Office:: Human Resource Management Office City Government of Puerto Princesa HRMO Annual Accomplishment Report, CY 2012
Office:: Human Resource Management Office City Government of Puerto Princesa HRMO Annual Accomplishment Report, CY 2012
Office:: Human Resource Management Office City Government of Puerto Princesa HRMO Annual Accomplishment Report, CY 2012
2.1.4 Citizen’s Charter (RA 9485 or Anti Red Tape Act) ............................................................ 7
2.5 Others....................................................................................................................................... 17
5 APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 25
AO Administrative Officer
APPCGE Association of Puerto Princesa City Government Executives
ATLMS Attendance Tracking and Leave Management System
BCLP Basic Computer Literacy Program
CBO City Budget Office
CED City Engineering Department
CENRO City Environment and Natural Resources Office/r
CFAG Certificate of Final Action on the Grievance
CG City Government
CGPP City Government of Puerto Princesa
CHO City Health Office
CIO City Information Office
CLO City Legal Office
CMO City Mayor’s Office
COA Commission on Audit
CPO City Personnel Officer
CRD City Registry of Deeds
CS Civil Service
CSC Civil Service Commission
CSFO Civil Service Commission – Field Office
CSCRO Civil Service Commission – Regional Office
CSTP City Strategic Training Plan
CSWDO City Social Welfare and Development Office
CTO City Treasurer’s Office
CTP City Trainor’s Pool
CY Calendar Year
DBM Department of Budget and Management
DTR Daily Time Record
GSIS Government Service Insurance System
GSO General Service Office
HR Human Resource
HRD Human Resource Development
HRDT Human Resource Development and Training
HRIS Human Resource Information System
HRMIS Human Resource Management Information System
HRMO Human Resource Management Office
MC Memorandum Circular
OCPDC Office of the City Planning & Development Coordinator
PAIC Public Assistance and Information Center
PCPO Palawan Council of Personnel/Administrative Officers
PDF Position Description Form
Activities performed by HRMO for CY 2012 were all geared towards the attainment of the
objectives set in the HRMO’s Logical Framework for 2008-2012. These include the following:
regular update and maintenance of personnel files; filling-up of vacant positions; continuous
processing of leave applications through the Attendance Tracking and Leave Management
System, early and voluntary separation applications, membership for PhilHealth, PAG-IBIG,
and GSIS; and issuance of service records, employment and compensation, notice of step
increment, notice of salary adjustments, notice pertaining to loyalty bonus, and notice for
failure to his/her application for sick leave within three days after return from sick leave. To
track down and store various applications for leave, a Database for leave records was
established. Similarly, Database for Hiring Program was created using the MS Access to
easily determine the status of certain vacant position and corresponding applicants. These
databases are apart from the so-called ATLMS.
Pertaining to Grievance Committee, Section 1 of Executive Order No. 014, s. of 2007 was
amended thru Executive Order No. 13, s. of 2012 to include the new members of the
Committee due to the retirement of some of its original members. Thereafter, the complaints
received regarding dishonesty and misconduct or insubordination were acted upon and
harmoniously resolved, having considered the cases amicably settled.
On the other hand, the manual of frontline services of the City Government of Puerto
Princesa was updated as a result of the ISO Internal Audit concluded in August 2012 and to
include other necessary services being provided.
Concerning PSB and appointments, HRMO has facilitated PSB meetings for 94 positions
this year. For items which do not require PSB interview, ten (10) positions have been filled-
up. As of December 2012, CGPP has a total of 879 personnel (officials and employees); of
the 1,021 plantilla positions, 142 remain vacant.
In connection with the celebration of the 112th Anniversary of the Philippine Service, it was
concluded on September 28, 2012 at the City Coliseum, Puerto Princesa City. During the
culminating activity, 11 employees who have rendered 30 years of service in the CGPP were
awarded with cash amounting to P10,000.00 each and Plaque of Recognition. Also, the 32
employees who have availed the Early and Voluntary Separation Incentives Program of the
City Government were given a tribute and a Plaque of Recognition.
With regards to a continuing program for personnel development, HRMO has successfully
conducted trainings on Seminar-Workshop on Managing Positive Work Attitudes,
Orientation-Workshop for New Entrants, Pre-Retirement Orientation, and Training on
Excellent Client Service. Also, staff from the HRDT had been facilitators and resource
speakers in various seminars and trainings sponsored by different organizations.
On financial matters, out of P1.81 billion City’s total budget for CY 2012, P234.2 million was
allotted for salaries and wages of regular employees, and P84.6 million for other
compensation and personal benefits. Said amount is approximately 18% of the total
INDICATORS Verification 2
Towards a model city in sustainable
1. Promote a high degree of
citizen and private sector
participation in attaining
balance between development
initiatives and environmental
2. Provide quality social services,
community facilities and
economic support services;
3. Carry out programs, projects
and activities that will support
the development thrusts of the
provincial, regional and
national governments;
4. Ensure transparent,
responsive and client oriented
governance with the highest
degree of professionalism and
public accountability
Logical framework – set of related concepts that describe in an operational way in matrix form the most important aspects of an operation. It facilitates improved monitoring
and evaluation.
Sources of verification are documents, reports and other sources providing information that makes it possible to gauge actual progress towards the planned results and
Assumptions - external factors that are outside the direct control of the project, but crucial for the achievement of activities, results, purpose and overall objective
INDICATORS Verification
1. To establish & maintain - Computerized data of - By end of 2010, all 201 - Personnel and office - Encode & update - Program Additional encoder
HRMIS personnel & office records files of CGPP officials & records computerized personnel data of installed in the & additional
employees and other program employees of CGPP & computer, computer units
admin records have been other office records reports with paraphernalia
computerized & can be
easily retrieved.
