Rahu & Kethu Effects Fantastic Writeup

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Empowering Minds






An effect of the shadow planets.

Philosophical understanding of Rahu and Ketu.
Along with the seven major planets the ancient Indian wise men have also paid close attention to two shadow
planets, which are not quite planets in the usual sense, as they have no physical weight and are not seen in
any telescope. But despite this, out of the nine planets that show karma, two are shadow planets (Vedic
astrology doesn’t take into consideration some trance Saturn moons, asteroids and comets). And since we
have been living in the era of those planets it is very important for us to know about them and live in
harmony with them.

Astronomically these shadow planets represent a point in which the Moon’s orbit intersects the visible path
of the Sun on the celestial sphere. At these points the solar and lunar eclipses can occur. Lunar knots
correspond with the time at which the solar and lunar energies interact and enter into a conflict, or neutralize
each other. They represent, so to speak, the opportunity “power cut” of solar or lunar energies. That’s why
the lunar knots are an extremely sensitive point of the horoscope. Their influence can affect the entire effect
of planetary forces.
Rahu – north or ascending knot – the point at which theMoon crosses the ecliptic in its movement from
South to North.
Ketu – south, or descending knot – the point at which the Moon crosses the ecliptic moving from North to
South. Thus, the energy of the northern knot is associated with ascending, extension, but this energy is
predominantly negative.
South knot is associated with the descent, the compression of the same energy. In the Vedic system the Ketu
effect is not as disadvantageous as the effect of Rahu.
According to the legend, Rahu and Ketu are two halves of the demon’s body, who had the drink of
immortality and after was punished for that and cut into two parts. The Sun eclipses and the Moon eclipses
always take place near one of the lunar knots. That is how these lunar knots are able to suppress, obscure the
Sun and any other planet.
The effect of Rahu is similar to the effect of Saturn planet; Ketu’s effect is more like effect of Mars. The
energy of the knots, however, is more subtle and elusive than the energy of those planets.
The influence of Rahu and Ketu on our health
In our body Rahu is responsible for: cheekbones, skin, excretory system, swallowing, gastrointestinal tract,
the rectum.
Ketu is for the spine, spinal canal, nervous system.
Affected Rahu can cause diseases like varicose veins, psychosis, spleen, abrasions, different infections,
Affected Ketu diseases: low blood pressure, deafness, numbness, and intestinal worms.
Common physical conditions when Rahu is weak: weak immune system, increased proneness to infectious
diseases, nervousness, trembling limbs, insomnia, paleness and nervous indigestion.
Connection to the physical body is weakened; you may lose control over bodily functions, which may cause
various nervous and mental diseases.
The weakened Ketu gives digestive disorders and blood circulation, ulcers, anaemia and chronic bleeding.
Also, could happen muscle or nerve disorders as well as intractable, difficult to diagnose or mysterious
deceases (multiple sclerosis, cancer, etc.) – the same if Rahu is weak.
Psychological symptoms of the weak Rahu are increased sensitivity and agitation, fears, anxieties.
Hallucinations can occur, drug addiction, depression and moodiness, bizarre fantasies.
A person can misunderstand who he is, and easily succumb to any influence and suggestions, choosing
among the most absurd and unrealistic. Such people are usually not very popular, they have very few friends;
it is difficult for them to fit into the modern world, they exhaust their strength and energy in the pursuit of
unhealthy pleasures, and generally waste their lives.
Rahu represents a cosmic force that is necessary to maintain the drama of life. Making our past life dreams
come true in this life and causing rebirth of soul in this world, Rahu gives us necessary conditions to ensure
that we jump into this material life and feel like kings here. This requires illusory material energy (maya),
and Rahu is the raw Mr. Maya (he is son of Maya), he represents this material energy. The symbol of Rahu is
smoke. Rahu can put us into an illusion, but it may also set us free from the bondage of time, depending on
how we harmonize Rahu.
General indicators of Rahu

Rahu is a cold and dry planet. From the standpoint of astrogeography Rahu is represented by the dry and cold
climate locations (the Northern Canada, Greenland), high mountain tops with cold ice and cliffs and wild
forests, deserts. All the extreme natural phenomena are under the influence of Rahu: tornadoes, tsunamis,
cyclones, etc.
Rahu is the cause of injuries and fatal accidents.
The loss of organs or limbs is connected to the aspect of Mars on Rahu (one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged –
all this is the influence of Rahu). Rahu in 3d or 11th house can cause deafness. Worms, parasites, smallpox –
all these are Rahu deseases.
Rahu is also responsible for obesity of physical body and physical strength (sumo wrestlers). In today’s
world the obesity problem is very crucial.
In 2003 the U.S. Senate introduced the law that defines methods to stop the obesity epidemic in the country
(according to the statistics, more than 60 percent of adults and 13 percent of children suffer from obesity in
the United States).
In terms of astro psychology studying of Rahu is particularly important since it is the cause of the majority of
psychological and psychotherapeutic problems (madness, sleepwalking, insomnia, suicide, phobias, manic
depression, etc.). People with psychological and psychotherapeutic issues tend to be very strongly influenced
by Rahu.
Western medicine uses drugs, chemicals, alcohol, poisons, which is completely under the influence of Rahu.
Rahu is responsible for all kinds of intoxication, alcohol and drug addictions. Alcohol – a “liquid Rahu”, so
all the drunken people are under its influence and behave in the same way: sleep or cuss (a common sense at
that time is destroyed).
There is a story about a Buddhist monk who got caught by the storm and asked to sleep overnight at the old
widow house. The widow agreed to let him in, but under one condition: either the monk would have sexual
contact with her, or eat goat meat, or drink a glass of wine. Monk thought and decided to choose the least of
three evils – to drink wine. And then … then he had done everything else.
People of public professions (film stars, journalists, artists, TV showmen) especially need strong Rahu, in
fact it gives the ability to influence masses, helps to maintain attention. Rahu gives creative abilities,
imagination and inspiration, so it can cause very good effect on the destiny of those people.
Rahu is a shadow planet; it is responsible for spyware and detective activities. Hitler had very strong Rahu
(exalted in the 9th house under the aspect of Jupiter), so he was able to create such powerful governmental
organizations like the SS and the Gestapo secret police. But most importantly, that well-placed Rahu had
given him was the ability to influence the great masses of people and success in politics. Unfortunately, his
entire map says that he was a great demon, so his full potential he used for destructive purposes. A key
indicator of his demonic inclinations – the connection of Jupiter with Ketu and the Moon with Rahu – is one
of the strongest demonic combinations.
Wise men used to say about such people that they would be glad to bring suffering to others, and eventually
destroy themselves with their own selfishness, envy and pride, despite the fact that such people may be active
fans of Vedic knowledge, and Hitler was the one.
