 7 :.--7 .....................................
34 82507·352·000 Upper looper driving shaft .......................................................... ? ? Jt-- 1 ' - / 7 ............................................ ..

35 TA-0290601-MO Plug 2.9 x 3.2 L=6.0 ................................................................ ~ >' -1! :.-- 2.9 x 3.2 L = 6 ............................ ..
36 82508-352-000 Upper looper shaft bushing, front ........................................ ? ? Jl- - 1 ' / 7 7 x ;J ? Jv ............. .. ...........
37 SS-6121510-SP Screw 3/16-28 L=15.0 ................................................................ 1:: 7 t- / 3 16·28 L :: 15 ........................... .
38 82525-352-000 Oil seal ring .................................................................................. JL·- " ;..- 7 :t 1 Jv ;..- - Jl- ............................ ..
39 82510.352-0AO Upper looper holder asm. .. ........................................................ ? ? Jv - 1 ' ;..- / + 7 ~ ............................ .. 1
40 SS-6121220-TP Screw 3{16-28 L• 11 .5 ................................................................ 1:: 7 -1'- -/ 3 16-28 L -= 11.5 ....................... .. (11
41 01 8 2520.352·000 Upper looper ........................................................................... ? ? J~-~' ....................................................... .
42 ' 02 82520.353-000 Spreader ................................................................... ..................... :tJ t- J~ - 1 \ .. .. ... ... . ....... . . ..... .. ....... . ......... ... .. .. ..... .
43 SS-4110910-TP Screw11/64-40L• 9.0 ........................... ..................................... 7 " =?· 9 1164-40 L = !t ........................... .
44 82524·352·000 Lower looper thrend toke-up bracket ........................................ _.,. ~ Jl· - 1 ' 7 :.-- 1::' :/ ? 7 ? 1 ...... ........... ..
45 SS-4090610-SP Screw 9/64·40 L~ 6.0 ................................................................ ·r "' :t-;..- 9 64-40 L = 6 ............................ ..
46 82511 ·352-000 Lower looper thread take-up ....................................................._.,. ? J~ - 1'
7 :.-- 1::' :.-- ............... .... .................. .
47 SS· 709051 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L- 4.6 ................................................................ 7 Jt· l::. 7 '?· -/ 9 64-40 L :: 4.6 ................. ..
48 82515·352·000 Lower looper droving shaft .................................................... ;..- ? Jl.- - 1' :.-
7 ................................................ ..
49 82522·352-000 Lower looper driving sha ft bushong, rear .................................. ,;.- ? Jt.- 1 \ / 7 •') ,;.- ll >' ? Jl- ................... 1
50 SS-6121510-SP Screw3/16-28LE15.0 ................................................................ t:: J t- 9 3 16·28 L = l5 ............................ 2
51 CS-0791260-SH Thrust collar asm. .. .................................................................... ;..- ~ 11-- - " :.- 7 :>; 7 :>; I· •'J 'r 7 ~ ....... 1
52 SS-866061 (). TP Screw 1/4·40 L• 6.0 ..................................................... ................ I· ;J :t c/ 1 4-40 L :o 6 ................................ (11
53 8 2528·352·000 Bushing, fro nt ............................................................................ ;..- ? Jl.o - 1 \ :} 7 < x ;J? Jl-- ......................... .
54 82525·352·000 Ool sr.alr ing .............................................................. .............. 11 - ,' 9 7 ;J· 1 Jl / - JI. ............................. .
55 82517-352-0AO Lowerlooperholder asm .......................... ............................... -_.,. ?Ji--- 1,. ;..- :...-t- 7 ~ .............................. 1
56 SS-6 121220-TP Screw3/16-28L"' 11 .5 .................................................... ............ L"J:t / 3 16-28 L = 11 .!i ......................... (11
57 82521 ·352-000 Lower looper ............................................................................ ·· !' Jl·- 1' ...................................................... ..
58 SS-4110910-TP Screw 11/64-40 L•-9. 0 .................. ............................................. -J··. :?· '/ I I 64-40 L = 9 ........................... .
!i9 82518-352-000 X. Upper looper thmad t.Jkl'-up ................................................... •'J 7 11. - ' \ r :.-- t: :.-- . ...................... .......... ..
60 SS-4090610-SP Screw 9/64-40 L• 6 .0 ................................................................ -J · .;. '-' 9 64-40 L = 6 .... ...................... ..

Note ( ii li! I o01 ..... For M0-357 (AI, (BI, (CI. M0-3fi7(AI. 181. (C)Ifl
2 ..... For M0-358 (AI, (BI. MU-358(A). (8)111

From the library of: Superior Sewing

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

A mt.

R ef. Note Part No. Descript i on
No. R oQ.
D a
;:U:~ ft
1 MDC·270B1100 Needle DC x 27 No. 11 ..•............•...........................•................... " 1) DC 27 jj: 11 ..............•...... .................. 2
2 r 03 B1415·357-AAO Needle clomp asm. .. ................................................................... " ') ~ .;1 7 ;;: ................................................... 1
3 SS-B08031 (). TP Screw 1/8-44 L• 2.8 ............................................................... ~ ;J =?· '-' 1 8-44 L "" 2.8 .............................. (2)
4 0 04 B1415-357-BAO Needle clamp asm . (B) ................................................................ " •J F .;1 7 ;;: (8) ......................................... 1
5 SS·B08031().TP Screw 1/8-44 La2.8 ................................................................ ~ .;1 ;t. ;; 1 8-44 L = 2.8 .............................. (2)
6 <'05 B1415-357-CAO Needle clamp asm. (C) ............................................................... " 1) ~ -" 7 ::: (C) .... .... .......... ............ .......... 1
7 SS-BOB031 (). TP Screw 1/8-44 L~ 2.8 ................................................................ ~ ;J :t- :/ 1 8-44 L = 2.8 .............................. ( 2)
8 B1414-357-000 Needle bar .................................................................................. ' ' 11 ,Y. - ..... ....... .. ....... ........ ............................. .. .
9 B 141 B-352-000 Needle bar bushing, lower ......................................................... " 11 ,Y.- Y :? -" ~ I~ ......... ........... .. ... .. ......... .. 1
10 B 1413-352-0AO Needle bnr connect ion vsm. .. .................................................. ' ' 1) *- ::r ~ 7 ~ ........................................... 1
11 SS.7110810·SP Screw11 / 64-40L =8.0 ...................... ......................................... 71~ 1:: 7;t.;; 1164-40 L = 8 ........... ......... 11)
12 C0-20 20000.00 Or I wick ....................................................................................... .::> ;; :-- ............... .... ........ ...................... .... ......... .. 0 .6
13 B1416-352-000 Needle bar bushing, upper ............................. ............................ " 11 i! - ? '7 ;J ? J~ ... ....... ..... ............... .. ..... .
14 B1405·012-000 Rubber plug ................................................................................. 4' .,. > "1 .............................................................
15 0 B1419-357-000 Needle bar thread ta ke-up ................................................ ......... " 'I *- T :-- 1:: :-- ........ .. ...... ........... ......... .. ... .
16 ' SS-608041 O.SP Screw i/8-44 L • 4.0 ............................................................... 1::7 :?·;; 1 8-44 L - 4 ................................
17 ~ B1420.352-000 Tensiondrsc .................. ............................................................. ' ' 'J,Y. - 7":--1:: :--- 1~ 7- -, -;; "'t 7
18 • B1422-352-000 Tensionspring .... ....................................................................... ' ' 'I,Y. - 7-:-- 1:: :-- 1 ~ 1 , - :-- '' "'" ......
19 ~ B1421-352-000 Hinge screw ................................................................................. T :-- 1::· :-- 1 ~ -• - ;; -t)" 7 ? :-- * '-' .......
20 • NS-608021 0-SP Nut 1/8-44 ................................................................................. 6 :1:! 7 1" •1 ~ 1 8-44 ....................................... 1
21 B1412-352-CAO Needle crank link pi n asm. .. .................................................. 1::' :-- C 7 ~ ................................................... 2
22 CQ-2020000.00 Oil w ick ....................................................................................... .;1. ;; :-- ............................................ ...................... 10. 1)
23 SS-6090660·TP Screw 9/64·40 L~6.0 ................................................................ 1:: 7 ;;?. -: ; 9 64-40 L "' 6 .............................. .
24 B1411-352·000 Needle bar link ................................................... ........................ ' ' 11 :t- - 11 :--7 ................................................ ..
25 s 8090650.TP Screw9/64-40L: 5.5 ................................................................ ~ -" :?- '-' 9 64-40 L = 5 5 ...........................
26 B 1404·352-000 Needle bar driving shalt ................... ....................................... " 1) *- 7 7 :-- 7 '-' 7 ................................ ..
27 TA-0370301-MO Plug3.9x4.0L • 3.0 ................................................................ ~ ." -!! / 3.9 x 4 L = 3 .............................. .. .
28 B1408·352-000 Bushing, fro nt ............................................................................ ' • 'I :t- - 7 F - '-' 7 7 ~ -~ ~ 1~ .......... ..... 1
29 SS-6121 020.SP Screw3/16-28L ~ 9.5 ............................ .................................... 1:: 7 -1'- i; 31 6-28 L = 9.5 ............................ 2
30 CS-127 101A-SH Thrustcollarasm . ...................................................................... .A 7.A ~ ?'r 0 : 12.7 W= 10 7 • ......... 2
31 SS-866061 ().TP Screw 1/4-40 L ~ 6.0 ................................................................ ~ -" ;t. -: ; 1 4-40 L = 6 ................................. 14)
32 B1409-352-000 Bushing,rear ......................... ...... ............................................. ..... ' ' 'l :t-- 7~ - '-'7 ;~ y ll;/ ;? 1~ .. ..... ..... 1
33 8 1402-352-AAO Crank asm . ........................................................................... ....... " '! ,; - 7 ? 7 ? 7 7 ;.; 7 7 ::: ............... 1
34 SS-71 51210.SP Screw15/64-28L - 12.0 .......................................................... 711.- 1:: 7 :?;; 1564 -2 L = 12 ...... ............ (1 )
35 B1213-352-000 Needle bar eccentrrc cam .......................................................... " 1) ;t. - :h .t.. .......................... .......................... .
36 SS-7681450-TP Screw 9/ 32-28 L- 13.5 ... ............................................................ < 11.- 1: 7 -1' ;; 9 32-28 L = 13.5 ............ ......
37 SS-815071 0-SP Screw15/64-28L • 7.0 ................................................................ ~ -" :?·'-' 1564-28 L = 7 ............................
38 B1401-352-AOO Needle bar connecting rod .......................................................... '• 'I ;f. - 7 7 :--- 71:1 > ~ .............................. .
39 SS-6110710.TP Screw 11/64-40 L' 6.5 ................................................................ 1:: 7 1 .__. II 64-40 L = 6 5 ... ..................... .
40 B 1403-352-000 Pin .............................................................................................. ' ' 'I *- 7 ::r "';; ;; 7 :.- 7 Y. :.- ....... .. .... ..
41 B1426-352-AOO Needle be rrng (A) ..................................................................... '• 'I ,J; - ~ 7' 11 :-- P A ...... ..................... ..
42 B1214-352-000 Cam cover ................................................................................ ' • 'I :t- - 11 1. 7 "' .............................. ....... .... 1
43 SS-1 090930. SP Screw 9/64-40 L- 8.6 ................................................................ ·If 7 t· ;- 9 64-40 L = 8.6 ........................... 3

