Treating Clients With Asperger 'S Syndrome and Autism: Review Open Access
Treating Clients With Asperger 'S Syndrome and Autism: Review Open Access
Treating Clients With Asperger 'S Syndrome and Autism: Review Open Access
Asperger’s syndrome (AS) is a form of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affecting many individuals today. Although
neurobiological correlates for AS have been identified, like many ASDs, AS is not completely understood. AS as a
distinct disorder is also not universally accepted and in the DSM-5 AS is not considered a separate nosological
entity. In contrast to some other ASDs, individuals with AS are commonly characterized by having standard or
higher than average intelligence, yet difficulties in social skills and communication can present challenges for these
individuals in everyday functioning. Counseling a person with AS or autism presents a unique challenge for the
mental health care provider. We have compiled this review consisting of some recent ideas regarding counseling
the client with AS with the goal of providing some clinical insights and practical clues. Although the focus of the
present paper is largely on AS, many of these strategies could also apply to individuals with high-functioning
autism (HFA).
Keywords: Asperger, Autism, Counseling, ASD, Autistic, High-functioning-autism
Introduction AS will not qualify for ASD diagnosis on DSM-5 and that
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), including Asperger’s appropriate services will not be received by everyone who
syndrome (AS), have been by the presence of a “triad” of requires them [6].
impairments: 1) social deficits, 2) repetitive/stereotypical At least one study indicated that the draft DSM-5 criteria
behaviors and interests and 3) communication difficulties were less sensitive in diagnosing individuals previously di-
[1]. Additional ASDs have in the past included Autism and agnosed with AS with an ASD [7]. It should be noted that
pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified the WHO ICD-10 system retains the classification of AS
(PDD-NOS) [2]. AS was originally described by Asperger and is not due to be revised until the introduction of ICD-
in 1944 [3] but was not included in the DSM-IV until 1994 11 in 2015. Lack of diagnosis and treatment of AS is
[4]. In May 2013 the DSM-5 was introduced, subsuming already a concern. Since individuals with AS are of average
both AS and PDD-NOS under the umbrella term ASD. intelligence or above, they may fall into a therapeutic “no
This will now be used to classify all of the discrete autistic man’s land” and be considered too high-functioning for
disorders previously classified separately on the DSM-IV. disability services [8,9]. In contrast, other studies have sug-
Clinical aspects are divided into a dyad of impairments: gested that the impact of the revisions may be to reduce
1) persistent deficits in social communication issues and false positive diagnoses of ASDs [10] or that most children
2) restricted, repetitive behavior, interests and activities [5]. with DSM-IV ASD diagnoses will remain diagnosed under
The extent to which the DSM-IV and DSM-5 diagnoses DSM-5 criteria [11].
will overlap is currently uncertain and concerns have been
expressed that some individuals previously diagnosed with
Recent estimates indicate that 1 in 88 US children have
* Correspondence: an ASD, including AS. ASDs in general occur more fre-
Chemistry and Biomolecular Science, Clarkson University, 8 Clarkson Avenue, quently in boys than girls; one in 54 boys and one in 252
Potsdam, NY 13699-5810, USA girls are affected [12] and this gender bias is also true of
Neuropsychology Clinic and Psychoeducation Services, SUNY Plattsburgh,
Plattsburgh, NY 12901, USA AS. A United States government survey (Centers for Dis-
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article ease Control and Prevention; CDC) of parents indicates
© 2013 Woods et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication
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Woods et al. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 2013, 7:32 Page 2 of 8
that the prevalence may even be as high as 1 in 50 [13]. neuroimaging studies have further supported neuroana-
The overall prevalence of AS is not completely clear, how- tomical differences in AS versus HFA [25,26]. A recent art-
ever, it has been estimated that 2–7 out of every 1,000 chil- icle utilizing EEG examined patients aged 2–12, diagnosed
dren have AS, and AS is 2–4 times more common in with either ASD (n = 430) or AS (n = 26). Neurotypical
boys than girls [14,15]. ASD incidence in general appears controls were also studied (n = 554). Although the individ-
to be on the rise, although the contribution of a true in- uals with AS were neurophysiologically more similar to in-
crease versus improvements in awareness and diagnosis dividuals with ASD than controls, they also appeared to
is not currently known. It is believed by many that im- represent a population that could be distinguished from
proved detection alone does not account for increases in subjects with ASD, based on EEG patterns [27]. In con-
ASD prevalence [16]. trast, a meta-analysis of gray matter abnormalities in ASD
(24 data sets) failed to identify differences in overall or re-
Distinction from other ASDs gional gray matter volumes between individuals with aut-
AS has been largely distinguished from other ASDs ism versus AS [28]. A diagnostic study has suggested that
based on a lack of delay in cognitive development (other distinctions among subtypes of ASDs, specifically autistic
than social), and a lack of delay in language development disorder, PDD-NOS and AS, were not reliable across sites
[2]. Neither a lack of nor a delay in cognitive or language using standardized diagnostic tools [29].
