SPA6311 Physical Cosmology, Spring 2017: Exercise Sheet 6 Dr. K. Malik
SPA6311 Physical Cosmology, Spring 2017: Exercise Sheet 6 Dr. K. Malik
SPA6311 Physical Cosmology, Spring 2017: Exercise Sheet 6 Dr. K. Malik
These questions are designed to help you understand the material covered in the lectures.
Exercise sheets will typically be made available online on Wednesday. Please hand the
solutions in by the following Thursday, 1400. Put your full name and student number on
the top of your solutions.
1. a) Explain briefly why we think that there is dark matter in the universe today (gi-
ve three pieces of evidence). Give three possible candidates for dark matter, stating
whether they are CDM or HDM, baryonic or non-baryonic.
b) Besides dark matter and dark energy, what other forms of matter are there in
the universe today? Give an example for each form of matter.
[30 pts.]
3. The dark matter halos which form in numerical simulations have density profiles,
ρ(r), which are well approximated by a Navarro Frenk White (NFW) profile
ρ(r) = 2 ,
r r
1+ rs