are provided
before end of
- Completed an accurate - At the end of 2012, list - Computerization of - Update service record - 201 files of
list of entitled beneficiaries is 85% complete personnel data employees,
of incentives & awards reports
- Prepare Schedule of - 201 files of
Step Increments and employees
Loyalty Cash Bonus
- Prepare Master List of - Reports
Beneficiaries of Step
Increment and Loyalty
Cash Bonus
- Updated & accurate - By year 2012, - Strict implementation - Process leave - Leave cards,
personnel records for the of CS laws and rules applications program
following: (Leave laws) installed in the
a) Service Records a) 80% of employees - Update computation of - Leave cards
with updated Service total leave credits of
Records employees
b) Loyalty Cash Bonus b) schedule of - Post tardiness and - Leave cards
recipients for Loyalty undertime monthly
Cash Bonus is 90%
c) Step Increment c) schedule of Step - Issue Notice of Total - Records
Increment is 90% Leave Balance, Step books, reports,
complete Increments, Loyalty Cash files, Schedule
Bonus & Tardiness and of Recipients
INDICATORS Verification
d) Leave Credits d) Data on leave - Update and prepare - Files
credits of 90% of master list of compulsory
employees encoded to retirement
the newly installed
e) Retirement e) Schedule of - Facilitate membership - Files
Retirement is 90% applications for GSIS,
complete PAG-IBIG and PhilHealth
- Completed accurate and - Within the period of - Personnel - Up-to-date encoding of - Program
updated electronic five years, all personnel computerized program personnel statistics installed in the
personnel statistical data statistical data are computer,
computerized and reports
2. To enhance criteria in the - Hired qualified & - Number of applicants - Publication of vacant - Post list of vacant - Files
selection of applicant in competent applicants hired positions positions in all colleges
accordance with CS guidelines and universities in this
City in addition to the
requirements of the CSC
- Minimized protests on - Number of protests - Strict implementation - Publish in local - Files, reports
appointments reduced by 50% in of set criteria newspapers aside from
2012 the CSC bulletin and air
the vacancies on radio
program of the City
- No mismatching of - 100% no mismatch by - Evaluate thoroughly - Evaluation
applicants to applied 2012 applicants' PDS based on reports
position the set criteria
- Conduct written & actual - Summary of - Full support and
examination - if needed examination cooperation of all
(questions prepared by results departments and
HRMO & office offices
INDICATORS Verification
- PSB members to - Coordinate with the - Reports
attend CSC seminars, CSC on the seminars,
workshops and trainings workshops and trainings
in selection process to be conducted
3. To ensure that CS and CGPP - Minimized violations on - Number of violators - Leaflets re: HR policies - Submit report to City - Reports, files
laws, rules, policies, CS and CGPP laws & reduced to 75% at the & related CS and CGPP Mayor on violations of CS
regulations, memoranda & rules end of 2012 laws and regulations laws & rules
issuances are implemented
- Recommendation for - Check & review SALN of - Reports, files
the imposition of City of officials &
penalties employees
- Minimized revisions on - Revisions on DTRs - Strict enforcement of - Coordinate with AOs on - Reports
processed DTRs reduced by 75% by end the on-time submission related memoranda
of 2012 of required documents
- Improved PES - Acceptable and - Seminar Workshop on - Check & review PERs of - PES control
realistic PES by end of PES for Department & City officials & employees list, reports, file
2009 Asst. Department Heads
- Ensure maximum - Revise & recommend - PERs Detailed
utilization & for approval of applicable submitted, employees shall
rationalization of PES reports have been recalled
workload of different to perform their
offices assigned tasks in
their respective
mother offices.
- Activate PERC - Approved
Executive Order
- Setting of reasonable & - PERs
realistic target based on
office programs
- On-time payment of - Number of claims - Complete submission - Check, review and card - Record book,
salaries & other monetary of required documents accurately various claims salary cards
claims of officials and of the CGPP officials and
employees employees
INDICATORS Verification
- Identified & - By the end of 2009, all - Personnel audit - Review the duties of the - Audit reports, - Cooperation of
recommended to City employees are audited position & the actual files the concerned
Mayor employees with (100%) duties being performed by department or
overlapping & under the employee office.
lapping of functions
4. To achieve a higher level of - Established a continuing - Number of training - Training/ Seminar/ - Conduct Training Needs - Reports This will be
service proficiency through program for personnel conducted and Workshop Assessment (TNA) realized if
continuing training & HRD development evaluated additional staff will
programs be provided
- Develop CD for the
prioritized training
- Prepare City Strategic
Training Plan for the year
- Prepare Training
- Conduct Training
- Increase number of - 75% of target - Tutoring - Conduct session proper - Reports, files Additional
computer literate employees trained for 20 hours each class computer units as
employees well as tutors
needed in order to
realize this activity.
- Enhanced Skills - 75% of target - Specialized Skills - Facilitate conduct of - Reports, TRIS Sufficient fund for
employees trained/ Training specialized skills training the purpose to
monitored facilitate the said
- Professionalized Client - 75% of target - Monitoring and - Conduct Survey on the - Training This will be
Service employees trained/ evaluation Training Impact Reports realized if
evaluated additional staff will
be provided
- Minimized conflict in the - Conflicts in service - Training - Conduct Orientation - Reports, TRIS
workplace delivery was minimized Workshop for New
to 75% Entrants, Re-orientation
Seminar for City
INDICATORS Verification
- Established Career - Career Pathing & Training on preparing - Make a request to the - HRMO Sufficient fund
Pathing and Succession Succession Plan Career Pathing and Civil Service Commission Reports, Career provided for the
Plan developed by end of Succession Plan for regarding the Training on Path and purpose
2012 HRMO Trainers preparing Career Pathing Succession Plan
& Succession Plan
For CY 2012, HRMO has facilitated PSB meetings (interview and examination of applicants)
for the positions listed on the next leaves.
For final printing and approval.
