Polarization Microscopy: Quantitative Polariza-Tion
Polarization Microscopy: Quantitative Polariza-Tion
Polarization Microscopy: Quantitative Polariza-Tion
Polarization Microscopy
Molecular bonds and their geo- applied in fluorescent, OCT, nonlin- Nulla egestas vehicula nisl sed ve-
metrical arrangement in space make ear microscopy, etc. hicula. Etiam ipsum dolor, aliquam
certain materials have birefringence For many applications cross polar- eget sapien mollis, tempus elemen-
and dichroic properties. Polarization ization is all that is needed. However tum mi. Vivamus a auctor sem. In
measurements have the advantage of for greater sensitivity in not so brire- fringilla nunc at imperdiet rhoncus.
showing anisotropic characteristics of fringent samples and to obtain addi- Integer sagittis iaculis libero, at ul-
the object under examination. Many tional metrics many techniques are tricies neque laoreet ac.
applications integrate an area report- able to obtained some or all the infor- Integer id congue eros. Phasellus
ing a single measurement like with a mation relating to the polarization el- venenatis pulvinar nisl, sed ultrices
photo detector and others an array of lipse described by electromanetic the- arcu vulputate non. Mauris at congue
data like when using a camera. ory but more conviniently especify by arcu, eget sollicitudin purus. Phasel-
A qualitative and widely known Stokes parameter. lus ullamcorper erat sed leo molestie,
imaging technique is cross polar- non ultrices enim aliquam. Donec
ization. A microscope schematic is cursus, arcu vitae ultricies euismod,
shown in Fig. 1. The polarizer Quantitative Polariza- massa ante ornare nunc, et porttitor
and analizer have their optical axis tion erat augue iaculis nisl. Mauris ornare
pependicular to each other so that neque nisl, non pretium dolor adip-
At every point in the plane of
no signal reaches the camera. Adding iscing nec. Nulla nibh est, aliquam
propagation (assuming only normal
a sample causes the polarization sed sollicitudin vel, imperdiet ut ante.
incidence) the state of polarization
properties to change so that there can be characterize by the polariza-
is a finite polarization component tion ellipse, see Fig. 2.
projection along the analizers opti- Since theta, and the semi major The fourth news item
cal axis. This way every signal that and minor axis can not be measured by AUTHOR N AME
reaches the camera contains informa- directly a formalism was derived in
tion about the structure of the sam- order
ple. Donec non nisl a arcu consequat
The simplicity of just adding a varius. Sed suscipit cursus luctus.
pair of polarizers to your microscope The third news item Nulla sit amet elit augue. Curabitur
setting and getting more information scelerisque mollis dolor, quis blan-
makes cross polarization and other dit lorem condimentum at. Pellen-
polarization techniques very broad in tesque sed nibh vel dolor sagittis sem-
their application. This is partly be- Donec non nisl a arcu consequat per. Maecenas lacus enim, suscipit
cause the addition of these compo- varius. Sed suscipit cursus luctus. ut suscipit eget, feugiat vitae elit.
nents doesn’t usually interfere with Nulla sit amet elit augue. Curabitur Sed volutpat justo nisi, ac bibendum
your settings. One of the advantages scelerisque mollis dolor, quis blan- ante. Sed lacinia eros in massa euis-
is that it is non invasive. The sample dit lorem condimentum at. Pellen- mod a iaculis metus fringilla. Integer
is not modified or killed with stain- tesque sed nibh vel dolor sagittis sem- dapibus nulla id purus consectetur.
ing or tagging or by shining energetic per. Maecenas lacus enim, suscipit 1. The first point
radiation. In the case of quantitative ut suscipit eget, feugiat vitae elit. 2. In an example list
techniques briefly explain later it pro- Sed volutpat justo nisi, ac bibendum 3. And the last
vides additional metrics since it is not ante. Sed lacinia eros in massa euis- Fusce placerat ultricies massa sed
just the intensity that is measured. In mod a iaculis metus fringilla. Integer tristique. Aenean mattis nulla id eros
many settings it is a high speed tech- dapibus nulla id purus consectetur. adipiscing, vel pulvinar augue vehic-
nique. Fusce placerat ultricies massa sed ula. Cras ultricies non turpis sit amet
The addition of these is use- tristique. Aenean mattis nulla id eros tincidunt. Quisque mollis vitae felis
ful when imaging highly anisotropic adipiscing, vel pulvinar augue vehic- eu feugiat. Sed nec vehicula dolor.
samples like crystals, sugar solutions, ula. Cras ultricies non turpis sit amet Nulla egestas vehicula nisl sed ve-
LCD, Oocyte embryos inner spindles tincidunt. Quisque mollis vitae felis hicula. Etiam ipsum dolor, aliquam
and and cellular samples. They are eu feugiat. Sed nec vehicula dolor. eget sapien mollis, tempus elemen-