Whitepaper Fracking Shale Gas

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Quantification of the Environmental Footprint

Due to the global decline of fossil energy reserves This procedure is called "hydraulic fracturing".
and resources, unconventional natural gas However, environmental risks are associated with
production has become increasingly important in the unconventional natural gas production.
the last decade. In this context, unconventional Environmentalists have concerns about the
natural gas production means the production of potential environmental consequences of this
shale gas, tight gas and coal bed methane. The production technique, an aspect which has
significant difference between unconventional and awakened the public’s interest.
conventional natural gas production is
How to determine the environmental footprint?
characterized by differences in the mobility of the
gas and therefore in differences in the extraction A useful approach to determine the environmental
technologies and measures. Conventional natural footprint of unconventional gas production is Life
gas is extracted by drilling vertical wells and can be Cycle Assessment (LCA). According to ISO
produced without further technical measures. In 14040/14044 this approach includes the holistic
contrast, the extraction of unconventional natural consideration and analysis of all relevant supply
gas requires the drilling of horizontal wells and chain processes across the whole life cycle of the
pumping of chemicals/water to create fractures in product.
the rock of the reservoir around the well.
PE INTERNATIONAL AG Phone +49 711 341817-0
Hauptstraße 111-113 Fax +49 711 341817-25
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen [email protected]
Germany www.pe-international.com

Using the “GaBi” software for life cycle engineering,  Sankey diagrams of the whole energy and
LCA models are developed to represent all relevant mass balance
process steps of the unconventional natural gas  Calculation of the carbon footprint
production. These detailed process steps include  Calculation of the water footprint
inputs like energy and material flows as well as  Analysis of further environmental impacts,
their emissions. Subsequently, the environmental including acidification, toxicity, land use, etc.
impact is evaluated.  Determination of direct (on site) or indirect
emissions of natural gas production (during
Primary data from natural gas producers as well as
production of purchased chemicals –
secondary data (taken from the GaBi database of
keyword: supply chain)
thinkstep) can be used for the development of the
 Scenario analyses: Evaluation of the
LCA model.
environmental impacts of different aspects

Which aspects are taken into consideration? including:

− different chemicals of hydraulic
 Expenditures for the installation of the
production facility (energy consumption and
− different methods of water recycling and
materials required for the well installation,
operating materials for hydraulic fracturing
− the application of so-called "reduced
(water, sand and chemicals, etc.)
emission completion" methods to reduce
 Production and processing of the natural gas
emissions caused by flaring and venting
(energy consumption and operating
during the well installation and
− different energy carriers for energy
 Flaring and venting during well installation
supply (natural gas, diesel, electricity
and during refracturing (if needed).
from the grid, etc.)
 Treatment and recycling of waste water
 Assessment of the development of
("flowback fluid")
ecological impacts over time: 2010, 2020,
 Treatment and recycling of waste
2030, etc.
 Comparative analyses - LCA results can be
What can be done with LCA models?
compared to the results of public studies and

There are many different aspects which can be competitors

considered in a LCA model in order to assess the

environmental impacts:
PE INTERNATIONAL AG Phone +49 711 341817-0
Hauptstraße 111-113 Fax +49 711 341817-25
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen [email protected]
Germany www.pe-international.com

What are the benefits? The studies can be carried out by

thinkstep as well as in cooperation with the
 Reduction of operating costs, by saving
energy, water and waste water, waste and
other resources  Development of LCA models and provision of
 Determination of the (direct and indirect) trainings on how to use them
sources of the relevant emissions in the  Provision of secondary LCA data, e.g. to close
supply chain to manage and reduce data gaps
environmental footprint  Internal and external communication
 Identify "hot spots" for the environmental
improvement of a system
About thinkstep
 Benchmark of the calculated results with
that of the conventional production or with thinkstep enables organizations worldwide to
other energy sources (crude oil, coal, etc.) succeed sustainably. Our industry-leading
environmental sustainability software, data and
 Transparency and improvement of
consulting services help businesses drive
communications with stakeholders, operational excellence, product innovation, brand
investors and public authorities value and regulatory compliance.

 Competitive advantages and differentiation. With a global presence of 20 offices we serve more
than 8,000 clients, including 45 percent of the
Fortune 100 such as BASF, Hewlett-Packard,
How can thinkstep provide support? Interface, Renault, Siemens and Unilever.

 Workshops about sustainability and

sustainability strategies
 LCA capacity building in the company
 World leading LCA software, GaBi
 Conduction of LCA studies:
− Data collection
− Construction of LCA models
− Evaluation and interpretation of LCA
− Provision of reports and presentations
− Derivation of recommendations

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