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HRMO 2012 Annual Report
Position Office
January 2012
(2) Administrative Assistant II (Clerk IV) Office of the City Administrator
Administrative Aide IV (Clerk II) Office of the City Administrator
CG Dept. Head II (City Tourism Officer) Office of the Tourism Officer
(3) Tourist Receptionist Office of the City Tourism Officer
Administrative Aide III (Driver I) Office of the City Tourism Officer
CG Dept. Head II (City Veterinarian II) Office of the City Veterinarian
March 2012
Local Treasury Operations Officer III Office of the City Treasurer
(2) Local Treasury Operations Officer II Office of the City Treasurer
Local Revenue Collection Officer I Office of the City Treasurer
Revenue Collection Clerk III Office of the City Treasurer
(2) Administrative Aide IV (Clerk II) Office of the City Treasurer
Ticket Checker Office of the City Treasurer
Local Assessment Operations Officer IV Office of the City Assessor
Local Assessment Operations Officer II Office of the City Assessor
Tax Mapper III Office of the City Assessor
Assessment Clerk II Office of the City Assessor
Administrative Aide VI (Storekeeper II) Office of the City Assessor
Supvg. Admin. Officer (AO IV) Office of the City Legal Officer
Administrative Officer IV (AO II) Office of the City Legal Officer
April 2012
Youth Development Officer I Office of the City Social Welfare & Dev’t. Officer
Social Welfare Assistant Office of the City Social Welfare & Dev’t. Officer
Local Treasury Operations Officer IV Office of the City Treasurer
Local Revenue Collection Officer III Office of the City Treasurer
Local Treasury Operations Officer II Office of the City Treasurer
CG Dept. Head II (City Gen. Services Officer II) Office of the City Gen. Services Officer
Supvg. Admin. Officer (AO IV) Office of the City Gen. Services Officer
Administrative Assistant II (Labor Gen. Foreman) Office of the City Gen. Services Officer
Security Guard II Office of the City Engineer
(2) Security I Office of the City Engineer
(3) Administrative Aide III (Driver I0 Office of the City Engineer
Medical Officer III Office of the City Health Officer
Nutritionist-Dietitian IV Office of the City Health Officer
Population Program Officer I Office of the City Health Officer
Sanitation Inspector I Office of the City Health Officer
June 2012
CG Asst. Dept. Head II (Asst. City Administrator) Office of the City Administrator
Supvg. Admin. Officer (mgt. & Audit Analyst IV) Office of the City Accountant
(2) Senior Bookkeeper Office of the City Accountant
Administrative Assistant II (Bookkeeper I) Office of the City Accountant
(2) Administrative Assistant II (Acctg. Clerk III) Office of the City Accountant
(2) Administrative Aide VI (Acctg. Clerk II) Office of the City Accountant
CG Dept. Head II (City Personnel Officer) Office of the City Human Resource Mgt. Officer
(3) Supvg. Admin. Officer (HRMO IV) Office of the City Human Resource Mgt. Officer
(2) Administrative Assistant II (HRMA) Office of the City Human Resource Mgt. Officer
(2) Housing & Homesite Reg. Assistant Office of the City Mayor
Administrative Aide VI (Clerk III) Office of the City Mayor
Veterinarian IV Office of the City Veterinarian
Agriculturist II Office of the City Agriculturist
Administrative Aide IV (Clerk II) Office of the City Agriculturist
Farm Foreman Office of the City Agriculturist
Security Guard I Office of the City Engineer
(2) Administrative Aide III (Driver I) Office of the City Engineer
Attorney III Office of the City Legal Officer
Statistician I Office of the City Planning & Dev’t. Coord.
July 2012
CG Asst. Dept. Head II (Asst. City Personnel Officer) Office of the City Human Resource Mgt. Officer
Meat Inspector III Office of the City Veterinarian
Revenue Collection Clerk II Office of the City Treasurer
Administrative Officer III (Records Officer II) Office of the City Treasurer
(2) Local Treasury Operations Officer II Office of the City Treasurer
October 2012
Administrative Assistant II (Computer Operator II) Office of the City Mayor
November 2012
CG Dept. Head II (City Budget Officer II) Office of the City Budget Officer
December 2012
Midwife III Office of the City Health Officer
(3) Administrative Officer V (HRMO III) Office of the City Human Resource Mgt. Officer
Administrative Officer IV (HRMO II) Office of the City Human Resource Mgt. Officer
Supvg. Admin. Officer (Cashier IV) Office of the City Treasurer
(3) Revenue Collection Clerk II Office of the City Treasurer
Administrative Aide IV (Clerk II) Office of the City Treasurer
Licensing Officer I Office of the City Mayor
Administrative Aide IV (Bookbinder II) Office of the City Mayor
For items which do not require PSB interview, the following positions have been filled-up:
Position Office
January 2012
Administrative Assistant V (Private Secretary I) Office of the Sangguniang Panlungsod
April 2012
Administrative Aide III (Utility Worker II) Office of the City General Services Officer
June 2012
CG Asst. Dept. Head II (Asst. City Treasurer) Office of the City Treasurer
Administrative Aide III (Utility Worker II) Office of the City Mayor – Public Market
August 2012
(3) Administrative Aide III (Utility Worker II) Office of the City Mayor
September 2012
Administrative Aide III (Driver I) Office of the Sangguniang Panlungsod
October 2012
Administrative Aide III (Utility Worker II) Office of the Sec. to the Sangguniang Panlungsod
November 2012
Executive Assistant I Office of the City Mayor
CMO 23 1 - 58 35 47 82 11 93
7 1 7 12 3 15 1 16
SP 36 12 - 0 27 21 48 8 56
SSP - - - 40 14 26 40 7 47
1 - 9 4 6 10 1 11
HRMO - - - 23 6 17 23 6 29
OCPDC - - - 40 20 20 40 4 44
CIVIL REGISTRAR - - - 8 4 4 8 2 10
GSO - - - 43 25 18 43 4 47
CBO - - - 13 4 9 13 2 15
ACCOUNTANT - - - 29 4 25 29 7 36
CTO - - - 45 17 28 45 14 59
ASSESSOR - - - 26 17 9 26 3 29
CIO 1 - - 8 6 3 9 4 13
CLO - - - 14 6 8 14 5 19
CRD - - - 4 2 2 4 0 4
CHO - - - 79 17 62 79 11 90
POPCOM - - - 10 1 9 10 0 10
CSWDO - - - 36 3 33 36 3 39
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HRMO 2012 Annual Report
SLAUGHTERHOUSE - - - 7 2 5 7 1 8
TOURISM - - - 14 2 12 14 0 14
TOTAL 68 14 0 797 435 444 879 142 1021
Legend: C – co-terminous E- Elected M – Male F – Female
2.2.3 Others
Moreover, the following were also done by the Recruitment and Hiring Division:
• Encoding of the duties and functions of each position (194) for the amendments of
PDF for positions of which some duties are already obsolete.
• Roll of Personnel for CY 2011
• Monthly updating of the Plantilla of Personnel (January-December 2012) as a result
of accession, promotion, and separation of
• Creation of the Database for Hiring Program
using the MS Access to easily determine the
status of certain vacant position as well as
the corresponding applicants.
