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Configuring The DHCP Relay

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CH A P T E R 6

Configuring the DHCP Relay

This chapter describes how Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

servers provide configuration parameters to DHCP clients. DHCP supplies
network settings, including the host IP address, the default gateway, and a DNS
server. When DHCP clients and associated servers do not reside on the same IP
network or subnet, a DHCP relay agent can transfer DHCP messages between
them. The DHCP relay agent operates as the interface between DHCP clients and
the server. It listens for client requests and adds vital configuration data, such as
the client’s link information, which is needed by the server to allocate the address
for the client. When the DHCP server responds, the DHCP relay agent forwards
the reply back to the DHCP client.

Note The ACE does not support DHCP relay for DHCP broadcast packets received on
shared VLANs.

This chapter contains the following major sections:

• DHCP Server and Client Overview
• DHCP Relay Configuration Quick Start
• Configuring the DHCP Relay Agent
• Viewing DHCP Relay Configuration and Statistics

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Chapter 6 Configuring the DHCP Relay
DHCP Server and Client Overview

DHCP Server and Client Overview

DHCP provides a framework for passing configuration information dynamically
to hosts on a TCP/IP network. A DHCP client is an Internet host using DHCP to
obtain configuration parameters such as an IP address.
A DHCP relay agent is any host that forwards DHCP packets between clients and
servers. Relay agents are used to forward requests and replies between clients and
servers when they are not on the same physical subnet. Relay agent forwarding is
distinct from the normal forwarding of an IP router, where IP datagrams are
switched between networks somewhat transparently. By contrast, relay agents
receive DHCP messages and then generate a new DHCP message to send on
another interface.
Figure 6-1 shows the basic steps that occur when a DHCP client requests an IP
address from a DHCP server. The client, Host A, sends a DHCPDISCOVER
broadcast message to locate a DHCP server. A relay agent forwards the packets
between the DHCP client and server. A DHCP server offers configuration
parameters (such as an IP address, a MAC address, a domain name, and a lease
for the IP address) to the client in a DHCPOFFER unicast message.

Figure 6-1 DHCP Request for an IP Address from a DHCP Server


Host A relay DHCP
agent DHCPOFFER (unicast) server
DHCPREQUEST (broadcast)
DHCPACK (unicast)


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Chapter 6 Configuring the DHCP Relay
DHCP Relay Configuration Quick Start

DHCP Relay Configuration Quick Start

Table 6-1 provides a quick overview of the steps required to configure the DHCP
relay function on the ACE. Each step includes the CLI command required to
complete the task. For a complete description of each feature and all the options
associated with the CLI command, see the sections following Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 DHCP Relay Configuration Quick Start

Task and Command Example

1. If you are operating in multiple contexts, observe the CLI prompt to verify
that you are operating in the desired context. If necessary, log directly in to,
or change to, the correct context.
host1/Admin# changeto C1

The rest of the examples in this table use the Admin context unless
otherwise specified. For details on creating contexts, see the Cisco 4700
Series Application Control Engine Appliance Virtualization Configuration
2. Enter configuration mode by entering config.
host1/Admin# config
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z
3. Enable the DHCP relay agent to accept DHCP requests from clients on the
associated context or VLAN interface.
host1/Admin(config)# ip dhcp relay enable
4. Specify the IP address of a DHCP server to which the DHCP relay agent
forwards client requests.
host1/Admin(config)# ip dhcp relay server
5. (Optional) Configure a relay agent information reforwarding policy on the
DHCP server to identify what the DHCP server should do if a forwarded
message already contains relay information.
host1/Admin(config)# ip dhcp relay information policy replace
6. (Optional) Save your configuration changes to flash memory.
host1/Admin(config)# exit
host1/Admin# copy running-config startup-config

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Chapter 6 Configuring the DHCP Relay
Configuring the DHCP Relay Agent

Configuring the DHCP Relay Agent

This section describes how to configure the DHCP relay agent on the ACE. When
you configure the ACE as a DHCP relay agent, it is responsible for forwarding the
requests and responses that are negotiated between the DHCP clients and the
server. By default, the DHCP relay agent is disabled. You must configure a DHCP
server when you enable the DHCP relay agent.
You can configure the DHCP relay agent at both the context and VLAN interface
levels of the ACE.
• If you configure the DHCP relay agent at the context level, the configuration
applies to all interfaces associated with the context.
• If you configure the DHCP relay agent at the VLAN interface level, the
configuration applies to that particular interface only; the remaining
interfaces revert to the context level configuration.
This section contains the following topics:
• Enabling the DHCP Relay
• Specifying the DHCP Server IP Address
• Configuring a Relay Agent Information Reforwarding Policy

Enabling the DHCP Relay

You can accept DHCP requests from clients on the associated context or VLAN
interface and enable the DHCP relay agent by using the ip dhcp relay enable
command. The DHCP relay starts forwarding packets to the DHCP server address
specified in the ip dhcp relay server command for the associated VLAN interface
or context.
The syntax of this command is:

ip dhcp relay enable

For example, to enable the DHCP relay to all interfaces associated with a context,
host1/Admin(config)# ip dhcp relay enable

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Chapter 6 Configuring the DHCP Relay
Configuring the DHCP Relay Agent

For example, to enable the DHCP relay at the VLAN interface level, enter:
host1/Admin(config)# interface vlan 50
host1/Admin(config-if)# ip dhcp relay enable

To disable the DHCP relay for all interfaces associated with a context, enter:
host1/Admin(config)# no ip dhcp relay enable

