SECTION 05 31 00 Steel Decking
SECTION 05 31 00 Steel Decking
SECTION 05 31 00 Steel Decking
SECTION 05 31 00
A. Section Includes:
1. Single pan fluted metal form deck supporting concrete fill as roof
2. Corrugated metal form deck supporting concrete fill as roof
3. Single pan fluted metal roof deck as roof substrate.
4. Acoustic metal roof deck as roof substrate.
05 31 00 - 1
A. Submittal Procedures: Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA,
B. Submittal Drawings:
1. Show layout, connections to supporting members, anchorage, sump
pans, accessories, deck openings and reinforcements.
2. Show similar information necessary for completing installation as
shown and specified, including supplementary framing, ridge and
valley plates, cant strips, cut openings, special jointing or other
3. Show welding, side lap, closure, deck reinforcing and closure
reinforcing details.
4. Show openings required for work of other trades, including openings
not shown on structural drawings. Indicate where temporary shoring
is required to satisfy design criteria.
C. Manufacturer's Literature and Data:
1. Description of each product.
2. Show steel decking section properties and structural
05 31 00 - 2
A. FM Listing: Provide metal roof deck units which have been evaluated by
Factory Mutual Global and are listed in “Factory Mutual Research
Approval Guide” for “Class 1” fire rated construction.
B. Welders and Welding Procedures Qualifications: AWS D1.3/D1.3M.
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B. Metal Form Deck - Type 1: Single pan fluted units as permanent form for
reinforced concrete slabs.
1. Depth and Thickness: As indicated on drawings.
2. Material: // Galvanized sheet steel. // Painted sheet steel. //
C. Metal Form Deck - Type 2: Corrugated deck units as permanent form for
reinforced concrete slabs.
1. Depth and Thickness: As indicated on drawings.
2. Material: // Galvanized sheet steel. // Painted sheet steel. //
D. Metal Roof Deck: Single pan fluted units with flat horizontal top
surfaces as permanent support for superimposed loads.
1. Deck Style:
a. Wide Rib (Type B) deck.
b. Intermediate Rib (Type F) deck.
c. Narrow Rib (Type A) deck.
d. Deep Rib (Type N) deck.
2. Depth and Thickness: As indicated on drawings.
E. Acoustic Metal Roof Deck Units: Single-pan fluted units with perforated
vertical webs.
1. Depth and Thickness: As indicated on drawings.
2. Material: // Galvanized sheet steel. // Painted sheet steel. //
3. Provide acoustical insulation to fill roof deck flutes.
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A. Fabricate steel decking in sufficient lengths to extend over 3 or more
supports, except for interstitial levels.
1. Cut metal deck units to proper length in shop.
B. Fabricate accessories required to complete installation of steel
1. Exposed to View: Fabricate from sheet steel matching metal decking.
2. Concealed from View: Fabricate from galvanized sheet steel.
C. Sheet Metal Accessories:
1. Metal Cover Plates: For end-abutting decking, to close gaps at
changes in deck direction, columns, walls and openings.
a. Sheet Steel: Minimum 1.0 mm (0.04 inch) thick.
2. Continuous Sheet Metal Edging: At openings, concrete slab edges and
roof deck edges.
a. Sheet Steel: Minimum 1.0 mm (0.04 inch) thick.
3. Metal Closure Strips: For openings between decking and other
construction. Form to configurations required to provide
tight-fitting closures at open ends of flutes and sides of decking.
a. Sheet Steel: Minimum 1.0 mm (0.04 inch) thick.
4. Ridge and Valley Plates: Minimum 100 mm (4 inch) wide ridge and
valley plates where roof slope exceeds 1/24 (1/2 inch per foot).
a. Sheet Steel: Minimum 1.0 mm (0.04 inch) thick.
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5. Cant Strips: Provide bent metal 45 degree leg cant strips where
indicated on the drawings. Fabricate cant strips with minimum 125 mm
(5 inch) face width.
a. Sheet Steel: Minimum 0.8 mm (0.03 inch) thick.
6. Seat Angles for Deck: Provide where beam does not frame into column.
7. Sump Pans for Roof Drains: Fabricated from single piece galvanized
sheet steel with level bottoms and sloping sides to direct water
flow to drain. Provide sump pans of adequate size to receive roof
drains and with bearing flanges minimum 75 mm (3 inches) wide.
Recess pans minimum 38 mm (1-1/2 inches) below roof deck surface,
unless otherwise shown or required by deck configuration. Drain
holes will be field cut.
a. Sheet Steel: Minimum 1.7 mm (0.06 inch) thick.
A. Shop prime painted sheet steel with two coats of primer.
A. Primer: Manufacturer's standard primer compatible with finish painting
specified in Section 09 91 00, PAINTING.
B. Welding Materials: AWS D1.1, type to suit application.
C. Galvanizing Repair Paint: MPI No. 18.
D. Touch-Up Paint: Match shop finish.
A. Examine and verify substrate suitability for product installation.
B. Protect existing construction and completed work from damage.
C. Remove contaminates from structural steel surfaces where steel decking
will be welded.
D. Verify structural steel framing installation is completed, plumbed, and
aligned with temporary bracing installed where required.
E. Coordinate with structural steel erector to prevent overloading of
structural members when placing steel decking for installation.
A. Do not use floor deck units for storage or working platforms until
permanently secured. Do not overload deck units once placed. Replace
deck units that become damaged after erection and before casting
concrete at no cost additional to the Government.
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1. Weld end laps of corrugated form deck units in valley of side lap
and at middle of sheet.
a. Weld Spacing: Maximum 380 mm (15 inches) on center.
2. Weld corrugated deck to intermediate supports in X-pattern. Weld in
valley of side laps on every other support and in valley of center
corrugation on remaining support.
a. Weld Spacing: Maximum 760 mm (30 inches) on center.
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