Question Bank
[10 MARKS]
1. Define term Bhaishajya Kalpana. Importance of Bhaishajya Kalpana in detail.
1. Importance of Bhaishajya Kalpana.
1. Give the definition of Bhaishajya Kalpana.
2. Define term ‘Bhaishajya Kalpana’.
[10 MARKS]
1. Define the term “Bhaishajya Kalpana”. Describe the fundamental principles of Bhaishajya
2. What is Aushadha? Describe the basic principle of Aushadha Nirman.
3. Explain Basic principle of Aushadha Nirman in detail.
4. Explain Anukta and Visheshokta ghrahan in detail.
1. Importance of Rasa, Guna Veerya and Vipak in Aushadha Nirman.
2. Basic principle of Aushadha Nirman.
3. Which principles are found in Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana while naming a formulation?
4. Time of administration according to classical text.
5. What are the rules for part use of plan?
1. What is the rule for using fresh dravyas?
2. Name any two dravyas which should always be used in the fresh state.
3. Name two dravyas which should be taken old.
4. Which Taila should be taken if the specific Taila is not mentioned?
5. If the time of intake of medicine is not mentioned, at that time what should be done?
6. Which Bhavana dravya should be taken if the specific dravya is not mentioned?
7. If part of any plant is not mentioned at that time which part should be use?
8. Which vessel should be used if not mentioned?
9. If quantity of ingredients is not specified, then how much ingredients (Dravya) should be taken?
10. How much dravyas should be taken when dravya is mentioned in twice?
11. Which Chandan should be taken for Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical preparation like Churna, Sneha,
Lehya and Asava?
12. Which Chandan should be taken for Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical preparation like Kashaya and
Lepa kalpas?
13. Which Lavana should be taken if the specific Lavana is not mentioned?
14. Which Dugdha should be taken if the specific Dugdha is not mentioned?
15. Which Ghrita should be taken if the specific Ghrita is not mentioned?
16. Which Mutra should be taken if the specific Mutra is not mentioned?
17. Which liquid should be taken if the specific liquid is not mentioned?
18. How much reduce water or liquid parts/ quantity if the specific ratio is not mentioned?
19. What are the rules for dose of any preparation?
20. What are the rules for any compound preparation?
21. How can we enhance/ increase the potency of medicine?
22. Which factors are help to modify the activity of a preparation?
23. What is the role of Anupan?
24. Which dravyas should always be used in the Dryed state?
25. Which types of formulations are used in Sharada rutu?
[10 MARKS]