N ote ( ;:iii!) 03 ..... For M0-357 (A), M0-358( A ). M0-3!i7(A), M0-358(A)Ifl

r 04 ..... For M0-357(B) , M0-358(8). M0-357(8). M0-358(8)1fl
v05 ..... For M0-357(C) M0 -357(G)lll

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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36 ----!
,' , 40~ i
42 I ' 39 i
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37 :
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.------------ --- - -- -----.,
I 1
43 ----1 I

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49 18 \v

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: 45~ 1
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
I ,,
Ref. Nato
) Amt.
Part No. Oescnption
No. Req.
i:£1i! oft, :JI: Aa ft A
1 B1501-352·000 Lifting lever .................................................................................... :>tit z 1:: ~ 7 'T v "- .............................
2 SS-711131 0-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=12.8 ............................................................ 7 Jt, 1:: 7 ;t.;,.. 11 64-40 L = 12.8 .............. .
3 B 1506-352-000 Suspension screw (B) .................................................................. 1:: ., ' ' IJ ";t. 71 .;- 8 ................................ .
4 B 1507-352-000 Foot lifter lever tension spring ................................................ 1:: ., , ; IJ , ';t. .. ................................................. .
5 B1505-352-000 Suspension screw (A) .................................................................. 1:: ., ' ' IJ ";t. 71 .;- A ............................... ..
6 NS-6150310-SP Nut 15/64-28 .............................................................................. 671 7 7 ., ~ 15 64-28 ................................ .
7 ss-71 20760-SP Screw3/16-28L" 7.0 .................................................................. 711-1::7:?- ;; 316-28 L=7 ..................... .
8 B1502·35 2·000 Foot lifter lever arm .................................................................. ::tit:.: ? 't it it:.: ....................................... .
9 S0-0500721-SP Hinge screw 0"5.00 H =7.2 ...................................................... :Jt :-- ;t. ;.> 0=5 H= 7.2 ............................. ..
10 B1504-352-000 Lifting lever shaft ........................................................................ :>t ·If:.:? 7' it it:.: ;.> 7 ................................. .
11 SS-8151550-S'P Screw15/64·28L• 15.0 ............................................................ ~;l;t. ;.> 1564-28 L=15 ........................ .
12 R0-0552001 -00 Rubber ring .................................................................................... 0 1) :-- ~ ...................... . ......... . ........................... .
13 B1517-352-000 Presser spn ng regulator ............................................................ ::tit z 7- 3 --!! "J ;f ;,.. ........................... .. .. ..
14 B151 B-352-000 Presser spring .............................................................................. ::tit z " ;t- ....................................................... .
15 B1519-352-000 Prosser spring plunger .................................................................. :>tit z ' ' ;t. 1::' :-- ............................................ .
16 B1514-352-000 Holddownlever ........................................................................ ::titzv, , - ................................................... .
17 B 1516-352-000 Hold down lever shaft .................................................................. ::tit z v ' ' - ,;.> 7 .........................................
18 SS-6121510-SP Screw3/16-28L"15.0 .................................................................. 1::7:f ;.> 316-28 L = 15 ......................... ..
19 R0-0371801-00 Rubber ring .................................................................................... 0 IJ :-- ~ ............................................................ .
20 B1515-352-000 Presser foot hold down stud screw .......................................... :>tit z? 't :>tit x ....................................... .
21 NS-6150430-SP Nut 15/64-28 .............................................................................. 671 7 7 ., ~ 15 64-28 ............................... ..
22 81508-352-000 Stopper screw .............................................................................. ::tit z 7' '1' 't :::1 .A ~ ., ' ' - ;t. ,;.> ................ .
23 B1520-352-000 Release lever .............................................................................. :>tit z 7' 'T 't ::J .................... ........... ............ .
24 S0-0721111-SP Hingescrew0=7.24H=11 .1 ...................................................... :Jt:--;t.,;.> 0=7.24 H=11 .1 ...................... ..
25 B1522-352-000 Spring .......................................................................................... :>t it z 7' 'T 't :::1 ' ' ;t. ................................. I
26 B1521-352-000 Bushing .......................................................................................... ::t if· z 7' 'T 't :::1 IJ :-- ~ ............................. 1
27 03 81510-357-AAO Presser foot asm. (A) .................................................................. ;.>.:..?:>tit:.: A 7 ~ ................................... 1
28 03 81510-357-AOO Presser foot (A) ........................................................................ ,;.>.:.. ? :>t if z A ............................................. ( 1)
29 B1511-357-000 Pin ................................................................................................ :>tit:.: 1::' :-- ......................................................... (1)
30 81512-357-000 Stitch tongue .............................................................................. 1 ~ .A -"' IJ? 1 ............................................ (1)
31 SS-606041 0-TP Screw 3/32-56 L=3.5 .................................................................. 1:: 7 :?· ,;.> 3 32-56 L=3.5 .......................... (1)
32 B1527-357-000 Spring .......................................................................................... otit.r. -1! ;_-,,;t. ......... ........... ........ ............. .. . (11
33 S0-0 370401-SP Hingescrew0=3.70H c4.0 ...................................................... ?" :-- ;t.,;.> 0 = 3.70 H := 4 ............................. (11
34 81 530-352-000 Thread knife .............................................................................. 1 ~ ~ IJ " .................................. ..................... 1
35 SS-7080510-SP Screw 1/8-44 L=4.5 .................................................................. < 11.-1:: 7 ;t. ,;.> 1 8-44 L , 4.5 ..................... 2
36 004 B1510-357-BAO Presser foot asm. (B) .................................................................. ,;.> .:.. ? :>t it x B 7 ~ .................................. 1
37 004 B1510-357-BOO Presser foot (B) .............................................................................. ;.:.:..?:>tit x 8 ............................................. (1)
38 B1511-357-000 Pin ................................................................................................ ;i· it x 1::' :-- ........................................................ ( 1)
39 B1512-357-000 Stitch tongue .............................................................................. 1 ~ .A -~ •J ? ' 1 ............................................. (1)
40 SS-606041 0-TP Screw 3/32-56 L=3.5 .................................................................. 1: 7 ;t.;.: 3 / 32-56 L =3.5 .......................... (1)
41 81527-357-000 Spring .......................................................................................... :>tit:.: ·1:!:-- , ,;t. .......... .. ...................... ........ .. (1)
42 S0-0370401-SP Hingescrew0=3.70H =4.0 ...................................................... ? ·:-- ;t. ,;.> 0=3.70 H=4 ............................. (11
43 •)05 81510-357-CAO Presser foot asm . .. ...................................................................... o-'.:..? >J· •t ;r: 0 7 ~ ................................... 1
44 o05 81510-357-COO Presserfoot(C) ........................................................................ ;.>.'l.?otit:r. C ............................... ............. (11
45 81511-357-000 Pin ................................................................................................ " ' it .It' :-- ......................................................... (1)
46 81512-357-000 Stitch tongue .............................................................................. -( ~ .A-"''! ? ' 1 ................................. ........... ( 1)
47 SS-606041 0-TP Screw 3/32-56 L=3.5 .................................................................. 1:: 7 ;t. ,;.> 3/ 32-56 L =3.5 ........................... ( 1I
48 81527-357-000 Spring .......................................................................................... ;tit x. ·I! :-- ' ' :t- .............................. ........... .. ( 1I
49 S0-0370401-SP Hingescrew0=3.70H=4.0 ...................................................... ? · :--;t. ,;.> 0=3.70 H=4 .............................. Ill
50 006 B1510-357-A80 Presser foot asm. (A) with fingur guard .................................... ,;.> .:J. "J >J· tJ· I 7 ~ (' • 1J 1' :-- -I!. :-- 71 " - "I 4-)
51 07 81510-357-BBO Presser foot asm. (B) with finger guard .................................... :/ .:L ? >J· ·•t x 7 ~ (" 1! 'J' :- -t!' :--11 ' • - ·~ ·I I
52 008 81510·357-CBO Presser foot asm. (C) with fingur guard .................................... :/.:.. ·~ ;t· ·IJ· .1: 7 ~ ( '' 1) 'J' :-- ·t! :-- :IJ ' • - -~ I )

Note ( ;:£fc I 003 ..... For M0-357 (A), M0-35B (A). M0-357(A), M0-358(A)III
' 004 ..... For M0-357 (B), M0-358 (B). M0-357(8). M0-358(13)111
005 ..... For M0-357 (C). M0-357(G)III
C·OG ..... Special order pari for M0-357 (A) , M0 -358 (A). M0-357(A). M0-358(A)III H )ii( ,J·Jt:::~,\1,
007 ..... Spucial order part for M0-357 (8). M0-358 (B). M0-357(13) . M0-358(13)111 1 •~ llllii:5C1'J\,~,
008 .... . Specml order part for M0 -357 (C) . M0-357( 0 )/fl H)JIIi:t:st~I'JI,\1;

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49 51 52
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Rot. Noto Aml.

