MC Electrode

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180901-FI60571 INSPECTION CERTIFICATE TradeName: LB -52U Applicable specification end classification Size: ¢ 26 409 / LAB /IC / 1X /2018 AWS A5.1 E7016 F1-6057-E September 01, 2018 Welding Process[ __ SMAW __| Drying Condition Welding condition according Polarity to the code Mo. 0.008 Mechanical Property of Deposited Metal Tensile Test | Impact Test Yield Strength | Tensile Strength | Elongation kgfimm? kgtimm? % ‘Test Temperature | Absorbed Energy °C Joule Test Procedure according to the code PT INTAN PERTII INDUSTRI Kobe Welding Electrode Manufacturer We hereby certify that the test results of the above welding materials are as described herein. INSPECTION CERTIFICATE Trade Name: LB-62 18 ‘sire mm ‘opeabie specication ad casiteaton | Doc. NO. | 112/ LAB MI/ VIN J 2018, ee ee Wig. No.__| Sr5444-L ‘AWS AS.1 E7018 a A Weking Process | SMAW | Drying Contion | 300 °6- 90 ‘Welking condition according Polarty [AC tothe cove Tnterpass Temp. | 190°C ‘Chemicél Composton of Deposted Metal (% ) cy] s [mye] s [ul[a|[ol[wlv 006 | 048 | 9 | 0008 | oor | oar | 0022 | 0.080 | oor | 000 | | Mechanical Property of Deposted Metal” Tenole Test ‘Yel Sirengmh [Tense srongh | emgoten| Te Tempemnre gin? | ign? | ‘e a @ o17 or aa | 2 al a el Tesi Procedure according tothe code PY INTAN PERTII INDUSTRI Kobe Welding Electrode Manufacturer ‘Wi ere certify tht the es results ofthe afore welding menial areas sre beri Note: *' The Jowest value and highest value disregarded. “* Tested size and ig No. For Mechanical test = SESOG3-L (4.0mm dia.)

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