Endangered Species Project
Endangered Species Project
Endangered Species Project
Students will investigate causes of endangerment and efforts being taken to conserve
species and create a “wanted” poster to raise awareness about the species.
1. Choose an endangered or threatened species from one of the websites listed
below. You may choose an animal or a plant.
2. Your product should contain the following information. You are also free to include
any other interesting information that is relevant to your animal.
NAME / ALSO KNOW AS (latin name / common name)
PICTURE – a drawing AND photograph
IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS – key features to look for when identifying this
LAST SEEN – where does this organism live? Include a map. Give its previous
range & its current range
THREATS- Why is this species almost extinct? Explain the nature of the
“criminals” that have affected this species.
WHY IT’S SPECIAL- Include adaptations of the species and its specific role in
the ecosystem. What other organisms will be affected by the extinction of
your species? What does it eat, how does it fit into the food web of the
REWARD for finding helping preserve this species. (think ecologically,
economically, socially, politically – again, be specific for your species)
Color, neatness, and creativity!
All information must be in your own words. Spelling counts!
Bibliography –PROPERLY FORMATTED (do NOT just list websites) on back of
poster board
Rubric must be returned with your assignment.
3. Be prepared to do a short presentation for the class on the species you chose. In
your presentation, include what is being done to prevent your species from
becoming extinct.
Name: _____________________________________ Date: ________________ CN _________
Endangered Species Research Sheet
Endangered species:________________________________
Collect research about your endangered species by answering the following questions.
Remember to cite all of your information!! Give credit where credit is due!
1. What is the common and scientific (Latin) name of the plant/animal?
2. What does the organism look like? Be specific about variations in size, shape, color
etc. Draw a picture AND attach a photo. Remember to give credit to the original
location of the photo.
3. Where does it live, what is its natural habitat? Be descriptive and include a map
that shows its current range and its previous range.
4. What does it eat? What is its role in the ecosystem? What other organism will be
affected if it becomes extinct?
7. Propose ways that the animal can be helped, include any laws or projects that are
already in existence to help the animal. Include a reward and why your species
should be helped.
Endangered Species - POSTER RUBRIC Name:
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Coverage of Details on the poster Details on the poster Details on the poster Details on the poster
the Topic capture the include important relate to the topic have little or nothing
important information but the but are too general to do with main
information about audience may need or incomplete. The topic.
the topic and more information to audience needs more
increase the understand fully. information to
audience’s understand.
Use of All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate to Graphics do not
Graphics related to the topic related to the topic the topic. relate to the topic.
and make it easier to and most make it
understand. easier to
Organization Information is very Information is Information is The information
organized with clear organized with titles organized, but titles appears to be
titles and and subheadings. and subheadings are disorganized.
subheadings. missing or do not
help the reader
Layout and All information on Most of the Most of the Much of the
Design the poster is in focus information on the information on the information on the
and can be easily poster is in focus poster is in focus poster is unclear or
viewed and identified and the content and the content is too small.
from 6 ft. away. easily viewed and easily viewed and
identified from 6 ft. identified from 4 ft.
away. away.
Sources All sources All sources All sources Some sources are
(information and (information and (information and not accurately
graphics) are graphics) are graphics) are documented.
accurately accurately documented, but
documented. documented, but information is
there are a few incomplete or many
errors in the format. are not in the
desired format.
Mechanics No grammatical, Almost no A few grammatical, Many grammatical,
spelling or grammatical, spelling, or spelling, or
punctuation errors. spelling or punctuation errors. punctuation errors.
punctuation errors