There are no planets equal to Rahu in their ability to provide unexpected fame, prestige, success in politics.
Therefore, some Western astrologers consider Rahu to be a favourable planet.
Rahu is responsible for intuition and even can cause clairvoyance.
Psychologists, psychotherapists, fortune-tellers, astrologers, philosophers, scientists also need strong Rahu.
In the Vedas it was predicted that during the Kali Yuga age the most of scientific discoveries will be made in
a dream. We know that D. I. Mendeleev has actually discovered the Table of Chemical Elements in his
dream, and A. Einstein wrote in his memoirs that the majority of his discoveries (including the Theory of
Relativity) were made during sleeping (dream – this is Rahu area of influence).
In terms of animals Rahu represents a crocodile and a shark. That’s why you shouldn’t look at these animals
for a long time as we absorb Rahu energy by this. Among birds, Rahu is the owl, which doesn’t see during
the day because it can’t see at daylight, when the Sun is out: the Sun is the energy of Rahu.
Rahu represent also ants and all multi legged insects, especially wasps and scorpions.
In food Rahu represents bitter and spicy taste, as well as vinegar and garlic.
In the Vedas, it was predicted that in the Kali Yuga age the most profitable business will be trade in meat,
alcohol and drugs, pornography, the funeral business and the pharmaceutical industry (based on chemistry).
Rahu is responsible for all of these businesses. Occupation in these areas can bring big money, but strongly
ruin the karma for several incarnations.
In our age there is another new business – gene engineering, biotechnology, cloning too. Their development
and implementation cost a lot of money, although some independent researchers mention terrible
consequences that may come out of implementing of these scientific developments into human life.
Exchanges, speculation, gambling casino – these are also Rahu areas. The modern economy is literally
soaked with Rahu energy, it is built on speculation.
Rahu is responsible for the South-West direction. This is where its influence
is particularly strong. For example, in the South part of the USA there are such cities as Los Angeles and Las
Vegas, which are under huge influence of Rahu: there are many casinos, restaurants, also Hollywood. In
India, the Southern part it influences Bollywood with its film industry. Generally, Rahu is very strong in
major cities.
South-west at your home should be closed and protected – at home there should be heavy cabinet, in the
allotment – fence, trees or bushes. It is not auspicious to have the entrance to the house or apartment in the
Rahu represents everything that is not natural, including artificial light. In the Vedas, it was predicted that in
our time people will use artificial sun. What is it? This is electricity – 100% of Rahu.
Corruption, sexual slavery, trafficking of women – is typical influence of Rahu during the Kali Yuga age.
Rahu represents divorce – most women cannot find a husband and are not under the protection of their
fathers. It can lead to sexual
slavery, prostitution.
Politics today is also experiencing strong influence of Rahu.
For example, in recent Russian history in 1996 Yeltsin’s rating was less than 1%, but a lot of money was
spent on the elections.
The result we know – Yeltsin was re-elected. Using media and PR technology (Rahu) literally anyone can
become powerful overnight.
Rahu is the planet of revolution; it is always in need of change.
Rahu creates Robin Hoods and fighters for justice.
Rahu influence is a lot like the one of Mercury. Like Mercury, Rahu is an indicator of intelligence
representing intuitive part of it. It gives the wit, sharp mind, communication skills, sarcasm and often
impressive sense of humour.
If Rahu is very high, it manifests itself as the higher aspect of Mercury, which is associated with the true
knowledge and gives the ability to look through illusions.
It is believed that only Jupiter and Mercury can control Rahu energy. Therefore, it is desirable that in
horoscope Rahu had contact with Mercury or Jupiter (better in the aspect).
Just as Mercury, Rahu receives the strongest impact on the planet with which it is connected, but it doesn’t
lose original quality and nature.
Since Rahu reflects energy of the planet to which it is connected, often it can act as Mars, Jupiter, the Sun or
even the Moon. It is impossible to predict exactly what to expect during the Rahu period. It requires careful
analysis of where it is placed (which house), in which sign, what are Rahu connections, which planets are in
aspect, where its depositor is etc.
Rahu is especially strong from 10 pm to 2 am. According to the statistics,
during that period the majority of crimes are committed and all sorts of accidents happen. Hardly anyone
would think to go to a pub or bar early in the morning. Also, this period is suited for black magic, especially
in Full Moon.
If a person is not asleep at this time, then negative energy of Rahu enters his systems.
Other indicators of Rahu:• mines, iron, steel, oil (our civilization is energy based);
• divorce or death of a partner (the practice shows if Rahu in the 7th house, it causes divorce or widowhood,
99% of the cases studied. As a cure such a person may get divorced fictitiously and then re-marry the same
partner, if Rahu doesn’t destroy the relationships);
• terrorism (especially if Rahu is associated with Mars and Saturn);
• physical force (if Rahu in the 3d house or associated with Mars, it gives great energy and endurance. Many
famous athletes have this position).
S.N. Lazarev (author of “Diagnostic karma “) has Rahu in 3d house and dispositor in exaltation which
besides the talent to writing books has given him enormous physical strength. He’s in his fifties and his
physical shape is impressive (for example, he can swim 50 metres under water);
• all artificial things (electricity, chemicals, synthetics, the pharmaceutical industry, chemical production);
• proneness to lewdness, pornography, promiscuous sex and sexual perversion;
• criticism, arguments, swearing, obscene speech;
• black humour and vulgarity;
• excessive sleeping (if a person is asleep after 6 am – in this time he is filled with Rahu energy), and if not
asleep during Rahu period (from 22-00 to 2 am), the nervous system does not rest, which is proved by the
modern scientists;
• excessive risk, extreme sports;
• television, computer games, film, photography;
• gambling, casinos, horse racing, the stock exchange;
• smoke (smoking);
• gender changes and plastic surgery;
• international, political, economic and religious institutions (the Red Cross, UN,
World Bank);
• foreigners, influence in foreign countries;
• grandfather on father’s side and grandmother on mother’s side;
• disease: the majority of psychological and psychotherapeutic disorders, many types of cancer, AIDS and
other modern diseases.
From the Training Course
Rahu as a measure of karmic challenges.
Rahu is the energy of expansion, it opens new karmic opportunities in this life. In particular, the position of
Rahu in the horoscope chart shows the area of the new growth in this incarnation. The house in which Rahu
is situated deserves close attention – the person needs to expand its energy in this house, work on improving
his energies. This is the sphere of life where a person has huge possibilities, but is afraid to take first step.
But if he overcomes himself
then he will receive a reward in the form of impressive success.
Dispositor of Rahu (the ruler of the sign in which he is situated) controls the expansion of Rahu energy, and
its position also shows the area where people will expand their energy in this incarnation. Positive or
negative (constructive or destructive) this expansion will be – it depends on the evolutionary level of the soul
and from its karma.