Part No. Descript ion E.C . Aeq.
;.t c. "'
an l'l9! tf.R D
1 82110·357-0AO·A Slide block aim . ............................................................................ 'I! :..- ::J :t 1J ? 7 ::IJ P ::J' 7 P ~ ............... 1
2 C0-2020000·00 Oil WICk ........................... ... .. .......... ........ .. .................... ...... .... .... . .:>."' :.- .................................................................. (0 11
3 82108·357-0AO-A Avoid link asm. .. .......................................................................... 'I!:--- ::J. :t P 1J ? T P ~ ............................... 1
4 SS-7111110-TP Screw11/64-40L• 10.5 ...................................................... 71~1::7:1'--/ 11 64-40 L=10.5 ................ (1)
5 82105·357-000 Looper avoiding shaft, front .................................................... 'I!:.- ::J :t 7 1J -;; P 7 z ;I ? 11.- .. ............... ..
6 SS -6121510-SP Screw3/16·28 Lo 15.0 ................................................................ 1:: 7 · -;; 3 16-28 L = 15 ........................... .
7 CS-095 1018-SH Thrust collar ........................................................... -.................... ~ 7 ;<. ~ ? "r D = 9 5 3 W = 10 7 <. ......... 1
8 SS-815071 0 -SP Screw 15/64·28 La 7.0 ................................................................ ~ ;I :t·-;; 15 64-28 L = 7 .............................. (2)
9 82104-357·000 Looper avoiding shaft ................................................................ i! :.- ;;[ ;;t P IJ -;; P ......................................... .
10 82102-357-0AO Connect ing rod bracket asm. .. .................................................. 'I!:..- ::J ;;t 7 IJ 7 ? 7 ? ? ·r P ~ ......... .... 1
11 SS-7111110-T P Scrow 11 /64-40 L=10.5 .......................................................... 7 Jl.-1:: 7 :t· -;; 11 64-40 L=105 .............. (2)
12 SS-7110910-TP Screw 11 /64-40 L"'8.5 .......................................................... 7 J!.-1:: 7 =f -;; II 64-40 l = 8 5 ................. (I)
13 821 03-357·000 Connecting rod pin ................................................................ i!· :..- ::J' :t 7 IJ 7? 7 ? ? 7 1::' ;..- ............ ..
14 82106-357-000 Looper avoiding shalt, rear .............................. ...................... 'I!;..- ::J :t P IJ -;; P ? ;- o ;1 ? 11.- ... ........ .. .
15 SS-6121510-SP Screw 3/16-28 Lo15.0 ................................................................ 1:: 7 :t ::- 3 16-28 L = 15 ............................
16 82101-357-AOO Connecting rod ............................................................................ i! :.- ::J' :t 7 1) o , F .................................... ..
17 8 2204-35 7·000 Thread guide spring ................................................................ ,;, ? 1 ~ ::IJ J. 1 ~ 7' :..- T 1 " :t ............. .
18 SS-709051 0-SP Screw 9 /64-40 L• 4.6 ................................................................ < 11.- 1:: 7 :t :; 9 64-40 L = 4.6 .................. .
19 82205·357-000 Thread guide IAI ................ ...................................................... ::-? 1 ~ ::IJ J. 1 ~ 7' :.- T 1 A ................... 1
20 82202-357-000 Thread guide bracket ................................................................ ,:... ? 1 ~ ::IJ J. 1 ~ 7' :.- T 1 ?' 1 ................... 1
21 SS-709091 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L: 8.5 ................................................................ 7 Jl.-1:: 7 :f. -;; 9 64-40 L = 8.5 ................... 2
22 82206-357-000 Threadgu lde(8) ...................................................................... ::.-?-(' ~ ::IJJ. 1~7:..-7-1 8 ................... 1
23 SS-608041 0-SP Screw 1/8·44 La 4.0 ................................................................ 1:: 7 :t· -;; 1 8-44 l .=o 4 ................................. 2
24 82203-357-000 Thread gUJde hook ................................................................ ::- ? -(' ~ ::IJ J. •:; ;I ........................................ .
25 SS- 708051 0-SP Screw 1/8-40 Lc 4.5 ............................................. D.J/76 SS-60804 10-SP ................................................ .
SS· 708041 0-SP Screw 1/8-44 L=3.8 ............................................. A.J/76 7 I L- l:: 7 :t· -;; I 8-44 L = 3.8 ................. .. .
26 WP-0371 036-SD Washer3.7x6.0x1 .0 ................................................................ 1:: 7 -!f::IJ' :t· 3.7 x 6.0 X I ............................... ..
27 82201 ·357-000 Lower thread cam .. J.""/Jf'£'";;''1/lllt'J"'"""" 0.6/76 ~~~:............................................ .
8220 1-8 16 -0AO Lower thread cam ~
IR.!........... ................ /!P.. .... A.G/76 lTII:ffi':h P • .......................................... 1
28 SS-811 0410-TP Screw 11/ 64-40 L• 3 .5 ................................................................ ~ ;t :t·-.; II 64-40 L = 3.5 ......................... (2)
29 82015-357-000 Plug ......................................................................... ..................... .:: -;; " - ::IJ :.- -;; P ? ,;, tl ;1 ? 11.- 7 ? ... .. ..
30 82014-357-000 Chain looper shalt bushing, rear .............................................. .:: ,;; .... - JJ :.- / 7 ? ,:... o ;1 ? 11.- .. ............... .
31 SS-612151 0-SP Screw 3/16·28 Lr 15.0 ................................................................ 1:: 7 ;t. ·:; 3 16-28 L = 15 ...................... .... .
32 82016-357-AAO Slide block (A) asm . ........................................... .......................... 7J 7 ::J 7 ,.; 7 ~ ·I' 7 ~ ............................... 1
33 SS-7111410-TP Screw 11/64-40 L" 14.0 .......................................................... 711.- 1:: 7 t --;; I I 64-40 L 14 ................. = ( 1I
34 82016-357-8AO Slide block (81 asm . ................................................................ t J P ::J 7? 7 1:: ? IJ P < .......................... 1
35 SS-7111410-TP Screw11/64·40L ~ 14.0 .......................................................... 7 11.- L ; ;t.-;; 11 64-40 L -= 14 .................. (1)
36 82001-357-0AO Chain looper drivmg eccentnc asm. .. ...................................... "' - ~ - ...,. :.-,:... ;..- IJ L. P ~ ....................... I
37 82001-357-000 Chain looper dnv111g ecccntnc .............................................. =-;; , - !IJ :..- 9 - ~ - ...,. :.- ::.- :.- ::IJ J, ....... ( 1)
38 SS-3150710-TP Screw15/64-28L ~ 6 . 5 .......................................................... -.rlt- ;t.-;; 15 64-28 L = 6.5 ........................ 121
39 SD-0450701 · TP Hinge screw ............................................................................ ) :.- :1'--;; 0 = 4.50 H= 7.0 ........................... 12)
40 SS-7111110-TP Screw 11/64-40 L=10.5 .......................................................... -.r 11.- 1:: 7 .:t- ,;; 11 64-40 L = 10.5 ............... 12)
41 82005-357-000 Chain looper shalt driving arm .............................................. .:: ·..- " -- :IJ :.- 3 - ~ - 7 7 :.- 7 ,.J ·r ....... II I
42 SS-6110710-TP . Screw 11/64·40 L• 6.5 .......................................................... 1:: 7 :t·-;; I I 64 -40 L= li5 ....................... ..
43 82006-357-0AO Driving rod asm. .. ................................................ ........................ :J- 1-'- o ., ~ 7 ~ ...................................... 1
44 SS-71 11410-TP Screw11/64·40L =1 4.0 .......................................................... -.r Jt-t: 7:t-,;; 11 64-40 L = 14 .................. (1)
45 82008-35 7-000 Chain looper sha lt ...................................................................... .::. ,;; " -11 :..- ..,. ? .. .. ...... .... .... ... ....... ... .. .. .... ..
46 82012-357-000 Chain looper shaft bushtng, honr ....................................... .:: _;. " -;I}:..--:; 7 7 z ;I? I ..................... .
47 SS-8110510-SP Screw 11/64-40 La5. 0 ................................................ .......... ~;I t -.; I I 64 -40 L = !j ........................... .
48 82525-357-000 0 11seal ;f· 1 Jt-::-- Jv ..... .. .... ..... ..
49 82010·357-0AO Dr1V1ng arm asm. ........... ... ... ............ .. ....... .. ......... .. ... ........... .. .. =::,.... ;1. - 11 ;., Jl,.. - / ' ''.J ·r P ·················· I
50 SS-7111110-TP Screw 11 /64·40 L• 10.5 ......................................................... • 11 7 :r.,;; II 64 -40 l =1 0.5 ........... ... . (I)
51 82011 -357-000 Cha1n looper ............................................. ............. .................. .::; " · - :h :..- It·- ' ' ................................... .
52 SS-709091 0-SP Screw 9/ 64 ·40 L"'8 5 ......................................... .... 0 .3/76 5:-J-7090710-SP ............................... ................ .
SS-7090 710-SP Screw 9/64·40 L• 6.8 .......................................... .. A.3/76 7 Jt- t: =; :t· -;; 9 64 -40 L = 1).8 .................. .

From the library of: Superior Sewing

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Machine & Supply LLC

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Ref. Note Arnt.

Part No. Descripti on E.G.

;;tiC .fl.
003 B1136-357-AOO
Throat plate (A) .............. ................................... ......................... " 1
J -f ? A ...................................................... .