To disable the DHCP relay on the VLAN interface, enter:

host1/Admin(config-if)# no ip dhcp relay enable

Specifying the DHCP Server IP Address

You can set the IP address of a DHCP server to which the DHCP relay agent
forwards client requests by using the ip dhcp relay server command.
The syntax of this command is:

ip dhcp relay server ip_address

The ip_address argument specifies the IP address of the DHCP server. Enter the
address in dotted-decimal IP notation (for example,
For example, to set the IP address of a DHCP relay server to all interfaces
associated with a context, enter:
host1/Admin(config)# ip dhcp relay enable
host1/Admin(config)# ip dhcp relay server

For example, to set the IP address of a DHCP relay server at the VLAN interface
level, enter:
host1/Admin(config)# interface vlan 50
host1/Admin(config-if)# ip dhcp relay enable
host1/Admin(config-if)# ip dhcp relay server

To remove the IP address of a DHCP server, enter:

host1/Admin(config-if)# no ip dhcp relay server

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Chapter 6 Configuring the DHCP Relay
Configuring the DHCP Relay Agent

Configuring a Relay Agent Information Reforwarding Policy

You can configure the DHCP relay agent to identify the action to perform if a
forwarded message already contains relay information by using the ip dhcp relay
information policy command in configuration mode. By default, the
reforwarding policy is to drop the DHCP relay packet.

Note You cannot set the relay agent information reforwarding policy at the VLAN
interface level; you can only globally set this function for all interfaces associated
with a context.

The syntax of this command is:

ip dhcp relay information policy {keep | replace}

The keywords are:

• keep—Indicates that existing information is left unchanged on the DHCP
relay agent.
• replace—Indicates that existing information is overwritten on the DHCP
relay agent.
For example, to set the relay agent information reforwarding policy to replace
existing information for all interfaces associated with a context, enter:
host1/Admin(config)# ip dhcp relay information policy replace

To restore the default relay information policy to drop the DHCP relay packet,
host1/Admin(config)# no ip dhcp relay information policy replace

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Chapter 6 Configuring the DHCP Relay
Viewing DHCP Relay Configuration and Statistics

Viewing DHCP Relay Configuration and Statistics

You can view configuration information and statistics collected for the DHCP
relay agent by using the show ip dhcp relay command. There are three show
commands for DHCP relay:
• show ip dhcp relay conf—Displays the DHCP configuration information.
• show ip dhcp relay information policy—Displays the relay agent
information reforwarding policy status.
• show ip dhcp relay statistics—Displays the DHCP relay statistics.
The output of this command increments until you enter the clear ip dhcp relay
statistics command.
For example, to display the configured status of the relay agent information
reforwarding policy, enter:
host/Admin# show ip dhcp relay information policy
DHCP Relay reforwarding policy configured = REPLACE

To clear all of the DHCP relay statistics information, use the clear ip dhcp relay
statistics command. For example, enter:
host1/Admin# clear ip dhcp relay statistics

Table 6-2 describes the fields in the show ip dhcp relay conf command output.

Table 6-2 Field Descriptions for the show ip dhcp relay conf Command

Field Description
Context level configuration Configuration information for the DHCP relay
agent at the context level.
Status Operating status of the DHCP server at the context
level: Enabled or Disabled.
Server IP address of the DHCP server at the context level.

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Chapter 6 Configuring the DHCP Relay
Viewing DHCP Relay Configuration and Statistics

Table 6-2 Field Descriptions for the show ip dhcp relay conf Command Output

Field Description
Interface level Configuration information for the DHCP relay
configuration agent at the VLAN interface level.
VLAN Assigned interface VLAN number.
Interface ID Interface ID for the VLAN.
Status Operating status of the DHCP server at the VLAN
interface level: Enabled or Disabled.
Server IP address of the DHCP server at the VLAN
interface level.

Table 6-3 describes the fields in the show ip dhcp relay statistics command

Table 6-3 Field Descriptions for the show ip dhcp relay statistics Command

Field Description
Context level configuration Statistics for the DHCP relay agent at the context
Number of Incremented number of forwarded
BOOTREQUEST packets BOOTREQUEST packets to a DHCP server.
Number of Incremented number of forwarded
DHCPDISCOVER packets DHCPDISCOVER packets to a DHCP server.
Number of Incremented number of forwarded
DHCPREQUEST packets DHCPREQUEST packets to a DHCP server.
Number of Incremented number of forwarded
DHCPDECLINE packets DHCPDECLINE packets to a DHCP server.

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Chapter 6 Configuring the DHCP Relay
Viewing DHCP Relay Configuration and Statistics

Table 6-3 Field Descriptions for the show ip dhcp relay statistics Command
Output (continued)

Field Description
Number of Incremented number of forwarded
DHCPRELEASE packets DHCPRELEASE packets to a DHCP server.
Number of DHCPINFORM Incremented number of forwarded
packets relayed DHCPINFORM packets to a DHCP server.
Number of BOOTREPLY Incremented number of forwarded BOOTREPLY
packets relayed packets to a DHCP server.
Number of DHCPOFFER Incremented number of forwarded DHCPOFFER
packets relayed packets to a DHCP server.
Number of DHCPACK Incremented number of forwarded DHCPACK
packets relayed packets to a DHCP server.
Number of DHCPNAK Incremented number of forwarded DHCPNAK
packets relayed packets to a DHCP server.
Number of failures while Number of failures that occurred while the DHCP
relaying relay agent forwarded packets to a DHCP server.
Interface level Statistics for the DHCP relay agent at the VLAN
configuration interface level.

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Chapter 6 Configuring the DHCP Relay
Viewing DHCP Relay Configuration and Statistics

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