1. Give the definition of Mana, Classification of Mana and describe Kalinga mana in detail.
2. Define the term Mana and explain the importance of Mana in Bhaishajya Kalpana.
3. Write the Nirukti, Paribhasha and importance of Mana in comparison to modern weights and
4. Explain Dvividha mana as per classical text.
5. Explain Mana paribhasha as per AFI in detail.
1. Difference between Magadha and Kalinga Mana.
2. Importance of Mana.
3. Explain Kalinga Mana.
4. Explain Magadha Mana.
5. Explain Pautava Mana.
6. Weight of wet and dry substances.
7. Describe mana according to the nature of the substance and kalamana.
8. Shushka drvya grahana niyama
1. One Tola is equal to how many grams?
2. One Artani is equal to how many inches?
3. One Rati is equal to how many milligrams (mg.)?
4. One Pala is equal to how many grams?
5. One Pala is equal to how many Tola?
6. Name the two chief types of Mana.
7. Importance of Mana Paribhasha.
8. Mana Paribhasha.
9. Karsha and Tola are synonyms or not?
10. Give Nirukti of Mana Paribhasha.
11. Definition of Mana.
12. One Masa is equal to how many Gunja?
13. One Rati is equal to how many Tolas?
14. Two Karsha is equal to how many Tolas?
15. Two Palas is equal to how many Tolas?
16. Four Karsha is equal to how many Palas?
17. Two Kola is equal to the how many grams?
18. Eight Gunjas is equal to the how many Masa?
19. State whether Karsha and Tola are synonyms or not.
20. Explain kudava ptra?
[10 MARKS]
1. Write in detail about storage and preservation of raw material.
2. Write in detail about Collection of raw material.
3. Explain Preservation of raw material.
4. What is the need of Storage of raw material?
1. Storage of raw materials.
2. Objectives of collection of raw materials.
3. Preservation of raw material.
4. Preservation techniques of raw material.
5. Qualities of the ideal Land/Bhumi to collect raw material.
6. Season of collection of raw material.
7. Collection of Ahara dravyas.
8. Criteria for the collection of specific parts of plant as per classical text.
9. Criteria for the collection of specific parts of plant as per modern aspect.
10. Which drugs should be preserved?
11. What is the principle of preservation techniques?
12. Wet drug preservation techniques.
13. Modern techniques for preservation of raw material (crude drug).
14. What are the criteria for the collection and preservation of specific parts of a plant?
1. Which is the best season for collection dravyas used in Vamana karma?
2. In which season should Virechana dravyas be collected?
3. Which is the best season for collection of Dravyas?
4. Which types of land should be ideal for the collection of raw material?
5. Which types of Jangama dravyas should be collected?
6. Twak (bark) is collected from which plant? (Any two)
7. Phala (fruit) is collected from which plant? (Any two)
8. Patra (leaf) is collected from which plant? (Any two)
9. Pushpa (flower) is collected from which plant? (Any two)
10. Kshira (latex) is collected from which plant? (Any two)
11. Valli (climber) is collected from which plant? (Any two)
12. Niryasa (exudet) is collected from which plant? (Any two)
13. Kanda (rhizome) is collected from which plant? (Any two)
14. Mula (root) is collected from which plant? (Any two)
15. Sarabhaga (heart wood) is collected from which plant? (Any two)
16. Dry drug preservation techniques.
Chapter: Saveeryata Avadhi.
[10 MARKS]
1. What is Saveeryata avadhi? Describe in detail Saveeryata avadhi of the various kalpanas.
2. Explain Saveeryata Avadhi in detail according to Sharngadhar samhita.
3. Explain Saveeryata Avadhi in detail according to Indian Gazette.
4. Define Saveeryata Avadhi. Give importance of Saveeryata avadhi in detail.
1. Importance of Saveeryata Avadhi.
2. Saveeryata Avadhi.
3. Saveeryata avadhi according to Sharngadhara samhita.
1. Write the Saveeryata Avadhi of Avaleha kalpana.
2. Saveeryata Avadhi of Taila Kalpana.
3. Write English name of Saveeryata Avadhi.
4. State Saveeryatavdhi of Churna Kalpana.
[10 MARKS]
1. Explain the Definition, Method of preparation, Dose and Anupana of Swarasa in details.
2. Why are the Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana states in a specific order? Describe Kalka Kalpana in
3. What is Kalpana? Describe the source of Dravyas used and their role in the preparation of
different kalpana.
4. Explain the Definition, Method of preparation, Dose and Anupana of Kwath in details.
5. Name the Panchavidha kashaya kalpana and describe any one in detail.
6. Why are Panchavidha kashaya Kalpana called the basic kalpana? Describe Hima and Phanta
7. Describe Swarasa Kalpana in detail.
8. What is panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana? Describe any two in detail.
9. Define Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana and explain Swarasa Kalpana in detail with two examples.
10. Describe Primary Kalpana of Bhaishajya Kalpana and explain Kwath Kalpana in detail with two
11. What is Kashaya? Exlpain Hima and Phant in detail with example.
12. Define term Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana. Explain Panchakashaya yoni in detail and
importance of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana.
13. Explain Kshirapaka kalpana with two examples.
14. Describe Mantha Kalpana & Pramthya kalpana in detail with example.
1. Kalka.
2. What is Kashaya?
3. Hima & Phant kalpana.
4. Phant Kalpana
5. Kshirapaka.
6. Kwatha Kalpana.
7. Swarasa.
8. Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana.