2 004 B1136-357· BOO Throat plate (B) .....- ............................................................... " 'I -( ;11 8 ..................................................... ..
3 005 B1136-357·COO Throat plate (C) ........................................................................... " '! -( ;11 C ..................................................... .. 1
4 SS-211 0920-TP Screw 11/64-40 L• 8.5 ............................................................... '7 JL-i.t 7 :t. :/ 11 '64-40 L = B.5 ................ .. 2
5 003 B4133·357·AAO N eedle guard asm. fA) .............. ................................................. " 'J ? ?- 7 £ A ......................................... .. 1
6 • B4131 -357·000 Noodle guard adjusting guide ................................................... ' ' '! ? ?- :/ d - ?' 7- ~ - -t? ·;; ~ 1 ........... . (1)
1 003o84132-357·A00 Noodle guard (A) 3
t.1..~.f.t.~...................................................... = '-' _,_ - :':! :..- " 1J ? ?- A ........................... . ( 1)
8 SS-6090520-SP Screw 9/ 64-40 L ~ s .o ............................................................... 1: 7 ::?- ,;; 9 84-40 L = 5 ............................ .. (2)
9 84133-367·000 Needle guard . .. .............................................................. - ........ " IJ ? ?- ........................................................... .. ( 1)
10 84134-357-000 Needle guard ..................................... ...................................... " '! 7 v F .JI ... ... ......... ................ .............. ..... .. (11
11 SS-7060810-SP Screw 3/32-56 L " 8.0 ............................................................... '7 JL- t: 7 ;t. ,;; 3 32-56 L = 8 ...................... (2)
12 004 84133-357-8AO Needle guard asm. (8) ............................................................... " 1J? 'r 7 ~ 8 .......................................... . 1
13 • 84131-357-000 Needle guard adjusting guide .....'1 ................... .................... ....... .. " '! ? ?- ,;; ~ - ?' 7- ~ - -t? •;; ~ 1 ........... (1 )
14 0046B41 32-357-800 Needle guard (B) 1>..1,.'1...f3...... J.X.7..L ..................................... = ,;;.:. - 'h :..- " 1J ? ?- 8 .......................... . (1)
15 SS-6090 520-SP Screw 9/64-40 L =5.0 ............... ................................................. I: 7 ::?-,;; 9 64-40 L "" 5 ............................. . (2)
16 841 33-357.000 Needle guard ............................................................................ " 11 ? ?- ............................................................. (1)
17 B4134-357-000 Needle guard ............................................................................ " '! 7 v ~ .JI ........................ ........ .. .............. .... . (1)
18 SS-7080810-SP Screw 3/32·56 L=8.0 ................................................................ '7 JL- t: 7 ::t- :/ 3 32-56 L=8 .................... .. (2)
19 05 84133-357-CAO Needle guard asm. (C) ...................... .......................................... ' ' '! ? ?- 7 ~ C ......................................... . 1
20 G- B4 131-357-000 Needle guard adjus t i ng gu ide .................................................... " 'J ? ?- ,;; ~ - ?' 7- ~ - -t? ·;; ?' 1 .......... . 11)
21 Q 00~84 1 32- 357- BOO N eedle guard (8) ...................................................................... ::. ,;; .:. - :tJ :..- "•1 ? ?- 8 .......................... . (1)
22 SS-6090520-SP Screw 9/64-40 L .. 5.0 ................................................................ t: 7 ::t- ,;; 9 64-40 L =5 ............................ .. (2)
23 B4134-357-COO Needle guard washer ................................................................ " '! ? ?- -tt -n· ::t- C ...................................... ( 11
24 841 33-357-000 Needle guard ...... .............. .. .... .............. ..... .... ..................... ...... " 'I) 'j T ........................................................... . ( 1)
25 84 134-357-000 Needle guard ............................................................................ " IJ 7 v F .JI ................................................... .. ( 1)
26 SS-7060810-SP Screw 3/32-56 L ~ 8.0 ................................................................ '7 JL- t: 7 ;t.,;; 3 32-56 L = 8 .................... .. (2)
27 II SS-7110820-SP Screw 11/64-40 L ~ 7 . 5 ............................................. 0.8/76 SS-7110840-SP ............. ................................. ..
0 SS-7110840-SP Screw 11/64-40 L• 7.8 ............................................. A.8/76 < JL- t: 7 ;t. '-' 11 64-40 L = 7.8 ............... ..
28 II WP-0450000-SD Washer 4 .5 x 8.0 x 0.5 ................................ ................................ t:? -tt :tJ' • 4.5 x 8.0x0.5 ............................. .
29 82207-357.000-A Thread guide (C) ...................................................................... :/ ? 1 ~ :tJ b. 1 ~ 7 :..- -t 1 ..... ................... ..
30 84128-352-000 Felt cush ion .................................................................................. :/ ~ .JI :;>, ~ 1! •:; ?- ~ 1 7 .r JL- ~ .. ........... ..
31 B41 13-357-0AO Lower knife support brack et asm. ........................................ ~- ? .JI A ~ 1J ·:; ?- ;11· 1 7 ~ ....................... .. 1
32 B4114-357-000 Knife holder ..................................... ....................................... ::-- ? ;I ;t. -J- ~ - -t? '/ 7 1 ............................. . ( 1)
33 84113-352-000 Lower knife support brocket .................................................... ,;; :'J .JI ?. ~ '! ·:; ?- 7 1 ................................ .. ( 1)
34 84117-352-000 Knife locking screw ................................... ............................. :/ ~ ;I A 7- , - -1! ·:; ? 1 :;>, ~ ••, ' ' - ;t. ,;; ... ( 1)
35 B4116-352-000 Knifelockingnut ...................................................................... :/ ? .Ji ::A. -r~ - t "/?1 :;>,~ J' -:--t -, ~ ( 1)
36 RE-0320000-KO Snap ring 3.2 ............................................................. ............... E :tJ' ? ~ .JI '7 3.2 ...................................... .. ( 1)
37 B4115-352-000 Knife holder sl ide stud .......................................................... ,;; ? ;I A -J- ' - -t? •;; ~ 1 :;>, 7 1 ~ ,;; 7 .. (1)
38 SS-7112420-SP Screw 11 / 64 -40 V 24.0 .......................................................... · -1 Jv I: 7 :t :.' 11 64-40 L = 24 ............... .. (1)
39 NS-6110420-SP Nut 11/64-40 ............................................................................ 6'/J 7 ·)- •;- ~ I I ti4·40 .................................. ( 1)
40 SS-4110910-TP Screw11/64-40L=9.0 .......................................................... -t- ...;, 1- ~ ; II 64-40 L = 9 ......................... .. (2)
41 B4126-352-000 Lower knife holder sprin g bushing ....................................... . y ~ .;1 A ·J ~ - t ':I -1) :If ;f ............... ......... . ( 1)
42 8 4120-352-000 Knife holder spring ............................................................... . Y ;'J .1- A 7- I - -t! '/ ? 1 '' t• ................. . (11
43 84123-352-000 Cloth plate larch spring ......................................................... . ){ / ?j- 7 f) ?' 1 }J n - A ~ 'I " - I { :t• "'""
44 SS-709071 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L =6.8 .............................................................. .. Jv 1: 7 ;t.,;; 9 64-40 L :: 6.8 ................. .. 2
45 SS-7121 4 10-SP Screw 3/16-28 L ~ 14.0 7 Jt- 1: 7 ~- ,;; 3 16-28 L -= 14 .................. . 3
46 WP-0501016-SC Washer 5.0 x 10.5 x 1.0 I: 7 ·It :tJ' ;t 5 0 X 10.5 X I ............................ .. 3
47 84127-352-000 Bottom gu ide ............................................................................ ,;_.? ;1 .A 1· 11 ·;; 'r ~ 1 7' :..- 1· 1 ............. . 1
48 SS-7111310-SP Screw 11 / 64-40 L - 12.8 .......................................................... -" Jv 1: 7 1 ,_. I I 64-40 L = 12.8 ............ .. 2
49 81154-352-000 Support bracket rubber plug .................................................... ;...- ;, .;1 :;>, I· •J ·:; ?- ~ 1 i' :.- -J· ( t· -1- ·1 7 ' 2
50 a 84 122-352-00A Lower kni fe ................................................................. ................ -;; ~ .;1 :>. ........................................................... .
51 009gB4122-352-00C Hagh -s peed steel lower kn i fe .................................................... ' ' 1 ;~ '-" ? .1- :;>, .. .......... ................... ....... ..... ..
52 o WP-0371016-SD Wa, her 3. 7 X 8 .0 X 1.0 ............................................ .................... I~ -J -II j j ;f 3.7 8.0 ' 1 ................................
53 84127-357.000 Stop ring .................................................................................. ,;; :; .< :-\ , , ;t. I· .1- '7 ..... .... ........ .... .. ...... ... .... .
54 .. 841 21 -352-000 Lower knife clamp ................... .................................................... ,;; 7 .;1 A ;J· -tt x ............................................ .
55 o SS-7090710-SP Screw 9/64-40 L ~6 . 8 ................................................................. --I ll· I~ 7 I ..,. 9 134·•10 L= 6.8 ... ..............

Note ( iiiC ) <03 ..... For M0-357 (A), M0-358 (A). M0-357(A). M0-35H(A)IH
4 ..... For M0 -357 (B), M0-358 (01 . M0-3!>7(8 ). M0-358(8)11!
"{)5 ..... For M0-357 (C). M0-357(C)III
09 ..... Spechll order pan. 1W J,j :51.m1,1~.

From the library of: Superior Sewing

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f 3

R Amt.
N oe
I Par t No. Descnpt•on E.C.
•d e " 3
00 lll:!!: .lf.fl :2a
1 841 08·352-008 Upper kn i fe .................................................................................. ? '7 ~ .A ...... ........ ...... ..... ..... ..... ... .......... ............ .
2 09 841 08 352·000 ~ Cemente d carb&de upper k n1f e .................................................... 7' , - ::J - ? '7 ~ .:>. ..................................... .
3 8 41 09-352-000 Upper knife holder ...................................................................... "J '7 ~ .:>. *
11.- ~ - ............. ........... .......... ... . .. .
4 8 411 0-352·000 Upper knife clamp shaft .......................................................... ? '7 ~ ~ ;t -If .:r:"' 7 ..................................... .
5 8 4 129-352-000 Upper knife holder clamp .......................................................... ? '7 ~ .:>. ;t -If .:r:"' 7 < '7 'I ~ ~ ............. .
6 SS-406031 0-SP Screw 3132·56 Lg2.5 ........................... .................................... 7-.-.:. ;t. "' 3 32-56 L=2.5 ...........................
7 84107-357-0AO Upper knife driving arm asm. .................................................... ? ? ~ .:>. 3 - r- :1l :.-- 7 ~ ................ ..... 1
8 SS-41109 10-TP Screw 11164-40 L~ 9.0 ............... ................................................. 7-.--. ;t. "' 11 64-40 L=9 ........................... (1)
9 SS-9150730-SP Bolt15164-28Lg7.0 ................................................................ 6:1l7 ;f! IL-~ 1564-28 =7 .................... ( 1)
10 84125-352-000 Screw A .................................................................................. ..... ? ? ~ .:>. 3 - r - :h :.-- ~ ~ .:t- "' A ......
11 84112-352-000 Upper knife clamp screw ................................................. ........ ? ? .:1 .:>. :t -If .:r: :t· "' .................................... .
12 841 04-352-0AO Upper kni fe driving arm sh aft asm. ........................................ ? ? .:1 .:.. 3 - r- "'
7 7 ~ .................... ..
13 T A-0370601-MO Plug3.9x4.0L=6.0 ............................................ .................... ~ .:1 -1! :.-- 39x4 L =6 ................................ ( 11
14 84130-352-000 Driving arm guard ..................................................................... ? ? .:1 .:>. 3 - ~ - :h ;..- ? 'T ......................
15 SS-e660820-TP Screw 114-40 L =8.0 ............................................ 0 .8/76 SS-8660810- P .................................... ...........
SS-866081 0-TP Screw 1 4-40 Lx8.0 .............. .............................. A .8176 ~ ~ ~ :/ 1 4-40 L = B .............. ..................
16 841 05-352-000 Bush&ng, front ....................... ........ ... ....................................... ? '7 ~ .:>. 3 - F - "' 7 < .:r: Jl ~ 11.- ......... .. 1
17 SS-6121510-SP Screw 3/16-28 L=15.0 ......................................... ....................... t: ? :t- "' 3 16-28 L= 15 ................... ......... 2
18 841 03-352-0AO Feed rocker shaf t cran k asm. ................................................... ? '7 .:1 .:>. 7 ? < ? ? :.-- ::> 7 ~ .......... ........ 1
19 SS-6621220-SP Screw 3/16-32 L=12.0 .............................................................. t: ? :t· Y 3 16·32 L =1 2 ............................ ( 21
20 B 1403-352-000 Pm ............. ................. .............................. ................. . ............ ' ' 'I ;r. - 7 ? < ? 7 ? :.-- 7 ~ :.-- ............. .
21 8 4101-352-000 Upper kni fe dn ving connecting rod ........................................ ? '7 ;t .:>. 7 ? :.-- 7 P ., f .................. ......... ..
22 SS-6110710-TP Screw 11164-40 L=6.5 ........................................ ....................... t: 7 :t· Y 11 64-40 L = 6.5 ...... ............. . ..
23 841 06-352-000 Bushing, rear ........... ............................. .......... ........................ ? '7 ~ .:>. 3 - F - "' 7 ? ~ P .:1 ? 11.- ... .. 1
24 CS-111101 0-SH Thrustcoll ar asm . . ..................................................................... .:>. ? .:>. ~ ?7" 0 = 11.1 1 W= 10 7 :1: ...... 1
25 SS-6660710-TP Screw1/4 -4 0L ~ 7.0 .................................... ............ .............. t: 7.:t- Y 1 4-40 L = 7 ................................ 121

