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Baculinary T.S. REHMAN

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DATE: 19-05-2017
Fees Details double storey ship's mock-up structure where actual ‘’Fire at Sea’’ conditions are
Non Residential Residential simulated to give the trainees exhaustive training in prevention, control and fighting of
Admission Fee
1st Semester
2nd Semester

3rd Semester Rs.65000 Rs.92500 Established in the year 1912 by the late Sir Mohamed Yusuf, India’s oldest Maritime
4th Semester Rs.65000 Rs.92500 Museum was initially started as an institutional Museum attached to the Marine School.
5th Semester Rs.65000 Rs.92500 Over the years it grew into a full fledged Museum. It is housed in the residence of the late
6th Semester Rs.65000 Rs.92500 Haji Ismail who is reputed to have acquired it from one of the members of the famous
Total Rs.420000 Rs. 585000 Wadia family, the Master ship builders of Bombay. The ground floor galleries are devoted
to the History of Indian Shipping from the
earliest days. There is also a gallery set
1.Caution deposit of Rs.1150/- to be paid at the time of admission. aside for Marine Ecology. The first floor
2.Interest will be levied at 2.5% per month for late payment. contains the history of the Bombay Steam SEAMEN WEL
3.Above fees are subject to change. Navigation Co., the Training Ship Rahaman D

4.Fees shall be paid by Demand draft/ Pay order favouring “Sir Mohamed Yusuf


and one gallery on the Story of Scindias. The


Seaman Welfare foundation”, payable at Mumbai.

second floor contains memorable of the
Yusuf family, whose pioneering efforts have
SHORE LEAVE FOR RESIDENTIAL STUDENTS resulted not only in the first on the west coast
Shore Leave is granted to students once a week on Friday from 0530 pm to 0700 of India. Indian owned Shipping Company,
hrs on Monday. Only those students who have submitted Parent/ Guardian Consent but also the first Marine School and Marine
Forms duly signed will be allowed to proceed on shore leave. Shore leave timings Museum in India.
and days are subject to change.
EXPULSION OF STUDENTS Founded in the year 1915 for the benefit of the local inhabitants of Nhava in memory of the
If it is found that during the period of the training any Cadet deliberately and
consistently flouts the rules and regulations of the establishment, or involved in any
wife of Haji Ismail who died in Damascus in Syria in 1913. Over the years the Hospital has
expanded considerably and today has the only air-conditioned operating theatre in the
major acts of indiscipline the Principal CMCH may expel the student from the whole area, an Xray section, Dental Unit and
Training Ship. In case the applicant for admission is found to have indulged in
ragging in the past or if it is noticed later that he has indulged in raging, admission
may be refused or he may be expelled from the educational institution
Pathology Laboratory. A fully qualified doctor is
in attendance at all times. A small dispensary is
also attached to the Hospital to cater to all
normal requirements of medicines.
Hospital also conducts First Aid Courses for
Merchant Marine Officers, and crew.
A Maritime Reference Library is available VALUABLES: students are not permitted to
for the use of the students where Internet, e- keep more than Rs. 250/- in their possession.
mail & scanning facilities are available on Larger sums & valuables may be kept by them
payment Those desiring to use it should
approach the Librarian.

Mermaid Loaunge & Bridge house

with their local guardians and withdrawn as and
when required. The Training Ship is not responsible for any loss or theft of valuables.

B.A. Culinary Arts
Restaurant Damages or loss to the Training Ship's property due to negligence or otherwise committed Approved by University of Mumbai
In addition to the above facilities the by students will have to be reimbursed to the Training Ship and the Principal’s decision as
establishment also has a canteen where to the amount payable will be final.
soft drinks and snacks are available.
LAUNDRY: The Management or Staff of the Training Ship will in no way be responsible for any
Laundry service is available on payment in the campus, consult the House Keeper for accident or injury suffered by any students during the course of his training at Nhava.
details. However, all Students are covered by a Group Insurance Policy covering only injuries
sustained during bonafide training.