development was a DSM-IV or is an ICD-10 exclusion As mentioned, the DSM-5 does not distinguish between
criterion for an autism diagnosis. For some this created AS and autism, while the ICD-10 does. Although the term
confusion as it did not allow clear demarcation of AS, AS is used throughout this paper and the sources cited
while for others it marked the need for additional dis- largely also assume that AS is a distinct diagnosis, we also
criminators such as motor function and neuropsycho- acknowledge the possibility that autism and AS are the
logical profiling. Individuals with AS are said to have a same condition. Equally, it may prove to be the case that
higher probability of presenting with motor difficulties there are a range of distinct ASD conditions that can be
(clumsiness), and some groups, though not all, have also discriminated. This issue is the subject of continuing re-
reported that they are more likely to show a non-verbal search. Over the period from 2000 to 2012 studies pub-
learning disability profile in contrast to those with an lished on AS using ICD or DSM diagnosed populations
HFA diagnosis of similar overall cognitive ability [17]. were based on broadly comparable criteria, while earlier
AS is therefore often diagnosed later than other ASDs, work varied in the AS criteria employed.
(after age three or so) [18]. Distinguishing AS from It should be noted that the literature on treatment
high-functioning autism (HFA) or PDD-NOS in individ- differs in the diagnostic criteria used and clinical groups
uals without cognitive problems can be difficult [19], studied. The therapeutic strategies reviewed may apply
and it is this lack of distinction that has led to the elim- to individuals with AS or HFA regardless of the diag-
ination of these terms in DSM-5. There is a continuing nostic definition used, but their applicability needs to
controversy regarding whether or not these are in fact be tested where only work with AS or autism has been
distinct disorders [20]. reported.
Symptomatically, people with AS have been described
as having poorer motor skills and better language than Social difficulties
people with HFA [21]. A study of neuromotor behavior Individuals with AS may have conventional vocabularies
has further supported behavioral distinctions between but they typically have problems with social communica-
AS and HFA, based on gait patterns [22]. A neuroimag- tion, particularly conversation, non-verbal cues and re-
ing study using magnetic resonance imaging indicated ciprocal interaction [30-33]. They have been said to have
that children with AS do seem to comprise a distinct difficulties in empathy and theory-of-mind (the ability to
ASD subgroup, based primarily on grey matter volumes. distinguish between one’s own mental state and that of
In comparison to children with AS, children with HFA others) [34,35]. Individuals with AS may have trouble
had significantly smaller grey matter volume in subcor- processing social meaning due to having these challenges.
tical, posterior cingulate and precuneus regions of the According to one study comparing 15 adults diagnosed
brain. Children with AS had less grey matter in mainly with AS versus 15 non-ASD control subjects, adults with
bilateral caudate and left thalamus versus non-ASD con- AS experience social cognition deficits, including the
trols [23]. In addition, brain white matter volumes in sev- decreased ability to implicitly encode and integrate con-
eral anatomical locations are distinct in children with AS textual information to access social meaning. However, if
from both children with HFA and controls, possibly indi- abstract rules specific to a social situation are presented,
cating different patterns of brain connectivity in people or if social information is given in an explicit manner,
with AS [24]. This neuroanatomical evidence was inter- adults with AS can perform in a social situation more ap-
preted as supporting that AS is a distinct disorder. Other propriately [36].
