Lite Shield
Lite Shield
Lite Shield
Gain full electronic attack (EA) protection from a small pod with high ERP
Technical Specifications
Size and weight 200 x 40 cm; up to 200 kg
Interfaces 1553, 1760
Fully digital, solid state MBAT
EW modules
Azimuth coverage 360o
Additional Benefits
Frequency coverage 2–18 GHz
Installed on targeting pod station
Higher than conventional self- (does not occupy weapon/fuel
protection systems tank station)
Quickly integrated to any
Cost-Effective Solution for EA platform that is already certified
Needs for Litening
Based on full digital technology, Lite Shield enhances air force attack
Suitable for other types of
Lite-Shield is equipped with the capability without impinging on
platforms in addition to strike
most advanced EW components. space for the weapons payload.
Because it is mounted on an Implementing the close protection
aircraft’s targeting pod station, the concept, it eliminates the need for a
jamming aircraft can carry out the designated escort jamming A/C.
primary mission and the electronic
attack simultaneously, conserving
coordination and resources. Land & Naval Division
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HQ Tel: (972)73-335-4714 Fax: (972)73-335-4657
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