Table 4. Number of Recipients for Loyalty Cash Bonus, Step Increment and Retirement for CY
Number of Recipients
Female Male Total
Rehabilitation Leave - 1 1
as of December 2012
Office of the City General Services Officer
1. Cristina A. Pahamutang Records Officer II 30 years
February 7, 2012 - Regular Executive Meeting, Audio Visual Hall, City Hall, Puerto
Princesa City
February 15-16, - PCPAO Seminar, Capitol Building, Puerto Princesa City
February 21, 2012 - Special Executive Meeting, Conference Room, City Hall, Puerto
Princesa City
March 6, 2012 - Regular Executive Meeting, Audio Visual Hall, City Hall, Puerto
Princesa City
May 8, 2012 - Regular Executive Meeting, Audio Visual Hall, City Hall, Puerto
Princesa City
May 28, 2012 - Special Executive Meeting, Conference Room, City Hall, Puerto
Princesa City
June 7-8, 2012 - Training on ISO, Conference Room, City Hall, Puerto Princesa
June 8-9, 2012 - Strategic Planning Workshop for City Executives, Asturias Hotel,
Puerto Princesa City
June 13-15, 2012 - ISO Internal Audit Training, Conference Room, City Hall, Puerto
Princesa City
June 28, 2012 - ISO 9001:2004 Ceremonial Signing, City Coliseum, Puerto
Princesa City
July 9-13, 2012 - 1st Internal EQMS Audit ISO 9001:2008/14001:2004, Audio Visual
Hall, City Hall, Puerto Princesa City
July 17, 2012 - Management Review Process Orientation, Audio Visual Hall, City
Hall, Puerto Princesa City
July 18-19, 2012 - ISO 9001:2008/14001:2004 Pre-Assessment, Audio Visual Hall,
City Hall, Puerto Princesa City
August 7, 2012 - 1 Management review on ISO 9001:2008/14001:2004, Audio
Visual Hall, City Hall, Puerto Princesa City
August 10, 2012 - ISO 9001:2008/14001:2004 Logo Contest, Conference Room, City
Hall, Puerto Princesa City
August 30-31, - ISO 9001:2008/14001:2004 Stage 1 External Audit, Conference
2012 Room, City Hall, Puerto Princesa City
November 6, 2012 - Regular Executive Meeting, Conference Room, City Hall, Puerto
Princesa City
December 4, 2012 - Regular Executive Meeting, Conference Room, City Hall, Puerto
Princesa City
Pertaining to Performance Evaluation System, the Division has reviewed 984 PES forms
for ratings and 1,299 PES forms for targets of CGPP employees for this period. Three (3)
consolidated reports on Performance Rating were prepared covering the following
periods: January to June 2009 and July to December 2009, January to June 2010 and
July to December 2010, and January to June 2011 and July to December 2011.
Fontanilla, D. B. 2012. Training Transfer Evaluation Report on Seminar-Workshop on Managing Positive Work Attitudes
2011. City Government of Puerto Princesa. August 2012.
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HRMO 2012 Annual Report
Table 6. Trainings Conducted by the Human Resource Development and Training Division
No. of
No. of Target
Title of Training Actual Male Female Duration Date Conducted Venue
1. Seminar-Workshop on 47 45 17 28 2 days February 28-29, 2012 Bulwagan Princesa Inn
Managing Positive Work & Restaurant
2. Orientation-Workshop 44 43 23 20 2 days July 11-12, 2012 Audio-Visual Hall, City
for New Entrants Hall Bldg., Puerto
Princesa City
2.5 Others
For this period, eight staff from the HRMO attended the 1st Quarterly Seminar of the
Palawan Council of Personnel/Administrative Officer (PCPAO) on February 15-16, 2012
held at the VJR hall, Capitol Bldg., Puerto Princesa City.
Found to be substantially in accordance with the guidelines
set and prescribed under CSC Memorandum Circular Nos. 1,
2 and 3, all series of 2001, the agency’s amended personnel
mechanisms (PRAISE, Grievance Machinery, Merit Selection
Plan) were approved by the Civil Service Commission per
letter dated April 12, 2012 of Dir. Lydia A. Castillo, Director IV
of CSCRO4. Personnel Mechanisms
Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence
Grievance Machinery
On April 17-19, 2012, five staff from the HRMO attended the Merit Selection Plan
Furthermore, major activities undertaken during the said celebration also include
Livelihood Seminar, Spiritual and Moral Enhancement Seminar, and Sports fest.
On November 26, 2012, the newly appointed Assistant City Personnel Officer was
invited to discuss some important matters pertaining to CSC rules and regulations for
employees of the City Sports Office.
4. Database Build-up and Management Administrative Records Filing System Continuous updating of Administrative December 2012
updated; 800 employees’ profile encoded Records Filing System for easy retrieval of
and updated in the HRMIS files; started encoding of employees’
profile/records (data in the PDS) in the
5. Prepare HRMO reports 1 semi-annual report, 1 Annual Report, and 4 Prepared 7 Customer/Client Feedback January and July 2012
Customers’ Feedback Report prepared reports, Annual Procurement Plan, HRMO
Annual Accomplishment Report for 2011,
Highlights of Accomplishment (January-
June 2011); updated Citizen’s Charter of
6. Issue and process requested 800 request forms processed Processed 854 request forms December 2012
7. Encode, edit & process ATLMS data 895 DTRs processed per month Processed 880 DTRs per month December 2012
(attendance), and print DTRs
(January – December 2012) DATE
8. Review/check and consolidate SALN SALN of 883 CGPP employees and officials Reviewed 2011 SALN of 874 employees June 2012
reviewed/checked and consolidated and officials of the CGPP and forwarded to
the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for
Luzon last April 26, 2012.
