Afd-Spa6310 Exam 14-15
Afd-Spa6310 Exam 14-15
Afd-Spa6310 Exam 14-15
Answer ALL questions from Section A. Answer ONLY TWO questions from Section B.
Section A carries 50 marks, each question in section B carries 25 marks.
If you answer more questions than specified, only the first answers (up to the specified
number) will be marked. Cross out any answers that you do not wish to be marked.
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answer book the name and type of machine used.
Complete all rough workings in the answer book and cross through any work that is not to be
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Dr J. Cho
Dr. D. Tsiklauri
c Queen Mary University of London, 2015
Page 2 SPA6310 (2015)
Question A1
Given the vector fields, A and B, show that the following identity is true using the index notation:
[5 marks]
Question A2
Given x, u ∈ <3 , let f = f (x, t) be some scalar field of a fluid with a flow field u = u(x, t), where
x = x(t). Show that the total derivative df /dt is same as the material derivative Df /Dt.
[5 marks]
Question A3
Briefly describe a Rankine vortex, its axial vorticity and azimuthal velocity distributions in the
radial direction. How does it generalise a point vortex?
[5 marks]
Question A4
A mid-latitude storm is characterised by speed 30 m/s and size 1000 km. The Coriolis parameter
at mid-latitude is approximately 10−4 rad/sec. Compute the Rossby number Ro of the storm,
where Ro characterises the ratio of the relative vorticity to the background vorticity (i.e., Coriolis
[5 marks]
Question A5
Given the characteristic speed U and length L of the flow and the viscosity ν of the fluid, what
is the Reynolds number in terms of these quantities? What property of the flow does it charac-
[5 marks]
SPA6310 (2015) Page 3
Question A6
Derive the time-dependent Bernoulli streamfunction for a constant density, irrotational fluid in a
constant gravity (conservative) field g.
[5 marks]
Question A7
Write down the momentum part of the Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible homo-
geneous density fluid in terms of velocity u and ‘density normalised’ pressure p/ρ, where ρ is
[5 marks]
Question A8
Given the dispersion relation for a one-dimensional wave, ω = ω(k), where ω is the frequency
and k is the wavenumber of the wave, write down the expressions for the phase and group
speeds and briefly explain the physical meaning of the two velocities.
[5 marks]
Question A9
Write down the compressible Euler equations (momentum, continuity and energy) for an adia-
batic fluid, in terms of the velocity u, density ρ and pressure p fields. For the body force contri-
butions, include only those due to gravity g and Coriolis acceleration − f × u, where |f | is the
constant Coriolis parameter.
[5 marks]
Question A10
Given the velocity potential φ and streamfunction ψ for a two-dimensional flow, what is the com-
plex potential, w = w(z), where z = x + iy ? Show that w is an analytic function of z.
[5 marks]
Turn over
Page 4 SPA6310 (2015)
Question B1
a) What is the vorticity at the origin and at r > 0? If viscosity is present, what happens to the
vorticity in time?
[6 marks]
b ) Let Γ(r, t) = 2πruθ (r, t), where uθ is the azimuthal flow speed and t is time. Show that
∂Γ ∂ Γ 1 ∂Γ
= ν − ,
∂t ∂r2 r ∂r
[6 marks]
c) For Γ in part b), what are the initial condition for r ≥ 0 and the boundary condition for t > 0
at the origin?
[4 marks]
e) What is the characteristic distance beyond which the flow is unaltered by the viscosity?
What is the flow at small distances from the origin – i.e., at r (4νt)1/2 ? What type of
rotation is this?
[3 marks]
SPA6310 (2015) Page 5
Question B2
where it is understood that the real part is to be taken; A(x, t) is the slowly varying amplitude and
θ(x, t) is the phase function, where x is space and t is time.
a) Show that
∂k ∂k
+ cg = 0,
∂t ∂x
by defining the local wavenumber, k = ∂θ/∂x, and the local frequency, ω = −∂θ/∂t; here
cg = cg (k) is the group velocity.
[6 marks]
b ) Briefly, interpret the derived equation in part (a). Relate it to the material derivative.
[3 marks]
ω(k) = (τ k 3 /ρ)1/2 ,
where the constants τ and ρ are tension and density, respectively, obtain k = k(x, t) and
ω = ω(x, t).
[8 marks]
[2 marks]
e) Write down the representation for a general disturbance in the form of a Fourier integral.
Suppose a disturbance has a form of a single wavepacket of almost constant wavenumber
k0 and the amplitude of the packet varies slowly with x, so that the packet contains a
large number of crests. Show that the envelope of the wave, and hence the wavepacket
as a whole, moves with the group velocity. Briefly discuss how such a packet might be
[6 marks]
Turn over
Page 6 SPA6310 (2015)
Question B3
a) Show that the complex potential w for a line vortex located at z = z0 , where z = x + iy, is:
w = − log(z − z0 ) ,
where Γ is the circulation.
[8 marks]
b ) What is the complex potential w for a pair of oppositely signed line vortices located at
z = ±d (i.e., one at +d and the other at −d), where d is the distance from the origin along
the real axis? What motion is self-induced in this case? Sketch the dipole and streamlines.
[5 marks]
c) Obtain explicitly the streamfunction from the complex potential in part (b).
[5 marks]
[5 marks]
e) What would be the motion of the pair if the two vortices had the same sign of circulation?
[2 marks]
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Question B4
b ) The following, much simpler algebraic equation for x, can give some insight to the
above differential equation:
εx2 + x − 1 = 0 .
Obtain the exact solution to this equation. How many solutions are there? What is
the connection between the number of solutions here and the difficulty mentioned in
part (a)?
[3 marks]
c ) Taylor expand the exact solution(s) obtained in part (b), up to first order in ε. Describe
what happens to the solutions as ε → 0.
[4 marks]
e ) Rescale x and transform the algebraic equation in part (b) so that the “boundary layer”
is recovered. Show, via perturbation up to first order in ε with the rescaled variable in
the transformed equation, that correct solutions are obtained.
[8 marks]
Turn over
Page 8 SPA6310 (2015)
r̂ rθ̂ ẑ
1 ∂ ∂ ∂
∇×F = ∂r ∂θ ∂z
Fr rFθ Fz
∂ur 1 ∂p 2 ur 2 ∂uθ
+ (u · ∇)ur − = − + ν ∇ ur − 2 − 2
∂t r ρ ∂r r r ∂θ
∂uθ ur uθ 1 ∂p 2 uθ 2 ∂ur
+ (u · ∇)uθ − = − + ν ∇ uθ − 2 + 2
∂t r ρr ∂θ r r ∂θ
∂uz 1 ∂p
+ ν ∇ 2 uz
+ (u · ∇)uz = −
∂t ρ ∂z
1 ∂(rur ) 1 ∂uθ ∂uz
0 = + +
r ∂r r ∂θ ∂z
∂φ 1 ∂φ ∂φ
∇φ = r̂ + θ̂ + ẑ
∂r r ∂θ ∂z
1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂2 ∂2
∇2 = r + 2 2+ 2
r ∂r ∂r r ∂θ ∂z
End of Paper