9. Hima Kalpana.
10. Arjuna kshirapaka.
11. Pancha Kashaya yoni (Source).
12. Describe Kalka Kalpana.
13. Putapaka Swarasa.
14. Sagni siddh Swarasa Kalpana.
15. Anagni siddh Swarasa Kalpana.
16. Upakalpana of Kwath.
17. Upakalpana of Hima.
18. Upakalpana of Phant.
19. Nature of Kashaya Kalpana.
20. Which types of dravyas used for Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana?
21. Importance of Kshirapaka in Bhaishajya Kalpana.
22. Pramthya Kalpana.
23. Properties and uses of Mantha Kalpana.
1. Why should Kwatha not be prepared by covering the vessel with a lid?
2. State the Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana.
3. State the Dose of Swarasa kalpana.
4. Dose of Kshirapaka kalpana.
5. Give the Dose of Kalka Kalpana.
6. Give the Dose of Phanta Kalpana.
7. Give the Dose of Kwath Kalpana.
8. Give the Dose of Hima Kalpana.
9. Give the Dose of Sagni siddha Swarasa.
10. Give the Dose of Anagni siddha Swarasa.
11. Give the Dose of Pramathya Kalpana.
12. Give the Dose of Manth Kalpana.
13. Name the author of Sharangadhara Samhita.
14. Name the Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana.
15. Why Swarasa, Kalka, Kwatha, Hima and Phanta are stated in particular order?
16. State the Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana according to Acharya Sharngadhara.
17. State the Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana according to Acharya Charak.
18. State the Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana according to Acharya Susrut.
19. Give the name of prakshepa dravya which is used in Swarasa kalpana.
20. Give the name of prakshepa dravya which is used in Kwath kalpana.
21. Give the name of prakshepa dravya which is used in Hima kalpana.
22. Give the name of prakshepa dravya which is used in Phant kalpana.
23. Give the name of prakshepa dravya which is used in Kshirapaka kalpana.
24. English name of Swarasa Kalpana.
25. English name of Kalka Kalpana.
26. English name of Kwath Kalpana.
27. English name of Hima Kalpana.
28. English name of Phant Kalpana.
29. Give the Saveeryata Avadhi of Swarasa Kalpana.
30. Give the Saveeryata Avadhi of Kalka Kalpana.
31. Give the Saveeryata Avadhi of Kwath Kalpana.
32. Give the Saveeryata Avadhi of Hima Kalpana.
33. Give the Saveeryata Avadhi of Phant Kalpana.
34. Give the name of Upakalpana of Kwath Kalpana.
35. Give the name of Upakalpana of Hima Kalpana.
36. Give the name of Upakalpana of Phant Kalpana.
37. Give the advantages of Kshira kalpana.
38. Which are the precautions for Kshirapaka?
39. Which are the precautions for Swarasa Kalpana?
40. Which are the precautions for Kalka Kalpan?
41. Which are the precautions for Kwath Kalpana?
42. Which are the precautions for Hima Kalpana?
43. Which are the precautions for Phant Kalpana?
44. Define term Kshirapaka according Acharya Yadavji Trikamji.
45. Define term Kshirapaka according Acharya Sharngadhar.
46. Pramathya Kalpana is Upakalpana of Kwath or not?
47. Give the general Dose of Pramathya Kalpana.
48. Why it’s called Upakalpana of Kwatha Kalpana?
49. Define Mantha Kalpana.
50. Which are the Prakshepa dravyas used in Mantha Kalpana?
51. Why it’s called Upakalpana of Hima Kalpana?
52. Give the synonyms of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana.
53. Give the synonyms of Kwath Kalpana.
54. Give the name of Primary kalpana.
55. Give the name of Primary kalpana.
[10 MARKS]
1. Write down the definition of Udaka Kalpana. Explain Shadanga paniya & Aushadha
siddha paniya in detail.