9. Prepare Purchase Request 6 PRs prepared 4 PRs prepared December 2012
10. Prepare Financial Reports 1 Financial Report prepared 2 Financial reports (Financial Plan for August 2012
Budget Preparation & Financial Plan and
Request for Allotment)
and Statistics Division
11. Publish vacant positions 110 vacant positions published 274 vacant positions published December 2012
12. Post Notice of Vacancy 4 Notices of Vacancy posted to conspicuous 10 Notices of Vacancy posted December 2012
13. Record and evaluate application letters 300 application letters recorded and 1,198 application letters recorded and December 2012
evaluated evaluated
14. Update list of applicants in the 4 lists of applicants updated 54 application folders updated December 2012
application folders
15. Conduct and facilitate PSB interview 28 Notices of PSB meetings prepared; 28 Prepared 79 letters to all radio stations in December 2012
PSB folders prepared; 15 pages of Minutes Puerto Princesa City re names of applicants
of the Meetings prepared for PSB, 62 PSB folders, 17 pages of
Minutes of the PSB Meetings
16. Conduct written examinations 2 hours of written exam conducted 2 hours of written exam December 2012
17. Process and transmit appointments to 70 appointments processed and transmitted 94 appointments processed and transmitted December 2012
18. Post Notice of Appointments Notice posted upon appointment of newly 2 Notices of Appointment posted December 2012
hired employees
19. Update Personnel Complement 12 times Personnel Complement prepared 12 times Personnel Complement prepared December 2012
20. Update Roll of Personnel 1 book of Roll of Personnel prepared 1 book of Roll of Personnel prepared January 2012
21. Prepare new Position Description 650 new PDF of City employees prepared 750 new PDF of City employees prepared December 2012
Form of City employees
January – December 2012) DATE
22. Prepare transmittal to Civil Service 8 transmittals to CSFO prepared 12 transmittals to CSFO prepared December 2012
Field Office
23. Prepare transmittal of approved 30 transmittal of approved appointments to 133 transmittal of approved appointments December 2012
appointments to different offices different offices prepared prepared
24. Prepare certifications as attachments 185 certifications prepared and attached to 318 certifications prepared December 2012
to appointments appointments
25. Prepare Administrative Order of 30 Administrative Orders to issue 75 Administrative Orders prepared December 2012
appointments appointments prepared
26. Prepare reports on Accession and 4 reports on Accession/ Separation/ 4 reports on Accession/ Separation/ December 2012
Separation Appointments prepared Appointments prepared
27. Prepare Annual Plantilla of Personnel 1,021 positions Prepared 2013 Annual Plantilla of December 2012
Personnel with 1,037 positions
28. Prepare Staffing and Compensation 1,021 positions Prepared Staffing and Compensation December 2012
Profile Profile for 1,037 positions for CY 2013
Employees Welfare/Benefits and
Personnel Services Division
29. Process leave applications 5,000 leave applications processed Processed 7,835 leave applications December 2012
30. Generate Reports on Tardiness and 25 reports generated and distributed to 15 reports on tardiness and undertime December 2012
Undertime employees with tardiness and undertime generated and distributed
31. Prepare and issue Notices to CG 300 notices to CG employees prepared and Prepared and issued 636 Notices to December 2012
employees issued concerned CG employees
32. Prepare List of Recipients of Benefits 1 list of recipients of Step Increment, 1 list of Prepared 3 lists: Step Increment, Loyalty, & December 2012
and Awards recipients for Loyalty Cash Bonus, 1 list of 30 years incentive awards
recipient for 30 years incentive awards
33. Prepare list of retirees and compute 1 list of retirees prepared and computed Prepared 1 list of retirees (CY 2013) December 2012
retirement claims retirement claims
34. Update and prepare Service Records 300 service records updated; 100 service Updated 398 service records; prepared December 2012
records prepared 108 service records
35. Prepare Certification of Employment & 500 certifications prepared Prepared 434 certifications December 2012
January – December 2012) DATE
36. Prepare ARA forms 12 ARA forms prepared Prepared 15 ARA forms December 2012
37. Prepare Notice of Salary Adjustment 877 NOSA prepared Prepared and distributed NOSA of 879 December 2012
39. Prepare Training Calendar 1 Training Calendar prepared Prepared 1 Training Calendar End of November 2012
40. Prepare Training Design/Curriculum 2Training Design/Curriculum prepared Prepared 4 Training Design/Curriculum As scheduled
41. Conduct Training 64 hours of training Conducted 56 hours of training December 2012
42. Document Training Process 32 hours of documentation of training 8 hours of documentation of training December 2012
process process
43. Conduct Training Impact Evaluation 90 evaluation reports prepared (per Prepared 30 evaluation reports (per December 2012
employee) employee)
44. Update CGPP employees’ training 500 training records posted and updated Posted 843 training records; TRIS updated December 2012
45. Update HRMO Bulletin Board 16 hours for updating HRMO Bulletin Board 8 hours for updating HRMO Bulletin Board every end of quarter
46. Provide Resource Person Services 30 hours as Resource Person; 30 hours for Provided 32 hours as Resource Person and As need arises
and Facilitation Services facilitation services 376 hours for facilitation services
47. Review PES Forms 1200 PES forms reviewed and evaluated; 2 Reviewed 984 PES forms for ratings and December 2012
PES consolidated report prepared 1,299 PES forms for targets of CGPP
employees; prepared 3 consolidated reports
on Performance Rating (CY 2009, 2010,
and 2011)
Total: P 318,857,233.50
Salaries-Regular Pay:
P 234,246,769.00
Other Compensation:
P 63,338,932.00
Other Personnel Benefits:
P 21,271,532.50
P 19.5 M
P 24.5 M
P 5.1 M
P 3.6 M
P 1.2 M
P 4.1 M
P 3.5 M
P 0.9 M P 9.1 M
P 1.7 M
P 9.3 M
P 0.2 M
Table 8. HRMO Budget and Expenditures for 2012
Source: City Budget Office. City Government of Puerto Princesa.
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HRMO 2012 Annual Report
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Revised Policies on the Settlement of Grievance in the Public Sector
contained in CSC Res. No. 010113, dated January 10, 2001, and implemented through CSC MC No. 02, s.
2001, the City Government of Puerto Princesa adopted its Grievance Machinery and issued Executive
Order No. 006, s.2006, establishing the Grievance Committee;
WHEREAS, after review of the said Grievance Machinery, the Regional Director, CSC Region IV,
recommended that the Committee be chaired by the City Personnel Officer and only permanent officials
and employees shall be appointed as members of the Grievance Committee;
WHEREAS, due to the retirement of some of its original members, the division chiefs of every
department has elected among them as their authorized representatives to this Committee;
NOW, THEREFORE, I EDWARD S. HAGEDORN, City Mayor of Puerto Princesa, by virtue of the
powers vested in me by law, do hereby amend Section 1 of Executive Order No, 014, Series of 2007, to
read as follows:
a) Wenifreda J. Arcegono, Asst. City Personnel Officer, Acting City Personnel Officer, as
b) Atty. Joseph L. Pardian Jr., Attorney IV, Representative of the City Mayor;
c) Aileen Cynthia M. Amurao and Jeanette D. Asuncion, representatives of Division Chiefs;
d) Mylene J. Atienza, PPCGEA President and Rolando B. Cortez, PPCGEA representatives,
representing the rank-in-file employees;
e) Remedios D. Redoña, designated Alternate Bilis Aksyon Partner per Executive Order No. 12.
This Order shall take effect immediately and shall remain to be in force, until revoked by the
DONE, this 15th day of May, 2012, in the City of Puerto Princesa.
This certifies that the grievance filed by Mrs. Estela May S. Raboy, Nutrition Officer III
(Aggrieved Party)
on April 13, 2012 against Mrs. Analiza Rago-Herrera, Nutritionist-Dietician II, both from the
Office of the City Health Officer, had been acted upon by the Committee on May 31, 2012.
After the parties involved had given their explanations on the issue,
had declared that they are already all right, and the complainant
agreed having the case harmoniously resolved, the Committee
considered the case amicably settled.
This certifies that the grievance filed by Mrs. Lina P. Lamitar, Population Program
(Aggrieved Party)
Officer III on May 11, 2012 against Dr. Juancho V. Monserate, CG Department Head II, both
from the Office of the City Health Officer, had been acted upon by the Committee on May 31,
After the parties involved had briefly given their explanations on the
issue and had declared that they are already all right, the Committee
considered the case amicably settled and resolved.