Two signs and two houses that are occupied by Rahu and its depositor determine the path of the soul chosen
for this incarnation, and in terms of karma – this is important for encoding the chart. These homes require
special attention. First of all, let’s see the house where Rahu is situated. Usually this house brings good luck,
but you have to check more in depth and look where his dispositor is.
In “Lal Kitab” (the ancient book of Signs and Omens) it is stated that well-developed, harmonized Rahu can
give an effect similar to the effect of Venus and Jupiter, united in the same house. Venus and Jupiter – are
two the most favourable of the planets, and if they come together in one house, this house is flourishing. If a
person is working on his Rahu, then this house (and the corresponding area of life) will prosper in the same
way as if there are Venus and Jupiter. Just imagine how this house can be improved if this person works on
Rahu, improves and harmonizes it.
It is important to remember, however, that Rahu does not understand the ”happy medium”. It is the planet of
extremes: it acts either through lower or through higher aspect. And it is fairly easy to translate from lower to
higher dimensions (as well as back and forth – triggered the “law of the pendulum”).
If a person works on self-development, then the house in which Rahu is situated, gains a lot from it, as it is
designed for growth. Therefore Rahu is the planet which effects you should always work on, it can’t be just
ignored. Harmonized Rahu can quickly raise a person, and if the energy of Rahu isn’t used properly, it leads
to degradation.
For example, how you can quickly move from a higher Rahu aspect to the lower? Very simple: you need to
buy some alcohol, meat, take pornographic film and bring it all home and … after sunset you’ll feel an
irresistible desire to relieve stress. So just several minutes of such manifestations of Rahu it is possible to fall
off the highest level.
Another example: you work on self-development, eat healthy, purify your body, lead a chaste life, devoted to
your partner but when you just turn on TV … Energy of Rahu can be a magnet: look at the TV screen – and
you are fully immersed in this artificial life, so much so that you can’t be disrupted.
There are people who live in the fictional life of characters of TV series – if some character gets married,
they rejoice as if it were their own wedding, if someone died in the series – they sincerely mourn and weep.
Western psychologists have proved that 90% of television programs have the devastating effect on the
psyche. In the United States and Canada 80% of children have serious psychological problems. All these are
the consequences of the negative impact of artificial life, television and the Internet. It is important to
understand that Rahu gives us a unique opportunity to develop ourselves. We just need to slow down mental
activity, to live in the present moment, here and now and, to overcome the fear expanding our energy in the
right direction. Rahu strengthens good sense of humour without vulgarity and sarcasm.
We live in an era of Rahu – therefore we need to continuously improve its energy and keep harmonizing it
for all our life span.
The number of Rahu is 4. Anyone born on 4, 13, 22, 31 of any month are under the influence of this planet.
Number 4 is the symbol of cosmic static integrity, ideally stable structure. It is a four-fold cosmic basis of
peace, the four basic elements, the four cardinal directions and the four winds.
It symbolizes the supreme law of the cycles of time, expressed in the following order: morning – noon –
evening – night, childhood – adolescence – adulthood – old age. Each individual life passes through four
stages: birth – growth – degradation – the death (or: birth – life – death – rebirth, i.e. the new birth),
symbolized, respectively, the four cardinal directions. And similar to those stages of life are four Yugas – the
great eras.
Rahu in Ignorance
Rahu in Ignorance – it is addiction, alcohol, deep immersion in Maya (the illusion, material energy), and
tendency to eat junk food, full of chemicals and genetically modified. Rahu in Ignorance causes clouding of
consciousness and loss of memory loss. Rahu, like Mercury, is responsible for the majority of mental health
problems. It is therefore very important to bring both of these planets at least at a Passion level. If both Rahu
and Mercury are in the Ignorance, it almost always gives severe mental illness. How did they treat
schizophrenia in the old days? Just bring the patient into Passion and Goodness level, prescribing more
Sattvic lifestyle – and people got cured. People were moving to this level and improved their health by
themselves. Schizophrenia is when the mind is in Ignorance.
It also causes obsessions – especially when Rahu is under the influence of Saturn – something suddenly gets
into a man’s head and he might be violent to someone or even kill somebody, not realizing at the time what
was happening and how.
If Rahu is in Ignorance, and partly in Passion, a person can be addicted to hard rock, or (especially when
Rahu is connected to Venus) can have strong desire to dance all night long at the disco in a smoky, filthy
room, full of dirty swearing. Or it could be drinking alcohol in a dirty bar etc. It means that Rahu in
Ignorance overshadows consciousness, and the person willingly follows Rahu influence.
If a person has Rahu in Ignorance, he can’t eat and digest natural food, he gets food poisoning from it. It is
very important to go outside and get sunlight- it makes the mind more than Sattvic and weakens the adverse
influence of Rahu.
Rahu in Ignorance – it is horror movies, especially with violence, bullying, drug addiction and alcoholism.
Food preferences: old, foul-smelling, artificial food. Addiction to anything that leads the mind and psyche
into the illusion condition: strong alcohol, toxic substances, highly potent drugs. A man desires to live in a
non-ventilated, smoke-filled place and to listen to hard rock and another mind-numbing music without a
break. Dependence on the TV and computer games. Very materialistic consciousness, the word “God” and
any discussions on spiritual topics person with Rahu in Ignorance finds infuriating. Nature, beautiful
landscapes seem annoying for him.
Rahu in Passion
Rahu in Passion is also overshadowing consciousness. A person with Rahu in Passion has very strong
insatiable passionate desires. When the drunker drinks alcoholic liquid for washing windows or aftershave, –
this is typical Rahu in Ignorance appearance, whereas Rahu in Passion – it is good wine. A person with Rahu
in Passion can greatly influence the crowd and be a good speaker; he might light up people with his
passionate speeches.
Love for tickling nerves situations, extreme sports (e.g. skydiving), desire to be on the risky verge – this is all
Rahu in Passion; artificial entertainments, such as roller coasters, an artificially created picture (computer
generated). The computer games which are addictive as a drug are also Rahu and partly the effect of Ketu, as
it is responsible for the computers.
Rahu in Passion, like Jupiter, gives blind fixation on some idea, a certain fanaticism, which leads quickly to
Rahu in Ignorance: for example, terrorist attack – it started as a struggle for an idea (Rahu in Passion) with
the mass murder of innocent people (Rahu in Ignorance).
Passion can’t be maintained for a long time, it is either transformed into Goodness level by will power, or
automatically falls into Ignorance.
