College of Architecture and Fine Arts: Olytechnic Niversity of The Hilippines

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Architecture and Fine Arts

Course Title : Architectural Design 5

Course Code : ARCH 3194

Course Credit : 10 credit hours ( 1 lecture hour and 9 studio hours) - 4 units

Pre-Requisite : Architectural Design 4

Course Description : Design exercises stressing the analysis of space requirements based on organizational structure, functional set up, and human behavior
to focus on linkages and interaction to spaces.

Institutional Learning Outcomes Programs Outcomes Course Objectives

Demonstrates creative and critical thinking through the process of design
thinking, understanding the importance of the natural and a good built
1. Creative and Critical Thinking environment to human experience. At the end of the course, the students should be
2. Effective Communication Articulate their design concepts and objectives through effective graphical able to:
presentation in a manner that is client-centered, and open to consideration of
alternative perspective.
1. Learn more complex architectural forms
3. Strong Service Orientation Exercise the responsibility of providing architectural design solutions for the
emphasizing on the development and manipulation
betterment of the community.
of the site through proper orientation and
4. Passion to Life-long Learning Develop the passion for learning through participating in output-based courses,
conducting innovative researches, and architectural studies.
Collaborating with fellow students and teachers and involving the community in
the design process to gauge the effectiveness of the design.
5. Community Engagement 2. Learn basic architectural relationships with the
Know the latest, most efficient, and appropriate building materials, systems,
and construction practices through research and application to make sure that environment.
6. Adeptness in the Responsible Use of Technology is sound and effective.
Develop the ability to make decisions through conducting research and practice
of design management.
7. High Level of Leadership and Organizational Skills 3. Design spaces for the various human behaviors.
Learn the building codes and laws related to the project, and standards of
professional practice.
8. Sense of Personal and Professional Ethics
Realize that learning is not only a responsibility to oneself, but also to 4. Develop their interest in architectural design.
community, nation and Nature.
9. Sense of Nationalism and Global Responsiveness

Week Topic Learning Outcomes Methodology Resources Assessment

1 Introduction to the Course 1 Students must have the initial grasp of 1 Lecture (Powerpoint Presentation, 1 Records/Powerpoint Diagnostic Examination
Week 1 2 Consideration of materials and the nature and form of the course. Scale Model) Presentation/Lesson Plans of
cost as a factor of design, site Upon handing the students’ score from 2 Discussions lecturers of the past/pre-requisite
considerations, and contribution the diagnostic exam, the class must be 3 Diagnostic Exam for Planning and subjects related to the course.
to energy efficiency given a slight knowledge (refer to other related subjects to the course. 2 Books related to the course.
3 Diagnostic Exams on the Learning Outcomes #1) about the 4 Create Priority lists of topics to be
knowledge of students in pre- course. refreshed/reviewed in the coming
requisite subjects. (The lecturer meeting.
must inform his/her student’s *The lecturer of the course must
score as to give them idea of their contact the professors of pre-requisite
knowledge of the course) subjects and have a survey of the
topics discussed. Topics that were
failed to be discussed should have a
quick discussion so that students will
not be lost as the course go on.
1 Refresher course for past pre- 1 Students must be able to learn the 1 Lecture (Powerpoint Presentation, 1 Books related to the course. Oral Presentation (Graded with
requisites/related subjects to the missed topics in past/pre-requisite Scale Model) Discretion of the lecturer. Rubrics or Prof’s Discretion)
nature of course according to subjects related to the course. 2 Discussion
Week 2 topics listed as priorities. 2 Students must have an initial 3 Consultation-Divide the class into  Architectural Graphic
(Building Technology 1 & 2: idea/understanding of the groups where there is representation of Standards by McGraw Hill.
Building Materials and Wood/ interconnected/overlapping relationships group leaders. Students will be Latest Edition
Timber Construction; Architectural of past subjects related to the course. required to have “Group Minutes of  Time Savers- Building
Design 4: Vernacular 3 Students must now have an added Meeting or GMOM” regarding the Types by McGraw Hill.
architecture) knowledge of the course+learnings from scheduling of the submittals. GMOMs Latest Edition
2 Presentation of Course Week 1 will be consolidated and the lecturer  Architecture as Environment
Requirements such as Esquisse, will announce the class’ pulse by Flavi Conti. 1978
Minor and Major Plates. regarding the process of submission of  Architecture: Form, Space,
3 Class consultation regarding the course requirements. & Order by Francis D.K.
scheduling of the submittals, be it Ching
by bulk or by portion.  Building Design for
4 Finalization of the schedule of Handicapped and Aged
class submittals. Person by Gilda Haber.
Presentation of the First Plate: Students must be knowledgeable with 1 Lecture/Discussion  Environmental Design, Oral Presentation (Graded with
Week 3 Municipal/ City Hall the necessary building codes 2 Handouts Architecture and Rubrics or Prof’s Discretion)
development appropriate for the plate. Technology by Margaret
Coltom-Wislow. 1995
Week 4 Further discussion of the first Familiarity with building codes must be Lecture/Discussion  DOT Standards and Recitation and class participation
major plate. intensified and students must meet that Guidelines grades
Students must have the knowledge and Consultation Preliminary assessment of major
Week 5 Presentation of Schematic plans ability to accomplish and present their 2 Building Codes of the plate based on sketches
drawings and concepts as required Philippines and etc.
Students must have the knowledge and 1 Lecture/ Discussion of the Design Esquisse grade with Rubrics
ESQUISSE ability to accomplish the a given tasks in problem  National Building Code of
Week 6 the Philippines
solving a design problem within a given 2. Drawing Requirements
time frame  Fire Code of the Philippines
1 Submission of First Major Plate Students must be knowledgeable with 1 Lecture/Discussion  Philippine Green Building Oral Presentation (Graded with
2 Presentation of the Second the necessary building codes 2 Handouts Code Rubrics or Prof’s Discretion)
Week 7
Plate: Convention & Exhibition appropriate for the plate.  Accessibility Law
Center  Etc.