Note ( ;;t!c I ·o9 ..... Spec&al o rder part .

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC


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Arn t.
el. Note Part No. Description
No. Req.

5i2C 0
8 1622·352-000
• Feed bar guide ............................................................................ ::t 7 ') 3 - l- - JJ :.-- :t ·•t I ...... ... ......... ... . ~1·
2 SS-411091Q-TP Screw 11/64-40 L =9.0 ................................................................ T "~- c:; 11 64-40 L = 9 ······················""···
8 1608-352-0AO Feed bar asm. ............................................................................ -/ .• ::t 7 •J :1 - 1-' ·- :h :.-- 7 ~ .................. . 1
81608-352-000 Main feed bar ............................................................................ -/ .:a :t 7 'I 3 - 1-' - tJ :.- •.....••. .....•.....••....•... (1}
5 81609-352-000 Differential feed bar ...................................................................... 7 7 :t 7 'I 3 - l- - tJ :.- •...•.•.......•.•.•••. ..••.•.. ( 1)
6 81611-352-000 Differential feed bar roller .......................................................... 7 7 ::t 7 •J ::J o ............................................. . (11
7 SD-0640601-SP Hi nge screw D=6.35 H~6.0 .................................................... ?' :.-- :t· :;- 0=635 H = 6 .............................. (1)
ll 8 1403-352-CAO Crank pin asm. (C) ...................................................................... 7 7 :.-- 7 l:' ~· C 7 ~ ..................... .............. . 2
9 C0-202000Q-OO Oil wick ........................................................................................ .cL -/ :.-- ............................................ ..... ............... . (0.1)
10 SS-6110710-TP Screw11/64-40L=6.5 ................................................................ 1:7 ;?-c:; 1164-40 L = 6 5 ........................
11 8161Q-352-000 Feed li f t blo. ·, ............................................................................ -;;" -?' :t 7 'J 1J 7 ::J < ............................. .
12 8161 4·357-AOO Differential feed dog (7A) .......................................................... 7 7 :t 7 11 ,.; 7A ........................................
7 1
~c:~n:~~~!~~ ~ 1o:o~:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ : =t· ~ ~~~~-4o.....L:.~--i(i.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
13 oOS D1613-357-KOO 7
14 SS-4091 010-SP 2
15 81613-357-AOO Main feed dog (7AI ..................................................................... -/ ,_ :t 7 •1 ,.; 7A ....................................... . I
16 8 1621-352-0AO Differentiol feed bar driving stu d IBI .tsm. ............................ ~)' F - :t 7 11 :!' / ;t c:; (8) -/ ~ .......... .. 1
17 C0-2020000-00 Oil wick ........................................................................................ .::1. ~ :_,., ••• . •• •••• •••••••• •••• •• ••••••••••••• ••• ....••• •• •••. •••••••.••.• (0 . 1)
18 8 1617·352-000 Differential fct!d drive link .......................................................... "f I' - ;f· 7 •J '!- 1 -·I! "I 'I :.-- 7 ............. .... ..
19 SD-064 751-SP HingescrewD c6.35H=7.5 .......................................................... ;!1':.-:t-;."· 0 = 6.35 H = 7.5 ........................ . .
20 81619-352-000 Differen tial feed drivfl link nut .............................................. ·I)' I· - :;j· 7 'I '' :.---? ;; A -r 1 I· .. ...... ...... .
21 8 162Q-352-000 Differential feed drive link Wilsher ........................................ iJ· I· - ;· P 'I :1 / l :;- A"J' /J' :,•....... ....... . I
22 81615·352-000 Differentia l feed rocker ............ ............................................. iJ· F- :;j· ~ 11 ·~ j · ......... .... ... .. .. .... ......... .. .. . . 1
23 SS·611071Q-TP Screw11/64-40L=6.5 .......................................................... t 7:t- ·/ 11 / 64 -40 L = O.!l .......... ........... .. 2
24 81606-352-000 Bushing, front ............................................................. .. ............. :;j· 7 'I "' ~ -;· .1: J' :it it. ..................... .......... 1
25 SS-612151 0-SP Scmw 3/16-28 L=15.0 ................................................................ 1: 7 ;t. c:; 3/ lli-21l L = l !:i ................ ......... 2
26 CS-1111010-SH Thrustcollarasm. . ..................................................................... ;,7;, }-•':J'r 0 =1 1.11 W =I O P< ...... 1
2 '/ SS-666071 o- TP Screw 1/4-40 L~7.0 ................................................................ 1:7 :t· c:; 1;4-40 L == 7 ................ ................ 2
28 81605-352-000 Diffl!rcntial feed rockur shalt ..................................................... ;f· ~ 'I :;- ~ ................................................ . ... ..
2!J 81607-352-000 Bushing, rear ................................................................................... ;f· 7 11 :;- 7 •':J -/ n J' :1 ' " ............................ .
30 81623-352-000 Di ffl!rl!nlial feed rockl!r shaft crank ......................................... :;j· ~ 11 7 :it 7 :it 7 / ":1 ............................ .... 1
31 SS-6621220-SP Screw 3/16·32 L=12.0 ................................................................. t: 7 :t· "' 3 !1 6-32 L = 12 ........................... 2
32 SS-6110710-TP Scmw 11/64-40 L=6.5 ................................................................. t:: 7 ;t. c:; II /{i4-•IO L = 6 .5 ........................
33 B 1601-352-AOO Frlml driV<! connecting rod .......................................................... ;t· 7 'I ~ 7 :.-- P "' I' ................................ .
34 09 81625·357-000 Feed dog (78) ............................................................................. I ..,·( ;t .;_, 11 78 ..........................................

Nota• ( ;;E!(! I 05 ..... For M0-357 (C) . M0-357(C)IIJ

09 ..... Sp<!cial order 11art. 1.,)l1I.U1:mi,W,

From the library of: Superior Sewing

- 18
Machine & Supply LLC


Ref. N t Part No. Description E.C.

No. o e
;iii! ~~~~ ~ ~
cc ~
83505-352·000 Oil pump .................................................................................. 'f " - "- ;f. :.- '/? 1 ...................................... .
2 83502-352-0AO Worm gear ................................................................................... ? : t - J. "?' 11.-7 ....................... .................. . 1
3 SS-8110510-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=5.0 ................................................................. 1- ;I :t- '-' 11 64-40 L =5 .......................... .. (2)
4 S0-1110401-MZ Connecting screw ....................................................................... 1:' =-- 11-o,~ 1 7' ·:; :¥ T ................................ .. 3
5 SQ-0000401-MZ Connecting screw (A) .............................................. .... ............... 1:::' =-- 11.-,~ 1 7' ':1 :¥ T ................................ .. 3
6 83525-357-000 Connecting screw fBI ................................................................. Lti? '-' :..- T ':1 ;t. '-' 8 .............................. .. 3
7 83503-352-000 Pinion shaft A ............................................................................. :¥ i"- ;f.:..- 7' '-'? A ................................. .
8 83504-352-000 PinionshaftB ............................................................................. :l"t'-;f.:..-7' ;/? 8 .................................. 1
9 83534-352-000 =-
Pinion gear ................................................................................... 1:' :t :..- ............................................................ . 2
10 83506-352-000 Pump bottom plate ................................................................. ;f. :..- 7' Y ·:; 7 ? ............................................ .. 1
11 SS-711071 O·SP Screw 11/64-40 L=7.0 ................................................................. 711.-1:: 7;t.;; 11 64-40 L = 11 .5 .............. . 3
12 SS-6151220-SP Screw15/64-28L= 11.5 ........................................................... 1::7;t.. ;/ 1564-28 L=11.5 ..................... .
13 83501-357-0AO Worm asm. .. ................................................................................. ? :t -.1. ? it ... ............................................. .. 1
14 SS-3150710-TP Screw 15/64-28 L~6.5 ........................................................... 7 11.-;t-;; 15 •64·28 L=6.5 ........................ . (2)
15 BP-3000000-00 Vinyl tube (white) dia 3 mm ..................................................... 1::' =-- 11.- '~ 1 7' ........................................... .. 1.1
16 SQ-1110401-MZ Connecting screw ....................................................................... 1::' =- - II.-'~ 1 7' ':I :¥ T ................................. . 7
17 83516-552-000 Oilsightwindowgasket ........................................................... 7'77 /'/'f<l' ' '·~ 'f :..- ..................... . 3
18 83515·352-000 Oil sight window frame ........................................................... 7' 7 7 / '/ 'f 7 I' ?" 11 ? ..................... .
19 83513-352-000 Oil sight window ....................................................................... 7' 77 / '/'f 7 I' ........................................ ..
20 83514-352-000 Oil sight window thrust plate ..................................................... 7' 7 ' 7 / 'J' 'f 7 I' :t "t z ........................ ..
21 SS-2091520-SP Screw9/64-40L=14.7 ................................................................. 71!.-"t7::t·Y 964-40 L=1 4.7 ............... .. 4
22 82526-357-QOO Looper oil guard ....................................................................... 11.--,;;;? .::J.;f.-1? ................................. . 1
23 SS-6090610-SP Screw 9/64-40 L =5.5 ............................................. 0 .9/76 SS-4090610-SP ................................................
SS-409061 0-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=6.0 ............................................. A.9/76 1'"'-:t-;; 9/ 64-40 L = 6 ............................ . 2

- 19-

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

_ _:>


R!!L Note Part No. Amt.