Woods et al. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 2013, 7:32 Page 3 of 8
Social awkwardness can be a vicious cycle for people SDARI is a group, manualized intervention that utilizes
with AS, since they lack social skills which in turn can 1) a performance-based social skills curriculum consisting
prevent them from forming relationships with other of improvisation games and dramatic training specifically
people and thus hinders the development of these skills developed for people with AS 2), a focus on dyadic rela-
[37]. The social isolation and difficulties caused by AS tionships between child-child and child-staff for reinforcing
frequently result in reduced quality of life, and may in- social interactions, and 3) additional age-specific motiva-
crease the incidence of depression and anxiety [38]. So- tors (for example, video games). Nine participants age 11–
cial anxiety in individuals with AS has been said to be 17 with ASD participated in the study and were compared
distinct from conventional social anxiety, since people to eight age-matched individuals with AS who served as
with AS are confused about social rules whereas non-AS a control group. The control group did not participate at
individuals with social anxiety may be ruminating about the time of the study but these individuals may or may
social rejection [35]. Depression may be directly related not have participated at a different time. Outcome was
to social problems in people with AS [39]. Anxiety is measured through parent and child reports of social
also common [40], likely based on social difficulties and functioning. These were collected at three week intervals,
sensory overload. Therapists are often in the position of starting three weeks prior to the training and continuing
providing guidance regarding social interactions when until six weeks after completion. The SDARI program
counseling people with AS [35]. Therefore, social skill participants experienced improved ability to detect emo-
development and understanding of social interactions tion in adult voices from baseline relative to controls and
may take an important role in therapy with individuals in assertion, and the gains persisted up to six weeks fol-
with AS. lowing the treatment [43].
Individuals with AS may have a tendency to persist- In addition to group training, individual social skills
ently focus on specific topics in conversational speech, training using a cognitive-behavioral framework has also
or conversation may take on an instructional, sometimes proven effective for improving social behaviors in indi-
patronizing tone or may be overly formal or pedantic viduals with high-functioning ASDs, including AS [44].
[32,41]. Naturally these patterns of conversation are im- The use of video modeling for enhancing conversation
portant for counselors and therapists to be aware of skills has been supported in a case study of a boy with
when working with clients with AS. Counselors may AS [45]. A further, two-subject study in college students
want to remind themselves that these are common char- reported a significant positive change in eye contact, fa-
acteristics found in individuals with AS. It may be im- cial expression, and conversational turn-taking for one
portant in addition for the therapist to note that people participant and in eye contact and turn-taking for the
with AS do not always understand the effect their behav- other [46]. Social-behavioral learning strategy training
ior has on others [34]. Pedantic speech may indicate that (Stop-Observe-Deliberate-Act; SODA) has also been used
the client is anxious or uncomfortable and therefore to improve social interaction skills in four students with
reverting to a habitual pattern of speaking. People with AS [47]. In this study, all four participants increased the
AS may experience social interactions as generally time they spent in cooperative learning activities, in playing
anxiety-provoking [37,42], which makes formation of a sports and in visiting peers at lunchtime.
therapeutic alliance in clients with AS particularly chal- A further study compared LEGO therapy (n = 16), a
lenging. Predictability of a therapeutic environment can Social Use of Language Program (SULP) (n = 15) and
help clients with AS to feel safe, therefore therapists no therapy control group (n = 16) in children age 6–11
might want to consider any ways in which the thera- with HFA or AS. LEGO therapy, which involved building
peutic environment or the routine of therapy could be models using LEGO materials in pairs or small groups,
made to be consistent [42]. Sincerity on the part of the was found to produce greater improvement than either
therapist is also crucial, since these individuals have been SULP or no therapy on autism specific social interaction
proposed to have little tolerance for falsity [37], perhaps scores (using the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale). Maladap-
because they do not understand the social utility of in- tive behavior significantly decreased to a greater extent in
sincerity in some situations. Therefore, it may be advis- the LEGO and SULP groups compared to the no therapy
able to put concerns into simple, direct terms, even if it controls [48].
means telling the individual with AS directly that that Therapists may consider incorporating components
person is engaging in an undesirable behavior. from any of these four approaches (SDARI, video model-
Social difficulties are common in AS, and conse- ing, SODA, LEGO therapy) in their own work with indi-
quently many research studies have focused on interven- viduals with AS focusing on social skills and may refer
tions directed at improving social interaction. One study to the cited work to better understand these approaches.