Initiated in the year 1981 by the Directorate
General of Shipping the first Survival at Sea
Course designed to train seafarers in basic
survival techniques at sea was launched on
National Maritime Day with the training of a All correspondence and enquiries should be addressed to:-
batch of seamen from Mogul Lines. Later in The Principal CMCH, Training Ship Rahaman,
1985 davits were added and the far more Sir Mohamed Yusuf Seamen Welfare Foundation, Jahaz Mahal Annexe,
advanced courses in Proficiency in Survival 170 K, Samander Point Estate, Worli, Mumbai, Pin-400 018.
Craft were also introduced for Officers of the Tel : (91-22) 24938740 / 24933324 (MUMBAI) FAX : 24950270 (MUMBAI)
Merchant Marine. The Establishment is a
member of the International Association for
Training Centre: Nhava, Tal: Panvel,Dist: Raigad, Navi Mumbai - 410206
Safety & Survival Training (I.A.S.S.T.) & Tel: (91-22) 27212923 / 920 / 800 (NHAVA) FAX : 27212201 / 27212096 (NHAVA)
Global Met. E-mail: [email protected]
Visit our Web site: www.tsrahaman.org
Inaugurated in Feb 1984 the first centre for
training both Crew and Officers of the Kitchen lab
Merchant Marine in Fire Fighting Courses
as stipulated by the STCW Convention of
the International Maritime Organisation
was established. It has on its ground two
d) Every candidate admitted to the Bachelor of Food & Beverage Studies
BRIEF HISTORY & BACK GROUND: Food & Beverage Guest Service
Established in the year 1910 as an Arts (Culinary Arts) in the affiliated College
conducting the course shall have to register Culinary Math
Orphanage by the Late Haji Ismail Yusuf, it Business Communications
was converted to a Marine School and later himself / herself with the University of Mumbai.
Fundamentals of Information Technology
a College by his eldest son, Sir Mohamed Nutrition & Food Science
Yusuf and has the unique distinction of not ADMISSION PROCEDURE
only being the first and the only one of its In response to the advertisement placed in
newspapers by the Training Ship, students SEMESTER III
type in South Asia, but also the first to train Indian and International Ethnic Cuisines
Indians as Officers for the Merchant Marine. are required to fill up the application form
which is available on our website and submit it Indian Ethnic Culinary Arts (Quantity)
This Nautical Training Institute was later Intermediate Culinary Arts –International
renamed as "Training Ship Rahaman" in together with copies of their 12th standard
Mark Sheet and School Leaving Certificate Intermediate Bakery & Confectionery
1972 by the late Chairman (Emeritus), Mr. A. Beverage Studies
Rashid Yusuf, in memory of his father Mr. Abdul Rahaman, the first President of the before
the last date of submission of application. Every candidate who wish to apply for BA Cuinary Food Cost Controls
Managing Board ( and the eldest son of Sir Mohamed Yusuf). This pioneering Principals of Management
Establishment has over the last nine decades, served the Marine community with Arts will have to submit an online application to University of Mumbai at
“www.mum.digitaluniversity.ac”. Training Ship staff will scrutinise the eligibility criteria and Applied Information Technology
dedication. Gastronomy
The Institution also conducts Pre Sea Courses besides various other STCW Courses on invite the students for a written test and interview. List of selected candidates will be
displayed in the college notice board. Selection will be based on the performance in the The Practice of Business Communication
its premises.
written test and interview. Students will have to undergo a Medical Fitness Test by a Medical
Practitioner appointed by the Foundation. SEMESTER IV
Introduction Professional cooking is gaining more public attention than ever before. Regional Indian Cuisine and Larder
Higher income, added leisure hours, shortening of the Intermediate Culinary Arts-Indian
World has fuelled urge to travel and see the World. The If found medically fit, they are required to submit
their original School Leaving Certificate & Mark Larder and Short Order Cookery
itinerant Indian traveller is conspicuously part of this Intermediate Bakery & Confectionery
phenomenon. Keeping this in mind the College in Sheet (original with 2 photo copies) along with