2. Define Udaka Kalpana. Explain Ushnodaka, Tandulodaka and Churnodaka in detail.
3. What is Udaka Kalpana? Explain Laksharasa and Churnodak in detail.
1. Aushadha siddha paniya.
2. Shadanga paniya.
3. Ushnodaka.
4. Tandulodaka.
5. Churnodaka.
6. Laksharasa.
1. Give the Dose and Uses of Aushadha siddha paniya.
2. Give the Dose and Uses of Shadanga paniya.
3. Give the Dose and Uses of Ushnodaka.
4. Give the Dose and Uses of Tandulodaka.
5. Give the Dose and Uses of Churnodaka.
6. Give the Dose and Uses of Laksharasa.
General Questions
1. Who is the author of Sharngadhar Samhita?
2. Who is the author of Charak Samhita?
3. Who is the author of Susrut Samhita?
4. Give the books name of Bhaishajya Kalpana (Any two).
5. What is the full form of AFI?
6. What is the full form of API
Questions from Practical
Reference, method of preparation / Shodhana, Ingredients with proportion, Dose & Uses of
following practical.
[10 MARKS]
2. Define term Rasa Shastra. Importance of Rasa Shastra in detail.
3. Importance of Rasa Shastra in detail.
1. Give the importance of Rasashastra.
1. Definition of Rasa Shasatra.
[10 MARKS]
1. Define the term Rasa Shastra and discussed about the development history of Rasa
2. Explain Brief history of Rasa Shastra in detail.
1. Nagarjuna.
2. Explain Samhita period.
3. Siddha Nagarjuna.
1. Give the two name of Samhita.
2. Who is the author of Rasatarngini?
3. Who is the author of Rasa Ratna Samuchaya?
4. Who is the author of Ayurveda Prakasha?
5. Which period is known as Samhita period/Kala?
6. Give the name of books of Rasa Shatra (Any two).
7. Name four classical texts of Rasashastra.
Chapter: Yantra.
[10 MARKS]
1. Explain importance of Yantra and describe Khalva Yantra and Swedani Yantra.
2. Define Yantra. Describe in detail Dola yantra and Patala yantra.
3. What is Yantra? Explain the Valuka Yantra and Damru Yantra with diagram and their
utility in the pharmaceutical field.
4. Definition of Yantra. Describe Valuka Yantra and Palika Yantra in detail.
5. Define Yantra. Explain Urdhva, Adhaha and Tiryaka Patan Yantra in detail.
6. Define term Yantra. Explain Khalva and Udukhalva Yantra in detail.
1. Valuka Yantra. 8. Kachhap yantra.
2. Damaru Yantra. 9. Adahpatan Yantra.
3. Dola Yantra. 10. Tiryakpatan Yantra.
4. Sthali Yantra. 11. Khalva Yantra.
5. Palika Yantra. 12. Patala Yantra.
6. Svedani Yantra. 13. Udukhala Yantra.
7. Urdhvapatana Yantra.
14. Importance of Yantra in Rasa-shashtra.
1. Why Valuka Yantra is called so?
2. Define Yantra.
3. Yantra pertaining to manufacture of Bhaishajya.
Note: - Uses of All Yantras.
Chapter: Puta.
[10 MARKS]
1. What is Puta? Name the various Puta and describe Varaha Puta and Kapot Puta.
2. State importance of Puta and describe any two.
3. Define the term “Puta”. How many Puta are described in Rasa Shastra? Write brief note
on any two “Puta”.