Dcscroptlon E.C.
No. Rcq .
itiC .ll. • ?l!i!~ft a
pp tt •
1 B8401-352-0AO B!!h cover asm. ............................................ ............................... ---. JL· ~ 11 ' ' - ( 350 ~ 1 - • / ~J ) 7 _ ........... 1
2 B8402-352-000 Belt cover (B) ............................................................................. .--. 11-o I· ;I; " - 8 ....................... .............. .. .. Ill
3 SS· 708041 0-SP Screw 1/8-44 L =3.8 ................................................................. < 11-o l. 7 ~ :.- I B-44 L = 3 t1 ................... .. (4)
4 B8404-352·000 B!!lt cover support stud ....... ............ ........................................ ..-.: Jv ~ }J ,, _ -IJ'-1)- .1: :? '/ .. .. ........ ...... ....... . (1)
5 B8401-352-000 Belt cover (A) ....... ..................................................................... ..-.:JLo ~ 11 , , _ A .... ............................. ..... .. Ill
6 SS-7110510-SP Screw 11/64-40 L 5.0 ................................................................. -_, 11-o l:: 7 ~· ._; II 64 -40 L :o f> .................. . Ill
7 B8403-352-000 Auxiliary plate ............................... ............................................. ..-.: I\ ~ ;11 " - .t- '--' 1 ·( 9 ......................... . (1)
8 SS-7080410-SP Scww 1/8-44 L 3.8 ................ ................................................ -_, lv 1:. 7 ~ ::.> I H-44 L = 3.B .......... ........ . Ill

From the library of: Superior Sewing

- 20 -
Machine & Supply LLC
(1) M0-357-8 (2) M0-357-10


~ I
~- -- - -- - - - - - - ------- - ~

(1) M0-357-8

Ref. Not e Amt.

Part No. Descript101\ E.C. Req .

;:U(! 0

"" •
:?lJ! lFR
Throat plate 7HA .................................... ................................... " 1) 1 ? ............................................................. ~·
2 01613-357-HOA-A Main feed dog 7HA ................................................................. :.--- .-. :t p •J ' ' .•••..•..••.•.••.••.••••••.••••..•..•.•.•..••..•. 1
3 D1510-357·HAO Presser foot asm. ..............•........................................................ :t -tt z H P ~ ....•......................................... 1
4 81510-357 -800 Presser foot (8) ............................................................................. ;;.::..-:t-ttz (8) ........................................... (1)
5 81511-357-000 Pin ...........•.........................................................................•......... :t-ttzt::.-- ......................................................... (1)
6 D1512-357-HOO Stitch tongue ............................................................................ 1 ~ ~ """'- IJ ~ 1 ............................................ ( 1)
7 SS-606041 0-TP Screw 3/32-56 L ~ 3. 5 ................................................................. 1:: 7 ~- v 3 32-56 L = 3.5 .......................... (1)
8 81527-357-000 Sprirg .........................................................•............................... :t -tt z 1! :.-- '< ~- .....................•.•....•................ ( 1)
9 SD-037041 0-SP Hinge screw ...............................................••.................................. ~ :.-- ~-::; ............................................................ (1 )
10 o09 D1510-357-H80 Presser foot asm. (with finger guard) ........................................ v.::..?:t-ttz P ._ H( n iJJ':.--1!":.-- :h, ,_ '!!-'\'-).
11 009 D 1136-35 7·H08-A Throat plate 7HB .......................................................................--;., •J ~ :$1 ••••••••~................................................... .
12 .;00 01613-357·H08-A Main feed dog 7H8 ................................................................. ·:..- ~ ;t p •J , , ..•..••••••.••.••••.•.••.•••••••.•.••••.••••••••
p 009 01614-357-H08 Differential feed dog 7H8 ............. ....................... ....... .... ...... 7 p

Note Ui lc) All parts other than above are same as M0-357 (8). ..t. cl:.J.9} r~ M0-357(B ) l: liil l.: "(·T
, >09 •.••. Special order part. ~SIJ;i ::Q:: &I\ .11

(2) M0-357-10
1 D1136-357-KOO Throat plate .................................................................................. , , 1) 1 ~ ............................................................ .
2 D1613-357-KOO Main feed dog 7K ...•.................................................................. .;_., ~ :t P IJ ' ' ....••....••.•.....•.•.••••••••••••••.••.•.••••.•
3 841 22-352-00C Htgh-speed steel lower knife ..................................................... "1 ~ -/? .;1 ~ ....... .................................. ... .
4 c09 84 108-352-00D Cemented carbide upper knife .............................................. '1- ., - ::1 - ? '7 .;1 ~ ........... ......................... .
5 0 9 101 -357-K AO Stitch gu ide asm. ....................................................................... ::; ,. --¥ P .. ................................................. 1
6 D9 103-357-KOO Stitch gu ide bracket ................................................................. ::; " - -¥ ? Jr ~ 1 ......................................... 11)
7 D9102-357-KOO St itch guide reta iner ................................................................. ::; " - -¥ ? Jr ................................................. ( 1)
8 83125-155-000 Disc spring ................................................................................... -tt7, ':t· ............................................................. ( 1)
9 SD-0600271-SP Hinge screw Dz6.00 H=2.7 ..................................................... ~ :.-- :t- ;:.; D=6 H=2.7 ............................... (1)
10 NS-6110310-SP Nut 11/64-40 .................................................. ........................... 6:JJP-t ·~ ~ 11 64-40 .................................. (1)
11 D9 101-357-KOO Stitch guide ................................... .......................................... ::; " - -¥ .......................... ................................. 11)
12 SS-7090710-SP Screw 9/64·40 L=6.8 ................................................................. .., JL-- 1:: 7 :t-;:.; 9 64-40 L=6.8 .................. ( 11
13 D9104-357-KOO Nut ............................................................................................... ::; ,. - -¥ ~ .;1 -t ., ~ .................. .................. ( 1l
14 ~ SS· 711 0840-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=7.8 ................................................................. .., JL-- 1:: 7 ~-;:.; 11 64-40 L= 7.8 ........ ....... 2

Note ( itlcl All parts other than above are same as M0-357. ..1: cl:.J.9}l1M0-357 tf!ll L "(·'t ,
009 ..... Special order part. 4-;j )l.Jii:X iltl .!'~

- 21 -
From the library of: Superior Sewing/ Machine & Supply LLC
(3) M0-358-8 (4) M0-358-10

2 2

13 14 15

(3) M0-358-8

Ref. Note Amt .

No. i:tlc
Part No.
.:!. II=
Description E.C .
v.l:l!SJ'Fl .
1 D1136-357-HOA-A Throat plate 7HA ....................................................................... 1' 11 1? ............................................................ .. 1
2 D1613-357-HOA·A Main feed dog 7HA ....................................................................... ~ " :;f· ? 11 ' ' ............................................... ,. 1
3 D151Q-357-HAO Presser foot asm. ...................................................................... :;f· -It z H 7 ~ ............................................... 1
4 8151().357-800 Presser foot (B) ............................................................................. -;; .::1.? ;;t-It z (B) ........................................ · (1)
5 B 1511·357-000 Pin ............................................................................................... ;;t•.t.1: t::' :.- ....................................................... . (11
6 D1512-357-HOO Stitch tongue ............................................................................. 1 r ;:>."" IJ ?'1 ........................................... .. (1)
7 SS-606041 0-TP Screw 3/32·56l=3.5 ................................................................. 1:: 7 :t·-;; 3 32-56 L=3.5 .......................... . (1)
8 81527-357-000 Spring ............................................................................................... ;;t·IJ·:x: {!;_.,;;t............................................. .. t 1)
9 SD-0370401-SP HingescrewD=3.70H=4.0 ..................................................... ~··:.-;t. -;; D=3.70 H=4 ........................... .. ttl
10 ( 09 D151Q-357-HBO Presser foot asm. (with fingHr guard) ........................................ -;;.:t•);j"!)'.:o:: ~',:: H( "'I J'/il:.- 111• - 'Y -'t' )
11 8252().353-000 Spreader ........................................................................................ 11 1' 11--1' ....................................................... ..
12 83121-352-000 Tension spring ............................................................................ ? '7 Jl--'' 1 r '!· ·o- _.. ":t· ............... ..
13 V09 01136·357-HOB·A Throat plate 7HB ...................................................................... ' ' 11 1 ? .......................................................... ..
14 ~.09 01613-357-HOB·A Main feed dog 7HB ...................................................................... ~ "· ;;t 7 11"
15 C09 01614-357-HOB Differential fc~d dog 7HB .......................................................... 7 7 :;f· 7 11"

Note ( ii:IC I All parts other than above arn same as M0-35 7 t B) J:!l~ !.:l. 7~f.tM0-:357( B) .~ ~·I L ·c 1
c09 ..... Spo•coal no dcr part.

