Older People and Smartwatches, Initial Experiences: Adultos Mayores y Smartwatches, Primeras Experiencias
Older People and Smartwatches, Initial Experiences: Adultos Mayores y Smartwatches, Primeras Experiencias
Older People and Smartwatches, Initial Experiences: Adultos Mayores y Smartwatches, Primeras Experiencias
Adultos mayores y smartwatches, primeras
Andrea Rosales, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, Francesca Comunello, Simone
Mulargia and Núria Ferran-Ferrer
Andrea Rosales, PhD, is a postdoctoral researcher at IN3-UOC. Since 2014 she has combined
ethnographic explorations and tracked data analysis, with an intergenerational perspective. She
highlights the importance of critical analysis of smartwatch logs and experiences in understanding
how to design smartwatch apps that take older people’s interests into account.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5. 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain
[email protected]
Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, PhD, is a researcher at the IN3-UOC. Since 2003 she has studied the
influence of mobile communications in our societies from a socioeconomic perspective. In this
area, she is particularly interested in the intersection of aging and digital communication from a
non-patronizing, non-ageist perspective.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5. 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain
[email protected]
Simone Mulargia, PhD, has been a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Communica-
tion and Social Research (Coris), Sapienza University of Rome, since 2010. He teaches new media,
online journalism, and sociology of communication. His research and publications study the rela-
tionship between culture, technology, and society, focusing on the role of digital media.
Sapienza University of Rome
Via Salaria 113, 00198 Roma, Italy
[email protected]
Núria Ferran-Ferrer, PhD, has been associate professor at the Faculty of Information and Commu-
nication Sciences at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) (Barcelona, Spain) since 2005. She
teaches qualitative research methodologies and user experience design, and she researches user
behaviors, needs, and motivations.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Av. Tibidabo, 39-43, 08035 Barcelona, Spain
[email protected]
While wearable technologies, such as smartwatches, are seen as an opportunity to solve some problems often related to ol-
der people (65+), e.g. emergencies, physical activity, or isolation, little is known about how older people would domesticate
such new technologies. In this study we provided eleven older individuals with smartwatches and tracked their expectations
and initial experiences using two interviews. According to our preliminary findings, previous experience with ICTs along with
optimistic attitudes toward technology were key to initial domestication of the new technology and overcoming initial pro-
blems. Moreover, use was closely related to expectations and personal habits. Participants in this study used smartwatches
in similar ways to to those described in previous studies with adults (18–64), including managing notifications and sports’
tracking. Additionally, users reported that the smartwatch provided a boost in social status (associated with attributes such
as cool, snobbish, young) and created some fashion opportunities and/or concerns.
Expectations; Domestication; Appropriation; Smartwatches; Wearables; Older people.
Las tecnologías wearables, como los smartwatches (relojes inteligentes), se han visto como una oportunidad para resolver
problemas, a menudo relacionados con las personas mayores (55+), tales como manejo de emergencias, falta de actividad
física, y soledad. Sin embargo poco se sabe sobre en qué medida tales personas apropiarían estos dispositivos. Dotamos
a 11 personas mayores con relojes inteligentes y seguimos sus primeras experiencia principalmente con dos entrevistas.
De acuerdo con los resultados, las experiencias previas con otras tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, y las
actitudes positivas hacia la tecnología fueron fundamentales para una primera apropiación de la nueva tecnología, y para
superar los primeros problemas. Además el uso estuvo muy relacionado con las expectativas y los hábitos personales. Los
participantes usaron los relojes en forma similar a la descrita en estudios previos con adultos (18-64), que incluye el manejo
de notificaciones y los sistemas para seguimiento deportivo. El reloj proveía a la mayoría de los participantes un status social
(asociado a ser guay, snob o joven), y creaba oportunidades o preocupaciones sobre el estilo personal.
Palabras clave
Expectativas; Domesticación; Apropiación; Smartwatches; Relojes inteligentes; Wearable; Personas mayores.
Rosales, Andrea; Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia; Comunello, Francesca; Mulargia, Simone; Ferran-Ferrer, Núria (2017).