4. What is Puta? Explain the Gaja puta And Varaha puta in details.
5. What is Puta? Explain its importance in the preparation of Bhasma.
6. Give the definition of Puta. Explain Mahaputa and Ardhagajaputa in detail.
7. What is Sarava Samputa? Explain types/classification of Puta in detail.
8. Definition of Puta. Enlist the name of all Putas and describe Electric muffle furnace in
9. Explain Gomaya puta, Bhudhar puta, Bhanda puta and Kukkuta puta in detail.
1. Laghu puta. 8. Samputa.
2. Gaja puta. 9. Gomaya puta.
3. Varaha puta. 10. Gorvara puta.
4. Maha puta. 11. Bhanda puta.
5. Ardhagaja puta. 12. Valuka puta.
6. Kukkuta puta. 13. Lavaka puta.
7. Kapota puta. 14. Bhudhara puta.
15. Importance of Puta in the preparation of Bhasma.
16. Number of Putas required for marana process according to classical text.
17. Electric muffle furnace.
18. Explain Puta krama.
1. Give synonyms of Kapotputa.
2. Mention the size of Gaja Puta.
3. Give the uses of Laghu puta.
4. Give the uses of Gaja puta.
5. Give the uses of Varaha puta.
6. Give the uses of Maha puta.
7. Give the uses of Ardhagaja puta.
8. Give the uses of Kukkuta puta.
9. Give the uses of Kapota puta.
10. Give the uses of Gomaya puta.
11. Give the uses of Bhanda puta.
12. Give the uses of Valuka puta.
13. Give the uses of Bhudhara puta.
14. Give the uses of Lavaka puta.
15. Number of Utpala used in Mahaputa.
16. Number of Utpala used in Laghu puta.
17. Number of Utpala used in Gaja puta.
18. Number of Utpala used in Varaha puta.
19. Number of Utpala used in Maha puta.
20. Number of Utpala used in Ardhagaja puta.
21. Number of Utpala used in Kukkuta puta.
22. Number of Utpala used in Kapota puta.
23. Number of Utpala used in Gorvara puta.
24. Number of Utpala used in Bhanda puta.
25. Number of Utpala used in Valuka puta.
26. Number of Utpala used in Bhudhara puta.
27. Number of Utpala used in Lavaka puta.
28. What should be done when specific puta is not mentioned?
29. Give the synonyms of Upala.
30. What is Sandhibandhana?
31. What is Sandhilepa?
32. What is the full form of EMF?
Chapter: Musha.
[10 MARKS]
1. Write the definition and Synonyms of Musha. Explain Vajra & Gostani Musha in detail.
2. Define term Musha. Explain Pakva and Vruntak Musha in detail.
3. Describe method of preparation of Musha. Importance of Musha in Rasa Shastra.
4. What is Musha? Give the general uses of Musha in Rasa Shastra and explain any one in
1. Materials used for the preparation 3. Preparation of Musha.
of Musha. 4. Musha.
2. Vruntaka Musha.
5. Give the synonyms of Musha and 9. Pakva Musha.
explain in detail. 10. Gostani Musha.
6. Introduction of Musha. 11. Vruntak Musha.
7. Uses of Musha in Rasa Shastra. 12. Crucible.
8. Vajra Musha.
1. Give two synonyms and English name of Musha.
2. Give two synonyms of Musha.
3. Numbers of Musha are mentioned in different types of classical text.
4. Give the uses of Vruntak Musha.
5. Give the uses of Gostani Musha.
6. Give the uses of Vajra Musha.
7. Give the uses of Pakva Musha.
8. Give the uses of Crucible.
9. How many types of mrittika which are used in preparation of Musha?
[10 MARKS]
1. Describe building of Pharmacy as per morden aspect.
2. What is Rasashala? Describe it as per Ancient or modern aspect.
3. Describe Rasa Shala Nirmana as per classical reference.
4. Describe in detail the formation of Rasa Shala (Ancient and Modern Aspect).
5. Explain Rasa Shala Nirmana as per modern aspect in detail.
6. Give the pharmaceutical term of Rasa Shala. Explain Rasa Shala Nirmana as per ancient
aspect in detail.
1. Rasa Shala Nirmana as per modern aspect.
2. Rasa Shala Nirmana as per ancient aspect.
1. Give the name of department according to ancient aspect.
2. Give the name of department according to modern aspect.
3. Minimum manufacturing space required for pharmacy is?
4. Minimum manufacturing space required for Anjan /Pisti is?
Note: Likewise each and every formulation (Department).
5. Which type of machinery or instrument required for Churna section?
Note: Likewise each and every formulation.
Chapter: Terminologies.
