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It is very difficult to meet the requirement of customer now a days as things around us changing rigorously. Customer need most optimised solution for
their business.
The S4 HANA (SAP Business Suite For HANA) is solution for all the challenges Business are facing now a day.
This blog attempts to give the information on configuration on Customer/Vendor Integration process.
A Business Partner can be a person, organization, group of people, or a group of organizations, in which a company has a business interest. It is the
single point of entry to create, edit, and display the master data for business partners, customers and vendors. A Business Partner consists of general
data like name, address, bank information, etc. as well as role specific information i.e. customer/vendor/employee data.
SPRO->IMG->Cross-Application Components–> Master Data Synchronization –> Synchronization Control–> Synchronization Control–> Activate PPO
Request for platform objects in the dialog
After this click on the check box.
SPRO->IMG->Cross-Application Components–> Master Data Synchronization –> Synchronization Control–> Activate Synchronization Options
4.3.Define BP Roles
SPRO->IMG->Cross-Application Components–> SAP Business Partner–>Business Partner–> Basic Settings –> Business Partner Roles–> Define BP
Maintain Data for Business Roles and SAVE.
4.4.Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Vendor/Customer
SPRO->IMG->Cross-Application Components–> Master Data Synchronization–>Customer/Vendor Integration –> Business Partner Settings –>
Settings for Vendor Integration –> Field Assignment for Vendor Integration–> Assign Keys
Maintain and select the check box if you want the Business Partner number and Vendor number to be same.
4.5.Define BP Number Range and assigning to BP Grouping
Cross-Application Components–> SAP Business Partner–> Business Partner–> Basic Settings –>Number Ranges and Groupings
4.6. Managing Fields in Vendor and Customer Master.
BP030 Address
BP1000 Roles
BUT100 BP roles
SANS1 Addresses
5.1 In S4 HANA when you enter T code XD01 it will redirect to BP transaction, a prompt will come that will ask you to choose Person,
Organization and Group.
Here you can see that default BP role set as FLCU00 (Customer Financial Accounting)
5.2. In S4 HANA when you enter T code VD01 it will redirect to BP transaction, a prompt will come that will ask you to choose Person,
Organization and Group.
Here you can see that default BP Role is FLVN00 (FI Vendor).
6. Business Partner creation
Transaction code: BP
You will get a default role 000000 (Business Partner General).
Select the grouping from dropdown which decides the number range.
Enter the all mandatory fields for Business Partner General and then save.
After entering data click on save.
Business Partner General gets 1000173 created.
To create FI Vendor, we can extend the Business Partner already created with Role FLVN00 (FI Vendor).
Note: Here in the Company Code Section customer number is presented as <EXTERNAL>.
In a display mode, you can check all the roles Business partner having.
In the table BUT100 we also check the roles for Business partner.
After entering all the Data save the customer.