For a person with Rahu in Passion, for example in the 2nd house, money is very important; he is too much
attached to it. He has a very passionate, emotional speech, he often speaks with aspiration and among the
group of people tries to outshine the others, makes fun of them, humiliates. Such a person is overly attentive
to his/her appearance, especially if Rahu is connected to Venus. This person may look clean and well
groomed, but in reality where it is unseen for others, he does not care about being clean and tidy: he can wear
dirty underwear, his home only gets cleaned before the arrival of guests, on vacation he can “relax to the
fullest” and organize clutter in hotel rooms, etc. Such person is addicted to smoking, soft drugs and alcohol,
which is of better quality than when Rahu is in Ignorance.
Also addiction to TV and attraction to various electronic equipment.
Such person with Rahu in Passion longs to live in a big city, visits countryside only for having meat
barbeque and drink alcohol beverages. Preferences in food: artificial, beautiful, filled with various chemical
additives (dyes, preservatives, etc.). He/she mistakenly sees unusual excitement and hallucinations during
narcotic trances as a sign of spiritual development. In spiritual matters the most important thing for him/her
is to seem “very advanced” to others.
Rahu in Goodness
Rahu in Goodness gives a person amazing intuition, because he is responsible for intuitive part of mind. Such
person can even clearly see the other worlds and to predict future.
A person with Rahu in Goodness tries to live close to nature, most naturally, and eat only natural products.
Since Rahu is similar to Mercury, the person with Rahu in Ignorance is in the world of his dreams
(schizophrenia), a person with Rahu in Passion lives with obsessive ideas in his mind. Rahu in Goodness
allows you to see the past, the present and the future, to penetrate into other worlds. Rahu in Goodness takes
a person beyond the limits of illusion, beyond material Maya. He/she realizes that everything in this world is
temporary, and does not cling to it.
Rahu in Ignorance gives clouded consciousness and memory loss. If a person has such Rahu position, he
generally can’t eat and digest natural food, it causes food poisoning. This person is addicted to smoking, soft
drugs and alcohol. He likes living in dirt and mess. Wherever he comes, he quickly fills the space around
him/her with filth (both physical and psychological).
The influence of Rahu in Passion is represented by the following character qualities and behaviour models:
the huge materialistic aspirations, the desire to manipulate others, to be able to make magical tricks,
fanaticism. Such people use spiritual practice in order to achieve tangible goals, power and prestige.
The influence of Rahu in Goodness is represented by the following personality and behaviour: aspiration to
live close to nature, the preference to natural products, healthy diet, regular meditation and clear awareness
that this whole world is illusory. The ability to see the past and the future, intuitively understand the most
subtle laws of the Universe. Unselfishness. Complete absence of fear of the future.
How to harmonize the influence of Rahu
To harmonize Rahu, first of all you need to read mantras and prayers. The mantra, harmonizing all levels of
Om Namo Bhagavate Varahadevaya.
It can be chanted daily.
Rahu is the son of Maya, or Durga (the material energy), and its representative, so the chanting of the mantra
Om Namah Sri Durgaye harmonizes it very well (108 times on Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays, looking
out in the direction of South-West).
Mantra of Siva – Hum (with a long “U”) is also very good. It breaks illusion and purifies the psyche from
negative influences and suggestions.
But the main mantra of Rahu is Om Ram Rahave Namaha. It is better to chant Rahu mantra after the
sunset. All canonical prayers in different religions are also very harmonising for Rahu.
To neutralize the negative influence of Rahu it is very good and useful to drink warm sweetened milk before
night sleep, – it calms the mind. Generally speaking, all dairy products are very good for this, especially
clarified butter – ghee.
In order to harmonize Rahu we must comply with the basic religious principles:
• Ahimsa (nonviolence);
• rejection of intoxication;
• prohibition on illicit sex;
• a ban on gambling.
Highly desirable:• to stop eating meat, take only natural food without dyes, fragrances and other chemicals.
It is also important to stop eating artificial and genetically modified food;
• to wear clothes made of natural fibres (linen, cotton, silk, etc.); to minimize the use of household items
made of synthetic materials;
• keep clean and tidy everywhere, especially in a place where you sleep (Vastu – the Vedic science of
organization of space in accordance with the laws of nature
said: if the house is dirty, then Rahu energy enters it, that’s why Brahmans devoted a lot of their time to
cleanliness). It is highly desirable that in the Southwest corner of your home would be something heavy (for
example, a large closet), it blocks the penetration of destructive energy of Rahu into your house. A little
statue of Ganesh can be used here too. It is very healthy to eat oranges, buckthorn, honey – they reinforce the
beneficial effects or Rahu and weaken the negative ones.
Herbs are not as effective when working with Rahu, as it has a very subtle effect, but to make work with
Rahu energies easier, it can be helpful using fragrances which clean atmosphere psychologically: camphor,
myrtle, sage, eucalyptus, and soothing aromas such as sandalwood, lotus, and frankincense. Best of herbs
that provide harmonization of Rahu – calamus.
For purification it is good to use cow dung. This is a very strong antiseptic, and if to dilute a small piece of
dung in the water and wash the floor with it, it cleans not only the energy at home, but also on the higher
Colour palette of Rahu matches the colours of Jupiter: light yellow and gold. Also good for harmonizing
Rahu are the sun colours – orange, for example, as well as transparent colours. These colours will neutralize
the negative of Rahu, an obscure effect of Rahu and will enhance its positive qualities.
Another method for harmonizing Rahu is to donate black or blue blankets for charity religious organizations;
to put blue flowers into the flowing water for 42 days;
to do something good, to take care of grandmother in mother’s line, and grandfather in father’s.
It is very important to try to spend as little time as possible in the big cities, to minimize the use of technical
devices, especially TV. As often as possible to be in the nature; to adhere to a vegetarian diet, avoid all kinds
of intoxication: alcohol, cigarettes, and drinks containing caffeine.
The most dangerous thing – is drugs, even short-term “acquaintance” with soft drugs can increase adverse
effects of Rahu for many years.
It is also important to avoid anything that weakens Rahu: too much of strong impressions, hypnosis, and any
touch with black magic.
It is important to talk less and do not give in to the false fantasies, to seek calmness, tranquillity, and to
develop the Jupiter qualities: kindness, compassion and faith.
It is better to follow the pure and clear doctrine to maintain discipline, moral and ethical standards and to
avoid wishful thinking.
The hardest thing is to live in the present, not worrying about the past and not fearing the future. If we
harmonize the influence of Rahu, our lives will change dramatically for the better. Shadow planets can
manifest themselves through the highest aspect when being in any house and sign, although, certainly, we
should remember that the position of depositors, aspects and the connection with other planets is very
important for Rahu.
Examples of Rahu position in different houses
Let’s have a look, for example, at the effect of Rahu in the 5th house.
The 5th house signifies children, morality, higher knowledge, intelligence, love of spouse. If Rahu is in this
house, the extremes are at worse – the person is either the best of men, or the worst. Dr. K.N. Rao said that
the human mind will be clouded (the 5 th house represents the highest intelligence). Also, it’s not good for
procreation, so a woman with such Rahu position shouldn’t have abortions done in no way, and her health
during pregnancy should be under very attentive monitoring. Preparation for childbirth is to be taken quite
seriously. Parents-to-be should clean themselves both at physical and mental level.