(4) M0-358-10
D1136·357-KOO ThrnaLplaLP. ................................................................................... " 'I 1 '' .................... ..................... ............... .
01613-357-KOO Maon hwd dog 7K .................................................................... ·/ .:o. ;j· 7 'I' ' ....................... .......................
B252Q-353-000 Spor.ado•r ...................................................... ....... ........................... 11 =1' 11-- 1' ....................................................... .
4 09101-357-KAO Stotch guo dot asm. .. ..................................................................... -;; " - ¥ 7 ~ .............. .......... ..................... .. 1
5 SS·7110840·SP Sco cw11/64·40L 7.8 .. .............................. ................................ 711- 1::7 :?· -;; II U4·40 L - 78 ............ . 2

Notc ( ; · CI All paots other rh:m above illll same <IS M0-357. .l.:..i.!LUI Il M0-357 t I~J t.: -r:··4·

From the library of: Superior Sewing

- 22 - Machine & Supply LLC
Paw' I tPnl BPI Pml N o. l'a!l" llt•n HPI. Pml No. Paq1! 11Pill Rt>f . P;ut No. Pn!Jl! lll!ln Rt•l
Pori No.
l't lfi II Nn rl lj1f't Nn . M. :& i1 11111 No. ...:. w, (J •i11l No.
10 5 G B 1li23·3b2-000 18 10 30 B310B 352·000 G 3 17
18 10 311 83108 ·358-0AO (j3 1~l
811116-352-000 10 5 13 U1G25-357·000
8P.:IOOOOOO·OO Hl 11 15 3G 0 3 110·352·000 6 3 12
B 11118·3!\2·000 10 !i 9 0 2001 357 -0AO 111 7
10 r. 15 82001 ·357 -000 14 7 37 113110-352·000 G 3 22
E XCLU S IV E 1' 1\1-ITS " A" Ill 83110-352·000 G :1 49
0 11120-35 2·000 10 5 17 £12005 ·357-000 111 7
W- f lt ~r .~ .· . u· 111 7 113 03110·357 -000 G 3 3
0111 20-357-000 4 2 3 82006-357-0AO
811 02-3!i 2·0AO II 2 30
[1111 2 1-352-000 10 [i HI B200B·357·000 111 7 45 113111 ·352·000 (i :1 50
B 11 O:!·:l fo2·000 II 2 31 119 03112·352-0AO G 3 23
[11 il 22<1!"o2·000 1() 5 1!-l 82010·357-0AO 14 7
1:1110:!<1!\7·000 2 27 111 ., 51 83112·352·000 G 3 211
01 11 :?:J-:If>2·000 II 2 G 02011 -357-000
811 03·:1!i2·000 II :• ~ f) 29
10 5 Ill B?01 2·357·000 111 7 46 83112-352·000 6 3
II 2 :m 1:11112G<I52·AOO
B 11 Oll <l!i2· 0AO 30 113112-357-0AO G 3 2E
81 :.o1 -3!i2- ooo 12 G 1 B:>0111·35"/ ·000 14 7
8 110fo•:lfo2·000 II 2 3!1 29 83113·352·000 G 3 25
B 1f•02·3!i2-000 12 G 8 8201 5·35 "/ -000 111 7
B 11 0'1 3fo2·000 2 311 32 83113-357-000 G 3 30
B 15011-352·000 12 6 10 8 2016-35 7-AAO 111 7
B 11 08·352 ·000 2 37 83115·352·000 II 2 19
01505-352-000 12 6 5 112016 357 -BAO 14 7 34
B 1110 ~157-<100 2 38 83116-352·000 4 2 20
B 1506-352·000 12 6 3 ll2101·357·AOO 14 7 16
81111 -35:0-000 2 11 3 ll3117-352-000 6 3 33
8 1507-352·000 12 6 4 82102·357-0AO 14 7 10
B 111 3-352-000 2 112 El3118·352 -000 6 3 311
B 1508-352-000 12 li 22 B2103-357·000 14 7 13
0111 !>·3!\2 000 2 1 41 83119-352-0AO (j :l :12
81 510-357-AAO 12 6 27 82104-357-000 14 7 9
8111 6·352-000 II 2 23 83119 ·352-000 6 3 37
7 81510·357-A80 12 6 50 82105-357 ·000 111 7 5
01117 -35 '/ -000 2 83120·125·000 6 3 11
8151 0-3!i7-AOO 12 6 28 82106-357-000 14 7 111
8 111!1-35 7-000 2 6 3 21
B 151 0-35"/·8AO 12 6 36 82108·357-0AO-A 14 7 3 83120· 125-000
B 111!1-352-000 2 17 83120-125-000 6 3 48
11 81510·357 -0£10 12 6 51 82110·357-0AO-A 14 7 1
B 1120-352·000 2 83120-352-000 6 3 9
01 5 10-357-800 12 6 37 82201-357-000 14 7 27
8 1121<152-000 2 1 83120·352-000 6 3 19
4 2 1 01510·357 -800 21 13·1 4 82201·816-0AO 14 7 27
t! 1123-352-0AO 83120-352-000 6 3 46
4 2 4 81 5 10-357-800 21 13-3 4 82202-357-000 14 7 20
B1127-352-000 83121·352-000 6 3 20
II 2 11 81510·357-CAO 12 6 43 82203·357-000 14 7 24
8 1128-352-000 83121-352·000 6 3 47
B 1129-352-0QO 4 2 12 81510-357-C80 12 6 52 82204-357-000 14 7 17
12 6 44 14 7 19 83121-352·000 22 13-3 12
8 1130-352-0Mr 2 19 8151 0-357-COO 82205·357-000
12 6 29 14 7 22 83122-357 ·000 6 3 40
8 1131 -352 -000 2 20 81511 -357-000 82206-35 7 ·000
12 6 38 16 8 29 83123-352-0AO 6 3 43
8 11 32-352-000 2 1 31 81511-357-000 82207-357-000·A
12 6 45 6 3 26 83123·352-000 6 3 44
8 1132-352-000 4 2 21 81511 -357 -000 82418·019-000
21 13-1 5 6 3 31 83125-155-000 21 13-1 8
81 1311-352-000 2 25 81511-357-000 82418-019·000
22 13-3 5 8 4 3 83126·012·000 6 3 8
8 11 35-352-000 2 1 33 81511-357-000 82501-357-0AO
12 6 30 8 2503-352·000 8 4 7 83126·012-000 6 3 18
8 1136-357-AOO 16 8 1 81512·357-000
12 6 39 8 4 5 83126-012-000 6 3 45
8 1136-357-800 16 8 2 81512-357-000 82504-352-080
8 4 28 83126-352-000 6 3 36
8 1136-357-COO 16 8 3 81512-357-000 12 6 46 8 2505-352-000
8 4 34 83127-352-000 6 3 35
8 1138-352-000 2 35 81514-352-000 12 6 16 82507-352-000
12 6 20 8 4 36 83128-352-000 6 3 38
8 1140-352-000 2 1 5 8 1 51 5-352-000 82508-352-000
8 4 26 83129-012-AOO 6 3 10
8 1142-352-000 4 2 2 81516·352-000 .12 6 17 8 2509-352-000
8 4 39 83501-357 -OAO 19 11 13
81 143-352-000 2 1 15 81517-352-000 12 6 13 82510-352-0AO
8 4 46 83502-352-000 19 11 2
8 1147-352-000 4 2 35 8 1518-352·000 12 6 14 82511·352-000
12 6 15 8 4 31 83503-352-000 19 11 7
8 1148-352·000 4 2 34 8 1519-352-000 82512-352-000
8 4 33 83504-352·000 19 11 8
8 1154-352-000 16 8 49 81520-352-000 12 6 23 8 2514-352-000
12 6 26 8 4 48 83505-352-000 19 11
8 1158-581-000 2 28 81521-352-000 82515-352-000
12 6 25 8 4 55 83506-352-000 19 11 10
81 201·357-AAO 8 4 15 8 15 22-352-000 82517-352-0AO
83509-352-000 4 2 27
8 1203-352-000 8 4 23 8 1527-352-000 2 1 4 82518·352-000 8 4 59
12 6 32 2 22 83510·352-0AO 4 2 26
8 1205-352-000 8 4 20 81527-357-000 82519·352-000
12 . 6 41 8 4 41 83513-352-000 19 11 19
8 1208-352-000 8 4 22 81527-357-000 8252Q-352·000
12 6 48 8 4 42 83514-352-000 19 11 20
8 1209-352-000 8 4 14 81527-357-000 82520-353-000
21 13-1 8 22 13-3 11 83515·352-000 19 11 18
8 1210-352-000 8 4 11 81527-357-000 8 2520-353-000
22 13-3 8 22 13-4 3 83516-552-000 19 11 17
8 1211-352-000 8 4 9 81527-357-000 82520-353-000
12 6 34 8 4 57 83518·352-000 4 2 32
8 1212-352-000 8 4 1 8 1530·352-000 82521-352-000
83525-357-000 19 11 6
8 1212-357-0AO 8 4 1 8 1601-352-AOO 18 10 33 82522-352-000 8 4 49
8 4 16 23 83534-352-000 19 11 9
8 1213-352-000 10 5 35 8 1602-352-0AO 82523-352-000 2
8 4 19 4 44 83535-352-000 4 2 25
81 214-352-000 10 5 42 8 1604-352-000 82524-352-000 8
18 10 28 8 4 38 84101-352-000 17 9 21
8 1401-352-AOO 10 5 38 81605-352-000 82525-352-000
8 1606·352-000 18 10 24 8 4 54 84102-352-000 8 4 12
81 402-352-AAO 10 5 33 82525-352-000
18 10 29 841 03-352-0AO 17 9 18
81 403·352-CAO 18 10 8 81607-352-000 82525-357-000 14 7 48
18 10 3 841 04-352-0AO 17 9 12
B 1403-352-000 10 5 40 8 1608-352-0AO 82526-357-000 19 11 22
18 10 4 84105-35 2-000 17 9 16
8 1403-352-000 17 9 20 8 1608-352-000 82528-352-000 8 4 53
18 10 5 84 106-352-000 17 9 23
8 1404-352-000 10 5 26 8 1609·352-000 82529-352·000 8 4 25
18 10 11 4 2 14 84107-357-0AO 17 9 7
8 1405-012-000 10 5 14 81610-352-000 83101-352-000
18 10 6 841 08-352-008 17 9 1
8 1408-352·000 10 5 28 81611-352-000 83102-352-000 4 2 15
18 10 15 84108-352-000 17 9 2
8 1409-352-000 10 5 32 81 613-357-AOO 83103-352·000 4 2 17
18 10 12 4 2 18 84108-352-000 21 13-1 4
8 1411-352-000 10 5 24 81614-357-AOO 83104-352-000
18 10 22 841 09-352-000 17 9 3
8 1412·352-CAO 10 5 21 81615-352·000 831 05-357·000 6 3 1
18 10 18 8411 0-352-000 17 9 4
8 1412-352-000 8 4 32 81617·352-000 83106-352-000 2 1 29
18 10 20 6 3 13 84112-352-000 17 9 11
8 1413-352-0AO 10 5 10 8 1619-352-000 83107-352-000
18 10 21 6 3 39 84113-352-000 16 8 33
8 1414-357-000 10 5 8 8 162Q-352·000 83107-352-000
18 10 16 6 3 5 84113-357-0AO 16 8 31
8 1415-357-AAO 10 5 2 81621-352-0AO 83108-352-0AO
18 10 6 3 7 84114-357-000 16 8 32
81 415-357-81\0 10 5 4 8 1622-352-000 83108-352-000

- 23-

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Part No. Pngc Item Rof. Part No. Pilgc llem Re f. Port N o. Po9e llem Ref. Part No. Page Item R ef.
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21 13·2 2 5S-4090610-SP 4 2 211 SS-7090910-SP 4 2 7

