1. aerial survey photogrammetry or remote sensing 17. Geodetic surveying Recognizes that the earth is spherical
actually an oblate spheroid which is
2. Alignment Survey To plan, design, and construct linear
slightly flattened at the poles
projects such as highways, railroads,
pipelines,ect. 18. grid north state plane
3. As-built surveys To document the precise final locations 19. horizontal =? Level
and layouts of engineering works and
20. How does EDM work sends a controlled frequency to
record any changes that may have been
target, reflector sends it back, EDM
incorporated into construction
sees double the distance
4. astronomic north measured by observations of stars or
21. How do you length
quantify a line
5. Boundary Establish property lines and property
22. Hydrogeomatics area associate with surveying work
Survey/Subdivision corner markings
carried out on, above or below the
surface of the sea or other areas of
6. breaking tape repeated measurements are broken so water
that tape can be held level by 2 tape
23. Hydrographic survey Defines shores and depths of water
bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans,
7. closed traverse begin and end on same point ect
8. Construction To provide line, grade, control 24. Instruments used in theodolite with level rod
surveys elevations, horizontal positions, trigonometric total station with reflector
dimensions, and configurations for leveling
construction operations
25. length has what 2 vertical and horizontal
9. Control Survey placement and documentation of directions
precisely measured and monumental
26. Line relationship between 2 end points
points, which form the points of
reference for subsequent surveys 27. mean most probable value of an
observation of function
10. Define Geomatics discipline of gathering, storing,
processing, and delivering geographic 28. Mine to guide tunneling and other
information, or spatially reference Surveys(Geophysical operations associated with mining
information surveys)
11. Define Surveying The science, art, and technology of 29. mistake generally reflect carelessness, fatigue,
determining the relative positions of miscommunication, or poor
points above, on, or beneath the earth's judgement
surface, or of establishing such points 30. National Geodetic Establishes control elevations
12. Earliest Egypt-1400 BC, roman empire, Sruvey
documented work 31. NGS/NCGS control points based on geoid
dates to when
32. North Carolina Maintains additional control points
13. EDM (electronic technology to measure distances based Geodetic Survey beyond the NGS, Operates
distance on speed and frequency of light CORS(Continuously operating
measurement ) reference stations) for GPS
14. Error random variations due to changes in 33. odometer wheel suitable for prelim work and quick
conditions and limitations of equipment checks, subject to ground irregularity,
and observer accuracy up to 1/200
15. First Order Class II 5 34. open traverse being and end on 2 different points
(leveling) m=
35. optical scanning extremely accurate measurements
16. First Order Class I 4 where small tolerances are required
(leveling) m=
36. pacing accuracy from 1/50 to 1/100 for 100 ft
long meausurement
37. Potential attempting to measure beyond capability of 51. systematic error consistent and cumulative from
sources of the system of level rod or operator, or bias measurement to measurement, identify
error for horizontal collimation condition and apply correction factor
52. systematic taping quantifiable and correctable
errors length of tape at standard temp
38. Precision limited by variation between measurements field temp
by the same instrument, variation between tension
the mean measure of a value by the sag
instrument and the true mean, capability of
53. Tangent plane of 0.7 feet elevation in a mile
the observer to read the insrtrument
earth is
39. probability ratio of the number of times the event should
54. taping evolution from use of rods poles ect.,
occur to the total number of possibilities
accuracy 1/10000
40. Proportion of 10-15%
55. Third Order m= 12
FE exam
focused on 56. Topographic 2D representation of variation of
surveying surveys elevation of a 3D surface
41. random error purely random variation, obey laws of 57. traverses sequence of lines whose length and
or accidental statistical chance, tend to even out over directions are determined
error large numbers, apply least squares 58. True north toward geodetic north pole
59. US Geological Maintains cartographic and topographic
42. random non-quantifiable Survey data base
errors measurement off the straight line
60. vertical =? plumb
tape off level
incorrect reading 61. What does height of instrument, add it to elevation
incorrect use of plumb bob backsight
43. range difference between lowest and highest value
of a set of data 62. What does shows the elevation, subtract from height
foresight of instrument
44. residual difference between given value and the mean
45. Second 8
63. What do Decimal feet not feet and inches
Order Class
surveyors and
II (leveling)
Civil Engineers
work in
46. Second 6
64. What is a closed Stop and start at benchmark
Order Class I
(leveling) m=
65. What is a zenith a number to quantify weather a direction
47. Solar surveys To map property boundaries, solar access
angle? is up down or somewhere inbetween
easement, position obstructions and
collectors according to sun angles and meet 66. What is Difference in elevation between a point
other requirements of zoning boards and differential of known elevation and a point of
insurance companies leveling? unknown elevation
48. Source of instrument precision, centering, incorrect 67. What is direction Bearing or Azimuth
error in reflector constant, atmospheric variations in horizontal
optical (temp, pressure, humidity) direction called?
measurement 68. What is Measured vertical distance above/below
49. Sources of natural error, instrumental error, personal elevation? a datum level
error error 69. What is leveling? process if measuring the difference in
50. Steps in Instrument is set up between known and elevation between 2 points or parallel
differential unknown point surfaces
leveling? setup as close to midway point as possible 70. What is open start and finish at 2 different benchmarks
71. What is trigonometric leveling? Like differential leveling, measures difference in elevation between a known and unknown
72. What is wavelength affected by in atmospheric pressure, temp, and humidity
73. Who measured circumference of Eratosthenes