Standard Operating Procedure: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance
Standard Operating Procedure: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance
Standard Operating Procedure: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance
The University of Virginia (UVA) has a permit to operate a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
(MS4) issued by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. This permit authorizes UVA to
discharge stormwater pursuant to the Virginia Stormwater Management Program and the Virginia
Stormwater Management Act.
Since storm drain systems are not connected to a sanitary sewer treatment plant, water traveling
through the storm drain system flows untreated directly to local streams, rivers and lakes. An illicit
discharge to the storm system is generally defined as any discharge that is not composed entirely of
stormwater. UVA’s MS4 Program “shall include all procedures developed by the operator to detect,
identify, and address nonstormwater discharges to the MS4.” 1
1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to describe the proper means for maintaining vehicles and
equipment that are used or stored outdoors at UVA. Improperly maintained vehicles and
equipment can generate spills or leaks that can enter the storm sewer system or generate
contaminated stormwater runoff. Discharge of these contaminants into a storm drain is
considered an “Illicit Discharge.” Illicit discharges can result in significant fines from regulatory
2.0 Scope
This procedure applies to those departments at UVA that have fleet vehicles, mechanized
equipment, and other motorized implements that are used or stored outdoors and may be
exposed to stormwater.
3.0 Responsibility
General Permit No: VAR040073, General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Small Municipal Separate
Storm Sewer Systems.
Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance
3.2 Managers
Managers are responsible for ensuring that staff who operate and maintain vehicles or
equipment are familiar with and follow these procedures. Managers and supervisors are
responsible for ensuring training is conducted with the most recent version of the SOP.
Personnel are responsible for following the correct procedures for vehicle or equipment
4.0 Procedures
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Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance
Illicit discharges are prohibited by the University’s MS4 permit and by the City of
Charlottesville’s Water Protection Ordinance. The University’s storm sewer system is directly
connected to the City’s; therefore, any discharge into UVA’s storm system impacts the City’s
storm sewer system. This offense is punishable by civil and criminal penalties as illicit discharges
constitute a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare, and are deemed public nuisances.
*Printed versions of SOPs with previous review dates are considered current as long as the version
number is the same as the current version. Current versions of all SOPs are maintained on the UVA
Environmental Resources website.
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