3. Nadine M. Wakefield Admin. Adie IV (Clerk II) Office of the City Administrator April 11, 2012
4. Dalisay L. Dacanay Tourist Receptionist I Office Of the City Tourism Officer April 12, 2012
5. Rosemarie N. Austria Tourist Receptionist I Office of the City Tourism Officer April 12, 2012
6. Sheryl Lynn T. Lebante Tourist Receptionist I Office of the City Tourism Officer April 12, 2012
7. Rey Art D. Guinocan Admin. Aide III (Driver I) Office of the City Tourism Officer April 12, 2012
8. Danilo R. Arias Admin. Aide III (Driver I) Office of the Engineer June 11, 2012
9. Allan A. Miguel Admin. Aide III (Driver I) Office of the City Engineer June 11, 2012
10. Elmer M. Bacolor Admin. Aide III (Driver I) Office of the City Engineer June 11, 2012
11. William V. Carolino Security Guard I Office of the City Engineer June 11, 2012
12. Rolando L. Sta. Maria Social Welfare Assistant Office of the CSWD Officer June 11, 2012
13. Roselyn F. Adornado Youth Development Officer I Office of the CSWD Officer June 11, 2012
14. Karla Kristine V. Aballa Admin. Aide IV (Clerk II) Office of the City Treasurer June 13, 2012
15. Joan Claire S. Saurin Admin. Aide IV (Clerk II) Office of the City Treasurer June 11, 2012
16. Kristine May D. Resuma Sanitation Inspector I Office of the City Health Officer June 13, 2012
17. Eddie M. Ogdamin Tax Mapper III Office of the City Assessor June 15, 2012
18. Rebecca P. Bule Admin. Aide III (Utility Worker II) Office of the City Mayor-Pub. June 18, 2012
19. Annie A. Sobretodo Administrative Asst. II (HRMA) Office of the City HRMO June 15, 2012
20. Artemio M. Villaflor, Jr. Security Guard I Office of the City Engineer June 18, 2012
21. Deevid Ryan T. Villaverde Assessment Clerk II Office of the City Assessor June 18, 2012
22. Rex Cyrus G. Saldevia Admin. Aide VI (Storekeeper II) Office of the City Assessor June 18, 2012
23. Manuel G. Bagongon Ticket Checker Office of the City Treasurer July 5, 2012
24. Dr. Mark Haggai S. Medical Officer III Office of the City Health Officer July 5, 2012
25. Jayson S. Lapuz Admin. Asst. II (Labor Gen. Office of the City Gen. Services July 15, 2012
Foreman) Officer
26. Bel H. Basaya Admin. Aide III (Driver I) Office of the City Engineer July 16, 2012
28. Atty. Marc Edward P. Barone Attorney III Office of the City Legal Office July 26, 2012
29. Romelyn R. So Admin. Aide VI (Acctg. Clerk II) Office of the city Accountant July 30, 2012
30. Karen Kaye P. Aldaba Admin. Aide VI (Acctg. Clerk II) Office of the City Accountant July 30, 2012
31. Esperanza B. Guinto Admin. Aide VI (Clerk III) Office of the City Mayor July 30, 2012
32. Engr. Arthur V. Tapalla, Jr. Housing & Homesite Reg. Asst. Office of the City Mayor July 30, 2012
33. Eriko Reynier A. Gimpaya Statistician I Office of the City Planning & July 30, 2012
Dev’t. Coord.
34. Nick B. Solijon Farm Foreman Office of the City Agriculturist July 30, 2012
35. Gloria B. Taggueg Admin. Aide IV (Clerk II) Office of the City Agriculturist July 30, 2012
36. Herminio D. Mapanao Admin. Aide III (Utility Worker II) Office of the City Mayor August 2, 2012
37. Michael A. Lungcay Admin. Aide III (Utility Worker II) Office of the City Mayor August 3, 2012
38. Engr. Sherwin D. Godoy Housing & Homesite Reg. Asst. Office of the City Mayor August 2, 2012
39. Maximino O. Dela Cruz Security Guard I Office of the City Engineer August 2, 2012
40. Angelyn C. Lazarte Admin. Aide III (Utility Worker II) Office of the City Gen. Services August 8, 2012
41. Ritzel M. Cortez Admin. Asst. II (HRMA) Office of the City HRMO August 8, 2012
42. Beverly P. Del Rosario Admin. Asst. II (HRMA) Office of the City HRMO August 8, 2012
43. Bartolome B. Javarez, Jr. Security Guard II Office of the City Engineer August 14, 2012
44. Ryan Christopher P. Aldaba Revenue Collection Clerk II Office of the City Treasurer September 3, 2012
45. Rodrigo C. Regidor Admin. Aide III (Driver I) Office of the Sangguniang September 20, 2012
46. Romeo B. Castillo Admin. Aide III (Utility Worker II) Office of the Secretary to the October 19, 2012
Sangguniang Panlungsod
47. Lilibeth M. Escalona Executive Assistant I Office of the City Mayor November 19, 2012
Transfer (In)
1. Atty. Expedito M. Anigan CG Dept. Head II (City Personnel Office of the City HRMO July 16, 2012
2. Lourdes P. Salonga CG Asst. Dept. Head II (Asst. City Office of the City HRMO October 18, 2012
Personnel Officer)
1. Jessie A. Tabang CG Asst. Dept. Head II (Asst. City Office of the City Administrator August 6, 2012
1. Rebecca V. Labit CG Dept. Head II (City Tourism Office of the City Tourism Officer April 2, 2012
2. Dr. Indira A. Santiago CG Dept. Head II (City Veterinarian II) Office of the City Veterinarian April 2, 2012
3. Imelda C. Juaniza Admin. Asst. II (Clerk IV) Office of the City Administrator April 2, 2012
4. Mark Anthony P. Heredero Admin. Asst. II (Clerk IV) Office of the City Administrator April 16, 2012
5. Roseville P. Del Rosario CG Dept. Head II (City Gen. Office of the City Gen. Services May 29, 2012
Services Officer) Officer
6. Aida M. Romasanta Local Treasury Operations Officer III Office of the City Treasurer June 11, 2012
7. Rosalinda C. Cabañero Admin. Officer V (A.O III) Office of the City Treasurer June 15, 2012
8. Florencia A. Padilla Revenue Collection Clerk II Office of the City Treasurer June 15, 2012