B4115-352·000 16 8 37 0161 3-357-K OO
16 8 35 01613-357 -KOO 22 13 4 2 SS-4090610 -5P 4 2 28 SS-7090910-SP 14 7 21
16 8 311 01614·357 -HOB 21 13· 1 13 SS-4090610-SP 6 3 2 SS-7 090910-SP 14 7 52
01614· 357 -HOB 22 13-3 15 SS-4090610-SP 6 3 4 SS-7091110-SP 2 1 10
B4120-352·000 16 8 42
B41 21 ·352-000 16 8 54 09101 -357 -KAO 21 13· 1 5 SS-4090610-SP 8 4 45 SS-7110510-SP 20 12 6
16 8 50 09101 -357-KAO 22 13-4 4 SS-4090610-SP 8 4 60 SS-7110710-SP 19 11 11
16 8 51 09101 ·357-KOO 21 13-1 11 SS-4090610-SP 19 11 23 SS-7110740-TL 8 4 17
21 13-2 3 09102-357-KOO 21 13· 1 7 SS-4091010-SP 18 10 14 SS-7110810-5P 10 5 11
B4123- 352·000 16 8 43 09103·357-KOO 21 13-1 6 SS-4091020-TP 8 4 8 SS-7110820-SP 6 3 42
BI1125-352-000 17 9 10 09104- 357-KOO 21 13-1 13 SS-41109 '10-T P 6 3 27 S5-7110820-SP 16 8 27
B4126-352-000 16 8 41 SS-4110910-T P 8 4 43 SS-7110840-SP 2 1 36
SS-4110910-TP 8 4 58 SS-7110840-SP 6 3 42
B4127-352·000 16 8 47 NEEDLE H
B4127-357-000 16 8 53 MDC-270B1100 10 5 SS-4110910-TP 16 8 40 SS-7 110840-SP 16 8 27
B4128-352·000 16 8 30 SS-4110910-TP 17 9 B SS-7110840-SP 21 13-2 14
94 129-352-000 17 9 5 NUT SS-4110910-TP 18 10 2 SS-7110840-SP 22 13-4 5
B4130-352·000 17 9 14 NS-6080210-SP 10 5 20 SS-50906 10-SP 2 1 39 SS-711 091 0 -S 2 1 21
B4131·357-000 16 8 6 NS-609031 0-SP 2 1 40 SS-5110740-TP 4 2 13 SS-7110910-SP 4 2 16
B4131-357-000 16 8 13 NS -6090310-SP 4 2 5 SS-6060410-TP 12 6 31 SS-7 11 0910-TP 14 7 12
84131-357-000 16 8 20 NS-6110310-SP 21 13-1 10 SS-6060410-TP 12 6 40 SS-7111110-TP 14 7 4
B4132·357-AOO 16 8 7 NS-6110420-SP 16 8 39 SS-6060410-TP 12 6 47 SS-7111110-TP 14 7 11
B4132·357-BOO 16 8 14 NS-61 2031 0-SP 2 12 SS-6060410-TP 21 13-1 7 SS-7111110-TP 14 7 40
B4132·357-BOO 16 8 21 NS-615031 0-SP 2 1 14 SS-6060410-TP 22 13-3 7 SS· 7111110-TP 14 7 50
B4133-357-AAP 16 8 5 NS-6150310-SP 6 3 6 SS-6080410-SP 10 5 16 S5-7111310-SP 12 6
B4133-357-BAO 16 8 12 NS-6150310-SP 6 3 16 SS-6080410-SP 14 7 23 SS-7111310-SP 16 8 48
B4133·35 7·CAO 16 8 19 NS-6150310-SP 6 3 41 SS-6090520-SP 16 8 8 S5· 7111410-T P 14 7 33
94133-357-000 16 8 9 NS-6150310-SP 12 6 6 SS-6090520-SP 16 8 15 SS-7111410-TP 14 7 35
8 4133-357·000 16 8 16 NS-61 50430-SP 12 6 21 SS-6090520-SP 16 8 22 SS· 711141 0· TP 14 7 44
B4133-357·000 16 8 24 SS-6090610-SP 19 11 23 55-71 12420-SP 16 8 38
B4134-357-COO 16 8 23 SNAP RING SS-6090660· TP 8 4 30 SS· 71 20760-SP 12 6 7
B4134-357·000 16 8 10 RE-0320000-KO 36 SS-6090660-TP 10 5 23 SS-7121410-SP 16 8 45
B4134·357-000 16 8 17 SS-6110710-TP 10 5 39 SS-715 1120-SP 2 16
B4134- 357-000 16 8 25 RUBBER RING 0 ,, :.-- ? 55-6110710-TP 14 , 7 42 55-7 151 210-SP 10 5 34
B8401-352-0AO 20 12 1 A0-0291801 -00 4 2 33 SS-6110710-TP 17 9 22 SS-762 1040-SP 4 2 36
B8401·352·000 20 12 5 R0-037180 1-00 12 6 19 SS-6110710-TP 18 10 10 SS-76814 50-TP 10 5 3G
B8402·352-000 20 12 2 R0-0552001-00 12 6 12 SS-6110710-TP 18 10 23 SS-8080310-TP 10 5 3
B8403-352·000 20 12 7 R0-1721801 ·00 2 1 32 SS-6110710-TP 18 10 32 S5·8080310-TP 10 5 5
B8404-352-000 20 12 4 A0-1721801·00 4 2 22 SS-6121020-SP 10 5 29 5S-8080310-TP 10 5 7
R0-2201801-00 2 6 SS-6121 220-TP 8 4 40 SS-8090650· TP 10 5 25
OIL WICK ;m·L.· SS-6121220-TP 8 4 56 55·8110410-TP 8 4 2
C0-2020000-00 10 5 12 HINGE SCREW ~~ I " SS-6121 5 10-SP---...;8-4.:......-=::::2·7:~, - ss-81104 10 TP 14 7 28
C0-2020000-00 10 5 22 S 0-037040 1-SP 12 6 33 55-6121510-SP 8 4 37 SS-8 110510-SP 2 18
C0-2020000-00 14 7 2 SD-0370401-SP 12 6 42 S5 -6121510-SP 8 4 50 SS·81105 10 -5P 14 7 47
C0-2020000-00 18 10 9 SD-0370401-SP 12 6 49 SS-612 1510-SP 12 6 18 SS-8 110510-SP 19 1 1 3
C0-2020000-00 18 10 17 SD-0370401-SP :72 13-3 9 SS-6121510-SP 14 7 6 SS-8 150 710-SP 8 4 10
SD-0370410-SP 21 13-1 9 SS -6121510-SP 14 7 15 SS-8 150710-SP 8 4
THRUST COLLAR A7 .A ~ J 7- SD-0450701-TP 8 4 6 SS-6121 !>10-SP 14 7 31 55-8 150710-SP 8 4 18
CS-0791260-SH 8 4 51 S0-045070 1-TP 14 7 39 SS-6121510-SP 17 9 17 SS-8150710-SP 10 5 37
CS-095101B-SH 14 7 7 SD-0500721 -SP 12 6 9 SS-6 121510-SP 18 10 25 55·8150710-SP 14 7 8
CS-11 1 1010-SH 17 9 24 SD-0600271 -SP 2 1 13· 1 9 SS-61512'2B'SP 19 11 12 S5-8 15 11 50-SP B 4 24
CS-1111-010-SH 18 10 26 S 0-064060 1-SP 18 10 7 SS-6151440-SP 4 2 37 SS-8151 550-SP 8 4 21
CS-127101A-SH 10 5 30 SD-0640751 -SP 18 10 19 SS-6151 9 20-TP 2 13 SS-8151550-51' 12 6 11
S0-0721111 -SP 12 6 24 55-6621220-SP 17 9 19 SS-8660610-TP 8 4 52
EXCLUSIV E PARTS "0" SS-6621220 -SP 18 10 31 S5·8660610-TI' 10 ~; 31
.1!/ lfl .,\la ' D' SCREW 1 '/ 5S-666071 0·TP 8 4 29 SS 866081 0-T P 17 n 15
011 36-357-HOA·A 21 13· 1 SK-1351600-SC 4 2 40 5S-6G60710·TP 17 9 25 55·8660820-TP 17 9 1!>
01136-357-HOA-A 22 13-3 50-0000401 -MZ 19 1 1 5 5S-6660710-TP 18 10 27 SS-8 661030-SP 8 4 4
01136-357-HOB·A 21 13·1 11 50·1110401 -MZ 19 11 4 SS -7060810-Sf' 16 8 11 5S -9 1 11820SP :! 1
0 1136-357-HOB-A 22 13-3 13 S0-1110401 -M Z 19 11 16 SS-70608 10-SP 16 8 18 SS-9150730-SP 17 !l
0 113&357-KOO 21 13·2 1 SS-1090930-SP 10 b 43 SS-70608 10 -SP 16 8 26
01136-357-KOO 22 13·4 1 SS-1110840-SP 2 2 SS· 708041 0-SP 14 7 25 I' L UG II .~ Jj
01 510·357-HAO 21 13·1 3 5S-2090510-SP 2 30 S5-7080410-SP 20 12 3 TA 029060 1-MO 8 4 35
01510-357-HAO 22 13·3 3 SS-2090550-TP 4 10 S5-7080410-SP 20 12 8 TA -0370301 MO 10 !:i 27
01510·357-HBO 21 13-1 10 SS-2090620 SP 2 26 SS-7080510-SP 12 6 35 T A-0370601 -MO 17 9
01510-357 -HBO 22 13-3 10 5S -2091520-SP 19 1 1 21 55 ·7080:.10 SP 14 7 25
01512·357-HOO 21 13·1 6 SS-2110920-TP 1G 8 4 SS-70905 10-SP 8 4 47 WASH ER i 1'
01512·357-HOO 22 13-3 6 SS-3090710-TP 6 3 4 SS· 7090510 -SP 111 7 18 WP-03710 16-50 2
01613·357-HOA·A 21 13-1 2 SS-3150710 TP 14 7 38 SS-7090710-SP •1 2 9 WP-0371016·50 16
01613-357-HOA·A 22 13-3 2 SS-31 50710-TP 19 I I 14 SS· 7090710-SP 14 7 52 WI'·0371026·SD 4 2 3
01613-357-HOB·A 21 13·1 12 SS-4060310 -SP 17 9 6 S -7090710-SP 16 8 44 WP-0371036-SD 14 7 26
01613-357-HOB·A 22 13·3 14 SS·I1090610·SP 2 24 S5·7090710-SP 16 8 55 Wf' -0450000-SD 16 8 2!1
01613-357-KOO 18 10 13 SS-4090610-SP 2 1111 SS-7090710-SP 21 13- 1 12 WI' -050101G·SC 16 8 46
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

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