10 passport size photographs and 10 stamp Menu Development and Function Catering
collaboration with the University of Mumbai has designed Function Catering Operations
a three year Degree Course in Culinary Arts. The size photograph (white shirt, light background
without tie), Medical Fitness Certificate (original Hospitality Financial Accounting
curriculum consists of regional and international cuisines Human Assets Management
with 1 photo copy) and admission fees to the
including French fare which for considerable period has Hospitality Information System
Mumbai Office or Nhava Campus office. Those
set standards in fine art of cooking. During the Course Food Logistics and Food Cost Control
students who are not from Maharashtra will
considerable emphasis is placed on food styling,
presentation, pairing of food and so on. Students gain have to furnish a Migration Certificate and SEMESTER V
expertise in culinary techniques such as braising, roasting, eligibility from University of Mumbai. Parents Advanced Food Production
sautéing, smoking food etc. From learning basics, the of students who come from outside Mumbai Advanced Culinary Arts- Indian
students improvise, as they advance academically. The are required to appoint local guardians, who Food Styling &Presentation
Final Year permits students to hone advance techniques of may be contacted in case of any emergency. Advanced Pastry Arts
this art, viz. chocolate tempering, sugar art, charcuterie, Those who have appeared for Std. XII may Event Planning & Management
meat fabrication and menu engineering. Appropriate and also apply Food Legislation
state of the art infrastructure has been created to facilitate Organizational Development & Behaviour
better learning experience. The focus is on individual and allowing them to fully bring into UNIFORM Hospitality Services Marketing
play their creative potential. Students are required to wear uniforms; Personality Development
On successful completion of the Course, the students have wide ranging career options details are as given in List "A" of the Indian Culture & Traditions
from Commi to Demi chef de Partie, Chef de Partie, Sous Chef, Chef de Cuisine to
corporate Chef commanding authority and responsibility. More enterprising amongst Application Form. In order to maintain a SEMESTER VI
them can venture into entrepreneurship or metamorphose into food critics, food standard pattern, uniforms will be stitched / Experimental and Innovative Cuisine
photographers. supplied by the Training Ship. Professional Advanced Culinary Arts
supplies, personal clothing, toiletries, etc. Advanced Culinary Arts - Indian
ELIGIBILITY required to be brought by the Catering students Advanced Culinary Arts - International
a) A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Culinary Arts) shall will be as given in the List "C" of the Application Chocolaterie
have passed standard XII / 10 + 2 examination (any stream) from any recognized Form. Project Research (Culinary Based)
education board or its equivalent from India or abroad. Kitchen Facilities Planning and Environmental
b) Candidates who has passed Std X and successfully completed a diploma in any LOCATION & DURATION OF COURSE: The Consciousness
stream of minimum two years duration from any recognized education board/university course is of three years duration and held at Entrepreneurship and Restaurant Start up
from India or abroad Nhava Campus. Hostel facilities are available in Food Tourism
c) The selection criteria for admission will be on the basis of written examination and the campus with cabins on a sharing basis. Executive Soft Skills
personal interview conducted by respective institutions / colleges M e a l
timings are displayed on the Catering Department
Notice board and must be strictly
College Building adhered to.

Principles of Food Production
Essential Culinary Arts –Indian
Essential Culinary Arts –International
Essential Bakery & Confectionery
Fundamentals of Food & Beverage Service
Restaurant & Food Service Operations
Food Safety& Hygiene
Introduction to the Hospitality
Product Knowledge
Communication Skills – English & French

Principles of Food Production
Essential Culinary Arts – Indian
Essential Culinary Arts – International
Essential Bakery & Confectionery

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