Industry 4.0: Top Challenges For Chemical Manufacturing: R&D Solutions For Chemicals
Industry 4.0: Top Challenges For Chemical Manufacturing: R&D Solutions For Chemicals
Industry 4.0: Top Challenges For Chemical Manufacturing: R&D Solutions For Chemicals
Industry 4.0 is transforming chemical manufacturing. Companies are adapting
to the digital world, recognizing the power of “connection” among products,
production equipment and personnel. But transformation entails challenges.
Some are specific to organizations, depending on where they are with regard to
technology, operations and resources. Others, such as meeting standards and
implementing best practices, are challenges that confront all companies, and
are key to maximizing partnerships and collaborations.
Industry 4.0 involves combining both physical
and digital technologies to streamline business
operations and promote growth.
Within the past couple of years, the manufacturing world has catapulted into “Industry
4.0.” Industry 2.0 was about focusing on mass production and improving processes
through tools such as Six Sigma. Industry 3.0 drove automation and the push to centralize
data across departments within a company to make product development more efficient,
improve quality and reduce costs.
Also referred to as “the fourth industrial revolution,” Industry 4.0 involves combining both
physical and digital technologies to streamline business operations and promote growth.
Driven largely by the advent of “smart” factories, underpinned by the Internet of Things
(IoT), Industry 4.0 describes the movement by manufacturers to not only connect up
all parts of their organization, but also to reach out and connect globally with suppliers,
customers and new partners—especially technology firms. It is arguably the most
transformative era yet for chemical manufacturing.
A recent report, Industry 4.0 at McKinsey’s Model Factories, describes the new era as “a
confluence of disruptive digital technologies that are set to change the manufacturing
sector beyond recognition: driven by the astonishing rise in data volumes, computational
power, and connectivity; by the emergence of advanced analytics and business intelligence
capabilities; by new forms of human-machine interaction, such as touch interfaces and
augmented-reality systems; by improvements in the transfer of digital instructions to the
physical world, such as in advanced robotics and 3-D printing.”
Exciting, but also potentially overwhelming. What does it mean specifically for chemical
manufacturing? Where do organizations who want to keep pace begin to focus their efforts?
This white paper presents three major 4.0 challenges that chemical manufacturers need to
address right now to stay competitive.
Internet of Things (IoT) The early adoption of these innovations
Simply put, the IoT—also referred to as should make the prospect of increasing
the “Internet of everything”—involves such connectedness exponentially—e.g.,
the use of technology to connect people, developing “smart” factories and initiating
processes, assets and products in both other production and operational
the physical and digital worlds. enhancements—less daunting.
“Data is not useful unless it is processed in a
way that provides context and meaning that
can be understood by the right personnel.”
—Experts at the NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center
On the other hand, every chemical Germany stresses that “employees need to
manufacturer’s workforce also needs become enabled to take on more strategic,
the right people. “You need people coordinating and creative activities” to cope
who can take a bird’s eye view at the with knowledge and competence challenges
department level and pull relevant data in the IoT environment.
together to inform department-level
“Simple and monotonous processes are
decisions,” said Elsevier’s Valimaki. “And
being automated, while other processes
you also need people who can take a
become more complex and intertwined,”
global view, making informed decisions
they note. “The number of workspaces
across departments and often, across
with a high level of complexity will
entities that are collaborating on major
increase,” resulting in the need to hire
projects. That calls for a transdisciplinary
people with higher level skills and/or train
team whose members are skilled not
current employees to deal with more
only in their specific areas of expertise,
complicated processes, thereby ensuring
such as operations or R&D, but also in
retention in a shifting work environment.
sharing and communicating digitally-
derived insights seamlessly across the
organization and its partners.”
“Holistic human resource management”
was the term used by presenters at the 6th
CIRP Conference on Learning Factories
held recently in Norway. In the conference
proceedings, Fabian Hecklau of the
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems
and Design Technology IPK in Berlin,
Standards and best practices for all players.” The authors show an
The National Institute of Standards and Industry 4.0 standard structure that
Technology (NIST) refers to IoT-enabled includes “basic common standards” (e.g.,
manufacturing as “smart manufacturing security, detection and evaluation) and “key
systems (SMS),” characterized by technology” standards (e.g., smart factory,
digitization to enhance interoperability industrial software and big data)—10
and productivity; use of connected devices categories in all, likely with multiple
and distributed intelligence; collaborative standards within each.
and rapidly responsive supply chain Standards bodies such as the ISO and IEC
management; integrated decision making have joined together to form a working
for energy and resource efficiency; and, as group for the IoT. NIST has created a
highlighted in this white paper, advanced Smart Manufacturing Systems Design and
sensors and big data analytics throughout. Analysis Program to “deliver measurement
Standards—the building blocks that enable science, standards and protocols, and tools
repeatable processes—will maximize the needed to design and analyze SMS…”
possibilities of Industry 4.0 across the Various consortia and open-source
chemical manufacturing sector. But we’re organizations also are developing
not there yet. NIST has devoted an entire standards and best practices for SMS, as
publication to the Current Standards are professional societies and trade groups.
Landscape for Smart Manufacturing
Systems. In it, the Institute notes that Just as embedding machines with sensors
existing standards provide instructions for won’t ensure decision making, the
designers, engineers, builders, operators existence of all these standards doesn’t
and decision makers within their own ensure adoption, especially given their
domains (i.e., silos), only occasionally diversity. Standards harmonization is key
facilitating much-needed communication to implementation, yet some experts
among stakeholders across domains. predict it will take at least another decade
to create Industry 4.0-specific standards.
The sheer volume of regional, national and Meanwhile, to help ensure quality control
international standards for manufacturing and security, each partner in a chemical
is mind-boggling. Echoing NIST, a recent manufacturing endeavor needs to ensure
review published in Advanced Engineering that standards relevant to their particular
Informatics noted, “Equipment, suppliers, domains are met.
factories, production lines, products and
customers are integrated under Industry
4.0. Therefore, there are specific standards
The challenges presented here can also be viewed as opportunities—to grow, connect,
streamline and build your chemical manufacturing value chain. This white paper is
intended to raise awareness of some of the key components of Industry 4.0 so that
chemical manufacturers can take stock of their current status and create a strategy to
move forward. Our next white paper provides a look at pilot projects and evidence-
based examples of what some companies are doing to take advantage of Industry 4.0
opportunities, and to survive and thrive in coming years.
Elsevier’s R&D Solutions is a portfolio of tools that integrate data, analytics and
technology capabilities to help chemical companies more quickly design, test, and
train staff to achieve a safe, compliant, and efficient production line.
To learn more about Elsevier’s R&D Solutions, visit
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