“Older people and smartwatches, initial experiences”. El profesional de la información, v. 26, n. 3, pp. 457-463.
sing on the role of the technology in user’s self-presentation to follow the study, and not have a smartwatch. Participants
practices and identity performances. received monetary compensations for their time in inter-
views. This study was part of a one-year project, still under
The design of this research project, which included provi-
development as we write this paper, and participants will
ding the smartwatch to (new) users, calls for a different ca-
be able to keep their smartwatches at the end of the one
tegorization of participants and for a partial redefinition of
year project. For the purpose of this paper we will refer to
the domestication approach. Participants in this study are
participants with W for women and M for men, followed by
neither classic early adopters (Rogers, 1995), nor forced
their age, and in the case of quotations, we will indicate the
early adopters (Zhou, 2008). They freely chose to join the ex-
number of the interview preceded with an “i”, i.e. W65_i2.
periment, knowing that we were going to provide them with
a smartwatch, but as we learned in the interviews, they had
no previous interest in purchasing a smartwatch. Neverthe- We provided eleven older individuals
less, the domestication approach helps in highlighting that with smartwatches and tracked their
the very meaning of a new device is a process of negotiation
experiences using interviews, and some
involving both technological features and people’s symbolic
and social understanding of those features; smartwatches training sessions
are more than merely machines—they are also cultural ob-
jects (Silverstone; Haddon, 1996; Du-Gay et al., 2013).
We collected data by means of semi-structured interviews,
Research questions training sessions, and complementary support. First, we
conducted two interviews. The first interview was conduc-
Our contribution to existing research is the application of
ted before delivering the smartwatches. Conversations fo-
the domestication approach to smartwatches, particularly
cused on the use of communication tools in everyday life,
for older people. We believe that such an approach can
particularly digital media, and the expectations around
strongly contribute to shedding light on human aspects re-
smartwatches. The second interview, two months after the
lated to ICT usage. In this regard, expectations, initial usage
distribution of the smartwatches, focused on the initial use
practices, and the related meanings play a central role.
of the smartwatch, the social experience, habits, and lear-
Therefore, we propose the following research questions: ning strategies developed in relation to it; the interview also
focused on both the problems or difficulties and the positive
RQ1: What is the relationship between participants’ (ex-
aspects of the new device. Second, during the delivery of
pressed) expectations and their initial usage practices?
the smartwatch we conducted some initial training to help
RQ2: What are the participants’ initial patterns of usage and the users to manage their new device, and we provided te-
negotiation of the smartwatch in terms of practices, sense- chnical support if it was required by participants.
giving processes, learning strategies, and identity perfor-
Authors read and re-read the transcribed interviews to con-
duct thematic analysis (Braun; Clarke, 2006) and identify
common topics and particular cases. The comments recei-
Wearable technologies are seen as an ved from participants during the recruitment process and
opportunity to solve problems often re- training sessions and personal support were also taken into
lated to older people (65+) account.