described the development of socio-dramatic affective- We should note however, that the literature cited is most
relational intervention’ (SDARI), a six-week program. substantive for the LEGO approach and that the other
Woods et al. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 2013, 7:32 Page 4 of 8
studies were conducted on small, unreplicated samples. targeting social deficits in autism were supported by
Therefore, it may be advisable to monitor the effects of the studies reviewed [52]. From 2004, group designs
the other interventions carefully. began to be reported and have greatly strengthened the
Group training, if available, may be valuable because evidence-base for social skills training. The review did
it provides opportunities for structured social interaction. not focus on social skills training in AS per se, however
Therapists might encourage clients with AS to utilize the use of social skills groups and video modeling treat-
their special skills to increase opportunities for social- ments for autism in general were supported by this litera-
ization. One case study examined increases in social ac- ture [52]. Several methods for addressing social skills
ceptance of a boy who engaged in collaborative computer training have been identified and evaluated and have em-
work in school with his peers. The authors of this study pirical support for their possible efficacy in working with
reported that the experience improved the boy’s ability to AS clients.
interact with peers and seemed increase his social profile
with classmates in general [49]. Unfortunately, like many Restricted interests
studies examining social skills training in AS, this report Individuals with AS may have extremely restricted in-
is a case study, therefore although the approach may ap- terests. In some cases (though not always), restricted
pear promising, more rigorous evaluation is needed. The interests can manifest as “special interests” ie., hob-
case does illustrate the concept, however, of using special bies. One clinician has suggested that the special in-
skills (computer work) to engage in social interactions terests of AS clients can be utilized in counseling, for
with others. example, a client with a special interest in Star Trek
A review of studies on the effects of social skills training was once asked “what would Mr. Spock do in a situ-
on children and adolescents with ASDs in general, found ation like this?” [8]. Asking the client about interests
that out of ten social skills training studies, seven reported may also serve as an initial means for developing an
positive effects of treatment. Unfortunately, several prob- alliance and increasing the comfort of the client with the
lems in interpreting across studies were identified, includ- therapy setting [37,42]. One client with AS discussed
ing lack of a universal social skills definition, differences in the composition of meteors at length when asked about
levels of intensity or duration of social skills training, differ- them by a therapist and seemed pleased to be consulted
ences in services provided in the clinic or classroom. Study about his expertise on the subject. This initial half hour of
sizes were small and tended not to control for maturation discussion preceded a final 20 minutes of greater self-
and time over treatment. Raters also tended to be un- disclosure and seemingly more comfort with the ther-
blinded. It was concluded that social skills training is apy setting.
widely used, but there is a dearth of strong empirical evi-
dence supporting the use of social skills training in AS Linguistics
and HFA. The authors recommended that there is further Individuals with AS typically speak fluently but have
research to document the specific deficits in youth with problems engaging in reciprocal conversation. Their con-
AS and HFA, that the effectiveness of social skills train- versational tone may be unusual and/or pedantic. Clients
ing should be further clarified through randomized clin- with AS may have difficulty understanding metaphors
ical trials, and that training programs should include a [53]. For example, in response to the phrase “have your
focus on generalization of training effects outside of the cake and eat it too” a client with AS stated “I don’t under-
treatment setting [50]. Williams White et al. conducted stand what that means, except that it has something
a separate review of all published studies of group so- to do with cake.” It has been proposed that difficulties
cial skills interventions for individuals with ASDs be- with metaphors may be attributed to difficulties in pro-
tween 1985 and 2006. This review also concluded that cessing language in the right hemisphere [53]. The right
studies of social skills training in ASDs currently lack hemisphere is more responsible for distant and figurative
empirical rigor. Based on 14 studies, the authors pro- meaning, as opposed to the more literal meanings of
posed the following goals for social skills training in words processed by the left hemisphere [54]. Irony and im-
ASDs: 1) increased social motivation, 2) increase social ini- plied meaning can also be confusing to a person with AS
tiation, 3) improvement in appropriate social responding, [55]. These traits can also become apparent within the
4) reduction of interfering behaviors, and 5) promotion of counseling setting and the counselor may therefore want
skill generalization [51]. to speak to a client with AS using very literal language and
A Cochrane systematic review examined sixty- six avoid metaphors or figures of speech. In general, it may be
studies of social skills training in ASDs published in helpful to take a direct, instructional approach versus a
peer-reviewed journals between 2001 and July 2008. more indirect approach that encourages clients to uncover
The studies reviewer reported on 513 participants aged solutions to their own problems [35]. This approach may
6 y-21 y. It was concluded that a number of treatments be counter-intuitive to many therapists.
Woods et al. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 2013, 7:32 Page 5 of 8
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