9. Jason F. Escalona Local Treasury Operations Officer II Office of the City Treasurer June 15, 2012
10. Elsa O. Colar Local Assessment Operations Office of the City Assessor June 15, 2012
Officer IV
11. Janet M. Cuyno Local Assessment Operations Office of the City Assessor June 15, 2012
Officer II
12. Lopez B. Zapanta Supvg. Admin. Officer (A.O IV) Office of the City Legal Officer June 15, 2012
13. Belen C. Larrosa ∗ CG Asst. Dept. Head (Asst. City Office of the City Treasurer June 27, 2012
14. Leonora M. Dagot Supvg. Admin. Officer (A.O IV) Office of the City Gen. Services July 2, 2012
15. Stenelie Grace B. Ebite Local Legislative Staff Officer I Office of the Sec. to the July 2, 2012
Sangguniang Panlungsod
16. Loreto D. Mananon Local Treasury Operation Officer IV Office of the City Treasurer July 2, 2012
17. Thelma A. Doblado Local Treasury Operations Officer II Office of the City Treasurer July 2, 2012
18. Regan V. Alili Local Treasury Operations Officer II Office of the CityTreasurer July 2, 2012
19. Perla O. Heredero Local Revenue Collection Officer III Office of the City Treasurer July 2, 2012
20. Rubio R. Sumandal Local Revenue Collection Officer I Office of the City Treasurer July 2, 2012
21. Aleprina A. Villarez Admin. Officer IV (A.O II) Office of the City Legal Officer July 2, 2012
22. Abigail G. Bahinting Admin. Asst. V (Stenographic Office of the Secretary to the July 2, 2012
Reporter III) Sangguniang Panlungsod
23. Ruth C. Abad Population Program Officer I Office of the City Health Officer July 2, 2012
26. Nelly C. Solina Supvg. Admin. Officer (HRMO IV) Office of the City HRM Officer July 16, 2012
27. Rosemarie T. Bacatan Supvg. Admin. Officer (Mgt. & Office of the City Accountant July 16, 2012
Audit Analyst IV)
28. Fe D. Rabelista Admin. Asst. II (Data Entry Office of the Secretary to the July 20, 2012
Machine Operator II) Sangguniang Panlungsod
29. Aquilino B. Cariño, Jr. Senior Bookkeeper Office of the City Accountant July 27, 2012
30. Imelda P. Alleda Senior Bookkeeper Office of the City Accountant July 27, 2012
31. Esmeralda A. Sitchon Admin. Asst. II (Acctg. Clerk II) Office of the Accountant July 27, 2012
32. Anna Mae R. Badajos Admin. Asst. II (Acctg. Clerk III) Office of the City Accountant July 27, 2012
33. Juvy S. Ramos Admin. Asst. II (Bookkeeper I) Office of the City Accountant July 27, 2012
34. Helen E. Miagao Sr. Admin. Asst. I (Stenographic Office of the Secretary to the August 2, 2012
Reporter IV) Sangguniang Panlungsod
35. Margie V. Lagrada Local Legislative Staff Officer I Office of the Secretary to the August 16, 2012
Sangguniang Panlungsod
36. Fermenry A. Relova Admin. Asst. VI (Computer Office of the City Planning & August 8, 2012
Operator III) Dev’t. Coord.
37. Allan D. Matillano Agriculturist II Office of the City Agriculturist August 8, 2012
38. Ma. Teresa A. Quintero Veterinarian IV Office of the City Veterinarian August 10, 2012
39. Philip B. Ong Local Treasury Operations Officer II Office of the City Treasurer August 23, 2012
40. Mary Ann A. Buñi Local Treasury Operations Officer II Office of the City Treasurer August 23, 2012
41. Cecilia F. Haro Meat Inspector III Office of the City Veterinarian August 23, 2012
42. Josefina J. Baradas Admin. Officer III (Records Officer II) Office of the City Treasurer September 3, 2012
43. Regina S. Cantillo CG Dept. Head II (City Budget Office of the City Budget Officer December 3, 2012
Officer II)
44. Bienvenido P. Marcial Admin. Asst. III (Computer Office of the City Mayor December 6, 2012
Operator II)
Social Welfare
1. Rolando L. Sta. Maria 07-06-69 Permanent 8/1 Original 06-11-12 Approved
2. Roselyn F. Adornado 08-11-86 Youth Dev't. Officer I Permanent 10/1 Original 06-11-12 Approved
3. Artemio M. Villaflor, Jr. 04-22-83 Security Guard I Permanent 3/1 Original 06-11-12 Approved
4. William V. Carolino 03-20-70 Security Guard I Permanent 3/1 Original 06-11-12 Approved
Admin. Aide III
5. Allan A. Miguel 05-25-70 Permanent 3/1 Original 06-11-12 Approved
(Driver I)
Admin. Aide III
6. Elmer M. Bacolor 08-30-68 Permanent 3/1 Original 06-11-12 Approved
(Driver I)
Admin. Aide III
7. Danilo M. Arias 02-07-67 Permanent 3/1 Original 06-11-12 Approved
(Driver I)
Admin. Aide IV
8. Joan Claire S. Saurin 12-01-79 Permanent 4/1 Original 06-11-12 Approved
(Clerk II)
Admin. Aide IV
9. Karla Kristine V. Aballa 06-25-84 Permanent 4/1 Original 06-13-12 Approved
(Clerk II)
10. Kristine May D. Sanitation
03-04-90 Permanent 6/1 Original 06-13-12 Approved
Resuma Inspector I
Admin. Aide VI
14. Rex Cyrus G. Saldevia 09-27-77 Permanent 6/1 Original 06-18-12 Approved
(Storekeeper II)
Admin. Aide III
15. Rebecca P. Bule 04-11-64 Permanent 3/1 Original 06-18-12 Approved
(Utility Worker II)
1. Manuel G. Bagongon 09-18-65 Ticket Checker Permanent 3/1 Original 07-02-12 Approved
Admin. Asst. II
2. Jayson S. Lapuz 10-12-86 (Labor General Permanent 8/1 Original 07-05-12 Approved
3. Dr. Mark Haggai S.
06-14-80 Medical Officer III Permanent 21/1 Original 07-05-12 Approved
CG Dept. Head II Transfer For
4. Atty. Expedito M. Anigan 10-24-67 (City Personnel Permanent 26/1 07-17-12
-In approval
Admin. Aide III
5. Bel H. Basaya 06-24-75 Permanent 3/1 Original 07-16-12 Approved
(Driver I)
Admin. Aide III
6. Frederick Q. Grapane 04-06-84 Permanent 11/1 Original 07-16-12 Approved
(Driver I)
