Reclamation Manual: 1. Project Overview
Reclamation Manual: 1. Project Overview
Reclamation Manual: 1. Project Overview
Reclamation Manual
Design Data Collection Guidelines
Chapter 5 – “Typical” Design Data Package Template
The Introduction (Chapter 1) for these design data collection guidelines contains additional
information concerning: preparing a design data collection request, design data collection
requirements, and coordinating the design data collection and submittal.
Design data submittals respond to and provide information designated in the design data request.
The design data should be submitted on the schedule agreed upon by the Originating Office and
the design team(s). The design data should be submitted in the format agreed upon. The
following “typical” template, for a design data submittal, is based on the specifications level
design data. The items included in the template are generic and may apply to many types of
features. Items required for specific features would have to be added by the designers. For
feasibility studies, the data should be completed if critical to the cost estimate, and the detail
should be held to a minimum.
1. P
roject Overview:
C. P
roject schedule.
G. Main features such as: dams, pumping plants, canals, pipelines, powerplants,
pumping plants, etc.
3. General Map:
A. Area to be covered.
B. Details and features to be shown.
September 2007 1
Design Data Collection Guidelines
C. Access for design data collection, construction, and operation and maintenance.
F. Access to public utilities required for the operation of the proposed facilities.
G. Climatic conditions which may affect design, construction and operation and
5. S
A. Determine if surveys are required; and if required, the extent and detail of
6. T
opographic Map:
2 September 2007
Chapter 5 – “Typical” Design Data Package Template
7. P
B. Determine how the photographs will be acquired: ground level, aerial, satellite.
8. D
(1) L
ocation map.
(2) Plan and profile.
(3) Site plan.
B. Drawing requirements for showing area to be covered and existing and proposed
A. Hydraulic:
B. Structural:
(3) Any required elevations of items such as dam crests, structure footings,
structure decks, etc.
September 2007 3
Design Data Collection Guidelines
(6) S
tructure material requirements: concrete, steel, timber, etc.
4 September 2007
Chapter 5 – “Typical” Design Data Package Template
A. List and describe existing facilities in the area which will affect design and
operation and maintenance of the facilities, or be modified by the design, or
included in the final features.
C. O
peration and maintenance concerns noted for existing facilities.
B. Corrosion protective measures which are used on existing structures in the area.
September 2007 5
Design Data Collection Guidelines
12. C
onstruction Materials:
D. Alkali conditions in soil and water which might affect the choice of soil resisting
G. Types of pipe or other items recommended for use or which are not acceptable.
13. E
lectrical Data:
F. System voltage at which power will be supplies, number of phases, and whether
service will be overhead or underground.
G. Specific requirements for items such as: powerplant uprating, switchyards and
substations, and transmission lines if required.
I. Load requirements.
6 September 2007
Chapter 5 – “Typical” Design Data Package Template
O. O
peration and control considerations.
F. Interest rates, power rates, and plant factor for economic studies.
September 2007 7
Design Data Collection Guidelines
15. F
oundation Data:
H. Geologic sections.
L. Document past, present, and future petroleum, water, and mineral extraction
operations in the vicinity.
N. F
ooting elevation.
8 September 2007
Chapter 5 – “Typical” Design Data Package Template
E. Peak design flows for facilities such as culverts and diversion dams.
G. Reservoir data:
(1) Water surface elevations for a range of flows for design and construction.
September 2007 9
Design Data Collection Guidelines
A. Requirements to meet air quality, noise limitations, during construction and post
E. Aesthetic requirements and need for blending structures with the environment.
J. Suitability and possibility of present and future use of land adjacent to proposed
N. Requirements, if any, for fishways and fish barriers and background material.
O. Animal safety requirements such as requirements for fencing and animal escapes.
10 September 2007
Chapter 5 – “Typical” Design Data Package Template
D. Availability of local law enforcement forces, fire protection forces, and medical
J. A
nticipated public use.
K. Public safety and worker safety requirements such as fencing, handrail, and
A. D
escription of mechanical and hydraulic equipment requirements.
B. Availability of electric power.
C. Purpose of mechanical and hydraulic equipment.
September 2007 11
Design Data Collection Guidelines
20. R
ight-of-Way Requirements:
A. E
xisting right-of-way.
B. Requirements for additional right-of-way for the facilities, for construction, for
access (including construction access), and for disposal of materials, for borrow:
B. A
vailability of public utilities (water, electricity, etc.) for construction.
C. Construction schedule:
12 September 2007
Chapter 5 – “Typical” Design Data Package Template
A. Plan of operation.
F. Conditions that may cause O&M problems: trash, sediment and ice considerations
(type, quantity, potential deposition, methods of cleaning, disposal requirements.
G. S
pecial reliability requirements.
I. Requirements for lighting for night operation (reservoirs, downstream dam faces,
(2) Service area and machine shop requirements within the plant.
September 2007 13
Design Data Collection Guidelines
M. Monitoring and control requirements (e.g., local, remote, SCADA system, etc.).
N. Communications requirements.
14 September 2007