[10 MARKS]
1. What is Pribhasha? Define Marana, Kajjali, Avapa and Nirvapa.
2. Definition of Paribhasha. Write the importance of paribhasha in the field of
3. Define term Terminology. Importance of Paribhasha in Rasa Shastra and define
Panchamrita & Ksharastaka.
4. Define Paribhasha. Explain Panchamritika, Panchagavya, Mitra panchak and Lavana
5. Describe following terms-Amla varga, Lavana panchak, Mutrashtak, Mitrapanchak and
1. Dravaka gana & Dhalan 8. Dhanvantra bhag & Rudra bhag
2. Mutrashtak & Shodhana 9. Kajjali & Avap
3. Mitrapanchak & Marana 10. Panchamrita & Panchamritika
4. Lavana panchaka & Lavan traya 11. Bhavana & Panchagavya
5. Sandhibandhan & Madhur traya 12. Amlavarga
6. Ksharashtak, Kshara traya & Kshara 13. Define Paribhasha and its
dvaya importance
7. Nirvap & Satva
1. What is Dhalana?
2. What is Rudra bhaga?
3. Give the name of Panchamrita.
4. What is Dhanvantari bhaga?
5. State Madhutraya.
6. Avapa & Nirvap.
7. Mitrapanchaka.
8. Define term Lavana traya.
9. Define term Madhu traya.
10. Definition of Avap.
11. Definition of Nirvap.
12. Definition of Dhalan.
13. Definition of Satva.
14. What is Sandhibandhan?
15. Define term Kshara traya.
16. Define term Kshara dvaya.
14. Give the name of Ksharashtak.
17. How many dravyas comes under the Dravakgana?
[10 MARKS]
1. Give the classification of Rasa dravyas.
2. Describe classification of Rasa dravyas in detail.
1. Kshara varga.
2. Give the name of Maharasa, Uparasa and Sadharan rasa.
3. Give the name of Dhatu, Upadhatu and Ratna, Uparatna.
4. Give the name of Lavana varga, Sudha varga and Kshara varga.
5. Give the name of Visha, Upavish and Sikta varga.
1. Name the author of Rasa Ratna Sammuchaya.
2. Gairik is classified in which varga?
3. Two Formulations (Yoga) of Gandhaka.
4. How many numbers of dravyas are there in Maharasa?
5. Types of Dravya.
6. Abhrak is comes under the _______________ varga.
NOTE: - Like wise any dravya from classification.
7. How many no. of dravyas are there in Maharasa?
NOTE: - Like wise any varga from classification.
Chapter: Parada.
[10 MARKS]
1. Write about Parada Dosha & types in detail.
2. Write the Grahya & Agrahya lakshan, Dosha and Samanya Shodhan of Parada.
3. Give the synonyms of Parada and explain Samanya and Vishesh Shodhana of Parada in
4. Write about Parada Gati in detail.
5. Write about Origin of Parada.
6. Explain Parada Dosha and Grahya-Agrahya lakshanas in detail.
7. Explain Parada Shodhan, Vikar and Prashaman in detail.
1. Shodhana of Parada.
2. Parada Vikara and Prashaman.
3. Parada Gati.
4. Samanya Shodhana of Parada.
5. Vishesha Shodhana of Parada.
6. Parada Dosha.
7. Origin of Parada.
8. Grahya-grahya lakshana of Parada.
1. Give four synonyms of Parada.
2. Name the Parada gati.
3. Why should Gold ornaments like ring etc. note be worn while working with the Prada?
4. Method of samanya shodhana of Parada.
5. What precaution should be taken while working with Parada?
6. Give the scientific name and symbol of Parada.
7. Boiling point of Parada.
8. English name & Symbol of Parada.
9. Grahya & Agrahya lakshan of Parada.
10. Give the meaning of Raseswar.
11. Give the meaning of Suta.
12. Give the meaning of Parada.
13. Give the meaning of Rasa.
14. How many types of Parada Dosha?
15. Give the name of Parada Dosha.
16. Name the ingredients which are used in Samanya Shoshana of Parada.