Bentley SACS: Offshore Wind Turbine Analysis

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Bentley SACS
Offshore Wind Turbine Analysis

SACS software provides a comprehensive set of

capabilities for the design and analysis of offshore wind
turbine structures subject to wave, wind, and mechanical
loading. The analysis approach is capable of predicting
both fatigue and extreme loads for the substructure
and non-linear foundation.
The CONNECT Edition
The SELECT® CONNECT Edition includes SELECT CONNECTservices, new
Azure-based services that provide comprehensive learning, mobility, and
collaboration benefits to every Bentley application subscriber. Adaptive Learning
Services helps users master use of Bentley applications through CONNECT Advisor,
a new in-application service that provides contextual and personalized learning. Color-coded stress contours
Personal Mobility Services provides unlimited access to Bentley apps, ensuring
users have access to the right project information when and where they need it.
ProjectWise® Connection Services allow users to securely share application
Equivalent static loads—representing both inertia
and project information, to manage and resolve issues, and to create, send,
and receive transmittals, submittals, and RFIs. loading and hydrodynamic/aerodynamic loading—
Wave Loading Analysis may be created as part of the analysis at time points
The wave loading can be represented by either a time history or in spectral form. A selected automatically by the program.
random wave surface profile may be determined from a wave height spectral density
function using multiple random seeds. The following wave spectra are available:
• Pierson-Moskowitz Alternatively, the wind-induced mechanical force time history can be assumed to
• JONSWAP be independent of the wave and wind loads for an uncoupled analysis.
• Ochi-Hubble For a random analysis, equivalent static loads—representing both inertia loading
• User-defined and hydrodynamic/aerodynamic loading—may be created as part of the analysis
at time points selected automatically by the program, user-specified times,
Wind Loading Analysis or time increments.
Similarly, the wind loading can be input as time history or as a random loading
developed from the following available spectra: Dynamic Superelement
• Von-Karman SACS applications include a Dynamic Superelement module based upon the Craig
• Harris Bampton approach. The dynamic superelement is completely compliant with
• Kaimal Siemens BHawC aeroelastic code.
• User-defined
Fatigue Analysis
Fully Coupled or Uncoupled Analysis The SACS fatigue analysis method uses the Rainflow counting approach to predict
The software features an interface to the GH Bladed and FAST* software, the stress cycles resulting from a time history analysis—including the ability
accounting for the full coupling between wave, wind, and the wind-induced to sequentially accumulate the damage from multiple analysis simulations for
mechanical loading for a multi-modal response analysis. The GH Bladed multi- numerous wind speeds and sea-states.
core interface is fully automated, allowing the user to handle hundreds of time
history simulations required for a typical fatigue analysis. The optional multi-core *FAST: “Fatigue, Aerodynamic, Structure & Turbulence” is a National Renewable
capabilities allow for a dramatic reduction in runtime. Energy Laboratory (NREL) software code available at
System Requirements Offshore Wind Turbine Analysis At-A-Glance
Core2 or better CPU Offshore Enterprise: Fatigue:
Operating System: Professional Static Offshore Package Fatigue Life Evaluation and Redesign
Windows 7, Windows 8 • Contains capabilities for offshore jackets, wharfs, and • Spectral, time history, and deterministic
RAM: dolphin structures fatigue analysis
Minimum 2 GB of RAM
• Includes interactive graphics modeled with advanced 3D • Cyclic stress range calculation procedures include
Hard Disk: capabilities, SACS IV solver and interactive graphics post wave search, curve fit, and interpolation
Minimum 10 GB of free hard disk space
processor, Seastate, Joint Can, Pile, Combine, Gap, Tow, • SCF calculations recommended by API (including 21st
Display: and LDF large deflection
Graphics card supporting Open GL ed. supplements), HSE, DNV, DS449 and Norsok Codes
• Features automatic model generation, beam and finite • Automatic redesign
128 MB RAM or greater video
card with 1280x1024 or higher element capability, steel code check and redesign,
• API (including 21st ed. supplements), AWS, HSE, and
video resolution environmental load generation, tubular connection
Norsok thickness dependent recommended S-N curves
check, single pile/soil interaction, inertia and moving
load generation, tension/compression nonlinear • Multiple run damage accumulation
Find out about Bentley at: elements with initial gap, load case combination, • Pierson-Moskowitz, JONSWAP, Ochi-Hubble double linear large deflection analysis, and full output report peak, simplified double peek, and user-defined spectra
and plotting capabilities • Automated or user-specified connection details
Contact Bentley
1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539) • Pile fatigue analysis
Outside the US +1 610-458-5000 Collapse:
• Wave spectra creation from scatter diagram
Global Office Listings Plastic Non-Linear Add-on • Includes non-linear foundation, and non-linear and • Paris equation used to predict crack growth rate due to
plastic analysis capabilities cyclic stresses

• Plastic analysis includes pushover, ship impact, and • Load path dependent joint classifications
blast non-linear analysis • Includes wave spreading effects
• Collapse View interactive collapse results processor • Reservoir (rain flow) cycle counting method
• ISO 19902
Pile-Soil Interaction Bentley Cloud Services:
• Features the PSI non-linear soil/pile/structure • Dramatically reduce compute time for wind turbine
interaction program module designs by providing unlimited analytical resources
using the power of the cloud. Run hundreds of load
Fatigue Enterprise: cases in parallel, reducing compute time by up
Advanced Dynamic Fatigue Package to 10 times over desktop or local server. Perform
• Contains the modules required to perform any dynamic comprehensive analysis of all necessary load conditions
deterministic, time history, or spectral fatigue analysis in a fraction of the time.

Rainflow counting approach to predict the stress cycles Wind turbine fatigue analysis-loading on structure.
resulting from a time history analysis.


© 2018 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley, the “B” Bentley logo, ProjectWise, ProjectWise Connection Services, SACS, and SELECT are either registered or
unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. Other brands and product names
are trademarks of their respective owners. CS16605 01/18

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