Week 8 Further discussion of the 2nd Familiarity with building codes must be Lecture/ discussion Recitation and class participation
major plate intensified and students must meet that grades

Week 9 Presentation of Schematic plans Students must have the knowledge and Consultation Preliminary assessment of major
ability to accomplish and present their plate based on sketches
drawings and concepts as required
1 Administration of Midterm All Building Codes discussed in Examination Result
Examination which contains all the weeks covered.
Students must be able to apply all building codes, green building code
Week 10 Midterm Examination learnings in design through written and standards written in the questionnaires
drawing examination. and situational problem related to the
plate which could require the following:
Space planning and space
programming etc.
1 Submission of Second Major Students must be knowledgeable with 1 Lecture/Discussion 1 Books related to the course. Oral Presentation (Graded with
Week 11 Plate: the necessary building codes 2 Handouts Discretion of the lecturer. Rubrics or Prof’s Discretion)
2. Presentation of the 3rd Major appropriate for the plate.
Plate : University Dormitory  Architectural Graphic
Standards by McGraw Hill.
Familiarity with building codes must be 1 Lecture/Discussion Latest Edition
Week 12 Further discussion of the 3rd intensified and students must meet that 2 Handouts  Time Savers- Building
major plate objective. Types by McGraw Hill.
Latest Edition
Students must have the knowledge and  Architecture as Environment Oral Presentation (Graded with
Week 13 Presentation of Schematic plans ability to accomplish and present their by Flavi Conti. 1978 Rubrics or Prof’s Discretion)
drawings and concepts as required  Architecture: Form, Space,
Students must be able to apply all 1 Lecture/Discussion & Order by Francis D.K. Oral Presentation (Graded with
Week 14 Departmental Examination learnings in design through written and 2 Handouts Ching Rubrics or Prof’s Discretion)
drawing examination.
1 Students must be knowledgeable with 1 Lecture/Discussion  Building Design for Oral Presentation (Graded with
Week 15 Presentation of Revised Plans the necessary building codes 2 Handouts Handicapped and Aged Rubrics or Prof’s Discretion)
appropriate for the plate. 3 THREE-WAY LEARNING Person by Gilda Haber.
2 Familiarity with building codes must be STRATEGY-The lecturer will  Environmental Design,
intensified and students must meet that administer three activities: Building Architecture and
objective. Code Writing, Esquisse and Oral Technology by Margaret
3 Students must have the knowledge Presentation. Coltom-Wislow. 1995
regarding their ability to accomplish the 3A. BUILDING CODE Review:  DOT Standards and
tasks particularly in speaking in front of Students will list down (individual note Guidelines
the class and their drawing and taking) all the standards for
conceptual skills as required by esquisse SUBDIVISION Development (i.e. NBC, 2 Building Codes of the
and building code writing Green Building Codes, etc). This will Philippines and etc.
be part of their written exercise.
3B. ESQUISSE: The lecturer will then  National Building Code of
administer an esquisse, schematics or the Philippines
developmental stage of the plate,  Fire Code of the Philippines
based from the written codes and  Philippine Green Building
standards of the students. Code
3C. ORAL PRESENTATION: Students  Accessibility Law
will present their outputs before the
 Etc.
class. (Discretion of the lecturer; Must
be done in rounds so that everyone
can speak).
Student must be able to present a Submittals Evaluation of Final Plate
Week 16 Submission of Final Plate complete set of design drawings drawings with grades based on

Discussion and Administration of Students must be able to know whether 1 Administration of Final Examination All Building Codes discussed in Examination Result
Week 17 Final Examination they missed certain standards or codes. which contains all the building codes, weeks covered.
green building code standards written
in the questionnaires and situational
problem related to the plate which
could require the following:
Space Planning and Space
Programming etc.
Week 18 Presentation and defense of Final Students must gain the confidence in Student consultation with subject Oral Presentation grade with
Plate being able to present and defend his/her specialist Rubrics
work and solution to the design problem
in front of an audience.

Class Standing 70%

 Quizzes
 Attendance
 Recitation
 Projects/Assignments/Seatwork/Special Report

Midterm / Final Examinations 30%

Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade = FINAL GRADE


Prepared by: Noted by:

 ____Ar. Emilie T. Garcia___ ____Ar. Gina G. Flandes___

Name of Faculty Chairperson - OIC

Approved by:

____Dr./Ar. Jocelyn A. Rivera-Lutap, FUAP___


_____Dr. Manuel M. Muhi_______

Vice President for Academic Affairs

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