If you have Rahu in 5 th house, this requires serious work on self-development. The 5 thhouse signifies
morality, higher knowledge, intellect. Rahu can shatter these meanings very badly… A person may seem
smart, but take a slippery road. Therefore, with such position of Rahu one should be very moral and ethical,
but not attached to it, he cannot criticize other people.
If a person with Rahu in 5 th house does not comply with the standards of morality, it may have negative
effect on children and higher intelligence. For women it is particularly dangerous – she can do something
stupid, and her children would suffer.
Rahu in the 5 th house often gives the fear of having children. If such Rahu position is in the horoscope of a
man, he often makes a woman to do an abortion. But if the couple overcomes the fear, such people will be
the best parents. It only takes to make first step – to go through “hard core ascetics” of conception and then
during the period of pregnancy and childbirth. If a woman goes properly through pregnancy, it is the best
period of her life.
If Rahu in the 5 th house is strong and in well-aspected, the owner can be very clever and have good children,
be successful in investments.
This situation is usually not quite suitable for formal education. A person with such Rahu position is better fit
for correspondence courses and self-study.
Rahu in the 1 st house shows that this person was much focused on his partner in his previous life, and in this
life he has to become a harmonious person in all respects – to spend a lot of time working on self-
development. He has to understand that in order to change the world, first of all, he needs to change himself.
Such people usually have some unusual appearance, they often look very extravagant, they may have big
ego, which manifests itself in pride and vanity.
If Rahu manifests itself through the higher dimension, it gives deep penetration into the essence of things,
true knowledge about how cosmic forces work, deep understanding of mass psychology, the lack of pride
and selfishness.
Those people often are lonely in their personal life and, in my humble experiences, during their childhood
they may lose someone from their parents. Such a situation is quite common in the astrological maps of saint
people, scientists, philosophers (Krishnamurti, Bhaktivigyana Goswami, and Nietzsche).
Rahu in the 2d house: for such people speech is very important. We should learn to speak the truth in pleasant
words. The main thing for a person who has Rahu position in the 2 d house is a complete ban on alcohol and
smoking. It is very helpful to become a vegetarian. This position of Rahu gives strong concern about money
savings, sometimes greediness and bad eating habits.
Rahu in the 4th house – quiet a tricky positioning, in my humble experience it may give emotional instability.
The main challenges of the 4th house are contentment with life and real estate. Rahu is the planet of desire,
the planet of expansion. Therefore, in the 4 th house it can give internal dissatisfaction, fear (”Can I pay for the
house?”) and attachment for stability. Our soul needs to develop, it needs to grow, but if we aim at a lack of
change, this leads to degradation. If Rahu in the 4th house is harmonized – it gives inner satisfaction of life
and good real estate situation. This placement of Rahu is favourable for real estate dealers, child
psychologists, writers for children, farmers, transporters, architects, interior designers, construction
Rahu in the 7th house – such person must learn to work in the team, trust partners, the husband (wife). If Rahu
is in the 7th house, such person will be successful overseas, and it is useful for him/her to travel frequently
abroad and have business with foreigners. Even better, it would be to immigrate. This situation is very
favourable for achieving social status and success at work. It is believed that such a person will have
wisdom. Such Rahu position enhances sexual desire and harm relationships with spouses, which usually
bring a divorce (at least at the first marriage). In this case, it is not recommended to get married until 21 years
old and re-marry the same partner, alternating marriage and divorce. Usually it helps to avoid separation. For
such person it is important to learn to be there for a spouse and to understand that success in a relationship
depends on how much we give. These people work better independently and not under someone else’s
leadership. They make good psychologists, consultants, experts in management and coordinators of the
various projects.
If Rahu is in the 8th house a person should learn to live by intuition. He can choose a profession that is
relevant to the death (for example, reanimation doctor), it is good to be involved into some researching work.
Also, suitable are such professions as insurance agents, investigators, writers of mystic novels. The work can
be connected with mysticism. With this Rahu position it is important that the person is very much engaged in
the spiritual self-development and selfless service.
Rahu in the 9th house generally is quite favourable. As it shows the main area of interest and the work of a
person, such Rahu position underlines the importance of long journeys, foreign influence, philosophical
understanding of life, acceptance of spiritual teachers, initiation, and self-actualization. Such a person often
has to become a spiritual teacher or a political leader. Those people usually tend to create their own
philosophy. If Rahu is weak, a person can be immoral, have aggressive attitude towards the religious and
philosophical schools, spiritual teacher and his own father. The weakened Rahu often in the 9 th house points
out that the father is an alcoholic or drug addict.
If Rahu is placed in the 12th house such person should do yoga, get away for solitary retreats from time to
time. This position gives a taste to all kinds of intoxication. With this position of Rahu it is very useful to
study foreign languages, to live periodically in seclusion, practise ascetic forms of yoga. A person with such
Rahu position can develop a correct vision of the material energy (maya). Such people often become doctors,
nurses, healers, preachers, lawyers, social workers and politicians.
Rahu in upachai houses – 3, 6, 10, and 11 – usually is favourable. It brings good results and is an indicator of
good karma. Both Rahu and Ketu could bring a lot of good, if it becomes Raja Yoga Karaka. This occurs
when they are in kendra or trikoni and aspected by or connected with the hosts trikoni or kendra,
respectively. For example, Rahu is in the 4th house and aspected by Jupiter, the owner of the 9th house.
Alternatively, Ketu is in the 9th house and connected to the owner of the 10th house, etc.
Real cases
Rahu is a shadow planet, and great caution is expected with it.
For harmonizing Rahu it is very important to have a healthy lifestyle. I have made friends with a very noble
and honest businessperson. Rahu is in its fall in his horoscope that may weaken children’s house (and he had
three children).
Then period of Rahu has begun in his life. His eldest son became ill with cancer and suffered for a few years.
He and his wife have done everything they could but he died. The businessman himself got problems in his
chest; Rahu gave him a few diseases. He was prone to drinking, meat-eating, smoking. Dependence was not
very strong, but I still told him that he should stop all that. I gave him some advice. He started working on
self-improvement …

When Rahu is weakened in the house of a partner, it usually gives widowhood, early death of a spouse, loss
of husband or wife. Quite recently, a man has come to my consultation; he had lost his very dear spouse,
relatively early. There are around hundred cases like that in my practice.

Rahu in the 1st house – a house of personality – often gives a very short temper, extravagance and complex
marriage, whereas Ketu in this case is a house of marital relations.
A young boy, the son of one of my friends, a businessperson from the US, has Rahu in his chart weakened.