7. Atty. Marc Edward P.
09-06-85 Attorney III Permanent 21/1 Original 07-26-12 Approved
8. Esperanza B. Guinto 03-22-81 Admin. Aide VI Permanent 6/1 Original 07-30-12 Approved
(Clerk III)
Housing &
9. Engr. Arthur V. Tapalla,
06-11-84 Homesite Reg. Permanent 8/1 Original 07-30-12 Approved
10. Romelyn R. So 01-09-77 Admin. Aide VI Permanent 6/1 Original 07-30-12 Approved
(Acctg. Clerk II)
11. Karen Kaye P. Aldaba 10-30-87 Admin. Aide VI Permanent 6/1 Original 07-30-12 Approved
(Acctg. Clerk II)
1. Maximino O. Dela Cruz 07-02-62 Security Guard I Permanent 3/1 Original 08-02-12 Approved
Housing &
05-19-87 Homesite Reg. Permanent 8/1 Original 08-02-12 Approved
2. Engr. Sherwin D. Godoy Asst.
Admin. Aide III
3. Herminio D. Mapanao 01-10-67 Permanent 3/1 Original 08-02-12 Approved
(Utility Worker II)
Admin. Aide III
4. Michael A. Lungcay 04-09-89 Permanent 3/2 Original 08-03-12 Approved
(Utility Worker II)
9. Bartolome B. Javarez, Jr. 12-01-85 Security Guard II Permanent 5/1 Original 08-14-12 Approved
CG Asst. Dept.
1. Lourdes P. Salonga 02-11-63 Head II (Asst. City Permanent 24/1 10-18-12 Approved
Admin. Aide III
2. Romeo B. Castillo 01-01-62 Permanent 3/1 Original 10-19-12 Approved
(Utility Worker II)
1. Lilibeth M. Escalona 01-08-72 Co-terminous 26/1 Original 11-19-12 Approved
Assistant I
CG Dept. Head II
1. Felimon R. Sabas 02-08-47 (City Personnel Permanent 26/3 Retired 01-01-12
Supvsg. Admin.
2. Cleofe M. Ogdamin 03-27-47 Permanent 22/5 Retired 01-01-12
Officer (HRMO IV)
CG Dept. Head II
3. Ruben J. Fernandez 02-05-47 (City General Permanent 26/4 Retired 01-01-12
Services Officer)
4. Salvacion N. Arceo 03-21-56 Permanent 15/8 Retired 01-01-12
Affairs Officer II
Heavy Eqpt.
5. Daniel G. Dacuan 06-23-56 Permanent 6/6 Retired 01-01-12
Optr. II
Admin. Asst. II
6. Ma. Fe P. Dacuan 03-03-56 Permanent 8/5 Retired 01-01-12
(Acctg. Clerk III)
Local Treasury
3. Conrado G. Saluria 12-05-51 Permanent 15/4 Retired 03-01-12
Optns. Officer II
Supvsg. Admin.
4. Flora M. Aurelio 01-24-49 Officer (HRMO Permanent 22/2 Retired 03-01-12
Admin Aide III
5. Nelia V. Garcellano 12-19-51 (Utility Worker Permanent 3/8 Retired 03-01-12
Admin. Asst. I
6. Kristoffer M.
12-07-78 (Computer Optr. Permanent 7/3 Resigned 03-01-12
7. Consuelo T. Aban 06-12-54 Permanent 22/7 Death 03-01-12
Officer IV
Admin. Asst. II
1. Elma T. Villaverde 04-02-61 Permanent 8/5 Retired 04-01-12
(HRM Asst.)
Admin. Asst. II
2. Nelita D. Hitosis 07-14-55 Permanent 8/8 Retired 04-01-12
(HRM Asst.)
Supvsg. Admin.
3. Pacencia A. Contreras 07-10-54 Officer (HRMO Permanent 22/5 Retired 04-01-12
4. Benjamin S. Rongo, Sr. 02-07-60 Equipment Permanent 6/5 Death 04-29-12
Operator II
For the month of May 2012
1. Ma. Elena N. Lagrada 04-26-48 Midwife III Permanent 13/5 Retired 05-01-12
2. Marcelina N. Sullano 04-26-48 Midwife III Permanent 13/8 Retired 05-01-12
3. David V. Pacañot 05-10-65 Executive Ass't. I 14/4 Retired 05-01-12
For the month of June 2012
1. Eleanor L. Selda 11-06-48 Librarian IV Permanent 22/7 Retired 06-01-12
2. Teodoro A. Tabang 11-09-48 Licensing Officer I Permanent 11/7 Retired 06-01-12
1. Pacificio S. Palanca 10-01-49 Assessment Permanent 22/3 Retired 07-01-12
Optns. Officer IV
Admin. Aide IV
2. Nelly F. Pedigan 01-10-48 Permanent 4/7 Retired 07-01-12
(Clerk II)
Admin Aide III
3. Fe R. Cayabo 09-09-48 Permanent 3/8 Retired 07-01-12
(Utility Worker II)
Admin. Aide IV
1. Lydia O. Vijiga 07-28-52 Permanent 4/8 Retired 08-01-12
(Clerk II)
2. Andrew S. Del Rosario 01-29-48 Engineer III Permanent 19/8 Retired 08-01-12
Admin Aide III
3. Salome L. Conde 11-30-49 Permanent 3/4 Retired 08-01-12
(Utility Worker II)
4. Belen S. Magay 04-30-49 Planning Officer II Permanent 3/7 Retired 08-01-12
1. Vivian B. Basaya 08-18-49 Day Care Worker II Permanent 8/8 Retired 09-01-12
Admin. Aide VI
2. Corazon C. David 08-15-50 Permanent 6/6 Retired 09-01-12
(Clerk III)
3. Sylvia R. Cabansag 01-18-50 Permanent 14/8 Retired 09-01-12
Officer II
Admin Aide III Co-
4. Orlando R. Victor 10-16-70 3/3 Resigned 09-01-12
(Driver I) Terminous
1. Ma. Socorro G. Llego 5-15-57 Permanent 8/8 Retired 10-1-12
Inspector II
Admin. Aide III
2. Rolando C. Macabales 3-3-57 Permanent 3/8 Retired 10-1-12
(Driver I)
Admin. Aide VI
3. Juanito L. Silverio 7-31-56 Permanent 6/8 Retired 10-1-12
(Mechanic II)
4. Ildefonso L. Villaniza 1-30-50 Welder I Permanent 4/4 Retired 10-08-12
CG Dept. Head II
1.Ruben J. Francisco 12-15-48 (City Budget Permanent 26/8 Retired 11-1-12
Officer II)
Local Treasury
2.Loreto D. Mananon, Jr. 5-19-52 Operations Permanent 22/1 Death 11-9-12
Officer IV
Supvg. Admin.
1. Mary Anne M. Juaniza 12-16-12 Permanent 22/2 Retired 12-4-12
Officer (A.O IV)