Smartwatches have been seen as an opportunity to deve- used it (almost) every day, seemed to disdain the snobbish
lop apps for health monitoring and a study demonstrated connotation of the new technology. Similar to other adult
their usefulness in this area (Jovanov, 2015). However, par- users in other studies, most participants had aesthetic con-
ticipants did not expect to use it for health monitoring. For cerns related to the smartwatches (Cecchinato; Cox; Bird,
heart monitoring, particularly, they relied on their own spe- 2015; Lyons, 2015; Schirra; Bentley, 2015). Participants did
cialized devices and used the smartwatch as a proxy. Moreo- not find it appropriate to wear a smartwatch in elegant si-
ver, no participant saw it as an alternative for solving pro- tuations. Some even lamented the need to stop using their
blems often related to older people in HCI (e.g. managing previous “luxury” watches (in Rome) or other nice watches
emergencies, controlling health indicators, encouraging (Rome and Barcelona). This highlights how fashion appeal
physical activity, or fighting isolation). Interestingly, the dis- is an important dimension regarding adoption. Despite the-
course of older individuals is far from the literature discour- se nuances we identified no cultural differences between
se, a relevant observation when it comes to creating interest the experiences in Rome and Barcelona. In fact, differences
for an IT product for this target population. were mainly due to personal interests, values, and social
Regarding sense-giving processes, and similar to previous
studies, two months after beginning to use the smartwatch, The results of the study challenge information research
older participants were still in the process of creating mea- about new information/communication technologies and
ning for their smartwatch. Two facts support this finding: older people. First, the study shows the complexity of the
first, some of the participants expected the smartwatch to initial process of the domestication of new technologies, es-
do the same things as their smartphone (Schirra; Bentley, pecially those technologies that are not yet widespread and
2015; Pizza et al., 2016); second, the mobile phone, the require technical skills, previous experience with technolo-
computer, and the watch were all metaphors they used for gy, personal interest, social support, ideologies, and values,
approaching the smartwatch (and often, they confused the are all factors that need to be taken into account. Second,
words “smartphone” and “smartwatch”). the study shows the complexity of expecting to change ha-
bits/behaviors with new technologies or the difficulty of
Older people made similar use of the expecting to engage non-users with new habits (Selwyn,
2006). While previous studies have argued that the physical
smartwatches to that described in pre- constraints of the watches (small screen, low power battery)
vious studies with adults (18–64) are significant barriers to the adoption of these tools (Ehr-
ler; Lovis, 2014) those were not limitations for the partici-
pants of the study when using smartwatches on a regular
Learning strategies, which are particular for older people in
basis during the first two months of the study. Moreover,
ICT (Sayago; Forbes; Blat, 2013), were twofold. On the one
usage practices seemed to be related to the metaphors
hand, most participants relied on their previous experience
users adopted to understand new devices, and to the mea-
with computers, making it evident that their is importance
nings they attached to them.
in prior knowledge when managing new learning situations,
which is often a major issue for older individuals who have
never been in direct contact with ICT. The smartwatch provided a boost in so-
“As I did with the mobile phone. Touching, typing, loo- cial status (associated with attributes
king, browsing, and then, little by little, I got through it. such as cool, snobbish, young)
It’s not hard, in terms of the settings. At the beginning
it seemed hard. For example, that thing for the heart
5. Conclusions
[heart monitoring App], but then I saw that it works.”
(W65_i2) Eleven individuals, from ages 65 to 80, participated in this
study. We provided them with a smartwatch in order to ex-
On the other hand, despite regular use, some participants
plore the appropriation process during the initial period of
remained at a very basic level of understanding of the sys-
adoption of this new device.
tem, and they exerted little effort to overcome this situa-
tion. This situation might have change, or not with further Results show that an intrinsic interest in technologies was
experience, use, or number of social interactions with the key in participants’ initial acceptance of the new technology,
smartwatch. being more relevant than the features themselves. Partici-
pants used the smartwatch in different ways or for different
The smartwatch itself was used to reinforce identity, the
purposes, although the most common was to manage no-
simple ownership of the object provided social status that
tifications or to keep track of sports activities. Otherwise,
included being cool, young, or snobbish. And this was a mo-
for some participants, initial usage was also related with an
tivation for our participants to use the smartwatch. Most
interest in boasting about it and as a way to keep up-to-date
users in Barcelona associated the smartwatch with their
technologically. Moreover, participants’ use of the smart-
young and digital identities, most of them boasted about it,
watch reflected their expectations and the already existing
and it was relevant for being up-to-date. After the training
habits of their everyday life. However, no participant saw it
session, a participant said “Now I will take a picture with my
as an alternative for solving the problems often related to
smartwatch and will send it to my friends.” (W75)
older people (e.g. managing emergencies, controlling health
In contrast, participants in Rome, despite reporting that they indicators, encouraging physical activity or fighting isola-
tion). And after two months of usage, some participants still factors in computing systems, CHI’15, pp. 2133–2138.
expected to replace the smartphone with the smartwatch http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1462135
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