He is deeply into computer technology (Rahu is partly responsible for this), artificial food, and,
unfortunately, drawn towards alcohol and soft drugs. As a child he had mental problems and was not good
with other people because of his short-temper and unpredictable character, he was lazy and did not want to
I have been consulting him for quite a long time, explaining the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I gave him
methods of harmonization of Rahu and working on hidden subconscious programs and psychological
problems. I told him how to change internally, how to adopt healthy lifestyle, enjoy nature, which mantra to
repeat. He began to follow my advice and soon married an Israeli girl, the same age as him. They got
involved into big business, after some time a wonderful child was born. He started helping his father, became
calmer, more successful and harmonious.
General significations of Ketu
Ketu is the oldest and the most important of the planets. Its symbol is
flag, its deity – Ganesha. Ketu is the most important of the planets, because
it signifies the beginning and the completion of everything.
Geographically Ketu is represented by severe depressing places, particularly dry, and hot (the Sahara desert,
Judean Desert, the Dead Sea area, and so on). That is why many hermits went into the wilderness in pursuit
of liberation. Ketu is represented by all uncultivated lands, cemeteries, prisons and shelters. Ketu is
associated with the renunciation, so in the cemeteries its energy is very strong.
There is not generally accepted view about the direction of Ketu: some say that Ketu does not have direction
at all, others claim that the direction of Ketu – the Northeast (in the US, it is Alaska).
Ketu represents corpulent people, people with a belly, short and stocky types. Ketu gives oddity and
hypnotism, especially if it is located close to the ascendant.
Ketu represents the sense of smell, and there are two extremes – either
such people are very sensitive to smells (”sniffs like a dog”), or vice versa.
Ketu is an indicator of either great wealth or extreme poverty.
Ketu is the most unpredictable factor in the Universe. All the extremes, irrational things is Ketu, it always
brings a period of changes (especially in the beginning and in the end), but to predict how the things will turn
out is almost impossible.
All kinds of finishing in something – this is Ketu.
Rahu likes to learn, Ketu – to teach. Rahu is the planet of knowledge, and Ketu is the planet of wisdom.
Due to its strong attachment to the past Ketu represents inertia. If Rahu always worried about the future,
Ketu activates thinking about the past. If a person is attached strongly to the past, he cannot take risks, cannot
start something new.
Understanding the role of the axis of Rahu-Ketu in the horoscope is very important for Astropsychology.
Rahu is responsible for the future, for expansion. Ketu represents the past and provides compression. So
when a person begins to worry about the future, becomes afraid of it – then Rahu is out of balance.
If a person is immersed in the past, regretted it, lives in it – this brings disharmony to the Ketu energy.
However, if a person lives in a reality, that is “here and now”, he is not worried about the future and has no
regrets about the past, he brings “Rahu-Ketu” in equilibrium.
All religions and spiritual teachings say that in the spiritual world there is no future, no past, there is always
only present. If we start living in the present moment, then comes the realization that the kingdom of God is
within us.
Everyone worries about tomorrow, but no one can know the future – only God. If God gives us some
information about the future – hence, we are given an opportunity to change it.
According to the Gestalt therapy, the primary cause of all neuroses is that people do not live in the present.
Good psychologist when working with a client, first and foremost, tries to understand how is he adequate to
the time. If a person is not in the “here and now”, talking to him does not make any sense; first he has to get
back to the reality.
Therefore, to be in the present moment is very important – it harmonises Rahu and Ketu. Eckhart Tolle in his
book “The Power of Now “and in his other books speaks very well about it.
Ketu gives stubbornness, but it can give energy of intense focus, a deep dive, and enlightenment.
Ketu and the Sun are a bit similar in their effect – they both can give lives and affect us greatly. The sunny
side of Ketu manifests itself when Ketu is connected to the Sun in the chart or placed in the 5 th house or the
sign of Leo. Nevertheless, Ketu may also represent negative influence of the Sun; it can completely destroy
and disrupt the Sun energy, which represents our sense of self-identity. For this reason, it is considered the
most powerful of the planets.
Ketu can act as a higher aspect of Mars; even sometimes, it can be more impulsive than Mars. Both of these
planets represent instinctive awareness, but with Ketu it is more profound.
Of all the planets Ketu pays attention only to Jupiter. If Ketu is somehow connected with Jupiter in the chart
(connected, aspected by it or is under its signs – Sagittarius or Pisces), bad qualities of Ketu are suppressed,
thus demonstrating a very good karma. But here, also, the extremes can come out – either it will give the
quality of a great saint, or a great demon. For example, both charts of Hitler and Mother Teresa contain Ketu
being associated with Jupiter.
Similar to Jupiter, Ketu also can represent benefits at all the levels. If Ketu is well located – it means luck,
mercy, success, etc. Ketu is positively manifested if it is in the 9 th and the 12 thhouse, which in the abstract
horoscope represent Jupiter’s signs – Sagittarius and Pisces.
The aspect of Jupiter on Ketu indicates good karma from previous lives. But we should also take into account
Rashi-Drishti (aspects of signs). Many teachers say they are even stronger than the Graha-Drishti (aspects of
the planets).
Ketu is a very emotional planet, the planet of extremes. It is manifested through either an extreme
complexion (48 size feet), or intense emotions. Humour of Ketu – is, for example, Charlie Chaplin (very
unusual, unconventional, unpredictable, and silent). From the animals, Ketu represents dogs, so it is not very
favourable if the dog lives inside the house – it brings the energy of Ketu, the energy of separation, of
unexpected negative changes. The dog must live in the yard of the house. Eagles – is also Ketu.
Ketu represents the 8 th house and the 8 th sign (Scorpio). Ketu governs the homeless, disadvantaged people,
gives either unexpected profit or unexpected loss.
Other indicators of Ketu:
• biology (especially genetics);
• viruses, bacteria, HIV / AIDS;
• the insurance business;
• people with psychological problems and those of their treats (psychologists and psychotherapists);
• harsh and miserable places, dry and hot, uncultivated land, cemeteries, prisons and shelters;
• unexpected loss or achievement;
• the ancient pyramids and tombs.
Together with the Sun Ketu is directly linked to our attention, it is responsible for awareness. Therefore, in
the 1st house Ketu often gives, on one hand, the sensitive nature, on the other – a great intuition and
Ketu is a planet of the spiritual world; it is responsible for the enlightenment and liberation. This is why it is
considered the most important planet.
Ketu is very intuitive, psychic, and psychological power that can connect us either with higher reality, or
with lower reality and take us away beyond the material level. This is the reason Ketu is considered one of
the strongest of the planets and it resembles the Sun in many ways.
Ketu is the force that connects us with the soul. It is responsible for yoga whose purpose – liberation and
immersion in pure love to God.
Ketu is the cosmic force that represents the beginning and the end of the drama of existence. Without Ketu it
is impossible to go beyond the bounds of time and repetitive cycle of births and deaths.
The sign and the house, where Ketu is situated, show the sphere in which we worked in the past life, and
where we have profound realization. This is an area of our true talents, in which we have reached perfection
in the past incarnations.
Sphere, which is affected by Ketu in the chart, is always associated with some ambition and obsessions; it is
an area of our disappointments and greatest vulnerability. This is the most difficult area in life, usually that is
where the source of most of our misfortunes. It is not recommended to be too immersed in the achievements
of the past, because in this life we have to walk a new path to expand the energy of Rahu.
Talents brought by Ketu we already have got, this is what we are able to do, and now we need to perform
challenging Rahu tasks, but, unfortunately, many prefer to follow the path of least resistance and “dive” into
the zone of Ketu.
For example, Rahu is situated in the 4 th house and Ketu, respectively, is in the 10th. If Ketu is in a good
position, such person is usually successful in his career, but even if Ketu is bad (placed in a sign that
weakens it, badly aspected, etc.) and, accordingly, his career is not very good, such person feels more
comfortable at work than at home anyway. It is important for him to work on Rahu, then a career will
improve automatically. This person should learn to control emotions, and not to be their slave in order to find
peace for his soul. Until he doesn’t find harmony and inner satisfaction and doesn’t start respecting his
mother (relationship with one’s mother – one of the principal values of the 4 th house) – his career will not
Another example: if Rahu is in the 5 th house we have to work on to deepen wisdom, reaching harmony with
children, building relationships based on love with your spouse. If Ketu is placed in the 11 th house it means
powerful friends, business, active social life. But if someone becomes a public figure, he/she doesn’t have
enough time for his family. Therefore, we must focus on finding balance, as money will come easily enough
If Ketu is in Leo sign, it brings awareness as an individual. It indicates that such person in the previous life
had a very strong personality and now his karmic task is to inspire others. For this he needs to be very
flamboyant and different from others. It is important for such person not to be selfish, to serve others, learn
to give, because his Rahu is in Aquarius – the sign of service and efficiency.
The higher the level of soul evolution, the more harmony and energy exchange between Rahu and Ketu.
Dispositor Ketu can be called karmic exhaustion planet, or planet that controls input and output of a certain
kind of energy.
What does this mean? Talents of the person in this life can be easily encoded through dispositor Ketu and its
position in the map. Ketu symbolizes our achievements.
If dispositor of Ketu is Venus – such person can be very artistic and would have certain talent in art. If it is
Saturn, then person will have organizational skills, ability to serve others. If it is Mars, then such person will
have abilities to be a manager and leadership skills, or can be a surgeon. If it is the Moon, then a person will
have intuition and be successful in psychology and parenting. If it is Mercury, then a person can be an
astrologer, if it is the Sun, then qualities of leadership, success in medicine, spiritual knowledge, and spiritual
psychology. If it is Jupiter, then person is good at pedagogy, teaching, science, religious service (of course,
this is a very short description).
Two signs and two houses that occupied by Ketu and his dispositor is the key to find a talent, abilities, and
basics of human nature. Ketu indicates that we have learned from the past incarnations.
For example, Ketu in the 1 st house gives intuition, inclination to philosophy, deep penetrating abilities. It
shows that such person worked on his self-development in his previous life. Connection between two karmic
control planets (dispositor Rahu and Ketu) usually defines the direction in which a person will have progress
in this life. If there is a strong link between two planets, it may even indicate a certain doom in the present
“Lal Kitab” links Ketu with Mars and Saturn and says that Ketu is somewhat a bridge between their energies,
and the place in the chart where it is located shows the sphere of life, in which those energies should be
harmonized, “make friends with each other.”
Therefore, in order to bring the house in which Ketu is situated to prosperity, we have to learn to find a
balance between the activity (Mars) and caution (Saturn), action and patience, impulsivity and restraint.
Learning how to control those energies is one of the most important karmic challenges in this lifespan.
Ketu in Ignorance
The influence of Ketu in Ignorance is characterized by the following qualities and behaviour: huge
unreasonable temper tantrums, difficulties with self-identity, tendency toward self-destruction, great sense of
insecurity, the desire to escape from the world, to hide in the “hole” (dirty and strange).
Since Ketu is a fiery planet, its energy in Ignorance may emerge as strong unreasonable anger and extremely
impulsive behaviour. Ketu in Ignorance can also give problems with identity and big fears.
A person with Ketu in Ignorance is not able to accept changes in life, change of circumstances. Such person
may live in slums on the outskirts of town, near the cemetery, in abandoned or strange places.
Ketu in Ignorance gives inability to concentrate. Actions of such person completely contradict all logic and
common sense, he even cannot understand by himself why he/she acts in this way and not otherwise.
Ketu in Passion
The influence of Ketu in Passion is characterized by the following: unpredictable behaviour, sudden mood
swings, conservative attitude, a desire to fight for a variety of outdated values and ideas, participation in
various wars, mass riots, etc.
Overconfidence is periodically replaced by self-doubt.
A person with Ketu in Passion tries to avoid any changes very hard; he is greatly attached to stability, and
just by that, he attracts changes into his life, which are so frightening.
Ketu in Goodness
The influence of Ketu in Goodness is characterized by the following typical qualities and behaviour:
complete detachment from the material world, non-attachment to anything whatsoever, a gift of Providence,
strong sensitivity, vision of Supreme Soul in all and everyone. Wisdom, determination, discipline, great inner
strength. Such person is not afraid of death completely, but does not long to it. People with Ketu in Goodness
have amazing insight, great vision, and open Providence. In contrast to it, people with Ketu in Ignorance can
hallucinate, for example, based on alcoholism, and in case of Ketu in Passion, a person may claim that he
sees anomalies and similar things. Ketu in Sattva (Goodness) gives people a deep understanding of spiritual
truths, mystical abilities. Very many mystics are born with Ketu in Goodness.
How to harmonize the influence of Ketu
Most problems arise from Ketu because of misunderstanding of necessary restrictions. The effect of Ketu is
getting worse, if a person does not restrict himself at all: works too much (or, conversely, a little), reads, eats,
sleeps too much or too little, etc.
Ketu is weakened when we insult someone. Beneficial effect of Ketu is terminated completely, if the person
insulted in any way someone who sincerely serves God. The adverse effects of Ketu strengthen by living in a
big city, or using various, modern, technical equipment.
For harmonizing Ketu, it is very important to stop digging in the past, to regret it. It can appear, for example,
if a person who had achieved something in his life, then, due to the relocation or a change in political or
economic situation lost it. Such a person often cannot accept it, and instead of living on and grow, he just
moans and mourns, feeling sorry for himself and remembering how good it was. We should concentrate on
the present day.
Ketu is harmonized by visiting wilderness and nature, but without the use of intoxications (alcohol, etc.)
which by itself quickly take shadow planets out of balance.
We have to get rid of such qualities of character, as pessimism, hypocrisy, and limited worldview.
To enhance Ketu a person has to learn to trust his own thoughts and feelings, to develop intuition and
foresight. He needs to introduce into his life elements of self-discipline, along with the freedom of spirit and
ability to be compassionate
towards others and develop a strong will and determination.
In order to improve Ketu energy, like solar energy, we need to strengthen the spiritual knowledge, develop
the ability to study the depths of our inner world.
To strengthen Ketu there is “Buddhist psychological training”, – it is when a person spends all day at the
cemetery, seeing how people are buried, and realizing that it will be himself buried some day. Meditation on
death and awareness that everything in this world is temporary increases the higher energy of Ketu – because
psychologically Ketu symbolizes the illusory power of our fears and attachment to our achievements. This
power is distracting us from affirmative actions and change. Ketu teaches us that in this world, sooner or
later we will lose everything: health, loved ones, job, money and even body. That excessive attachment to
anything or anyone is only an obstacle, both for us and the object of our affection.
Usually, when a person enters a period of Ketu, it means that in his life there will be some changes. The
weaker is Ketu, the more people are afraid of change and the more powerful and painful these changes will
I often had to work with the charts of people who have entered the period of affected Ketu, and usually these
people received blows of fate in the area of life that was touched by Ketu in their horoscopes. Additionally,
the stronger were the attachments, the stronger were the strikes – rare, hard for diagnostics diseases, a
complete professional collapse, a loss of self as an individual, etc.
Ketu requires us to be completely detached internally to anything in this world. On the external level, we
need to lead active life and fulfil our duties and look after our body and everything that surrounds us very
carefully. At the physical level, energy of Ketu is stimulated by colour of the Sun – bright, warm, clean, clear
shades of yellow and orange.
Cloves, celandine, and wormwood neutralize adverse effects of Ketu.
To harmonize the Ketu energy the following herbs that are exacerbating the perception, are helpful: sage,
calamus, myrtle, and juniper. For a weak Ketu can be used suitable aromatic oils with powerful, deep
penetrating odour: camphor, cedar, myrrh, and frankincense.
In severe cases of Ketu use soothing herbs: elderflower and skull-cap flower.
Mantras for reinforcing Ketu and sharpening perceptions:
Om Namo Bhagavate Matsyadevayya, Om Sri Ganeshayya Namah,
Om Namah Ketave and Om Kem (with a long “e”).
Mantra Om Namah Shivaya by regular chanting neutralizes the negative effects of both Rahu and Ketu.
“Lal Kitab” recommends the following in order to harmonize Ketu:
• during 47 days throw in the flowing water flowers of the earth colour;
• pierced ears or nose;
• to feed stray dogs for 47 days;
• to donate warm clothes to a religious organization;
• do something positive for grandmother from father’s side or grandfather from mother’s side.
But the best tool to help you neutralize the adverse effect of all the planets as soon as possible is a selfless
service to peace and development of the divine, unconditional love.
From the Training Course
Ketu is a lower part of Rahu body. He also received ambrosia and became immortal. Ketu is beheaded half-
planet, as shadow as planet Rahu, but not so negative, so Ketu is Moksha-Karak (the cause of liberation from
the cycle of birth and death or indication of enlightenment, which frees a person from the shackles of the
material world). He gives spiritual tendencies, asceticism and detachment from worldly desires and
ambitions. Ketu is also a semi-planet that gives wisdom, the ability to discern and jnana – spiritual
knowledge, a true understanding of nature. To the people who are under Ketu influence it gives psychic
abilities and makes them masters in the art of healing with herbs, spices, food, with the help of tantric
practices, allows to treat people afflicted with evil spirits, ghosts and astral forces. People under the influence
of Ketu also have the ability to enter unnoticed or dissolve into the crowd.
Ketu can be more damaging if it is placed with disadvantage or in close conjunction with another planet.
Ketu destroys the force of that planet which it is connected to, or the house in which Ketu is located, causing
the planet to act in a very unpredictable manner. Zodiac sign of Ketu is Pisces. In some schools of astrology,
it is considered that Ketu is exalted in Scorpio, and it is in the fall in Taurus, while others believe that Ketu is
exalted in Taurus, and it is in the fall in Gemini. Rahu and Ketu are considered to be elemental and
instinctive forces. But the power of Rahu is hedonistic whereas Ketu has the energy, relieving from
attachment to worldly desires.
Its best (and worst) results Ketu gives in 48-54 years. It is believed that Ketu is connected to sesame seeds,
black or dark green clothing, flags, oil, gold, iron, weapons and people with disabilities.
K.N. Rao believes that computers are also under Ketu influence.
In numerology, Ketu is associated with the number 7.
Everyone who was born on 7, 16 or 25 of any month are under the control of Ketu. Number 7 is symbolic in
the Vedic tradition. It is one of the main numerical parameters of the Universe. It arises from the sum of two
main mystical numbers – 3 and 4 – and describes the general idea of the Universe. The number 7 plays a
dominant role. Seven tones of musical scales are first mentioned in the Indian Vedas. This number is of
particular importance in Hindu mysticism – it is a symbol of health. People perceive all the surrounding
phenomena through seven holes in his head: two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and mouth. People tend to
assimilate incoming information if it does not exceed seven categories.
If the number of characters, for example, points on paper are less than seven, then a person is not counting,
simply calls it intuitively. If the number of points is greater than seven, then the mind begins to count.
The stone of Ketu is Cat’s Eye stone.
Ketu is the personification of all kinds of endings and new unexpected beginnings. The chapter about Ketu is
the final in this book. I hope that after reading it, you, dear reader, will begin a new life. What way it will be
better than the previous, depends on you, how you will use the knowledge.
Case studies
In Toronto I have been consulting a woman who had weakened Ketu in the house of children in her
horoscope. I immediately pointed out that her first pregnancy was not successful in so and so period, and she
confirmed it. I asked if she had hard to diagnose diseases associated with the digestion that started a year ago
and continued up to the present time. She confirmed. I gave her advice about what to do in order to get rid of
it, told her what to do to resolve the issue of childbirth, and she began to follow everything very strictly.
Soon she is going to give birth to a baby, and the pregnancy period has been favourable. And, as I
understood, digestive problems went away long before conception.

It is believed that Ketu period usually gives dramatic changes in life and my practice confirms this. Once I
told to my friend, who had Ketu in a certain position in the house of career, that in two or three months, he
would stop working at his company. He replied that it seemed impossible, as he had just extended his
contract and would not be able to leave – they simply would not let him go, because he was much
Three months later, he called me and asked where it was better to work for him – his company has
temporarily shut down.

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